The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 08, 1912, Image 1

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    Neb ttuiu Uisiuiicui oyc
NO. 53.
iA H A A
Band Concerts By the Burlington Route Band, Speaking and Two
Red Hot Ball Games Furnish the Amusement for the Large
Crowd of Citizens and Visitors in the City.
The celebration of the Fourth
of July in Plattsmouth along safe
and sane lines, as mapped out by
the mayor and city otllcials, was a
great success. Everyone who cared
to joined in the festivities at the
park and on the ball grounds and
at the open air concert in the
evening, and those who wished to
had private picnics. Barring a
few minor accidents the day and
the occasion was a very enjoyable
one. The program announced in
the Journal was carried out very
nearly to the letter.
The speakers of the day, Hon.
E. M. Pollard, and Jesse L. Root,
ex-judge of the supreme court,
were both on hand to deliver their
addresses. Promptly at 2 o'clock
the band played two selections at
the corner of Main and Sixth
streets, and then lead the crowd
to Oarlleld park, where there was
a very good sized audience as
sembled to listen to the speeches.
A. L. Tidd, city attorney, presided
and introduced the speakers, after
two or three patriotic selections
by the Burlington Route band, led
by Ed Sehulhof.
Mr. Pollard was first introduced
and made an excellent forty-five-minute
speech, causing the eagle
to scream loudly. In his in
troductory remarks Mr. Pollard
referred to the signers of the
Declaration of Idependence as
having been among the wisest
statesmen this country or any
other ever produced, who' out of
the unrest and Iroubelous times of
their day had brought forth the
government that we enjoy. Mr.
Pollard looked upon existing con
ditions with the eye of an optomist
and believed that the. people of the
United States had the best gov
ernment on earth; that humanity
got more consideration at the
hands of the people of the United
States than previous nations had
shown. Mr. Pollard referred to
the oppression of Cuba by Spain
and the kindly ofllces of the United
States in stepping in on that
morning in May, when Dewey
opened lire on the Spanish ships,
since which the Spanish misrule
hail come to an end. The speaker
referred to the United States hav
ing become a world power in a re-
Fourth Winds Up With a Serious
Cutting Affray In the
Little Village.
From Friday's Daily.
Tom Julyan of Cedar Creek,
with his face and clothing cover
ed with blood, arrived at the court
house about 7:30 this morning,
inquiring for the sheriff, to whom
he wished to give, himself up for
stabbing an unknown beligerant
at Cedar Creek yesterday after
noon. Julyan's story was to the effect
that he and Harry Wilcox, Mike
and Joe Broadback and three or
four others were celebrating the
Fourth under the shade of a tree,
where they had lunch and a few
bottles of beer. The stranger came
along and accosted (hem, and soon
got into an altercation with
Julyan, who was cutting up the
lunch with his pocket knife, and
before many words passed the
stranger broke a couple of beer
bottles over Julyan's head. Julyan
retaliated with his knife and cut
the stranger twice on the arm and
once in the bowels. Julyan im
mediately left (he seen; of the
trouble ami walked to Oreapolis,
where he remained over night and
came o Plaltsmouth this morning
to find the sheriff. Julyan claimed
that he did not know how many
times he struck the si ranger with
the knife, nor where ho landed on
Sheriff Quinton . and Deputy
markably short space of lime.
Starting with the thirteen small
states in the east, the people had
increased in power and resources
until it ranked with the govern
ments hundreds of years old. In
public morality, Mr. Pollard be
lieved our government was su
perior to others,' and referred to
the action of the government in
the Boxer uprising in China,
when the United Slates, with other
civilized countries, exacted in
demnity for losses the United
States had sustained by reason of
the Chinese government failing to
protect the American property.
China paid over the money and
when the losses were figured out
the accountant discovered that the
United Slates had received $500,-
000 more than it had paid out
This amount was refunded to the
Chinese government by an act of
congress. Other instances of the
magnanimous acts of the govern
ment were enumerated.
Mr. Root followed with a good
talk on government, expressing
pleasure in having an opportunity
to address his old-time friends
and neighbors. In premising his
remarks Mr, Root went back to
the time when the world was
young and the Hebrews were im
portuning Samuel for a king,
which the old prophet told them
that they did not need, and who,
when they got him, would take Urn
best of their substance, their
jewels and their property. All of
this and more happened to the
people when they got their king.
Judge Root referred to England
as the best governed nation among
the monarchies of the old world,
and intimated that only circum
stances such as transpired at
Chicago and other convention
cities caused Hie people to ques
lion representative government,
or words to that effect.
Alter music uy the hand and a
few athletic stunts performed by
Jack Brill ian, the crowd repaired
to (he ball park. The band concert
on I he court house lawn at 7:30
was listened to by a large number
of people and was Ihoorughly en
joyed. At 9 o'clock the fireworks
were set off from High School
Manspeaker went out to Cedar
Creek last evening to get Julyan,
but he had decamped. Dr. Duff of
Cedar Creek was called and dress
ed I he injured man's wounds and
found (hem very dangerous. He
was brought to Plaltsmouth Ibis
morning and laken to St. Joseph's
hospital at Omaha. The stranger
is a young man about 22 years
old and rather well dressed and
slated that he had come from
Since the above was put in type
we learned that the name of the
young man who received the knife
wounds had worked in the neigh
borhood of Cedar Creek for about
a week. He gave his name as Neil
Mallon of Philadelphia. He was
taken to St. Joseph's hospital on
the Schuyler this morning, and it
was found, on closer examination,
that one lung was punctured with
Ihe knife, but with good luck he
will pull through.
. A Slight Accident.
From Frlilny'M Dally.
Our excellent friend, L. B.
Briiwn, from Old Kenosha, was
one of the victims of a very slight
Fourth of July accident. While
he was driving to town in com
pany with Henry Sans, one of our
patriotic young Americans . ac
cidentally threw a firecracker near
his team, frightening them to such
an extent that they jumped to unit
side and threw Lig's fine, big
basket of fresh eggs to the ground.
The damage to the basket of eggs
was such that I.ig had very few to
market. Be was the same happy
T.ig and had no complaints to
The Journal office carries
kinds of typewriter supplies.
Buys New Binder.
George KalYenbergcr came in
Wednesday afternoon with a span
of draft horses, leading them be
hind his spring wagon, prepar
atory to taking out a new binder.
Mr. Kaffenberger already has one
binder on his farm, but for fear
he may be rushed when he begins
harvesting today, took out a sec
ond one, so that in case anything
gives way about the machinery
the harvesting will not have to
W. D. Wheeler Tells of Some In
cidents That Happened in the
Convention Hall.
W. D. Wheeler returned from
Baltimore Wednesday morning
full of enthusiasm for the ticket,
(ieorge Snyder and Judge M.
Archer returned on the same
train. John and Henry llirz ar
rived on the morning of the
Fourth in time to participate in
t he celebration.
Mr. Wheeler left Baltimore for
New York City after the conven
tion adjourned Saturday night and
spent Sunday in the city, return
ing to Baltimore Monday forenoon
before the convention convened.
At the hour of adjournment Sat
urday night it did not seem that a
nomination would be made very
soon, so Mr. Wheeler sought his
alternate, Mr. Richey, of Lincoln,
who had relatives in Baltimore,
and made arrangements with him
to take his place, as he, Mr.
Wheeler, expected to start home
Monday afternoon.
Mr. Wheeler has attended
several national conventions, but
never saw one just like the one to
which he was a delegate. The
convention sessions were held in
the Armory building, which has n
sealing capacity of 17,000, but at
some of the sessions, when the
excitement was at its height, the
doorkeeper estimated that 35,000
people had crowded into the build
There were tragic moments
during the sessions, and at times
it was well nigh impossible, to
maintain any semblance (if order,
and during demonstrations for
favorite candidates no attempt
was made to control them. Mr
w Heeler uesenned trie scene in
the New York delegation when
Colonel Bryan launched his
resolution to nominate no can
didale at this convention in which
Belmont-Ryan-Pierpont Morgan
could have an interest. A bomb
shell thrown into the midst of Ihe
New York delegation could not
have created more consternation.
The Nebraska, Maryland and New
York delegations were neighbors
in Ihe convention hall, and Mr.
Wheeler had a splendid oppor
tunity lo observe the effect. One
excited New Y'orker shouted that
Bryan ought to be assassinated;
that the resolution would be de
feated by 1,000 votes. Mat Miller
of the Nebraska delegation shout
ed hack I hat it would carry by 1,
000 votes. Murphy was not with
his delegation at. tin; instant, but
soon came in. A Maryland dele
gales rushed over lo the New York
seats and inquired what Charle
thought. He was told that Charley
was laken by surprise and did not,
know what lo do. Rayner of
Maryland cautioned consideration
before acting; I hat the resolution
was a two-edged sword and would
cut both ways. When the roll was
called the resolution carried with
over 500 for it.
There were numerous exciting
moments during the first week,
and through all of the ballots
Murphy never polled his delega
t ion or consulted any of them, but
swung his 90 votes where he saw
New York would benefit most.
Mr. Wheeler is well pleased
with Ihe results of the convention,
as every western delegate was, and
believed if the democratic, party
ever had a chance to win it will
be this fall.
Attend Funeral In Omaha.
From Friday's Dally.
William Weber and daughter,
Jennet te ami Fred Egenberger
went to Omaha on the morning
(rain (oday to attend the funeral
of Karl Stefan, one of Ihe pioneer
citizens of Omaha.
Large Crowd, Genuine Good Time
and Fine Oration by Judge
Travis of This City.
From Friday' Dally.
Mauley people celebrated the
Glorious Fourth yesterday in the
right spirit, and there was a largo
crowd present to assist in making
it otie of the most pleasant events
that the writer has attended in
many years.
About i:30 yesterday morning
the writer accompanied Judge
Travis, who was the orator of the
day, to Mauley. We went by auto,
with Park Chriswisser as driver of
his Ford car, and by the way, we
want to tell you that Park is no
slouch when it conies to running
a car, and in a little less than an
hour he landed us in Manley, not
withstanding we stopped in Mur
ray for several minutes. We ar
rived at Manley in plenty of time
and found the village gayly dec
orated and the people alreadv as
sembled at the speaker's stand.
After several very excellent
musical numbers by a quartet of
young men from Weeping Water,
Dr. Fordyee, the master of cere
monies, introduced Judge Travis,
who spoke for. about an hour. The
Judge was in excellent shape for
the occasion and it was the
unanimous sentiment of all who
heard the oration that it was one
of the finest orations thev ever
heard delivered on Ihe great natal
day. Judge Travis told his hear
ers a great many things about the
affairs of this government, and
the comparison made of today and
thirty years ago, made many put
on Iheir thinking caps and won
dec, "Whither are we drifting?"
Then came the dinner hour, and
by invitation of our friends, John
TigTio and James Murphy, the
Judge and your humble servant
repaired to the home of the latter,
where we had Ihe pleasure of sit
ting down to a table fairly groan
ing under its weight of goodies
prepared by Mrs. Tighe and Mrs.
Murphy. It has been many years
since we sat down to a table sup
plied with such a display of
templing viands and we desire to
return our most grateful (hanks to
both Mr. and Mrs. Tighe and Mr.
and Mrs. Murphy for the many
courtesies displayed in our behalf
during our short stay in Manley.
After dinner we wended our way
in the direction of the ball park,
one of the prettiest in the slate,
where, for the first, time in twenty-five
years, we had the pleasure
of witnessing a game. The game
was between Louisville and Weep
ing Water, the victors to play Ihe
Manley team. The result of the
contest was greatly in favor of
Louisville, and just as we wero
leaving the grounds (he battle be
tween Manley and Louisville had
begun, with the first inning in
favor of Manley. There was an
immense crowd on the ball
grounds and we never saw a com
munity in which more interest is
taken in the great national game
than in and around Manley.
During our slay in Manley we
had the pleasure of meeting many
friends, among whom were Father
Higgens, with whom we had the
pleasure of a few moments' con
versation, and also had the pleas
ure of meeting Father lliggins'
mother, who is a grand old lady
and possesses the attainments
characteristic of a noble woman.
In going to and from Manley we
noticed a large number of excel
lent fields of corn now and then a
field lhat did not see lo be doing
well, and were informed that some
of these fields had 1 u replanted
three limes due lo the selection of
poor seed corn. The farmers were
engaged in cut ing wheal all along
the road and claimed that (here
were many acres that would make
from 30 to 35 bushels lo the acre.
Notice to Weed Owners.
All farmers residing in road
district No. lo are hereby notified
to cut the weeds along the public
highways adjacent to your prem
ises. Those who fail lo do so will
have (he expense of the same
charged up lo Iheir lands, as pro
vided by law, and the road over
seer will have lite weeds cut.
Ben Beckman,
Overseer Road District No. 10.
Golden Wedding Anniversary.
Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. T. S.
C. Dabb celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary in a very in
formal but enjoyable manner.
They were married at Elizabeth
fort. New Jersey, July 3, 1802.
No invitations had been issued,
but throughout the day and even
ing many neighbors and friends
wended their way to their cosy
home on West Main street lo ex
lend congratulations and best
wishes. The pleasant rooms of
their home had been made at
Iraclhe with beautiful bouquets
of cut (lowers, which had been
presented to these worthy people
by friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dabb
were made the recipients of many
valuable and handsome gifls, and
which will always be cherished by
(hem. Delicious refreshments
were served during the afternoon
and evening, each guest receiving
a piece of the bride's cake as a
souvenir of the occasion. This
cako bore very appropriate dec
oral ions of gold.
In the evening about 10 o'clock
the members of the Burlington
band made their way lo Ihe Dabb
residence and tendered Ihe happy
couple anil their friends a sern-
aie in (he shape of (wo choice se
lections, nfter which they were
most cordially invited into the
home and served with ice cream,
cake and lemonade. After the re
freshments had been served the
band boys then furnished another
pleasing number. Mr. and Mrs.
Dabb could not help but feel
pleased at the kind remembrance
of friends in assisting them in
celebrating this happy event in
the proper manner. Mr. and Mrs.
Erwin of Racine, Wisconsin, the
former being a brother of Mrs.
Dabb, and who have been guests
of the Dabb home for several
days, were in attendance. Mrs.
Dabb had not seen her brother for
several years.
Fiftieth Birthday.
l'lic friends and neighbors of
Joushua Andrews planned and
carried out a pleaasnt surprise
for him Wednesday night. On
some pretext Joshua was induced
lo go to prayer meeting, and on
his return found the house dark
ened, and on putting his foot
within the Ihreshhold was nearly
thrown into a panic by the sud
den clapping of hands and the
shout, '.'surprise." When dm
light was turned on he found his
house had been laken possession
of by his neighbors, w ho said they
had come to celebrate his llflieth
birthday, which occurred on the
Fourth of July. The evening was
cnjoyably spent by the company
in social talk and music. tee
cream and cake were served.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Joshua Andrews, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas South and son, Roy; Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Joints and sou,
Glenn; Rev. W. L. Austin, Miss
Clara Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
L. Kruger and son, (ilenn; Mr. ami
Mrs. A. L. Henry and children,
Clarence, Ethel and Haze!; Mr. and
Mrs. James Andrews, Mrs. Hesse,
Mrs. Hart hold, Miss Louise lies
sit1, Miss Etta Jackson, Miss Ella
Carlson, Miss Ti II it Ploeger, Miss
Murl Barlhold, Miss Cecil Hawk
enbery, Mrs. Henry Ofe and sons, mond. Wlielan succeeded Dot sou
Carl and Henry; Miss Kate Hesse, as umpire and peace reigned su
Mrs. Harvey Cowles and Mrs. R. H.I preme.
Cowles and children of Hamburg, These two games showed that
Iowa. I the Boosters are rapidly improv-
ing and are gelling in shape to
Dances Getting Popular. ak( ,ho (nms jn (hjs
from Friday'! Dally. , ,,llpl of ,t, 8,a(l T,, shamrocks
The Cosmopolitan club of this ; sl in i1Pl.niijIll, ,mOm
city gave another of their delight
ful social dances last evening at
Coates' hall, and despite the warm
weather, were greeted by a large
crowd of merry dancers. The
music by the M. W. A. orchestra
was up lo Iheir usual high stand
ard iiud pleased all those present.
These dances are gelling quite a
reputation through this part of
the county and many were present
from Union, Murray, Cedar Creek
and other near-by towns.
Overcome by Heat.
Wednesday afternoon about 51
o clock Harry While, a young i
farmer, who was shocking wheat
for Lafe Nelson, a few miles out,
was found lying prostrate in the
field, having been overcome with
heal. He was hurried (o the
house and Dr. Cummins was call
ed. The doctor advised what to do
and immediately left for the Nel
son home. By Ihe lime the doctor!
arrived Mr. While was restored i
to consciousness and was doing
very well when the physician left,
Two Games, With Twenty-seven
Innings, and Only Five Scores
Made in All.
From Friday' Dally.
There was sure some ball play
ing in Plaltsmouth yesterday, at
which time Ihe Boosters and (ho
Shamrocks lined up for two
games. Everybody expected to seo
a good game, or even two of them,
but they were far ahead of the ex
pectations of all. Immediately
after the concert by the Burling
ton band in the morning the band
proceeded to line up for the
parade lo the ball park, where the
warriors of Ihe sphere proceeded,
to do business in a proper style.
The Boosters were there and
over after the first inning, but in
that fatal first several rank errors
were made by Ihe Boosters that
gave the visitors their two runs,
which cost Plaltsmouth the game.
Just a couple of very wild throws
and that was all there was to it,
the Shamrocks not gelling an
other run. Really, there was not a
single earned run in the nine in
nings of (he forenoon game. Tho
Boosters made Iheir only score on
an error. Noah, the pitcher for
the Boosters, did some fine work,
placing fourteen clean strikeouts
lo his credit; while Smith for the
Shamrocks only laid twelve of the
Boosters aside. The Boosters
secured their only score in Ihe
fifth inning, and no man ever
looked like he was even looking
for a score for Ihe remainder of
the game. There was a very fine
attendance. The score of Ihe
first game by innings:
Boosters 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
Shamrocks ....2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
The afternoon game was quite
a pilclu'i's"' buttle between Flelch-
er of Ihe Shamrocks and McKealg
of Ihe Boosters, that lasted for
seventeen innings, sixteen of
which were played without a run.
When a pitcher holds a bunch of
sluggers like the Shamrocks down
for seventeen innings without a
run he is sure tossing some ball.
The support from the entire team
was the finest ever. It was simply
an endurance game and nothing
more, with the Boosters tiring out,
The spectators received their
money's worth yesterday after
noon, as I hey were not only (rent
ed lo almost two ball games, but
also witnessed a reproduction of
the Johnson-Flynn mill al. Law
Vegas, New Mexico. The decisions
of Umpire I lot son did not pleaso
Ihe left fielder for Ihe Shamrocks,
and after arguing with the um
pire for a short lime (hey pro
ceeded lo mix in a very much
Johnsoii-Flynn manner, but wen
soon separated by Ihe oilier mem
bers of the teams, before any
damage was (lone. Here is where
Umpire Dolson made his only
mistake, as he should have call
ed the police and simply had the
gentleman removed from Ihe dia-
game in Hie seventeenth inning
when Fletcher put. a long fly out
lo left field, meeting all the base
men with ease. Two other men
scored in this inning, placing the
game 3 to 0.
A Word of Thanks.
eph Svoboda and wife
J i
to acknowledge the receipt
Wescolt's Sons of four suits oT
clothes for their boys, for which
they feel deeply grateful and wish
lo express their heartfelt, thanks
lo Messrs. Wescolt for Iheir kind
ness in tins, their lime of great.
Joseph Svoboda and Wife.
Shetland Ponies for Sale.
I have an excellent (earn of
Shetland ponies for sale. Well
broke and at a price that is right.
Win. Gilmour,
R. F. D., Plattsmoulh.
Ray and Rue Erans of Union
spent Ihe Fourth in Plaltsmouth.