lin t -1-fmMiiiH 15 he Pollock-Duff Yrn 8 -ID) makes possible a delightful Auto ride to Omaha only 19 miles distant from Plattsmouth. A drive over Omaha's 25 miles of beautiful paved boule vards and park system will furnish a pleasant surprise and recreation. Fort Crook's fine macadam drives and regular afternoon and evening band concerts are very enjoyable and are ' free to the public. fit Take a little jaunt over the new Auto and Wagon Br;dge. o Ml 1 ? t !i. J Superintendent Smart Her. Superintendent of the Burling f ' 1 1 lint" v't, A. ".. Smart, of Omaha, wax in the city Unlay, ! inking after business matters for l!ie company. In a conversation with Si:iennteii(lent of the Shops William Haird, Mr. Smart stated that tlie prospect of changing the freight runs hack to the former scln-dub; ami making the lay-over for the Sioux City crews at Platts mouth instead of at Sioux City, is very good. The matter is being worked out in the offices of the superintendents of the divisions, and the plan contemplates taking olT No. 73 and restoring No. 71 to the morning run, as formerly. Mr. Haird is doing all that he can to utl'ect the change, as it means an addition of practically fifteen families to the city's population. R. F. Nickerson, superintendent of piece work, with headquarters in Chicago, was in the city today on company business, as also was Mr. Kepner of Lincoln, who was picking up pointers in the local shops calculated to facilitate work in his own shops. You will like it POLLOCK & DUFF TWENTY-FIRS I MY ANNIVERSARY Robert Hollis Jacks Given a Sur prise at Home of His Parents In Honor of Event. From Saturday's Dally. Hubert Hollis Jacks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Jacks of this city, reached his twenty-first birthday and signed up a new Declaration of Independence yesterday. Mr. arid Mrs. Jacks planned and car ried out a big surprise in honor of the event and invited in a few relatives and acquaintances to join in the festivities. When the llrst two or Hirer teams arrived, about 8:30 last evening, Hubert Mollis guessed that it was a surprise on him. The evening passed quickly away, en livened by music and talk. De licious ice cream and cake were nerved during the evening. Those, present were; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Klliott and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and family, Messrs. Hollis Wingate and Paul Smith of Hamburg, Iowa; Misses Mary and Maude Urower of Ham burg, Iowa; Misses Kva and F.rma Court and Messrs. Kverett Codd ing and Jesse Perry. Hubert Hol lis was the recipient of many use ful and valuable presents, includ ing a few dozen neckties, a ten dollar willum and articles of apparel. Resolutions of Condolence. Da es dem Almaech't igen Gott gefallen hat, die unverges liche Ehfrau unseres Hruders John Polaecek in eiu besscres Jenseits ju sich ju nehmen. Sei es beschlossen con der Gormania lodge No. HI, A. 0. U. W., das wir mil den Vebcrleben- den llruder und (lessen familie den Todesfall lief belrauern, und denselben in Anhelracht dieses Verlustos hierbei unser Heileid nusdrueken. Beschlossen das eine Anferl igung dieser Desch Iusse den traiienden Hruder un- eberreicbt, in die taelige Zeitung inserirt, und in das Protokoll der Luge eingetragen wuxde. John Wichman, Hans Seivers, Joseph Droege, Committee. In District Court. From Friday' Dally. A inundate irom tne supreme court was filed in the office of the clerk of the district court today in the case of Jacob Hayles vs. Adena liayies, in which a decree of divorce to plaintiff was enter ed by Judge Travis, in January, 1010, and alimony in the sum of $1,000 awarded the defendant, but appealed to the supreme court. The decree was affirmed by the su preme court and will now be car ried out, on the mandate of that cou rt. Spring Wheat Is Good. From Saturday's Dally. John Meisinger, jr., and family drove in from their home la evening and visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meisinger, over night. Mr. Meisinger has harvested his fall wheat, which he thinks will average with that of his neighbors. The spring wheat will be the best in his locality this year. Oats will be good, too. Wo Are Not to Blame. A couple of months aj:o we picked up an announcement from the Plattsmouth Journal to the effect that a girl baby had been born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hudig of Haeuck. Iteing unable to find Mr. Hudig at his place of business lore our. reporter called to have the announcement verified, we ook it for granted that the an nouncement was o. k. and publish ed it. Now there seems to have been some mistake about the mat ter, as a little boy baby arrived at Mr. Budig's home Tuesday, so we hereby withdraw the first an nouncement in favor of the latter, and cheerfully accept a box of those fine Denver Specials which Mr. Hudig is turning out at his cigar factory. Havelock Times. At. the time the announcement was made in trie Jurnal it came through one of the Hudig family and one that ought to have known. So it really was no mistake of the Journal, but a misstatement on the part of the other fellow. And there you are. Married at the Perkins. Thursday afernoon H. Lavery and Miss Frances Henak of Oma na arrived on io. z and im mediately sought Judge Heeson's office with a view of obtaining marriage license. They had all of the data required by statute ex cept, the maiden name of the bride's mother, and of this only the given name, "Mary," could be recalled. On occasions of this sort technicalities should never be allowed to thwart the course of true love, and the small defect was passed over. The judge was invited to perforin the ceremony which occurred at the Perkins hotel parlor at C o'clock. Mi Lavery is the traveling jeweler for the Burilngton, with bead quarters in Omaha. He was for merly a resident, of Plattsmouth Mr. and Mrs. Lavery arc guests of the Perkins hotel. The Journal joins witn their many lriends in wishing them prosperity and hap piness on their journey through life. the Delightfully Entertained. From Saturday' Dall. The Ladies' Aid suciety of Swedish Missiun church was entertained at, the home of Mrs. August Johnson yesterday in a most delightful manner. There was a large number in attend ance, who Very pleasantly whiled away the time in music, inter spersed with conversation and amusements. No business ses sion was held, the entire after noon being devoted to a social time. At, the proper time a de licious luncheon was served by the hostess. Grasshoppers Destroying Corn. A special from Greenwood, un- dear date of July 11,- says: Grasshoppers are beginning to work on the. corn and farmers fear I hey will devastate their fields. The hoppers are leaving the wheat as soon as it is cut and going into the corn fields. Tell Your Automobile Sup ply Troubles to Us! We are in a position to assist you in all your needs, when it comes to the supply department. We carry a limited number of tires, tubes and all accessories, but are in a position to make prompt delivery on most anything you need for all mer chandise. Our goods are all in the fully guaran teed lines. Tell Us Your Needs and We Will Sure Do the Rest. - Kroehler Bros. - Plattsmouth, Nebraska Statement of the Condition op THE LIVINGSTON LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION - PLATTSMOUTH, NEB, JUNE 30, 1912 ASSETS First mortiraire loans Stuck loans .... fash Iit-llimuent Interest, premiums and tines 0.3.T7 M) Insurance and taxes iald and ad ...$105,000 23 HWa IK) l,3fo :i vanced. Heal estate oontraiHs. Kent account Total 1,714 10 3,:.;.:i 74 M K! LIABILITIES. Cnpital Stock paid up Kesorve fund Dividends declared ...it47,3j0 NJ .tl06.O;2 00 . (i.270 5 . 34.45S & Total , i 147,350 M) Meet With Mrs. Van Horn. From Saturday'! tal!y. The Helpers of the Christian church met with Mrs. 11. (i. Van Horn yesterday afternoon, where they found the. pleasant home beautifully decorated with garden flowers and house plants. Not withstanding the threatening Clouds and rain, a large number of the membership were in at tendance. After the business ses sion was over the ladies were in vited to the dining room, where a dainty lunch was served. The afternoon sped quickly away, the ladies employing the time in social conversation and music. It was a most enjoyable occasion and everyone present was glad for having been present. .1. N. Nyden and wife boarded the early train for Omaha this morning, where they spent the day with friends. Mrs. McKay Improving. Mrs. Homer McKay, who has been suffering from the effects of heat prostration since last Sun day, is considerably improved. She is now able to sit up, and al though she has been a very sick woman, her triends are en couraged very much at her im proved condition. Her sister, Mrs. K. A. Peel, and little granddaugh ter returned to their homo at Hur- lington this morning. Will Gel Increase In Pay. Seven of the Greek laborers em ployed by the Burlington, and the last or the lot which have been working here, resigned their posi t hunt and went to Omaha to work for the "Rig Four" road. The rea son for the move, they claimed, was 25 cents per day more pay wilh their new employer. The (ireeks have been in this vicinity for live months and in America the years. Special Elates for Summer Tours CO SOMEWHERE TO THE EAST. Excursion rates to New York and Iioston. via all routes co- ing ono way, returning nnother. A most attractive tour of the East may be made at theso rates. TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Iajw excursion rates everv (lav: Bsill lower rate to tours on npecial dates; the greatest railroad journey in the world and at very row raies. YELLOWSTONE PARK. Snedal rates for unv kind of tour desired! cm in via Cody, the Scenic rntrnnce, come out via Gardiner; personally conducted camping tours; mo wyno camp tours. Ask agent for Park literature. MOUNTAIN TOURS. Ask agent for handbook of Colorado resorts. Look up Hot Springs, S. !., ank ask for lilaek Hills booklet. You might like the Big Horn Mountains at the Sheridan and Kanehester resorts: ask for leaf let. Oet In touch with us. Ask for rates and publications for any kind of a vacation tour. R. W. CLEMENT, Agent. W. L. WAKEIY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Threshing Machine for Sale. Gaar-Seott 13 h.-p. engine, J. I. Case Seperator, 32, 50 rear. In running order and under shed. Will sell or trade for stock or tow n property. See T. W. Vallery, Murray, Neb., or write me at Ogallala, Neb. Frank Vallery. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. STATE OE NEBRASKA, Cass County, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of William M. Wiley, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administrator of said estate, before inc, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said County, on tho 27th day of July, 1912, and on the 27th day of January, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho purpose of presenting their claims for exam ination, adjustment and allow ance. . Six months arc allowed for the creditors of said deceased to pre sent their claims, and one year for the Administrator to settle said estate, from tho 25th day of July, 1912. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this first day of July, 1912. ( Seal ) ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. I). O. DWYER, Attorney. Will Erect Concrete Laundry. J. C. Peterson closed a deal yesterday whereby he transfer title to Mr. Enger of the steam laundry to the half block with brick residences, situated on Fourth between Main and Pear Mr. Enger expects to build a laun dry building of concrete blocks on the GO feet of vacant space next t the alley, and to begin very soon. This will give him much better quarters than where be now is, and will locale the laundry nearer the center of business. Mr. Enger has been giving the best of satis faction with the quality of work done, which has been superior to any previously done in the city. His trade has been constantly picking up and the family wash ings increasing steadily, and with a suitable building he will be en abled to do a much better busi ness than before. HkCEIITH ANT) KXPENOITCHES Foil THE YEAH Enoino June:, Nii2. KFX'F.Il'TS. Hulnnce on hand July 1. 1W1 1 12.905 15 Hues Interests, premiums and lines.... Ixjuns repaid 24,d!T (X) MOT 39 24 ,15 30 Total I 70,542 M EXl'ENPITUKES I.oiins t I6.W2 00 KxiMMises 1.4(11 W4 Stock redeemed 32,K3 5: Cash on hand 1.&m ah Carl (i. Klicke, secretary of the alxive named association, do solemnly swear that the oi-eiroliiirstatcnieiiior the comlUlonot said as- socIhiIoii. Is true and correct to the Ix-st of my knowledge and liellel. V. U. 1-KlChK. Approved: Secretary. H. SMITH. A. MAKSIIAM. f Directors. (i. KOKN KKlUiF.K, i Subscribed and sworn to before me thtsClh day of July 1MI2. A. I TII1). Iskai.I isotary ruonc My commission expires Oct. 5, 1;U5. Buys New Binder. From Saturday's Dally. Adam KalTenberger and son, John, came in yesterday and took out a new binder. They already have one on the farm, but with over 100 acres of small grain to cut, one machine was not enough. Mr. KalTenberger has just heard from bis renter, who tills bis South Dakota farm, informing him of a wind und hail storm which damaged the corn and other crops pretty badly. The storm, oc curred last Monday, July 8. Be fore it came a fine prospect for all kinds of crops appeared, but after the storm the fields looked like half a crop would be all that could be expected. Two miles south of the strip the storm did no particular damage. A largo barn was blown down on the ten ant's own land and scattered about. An Enjoyable Picnic. A most enjoyable picnic supper was served ihursday evening on the lawn at the home of Judge Travis, the occasion being a fare well to Mr. and Mrs. Waugh and family, who are about to leave for a new home in Lincoln, and also a welcome to Mrs. Helen Travis Cole, who is in the city for a brief isit with her parents. The par ticipants in the event were the members of the T. W. M. club, who regret to lose these members, but for this occasion forgot their loss in the usual merriment that a picnic affords. MtTICK OK UKKKIIKK'H SAI.K, Notice In hereby riven that by virtue of an order of Court mitdo by the Hon. llnrvev . Trims. Hole Judire of the 1'lstrlct Court In and for Cass County, State of Nebraska, In a suit pendinx therein, wberelnir Jeremiah Ij. Cream er Is plaint Iff and Sarah M. Hess, "t al.. are defendants, which order wns stoned and entered on the 11th day of June, 1912, eonnrmlior tne report ol the referee that a division of the property could not be made without urent loss In value fo the parties In terested, and In said order of Court the undeislnned referee was directed to make sale of the land Involved In Kuld action without unnecessary delay and In manner and form us if the same whs sold by the Mien IT upon execu tloii. In Pursuance to utten oroer, I. tne undersigned referee, will sell nt public auction to the blithest bidder for cash nt the South front door of the Court House, In tho Cltv of I'lat mnotit h. In said Countv. on tho 16th duv of July 11112. at 1 o dock n. m, of said day, the following descrlhed real estate to-wit: The West half of tlie .Northeast Otinrter of Section 13. Township 10, North, liamre . i-.nst or tne mii r. i situated In Cass County. Nebraska, eon tainlntf SO HOies more or less. Said sale shall be held open one hour and nt the time of declarlnur the bid. 20 per cent of the tuirchnse price must be paid and the balance or such purcnase moiiev shall ho Paid upon the con Urination of the sale by the Court, and the making of the deed. Iuited this Uth dav of June, 1312. S. AUUilCH, Keferee. li (i HWVIil!. Attorney. 6-17-w-4wk. NOTICEI Just received on track, car of extra choice Midland Hay from the Loup river country, and while It lasts we will sell It at $16.00 per ton. This Is a hay of excellent color, fine quality, at the very low price of $16.00 per ton from our hay shed. Come and supply your wants before It Is all gone. Cedar Creek Lumber Co., Cedar Creek, Neb. Injured at Shops. Joseph Svobixla of the freight car repair track, bad the misfor tune this morning to have th knuckles of his right band badly smashed, resulting in taking the skin from three of his knuckles The doctor dressed the injury am Mr. Svoboda will have to lay o for a few davs until his ham gets well. Go to Henry's Notion Store for Candles, Post Cards, Ico Cream and 10o Sheet Music Riley Block on North Sixth StrecL Total. . .$ 70,54a H Big Wheat Crop. The following item is taken from- the Manley department of the Louisville Courier: John Tighe has a force of men at work cutting his 200 acres of winter wheat. To see the men at work is rather a novel sight, since a head er is being used in place of a binder. . The change was made necessary by the unusual short ness of the straw. The wheat is of good quality and promises to turn out well. Frank and Gust Slander, Charles and John Murphy also have heading outfits at work. Several farmers cut their wheat wilh mowers and then raked and threshed it. Others used binders, but the straw is too short to bind. Don-is for Hot Weather. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the pure food expert, at Washington, D. C, has issued a list of "don'ts" for the relief of sweltering hu manity from the heat. Here is the formula: Don't worry. Don't think of the heat. Don't drink ice-cold beverages. Keep busy al some useful oc cupation. Don't run. Don't eat too much. Dr. Wiley is one of the best posted men in the world on both health and foods that are nutri tious. His warning is well worth heeding. Wheat Turning Out Good. W. T. Smith, who runs a West ington threshing machine, came in this morning because it was too wet, to thresh today. He had threshed for George Smith and for Arthur Sullivan Thursday and Friday. The yield is in excess of what the men cxpveted to realize, some of it exceeding the farmer's guess almost five bushels per acre. Tho quailty of the wheat is excellent and will weigh out about four pounds above the legal weight. County Officers to Elmwood. From Friday' Dally. Judge A. J. Heeson, Coumy At torney C. H. Taylor and SheritT C. D. (juinton motored to Elm wood this morning to sell the real estate in (he Uaker guardianship matter. The sale was advertised for this place and to have oc curred a month ago, but for lack of bidders the sale was continued for thirty days and to be held at Elmwood today. A Clabaugh was called to Oma ha this morning to look after business matters for the light company. Overhauls Barber Shop. Perry Thackston is having his barber shop re-papered and when completed Perry will have one of the swellest places in the city. II. II. Cotton is spreading the paste and hanging the paper, which is a sufficient guaranty that it will b? done in the finest style. Julius Kalaseck departed for Pocalello, Idaho, on the inorning' t rain today, where he w ill visit his sister, Mrs. Frank Haveonek, for three or four weeks. He was ac companied by Anton Toman, who will also visit friends during their stay. E. W. Hamm returned from Des Moines this morning, where he and Will Hetherington of Omaha have visited friends for a few days. ...... i htmiMMHH M MIIIIM pecial Sale on our entire stock of Ready-to-Wear Dresses and Shirtwaists: The Dress that formerly sold at $3.00 will now goat. . II II II II QQ " " Shirtwaist 3.00 " " " 2.50 " ' 2.G0 " it ii " " ' J JJQ " ii ii ii a 1 2 M ll ll " QQ " AtiCKweiierc MHHMM M " MM(HH $2.98 1.98 1.98 1.75 " " " 1.39 1.10 ' 98 ii ii