The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 27, 1912, Image 2

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: Summer Footwear.r.
Hundreds of
On account of the radical and sudden changes in styles and the many different varieties we are com
pelled to carry in Ladies' Shoes, results in large semi-annual loses, and also from many different causes the
ladies' department is unprofitable, consequently we are determined to close out our Ladies' Department
entirely, and discontinue it with the intention of substituting some other line of merchandise.
Pleasing Prices on
Child's Slippers!
with this in view Every Pair of Ladies9 Oxfords Must Go, and to do this and not have a pair
left, we are dividing our Sale Oxfords into five classes and again putting the knije into our former low prices, and cutting not only the profit but also additional cost
250 Pairs Ladies' Dependable Oxfords at Slaughter Prices of
J 11.75 and
Never in the history of Cass County Shoe Merchandising were ever such marvelous values offered at these prices and we wish to make it impressive that these shoes
are honest values, at marked down prices from our regular lines carried in the past, and not a lot oijunk bought for the occasion.
f 1 COME NOW! And Take Advantage of SHOE OPPORTUNITIES Never Before Offered!
1 Lot Ladies' Patent Oxfords, were $3.00,
Now Only
1 Lot Ladies' Kid Oxfords not shoddy,
Now Only
1 Lot Ladies' Patent Pumps were $3.50,
Now Only
1 Lot Ladies Dull Kid Red Cross Pumps were $4.00, 0 QEZ
Combination Tie and Strap. Now Only Y,,OJ
1 Lot Ladies' White Oxfords were $2.50,
Now Only
1 Lot Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps, some were worth CHI ff
as high as $3.00 and $4.00. Now Only fI.UU
1 Lot Ladies' Tan and Black Oxfords, were $3.50 and j- 7c
$3.00 values. Now Only p I
1 Lot Ladies' Tan Oxfords, were $3.50,
Now Only
1 Lot Ladies' Tan Oxfords, were $3.50,
Now Only
Ladies White Canvas Oxfords, were $1.50,
Now Only
100 PAIRS MEN'S OXFORDS, PATENT and GUN CALF, Clean-Up Price $1.95, $2.25, $3.25-SOME WORTH $5.00
This way for your 4th of July Shoes and spend a sane 4'th at home in our little city, and you are welcome to make our store your resting headquarters. We
have prepared a nice cool room for the ladies in which to rest with their babies, and a lady will be in charge if you want to leave the little "dears" with us a while.
We want to study your comfort and make it as pleasant as possible. Ice water will be on tap.
Boy's Dressy Shoes
.. .. 1.
Barefoot Sandals
Heme of Interest to Journal Readers Will Be Received M the Drug Store
Henry Clapp, jr., has a new
John Skinner was in Lincoln
Miss Mona Heed went to Oinalia
Mrs. William Casey was in Lin
coln Thursday.
T. N. llolibitl came in from
Lincoln Tuesday.
Mrs. L. H. Appleinan went to
Lincoln Monday.
Charles Holfsz went to Lin
coln Wednesday.
John Elliott and son went to
Lincoln Monday.
Miss Grayce Foreman went to
Li nor In Monday.
K. M. Stone was in Omaha on
business Thursday.
A. J. Friend and wife went to
Lincoln Wednesday.
H. A. Stone was in Omaha Wed
nesday on business.
C. M. Jordan was in Lincoln
Saturday on business.
Charles Suavely went to Lin
coln Saturday evening.
Miss Fsther Hosenow was shop
ping, in Lincoln Saturday.
Miss Ella Miller of Lincoln is
here visiting her parents.
Sam Jordan and C. M. Jordan
aulocd to Lincoln Monday.
Chris Dreamer returned from
Lincoln Saturday evening.
Mrs. o. (.. Huckncll visited in
Lincoln Thursday and Friday,
Mrs. Cora Suavely came down
from Lincoln Monday evening.
Mrs. Charles Strong returned
from Lincoln Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Sam Cashner was in Lin
coin hnving dental work done Fri
Mrs. Itelle Reefer of Lincoln
came in Saturday to visit rela
Mrs. Klmer Klyver and Miss
Mabel Sloul were Lincoln visitors
Mrs. August Johnson and chil
lren returned Minday evening
from Omaha.
Horn Sunday. June 23, 1012, to
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Candy, a
daughter. Also, on Saturday, June
22, 11)12, to Mr. and Mrs. P.
Keuhn, a daughter.
Harry Appleinan and family re
turned to their home in Lincoln
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman,
jr., and Mrs. Itelle Dennett were
in Lincoln Tuesday.
Miss Grayce llailey returned
Saturday evening from a brief
visit in Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of
University Place visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Stone Sunday.
Fid Stroemer look his last load
if goods to Hnrneston, Neb., Wed
nesday, where, he is moving.
Charles Godly and family and
Mrs. Joe Prouty spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prouty.
Henry Clapp, jr., of Elmwood,
and Miss Orayce llailey motored
to Lincoln Sunday lo visit friends.
Thomas Murly and family of
Weeping Water spent Sunday
with his brother, John Murly and
Mrs. C. M. Jordan returned
Tuesday from a few days' visit
with Mrs. I. J. Jamison at Wes
ton, Neb.
Miss Verna Hyder of Lincoln
came down Sunday with S. C.
Hoyles and family, visiting with
them until Tuesday morning.
Sain Jordan, F.d Stroemer and
J. A. Shaffer motored to Plaits-
mouth Tuesday afternoon. C. 11.
Jordan returned home with ihein.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kimberly
of Greenwood and Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron Pailingof Greenwood spent
Sunday with W. F,. Newkirk and
Miss Violet Ough returned to
her home in Lincoln Sunday even
ing, after spending the past week
with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Shaffer.
Mrs. C. C. lloyles of Lincoln
came down Sundav evening with
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hoyles in their
auto, arriving just in lime to re
turn to Lincoln on No. 17.
Mr. and Mrs. John While ami
daughter and Mrs. Zimmer of Lin
coln came down Tuesday on No.
18 and spent Hie day with Mr. ami
Mrs. Tyson, who reside on Mr.
White's farm.
Mr. and Mr, Frank I, inch and
family of Lincoln came down
Sunday to visit relatives. Mr.
Linch returned home Sunday
evening, the family remaining for
several days' visit.
Charles Ayres, Charles Suave
ly, A. I. Rird and J. A. Shaffer
drove to (ireenwood last Wednes
day evening, where an A. O. U. W.
lodge was organized by 1). (5. M.
W. Phillips of Table Hock, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stone and
Mrs. Hina Kilzel went to Elmwood
Tuesday, from whence Mrs. Stone
went lo Weeping Water to visit
Mrs. (lorder, and Mrs. Kitzel went
to Murray to visit W. 1). Wheeler
and family.
Frank Yaeger came in Sunday
Hev. II. H. Collins of (iracc
Methodist church. Mr. Hraun is
the Rock Island telegraph operat
or at Alvo and Mrs. Hraun is the
daughter of the hotel keeper at
Alvo. The bride was beautifully
attired. A handsome wedding
present from a brother of Hie
bride, who is serving in the navy
in Chinese waters, was received.
They will lake a honeymoon trip
in the east. Lincoln Journal.
The bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Yeager of Alvo,
and the writer, being acquainted
with the bride, knows that she Is
a most accomplished young lady
and wo are sure that the groom
feels very fortunate in securing
from Puget Sound, Washington, I such a prize for a companion
to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Yeager. He has been
serving as gunner's mate in the
navy on the battleship West Vir
ginia, and is home on a four
months' furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prouty re
turned Tuesday morning from
their honeymoon, spent in Cali
fornia. They drove to Elmwood
to visit Mrs. Prouty's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Cliles, reluming to
the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Prouty, Wednesday.
S. C. Hoyles and family motored
to Lincoln Saturday, whence Miss
Flora left Sunday for Madison,
Wis., to attend the sorority na
tional .convention as delegate.
From there Miss lloyles will go to
LMica, N. Y., with Dr. C. E. Con
dra and family to attend the Cor
nell summer school.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
M. E. church will hold a picnic in
S. C. Hoyles' grove on July 4th.
There will he a parade at 9:30, af
ter which a program will be ren
dered, also games of all kinds,
races and various amusements.
Tables will be set for the picnic
dinner and everyone is invited to
attend and bring a basket dinner.
Several stands will serve ice
cream and cool drinks at popular
prices. A base ball game will be
played in the afternoon. Every
body come.
through life. The Journal extends
congratulations and hopes their
married life will be one continued
round of pleasure and happiness.
Married In Lincoln.
(ieorpe Hraun and Miss J'-dilh
Yeager, both of Alvo, were married
at the residence of relatives, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Hoyles, 2105 Vine
street, nt p. m. yesterday, by
When your child has whooping
cough be careful to keep the
cough loose and expectoration
easy by giving Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy as may be riv
quired. This remedy will also
liquify the tough mucus and make
it easier lo expectorate. It has
been used successfully in many
epidemics and is safe and sure.
For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co.
From this date until further
notice "ATLAS" Portland Cement
will be sold from this yard at the
rate of $1.55 per barrel, Instead
of $1.60, which our competitors
are asking for an Inferior brand
of cement. This is less than 40o
a sack and rock-bottom at that
"ATLAS" Portland Cement is the
STANDARD by which all other
makes are measured. When you
need cement for any purpose come
to THIS yard and allow us to Mil
your requirements with a brand
of cement on which you take no
chances "ATLAS." '
Gund Building Being Painted.
The Ound building at the cor
ner of Main and Fourlh streets is
being treated to a coat of paint
an. I the building will present a
different appearance after the
painters are through with it. The
interior of the building has been
overhauled also ami painted and
new sleel ceilings placed in the
Will Be In Plattsmouth One Week,
Commencing on Monday.
July 8.
Mr. Lebeno, advance agent of
the Mid-West Carnival company,
was in the city last night and
signed a contract with the Red
Men to bring his carnival, with
twelve lo fifteen paid attractions,
to the city from July 8 to 13 in
clusive. The dimensions of Richey street
are hardly sufficient for the shows,
and the Red Men will make an ef
fort to have the council grant the
carnival Hie usi? of Main street
between Second and Third.
At a meeting of the Red Men
last night it was decided to go
ahead and have the carnival.
Adolph (Siese was selected as
chairman; E. Walters, secretary,
and John Cory, treasurer of the
committee on arrangements, the
carnival lo be given under the
auspices of the Red Men, Missouri
Tribe No. (59.
Mr. Lebeno was with the Park
er company when it was here a
few years ago, and staled to the
cominillee that the Mid-West
company was ahead of I he Parker
This is lo certify that Foley's
Money and Tar Compound does
not . contain any opiates, any
habit-forming drugs, or any in
gredients that could possibly
harm its users. On the contrary,
its great healing and soothing
qualities make it a real remedy
for coughs, colds and irritations
of the throat, chest and lungs. The
genuine is in a yellow package.
Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound and accept no sub
stitute. For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Some Wheat Being Mowed.
W. II. Seybert and wife and'
children drove in from their home
near Cullom this morning to get
binding twine and make arrange
ments to harvest their wheat crop.
Some of the wheat is too short to
bind and is being cut with a mow
er and will be raked and threshed
loose. The kernel will be good,
but the straw short.
Each age of our lives Tias Its
joys. Old people should be hap
py, and they will be if Chamber
lain's Tablets are taken to
strengthen the digestion and keep
the bowels regular. These tablets
are mild and gentle in their action
and especially suitable for people
of middle age and older. For
sale bv F. 0. Fricke & Co.
Marriage License.
From Velnplay' Dnlly.
Marriage license was issued
yesterday by the county judge lo
Edward John Wight of Grand Is
land and Miss Clara Elhalone
Johnson of Weeping Water. The
bride is the second daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Johnson, who
formerly resided in Plattsmouth
for a number of years. The groom
is a briulil young business man
of Grand Island.
It is now well known that not
more than one case of rheuma
tism in ten requires any internal
treatment whatever. All that is
needed is a free application of
Chamberlain's Liniment and mas
saging the parts at each applica
tion. Try it and see how quickly
it will relieve the pain and sore
ness. Sold by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
Unload Threshing Outfit.
W. T. Smith assisted hi
brother, John, of Nehawka, to
unload a new and complete West
ingliouse threshing machine out
fit at the Hurlington station yes
terday afternoon. The machine
was taken to the Smith home
near Nehawka, where the thresh
ing of the wheat crop will be
commenced this week.
Mrs. M. A. McLaughlin, 512 Jay
St., LaCross, Wis., writes that she
suffered all kinds of pains in her
back and hips on nct onnl of kid
ney trouble and rheumatism. "I
got some of Foley Kidney Pills and
after taking them for a few days
there was a wonedrful change in
my case, for the pain entirely
left, my bnck and hips ami I am
thankful there is such a medicine
as Foley Kidney Pills." For sale
bv F. G. Fricke A Co.