The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 08, 1912, Image 4

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    - The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at
Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, aa second-class
- Si'M'ii western governors
Sitting on a fence
J. Teddy hollered "Yes!"
And lliey all Hew henee.
And (invcruor Aldrieli
was one of Idem, who did
this in order lo save his own
baron, liutwill he?
Hip! Hip! 11 urrali for Wilson.
It looks a little dark for the
SI eel and Harvester t runts.
Champ Clark's friends made a
great light for their favorite, any
way. :o :
We got our second choice, even
if vc could not get our first. Hut
I he last is first now.
Omaha now owns its own water
plant. Why should not Plalts
inouth own its own plant?
:o :
Iloo.sevell, realizes hy this time
that il is easier to lear down lhan
lo Iniild up a parly.
II. is Die wise republican slate
olllcial that is not talking very
much politics right now.
The farmers are thinking more
of the music of the reapers than
lhey are the clatter of politicians.
Senator Cummins of Iowa is on
the fence ami don't know which'
way to jump on the Taft or
llooscvelt side.
Now, democrats, onward, right
onward with Woodrow Wilson
and victory. Pass the- word all
Along the lino.
f iovernor Marshall of Indiana
is Wilson's running male. Good
combination. Hurrah for Wilson
and Marshall I
Timothy Woodruff, ex-(iovcr-nor
of New York, has quit the re
publican party the party is too
corrupt for him.
All over but (he shouting. That
will lake place (he morning after
Tuesday, November 5. Hurrah
for Wilson and Marshall I
Dr. Wiley has been doing so
little advertising lately lhal it is
inferred he is kept pretty busy
laking care of that new hoy.
The convention is now over at
Baltimore, and with a little rest
on the part of the leaders, then
Ihe campaign will open in earnest.
A Week at a national ronven
lion and the expense at Ihe rale
of from $5 to $10 per day is Idl
ing on a lean pocket book.
Where is Senator l.a Folletlo?
Maybe he has gone away hack and
at down. Anyhow, a good man
has been lost in the political
is over
The agony is over and the
democrats certainly named the
next president at naltimore, and
Governor Woodrow Wilson of
New Jersey is his name.
Hryan is to be orator of the
day in Lincoln tomorrow, if he re
turns home in lime. His subject
was to bo "Pmcc." If Mr. Hryan
does not return in lime Governor
Aldrich will be drafted to make
Ihe ppeech, and if so, in order lo
strike the chord which permeates
the governor's system at the
present time, the subject of his
oration may be changed to "War."
Plattsmouth, Nebraska t .
Champ Clark is still speaker of
the national house of represent
atives; almost as bis,' and us
honorable a position as that of
president of the United States.
This is the difference; it is said
of a poor man: "It's a shame
someone doesn't do something for
him." Of a rich man it is said:
"It's a disgrace lie does not do
more for others."
C. (1. Sheeley, well known
bridge contractor for Cass county,
according to reports from Colo
rado, must serve a term in the
penitentiary for bribing two coun
ty olllcials. "The way of the
transgrcsser is hard."
Champ Clark to (Iovernor Wil
son: "Just leaving for Washing
ton, I congratulate you on your
hard-earned victory. I will do all
I can lo elect you." That's Un
kind of a democrat Champ Clark
is. lie never boltts.
-:o :-
Now for Ihe democratic state
convention, a live chairman for
the stale committee and harmony
in the ranks. All we can do now
is to work for the success of the
stale ami national tickets and
await results in November.
The carnival will open up next
Monday, and remain all week.
Make your arrangements to come
at least one day, and don't forget
lo bring Ihe whole family. Re
member the wife and children will
enjoy it as well as yourself.
Victor Ilosewater is a much
bigger man in Nebraska repub
lican politics than the man who
occupies the governor's ofllcc.
Vic made a great reputation while
in Chicago, while Aldrich came
home to make an ass of himself.
We are very auxious to see
how the republicans are going to
manage their campaign in Ne
braska this ear, with two can
didates for president. The state
candidates cannot be placed on
both tickets, no matter how hard
they may try to do so.
It is true, of course, that the
republican editors in Nebraska'
who are expressing disapproval yt
Ihe democratic nominee for gov
ernor would have found just as
much fault if some other man
had been nominated. Finding
fault is their business. David
City Press.
The Missouri democrats, no
matter how greatly they may be
disappointed over the result of
Ihe Baltimore convention, will all
"throw their hats in the ring" for
(iovernor Wilson and the suc
cess or the ticket. They are built
that way. They are "democrats
at all times and under all circum
stances." :o : :
The "third party" business will
peter out inside of the next six
weeks or two months. Very
naturally the "Roosevelt repub
licans are mighty sore, but
they'll get over it in time. Just
now they feel like going out and
swearing at the servant girl and
kicking the cat, but after they
Have thought over it for a while
they will cool off and take their
medicine. Will Maupiu's Weekly.
If Ihe esteemed republican
papers will print the record, peo
ple will judge for themselves
Their political press bureau is
"doctoring" up and handing out
medicine that the papers are to
(print, and this press bureau has
little regard for facts. Senator
Morelo-ad's record, is indeed an
open book, and the people of Ne
braska will elect him governor
niton that record Hastings
A large number of farmers cele
brated the Fourth in the harvest
lields and plowing corn.
Why did so many republicans
want. Bryan nominated for presi
dent? Were they anxious to vote
for him? ,
If Hoosevelt concludes there
will be no third party, then will
Aldrich and Paul Clark try to slip
over on the Taft side?
The principal daily papers in
the east are supporting Wilson
and Marshall. This is an indica
tion of Ihe way the political wind
is blowing.
The Fourth is over, but on its
heels comes carnival week. Open
ing Monday we are to have a full
week of noise, and confetti part
of the time.
Instead of a third party, why
not call it the "Third-Term
Party?" That would be the
proper name for il with Roosevelt
at the head.
: o :
Republicans had just as well
give up the race ir Teddy and Taft
both run. The only hope of sue-!
cess they have is the withdrawal
of one or the other candidates.
Some fellows are always sure
of victory just after the nomina
tions are made. Hut "counting
the chickens before they t are
hatched" is a poor rule lo work by.
. :o:
Some of the Taft republicans
want Congressman George W.
Norris to withdraw from the race
for senator. They refuse to sup
port him in the general election.
The third-term candidate lead
ers in Nebraska are still divided
as to whether they should go
ahead and attempt to capture the
republican state organization and
cast their lot with Roosevelt.
:o: '
The Lincoln Star, one of the
most conservative daily papers in
the west, will support Woodrow
Wilson for president, and in a
lengthy editorial gives its reason
for doing so.
Hang your banner on the outer
wall, for the cry is, "Wilson and
Marshall are the coming victors."
Indications of this fact are noted
nery day. Jump into the band
wagon, for victory is sure to perch
upon Ihe democratic banner this
Champ Clark could have had
Ihe nomination of vice president
by acclamation, but he very grace
fully declined the honor. The
speakership of the house of rep
resentatives is a more important
position and next to that of presi
dent in honor.
(iovernor Marshall, the demo
cratic candidate for vice presi
dent, is one of the best men in
the west and the democrats, at
Baltimore were very fortunate in
petting such an able and popular
gentleman lo accept second place
on the ticket.
A republican exchange says
that Governor Aldrich politely
declined to serve as a member of
the committee of eighteen to tako
Ihe load in forming a Roosevelt
parly. It would have been a great
deal belter for him had he not
been one of the seven governors
who went to Oyster Day and in
duced Roosevelt to come out for
the third term. That work
what disrupted the republican
party in the start.
While we have not yet heard
single republican say that ho be
lieved cither Taft or Roosevelt
would be elected this fall, yet that
does not signify anything this
early in the light. Democrats do
not want to allow themselves to
too confident about the matter,
but rather organize and keep in
liirhtins trim until the last day and
the last hour before the polls
close on the evening of the 5th of
It must be confessed there is
some uncertainty among the re
publicans of Nebraska regarding
future developments. So far Gov
ernor Aldrich has been rather
non-comniital regarding his at
titude toward the Roosevelt can
didacy, and it is reported he is
being "pestered" every day by
adherents of Taft and of Teddy.
He is reported in one interview as
being determined to stick lo the
regulars, but now denies he ever
said it. Hut he will have to come
out shortly with a definite state
ment of his position, for the
situation is too tense for any man
to keep still. lieatrice Express
While we feel thoroughly con
vinced that Champ Clark should
have been nominated, and there
are hundreds of other democrats
right here in Cass county who
think the same way, there is
nothing gained by sulking in our
tents. We should not allow our
selves to do it, but instead, buckle
on our armor and wade into the
light with a determination to elect
Wilson and Marshall, and the en
tire democratic state ticket. Gov
ernors Wilson and Marshall are
both good men and deserve the
support of every democrat in the
land, aloni with many con
servative republicans, who feel
that a change has come over the
spirit of their dreams.
One of the most enthusiastic
bolters in this district is Paul
Clark of Lincoln, or front the Pa
cific coast, we don't know which
Paul aspires to represent this dis
trict in congress. Before the Chi
cago convention he was a very en
thusiastic Roosevelt man, and he
is of th..' .same opinion now; He
does not hesitate to say that
Roosevelt should have been nom
inated, and should there be a third
ticket in the Held, with the gentle
man from Oyster Hay in the lead,
he will be found lighting the bat
tles of that gentleman. Just what
the Taft men will think of this
stand we do not know, but they do
not seem to be making much noise
at, present. Nebraska City News.
There is no doubt as to where
that excellent paper, the Lincoln
Daily Star, will stand in this
campaign. Here is where it speaks
for itself: "The Star is a progres
sive newspaper, lighting the bat
tles of the people as it sees the
light. With absolutely no other
interest than the rights of the'
people in view, it will work from
now until November for the elec
tion of Woodrow Wilson as presi
dent of the United States, because
it believes that in the progressive
principles laid down in the demo
cratic platform lies the only hope
of relief for the American people
from the enormous evils of gov
ernment to which they have been
The platforms of the two great
political parties are before the
people of this country. The re
publican platform breathes the
reactionary spirit from start to
finish, while the democratic plat
form is simply and purely pro
gressive. It remains with the
people of the entire nation to say
whether they want progression or
the standpalism that has been in
control of tho government for the
past eight years. The people are
getting more interested every year
in the conditions of affairs in this
great country, and the longer they
study about the serious condition
of affairs the more alarmed they
become. Even many republicans
who have affiliated w ith that party
all their lives believe the lime has
arrived for a change, and many
have signified their intentions al
ready to vote for Wilson and Mar
shall. They base been promised
many reforms by the leaders of
their party for a number of years,
but such reforms do not seem to
materialize, and they have given
up all hope of getting any relief
from a party that makes use of
high protection to shield the
trusts in robbing the common
people. The democrats promise
the relief which they most assur
edly will receive if Wilson and
Marshall are elected.
T. stands for Theodore, baf
fled and grim, and R. stands for
roller that rolled over him.
The democratic national com
mittee will meet in Chicago July
15 lo select a chairman and to
look after campaign matters.
Another snake story: A farmer
says bullsnakes will swallow
eggs and then crawl through knot
boles to break them.
We'll bet the Philadelphia
Record lost half of its women
subscribers when it printed this:
"Long engagements are perfectly
proper, for the longer a man is
engaged the less time he is mar
ried." :o :
Attacking trusts may be good
training for the attorney general
and his cohorts, but it doesn't
seem to have much effect on the
cost of living. Possibly it boosts
it some, for the hungry lawyers
must be fed.
Teddy's bolt of the republican
convention is regarded by many
as a game of bluff. Well, this
may be true, but we believe that
Teddy is in the race to stay until
the pollsxlose on the night of No
vember 5. Hut we shall see what
we shall see.
Some of our people condemn
the city authorities for refusing
home people the right to put
stands on the streets, and at the
same time a stranger conies in
and gets permission to block a
crossing with a stand worse than
that of a lemonade and confec
tionery stand. This was not right.
The Chicago Tribune, which is
the foremost exponent of reform
when it doesn't aim towards the
Tribune corner, protests against
the proposal to limit the presi
dential service to one term. The
Tribune forgets that there are a
good many people who are op
posed to even one term for some
We intend to make a desperate
effort to get Champ Clark to come
to Plattsmouth during the cam
paign to make a speech. He
ought to come for the simple rea
son that he has so many friends
her. He could poll two to one
more votes in Cass county than
any public man in the democratic
party today, not excepting anyone.
Some of the Cass county repub
licans believe that Governor Aid
rich should pull out of the race
and give some man who has sense
enough to keep his mouth closed
when he ought to a chance to run.
Many republicans in this county
intend to vote for Morehcad if
Aldrich insists on staying in the
Who was in favor of the farm
ers' free list bill, that would have
made the things the farmer has to
buy, cheaper? The democratic
house of representatives, led by
Champ Clark. Who opposed that
bill? Bill Taft stamped it with
his official veto, and when it went
back to the senate the required
two-thirds to pass it over the
president's, head could not be se
cured. :o:
The nomination of the big,
brainy democratic governor of In
diana for the ofllce of vice presi
dent was a happy selection and
the ticket, Wilson and Marshall,
V.'e are now handling a complete
line of coal. Call and let ua quote you
prices for your fall and winter coal.
We handle wheat, oats, corn and
hop of all kinds.
Ind. Telephone 297
Nelson Jean & Co,
is already being acclaimed every
where as a winner. The two gov
ernors, each a successful and
popular executive in two great
slates, are of the caliber which
the American people like to have
for the high olhces of president
and vice president.
The signs of the popular view
are already apparent in favor of
the Wilson and Marshall ticket
and we predict they will be more
and more favorable as the cam
paign proceeds. We like the re
sponses of Governor Wilson upon
hearing the first news of the
nomination. His attitude show
ed tit conception of the big task
to which he may be called in No
vember and his dignity in the
treatment of that news was vastly
different from certain expres
sions we have heard from a cer
lain worthy ex-president.
That the contest will be direct
ly between Wilson and Marshall
and Taft and Sherman grows
more and more apparent as the
ditliculty in which the Roosevelt
forces find themeslves increases.
When (iovernor Osborn, repub
lican governor of Michigan and
head of the "progressive repub
lican" forces in that state, states
that there is no need of Roosevelt,
and progressives of the republican
party are not hiding their pleas
ure at the naming of the demo
cratic ticket, the signs unmistak
ably point toward a triumph for
democracy in November. World
Herald. :o:
A 1910 5 H.-P. Twin INDIAN
Motorcycle at a bargain. Will
sell dirt cheap if taken at once.
For further information call or
write H. E. Steinhauer,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Care Journal Ofllce.
In County Court.
From Saturday'! Dally.
The court was engaged this
morning hearing creditors having
claims against the estate of
Thomas W. Fountain, deceased.
A claim of $50 for medical at
tendance by physician was pro
tested against by tho administrat
or as being excessive. Jesse
Fountain of Whitman, Iowa, ad
ministrator, was present, as well
as his sister, Miss Fountain, of
Mrs. Ella M. Herger of South
Bend attended a hearing in the
Fountain estate case before the
county court today. Mrs. Herger
was a guest of Ihe Perkins hotel
while in the city.
Herman Grocdor,
Graduate Vetineary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
Phone 378 White, Plattsmouth
Livo Stock Dealer
Nehawka, Nebraska
is ready to make you the moat liberal
offer on anything you have for sale in
the atock line.
Get His Prices Csf ere Selling