The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 27, 1912, Image 6

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ifuiiyoftiierenikroftlieJournalk)innofai)rialei'eiU(ranitevt of interest
'Ye want all itentx of interest. Editor Jour ial.
C ii "11 r 'i Cm
Twlurray State Bank
Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000
CI IAS. C. PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
Wc Solicit Your Banking
Our Dei)osits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Interest Paid on
3 C
Small building for sale. See
llialt k Toll, Murray, Neb.
Chris Miller wan a IMaltsiiioiilb
visitor Wednesday morning.
Henry lleebncr spent Sunday
wilh friends and relalives in Ne
hawka. James Holmes and 1. M. Min
ford are on I he jury ag-on this
Mrs. A. I,. Maker and daughter,
Opha, wete Omaha visitors
Miss Esther Hay spent Saturday
nnd Sunday with Miss Vera Hat
ched in Murray.
William Philpol shipped a car
load of rattle to South Omaha
Tuesday evening.
James Fitch ami .family and
Mrs. II. II. Filch spent Sunday with
J. F. Lewis and family.
J. W. Thomasen was looking
after some county seal business
in Plattsinoulb Friday.
Charles Countryman and little
daughter, Dorothy, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Countryman in Omaha.
J. F. Hrendel and wife enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tilson
of Fight Mile drove Sunday.
J. L. Smith went to Omaha
Monday to see his daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Herman Smith, at the
Joe Conk was an Omaha visitor
Monday, going up to see his
father-in-law, Frank Young, at
I he hospital.
Mrs. Arthur Cnpenhaver enter
tained Miss Eunice Ferguson, Mr.
llalfor of Dunbar, Ouy Stokes and
Mrs. A. J. Stokes last Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph Cook went to Oma
ha Wednesday to see her fattier
at the hospital. Mr. Young's con
dition was quite serious Wednes
day. -.
Mrs. Charles Creamer enter
tained at dinner Sunday Charles
Wolfe and wife of Union, J. D.
Shrader and family, Mrs. Oeorge
Shrader and John Yardley and
Mrs. Charles Carroll departed
Wednesday evening for Plainview,
Neb., where she goes to visit, her
parents and son, Frn and wife.
Mr. Carroll has been in Plainview
for the past few weeks.
Miss Edith llainge of IMatts
moulh, who has been spending a
few days at the home of her
brothers, F. II. and A. O. Ramge,
returned to her home Sunday
Herman Smith was in Omaha
Tuesday, going up to spend the
tay with his wife at the hospital,
who underwent an operation there
few days previous and whose
condition was quilt serious. At
Ibis time she is netting along
nicely and prospects are favorable
for her recovery.
The following friends and rela
lives spent Sunday at the pleasant
farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
ttainge, east of Murray: Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Murray, Mr. and Mrs.
Kred Ramge, sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Oeorgo Thomas and sons, Carl
and Oeorge, all of Plattsniouth:
"Mr. nnd Mrs. Alvin Ramge and
"babe, Elizabeth, and Will Oliver
and Miss Edith Ramge.
Murray Department
Time Deposits.
Miss Klhyl llaynie was home lo
spend Sunday.
Mrs. Duoley was u Nebraska
(lily visitor Monday.
Mont Hubb was visiting Murray
friends Monday of this week.
Miss Mae Lewis was visifinor
friends near Murray Sunday.
Mrs. Wilhelinina Nix has been
pule sick for the past few days.
Troy Davis of Weeping Water
was a Murray visitor Wednesday.
, Johnnie Hobscheidt was looking
after business near Union Sunday
evening. WANTED 100 bead of cows
and heifers. John McDonald,
Harry Tigner and family spent
Sunday with John Tigner and
Mrs. S. O. Pitman and Mrs. O.
A. Davis were Omaha visitors
. M. Min ford shipped a car of
cattle to South Omaha Sunday
John Farris and John McDonald
were Omaha visitors Monday of
this week.
Miss Pearl Dugay is very sick at
her home from the effects of
scarlet fever.
Lee and (leorge Nickels were
calling on IMatlsinouth merchants
last Saturday.
John McDonald shipped a ear
load of slock to South Omaha
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Haumeister of Plattsniouth
is spending the week at the home
of Mrs. W..K. Dull.
Frank Heed of Weeping Water
was a guest of Charles Heed and
family last Sunday.
Miss Agnes Kennedy and Miss
Lena Young were Plattsniouth
visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Long and
Mrs. Robert Shrader were Oma
ha visitors Tuesday.
Frank Dugay and Guy Stokes
were visiting friends in Plaits
mouth Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilert Livingston of
Plattsniouth attended the play
here Saturday evening.
Oscar McDonald and wife of
Murdock were visiting with Frank
Moore ami family Sundav.
S. O. Pitman went lo Lincoln
Thursday morning to return with
his fine new Case automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Felzer were
Sunday visitors in Murray, being
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
! K. S. Tutt.
Charles lloedeker made a busi
ness trip to Kansas City last
week, returning home Monday
Oscar McDonald and wife and
daughter of Murdock spent Sun
day at the home of their mother,
Mrs. Mira McDonald.
J. W. Merger was home from
Nebraska City Sunday, returning
Monday, where he is repairing the
residence property of his son,
Word has been received here by
D. A. Young that Mr. and Mrs. D.
C. Young of North Beach, S. D
are tho proud parents of a baby
girl, born on the 20th of June.
W. O. Roedeker and sister. Miss
in this vicinity und will matt same to thi
Ida, and Mr. ami Mrs. L. D. Iliatt
were Plaltsmoulh visitors Tues
day evening. The trip was made
in Mr. Hocdeker's car.
Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Ta.vlor
of IMatlsmouth were visiting last
Sal unlay and Sunday wilh Mrs.
Mrs. Anna Miner of Lincoln has
been here visiting for a few days
with her brother and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. M. G. Churchill.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sporer
and family and Mrs. Charles Car
roll took dinner Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Maker.
Mrs. James Leek of Havelock
was visiting in Murray last week,
the guest of Mrs. Greeg. She went
lo Plattsniouth Sunday evening.
Mrs. Alwine, Miss Anna Keen
an and Randolph Keenan, all of
Oamha, are visiting this week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Dr. J. W. Mrendel and wife, Mrs.
Marquardt and Miss Thelma Mar
quardt of Avoca were Sunday
visitors in Murray, guests at the
Mrendel home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Copenhaver
of Plaltsmoulh were visiting at
the home of Mr. ami Mrs. John
Farris Sunday. Mr. Copenhaver
is a brother of Mrs. Farris.
Mrs. Glen Moedeker, Mrs. Elmer
lloedeker, Mrs. Alex and Miss Ida
Moedeker will entertain the Thim
ble Mee Friday afternoon. A good
lime is in store for those who wish
to at lend.
Mrs. Emma Filch and grand
daughter, Mildred Mates, returned
to their home at Omaha Tuesday
evening. They have been guests
at, the Walker and Gilmore homes
in Murray for I he past few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Roe Craig, former
ly of Murwell. Neb., are visit inc
Mil-lime friends in and around
Murray. Mr. Craig has sold his
ranch at Murwell and may locate
in Colorado, if the land will meet
wilh their approval.
Mrs. Cuzza Maker returned to
Plattsniouth Tuesday evening af
ter a month's visit with 1 her
brother, II. L. Oldham and family.
After a brief visit in Plattsniouth
she will go the northern part of
the state.
Mrs. K. M. Sterner and little
daughter, who have been visiting
her parents in Murray for I he past
few weeks, returned home in Lin
coln last Wednesday morning.
The trip was made in the auto
mobile of Mr. Isley, and they were
also accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Min ford, who were brief visitors
in the capital city.
Aid Society.
Mrs, J. W. Thomasen and Mrs.
Galin Rhoden entertained the Aid
society last Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Hhoden. The aft
ernoon was spent in the applica
tion of the busy needle by the
large number of ladies present, At
the usual hour a very delicious
two-course luncheon was served,
which was greatly enjoyed by all
in attendance. The following five
new members were ndded to the
society: Mesdanies Fred Ramge,
Alvin Hanige, Charles Mutz, Mert
Salchell and Glen Vallery. Fol
lowing were the ladies present to
enjoy the afternoon: Mesdames
M. F. Mrendel. II. C. Long, G. M.
Minford, I). C. Rhoden, T). A.
Young, M. C. Iliatt, A. L. Maker,
George Rhoden, Lloyd Gapen,
Charles Creamer, Walt Sans,
Charles Mutz, JetT Mrendel, Jake
Mrendel, Alex Rhoden. Will Spor
er, Glen Vallery, Will Seybolt, Mert
Salchell, Will Troop, Fred Ramge,
Will Hutcheson, Alvin Ramge,
Walter Minnear, Ross Williams,
Mira McDonald, Will Sporer ami
George Rhoden; Misses Ella
Thoiuason and Ruth Thomason.
Mr. Young Very III.
M. A. Young went to Omaha
Tuesday evening to see bis broth
er, Frank, who is still in the bos
pitnl in that city, and whose con
dilion has become very alarming
during the past few days. Ilo has
neen suiiering iroin a severe
stomach trouble for many years,
that became very serious a few
weeks ago at the time he came to
Omaha for treatment. His family,
who were in Minnesota, were call
ed lo his bedside Tuesday, as tho
physicians feared that he might
not recover.
Don't use harsh physics. The
reaction weakens tho bowels
leads lo chronic constipation. Gel
Doan's Regulets. They operate
office it will appear under tkin Ittadin
or THE
Murray Sta.te Ba.nk
Of Murray Nebraska,
Charter No. 57S
Iiicoruuratod in the State of Nebraska, at the
close of business June 14, I'.HJ.
Loans and discounts K3tX 7"
Overdrafts, sti-uivd and unsecured... 135 1H
Hanklnif house, furniture and HxUitvs S.soO M
Current expenses and taxes paid S.H3J "7
hue from national, slate and private
hanks X447 13
Currency I. KB 0(1
(old coin 7l.'i OH
Silver, nickels and cents 45 87-35,441 00
Total fxll.MO 72
Capital stock paid In 10.000 00
Surplus fund 5,000 00
Undivided profits 3,750 10
Individual deposit subject to
check 158.111 84
Demand certificates of deposit I.IH'.l 0!
Time certificates of deposit. .. 9,828 91
Cashier's checks outstanding, I.Ssl 70-70,511 03
DeiKwItors' guaranty fund 252 !
Total fsi.5io 72
Statk or Nebraska, I
County of Casn. (ss I. W. i. Hoedeker,
cashier of the alKve named bank, do hereby
swear that the aliovn statement Is a correct
and true copy of the report made to tho State
banklntr board. W. (I. Mokiikkkk. Cashier.
V, ,. Kkei L. Director.
Attest. f(.HA c i.AllMlcljKi Director
Subscrilied and sworn to before ine this 25th
dayof June, 1012. Matt,
Notary I'ubllo.
My commission expires July 25lh, 1017.
The Old Maids' Conention.
One of he most enjoyable
entertainments piven in Murray
for many a day was the Old Maids'
Convention, given at Jenkins' hall
last, Saturday evening by the,
ladies of the Aid society, under
the direction of Mrs. J. F. Mrendel.
The attendance was very large,
the receipts being almost $90,
which will go into the treasury of
I he society after the expenses are
paid. The great, transforming
scene, the wonderful doctor, his
powerful remedies and his mon
ster transforming machine was,
of course, a feature part of the
entertainment, at which time each
menuier oi trie convention was
transformed into the character of
their choice. The ladies were all
excellent in tin; characters thev
represented, as well as the doctor,
and many of whom are deserving
of personal mention, but not wit
nessing the performance the
writer is unable to give such men
tion, so all we can say is as they
told us they were all good. All
are praising the excellent work of
Mrs. Mrendel in directing and
staging the production.
Resolution of Condolence.
Whereas, It has pleased our
Heavenly Father, in His rnTmitr
wisdom and love, to remove from
our midst our esteemed and be
loved neighbor, William K. Dull,
of this camp; therefore, be it
Resolved, My the members of
Murray camp No. M856, Modern
Woodmen of America, thai in his
death the camp loses a staunch
and worthy member, the com
munity a loyal friend and his
wife a true and loving husband.
Resolved, That in respect to his
memory and in appreciation of
his honest and upright life, the
camp extends to his wife their
heartfelt sympathy; and be it
Resolved, That a copy of the
foregoing resolutions be entered
upon tne minutes or our camp
and published in our official paper
and a copy of the same be trans-
milted to the wife of our deceased
A. L. Maker,
Lloyd Gapen,
M. A. Root,
Frank Young Very Sick.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Frank Young of Minnesota,
formerly of near Murray, is quite
sick at a rooming house in Oma
ha, where he went to be treated by
a doctor who had treated him for
several years. Uncle Henry Moeck
and wife visited Mr. Y'oung Sunday
and Mrs. Moeck, who is a sister of
Mr. Young, remained with him.
Last night Mr. Moeck had a mes
sage from his wife stating that
her brother was worse, and his
illness is causing her consider
able uneasiness and she fears that
he may not recover.
Social Postponed.
The social to have been given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Tigner, south of Plattsniouth, on
Saturday evening, June 29th, has
been indefinitely postponed on
account of scarlet fever in that
The readings below are taKen at the
Huriingtun depot, where the ther
mometer is plated under conditions
similar to those used by the United
States weather bureau:
in. . . . 81 I 1 p. m.
in 81) I 2 p. 111.
For Nebraska Fair Thursday
and Friday; nut much change in
Graves Family Reunion.
Last week the Journal publish
ed an account of the Graves' fam
ily reunion, held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graves in Mur
ray, in which we failed to give all
the names of those present. The
all'air was given in honor of
Grandma Graves, who was born
in Pennsylvania ninety years ago.
Grandma Graves has lived in this
county for a great many years,
and has a great many friends who
would be pleased lo know that the
excellent old lady could live many
more. Quite a large number of
relatives and friends were invited
in to spend the day, all being
either relatives or very dear
friends of Mrs. Graves, who have
know n her and been neighbors for ,
a long time. Following were those
ores ent :
C. M. Graves, North Yacama,
Wash.; Mary Murnette, Mrs. W.
Myers, Rock MlulTs; Mrs. I). Rob
erts, Plattsniouth; Mrs. Emma
Graves, Lincoln; C. L. Graves and
daughters, Verna and Leola,
Union; Messie Nichols and chil
dren, Willard and Dorotha and
Maurice Lacy and wife, Omaha; J.
M. Graves, Peru; Mrs. Howard
Graves and children, Nebraska
City; II. Maxler and wife and baby,
Leslie; Mr. and Mrs. M. G.
Churchill and daughter, Clara;
Mr. W. P. Hulcliesoii and Mrs.
Sans, Hock Mlulls; Mr. and Mrs.
I. S. White, Mr. and Mrs. M. Iliatt,
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young and Mr.
and Mrs. M. Hall, Murray; Mrs.
Young and daughter, Isabella,
Murray; Mrs. Anna Miner, Lin
coln. To Those Interested.
The notes and accounts due
the late llrm of Kdniunds & Rrown
are left at the State Mank of Mur
ray for the convenience of those
who may desire to settle. This is
done because I will not be in
Murray all the time, having busi
ness on my farm.
J. W. Edmunds.
Wurl Brothers Cigars In Omaha.
"Gut Heil," "Keno" and "La-
Flor-de-B'ama" cigars may now
be tound in the "Smoke House"'
pool room opposite the Murling
lon depot in Omaha. Please call
tor them when in the city.
German St. Paul's Church.
Our Mission fest w ill be held on
Sunday, June 30.,
Services are in the morning at
10:20 and in the afternoon at
30. Rev. A. Matzner, from Til-
den, Neb., will speak in the fore
noon. Go to Henry's Notion Store for
Candles, Post Cards, Ice Cream
and 10o Sheet Music. Riley Block
on North Sixth Street. Also big
line of fireworks for the Fourth of
Bids Wanted.
Mids are wanted at once on cel
lar excavation. 25x80 feet deep.
Hialt A Tutt, Murray.
Charles Countryman went to
Omaha last Saturday morning and
spent the day with Mrs. Country
man, who is in the Methodist hos
pital. Mrs. Charles Countryman and
sister, Miss Elizabeth Oliver, were
Omaha visitors last week.
Small Photo
and I will make you a life size or
smaller size enlargment in
- Oil, Pastel or Crayon -
Prices to suit you. Satisfaction guar
anteed or no go.
-J. ASCH -
Taken from Case and Placed
Upon Pedestal at Capital.
Governor Aldrich as Yet Unable to Se
cure Orator of Sufficient Prominence
to Suit Committee Robert T. Lin
coin to' Assist in Ceremonies.
Lincoln, June 27. After a long and
uneventful journey, in which he laid
for many days In the freight house of
the Northwestern railway in this city,
Abraham Lincoln arrived at the state
house grounds and was taken from his
box and placed upon the pedestal pre
pared for him on the west side of the
state house.
The statue is about eight feet high
and appears to be a fine piece of work.
The head is slightly bowed and ap
pears to be representative of Lincoln
in a deep study. The figure will be
clothed in a canvas cover and will not
be open to public view until the un
veiling on Labor day.
The securing of an orator for the
unveiling ceremonies has been turned
over to Governor Aldrich, who has not
yet been able to secure a marmot suf
ficient prominence to suit the ;mmit
tee. It is expected that Robert T.
Lincoln, son of the president, will be
present when the figure is unveiled to
assist in the ceremonies, but it is
the Intention of the committee to get
a speaker of national reputation for
the main address.
It has been suggested that inas
much as Lincoln already possesses a
man of more than national prom
inence, that It might be perfectly
proper to have him deliver the address.
Amelia Monroe of Plattsmouth Seeks
Damages for Assault.
Plattsmouth, Neb., June 27. In the
district court a Jury was selected In
the case of Amelia Monroe against
C. Lawrence Stull, in which the plain,
till is bringing an action for dam
ages for assault and battery, the
plaintiff being a sister of the defend
ant. She alleges that her brother en
tered th store of the plaintiff's hus
band and assaulted the plaintiff with
his flats, knocked ler down and
kicked her, thereby Injuring her per
manently and severely. The defend
ant claimed to have acted in self de
fense, and that the plaintiff, his sis
ter, was trying to get a revolver from
the showcase when he struck her.
Aldrich Not on Third Party Committee
Lincoln, June 27. Governor Aldrich
announced that he will not serve on
the committee of eighteen appointed
by Govornor Johnson of California to
take the lead in organising the new
"progressive" party composed of
Roosevelt adherents. Governor Aid-
rich declared that he will "stay regu
lar" and take no part In any bolting
Railroad Men Urge President to Veto
BUI Abolishing It.
Washington, June 27. R. S. Davis
of Kansas City and a committee rep
resenting short line railroads of the
southwest urged President Taft to
veto the legislative, executive and Ju
dicial appropriation bill which carries
an amendment to abolish the com
merce court.
The railroad men told the president
they would practically have no meth
od of appealing from the interstate
commerce commission if the court
were abolished and no new machinery
for appeals set up. The president In
dicated he would support the court
and veto the bill.
Public Hearing of Impeachment
Charges at Seattle.
Seattle, Wash., June 27. Congress
men James M. Graham of Illinois, Ed
win M. Higglns of Connecticut and
Walter L. McCoy of New Jersey, dele.
gaUd ay the Judiciary committee of
the house of representatives to take
testimony In the Impeachment charges
preferred by Congressman Victor L.
Derger against United States District
Judge Cornelius H. Hanford, arrived
from Washington. The hearings,
Which will be public, will begin today.
Judge Hanford has engaged counsel to
protect his Interests before the com
mittee. Former Senator Higglns Dead.
Wilmington, Del., June 27. Former
United States Senator Anthony Hig
glns of Delaware died at the home of
his brother, 27 Washington square,
New York. Mr. HIggins had been 111
for some time. He was more than
eighty years old and was the first
Republican elected to the United
States senate from Delaware.
Tin Workers Granted Increase.
Toungstown, O., June 27. The
Amalgamated Association of Iron,
Steel and Tin Workers' request for a
wage advance of 25 cents per ton in
the rate for puddling, making the base
rate $5.25, has been granted by the
Republic Iron and Steel company.
About 15,000 skilled employees are af
fected by the increase.
easily. 25c at all stores.