Slate Historical Su Soj f&latt out D jouma VOLUME XXXI. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1912. NO. 48. be H AnEMPTS ARE BEING MADE 10 SOLVE PROBLEM OF HIGH COST OF LIVING Elimination of Waste, Selection of Foods Containing the Greatest Nutritive Value, and Skill in Concocting Appetizing Dishes, ' are all Steps in the Right Direction. In attempting to solve the problem of the high cost of living, Kansas is directing its energies toward showing the wage-earners how to economize on the food products. Prof. E. II. S. Hailey, food analyst of the state board of health, is sending to each local labor union a copy of rules which he believes will help housewives in their effort to save money, or to receive better food values for the amount expended. The first eight rules are: Stop eating more than is neces sary. Stop the waste in the se lection of food. Do not waste good food by throwing it away. . Food bought, in small packages costs more than it is worth. The most expensive food is not always the best. Do not purchase foods out of season. The best food may be spoiled by bad cooking. Have a system in preparing foods and avoid the purchase of more than is needed for immediate use. Professor Hailey believes the average person eats too much, lie says: "The appetite often excites a perosn to take more food than is necessary or is good for his sys tem. Unrestrained appetite in either food or drink leads to a loss of efficiency and adds to the cost of living. The heaviest waste comes from the improper selec tion of food, mistakes in keeping or storing, and in preparation for the table." Kansas will hereafter pay a bonus of $500 to every High school that maintains a complete domestic science course. The agricultural college will send out a doen movable domestic seienct schools to stay a week in each town for the purpose of showini housewives how to cook accord mg to I lie latest ideas m economic management. Food thrift lec tures will also be sent broadens over the state, telling the different kinds of food and tie nutritive value of each. In this way the cost of living can be kept down, and the greatest possible nutri ment can be secured from all the foods used. Elimination of waste, selection of foods containing the crealest nutritive value, and skill in concocting appetizing dishes are all "steps in the right direc tion. Hy anil by it will be con sidered a crime for housewives to be wasteful. Ma Good Time From Omaha. From Tuesday's Dally. Ed llynott yesterday lowered the motorcycle record between Omaha and I'lattsmoulh to 15 minutes of actual running. Ed made it in exactly 55 minutes, but was laid out ten minutes at La Platte by two punctures in his tire. From Omaha to La Platte required 35 minutes and the speed limit within the corporation limits of Omaha and South Omaha were adhered to. Ed is confident he can lower his runinng time of yes terday when the road is a little better. 11 VERI PRETTY TREE PLANTING A SUC CESS GASS COUNTY Cottonwood Trees Planted Forty three Years Ago Now Being Made Into Lumber. HOI ID EENGI NFS CONSIDERED THE BES T New Switch Engines to Be Built . at the Burlington Shops in Havelock. The Havelock shops will soon begin to build five switch engines, known as class (i 3. Material is now being assembled for t he pur pose. Class (S. engines are the second largest in service on the Burlington system west of the Missouri river. These have a tractive power of 28,200 pounds. The largest size have a tractive power of 33,700 pounds, says the j testifying to his Lincoln Jurnal. The traction force or pulling capacity of switch engines as well as locomotives has been increas ing considerably in the last twenty-five years. Fifteen years ago the shops built a class fl i switch engine, which had a trac tive power of but 18,400 pounds. Twenty-live years ago the maxi mum tractive power of switch en gines built at the mechanical de partments of the railroad was only 13,350 pounds. With the present modern facilities of the Havelock shops it will take fifty men but six days to build one of the five switch en gines soon under construction. In the last ten years "twenty-three switch engines have been built at the shops. Six of the (1 G class, or largest size with greatest tractive force are still in Active service. Switch engines built by the company are considered more satisfactory than those which are built by contract with some big locomotive factory. They are de clared to run longer without re pairs and to outlast. With the latest and most modern labor saving machinery it has been found that they can be erected for less money. The building of switch engines has not been car ried on for several years at the shops because there has been no demand for new motive power of this kind. Many years ago tin road built some locomotives. With its present excellent facilities for manufacturing them it is pos sible that at some time this class of work will be resumed. Shop ofllcials declare that they are not afraid to tackle anything in this lino with the equipment now. Senator Shallenberger. The How-ells Journal has this to say of the next democratic U. S. senator from this state: A. G. Shallenberger is a far-sighted statesman whose policies stand the test of time. Take the bank guarantee law, which he was among the first to advocate and which, as governor, he had the pleasure of signing. It is today one of the most popular laws upon the statute books of our state, and even Hie bankers who fought it the hardest now admit its good points. Then there is the 8 o'clock closing law. What a howl went up when he signed it! It is today extremely popular with our peo ple and will never be repealed. So we might go on and mention other acts of the ex-governor, all good judgment. In brief, he is the kind of man who makes good. He will be as useful in the United Slates senate as he was in the governor's chair. Board Adjourns. From Tuesday' Dally. The board of county commis sioners finished their labors as a hoard of equalization yesterday and Mr. Heebner departed for his home this morning and Mr. Jor dan this afternoon. They will sit again one week from today to re reive and consider bids for the building of bridges in the county The question of straightening out the road on the line of Cass and Lancaster counties has been agitating the minds of the board to some extent, and the matter of a meeting between the boards of Cass and Lancaster counties is to be arranged by Chairman Fried rich and this will no doubt, occur in the near future. The conference will occur at the line and the two boards will view the proposed changes to be made. CHURCH WEDDING In conversation with W. T, Smith a day or two ago, the writer was informed that Mr. Smith was ennnticd a part of last week in cutting and sawing into lumber some large collonwood trees on (he farm of Jacob Tritsch, about a mile east of the old Livingston ranch, in Fight Mile drove pre cinct. Some of these trees wen more than 100 feet high and near ly four feet in diameter, and one Irce alone made several hundred feet of lumber. The lumber from these tree.- Mr. Tritsch intends to use in tin consiruclion or a large nam on his farm. Some interesting his- torv is related concerning these magnificent trees, in 1808 Judge' Hasil S. Ramsey, then about, 2i years old, purchased the eighty lores upon which these trees grew for $300. At that time there was not a sign of a tree of any kind upon the land except a few willow sprouts along a small spring branch across the south east, corner. That year Judge llamsey, with a small team of horses and a 12-inch plow, broke about half the eighty, including the part where the grove and or chard are now located. While breaking the land the Judge batched in a 10x12 shanty made of collonwood lumber. The next spring, 1801), he laid olT I he rows about eight feet apart and planted the cotton wood sprouts, three or four feet in length, from which grew Mr. Trilsch's saw logs. The Judge tilled the ground between the trees for some years until the trees got a good start, and from these young collonwoods, so care fully planted and tended by the Judge 43 years ago, have develop ed the magnificent trees which have weathered many a hard storm and now furnish the ma terial for a valuable barn. At the time the cottonwoods were planted Judge Ramsey also planted an orchard of apple trees, many of which are still living and bearing fruit every year. Wnlnut trees planted at that, time have acquired a diameter of two feet and are bearing every year. The farm was sold by Judge Ramsey to Jacob Tritsch in 1889, and many valuable improvements have been added since. How very truly vermeil is trie auage oi ine late Hon. J. Sterling Morton: "Plant trees." Mr. Joseph Sedlak and Miss Her- mia Kalasek United In Holy Bonds of Wedlock. From Tuesday's Daily. very pretty church wedding occurred this morning at the Holy Rosary Catholic church, when Father John Vlcek joined in the holy bonds of wedlock Mr. Joseph Sedlak and Miss Hermia Kalasek. The bride was attended by Miss Celia Kalasek, a sister, and Miss Clara Janda. The groom was ac companied by James Sedlak, brother of the groom and J. Kal asek, a brother of the bride. A large number of relatives of the happy young couple attended the marriage ceremony at the church, after which Hie bridal party and guests repaired to the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Joseph Kal asek, where a reception was ten dered the bride and groom. About 12 o'clock a sumptuous wedding dinner was served at the home of t he bride's mot her. The groom and bride are pop ular young people, Mr. Sedlak having acquired many friends among I'lattsmoutu young men since his arrival from his native land a few years ago. lie holds a good position at the Hurlington local shops, where he is wi liked by all who come in contact with him. The bride was born and reared in this city and is an attractive and highly respected young lady, being the daughter of Mrs. Joseph Kalasek of this oily, and she possesses a large ciroli of young friends with whom she is very popular. l lie Journal joins with their legion of friends in wishing Mr and Mrs. Sedlak prosperity and happiness along life's journey. Another New Baby In Town. From Monday's Pally. The stork isiled the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. (',. Epings last niht and left them the dearest and sweetest little daughter that ever "came down the pike," and J. C. is just a little bit the proudest papa in Plallsinoulh to day. Mother and baby are doing nicely and the Journal hopes the little lady will live many years to brighten the home of her parents. YOUNG PEOPLE ARE It OF TENTH BIRTHDAY James Hunter and son, Robert, departed this afternoon for Hitchcock, South Dakota, where they will visit Mr. Hunter's daughter for a few days, return ing with Mrs. Hunter and the children next week. Few Days on the Farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson went to the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, down near Weeping Water. Frank came up after them Thursday, ret in ning home Sun day morning. Mr. and Mrs. John son are living on the Walker section, north of Weeping Water, where they have erected a new residence and made many other improvements until they are most comfortably situated. The crops are looking as good as in other sections of the county, which, combined with an excellent lint up of stock, they are truly on the prosperous side of life. (i. It. Rhoden of Eight Mile drove precinct visited his par cuts, George W. Rhoden and wife, for a short lime today, as well as looking after a few items of busi ness. Poor Crops In the East. E. Rignell, superintendent of the Lincoln division of the Hur lington, who returned Saturday from an extended trip in the east, says crops look better west of Chicago than east of that city, and that the best prospects are near the Missouri river. Mr. Hignell spent some time in New York City and observed the crop situation between New York and Chicago closely. "dlad to get back to Nebraska," he said. "Con ditions are better here. If the east depends on such crops as I saw I he people would starve to death. It seems good to get back where crops grow and where farmers have real farms." Lincoln Jour-pal. . A Linen Shower. From Tuesday's Dally. Last evening Miss Anna O'Hrien, who has been making her home wilh Mrs. Weckbach, was made the victim of a most i lightful surprise party. Miss O'Hrien is soon to be married, and so a number of her friends plan ned Ibis enjoyable occasion, it be ing in the nature of a linen shower. Miss O'Hrien was com pletely surprised when her friends walked in on her, and during the evening when she was 'showered wilh many handsome linen pieces, she could not help but feel pleas ed at the kind remembrances of her friends. A number of amuse ments had been planned, which furnished plenty of entertainment for all. The first one was that of pinning the tail on the donkey, in which Miss Albia Svoboda captur ed the prize, a pretty linen piece, while Miss T. Hempel was award ed the booby prize, a small pack age of candy. The jolly company then indulged in a marshniallow eating contest, and Miss Helen Spies succeeded in downing tin largest, number and was presented with a bottle of perfume. ' Miss Anna O'Hrien won the booby prize, a box of gooseberry can dies. Delicious refreshments were served, after which the guests departed for their homes, having thoroughly enjoyed them selves. Those in attendance were Misses Albia Svoboda, Teresa Hempel, Margaret Hanrahan, Rose Vondran, Hermia and Helen Spies, Mary Novolny, Mary West, Mary Nemelz, Emma Hauer and Minnie Horn. Large Company of Little Folks Delightfully Entertained Yes terday Afternoon. From Wednesday's Dally. A large company of little people were deligliuully entertained bv little Miss Ruth Mo ITet at her home yesterday afternoon in honor of her tenth birthday an niversary. For the entertainment or ner in le iruesis Hum mid ar ranged a peanut hunt, and a num ber of peanuts had been previous ly hidden in various nooks about the lawn. Fpon counting the peanuis u was ioumi inai, miss Hallance had found the large number and sue was awarded (lie price, a roly-poly. The little guests then par ticipated in various games, which furnished plenty of amusement for them and which made the aft el-noon s entertainment a most enjoyable one. A pleasing fealun was a dainty birthday luncheon consisting of brick ice cream cake, lemonade and candies, which were served about 0 o'clock. Those who assisted little Miss Ruth in properly celebrating her birthday were: Adelia Sayles Clara Mae Morgan, Helen Wes cott, Mason Wescott, Carl Wurl nut martin,, r ranees martin Waller Martin, Dorotha Peters Fern Thompson, Clara Louise Ah bolt, Lee Abbott, Gladys Coiner Marie Nemelz, Johnny Nemelz Jauline Knjeck, Jenelle llajeck Kajeck, Roseo Hill, Alii Plak, Clodit Plak, Theodore IMak Carl ami Ruth MolTet, Miss Eth Itallanre and Miss Nell Oakes. UNITED IN fcninpif Very Pretty Home Wedding Takes Place Wednesday, June 19, at High Noon. mm Wednesday's Dally. A very pretty home wedding ook piace eiinesiiay, .nine iv, at high noon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. (lodwin, when their oldest daughter, Miss Mollye, was united in marriage to Mr. John Shurigar of Kenesaw, Neb. The solemn and impressive ring cere mony, which united this happy- young collide, was read by Rev. A. . Zink, pastor of the Christian liurch of I'lattsmoulh. Tin? bride wore a wedding gown of while embroidery and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Anna Wohlfarth of this ily was bridesmaid, while Mack McCarlhv was the best man. Miss Shea of this city played the wedding march. Miss Mollye grew to woman hood in this city, where she recently graduated from the High school and is a member of the High School Mandolin club. She is a young lady of charming per sonality, possessing a rare musical talent. Mr. Shurigar is a prosperous farmer, residing near Kenesaw and is a young man of high standing in his home com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Shurigar left on No. 'J3 over the Hurlinglou for the west and will be at home after July I. Double Wedding Today. From Wednesday's Dally. Judge Heeson issued marriage licenses yesterday for I ho mar riage of Harry Haugliman to Miss Mabel Kline and for Earl Kline and Miss Haugliman, and a double wedding occurred today. The groom in the first and the bride in the second mentioned couple are the son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haugliman, re siding len miles west of Plalts- inoulh, while the bride of the first and the groom of tho second men tioned couple are the daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kline, residing west of Murray. Sarpy County Commissioners. From Tuesday's Daily Joseph I'llug, Jacob Sass and James Ely, members of the county board of commissioners from Sarpy county, in company with County Surveyor ll. D. Patterson and County Clerk Will Patterson, were in this city a few hours. Monday. They drove down to and over the new road leading to the new Pollock-Dull' bridge across Ihe Platte river to look after tho same, where they met Mr. Pollock and accompanied him to this city, where they were entertained for :i few hours by that gentleman. The. Sarpy county men are like all the balance of Ihe commissioners of the state of Nebraska, very en thusiastic over the good roads proposition, and while here as sured Mr. Pollock that they wern going To get right after Ihe road from South Omaha through Sarpy county to the river and put it in excellent, condition. At Ihe pres ent lime it is a good road for traveling, but they are going to make it belter, and have two gangs of men at work now. The road leading to the bridge from tho south has been placed in good condition and before many weeks the road from this city to Omaha will be one of Ihe best in Ihe state. May the good roads movement continue to grow. W. C. James of Omaha and S. D. Woodley of Lincoln are in the oily looking after the interests of Ihe Modern Woodmen and at Ihe same time working up a'class to be initiated on the dedication of the new Woodman building when completed. In County Court. From Tuesday's Dally. The last will and testament of John Wolpert, late of near Man- ley, was offered for probate in the county court yesterday. Joseph Wolpert, a son of the deceased, was present in court, as was also Thomas Akeson, who was one of the attesting witnesses to the ex ecution of the instrument. Final settlement was made in the estate of Mrs. Anna Schneider, deceased, and decree of distribu tion of tho property and findings of heirship entered. Charles Johnson In Town. From Tuesday's Dally. Charles Johnson and wife of near Louisville drove lo the conn ly seat Ibis morning to look after business matters for a few hours. Mr. Johnson was formerly a citizen of I'lattsmoulh and pro prielor of the Riley barber shop He is now doing fine on the farm Crop prospects are not as bright as thev have been in more sea sonable years, but Mr. Johnson believes there will be a much hel ler yield of wheat than farmers generally expected, but it is a question how to save the crop, as Ihe straw is so short that it will be a very difficult matter lo cut and bind the wheat. Oats will be very good, but the cold weather is injurious to the corn crop, said Mr. Johnson. Showed Theodore's Big Stick. From Monday's Dally. As No. 0 pulled away from the station this morning tho express man exhibited at tho door a fine example of Roosevelt's "big stick," which had been started from Lincoln and was making tho Journey with tho Lincoln com the Chicago conven tion, all lagged and prepaid to the convention hall. M. W. A. Building Progressing. The workmen are making good progress on I ho new M. W. A. building. The rooms in the sec ond story have had Ihe plastering completed and Hie work on the lower walls is now well along. The windows are all in and Ihe car penters are now doing the finish ing. The finishing will requiro some lime to complete, but the work is to be pushed right along until finished. A coniinillee yes terday went to Omaha with J. Warga and selected elegant, elec tric light fixtures to be installed at once. Sixty-two Monday. deorge Slaats, tho senior clerk at Ihe postolTlce, celebrated his C2d birthday Juno 17, 1912. deorge was the recipient of a generous supply of socks and handkerchiefs as a gentlo remind er that in the future ho will be expected to keep his feet and nose clean. Miss Vallery Entertains. Miss Mathilda Vallery was hostess yesterday afternoon at a charming bridge whist party in honor of her friend, Mrs. Adams, of Hoise, Idaho, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lewis Vallery, of Fort Worth. Texas. Four tables were filled with lovers of tho game and a most enjoyable time was had. The guests of honor were the recipients of handsonio favors, while Miss Mia Oering carried away the prize for points. A delicious two-course luncheon was served. Halt 7. Volk of McClain, Neb., ar rived last night on No. l and will visit the Jacob Tritsch and M. L. Friedrich homes, as well ns other relatives in the. vicinity,