The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 04, 1912, Image 3

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    -iSaJ to
ochoi imi
You can celebrate your independence
properly in one of our Summer suits. In such clothes you'll
thoroughly enjoy the confidence that comes from being well
Suits from $10.00 to $30.00
Manhattan Shirts
From Tuesday's Daily.
Misses Katie Mcllugh and Mary
Margaret Walling boarded the
early train for Omaha this morn
ing1, where they spent the day. I
Dave Young returned from
Omaha last evening, where he
had been called on account of the
death of his brother, F. M. Young.1
Mrs. A. L. Tidd and her niece,'
Miss Ursula Hcrold, departed for'
Lincoln last evening on No. 33,
where they will visit relatives for1
a few days. j
John A. Hennings of near
Louisville and George Heil, jr.,!
and son, Herbert, came down to'
the county seat on No. 4 this
morning and looked after busi-'
ness matters for a few hours.
Mrs. E. Newman of Tacoma,
Washington, who had been visit
ing his sister, Mrs. W. P. Rice,
for two weeks, departed for Rock
Island, Illinois, this morning,
where she will visit relatives for
a time.
. J. H. Ehresman and wife of Ne
hawka, who have been visiting
Iowa friends for the past four
weeks, were in the city this morn
ing for a short time between
trains, as they were enroute to
their home.
Mrs. Handley was a passenger
to Omaha on the afternoon train
yesterday, where she went on both
business and pleasure. Mrs.
Handley has just closed a deal
whereby she becomes the owner
of the Julyan residence property
on North Tenth street.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Mr. A. Johnson and Miss Lottie
Yallery spent Thursday with
Florence Yallery. i
H. Dettman and Hen Dell man of
Elm wood were l'latlsmouth visit
- Great Change in Homestead Law -
Just think of it! Only 21 months' actual residence requirid during
three years, instead of 60 months as before. Write today and let me
tell you about the
Government Irrigated Farms in
the Big Horn Basin
Twelve years time to pay for water
right, without interest. Only small
payments first five years.
Included in New Law
This new law is the result of the joint wisdom of the best posted land men
ot the West. You can be away from your homestead 5 months each year earn
ing money to improve your farm. The 7 months' time of residence can be era
ployed to get in shape for keeping stock, and a Patent thus early secured
gives you credit to buy enough stock to. start with.
Send for new folder telling- all about the soil, crops grown, conveniences to
timber, coal and other advantages for home building. When writing let me
know which lands interest you most.
Stetson Hats
ors yesterday and dined at the
Chris Stoebr of Cedar Creek ar
rived on No. i this morning and
visited Plattsmoulh friends for
the day.
George M. llild and wife of Ml
Pleasant precinct were in the city
this morning doing some trading
with the merchants.
John Oorder drove in from the
farm this morning and boarded
the early train for Omaha, where
he was called on business.
Misses Mary and Alice Sheely
of South Omaha returned home
Wednesday, after a two weeks
visit at the J. R. Yallery home.
S. Crader of Waverly arrived
yesterday and Mill take the place
of Andy Moore, third trick man at
the dispatcher's oflire, during hi
Henry Roeck and wife drove t
Murray today to attend the fun
eral of Mrs. Roeek's brother, I
M. Young, who died in Omaha
Monday morning.
Mrs. J. H. Recker and daughter,
Miss Carrie, departed for Omaha
on the morning train today, where
they looked after business mat
ters for a few hours.
Mrs. V. R. Murray, who has
been a guest of her daughter, Mrs.
C. M. Parker, for a time, return
ed to her home at. Omaha on the
morning train today.
Miss Margie Walker of Murray
and Miss Lousetta Patterson of
Omaha arrived this morning to
be guests of the H. N. Dovey
home over the Fourth.
Mrs. George Schoeman went to
Cedar Creek yesterday afternoon
on No. 33; where she w ill visit her
sons for a few days and assist in
cooking for the harvesters.
W. M. Taylor and wife, from
south of the city, drove in this
morning and boarded the morn
ing train to Hamburg, Iowa, where
Mondell 320-Acre
Free Homesteads
in Wyoming. A good chance for farm
hands, farm renters, and others, to ob
tain valuable dairy and stock farms.
5 Months Absence Each Year
1004 Farnam St, Omaha, Nob. Immigration Agent.
(Cut this out and Mail it to a friend)
they wiil friend the Fourth with
their daughter.
John Yallery, superintendent of
the Colorado Midland Railway
company, arrived in his special
car, attached to No. 2, last even
ing, accompanied by Mrs. Yallery,
and will visit Plattsmoulh rela
tives for a few days.
Mrs. W. P. Sitman and daugh
ters, Margaret, Elizabeth and
Ruth, arrived from Weeping Wa
ter last evening and visited with
Plattsmouth friends over night.
departing for Omaha to spend
the Fourth with her parents. Mr.
Sit.inan will arrive this after
noon anil go 011 ot Omaha to
morrow. Enjoys Floriculture.
Rev. i-'aiiicr John Ylcek has one
of the most beautiful lawns in the
city and it would well repay any
one t walk out to his residence
on West Pearl street and unserve
the beauty with which Father
Ylcek has surrounded himself.
The lawn is fresh and here and
there dotted about aro the rarest
of flowers. There are beautiful
lilies mid imported blossoms
pleasing to the eye. Between his
residence and the yard fence are
two mounds, almost square,
elevated perhaps a foot above the
surrounding surface, and on
these, at regular intervals, are
rows of beautiful foliage plants
of different, hues and tints, bear
ing such colors as nature herself
alone can paint. Many of theso
are imported and are rare plants,
even in green-houses. Anyone
wishing to beautify their lawns
can well afford to interview Father
Ylcek, and the city ollicials need
not send to Lincoln or anywhere
else for an expert to advise them
on beautifying the cemetery, as
Father Ylcek is an expert in I hat
line, and no doubt would gladly
assist occasionally with a word of
advice on lawn gardening.
M. W. A. Holds Meeting.
The local lodge of the M. Y. A.
held its regular meeting last
night at the lodge rooms in the
Coates block. The meeting was
well attended and much interest
was manifested in the lecture
given by Slate Deputy Kester,
which was illustrated by stere
optican views of the sanitarium
of the order at Colorado Springs,
Colorado. Mr. Kester also il
lustrated his talk on the rate
question with the stereoptican.
District , Deputies James and
Woodley were also present and
occupied chairs in the reception
of candidates. Twelve new ap
plications were received and acted
upon, and initiation was had on
applications heretofore noted up
on. After the regular order of
business was carried out lemon
ade and cigars regaled the mem
bership present.
F.ezema spreads rapidly; itch
ing almost drives you mad. For
quick relief, oDan's Ointment is
well recommended. 50c at all
Herman Dettman In Town.
Herman Dettman, one of the
leading merchants of Elmwood,
accompanied by his son, Hen, were
Plattsmoulh visitors over alst
night, visiting with W. E. Rosen
crans and oilier friends of the
counly seat. The trip was inadu
in the automobile, and Mr. Dett
man is positive that the run was
made in forty minutes, or that
they could have made it in forty
minutes should they have elimin
ated the stop at Louisville. The
Journal acknowledges a brief hut
very pleasant call from Mr. Dett
man while in (he city. They re
turned home today.
The day of harsh physics is
gone. People want mild, easy
laxatives. Doan's Regulets have
satisfied thousands. 25c at all
drug stores.
Return From Baltimore.
William D. Wheeler, (Jcorge
Snyder and Judge M. Archer re
lumed from Hallimore on the
morning train today. Mr. Wheel
er and Mr. Snyder left IJaltimoro
Monday morning ami Judge Arch
er left last Thursday morning, go
ing In New York, and returning
passed through Baltimore Sun
day evening and stopped off to
visit friends in Ohio for a day, and
happened to get on the same train
I hat Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Snyder
were on, Tuesday, but did not
know it until he was nearing Chi
cago. The three travelers were
well and happy, though somewhat
travel-stained and weary.
Woman loves a clear, rosy com
plexion, r.urdock Blood Bitters
is splendid for purifying Ihe blood,
clearing the skin, restoring sound
digestion. All druggists sell it.
Price, $1.00.
On the Veranda When Report ol
His Nomination Comes.
Town People and Neighbors Gather
and Pay Respects, Brass Band Join
ing in and Tendering Serenade to
Seagirt, N. J., July 3. Governor
Wtlsou was spated on the veranda of
the "little white house" with Mrs. Wil
son and his daughters when he re
ceived the news of his nomination as
the Democratic candidate for presi
dent from his managers.
"The honor Is as great as can come
to any mn by the nomination of a
party," he said, "especially under the
circumstances. I hope I appreciate
It at Its true value; but, Just at this
moment, I feel the tremendous respon
sibility It Involves even more than I
feel the honor.
"I hope with all my heart that the
party will never have reason to re
gret It."
Governor Wilson said that at one
time during the convention he com
pletely despaired of receiving the nom
ination. That was Friday evening,
when Speaker Clark received a major
ity of the total vote. Wilson then
wired to his manager at Baltimore,
William F. McCnmbs, to relense the
Wilson delegates. McCombs, accord
ing to Governor Wilson, told the dele
Kates they wero released, but they re
fused to change their vote.
Congratulate the Governor.
During the time Immediately preced
ing his nomination tho governor
walked hack and forth on the lawn,
chatting Informally with newspaper
men and residents of the town who
came to be on hand for a celebration
Mrs. Wilson and her daughters had
been keeping tally of tho steadily in
creasing vote for tha governor. j
When ihe nomination was officially
nnnounceil, friends and neighbors,
both Rcpubl'cans and Democrats,
came to offer their congratulations
nr.d an Impromptu reception was held
on tho lawn.
Militia officers at the state rifle
range noar here deserted their prac
tice and came over to shake the
nominee's hand.
A mile away a brass band had been
held In readiness at Mansaquan, and
it was Immediately dispatched to tha
Wilson cottage when news came of
the , governor's nomination.
Turning point In Wilton's Campaign
Wat Stand Agalntt Parker.
Baltimore, July 3. William J. Bry
an, lu n statement, said that the nomi
nation of Woodrow Wilson on a pro
gressive platform meant an over
whelming victory for the Democratic
ticket next fall. Mr. Bryan said:
"I feel sure that the action of the
convention thus far will appeal to the
country. I had no choice among pro
gressive candidates, but from the first
Included Governor Wilson In every list
I had occasion to make. His action In
coming out strongly against Mr. Par
ker for temporary chairman was tho
turning point In his campaign. The
country Is progressive. Nearly all of
the Democratic party and more than
hulf of the Republican party are pro
gressive, "The paramount question before the
convention was whether we would
take sides with the reactionaries and
thus encourage the organization of a
third party and give to the third party
the hope of defeating the reactionaries
divided Into two parties or whether
we would nominate a ticket that would
so appeal to the progressive element
of the nation as to make a third party
"I am satisfied that with Mr. Wilson
running for president on the platform
which has been prepared, there will
be comparatively few progressive Re
publicans who will not feel justified
In supporting the Democratic ticket.
If I wero to make an estimate, I
would say that we ought to have not
loss than 2,000,000 majority of the pop
ular vote and enough of the electoral
rote to give us an overwhelming ma
jority in the electoral college.
"The action of the convention In
adopting the anti-Morgan Ryan Rel
mont resolution has demonstrated that
the Democratic party Is not only pro
gressive, but Is bold enough to throw
down the gauntlet to the predatory In
terests. It Is fortunate that Mr. Wil
son's, nomination was made without
the aid of Mr. Murphy."
Harvesting Will Begin During the
Coming Week.
Des Moines, July 8. Dr. Chappel,
in his crop bulletin for the week says:
"The high temperatures and bright
sunshine have been favorable for the
rapid advancement of corn and curing
clover hay. Corn has made very rapid
growth, but it Is still uneven in
height. Borne of it bas been laid by,
and all of the fields are clean. Some
of the late planted corn is beginning
10 show the effect of the dry weather,
but If rain comes within the next week
or ten days It will continue to make
good progres. Early corn Is In fine
:ondltlon, the root system being suf
Iclently developed to retch moist soil.
Wbeu 1 was warden of the pen
itentiary a young nmn was sent up to
the Institution to serve a term for
burglary. To look at him no one
would take him for a burglar, for he
hud ns honest a face as any man I
ever shw. ami I believe that I can tell
tin honest man from his expression.
A young girl cnnie to see him soon
after his Imprisonment who seemed,
completely broken down oti his. no-ci-utit.
She asked me to let hor see
h i in. and when I Inquired as to their
relationship she said she was his be
trothed. Those who call to see prisoners al
ways assume that the latter are inno
cent, but from the story this girl told
me nbout her lover I mrulo up my
mind that be hud been victimized. lie
had fallen In with a couple of rogues
who Intended to "crack a crib."
Working on the young man's sympa
thies by telling him a yarn about a
girl held In a certain house against
her will, they proposed a rescue.
Thompson that was his name yield
ed to their solicitations to assist them
and consented to wntch while they
effected an entrance luto the houso
for the purpose.
On the night when they proposed to
do the job they stationed Thompson
on a balcony to give the alarm If any
one cnuie. Then, raising a window
with a jimmy, they entered the houso
and got away with a lot of valuables,
leaving Thompson to bo caught. Of
course the story he had been told
olout tho rescue bnd no weight with
the jury, and despite this Ivelng bis
first offense ho was convicted. 1
would not have believed the young
mnn capable of being thus victimized
bnd It not been, ns 1 have said, for
his honest expression and for a knowl
edge of his character, which wns child
like and sympathetic. Convinced of
bis Innocence, I felt sorry for him
and for the girl, who was devoted to
One day Agnes she was Agnes
Brown came to me with a can of pre
served peaches that sho asked to be
permitted to give her lover. 1 told her
that all I could do In tho premises
would be to have the can opened, take
out the peaches and let htm have them
In that way. But she said that he
couldn't eat them all at once and beg
ged that he might be permitted to re-
I celve them as she had brought them.
She would open them before me to
' show me that the can continued noth
ing but what she claimed It contained.
I didn't aee what a prisoner could do
to effect an escape with a tin can If
there were no tustruments Inside to
enable blm to do so. I brought a can
opener, cut the top of the can and
poured the contents out into a dish. I
profHised to the girl to let the prtaouer
have them In the dish, but she said
she bad brought some wax with her
with which he could seal the lid after
using a port of the preserves, ind
well, I did something I never did be
fore or since; I consented that he
should have the peaches In the can.
But before lending the gift to the
prisoner I scrutinized It There were
preserved peaches, can and label that
was all. The label bore the name of
the concern that canned the goods and
a picture of a One ripe peach. A man
might make a saw out of the tin to cut
wood, but be could not get out of his
cell without cutting Iron. Besides, he
could not moke a taw even out of tin
without a file.
I mention these minutiae as the rea
sons why I permitted a tin can to go
Into a prisoner and to show that there
did not appear to be any harm in my
doing so. 1 soon bad occasion to state
them to my superiors as I have stated
them here, for that can of peaches was
the first and mala feature In ouo of
tbe most Ingenious and well carried
out plans of escspe I have ever known
or beard of. On the morning after the
gift had been given Thompson bis coll
was found empty and two bars at bis
window sawed through. He had for
some time been making a rope of his
bedclothlng, by wblcb he let himself
to the ground. A confederate, prob
ably Agnes Brown, who had by fre-
1 quent visits become familiar with the
premfcos, bad thrown a rope over the
wall, by which he had climbed to the
top, whore he found a laddor on which
to go down on the otbor side. There
be bud fouud a bicycle and on this
scorched away.
I lost my position as warden of the
prison, though those who deprived me
of It could not explain bow a can of
peaches bad anything to do with a
prisoner's escape. But, on tbe whole,
I was gladbe bad regained his liberty,
being assured that be was Innocent of
the crime for which be bad been Im
prisoned. There was no evidence by
which Miss Brown could be convicted
of assisting blm to escape, and since
she did not go away with blm I sought
her, and on my promise to take no ac
tion against her she told me the secret
She bad removed tbe label on the can
of peaches, put several very thin high
ly tempered sawi under It, tbe ends at
tached to the can by bits of solder, put
trips of papor In position to bring tbe
whole to tbe same level and replaced
the label. 8 be must bave done her
work very deftly.
Some months after tbe episode I re
ceived cards to the wedding. Since I
was not now In the government serv
ice I accepted. I not only accepted,
but sent a wedding present. More than
this, I congratulated the groom on hla
Labar Commissioner Back Front
Look Over Homestead Lands,
Still Qoodly Amount in Sandhill Sec.
Hon That Is Subject to Entry.
. Teachers Co to Chioago Action In
Long Pine Llcsnte Cat.
Lincoln, July 3. Commissioner
Guye returned from a trip through
Cherry, Thomas, Hooker, Grant, Uoa
Butte, Dawson and Sheridan counties,
where he investigated the matter ot
vacant government lands open tQ
homestead entry.
He says that In visiting the land of
fees he discovered that about 50 pet
cent of the land which was open at
the time of the last report has been
taken up, but that there Is plenty ol
good land left.
"When one first alights from the
train In the section where thla land
is located," said Guye, "he Is struck
with the idea that he would not give
15 cents for all the vacant land la
that part of the country. But as one
rots out and sees what Is being done
he Is convinced that those who hnve
settled upon this land are the ones
who have solved the problem of mak
ing a living easily. They depend upon
the Increase In their cattle and horses
for tho profits on tho farm. They
have plenty of fine water, easily ac
cessible, plenty of grass for feed at
all seasons of the year and they teem
to be In a most prosperous condition,
for failure of crops does not affect
them. If tbe general public knew the
real fants In regard to homesteads on
this land I dr not believe very much
of It would remain untaken very lorn?.
Mr. Criiye la Intensely Interested In
seeing settlers on this vacant land,
and In his letter, which he will soon
publish, he hopes that those Interested
will take advantage of the facts la
the case which will be shown therein
nd hasten to possess themselves ol
a home of their own.
Long Pine License Case.
The supreme court Issued aa alter
native writ, rtturnable Sept. 8, at which
time the village board of Long I'lne
must show cause why the writ of man
damus should not be Issued to compel
the village board to reconvene and!
cancel the liquor license Issued to H.
M. Deecher and to aet a hearing to
take testimony on the remonstrance
filed by Charles Lannlng of that vil
lage. Iinnlpff, In Ms petition, chants
Descher with selling liquor 00 elec
tion day before T o'clock a. m. anl to
habitual drunkards. . .
National Teachers Meet. '
Reservations are rapidly being tak
en for sleeper accommodations, both
Pullman and toyrij, for the aan'ial
meeting o? the National Teachers' as
sociation, which wilt oonvene In Cht
cago this week. The official train wltl
loave IJncoln over the Burlington,
July S, at 4:10 In the evening, leav
ing Omaha at 6: SO. Professor O. W.
A. Luckey of the state university will
have charge of the party. Among the
principal speakers on the program Is
Srate Superintendent Deliell of Ne
braska. Professor E. T. Falrchlld ol
Kansas, state superintendent of the
Sunflower state, Is a prominent candi
date for president of the association
and will have the backing of the Ne
braska contingent.
Capital Appointments.
Dr. Jams S. Pierce of IJncoln haa
heen reappointed aa a member of the
state dental board by the governor.
The industrial school at Kearney
has been without a steward for over a
year and as a consequence the govern
or has appointed C. R. Knowlns of Mc
Cook to fill the position.
About 2 per cent of the births la
Nebraska were Illegitimate, according
to a report Issued by Dr. Wilson of
the state board of health, covering the
first slv months of 1912. To bo exact,
there wore Just ninety-two of the un
Wymore Subscribers Sign Agreesnt
to Drop Service.
Wymore, Neb., July 3 At a miss
meeting of telephone subscribers,
sWty four signed an agreement to dis
continue renting phones if the Lincoln
Te'ephone and Telegraph company at
tempted to raise tha rates from those
embodied In the franchise under
which the New Home Telephone com
pany did business In Wymore. The
meeting was attended by over 150.
Many more telephone subscribers will
sign the agreement. The action was
taken following a report that the I Jn
coln company, which recently botght
the Boll, New Home and Gage County
Independent systems In Wymore had
made application to the state ral'way
commission for permission to ral e Its
rental rates here
At the meeting It was decided that
Wymore should work with other towns
In the state which are fighting a raise
In telephone ratos where the IJncoln
company has bought all competing
Ohio Republicans Nominate DIHon.
Columbus, O., July 3. ft B. DIMon
common pleas judge of Columbia,
was nominated for governor on the
fifth ballot st the Republican state
convention. The platform adopted
was declared to be a compromise.