The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 17, 1912, Image 8

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I .512"' t
. ess
I JO. II u J
alcohol 3 Pi;:t cry
AVc? (able Pre psri i t. &r Is
Promotes Ditfesttonfl f iM
ncss and Rest.Coutain s ncitter
0)ium.Morpltinc norMiacralJ
lryrnbl -
Aperfcrl Remedy forConsfipi
nessaiuILoss of Sleep.
FocShite Signature of
For Infants and Children.
mn The Kind You Have
Ji fll n La. .
Always Dougni
Bears the
work. Road
lumber. Road
d work, itoad
'- r .1 IA II IVH
ffiff GSi-antec J wuKrtKeFSSJai
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Mllwaukeo Boy Let Down Over a
300-Foot Cliff and Secures
Four Scrappy Eagles.
I.. II. Ncil.el, well known in
Wntlsniouth, ami a former resi
dent of Murdoek, in this county,
sends I lie Journal a copy of I Ins
Nama (Idaho) Record, dated May
31, 1!U2, which contains the fol
lowing interesting story, in which
Mr. Ncilzel was one of the
pari icipant s. Ami, by the way,
we note that a former well known
citien of Plaltsnioul h, in the per
son of M. I. I'olk, appears at the
mast-head of the lleeord as
Above the Murphy reservoir on
Sinker creek, the stream passes
between walls of rock that rear
almost straight up ft height of
from .'loo to noil feet. In this wild,
weird canyon noted for its scenic
beauty, a pair of bald eagles base
made their home for several years.
The nest may be seen high up on
a point where the stone wall forms
a narrow shelf. The old birds,
that look as if they would measure
12 feel from tip to tip of wing,
have long; raised their young here
unmolested, as there was no way
to reach the nest except on the
ond of a rope, an undertaking so
hazardous few people would care
to try it. C II. llermeson of Mil
waukee, who, with II. H. Neitzel
and a party of friend were look
ing over the irrigation project,
concluded he would like to have
the birds that could be seen and
looked to be fully half-grown.
No rope could be obtained, but
Mr. llerineson was insistent, so a
wire was secured that would hold
him, and after an arduous climb
to the top of the canyon, some
distance up the stream, it did mil
take lone to gel located 100 feet
above tho aerie of I he eagles. Af
ter fastening the wire to his per
Bon, Mr. llermeson was let down
until he reached the narrow bench
U00 feel above the stream. lie
walked along this until he reach
ed the nest, and after a little
trouble, he got three of the birds,
(he fourth Hying and falling to
the bottom of the cliff, where il
broke the tip of one wing. With
a long pull and a strong pull, tho
bird fancier was safely landed
with his pi' The bird thai
fell out of the nest was captured
later and all four were brought to
Nampa, Mere they were carefully
caged, and with plenty of feed
they were billed out by express to
Milwaukee, where (hey will lie
presented to the city park authori-
t ies.
It. was lucky for Mr. llermeson
lliat the old eagles were out hunt
ing and did not know their home
was being invaded. Had they been
in sigiit. nils would nave oeen a
different story. No man unarmed
could have visited the aerie with
out being- seriously injured. The
other members of the parly wen
I. 1. Hriggs, Mr. Ncwcome and
V. J. I'iepenbriuk, the latter the
Milwaukee sales manager of the
Owyhee. Orchard company.
Prospects for Dakota Crop Fine,
From Frldny'a Dally,
Monroe I'atridge of Wessing
ton, lleadle county, South Dakota,
arrived yesterday and will visit
Plallsniouth relatives for a lime
Mr. I'atridge has been a resident
of lleadle county for about (wen-
Iv years and owns a line farm of
H20 acres, and his son adjoins
luiii wilh a like amount of ex
cellent farm land, for which they
have been offered $65 per acre
Mr. Pat ridge says he has never
seen a belter year for farming
and all kinds of crops look better
than he has ever seen I hem so
early in the season. Unless they
gel a hail storm Ihe farmers will
reap big harvests this season.
Mrs. Lee Cotner and two chil
dren, Oladys and Arthur, return
ed from Micuandoati, Iowa, yes
terday, where they had visited
Mrs. Coiner's sister for two days
and witnessed the fireman's
Plattsmoutli, Neb., June 11, 1912.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment.
Present: M. U Frledrich, C. It. Jor
dan and C. E. Heebner, County Com
missioners; D. C. Morgan, County
Minutes of previous session read and
approved, when the following business
was transacted In regular form:
Because of the fact that the "Call for
bids'' fur bridges could not be printed
in the Weeping Water Republican In
their Issue of May 23. 1912. It could not
he published 4 times previous to the
date of filing bids and the date was
chanted by the County Clerk to read
to be tiled June 25th, 1912, Instead of
June is, 1912; also date of opening
bids to read June 2iitn, 1912.
Couniv Vieasuier this day Instruct
ed to transfer the sum of $.100.00 from
the (ieneral fund to the .Soldiers Keller
A deed was presented from Henry
Horn and Wife to the County of Cass
for a strip of land in Section 3.1, Town
ship 13, Lunge 13, for road purposes.
Consideration. $200.00. County Clerk
Instructed to have the deed recorded.
County Clerk reported the receipt of
draft from Floyd County, Iowa, for
$72.20 to reimburse Cass County for ln
ane case of Wm. Vletmeler, whom was
a resident of Floyd County, Iowa.
1'etitlon from C. K. Curyea and
others requesting the appointment of
I. J. Llnch as Justice of the Peace for
Creenwood I'reclnct and the appoint
ment was made.
The following claims were allowed
on the (ieneral fund:
Hans Slevers salary and
laundry $ 78.00
Zuckweller & Lutz, merchandise
to Hob Johnson 2.00
E. Manspeaker, bringing Dave
Kskew from farm 1.50
Kroehler Hros., merchandise to
Court House 15.70
C. R. Jordan, salary 49. 85
Mutt & Son, merchandise to poor HO.fiO
H. A. Schneider, postage 33.3.1
State Journal Co., supplies .... 1.85
Plattsmoutli Water Co., water to
Court House 8.1b
M. E. Munstieaker. salary for
May 4.1.00
C. E. Heebner, salary 43.65
Lincoln Telegraph and Telephone
Co.. rent and tolls
Remington Typewriter Co. re
pairs to County Judges type
writer 9.70
WollY & Ault, merchandise to
Fronke 12.00
Mary K. Foster, salary for May
anil expense 15G.97
NebiHska Lighting Co., gas to
Court House and Jail and
street lamp 21.40
risttsmoiith Turn Verein, room
for primary election, I'latts
mouth Second ward 6.00
C. I. Oulnton, Insane cuse Holi
er! C. Flsl 21.17
C. W. Kaylor & Co., coal to poor 7.X0
John Hauer & Son, merchandise
ami labor to Court House.... 2.20
H. C. Morgan, salary and olnce
expense for Mav 21b. ii
M. L. Frledrlcli, salary and ex
pense 49.20
C. 11. Hysart, merchandise to
Palmer 7.00
C. Soennlchsen, work In assess-
otllie du.oo
C. K. Johnson assigned fee r red
Ossenkop, Lytle case 2.90
Warga & Cecil, merchandise and
labor to jail and court house.. 2J.2U
Hans Johnson, merchandise to
poor 16.00
K. Manspeaker, expense and
mileage Joe F. Illing 2.13
Ir. K. 1. Cummins, insane David
K. Askew 8-ltu
J. M. Leyda, Insane David K.
Askew a.uo
James llobertson, Insane David
K Askew 4.75
J. H. Tarns, Insane David li.
Askew 2.20
C. I). Qulnton, insane David L.
Askew J. 80
I!. F. Hrendel, M. I)., quarantine
and fumigating smallpox .... Ji.'io
Ambler Hros & Co., merchandise
to Mrs. Wlnehel .'J
John Croup, assessing Louisville
Precinct 146.30
J. (. Ward, assessing Fight
Mile (irove Precinct . . . 14&.60
H K Krotio. assessing Nehawka
Precinct 10D.80
A. I. Despaln, assessing Third,
wrt i am im ri him rt n wan s
Plattsmoutli City 191.00
P. F. ItufTner, assessing First,
Second mid nart Fourth wards.
Plattsmoutli City 195.00
T M Mt-rford. assess llg Salt
Creek Precinct nu.tiu
Will l.'iiniini-l. assessing Platts
moutli Precinct 162.00
('.in s. Smith, assess ng Hock
muffs Precinct li7.Jft
V, II. Puis, assessing Mt. Pleas
ant Precinct 119.34
P.. i. Hutchlns, assessing Avoca
Precinct tiw.ju
E. F. Marshall, assessing W eep-
ing Water City 92.90
K. P. Hetts, assessing Tipton
Precinct .4i
J. C, Murphy, assessing Center
Precinct 148.8U
W. N. Mlnford, assessing Stove
( reek Preclnca i4o. tu
,1. H. Tarns salary and expense 84. l0
,. W. While, merchandise to
poor farm 38.26
Elmwood Leader-Echo, publish
ing Notice Hoard or initializa
tion 200
Louisville Courier, publish
ing Notice Hoard or Equaliza
tion 2-00
Plattsmoutli Telephone Co.,
rent and tolls bi.jw
Peter Nord, land for road, Platts
moutli Precinct no.yu
C. II. Tavlor, salary and expense 113. 7J
The Plattsmoutli Journal, print-
Ing and Huppllea ti.n
Wm. Hollv. clothing to County.. 10.35
Henry Horn, land for road,
Plattsmoutli I'recinci iuv.vw
C. C. Parmele, refund of taxes
of 1872 (Kerusel s.d
August Oorder, refund of taxes
1875 and 1893 (KeruseiM .... i.uo
C, l. Qulnton hoarding city
prisoners and committments.. o.iw
C. D. yulnton, boarding county
prisoners and salary and jauer
K-es 218.30
Weeping Water Hepubllcan,
printing bar (iockpi, etc zi.iu
The following claims were allowed
Hoau tuna:
' itoad
' itoad
' Road
199 00
Koad District N
Wm. John, road
District No. 15
J. Adams Son,
District No. 16
C. H. Spohn, roai
District No. 13
Jans Chrlstensen,
Koad District No. 8
Venis Kockwell, road work
District iso. 8
Henry Sands, shoveling enow,
Koad District No. 27 (Kef used)
Frank Groff, road work, Koad
District No. 27 (Kefused)
Wm. Oliver road work. Koad
District No. 27 (Kefused)
A. F. Nickels road work, Road
District No.' 27 (Kcfusedl
Howard Johnson, road work,
Koad District No. 8
Kav Wiles, road work. Road Dis
trict No. 8
Wm. Hauton, road work, itoad
District No. 8
W. C. Houcher, road work, itoad
District No. 6
Harvey Hasp, road work, Road
District No. IB
ii. F. Allen, blacksmith work
Koad District No. 8 .'
Ci. F. Allen, blacksmith work,
Koad District No. 9
1). K. Ingwerson, road work,
Koad District No. 15
Sam W'estlake, road work, Itoad
District No. 16
John Root, road work, Road Dis
trict No. 15
K. A. Kuhn, road work, Road
District No. 16
George Sheesiev, road work,
Koad District No. 16
J. E. Casev roHd work,
District No. 16
E. F. Hulhert, road work,
District No. 6
John Hanson, road work,
District No. 6
Charles Gibson, road work.
District No. 14 14.00
John Murtey, material, Road
District No. 16 37.00
Christ Ilofman, road work, itoad
District No. 6 8.00
C. E. Heebner, road drag, Road
District No. 12 14.95
C. E. Heebner, road drag, Road
District No. 11 14.9.1
Henry Hanson road work, Road
District No. 6 16.00
C. E. Heebner, road drag, Road
District No. 8
A. I. Hird, road work, Itoad Dis
trict No. 16
John Frolieh, road work, Road
District No. Hi
John Murtey, material. Road
District No. 6
W. J., road work, Road
District No. 6
C. B. Strong, repairs to grader
Itoad District No. 6
Peter Kueter, road work, Road
District No. 8
August Oehlerklng, road work,
Koad District No. 8
Fred Luetchens, road work,
Koad District No. 8
Albert Hornemeler, road work,
Koad District No. fi
John Kout, road work, Road Dis
trict No. 1.1
C. Frolieh, road work, Itoad Dis
trict No. 16
E. H. lloyles. road work. Road
District No. 15 10.00
C. (J. Kailev, road work, Road
District No. 1.1 35.40
M. H. Tyson, road work, Road
District No. 15 94.75
II. J. Miller, road work, Roud
District No. 6
I). D. Hrann, nails, Road District
No. 6
W. C. Norval, road work. Road
District No. 14
C. T. Klchnrds, road work, Itoad
District No. 4
II. D. Patterson, surveying road,
Inheritance Tax
George Polsall. grading roads.
Inheritance Tax 476.66
The following claims were allowed
on the Hrldge fund:
Kroehler Hros., bridge ma
terial $ 4.1.1
E. T. Tool, bridge material 3.07
George Poisal. sr.. miscellaneous
bridge work 20.00
C. R. Gllmore. bridge work 127.20
Nebraska Construction Co..
bridge work 246.44
Mike Lut si, bridge work 11.00
II. J. Miller, bridge work 16.61
John Murtey, bridge material.. 318.36
J. Adams & Son, bridge lumber 21.70
('. II Nold Lumber Co.. bridge
lumber 15.82
Omaha Structural Steel Works,
Some of the Bargains
that can be found
1 A. G.BACH & CO.
bridge 126
adjourned to meet
June 12
County Clerk.
Plattsmoutli. Neb.. June 12. 1912.
Hoard met pursunnt to adjournment,
with all members present.
A bill was presented by P. J. Cun
ningham for $200.00 for rebate on taxes
for the year 1911. on un over assess
ment for that year.
The above claim was refused.
The following claims were allowed
on the (ieneral fund:
P. .1. Cnnnlnirham. rebate on
taxes for year 1911 (Perused) $2UO.uo
Fred Patterson, olllce work.... 36.35
Albert Scuttler, bailiff certificate 16.10
w A Itolipi-fson. attornev fees
defemlinir Henrv Hurrows.... 6.25
Hoard adjourned to meet In regular
session Monday, June 17, 1912.
D. C. MORGAN, County Clerk.
on Seasonable Necessities
16 pounds of granulated sugar for $1.00
48 pound sack Plainsif ter or Diamond Patent flour $1.40
Forest Rose, Jersey Cream or Premium Patent.
Fruit Jars, pinta, per dozen
Fruit Jars, quarts, per dozen
Fruit Jars, half-gallon, per dozen
3 cans of good sweet corn for
8 bars of Diamond "C" Lenox or White Russian
Soap for 25c
6 bars of good white Laundry Soap for 25c
at Main Street or South Park Stores
Place your orders now. for cherries
Telephone orders receive
Prompt Attention.
Build Addition to Store.
C. E. Wescott's have com
menced tne erection of a twelve-
foot brick addition to the rear of
icir store building, with side en
trance. All goods will be brought
into the store from Fifth street
inslead of from (he alley, as for
merly. The concrete base has
been in for some time and (he
brick superstructure goes up at
once. Mr. Wescolt, sr., remarked
I his morning that Ihe boys had
orn out, Ihe front end of the store,
and to keep pace with (hem, he
was having the rear end pulled
out. The improvement will be
(piite an advantage in more ways
than one. In addition to Ihe ad
ded floor space, which is needed
for increased slock, Ihe side en
trance will be on a level with the
pavement, whereas before at the
rear the boxes had lo be elevated
above Ihe concrete wall.
Cuss t.'ounty, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas
J. Fountain, Deceused.
Notice is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
the Administratrix of said estate, be
fore me, County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at the County Court room in
Plattsmoutli, in said County, on the
26th day of June, 1912 and on the 26th
day of December, 1912", at 10 o'clock a.
m., each day, for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the
creditors of said deceused to present
their claims, und one year for the
Administratrix to settle said estate,
from t he 23rd day of June, 1912.
Witness my bund and seal of said
County Court at Plattsmoutli. Ne
braska, this 24t'li dav of .Mav, 1912.
County Judge.
D. O. Dwyer, Attorney for Estate.
Comprehensive vacation tours of the East to New York ami Boston are an
nounced, going and returning by a combination of routes, including the coast
journey between Old Point Comfort, New York and Boston, or the sound
steamer journey between New York and Boston. You can go one way through
the St. Lawrence region, via Montreal, Quebec or Lake Champlain, the other
way via direct route, or vice versa. Limit is 60 days.
from New York, New Jersey resorts, Boston, New England, Canada, Buffalo,
Detroit and various destinations.
ALL SUMMER LIMITS. Summer tourist rates with all summer limits to
all Eastern resorts, Canada, the Lako region, Chicago, Detroit, etc.
Special leaflet of Eastern vacation tours and rates ia available. Copies on
application. Let us help you plan your trip.
R. W. CLEMENT, Agent.
W. L. WAKELY, Beneril Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
on the t:omniissioners
Wm. Ash, road work, Road
IHSiriCl fSO. 8 iV.1V
C. E.' Heebner, road work. Road
District No. 12 S.36
C. E. Heebner, roud work,
Itoad District No. 8 H.2D
The following claims were allowed
on the Koad lunn:
J. C. Nlday, road work. Road
District No. 11 fisu.uu
J. A. Whlteman, road work,
Road District No. 12 132.70
Kroehler Hros. merchandise to
Road District No. 3 1)90
Kroehler Hros. merchandise to
Road District No. 1 6.40
Mike Lut, road work, Road Dis
trict No. 1 3(1). 90
Frank, road work, Road
District No. 2 110.80
J. W. Kell. road work. Road Dis
trict No. 2 28.00
Kd Gustin. road work. Road DIs
trlct No. 15 144.90
A1Y Miller roud work. Hoau
District No. 8 54.00
John A. llennlngs. road work.
Koad District No. 2 19.00
Hen Heckman, roud work Road
District No. 10 225.65
E. T. Tool, lumber, Road District
No. 7 21.95
W. E. Ptilmeter, sharpening
grader, Koud District No. 15.. 8.00
Wm. H. Rush, road work. Road
District No. 7 211.80
Aug. Hornemeler, road work,
Koad District No. 15 32.80
Yates Lumber Co., lumber, Road
District No. 8 39.45
John Iverson. sharpening grader,
Road District No. 1 S.50
C. H. Nold Lumber Co. ma
terial, Road District No. 5 .... J.03
tleo. Homer, assigned K. K.
Marshal, road work. Road Dis
trict No. 14 165.00
M. Rvs, sharpening grader, Road
District No. 1 3.00
Johnson A Jones, blacksmith
work, Road District No. 13., 15.60
Lee Arnett Co., culvert, Road
District No. 7 (4.10
Lee Arnett Co.. culvert, Road
District NO. It 5.48
lee Arnett Co., culvert, Road
District No. 16 11.09
Goo, F, OuUlerkins, road work,
Sheldon's Trip.
Frank Sheldon and wire and
daughter, Isadore, returned Sun-1
day from Knoxville, Illinois, where
they had been lo attend the
graduating exercises at St. Mary's
Academy, and Frank reports a
very pleasant trip across Iowa by
automobile, lie says there is a
good deal of newspaper bunk
about Ibis riyer-to-river road
talk. There were stretches of the
road that was really excellent, but
other parts of it were no better
than some of our . own neglected
roads. As he got farther east they
showed more care and were kept
in dim ter siiape. peaKlng oi
dragging, be said: "It rained
bard the night before we left
Davenport, and the next morning
we came, over 57 miles of road to
Iowa City that had been dragged,
every fool of it. On some stretches
of it the drag bad barely got out
of our way, but I hey had dragged
il all." He tried to come hwme
over the southern route, but could
not cross the river at Hurlington,
as there was some thirteen miles
of bottom road that had recently
overflowed and was impassabb
Nehawka News.
Married at Red Oak.
On Wednesday afternoon, June
Miss llerlha II. Slcnnett, a
niece of Mrs. J. M. Johns of this
city, was united in marriage with
Mr. Charles II. Weininann at Ihe
residence of t he bride's parents in
Hod Oak, Iowa. It was a very
pretty home wedding, the cere
mony being performed by Rev. O.
E. Wood, pastor of the Congrega
tional church of that city. Those
at I ending from IMattsmoulh were
Mrs. J. M. Johns, an aunt of the
bride, and Mrs. It. C. Burdick, a
cousin of the bride, and daughter,
F. dith May. Miss Sl.ennett has
visited quite frequently in 1'latts
inoulh and has numerous ac
quaintances in Ibis city, who will
be pleased to learn of her marriage.
Undergoes Another Operation.
From Saturday' Dally.
Mrs. L. Ranard of near Murray
went to the hospital this after
noon in company with her bus
band and Dr. n. F. Hrendel,
where she will undergo an opera-
lion for an abcess on her liver.
Mrs. Ranard has had several
operations previous to this, which
elieved her for Ihe lime.
Had Fine Rain.
From Frlday'i Dally.
C, II. Yallery was in the city
veslerday afternoon visiting with
friends and looking after the
week-end shopping. Mr. Yallery
says that a line, peaceful W. J
llryan rain fell in his neighbor-
hood and no Taft-Roosevelt
storm, such as some parts of the
county had, and that crop pros
peels are in line shape. Oats will
he good and corn is coining on
line. He looks for a belter hay
crop than last year, though wheat
did not get the rain quite soon
Don't forgetl The Journal
office Is prepared to do all kinds
of fancy Job work. Give us a trial.
Cass County, s.
lu County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of William.
E. Dull, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
the Executrix, Mary E. Dull, of said
estate, before me. County Judge of
Cuss County Nebraska, at the Countv
Court room ' In Plattsmoutli, In said
County, on the 9th day of July, 1912.
and on the 10th day of January, 1913.
at 9 o'clock a. m., each day, for the
purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six montha are allowed for the
credltors of said deceased to present
their claims, and one year for the
Executrix to settle said, estate from
the 9th day of July, 1912.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court at Plattsmoutli, Ne
braska, this 6th dnv of June, 1912.
County Judge.
The Journal office carries
kinds of typewriter supplies.
Trees Growing Nicely.
A few weeks ago some of our
cit i.ens thought the setting out of
young trees along the sidewalks
to High School Hill was money
and lime wasted. But the casual
observer, w ho passes up and down
Main street, can readly perceive
that the money and time was well
invested. The trees, every one of
I hem, are grow ing so nicely that
the knockers have closed up their
fly-traps and have to acknowledge
(hat the work done by our old
friend, Despain, is bringing forth
good fruit.
Miss Mina Theirolf, accom
panied by her friend, Miss Grace
Widrey of Chicago, came down
from Lincoln on No. 2 last even
ing, w here I hey have been attend
ing school for the past year. Mis
Widrey will be a guest of Mis
Thierolf for a short lime before
departing for her home.
Tell Your Automobile Sup
ply Troubles to Us!
We are in a position' to assist you in all your
needs, when it comes to the supply department.
We carry a limited number of tires, tubes and all
accessories, but are in a position to make prompt
delivery on most anything you need for all mer
chandise. Our goods are all in the fully guaran
teed lines.
Tell Us Your Needs and We Will
Sure Do the Rest.
- Kroehler Bros. -
eellqqus ieJliwqMo tbnH fit nation! edl Ji;dl Lac ,iur'.
. nirto bun trtumi wi mwi I vi .ti:.i:'eti:;;j I ;:: ii,i ;t: i-m I '' '.s if' ""1 Hw ttl I' .tkij-iimiH