The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 11, 1912, Image 2

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Item of Interest to Journal Rador Will Be Received at the Dru Store
Mrs. Morgan f.uryea wa in
Lincoln Monday. ,
Mr. Srhulof of Plattsmouth was
in town Monday.
K. M. Stone was in Lincoln mi
business Sal unlay.
Maurice Kccfcr visited rela
tives here last week.
Miss lrayre Foreman returned
from Lincoln Monday.
Charles Suavely was a passeng
er to Lincoln on No. 13.
Joe Foreman was home from
I'apillion over Sunday.
VV. J. Liiicli of Lincoln was in
Inwii Monday evening.
Miss Mae 1'rouly returned from
Lincoln Monday on No. 1 i.
Miss Alma (iodby was. in Lin
coln Saturday and Sunday.
John Elliott shipped hogs to the
South Omaha market Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. droves
Vere in Lincoln last Tuesday.
Horn Tuesday, July 9, to
Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Mini, a daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Parscll of
Elmwood visited home folks Sun
day. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer was in Lin
coln Saturday having dental work
Mrs. Clara l'routy left Tuesday
for a brief visit at Sioux City,
Paul Thurston of Lincoln visit
ed friends here Saturday and
(I. P. Foreman, sr., shipped two
cars of callle to South Omaha
Ilerl Kilzel was in Lincoln Sat
urday, where he purchased a team
of mules.
Mrs. Clarence Cnryea and
(laughter, Lillian, were in Lincoln
F. II. Candy returned home Sat
urday from his business trip to
Selden, Kansas.
Charles lleolofsz returned home
Tuesday from Lincoln, where he
fpeut I he Fourth.
Miss Lulu Moomey of Murdock
spent several days last week with
Mi-is lluth Hailey.
Miss Stella Sheesley fpcilt the
I i 1 1 1 h in Omaha with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Tains.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayes of
Kennel I visited relatives here Sat
urday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan went
to Lincoln Thursday evening, re
turning home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Kobbitt of
Fniversity Place visited relatives
here the first of the week.
Miss Vein a llyder of Lincoln
spent a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Koyles.
The Misses Oreauier and War
ing of Lincoln were guests July
Fourth of Mrs. E. M. Stone.
' Paul Frolilich of Lincoln spent
the Fourth with relatives here, re
turning home Friday morning.
Miss Marjory Carr of Eagle
visited Hie past week with Miss
Marie Slroemer arid Mrs. E. M.
Stone. .
Oris Foreman returned to his
home at Valpariaso, Neb., after
visiting a few days with his par
ents. Mrs. Curliss Ogle returned
from Lincoln the last, of the week,
where she has been visiting fur
some lime.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole of Have
lock spent a few days with home
folks last week, returning home
Friday evening.
Mrs. Carlton Onllion and son,
Haymond, came down Saturday
from Lincoln to visit relatives and
friends until Monday.
Mrs. C. W. Koyles and Mrs.
Leiiben of Lincoln came in Mon
day for a few days' visit with
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Charles (irove and chil
dren of Cambridge, Neb., return
ed home Monday, after spending
a week with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iireamer and
children and Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Stone and son, LaVerne, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Cole at Mynard.
Disastrous Fire Averted by the
Timely Arrival of Help at the
Ed Miller Home.
What might have been a dis
astrous fire, but for the prompt
action of Ed Kruger, was
started yesterday afternoon at
i :!(, when a gasoline stove at the
residence of Ed Miller caught
lire. Mrs. Miller was get;
ling supper and had been in and
out of her kitchen w here Hie sluve
was and noticed untiling unusual,
when, on entering Ihe room, after
a few tninules' absence, the blaze
from I be burners was burning nl
inosl to Ihe ceiling and very soon
Ihe entire stove was a sheet of
Her cries brought Mrs. Iticksou
to the room, and the tire alarm
was turned in. Ed Kruger and
others came lo the rescue as soon
as possible and picked the burn
ini? stove up and carried it inlo
the yard. Water was brought and
the flames extinguished. . The
damage to the building was slight,
the paint, being scorched was
about nil.
. Mr. Miller was awav at. Ihe
lime, and when the lire alarm was
sounded he was at Ihe Kurling
lon station and wondered where
the lire was, ami slated to those
standing by lliat if Ihey went to
the lire Ihey would miss their
suppers. Within a few seconds
someone notified him that bis
house was on lire. Mr. Miller lost
no time in going l his Infine, but
when he arrived the danger was
past. The tire boys turned out il
the alarm and hurried Ihe hose
cart lo tlrf' scene of the tire, but
which was extinguished before
they arrived.
M"H-I .j-j-j-j-j. tH-!
I Courier.
Miss-Olive Maylleld, who has
been visiting here for Ihe past, two
weeks, returned to her home in
Stanton Tuesday.
The cherry crop in this seel ion
of Ihe county is not up lo the
average (his year, but most of the
fruit is ofvery line ptality.
There will be but very few
peaches raised in Cass county this
season, according to all reports.
In Louisville most of the trees
were winter killed.
The warm weather that has
come (luring ihe past few days is
having a good effect on growing
corn, which has been held back by
Ihe lateness of proper growing
weal her.
If heavy foliage is n sign to be
uuided by, according to an obi be
lief, we may look for another
hard winter on top of that which
has just passed, and which was a
Louisville's new baker was
opened for husinobst Wednesday
morning. The proprietor, Mr.
Frank Karstow, is an expert at his
profession and says that if Louis
ville people will give his place a
trial he will insure llieni Ihe best
that lie can produce at all times.
Heputy Came Warden Craft
arrested Albert Licneman, Emil
(Juiek and John Smith, residing
west of Ashland and who had
been granted licenses to sein Ihe
creeks of this section. However
Hie charge upon which they were
arrested was that Ihey were found
seining in Ihe Swift & Co. ic
pond, (iaiiie Warden Miller of
'JUiuculil , came over and took
ciiat'gi) oi i tie gentlemen, and thev
will plead guilty.
, Special Correspondent.) 5i
Paul Schewe threshed Tuesday.
Miss Mamie Schewe is visiting
relatives in Lincoln.
Andrew McNamara is suffering
from muscular rheumatism.
. Miss Mela Neitzel of Omaha
visited her parents here Sunday.
Frank Coyne and John Mc
Carthy were in-Omaha the Fourth
of July.
Mr. and Mrs. Hailey of Gravity,
Iowa, are guests of F. 0. Heall and
Miss Kale Amgwert of Omaha
spent the week-end with relatives
and friends.
Miss Lula Moomey spent se
veral days last week with Miss
Kulh Hailey at Alvo.
Mrs. Frank Coyne and children
returned Monday from a short
visit at Sterling, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kuehn
spent Sunday with her parents,
vmth of Elmwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tighe of
Ilavelock were guests of the
Ooeliry home last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Amgwert and
daughter, Marvel, spent Sunday
with home folks near Alvo.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner McKinnori
and children of north of Alvo
visited relatives here Sunday.
Miss Oeorgia Moon of Ashland
is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Edith
Jumper and Mrs. Edna Jones.
Paul (loehry and sisters,
Kertha ami Mina, of Omaha,
spent the Fourth here with their
Harold Tool has purchased the
Ford runabout of Emil Miller and
Ihe laller has a tine new live-passenger
(Sail McOonald returned to
Holt, county on Friday, after
spending Hie Fourth here.
Henry Tool, A. J. Tool and
Henry (Sutlimau were llshing one
day last week and landed, among
others, a 27-pound cattish.
Miss Viola Everett left Tues
day for a trip lo Washington, I).
C, ami several oilier eastern
points. She expects to be gone
until September 1.
The moving pictures at, the air
dome last week were quite a suc
cess and attracted a large crowd
each evening. There were Hi
tickets sold Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs., Harry McDonald
and children, Kryan and Irene, and
also Mr. and Mrs. Ai l bur Hesack
and son, of rpringllclu, are en
joying (hi week camping M' h
river. . ' ' '
burg ceb
A lazy liver leads to chronic
dyspepsia, and constipation-,
weakens the whole system. Doan's
Itegulels (i.T)C per box) act mild-
everyone from this
brated Ihe Fourth at
bland. A general good Lime
was Had hy all. I lie most .in
teresting event, or the day, to our
notion, was the ball , game, be
tween Murdock and Ashland. It
was certainly a good game and it
ook len innings to decide which
was the best, bul, as usual, when
tin' smoke cleared away it was
found Murdock had won bv a
score or i to . ' our Poys surely
know how lo play ball, even when
comes to bumping up again
a Lincoln pitcher.
cast Monday night the safe in
.ouis Neilzel's store was robin
of about $50. The burglars
ntered by the back door and af-
er securing a few things besides
the money, made their escape am
no ono knew of the visit until tho
next morning. At noon Tuesday
the bloodhounds from llealrice
were here, but could only follow
the scene to Ihe railroad tracks
east of town. It is our theory
they hoarded a train and mad
their getaway. On Saturday night
someone was- prowling around tin
Hranckle home nearly the entire
night. Several other report
ed attempts to burglarize were
made. On Tuesday morning at
about ft o clock two fellows
lumped a hajid-rar at the Mrs
crossing west oi the depot, nm
coiiiiuueu on looi. we are won
dering what will happen next. The
hand car was reported stolen
from Prairie Home and is I
same one the convicts used las
Dysentery is always serious and
often a dangerous disease, but it
ran he mired. Chamberlain'
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Hem
edy has cure it even when mali-
ly on the liver and bowels. At all gnanl and epidemic. For sale bv
ij. drug stores.
i 1
) F. ( S. Frickn &, Co.
Veterinary Surgeon
Plattsmouth, : : : : : : : Nebraska
Permanently located at the M. E. Manspeaker Livery Parn, on and after
July 22, 1912. Graduate of the Kanaau City Vet. College. Ml calls either day
or night, will be given prompt attention. '
If you are a housewife you can
not reasonably hope lo be healthy
or beautiful by washing dishes
sweeping and doing housewoi
all day, and crawling into be
dead tired at night. You must
get out into the open air and sun
light. If you do this every day
and keep your stomach and bowels
in good order by taking Cham
berlain s 'I ablets when needed
you should become both healthy
and beautiful. For sale by F.
Frieke iv, Co. ' " ' "
Married In Elmwood.
Mr. Oily Furness and Miss Edith
It. Perry were married in Elmwood
i ues. iay, juiy v. me ceremony
"In One Half Hour
I can make more money by attending your Semi-Annual Clearance Sale than
in any other way," said a customer who read our ads and knows by experi
ence what these Clearance Sales of ours really mean. Its a fact you can save
more money here now in 30 minutes than you could possibly make by work
ing. The reductions we are making the values we are giving are far beyond
the ordinary, and the wise ones are taking early advantage of them. Look
for instance at these:
Men's Suits in good dark Worsteds,
well made, with Mohair lining
Men's White Soisette Shirts with soft
collars attached
Men's fine Blue Serge and fancy mix
ed Cheviots in latest approved styles
Men's fine Dress Shirt in new stripes and dots,
mostly pleated, worth up to $1.50,
Men's Odd Pants, in a wide range of
patterns, excellent quality
Men's and Boy's straw hats in braids
and panamas. . 5c to
Men's Soft Collar Shirts in Blue Che
viots and fancy patterns
Men's Balbriggan Underwear.
Boy's Knickerbocker Wash Pants.
Boy's Knickerbocker
wool goods at
Suits in fine
Boy's Shirts and Waists, broken sizes . . 2 5 C
Boy's and Girl's short sleeve blouses,
worth $1.25.. . 75C
Always the Home of Satisfaction
10 5PEN0JILL13
Money for Further Improvement
of the Road to Be Raised
by Bond Issue.
When Dan Willard rebuilt the
Hurlington he began with a prop
erty in good condition and spent
llfty millions or more in making
it. better. He is now rebuilding
the Hallimore & Ohio, has spent
llfty millions and perhaps may
spend that much more before he
has it in condition to handle the
greatest volume of business with
the greatest safely and the least
ost. It cosls money to rebuild
i railroad.
H. F. Hush, president of the
Missouri Pacific, spent a few-
millions last year in rebuilding
lliat system, lie has been spend
ing a few more this year. Now
the telegraph brings the informa-
ion that a new bond issue has
ieen (loafed whereby two hundred
milliiins will be raised, one hun
dred and seventy millions for re
tiring bonds and seventy millions
for improvements. Mr. Hush has
said that much will be needed by
the Missouri .Pacific to place it
where it can handle business as
cheaply as other systems.
Huy i now. Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem
edy is almost certain to be needed
before the summer is over. Huy
it now and be prnperad for such
an emergency. For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Miss Harriett Adams visited Ihe
metropolis (his morning, going on
the early train.
Working Full Force.
Slreight. & Slreight's upholster
ing department worked its full
force of hands yesterday and to
day on a large order for cushions
recently placed by llyiiolt, & John
son. The cushions are to be used
at the ball park ami will be rent
ed at 5 cents each. There are 100
regular size, 12xii inches; then
there will be a large number about
12x1(1 inches and a few for big
boosters like J. SIreiglit, 11. A.
Hales and Hennelt Crisweisser,
will be made 21x28 inches. The
cushions will be kept in a locker
near the entrance, and after the
enthusiastic fan has gained ad
mission to the grounds and de
sires a cushion he will turn round
once in the presence of the
cushion salesman, who, ' with a
brief glance, will be able to select
Ihe cushion appropriate for the
purchaser. There will be no extra
charge for Ihe middle-sized
cushions and probably not, for the
extra large ones, all hough that
has not been decided yet. The
enterprise is certainly one that
will be appreciated by (hose men
who do not want to sit on a dusty
board, and especially when the
game holds on for half a day, as it
did on the afternoon of the Fourth
of July, when a board that is not,
cushioned gets very tedious.
For soreness of the muscles,
whether induced by violent exer
cise or injury, there 's nothing
belter than Chamberlain's Lini
ment. This liniment also relieves
rheumatic pains. For sale by F.
Of. Fricke & Co.
Qo to Henry's Notion Store for
Candies, Post Cards, Ice Cream
and 10o Sheet Music. Riley Block
on North Sixth Street ,
Digging His Grave.
Many of us are digging our own
grave with our teeth by neglecting
to masticate properly our food.
The digestive organs cannot di
gest such food in time and an
nounce lliat by indisposition, pain
and Dually by a serious sickness.
Rapid eating will cheat you of the
pleasure of eating and of the
benefit the food should give to the
body. Take our advice and allow
yourself plenty of time for eating.
In case of a lack of appetite or
dillieullies after meals, do not for
get to at once use Triner's Ameri
can F.lixir of Hitter Wine. This
remedy, made of pure, red wine
and bitter herbs, will compel the
digestive organs to work ener
getically and will remove every
curable trouble. It will clean out
the intestines and will prevent
constipation, vertigo, vomiting,
flatulence. At drug stores. Jos.
Triner, 1333-1339 S. Ashland
Ave., Chicago, III.
Cut the Weeds.
The weed cutting time ha
again arrived and I hereby wish
lo call Ihe attention of all farm
ers in road district No. 1 that all
weeds must be cut on or before
August 15.. Let everybody kindly
look after this as early as pos
sible. Mike Lutz,
A. M. Nason, farming near Ca
naan, Me., was badly crippled with
sialic rheumatism due he says to
uric acid in his blood. Foley Kid
ney Pills entirely cured me and
also removed numerous black
specks that were continually be
fore my eyes." Foley Kidney
Pills are a uric acid solent and
are effective for the various forms
of rheumatism. For sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
The Plattsmouth Garage Co.
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
Ready for Business!
Corner Sixth and Vine Streets,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
We want you all to feel that we are going to look after the emergency end of ft
your car's needs. Don't worry if you break down. Our "Service Department" 1 1
will deliver you Supplies and Tires quickly and economically. Everything we sell
you will be absolutely guaranteed.
The Plattsmouth Garage Company
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
tSTAgent for the Inter-State Automobiles. PRESTOLITE AGENCY
was performed by Hev. J. W. Dav
of that village.