The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 04, 1912, Image 6
Murray Department There is Your Protection! PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL RE A DEBS. I any of t lie readers of tlm Journal know of a mcial emit or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mat I same to tkis office it will appear under tUis hemiin 1 e want all items of interest. Editor Jour uxl Murray State Bank r 1 MURRAY, NEBRASKA 0 Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000 CHAS. C. PARMELE, President F.L NUTZM AN, Vice-President W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier Wc Solicit Your Banking Business aTOur Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran tee Fund of the State of Nebraska. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Ethyl Jlajnie was an Omaha visitor Tuesday evening. Atcnd the social at Kenosha Saturday evening, July G, 1'J12. Mrs. Nick Klaurens was a Plultsmoulh visitor Monday. I.. 1 . r itch and wife were guest of J. I). Lewis and familv Sundav. Mis El fan Nickels was a Plattsmouth visitor Monday of this week. Albert Young is building a garage tins week lor S. O. Pit man's new car. E. S. Tutt and W. II. Hamilton were business visitors in Omaha Tuesday evening. Mrs. William LaRue and daugh ter, Edith, were Plallsmouth visitors Saturday. Mrs. Grace Gapin of Mynard at tended the Thimble Hee last Fri day afternoon. Miss Clare Copenhavcr and Ella Harris attended the social at Murray Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Baumcister of Platts niouth came down Wednesday to pend a week with Mrs. W. E. Dull. H. C. Creamer was a business visitor in Plattsniouth Thursday. Mr. Cal Suavely and family were guests of Stee Copenhavcr Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Leach was spending: Friday with her mother, Mrs. Hat lie Allison. Fritz Tigner was visiting- with friends in Plattsniouth Saturday ami Sunday. Etta M. Nickels was looking- af ter the corset trade in Platts niouth Friday. John Hobschiedt and wife at tended church at Plattsniouth Sunday morning-. Oliver and Oscar Lloyd were attending- to matters of business in Plaltsmoulb Friday. JefT Lewis and his trio of sons were taking in the sights at Plattsniouth Thursday. A. F. Nickels and wife, accom panied by Miss Bertha Nickels, motored to Omaha Thursday. Leroy Allison was visiting- with friends and looking- after business in Plallsmouth Saturday. The E. II. Queens family are Mrs. O. A. Javis was visiting now relieved from quarlenine, af- wilh her siler. Mrs. Perrv. south "'r having- scarlet fever uc D C Nick I'riedrich was an Omaha visitor last Saturday. I). C. llboden was visiting among I'latlsnioulh friends last Saturday. Herman Meek was visiting' sinioug county seat friend last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Galen Ithoden were visiting county seat friends last Saturday. Miss Ethyl Haynie was visiting with home folks in Plattsmoulb last Saturday evening. August (lonler'H men, from Plattsniouth, were here Monday celling up a new hinder. John Uriah was looking after some county seat business in Plattsniouth last Saturday. Pete Campbell, from east of Murray was a business visitor in the county seat last Friday. Jack Mi'Nalt, the boss chief of police from Old Kenosha, was a county seat visitor last Saturday. Mrs. Bruce Stone was visiting in Murray last Friday evening, a guest at the home nf Mrs. William Dull. Charles llerren was a county xeat visitor last Saturday, driving up to spend (he day with friends and do some leading. Miss Mae Lougbridge relumed Irom Omaha Sunday, where she had been visiting with her uncle, W. K. Lougbridge. There will be services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and evening, conducted by Rev. Finley of Iowa. Mrs. James Allison departed Monday for Tecuniseb, where she will visit for a few days with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cline burg. Mrs. Dr. B. A. Ilool or York, who lias been hero for the past few days vinitii)g at (he home of B. A. Ilool, departed for her home Mon day evening. Miss Ella Harris, Miss Clara Copenhaver, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Haker and daughter Opha, took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Farris. W. S. Scott, Robert Shrader and John Campbell made a Hying trip I . 1 io riausmouin Saturday evening in the big Buick car of our genial agent, "Scot tie." Mrs. Frank Boedeker of Ne- hawka was a Murray visitor last Friday and Salurday, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer lloedeker, south of Murray. Mrs. Dooley and daughter de parted Tuc.sday evening for Brady, Kansas, where Ihey will spend few days visiting with friends and relatives at their old home. Cards have been received from V. D. Wheeler at Baltimore that dve (he impression that Billy would rather pitch alfalfa hay Stian be an active delegate. Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Pitman and Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Hiatt were "Plallsmouth visitors Monday evening, making the trip in the line new auto of Mr. Pitman. Charles Parmele of Plallsmouth was a Murray visitor last Satur day. Mrs. P. S. Hall has been num bered with Ihe sick for the past week. One of the most valuable rains of the season visited this locality- Monday evening. Mrs. . S. Smith entertained her Sunday school class on the church lawn last Saturday even ing. a very enjoyable time was had by all. A letter received from W. S, Smilh, from western Oklahoma, who was formerly a merchant of Murray, but now is a traveling salesman, reports pretty dry weather in that locality. muss, who purchased a Brush car for bis mail route, is well salisllcd with the investment lie can save 00 per cent of his lime by using an automobile. It. C. Bailey, the Eight Mile Orove blacksmith, and brother, O v. Bailey, from near Nehawka, were county seat visitors last isaiuriiay, driving up irom their home to look after some business mailers. W. (i. Boedeker, Dr. fiilmore, Charles Boedeker and James Holmes were attending the meet ing of the Cass County Automobile association in weeping water Monday. The trip was made in W. (J. Hoedeker's car. Mr. and Mrs. George Ray and daughter, Esther, drove to Plaits mouth last Saturday, where Mrs. Ray and Esther look the train for Omaha to spend the day. George visited with county seat friends and returned with them in the evening. The annual school meeting was held in Murray last Monday even ing. C. C. Spangler was elected moderator. Other business of the meeting was transacted. The High school proposition for Ibis and Ihe surrounding district was de feated, although unanimously carried in this district. The out side districts voted against it. Hiatt & Tutt received many answers to their small ad in Ihe Journal last week, in regard to the excavation of I heir 20x80-feet deep cellar." The leading question seem to be what the boys were go ing to do with such a cellar. One man even called to see about fur nishing them with an elevator. Well, they got the desired llgures and the cellar will be dug, but will not be eighty feet deep. Postolilce Inspector Henry E. Randall was in Murray last week checking over the Murray posl otllce. Be found everything to be in the usual lip-top shape. This is the manner in which Post of I'latlsnioulh, Wednesdav of Ibis week. Carl West of Wyoming, Grove- nor and Misses Morence and lone Dovey of Plallsmouth were Mur ray visitors Sunday. Mrs. II. C. Long and daughter, Mrs. Robert Shrader, were in Omaha Monday. Mr. Long spent Ihe day in Plallsmouth. Remember the social at Kenosha Saturday evening. July bill, 11)12. Make arrangements with your best girl to come. Doc" Neal, Lush Cluberlson ami John Pallerson. all from Peru, were in town last Sunday, en route to Auburn from Omaha. Mrs. Henry Tbiele and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Massie were Murray visnors last, Saturday, coming over in Ihe new auto of Mr. and Mrs. Tbiele. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cross and Mr. and Mrs. Jen Cross of Union attended church services at the Presbyterian church last Sundav evening. The many friends of Miss Pearl Dugan will be glad to learn of her convelesence, which is very- slow, but we hope to see her out soon good as new. July 13, 1912, will be Spirella lay. With Miss Myers. Make appointments early, by telephone or drop me a card. Etta M. Nickels Miss Svoboda and Miss Rist of Plallsmouth were guests of Mrs Charles Creamer Tuesday. Miss Rist has secured the Kenosha school for Ihe present term. Daily the Newspapers Report Some Incident Vhere a Telephone Has Saved Life or Property. It may be a fire that was reported before it was beyonu control, a burglar frightened away or medi cal aid summoned in the nick of time but what ever it may have been, the necessity of a telephone has been demonstrated. A telephone means p;otection to the home, cannot afford to be without one. You Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager J. F. Brendel was looking after business in Plal Ismiiiohl. Fridav business in Platlsmoiilh Fridav Mrs. Frank llboden drove to Plallsnioiilli Saturday, where she look to market some mighlv line spring fries. Mrs. Grace Mellinger left Wed nesday morning for Kansas City, where she will be with her hus band, who has gone to Kansas City for medical treatment. The social for the benefit of the Lewislon church will be held at Ihe home of JanTes Tigner Sat urday evening, July 20, 1J12. The ladies hope to entertain a large crowd on the beautiful lawn Plan to come; you will be glad you were I here. NOW FOR THE PARTY VICTORY The Democrats Will Have No Trouble in Winning the Battle in November Serve Plate Supper. On Wednesday evening of last week the teachers of the Presbv- lerian church served a plate sup per on Hie beautiful lawn of Dr. G. II. Gi more. The siinoer was all that one could ask for. Late in the evening Mrs. Gilmore moved her piano out on the porch and a great many musical num bers were rendered, nrincinallv bv the children. Miss Anna Keenan of Omaha. Ogla Minford and Ralph Kennedy favored the crowd with a great many numbers. Mas ter Rudolph Keenan made quite a hit with his one-string Ilddle of his own make. Madeline Dooly sang, which was much appreciat ed. This pleasant event will be remembered as one of the most pleasant entertainments given in Murray for a long time. Harvey E. Newbrancb, editor of the Omaha World-Herald, who has been engaged as correspond ing editor of that paper since the first day of the Baltimore conven tion, winds up his last article from that city as follows: . "The next president of the United States, a democratic house and a democratic senate, together with democratic administrations in most of the states of the union, were elected in Baltimore this afternoon when Woodrow Wilson was chosen to lead the hosts of a united democracy. 'This is the sentiment express ed and confidently believed by the democrats from all sections and of all previous conditions of presidential preference. After the longest and most exciting and determined struggle for the presidency ever witnessed, with one exception, in a national con vention, the dove of peace and harmony miraculously appeared above the grimly contending hosts. "Woodrow Wilson's nomination was brought about in an inspir ing outburst of good feeling. Ir resistibly it swept everything be fore it. "Whatever of harsh and em- Funeral of F. M. Young. The funeral of the late F. M Young was held in Murray Wed nesday morning at 11 o'clock. from the Presbyterian church Rev. Gade of the First Presby- Bert Root departed Wednesday tcrian church of Plattsniouth con- Miss Ethel Sherwood, who has been with the family of John llobscheidt Ihe past month, re turned to her home at Union Tuesday. evening for Big Springs, Neb., where he will spend a couple of weeks vxisiling with friends and lenitives at bis old home the Humble Bee was enter tained last Friday afternoon by Mesdames Elmer and (Hen Boedeker and Alex and Miss Boedeker. It was a very enjovablo afternoon for those present. S. O. Pitman and wife and D. J Pitman and wife were Elmwood visitors last Sunday, guests at the home of Mrs. Willet, sister of Mrs. Pitman. The trip was made in the car of S. O. Pitman. W. C. Brown writes to Murray friends this week, and in telling them of the country, he says he was compelled lo buy an auto mobile in order lo keep up with Ik . a i ; t me traveling puunc, and lie is now driving a new Ford. He says mat gasoline costs more than double the amount of this country He reports crops looking good and Ibat they are doing well. With well filled baskets Sunday morning Ihe relalibves of Mrs. Alex Rhoden and Robert Shrader arrived and look possession of the ducted tne services. interment was made in the Young cemetery, northeast of Murray. The services were largely attended, many friends and relatives following the remains lo the last resting place To Those Interested. The notes and accounts due the late firm of Edmunds & Brown are left at the Slate Bank of Mur ray for Ihe convenience of those who may desire lo settle. This is done because I will not be in Murray all the time, having busi ness on my farm. J. W. Edmunds. Wurl Brothers Cigars In Omaha, "Gut Heil," "Keno" and "La- Flor-do-Fama" cigars may now be lound in the "Smoke House" pool room opposite the Burling ton depot in Omaha. Please cal for I hem when in the city. master Baker conducts the busi- home for Ihe day, and a delicious ness or Uncle Sam, and Ihey will picnic dinner was spread and en never iimi n oinerwise. vvunine Joyed by all. Those present establishing of Ihe postal savings were: Charles Creamer and wife, bank in Murray more work and a Homer Shrader and family, separate account is added to (he Charles Wolfe and wife of Union, business. This department was John Yardly and family, J. p. added July 1st, the first account Shrader and family and Mr. and having not yel been opened. I Mrs. George Shrader. Bids Wanted. Bids are wanted at once on eel lar excavation. 25x80 feet deen Hiatt & Tutt, Murray. AiMKD-urn nead or cows and heifers. John McDonald Murray. I. B. Green arrived from Tabor Iowa, on (he morning train today where he had been for a time on business. bittered sentiment may have been involved through the long strug gle was not inherited by the militant executive of New Jersey. Neither he nor any of his spokes men or representatives had in volved themselves in the war of prsonalities nor had they in any wise encouraged it. By universal consent they had fought as clear and fair a fight as they had fought a hard and successful one. "By the splendid and Incom parable management of their forces they had won the admiring respect of the convention, and by their moderation and wise discretion in every critical mom ent they had earned its esteem and confidence. They had shown that they were fighting no fac tional battles, that they were in spired by no proscriptive spirit and that their dominant wish and purpose will be to advance the standard of the whole democratic party and insure its certain vic tor'. That was why, (hough there was not whit of an abate ment of Governor Wilson's milit ant ideals, (hough no compromis ing deals were offered or consid ered by his managers, (he entire convention came at last gladly lo enroll itself under his banner." Frlalloa Traatmluloa. StlfSterttr Ctrttlnlr! 1 A This splendid Goupo $1700 protection in any weather! An ideal car for physicians, ladies and others who want per fect protection from all kinds of weather. With the self starter absolutely no exposure is necessary car is controlled entirely from the seat. The luxurious design makes easy riding the friction trans mission makes easy driving. It is controlled with one lever. Certercars will go through muddy and sandy roads where other cars cannot travel. They will even climb a 50 per cent grade easily. They are in fact the "all year around" motor cars. Chain-In-Oil Drive, full floating near axlo, three strong brakes, and many other features with the Friction Transmission and Self-Starter, combine to make the Cartercar ideal. Five good models-touring cars, coupes, roadsters, f 1200 to $2100. Let us send you complete information. PHILIP H. TRITSCH, Plattsmouth, Nebraska