- The Plattsmouth Journal - r 1 Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebraska CUD R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the PostolFice at Plattsmouth, Nebrauka, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE A SAVED! ! Iirlp! the sin. hi; man ! lniidly cried. His wife was in despair; Thni bright idea lie ad vertised And help came rushing t here. :o : Teddy has at last placed him self upon record as a holler. :o: An old broom can sweep clean enough if the tiling is in politics. :o: That word, "Molt," is the worst in Webster's Unabridged dic tionary. :o: All eyes are now on Baltimore and will continue in that direction oil this week. :o : Crops are jumping these days, following the "Browing" rains we have been having. :o: Now, who is cock of the repub lican walk in Nebraska? Why, Vic ftnsewaler, of course. :o: As Emperor William chooses his wife's hats, it is probable thai she takes every possible chance fo K" bareheaded. :o: This boll at Chicago is pretty hard on (iovernor Aldrich. An in cessant supporter of Roosevelt, will he still support Roosevelt? :o: Reasons for the high cost of living are plentiful enough it is the remedies that are scarce and it is the remedy that is wanted. :o: Two of Nebraska's delegates in regular convention at Chicago voted for Taft and fourteen re fused to show their hands at all. :o: If wisdom predominates in the selection of a presidential candid ate at Hallimore a democratic victory this fall is already as sured. :o: The Chicago convention has did gone and done it. The repub licans have paid the money, now they can take their choice between Taft and Roosevelt. :o: There is a good deal of com plaint, because coal costs more, luit if the consumer had the extra money, he would probably spend at n luxuries like meal. :o:- Where was Peanut Hadley. of Missouri when the light went out? Probably followed in the fool steps of the Nebraska governor getting out of Chicago as soon as possible. :o: No one man is big enough to run any parly, and the sooner some fellows find this out the bet ter. Roosevelt thought he wa9 liigger than his party, but he soon found out that ho wasn't. :o:- Those seven republican gov ernors that visited Roosevelt at Oyster Hay and insisted on his coming out for president are to blame for the condition of the re publican party today. Chester II. Aldrich was one of the seven. :o: Only about ten days till the Tourth. Make up your mind to iconic and help Plattsmouth peo vp'lc celebrate the day. Wo will endeavor to show you a good time in 'the enjoyment of a fine pro igrarn of exercises. Good music satl.day long. In olden limes conventions had a way of gelling rid of disscntioii ists from the very start. If political conventions would, in this day and age, get rid of all who go there for trouble right from the beginning, there would be less delay and more harmony. The Taft steam roller crowd has shown the "Rough Riders" a performance that will put them clear out of the arena. After the Chicago exhibition rough riding is merely tame sport and will hereafter have to go it alone and take their places on the vaudeville circuit. :o: In Iowa, the next legislature will consider a novel plan to les sen the burdens of a large family. U proposes that, every family should be exempt from taxation on $200 worth of properly for each child under 18. If this should become a law, every family of lifleen children would have $3, (00 worth of properly exempt if they had that much. Whenever a man becomes the owner of an automobile he at once becomes a convert to the good roads idea. Would it not he bet ter then that more people owned automobiles? Money invested in the improvement of the roads of the slate is bread cast upon the waters that will bring returns many days hence. :o: Champ Clark will go into the Hallimore convention with nearly iOO delegates, or more than double that of any other can didate. . With his remarkable ex ecutive ability and great popular ity among the leading democrats of the country he should at least be able to land the nominal ion on the second ballot. :o The cheapest good advertising the home merchant can employ is in his home newspapers. Many a retailer wastes more money every year in scheme and fake adver tising than would be required to buy a large display space in the newspapers that could be made to produce highly profitable results. Omaha Trade Exhibit. :o: The Hurlington furnished a most excellent train service for the Nebraska delegation and its friends, which passed through here Saturday evening about 7:30. Plattsmouth did honor lo the delegates, about 1,000 people, attended by the band, meeting them at. the depot to give them a good send-off. And it was cer tainly a big success. :o: There is no use to whoop and yell over the result of Ihe Chi cago convention. There are just as many self-conceited men in the democratic party as there are in the republican party, and, like Roosevelt, they think they know it all and want their own way about everything or they won't play. So, don't he yelling about democratic i success until after the Haltiinore convention. It is hoped matters will pass off smoothly, and if such be Ihe case then we can shout to our heart's content. :o:- The two great questions which are confronting the country for settlement are those of the trusts and the tariff, the two being close ly linked, interwoven and akin For the tariff is the mother of trusts, and the dollars they gain thereby is their doddy. It is be cause of the nourishment of the tariff that the trusts have flourished, and grown so powerfu inai today their "hired hands" sit in the scats nf government and j dictate as to the treatment of tin? trusts. :o: Don't put off changing to some ful ur! date four years more may hi; too late. Hurrah for democracy cheap biscuits and bread versus high prices and Taft and Ted. :o: The corn crop is reported very poor in the southeast corner of Cass count, some of which had to be replanted. :o : Now, don't get so excited that you cannot adjust yourself politically. Time evens up things wonderfully in politics. :o: The political atmosphere this year has been as remarkable and unusual as the weather. The hot times are yet to come. :o: It is not surprising that Penn sylvania and New Jersey should go the same way. The same peo ple own them who have always owned them. :o: A protective tariff law is an abomination to a democrat, but a chance to make it higher is the delight of New England repub licans. An exchange heads an article, "Where Does Democracy Stand?" Democracy does not stand at all. It is progressive and keeps mov ing forward for belter things for the people. :o: Every republican should pray for Champ Clark's nomination, viewing the situation entirely from a selfish party standpoint. Omaha Hoe. Oh, what a lie The Hee does not want Champ Clark nominated. That's what's the matter. :o: The people of this and other states have rome to look" upon judicial decisions based upon mere legal technicalities, at ,un fafr and unjust to litigants ahrTto the people. The lawyer of the future will have to asly. for judg ment upon the merits of the case, no matter what legal technicali lies may be involved. :o: : Oovernor Aldrich Is now "be tween the devil and the deep blue sea," and hardly 'knows which way to jump. Just as well one way as another. He was doomed to defeat, even before the Chicago convention.' The people of.. Ne braska have made up their'tninds that he was too small for the ex ecutive chair, anyway. :o: "Mack lo the farm" is where that man Hadley of Missouri will go after his term of otllce expires as governor. Hack to David City is where Ihe governor of Ne braska will go after his term of otllce expires. We have heard nothing from the other the of the seven governors who are to blame for the big republican rumpus at Chicago. :o: iou can set ono thing down for a fact. If in a hundred and twenty-five years this government has reached the point where its uesiinies depend upon one political party, and tho fate of that party hangs on one man, we might just as well find it out as not. We aro undone either way if that is true. If that is not so- Ihere seems to be only ono way to demonstrate it now. The democrats of Nebraska live in great hopes of hearing good news from the Hallimore conven tion. There is no cause for any disruption whatever, and from present indications there will be none. Every democrat should be prepared to support the nominee, no matter whom ho may be. There i9 one thing certain, Ihe democrats of this nation aro not going to mako any serious mis takes in naming a good man, and one of popularity and ability. And Champ Clark Is the bill in every I particular. :o:- Congressman William Sulzer of New York has favored us with a copy of a book containing ex tracts from his speeches in the house and other short addresses, with a sketch of his life. He was born in lSti3 and has been elected continuously for 18 years as a member of the lower house and his record there is one to be proud of. He has been a working mem ber and always a progressive along conservative lines, lie is one of the very ablest men in congress and always a democrat. Of course in the light of re publicanism a man is entitled to whatever he has bought and paid for. If he has bought a seat in the United States senate it is his; if he has bought a seat in the cabinet, it is his. If he has bought a lawyer or a legislature, a judge or a judicial decision, they are his. If he has bought the right to rob and immunity from persecution and penalty, they are his. If he wants to stop a crowd of poor white trash from doing anything, he gets out an "injunc tion," which means nothing more than to entail the powers that be might co-work the wrongs that and that is an "injunction." :o: Some of the little one-horst republican papers are still trying to trump up some charge agajnsl Hon. John H. Morehead, and they have utterly failed in every in stance. This is perhaps the man ner in which they expect to repay the present governor for his liberality in giving them Ihe con stitutional amendments to pub lish at Ihe expense of the taxpay ers of Nebraska. Hut il will hi Ihe hardest job these republican papers ever undertook to tind any crookedness in the past career of the next governor. Hon. John II. Morehead is n gentleman and scholar and be will till the position of governor to the entire satisfaction of a great majority of the people of Nebraska, some- tlimg that C. II. Aldrich has signally failed' to do. :o: ": : Are you a summer nuisance? rhis is the season when windows and doors are open, and if von lafe a cow that bawls, roosters that crow, a piano which you play far into the night, dogs that bark and howl, you are a summer nuis ance, and your neighbors not only hale you, but talk about you. Of course you can be suppressed: the police can control nuisances, but you are supposed to bo re spectable, and your neighbors probably dislike to submit you to the humiliation of a scene in the police court. They threaten to do it, howeper, behind your back. summer nuisance keeps rents in neighborhoods down and ruins properly. Try not to be one. If you are a summer nuisance, do not wait for the police to sup press you. Put the lid on your self. "A word to Ihe wise," etc. :o: mere are tunes when purse strings are tightened when there is a proposition of a public nature calling for contributions. Men w ill lalk of their, past coulribu tions, of the failure of this and the other project, and will refuse to pay money for further plans which they say will not bring money to their pockets. There aro some of these men to be found in every community, just as there aro small potatoes in every hill. Hut when this condi tion becomes general, when men on, whom the community has a right to look for a slight return for tho benefit and the prosperity which they enjoyed, refuse thus lo discharge one of their plainest duties and when the number of such men becomes so great as to threaten the success of move ments in the public interest, that condition is an evidence of species of dry rot which, if not speedily removed will land tho community in the commercia graveyard. The fiKht at Baltimore is the center of attraction. :o: Hear in mind that you may have the pleasure of voting for Mr. Hryan for president for the fourth time. :o: That donkey will certainly have a lot of fun knocking the g. o. p. elephant around this fall, if pres ent signs do not fail. :o: An insurgent is a republican who believes in democratic prin ciples and don't care a darn who knows it. -:o:- This promises to be the hottest presidential campaign in many years. We hope it won't get too hot until the corn crop is laid by. :o: Plattsmouth can boast of one of the finest ball parks in the state, along with its many other substantial improvements this season. :o: A progressive is a fellow who is not feeding from the hand of a political boss, nor sneezing when a trust magnate takes snuff, or turning somersaults with the sons of Ham. :o: Tht! Roosevelt party is here to slay. The third party will have effective organizations in every state in the. Union, so Teddy says. Teddy, as is well known, is not a quitter. :o: Paul Clark, republican can didate for congress from the First district, says he is for Roosevelt first, last and all the time. How do President Taft's supporters like that? :o: Plattsmouth is to have a car nival for one week, beginning Monday, July 8. The city council has decided to grant tho Red Men the privilege, but just where il will be held has not yet been de termined. :o: Poor Aldrich!' "He is now' re gretting that Iien toyk part as one of the seven governors who brought Roosevelt out as a can didate and thus disrupted the re publican party. He feels, oh, so sorry I :o: A stand-patter is an old-style, tnossback republican, like Joe Cannon, who allowed his con stituents to fall flat while he stood and swelled a small congres sional salary into millions. And there are many such in this country. :o: Say what you will, but Teddy Roosevelt is certainly a stem winder ' when it comes to cam paign maneuvers. Hut he will have to acknowledge that Hilly Taft beat him at his own game this time. It was a hard proposi tion for Teddy to work against all tho federal office-holders, whom lie will beat in the end if he stays in the race. :o: It will soon be known who will be the democratic candidate for president. Let it be Clark, Wil son, Underwood, Marshall or Hryan, the successful nominee will receive the united and stead fast support of the Journal. Every democrat should make up his mind to do the same. Wise heads will act wisely at Hallimore and a good man will be nominated. :o: Democrats must not get too confident of success, even if everything passes off harmon iously in the Hallimore conven tion. It is four months till the election and a great deal of har monizing can be accomplished in the republican ranks by that time. Democrats want to keep lined up for the fray. :o: We are pleased to note that Judge Parker of New York was honored with the temporary chairmanship of tho naltimore convention. We could not see any reason for opposition to him from GOAL and We are now handling a complet ne of coal. Call and let us quote you prices for your fall and winter coal. We handle wheat, oats, corn and chop of all kinds. Ind. Telephone 297 Nelson Jean & Go. the start. Once the democratic candidate for president, and one of the ablest jurists in the coun try, and alw ays a democrat, he de served the honor. :o: A republican friend remarked to the writer: "What if the democrats nominate Hryan at Haltimore can you give him as cordial support as before?" ,We gave him this reply: "Yes, sir. We are democratic to the core and can support any man the wise heads of the democratic party of this nation nominate for presi dent. We have always believed W. J. Hryan one of the brainest men in the United States and en tirely too honest to make a suc cessful politician." -:o:- The republicans of Xeurasxa are evidently in a sad predica ment. Two or three of the elect ors nominated by that party are said to be for Taft and the others for Roosevelt, but in the past per sonal desires of the electors have never been asserted. They have invariably voted for the nominee of the national convention. The Taft supporters believe that if any of the republican candidates for elector cannot vote for Taft, they should withdraw from the ticket and go on the ballot by peti tion and announce, to the public that they stand as candidates who will vote for Roosevelt It is said Roosevelt supporters will claim that Roosevelt is the nominee of the regularly called national con vention and that the eight can didates for elector on the repub lican ticket should vote for Roosevelt. Discovered Blood Letter. Fred Clugy, while taking his morning walk this morning near the little creek, which runs hard by his dwelling, discovered a leech which he succeeded in capturing alive. This animal or worm or fish, was formerly very popular with the medical fra ternity and used for blood letting. The use of the leech is abating , somewhat as a medical adjunct, but the political specimen is still in vogue. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of DR Herman Groodor, Graduate Vetineary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Phone 378 White, Plattsmouth C.W.CIIR1SWISSER THE Live Stock Dealer Nehawka, Nebraska is ready to make you the most liberal ofTer on anything you have for sale in the stock line. Get His Prices Before Selling FEE0