'"i"m-ul a, r Journal be OOTD VOLUME XXXI. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1912. NO. 47. plattstn MERCHANTS IN GENERAL FAVOR MAYOR II ii io n -ucncnHL rmun it SATTLER'S PUB OF CELEBRATION We Are to Arrange for Celebrating the Great Natal Day, Let All Those Interested Get Busy At Once, As the Time Is Short to Make the Necessary Preparations for the Event. From Friday's Dally. Believing that the idea of Mayor Sattler concerning the celebration of the Fourth of July is a good one, the Journal has taken the trouble lo interview some of the business men of the city to ascer tain the sentiment toward a reas onably sane celebration. It is understood that nothing gorgeous or extravagant in the way of a parade and trades display will be attempted, as the outlay required by the individual merchants is too great for the results accomp lished. Only two out of fourteen interviewed held a different view than that of Mayor Sattler, and favored attractions on Main street. Henry Zuckwciler was of the opinion that the time was ripe for just such an event, and if the citizens of Platlsmouth and vicinity would octne together on the Fourth, bring their lunch baskets and enjoy a social picnic dinner, have some speaking and music, with fireworks in the evening, all of which could prob ably be had for a couple of hun dred dollars, this sort of a cele bration would suit him. John Crabill believed that a celebration such as suggested would be the proper thing, and much better than on an ex travagant and gorgeous plan. He could be relied on to do his share. The idea of a rally at the park, where seat on the grass are avail able, appealed to him, rather than tramping back and forth along the hot paved streets. John Nenietz was enthusiastic for a Fourth such as suggested by Mayor Sattler, where everybody would have a part in it, and he would like to see a celebration once where the idea of making money was left out. Mr. Dotson of the poslolllce barber shop also was in favor of the, mayor's idea of going to the park for the speaking, musical program, etc., and in fact, the en tire celebration. He was sure a couple of good ball games could be arranged for the afternoon; then have the band on the street in the evening with a few good selections to entertain the peo E Very Interesting Session at Weep ing Water, Closing With the Election of Officers. E. II. Wescott, E. C. Hill, Jesse Perry and Fred Hesse and Miss Wandra Ilamsey and Miss Phenie Richardson returned today from the East Nebraska District Epworth League convention, which convened at Weeping Wa ter Wednesday and Thursday of it.: a . i 1 1 1 u u im k' i rirr minnou nrr meeting was had, and in addition to the regular routine work of the convention some good speeches were made by the visiting dele gates. The following list of officers was elected for the next year: President E. 11. Wescott of I'laltsmouth. First Vice President One Mil ler of Cook. Second Vice President Miss lima Pegler of Palmyra. Third Vice President Miss Lulu Crush of Falls City. Fourth Vice President Miss Viola Timblin of Weeping Water. Secretary Guy Clements of Elmwood. Treasurer Miss Clara Hen dricks of Ashland. Junior S. S. Rachel Slander of Louisville. oBard of Control Reverends Embry, Austin, Hinson and Town-send. EPWORTH LEAGU DISTRICT CONVENTION ple until the fireworks were pull ed off. C. H. Smith was of the op'inion that a celebration such as sug gested by the mayor, where the citizens could get together and have a day of social intermingle would be a good thing. And he saw no (d)jection to having the program in the park, where every one could be comfortable; then have the band come down town in the evening with a concert and fireworks would fill out the even ing's entertainment very nicely. C. C. Wescolt was enthusiastic for the notion of a celebration all could participate in, and suggest ed that the school children of the city be drilled on the patriotic songs, such as "America," "Star Spangled Banner" and others, un der the direction of some one of the choir leaders and accompanied by two or three cornets and a like number of trombones, which would make a chorus that would be inspiring. These choruses, interspersed with the music by the band and the speaking would make just the sort of patriotism we all could enjoy. Councilman Dovey was of the opinion that the majority of the peopie of the city would enjoy the day more to engage in a celebra tion of the character suggested by the mayor than the usual surging up and down the paved street, and he was in favor of the program suggested, rather -than make a lot of bluster and bring in the street fair attractions used in some in.itances. Joe Hadraba, or the firm of Weyrich & Hadraba, declared (hat (he idea of making money out of a patriotic celebration ought not to enter into it, and he agreed with the mayor's idea of what should constitute the pro gram for the day, and let it be free to everybody, without con cessions sold on the street. Mr. Weyrich, his partner, was of like opinion. From the manner the matter is looked upon by the citizens in general, about all that is neces sary to make the celebration a go is lo have an organization with the committees on the different lines of entertainment right away, and let them map out a program. .The next Falls City. meling will be at New President of Association. With the election of officers for the coining year and selection of Lincoln as the meeting place for the 1913 stale convention, the tenth annual gathering of the Ne braska State Postmasters' as sociation came to a close yester day afternoon. My Miose who have attended all of the previous meetings since the organization fo the association, it was said to be the most largely attended and most profitable convention ever held. in the state. Postmaster E. A. Sizer of this city, who for the past eight years has been al the head of the as sociation, declined fo fake the honor again, and after making a speech in which he urged the members lo elevate some id her postmaster lo the position, placed in nomination J. H. Tower of Sutton. The postmasters took kindly to the suggestion and Mr. Sizer's recommendation was made the unanimous action of I he convention. The new president has been associated with the or ganization since it was formed and lias held several minor otllces in the past five years. Lincoln Journal. Uncle Tom Writes Story. Uncle Tom Kennish has a slorv in the Afield, June number of Sports under his non de plume. "Captain Charles Adams." entitled "The Second Mate's Story." The story is of the. life at sea and very well told In the language of (lie mariner. I A Matter That Is of Great Interest to Bankers and Business Men in All Sections. Check raisers have been con-j mMi rably active of late in various sections of the country, and the Iturns' Detective agency has sent out a few suggestions to the bank ers and business men generally that might aid in getting rid of the swindling game to a great ex tent: "This agency Is informed that check raisers have been reported as operating in your section, swindling business men by 'rais ing' the amounts on their genuine checks. "Therefore, we are sending this notice to banks and business men because it is often dillicult to ap prehend forgers of this class un less their operations are reported when first discovered by the signer of the manipulated check. II is suggested that bank deposit ors make it a rule to check up their pass books as often as pos sible, and use all due precautions to discover such alterations, if any, while there is still time 'to obtain evidence. "Care in writing amounts is recommended, as well as the em ployment of a device that stamps a limiting: amount across the check, such as is generally used by the banks, and that every check no mailer to whom issued, should be properly stamped with the same. "This warning applies lo practically all business concerns that issue checks in the most un expected ways, and the loss often falls on the signer rather than on the bank." Entertains at Musical. From Thuraday'a Dally. About fifty ladies wern delight fully entertained at a musical at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M Roberts, on High School Hill, yes terday afternoon, I he hostesses being Mesdames C. A. Rawls, Wil liam Maird and Roberts. A very pleasing program of instrumental and vocal music, interspersed with splendid readings, had been arranged by the hostesses for the entertainment of their guests, this program being as follows: "Thou Sublime, Sweet Even ing Star" (Tanhauser) . . . . Wagner Elba Crabill. "The Years at the Spring". Beach Mrs. Hilt Wescott. "How the Church Was Built at Kehoe's Bar"... John Bennett Mrs. William Baird "To the Spring" Elba Crabill. "Mother O'Mine" Mrs. Hilt Wescott. .Grieg .Towis "Hobby Shafto" . . .Homer Green Mrs. William Baird. "The Rose of Yester-e'en". . Rich Mrs. Hilt Wescolt. "Notturno" (May in Tuacony) Nevin Elba Crabill. A dainty luncheon was then provided, after which I he guests dispersed, very much indebted to the hostesses for the excellent afternoon's entertainment Mesdames Rawls, Baird and Roberts are entertaining a large number of their lady friends again (his afternoon at the Rob erts' home. This occasion is also in the nature of a musical. Junior Base Balllsts. From Tliurnday'B Dally. There was -quite a hotly-con-lesled game of base ball at the cily ball park yesterday after noon between two of ihe junior ball teams of Ihe cily. The Platlsmoulh White Sox met the Winterstein Hill aggregation," and after the smoke of battle had cleared away the boys from the bill awoke to the situation that I hey were b;nlly "skinned," as it were, by a scoreo f 0 to 0. The members of the Plaltsnioulh White Sox feel very jubilent over their victory. Among the lelling features of t he game was the ex cellent work of the P. II. S. bat tery, which was composed of Re bal, Poisal and Buttery; Wilcox, Joyson and Neurnan appeared in the same positions for the Win terstein Hill boys. 6 IS CHECK RAISERS And Then Some. We overlooked the fact that re cently M. A. Males, the talented dilor of the I'laltsmouth (Neb.) ournal, celebrated his seventieth birthday. .Mr. Mates owned and dited this paper for many years. Age rests on him lightly and lie is till the same militant democrat that he was when in Grant City. Mest of all, he sings the noun' awg song, and praises Champ Clark from morning until night, and then lulls himself to sleep with "Old Chamn Clark, all the Way from Pike." Grant City Mo.1 Times. The Criminal Docket Taken un Thursday and Business Pretty Well Cleaned Up. The criminal docket of the dis trict court was taken in hand on the 13lh and the business of the term pretty well cleaned un. In the case of the Stale vs. Fred Wrenn, an order was issued on motion of (he county attorney to dismiss the case, (he defendant lo pay the costs. Slate vs. John hose was con tinued over the term, the defend and giving bond for his appear ance. Ins father. red Hose, ncl- ing as surety. State vs. Del Tyson, wherein defendant was charged with as sault and battery, was dismissed on motion of the county attorney, the defendant to pay the costs. Stale vs. Wagner, dismissed on motion of the county alorny, de fendant to pay the costs. On the civil docket: The Murray Slate Bank vs. W. B. Spetiee was dismised without prejudice. In tlfe mailer of the Estate of Robert Kendall, the cause was continued over (lie term, on a stipulation of the parlies. A. 0. A u 1 1 vs. J. W. Urwin was ordered continued over the term. Henry H. Weideman vs. Watson Howard, et al., motion for new trial was argued and the per emptory writ of mandamus set aside and a rehearing granted. Architect Miller Here Today. Prom Friday"! Dally. Burd F. Miller, architect, 132-1 Brandeis theater building, Oma ha, was in the cilj today, and with the Y. M. C. A. building committee, com posed of C. A. Raw ls, J. P. Falter, M. S. Briggs and E. H. Wescolt, went over the building, ami then, at Rawls & Robertson's olllce, talked over the dans for remodeling the building along the lines of its intended use. For the past six weeks the committee lias been making an effort to get an architect lo look over the build ing and draw plans so that an estimate could be submitted to Ihe contractors and bids let for doing the work, but so very busy have been the Omaha architects lhat none of them could come un til today. It is expected lo have (he plans soon, bids let and Ihe work begun. The contract for furnishing Ihe plans and specifications was let lo Mr. Miller, who is also the slate architect, and a very cap. able man in his line. The plans and specifications , will be ready for the consideration of the car- penfers wilhin a few days. Bats Infest Belfry. Richards & Pelers have secured Ihe contract of raising and re pairing Ihe roof on Ihe Coales block. On raising (he roof and letting the light into the attic it was found to be alive with bats. A conservative estimate placed the number at 1,00(1,000. Several ions of fertilizer had been de posited on the garret floor by the pesliverous flying animals, which emitted an odor that startled the workmen. The bats have been entering through a water spout, and how lo rid Ihe building of the nuisance is a question that the manager of the building is de liberating upon nt the present I ime. J. C. Peterson transacted busi ness with Omaha jobbers this morning, returning on No. 24 this afternoon. CASES DISPOSED OE IN DISTRICT COURT T- Discuss "The Postal System," Which Postmaster Says Ex perienced Run on Bank. In Thursday's session opened with a discussion of "TJie Postal Sav ings System" by Postmaster J. II. Hayes oT Norfolk. Mr. Hayes, who was inclined to find a super abundance of good points about the new law, also picked out several provisions which, in his estimation, showed the hand of bankers of the country. Among other things he cited the rule which prohibits deposits from anyone under the years of age, and another rule which prevents any person depositing' in excess of IOil in the postal savings fund in any one month. Both of these, Postmaster Hayes declared, were provisions which might be inter preted as lending lo defeat the organic principles of the new law. Oilier postmasters, joining in a general discussion of the svslem. found other points' which they intimated might be called defects of the measure. Postmaster Shneider of Plalts moulh declared thai he had been one of the few postal savings bankers of the country who had experienced a run on his institu tion. He declared that this had brought lo his mind what appear ed to be the necessity of a larger and more available emergency fund. lie said that inability to secure money from other funds of the postolliee might some day place the new department adjunct in a serious posit ion. Enforcing Law as to Eggs. Food Commissioner Hansen is sending out about 3,000 permits to sell cream testers throughout the stale. The permit isgood for a year and goes into effect July 1. Mr, Hansen also issues the fol lowing regarding Ihe sale of an cient. eggs : By arrangement of Food Com missioner Hansen a meeting was held at the Lincoln hotel of Ihe egg dealers of the slate for the purpose of discussing the handl ing of eggs. Commissioner Ban sen, in his talk to Ihe egg dealers, said that he would vigorously prosecute buying ami selling ot rotten eggs; lhat candling would have to be done by buyers and that he expected lo be kept in formed of (he condition of eggs received; lhat his inspectors had been instructed to be busy in looking up bad egg shipments, and if found the shippers would be prosecuted for intent to sell rotten eggs. He also stated lhat producers, merchants and egg buyers must candle eggs and re ject Ihe spoiled ones. Rotten eggs shipped have placed Ne braska eggs in bad repute on the eastern market, and the produc ers are losing large amounts of money, as I hey ars compelled to accept low quotations on Ne braska eggs. Investigate Bridges. From Frldny'a Dally. County Commissioners Jordan, Fredrich and lleebner took a trip over this cily this morning and viewed the county bridges within (he cily limits, with n view of placing them in repair. The city pays a large proportion of Ihe bridge fund tax into Ihe county treasury, and as a result of the inspection by the commissioners Ihe county may build a concrete arc bridge at the foot of Winfer slein Hill and put an end to the continual expenditure of money for repairs on this bridge. The material of value in the present structure could be ued to ad vantage in repairing some of the oilier county bridges in Ihe city. The improvement is a much need ed one, as (he bridge is on one of the pricipal thoroughfares of the city. Will Assist Omaha Musicians. From Friday's Dally. Ed Schulhof and Roy Holly re turned from Omaha on the mid night train last night, where they went to rehearse with the or chestra of forty pieces which will play for the Sunday school con vention on Monday, Juno 17. Mr. Schulhof will play a cornet and Mr. Holly a violin. The music will be Inspiring. THE NEBRASKA POS MASTERS AT LINCOLN Entertain Great-Granddaughter. From Friday's Pally. Mrs. H. F. Crittenden and babo of Lincoln have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Steimker for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Sleimker are the grandparents" of Mrs. Crit tenden, and her little daughter is the only great-granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steimker. Although the little Miss is quite small, yet her influence is great and she is the pride of her great-grandparents. SHEELEY MAY NOT GOME PEN Pleads Guilty to the Charge of Bribery, but Appeals Case to Higher Court. Charles G. Sheely, who pleaded guilty to bribery in a case against him in court al Greeley, Colorado, where it, was charged he had bribed a county commissioner, and who was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary and lo pay a large line, may not serve the time al lotted. While pleading guilty to the charge his lawyers secured permission to appeal the case to the supreme court of Colorado, where Ihe question of bribing a county commissioner being a crime will be determined. The law makes if a felony to bribe a ministerial or judicial officer in that state, but says nothing about bribing an execut ive olllcer. Coun ty commissioners are classed as executive olllcers. if the court de cides lhat if is no crime to bribe a county commissioner in that slate Sheely will go free. Mr. Sheely was a former resi dent of Lincoln and a bridge con tractor well known over the state. The alleged bribery case grew out of the letting of contracts for public work at Greeley. Mr. Sheely now lives in Denver. Lin coln Journal. Mr. Sheely, Ihe gentleman re ferred to above, is well known in Platlsmoulh and Cass county in general, having been Ihe success ful bidder for all the bridge work in Cass county for a number of yea rs. A Painful Accident. Fred Young's son, Clifford, 11 years of age, was seriously in jured last Friday by being thrown from a load of hay, his injuries consisting of a broken bone and sprain of the left wrist and a sprain of the right wrist. The accident occurred near their home, where Clifford and three of bis brothers were hauling hay, perched upon a high load. A ditch beside the road caused the load to topple over, and in making his landing Clilford stopped quite forcibly as well as suddenly, re sulting as above stated. His in juries are not of a permanent na ture, but will disable him for some lime, ami the only consola tion he finds in relurn for his pain is the fact that the other boys have fo "pail Ihe cows" and Ho his share of chores. Union Ledger. Happily Wedded. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Lau of Sutherland, Neb., arrived last Thursday for a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lau. On Wednesday, June 5, Mr. C. A. Lau and Lillie White wero married in Sutherland. The bride is a daughter of James While, a wealthy landholder near Sutherland, and Ihe wedding was largely attended. The groom is assistant cashier of the Slnte bank there, and has made many friends during his eighteen months resi dence. The Republican voices the sentiment of many friends of the groom in w ishing I hem a very happy and prosperous married life. Weeping Water Republican. Fred Holka and Wife Here. From Friday's Dally. Fred Holka and wife of South Bend came to the county seat on No. 1 Ibis morning to look after business matters at the court house. Mr. Holka has been a Journal reader for twenty-five years, although just at present lakes an Ashland paper, ho having changed his residence nearer to that city than formerly. Mr. Holka is one of the prosperous German fanners of western Cass county. -m .wfiO Uinut, vuiD .uiil r ti o