The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 04, 1912, Image 7

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2 We want to reduce our Hardware Stock $12,000.00 in the next Sixty Days and are MAKING THE PRICES TO DO IT!
These Prices are Only for Stock
on Hand!
341 kegs of nails, regular price
$3.00 per keg, now $2.35
67 80-rod spools galvanized cat
tle wire, was $2.70 per spool,
now 2.25
74 80-rod spools galvanized hog
wire, was $2.80, now 2.35
30 kegs fence staples, were $3.00
per keg, now 2.35
All Carbonundum sharpening stones
25 per cent off.
All tin, granite and allumium ware
20 per cent off.
Galvanized iron ware 20 per cent off.
Ice Cream Freezers 20 per cent off.
Coffee Boilers 15 per cent off.
Having been fortunate enough to secure the agency for the Blau-Gass, we
are going to reduce our immense Hardware Stock and evenually close it out entirely, retaining only the
Heating and Plumbing end. In order to accomplish this quickly we are making the prices quoted in this
advertisement. This sale will coutinue uniil we find a buyer for our stock and will give you an opportu
nity to get goods at ess prices than they were ever offered in Plattsmouth before.
It is impossible to itemize prices on every item, as it would take over a month to go through and ite
mize everything separate. We wish to state that outside of heating and plumbing material we are not
holding back anything, but will discount every article, as we are positively going out of the hardware end
ot our business. With the new line that we have taken it will take all the time we have to give it proper
attention, and if there anything you need in the hardware line you would do well to look over our stock.
We are going to advertise our stock for sale in the leading papers and very likely will have a buyer for
the entire stock in a very short time, so if there is anything you need it would be well to get it at once.
These Prices are Only for Stock
on Hand!
Tin Boilers 20 per cent off.
All Cutlery 25 per cent off.
Garden and carpenter tools from 15
to 30 per cent discount.
Any $10 Washing Machine at $8.00
Any 11 " " 8.75
3 No. 17 U. S. Cream Separa
tors, regular price $75, now . -60.00 "
One year guaranteed wringers,
were $3.25, now 2.35-
Three year guaranteed wringeis,
were $3.75, now 2.75
Five year guaranteed wringers,
were $5.00, now.. 3.50
Three year ballbearing wringers,
were $4.50, now 3.25
Five year ballbearing wringers,
were $5.50, now 4.00
The Avoca Department EHJ
News Item Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter tor This Department of the Seml-Weekly Journal
Charles Mohr was here from
Syracuse Tuesday.
T. S. Tit man was at Platts
mouth last week doing jury duty.
William Thiele and wife were
al Cook over Sunday visiting rela
tives. B. G. Marquardt, Samuel John
son and Dr. Hrcndel were at Lin
coln Monday.
Charles Ilinze and family auto
ed to Hamburg', Iowa, Sunday and
spent the day visiting.
Alfred Nutzman of Herlrand
was here the first of the week
visiting relatives and friends..
Mrs. L. J. Marquardt and chil
dren left the first of the week for
Ulica to visit relatives for a few
Mrs. Wilzke of Olga returned
Saturday from Minnesota, where,
they have been visiting relatives
and friends.
H. E. Cutter and wife and J. O.
Rowland and wife were here from
"Bethany on Wednesday evening
to attend the Johnson-Harmon
Ward Pitman, one of our base
ball boys, left . Monday for Fair
mont, where he lias secured a
position to play mi the team
there. Ward is a fast player and
here's homing be makes good.
entraine, with veil of tulle, and
carried a shower bouquet. Miss
Audrey wore an Alice blue silk
and carried a shower bouquet.
The groom wore the conventional
black. A bower bail been erected
under an evergreen tree on the
lawn for the ceremony and the
path roped ofT by garlands of
green. ' .
The bride is known and loved by
all in the vicinity and is one of
our most beautiful and popular
young ladies. Mr. Johnson has
indeed secured a prize. The
groom is the owner of the John
son hardware store and is one of
our ninst respected ami in
dustrious young men. After a
short wedding trip the young peo
ple will reside in Avoca. Mr.
Johnson is having a new resi
dence erected, but' it will not be
completed for some time.
About 150 guests were present
to 'witness' the ceremony. Many
beautiful gifts were received by
the young people. Cake, ice cream
and fruit were served. Miss Helen
Iliel and Miss Gladys Knight pre
sided at the punch bowls. Mrs.
Keedy was in charge of the guest
book. The band came out and
serenaded them later in the even
ing, and also a cbaravan crowd.
innings the visitors got busy and
piled up several runs. The home
team has lost only one game on
the home grounds this season.
Avoca ....0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 19
Nehawka ..0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 18
Batteries Adams and Hall;
timber and Mead. Umpire Harmon.
What Makes a Woman?
One hundred and twenty
pounds, more or less, of bone and
muscle don't make a woman. It's
a good foundation. But into it
health and strength and she may
rule a kingdom. But that's just
what Klectric Bitters give her.
Thousands bless them for over
coming fainting and dizzy spells
and for dispelling weakness,
nervousness, backache and tired,
listless, worn out feeling. "Elec
tric Bitters have done me a world
of good,", writes Eliza Pun,
Depew, Okla., and 1 I bank you,
with all my heart, for making
uch a good medicine." Only 50c.
Guaranteed by F. (I. Fricke & Co.
Y. P. S. C. E. of U. El. Chapel Hold
Monthly Social at the Home
of Oscar Gapen.
At the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. True Harmon,
Wednesday evening, June L'0, oc
curred the wedding of Asa J.
Johnson to A. Pearl Harmon. At
8:30 Mrs. Reese Hutchins sang
"Oh Promise Me," the wedding
march was played by the brothers
of the bride, with Miss Helen Iteil
at the piano. The bride was at
tended by her sister, Miss Audrey,
and the groom by Hal Gurnett.
Rev. Osterhout pronounced the
words of the beautiful ring cere
mony that made the twain one.
Don Harmon and Lenora Kruse
were flower boy and girl. Lois
Johnson bore the ring in a rose.
The bride was charming in a
princess gown of w hile messaline,
We Lose and Win.
Last Friday the ball team went
to Dunbar and were defeated In a
close game by a score of 3 to 1.
The home team did not have their
regular line-up or perhaps the
score would have been different,
but it was a good game just the
same. Score:
Avoca 0 0 0 2 0
Dunbar ..01000
Batteries Piltman
Wilson and Mullis.
0 0 1 03
2 0 1 '4
and Miller;
On Sunday the Nehawka team
was here for a game and they
were defeated by a score of 8 to 9
The game was exciting from the
start. The locals seemed to have
the game with ease in the early
part, but in the eighth and ninth
Will Assist Perry Thackston.
James Shuffler, an experienced
barber, arrived in the city a day
or two ago and will be found at
the Riley hotel barber shop, ready
to serve Mr. Thackston's custom
ers in the most courteous and
gentlemanly way. Those who
patronize this tonsorial parlor
will find Mr. Shuffler's work satisfactory.
An increasing number of peo
ple report regularly of the satis
factory results from taking Foley
Kidney Pills and commend their
healing and curative qualities.
Foley Kidney Pills are a carefully
prepared medicine, guaranteed to
contain no harmful or habit
forming drugs. They can have
only te beneficial effect when used
for kidney and bladder troubles,
for backache, rheumatism, weak
back or lumbago. For sale by F.
O. Fricke & Co.
The members and their friends
of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the U. B.
chapel, two miles south of this
city, to the number of about 200,
met for their regular monthly
social gathering last Monday
evening at the pleasant country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Gapen. The well known hos
pitality of Mr. and Mrs. Gapen lias
rendered their home a popular
place for the young people, as well
as tne mniijie-ageii and older
ones, to assemble for an enjoy
able social time.
Last Monday night, to one not
acquainted in the vicinity, it
might have appeared that some
thing' unusual had broken loose,
when, about nightfall, the people
began to arrive in automobiles,
buggies, on fool, on horseback,
on motorcycles and every known
mean of travel, until the spacious
lawn of the host and hostess was
alive with good-natured people,
all bent on an evening's enjoy
ment. In addition to the social
features of the occasion, an in
formal program was presented,
consisting of vocal and instru
mental music and dramatic read
ings. Mrs. Max Adams of Waco,
Neb., favored the company with a
most excellent solo and respond
ed gracefully to an encore. One
of the enjoyable piano numbers
was a duet, by Misses Elsie and
Villa Gapen, and Miss Menota
Perry thrilled the audience with
her artistic readings. From a
large punch bowl, conveniently
located, the guests were regaled
throughout the entire evening
with delicious fruit punrb.
Take it, all in all, this was one
of the most, enjoyable events in
the history of the organization,
and one that will be recalled with
pleasure by all those fortunate
enough to be present.
The Best Ice Cream Cones.
II is astonishing bow many
seizures there are every summer
of large consignments of impure
ice cream cones under the pure
food laws governing interstate
commerce and seizures, and also
under all slate laws.
The Omaha Sugar Cone Co.,
1208 Jackson street, is pulling on
the market an absolutely pure and
high grade ice cream cone, guar
anteed under all pure food laws
under Government Serial Num
ber 1273 i.
The Modern Confectioner and
Baker, a national trade magazine,
in a column (if their June issue,
"Recently there has come to the
notice of The Modern Confection
er and Baker a llrni The Omaha
Sugar Cone Co. that lias taken a
bold stand for ice cream cones
that will fully meet the require
ments, and they have been spread
ing broadcast the gospel of purity
and honesty, as can be gathered
from the circular where they have
stood the hardest sort of a lest,
and from whose example other
cone manufacturers ought to take
a lesson and put into practice"
The above is taken from yes
terday's Omaha Daily News, ami
the cones referred to are manu
factured on a special machine, or
rather a number of thein, made
by our fellow citizen, L. C. Sharp,
and are the only automatic, cone
manufacturing machine on the
market today. The machines
were made in Omaha at Mr.
Sharpe's machine shop and are
now in most successful opera
tion in the above factory, and are
turning, the completed product
out with great rapidity.
The Plattsmouth Garage Co.
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
Ready for Business!
Corner Sixth and Vine Streets,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
We want you all to feel that we are going to look after the emergency end of
VAiir nnr'a nnndc TVn't u;nrrf if mn lroo1- Inwn Our "QorvipP TPn;irtmPntM II
will deliver you Supplies and Tires quickly and economically. Everything we sell
you will be absolutely guaranteed.
The Plattsmouth Garage Company
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
IW Agent for the Inter-State Automobiles. PRESTOLITE AGENCY
x do( -jczzz:
In these days of high cost of
living, a medicine that gets a man
up out of bed and able to work in
a few days is a valuable and wel
come remedy. John Heath, Michi
gan ltar, Cal., had kidney and
bladder trouble, was confined to
his bed, unable to turn without
help. , "I commenced using Foley
Kidney pills and can truly say I
was relieved at once." This ex
ample is worth following. For
sale by F. O. Fricke & Co.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our most
sincere thanks to the many neigh
bors and friends for their kind as
sistance during the illness and
death of our beloved wife and
mot lici'. Also for Hie beautiful
floral tributes, especially the I)e
gree of Honor ami the employes of
the local lturlinglon shops.
John l'alecek and Family.
Mrs. Frances Svoboda.
N. J. Jordan, Cashier Hank of
Woodville, Woodville, (la., bad a
very severe attack of kidney
trouble and the pains in his kid
neys and back were terrible. "I
got a bottle of Foley Kidney Pills
from our druggist and they en
tirely relieved me, I have more
benefit from them than any other
medicine." For sale by F. O.
Fricke & Co.
He Will Support Governor Wilson
and Help to Elect Him
On his return from Haltimore
lo Washington last night Speaker
Clark issued the following ad
dress :
"No set of men ever made a
belter or braver light for any man
in this world than my friends all
over the country made for me.
They have my heartfelt thanks.
We never had money enough to
pay for an adequate supply of
postage stamps and literature. I
was tied down here by my duties
of the speakership. I could, there
fore, aid my friends little. They
made the light, gave me 200,000
majority in the slates where (lov
ernor Wilson and I competed in
the primaries and caused me to
lead on thirty ballots in the con
vention, on nine of which I had a
clear majority. Nevertheless, the,
nomination, was bestowed upon
(iovernor Wilson.
"I never scratched a democratic
tickel or boiled a democrat it;
nominee in my life. I shall not
change my democratic habit now.
I am too seasoned a soldier not
to accept cheerfully the fortunes
of war.
"I will support, (iovernor Wil
son with whatever power I pos
sess and I hope tie will be elected.
"I lost, the nomination solely
through the vile and malicious
slanders of Col. W. J. Hryan of
Nebraska. True, these slanders
were by innuendo and insinuation,
but they were no less deadly for
that reason. Signed,
"Champ Clark."
Two Games of Base Ball.
Two holly contested games of
ball were pulled off at the ball
park yesterday afternoon, the tlrsl
one being between the Winter-
sleen Hill kids ami the While Sox,
which resulted in a victory for the
While Sox to the tune of 8 to 5.
In this game (Irassman caught
and Itebal pitched for the White
Sox, while Newman caught and
Johnson and Smith pitched for
the Wintersleen Hill kids.
The second game was between
the While Sox and a West Side
kid team, the score being 10 to 7
in favor of the While Sox. Crass
man caught and Poisall and Lar
son pitched for the While Sox, and
Slant and Cradoville caught and
Woosler and F. Marshall pitched
for the West Siders.
A. M. Nasoii. farming near Ca
naan, Me., was badly crippled with
sialic rheumatism due he says to
uric acid in his blood. Foley Kid
ney Pills entirely cured me and
also removed numerous black
specks that were continually be
fore my eyes." Foley Kidney
Pills are a uric, acid anient and
are effective for I ho various forms
of rheumatism. For sale by F.
(i. Fricke & Co.
(leorge L. Higbie, Manlon,
Mich., used nFley Kidney Pills for
kidney and bladder trouble. He
says: "I find for my case no
other medicine equals Foley Kid
ney Pills for bcnellcial effect."
They are a safe and reliable medi
cine for kidney trouble and rheu
matism. Contain no harmful
drugs. For sale by F. O. Fricke
& Co.
If you are a housewife you can
not reasonably hope to be healthy
or beautiful by washing dishes,
sweeping and doing housework
all day, and crawling into bed
dead tired at night. You must
get out into the open nir and sun
light. If you do this every day
and keep your stomach and bowels
in good order by taking Cham
berlain's Tablets when needed,
you should liecome not it healthy
and beautiful. For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Just received on track, car of
extra choice Midland Hay from
the Loup river country, and while
It lasts we will sell It at $16.00 per
ton. This Is a hay of excellent
color, fine quality, at the very low
price of $16.00 per ton from our
hay shed. Come and supply your
wants before it is all gone.
Cedar Creek Lumber Co.,
Cedar Creek, Neb.
Go to Henry's Notion Store for
Candies, Post Cards, Ice Cream
and 10o Sheet Music Riley Block
on North Sixth Street. Also big
line of fireworks for the Fourth of
The Skin and Not the Blood.
I'ntil recently it has been a
generally accepted theory that
eczema was a disease of the blood,
Scientific Investigations havo
taught us that eczema is pos
itively a skin disease and curable
through the skin alone. Meritol
Kczema Remedy js applied di
rectly to the diseased skin, the
etl'ect is marvelous and its results
permanent. Do not delay trying
Meritol F.czema llemedy. Weyrich
& Hadraba Side Agents.
Art Smith was called to Omaha
this afternoon to get some repairs
for his binder, which broke this
morning, when the harvest, could
have been finished today had the;
machine not broken.