nil itolk foki "3 We want to reduce our Hardware Stock $12,000.00 In the next Sixty Days and are MAKING THE PRICES TO DO IT! 3 These Prices are Only for Stock on Hand! 341 kegs of nails, regular price $3.00 per keg, now $2.35 67 80-rod spools galvanized cat , tie wire, was $2.70 per spool, now 2.25 74 80-rod spools galvanized hog wire, was $2.80, now 2.35 30 kegs fence staples, were $3.00 per keg, now 2.35 All Carbonundum sharpening stones 25 per cent off. All tin, granite and allumium ware 20 per cent off. Galvanized iron ware 20 per cent off. Ice Cream Freezers 20 per cent off. Coffee Boilers 15 per cent off. Having been fortunate enough to secure the agency for the Blau-Gass, we are going to reduce our immense Hardware Stock and evenually close it out entirely, retaining only the Heating and Plumbing end. In order to accomplish this quickly we are making the prices quoted in this advertisement. This sale will coutinue uniil we find a buyer for our stock and will give you an opportu nity to get goods at less prices than they zvere ever offered in Plattsmouth before. It is impossible to itemize prices on every item, as it would take over a month to go through and ite mize everything separate. We wish to state that outside of heating and plumbing material we are not holding back anything, but will discount every article, as we are positively going out of the hardware end of our business. With the new line that we have taken it will take all the time we have to give it proper attention, and if there anything you need in the hardware line you would do well to look over our stock. We are going to advertise our stock for sale in the leading papers and very likely will have a buyer for the entire stock in a very short time, so if there is anything you need it would be well to get it at once. Plattsmouth, J In! IINJ .UMU MM Nebraska These Prices are Only for Stock on Hand! Tin Boilers 20 per cent off. All Cutlery 25 per cent off. Garden and carpenter tools from 15 to 30 per cent discount. Any $10 Washing Machine at $8.00 Any 11 " 8.75 3 No. 17 U. S. Cream Separa tors, regular price $75, now . -60.00 One year guaranteed wringers, were $3.25, now 2.35 Three year guaranteed wringeis, were $3.75, now 2.75 Five year guaranteed wringers, were $5.00, now 3.50 Three year ballbearing wringers, were $1.50, now 3.25 Five year ballbearing wringers, were $5.50, now 4.00 ioi officers m si in HEAR NEHAWKh BUT RELEASE Hllfl Nehawka and the Surrounding Country Greatly Excited at the Arrest But Mover Proves an Alibi and is Released by the Officers Who Return to Villisca, Iowa. Much excitement was created in some circles yesterday after-j noon when a telephone message reached the city that Sam Mover, brother-in-law of J. 15. Moore, who, with his entire family, was murdered at Vallisca, Iowa, Sun day night, had been arrested at Nehawka by Sheriir Jackson of Montgomery county, Iowa, and a Pinkerton detective, and were coming to Plattsmouth by auto mobile. On further investigation it de veloped that the arrest had been made about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of Mover's son, Charles Hates, the adopted son of Walter Hales, but. whose real name is Charles Mover. Sam Moyer strenuously insisted to the ollicers who made the arrest (hat he was innocent and that be could prove by substantial business men of Nehawka thai he was there too early on Monday morning for him to have been at Vallisca at the time the murder was committed, and further avered that he, Mover, came direct from South Dakota to Nehawka. It developed at the coroner's inquest a I. amsca, inai, .uoore, the murdered man, looked upon his brother-in-law, Sam Mover, as the only enemy lie had in the world. About twenly-flve years nam Mover married a sister of Mrs. Moore, and after children were born to I hem some dillieully arose between them and the hus band and wife separated. One of the sons was adopted by Walker Hates, a prosperous farmer of near Nehawka. This son took the sirname ol ins adopting parents and is now married and residing on a farm 'north of Nehawka. IT was at the ho'nie of this son that Sam Moyer was stopping when the detective and sheriff located him. The statements of Mover's whereabouts are somewhat con flicting. Tuesday morning Moyer was seen to board the north bound Missouri Pacific at Union. The sehnli or tins county was nolilled at once, and he in turn notilied the sheriff of Douglas county, hut it appears thai the Douglas county sheriff did not get him located. Moyer was again seen Tuesday evening at the Union depot, in Omaha about 7 o'clock by II. Peters, a prominent citizen of (Irelna, who talked with Mover about the terrible crime. Moyer waited for the late train south and went lo the home of his son, where he was arrested and afterward released. Apparently the Montgomery comity oiiiciais are no nearer tin; solution of the mystery sur rounding the altrocious murders of Sunday night than I hey were the day following. The Avoca Department Now Items Gathered Each Week by a Speolal Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal Mrs. M. A. McLaughlin, 512 Jay Si., LaCross, Wis., writes that she suffered all kinds of pains in her back and hips on account of kid ney trouble and rheumatism. "I got some of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking them for a few days there was a wonedrful change in my case, for the pain entirely left my back and hips and I am thankful there is such a medicine as Foley Kidney Pills." For sale bv F. f i. Fricke & Co. Special Teachers' Examination. County Superintendent Miss Mary Foster has announced a special teachers' examination for Friday anil Saturday, Juno 21 and 22, lo certificates for county schools only. There will he no city teachers' examination at this lime. 3 Harry Marquanll, spent Sunday at Dunbar. Open air baud concerts every Tuesday evening. Louis Lorinsen arrived -from Iowa Tuesday evening. Ora K. Copes and wife were at Weeping Water Wednesday. L. .1. Manpiardt is still court ing at I'laltsmoulh this week. Miss Marie llehnieier was visit ing at Weeping Water last week. The store building of H. C. Marquanll & Co. is being painted, Miss Viola I'leshman was a Weeping Water visitor Wednes day. !o to Copes' drug store for your wedding and birthday pres ent s. F. i. Snencer of Huntley was visiting at the H. C. Manpiardt home .this week. "Ten Nights in a Har lloom" was, played to a crowded house here Saturday night. The Congregational Sunday school gave a very entertaining program Sunday evening. Miss Mary Ziinmerer was here from Nebraska City this week visiting relatives and friends. The fast Mauley team will be here on the Kllli lo play the homo team. A good game is looked for. Albert Henecke and family were here from Herlin Tuesday visit ing with (!. D. Maseman and wife. Herman Mitchell, who has been working at the Schmidt meat mar ket, has returned to Weeping Water. Have you seen the nice' new line of silverware at Copes' drug store? Just the thing for wed ding presents. Mrs. Florence Durham accom panied Mrs. Shellon, who lias been ill, to the home of a relative a I, Diller this week. Joseph C. Ziinmercr, Carrol Maseman, J. P. Kasinussen and (ieoi'ge D. Trook autoed to Ne braska City Monday on business. Miss Maude Haver and her friend, MissO'ltrien. of Lincoln, were visiting at the home of Samuel Johnson the tlrst of the week. A hiking club has been formed by some of the young ladies of the town and they plan lo walk each evening until eventually they walk as lar as Lincoln. - Umbrella Special! Friday Saturday , JUNE 14th and 15th, we will offer you our regular $1.48 Umbrella for 98c NOW we want YOU to understand this is not a $1.00 Umbrella, but the one we sell for $1.48 the year round, and as GOOD as can be bought for the price. You will need one. Better get one now. Remember they are on sale Friday and Saturday, June 14th and 15th. -See Our Window Display!- E. G. DOVEY & SON Slraub Hrolhers shipped a pure bred (ialloway calf to the Univer sity of Nebraska Ibis week; this makes the seventh lime the uni versity bought of this firm. The university has been experiment ing with Ihe dill'erenl breeds of beef cattle, and have been lilting and exhibiting a few steers in the strongest competition and largest live slock show in the world, which is Ihe International Live Stock Exposition in Chicago. The university has bought their (ial loway cattle from Slraub Hroth ers since 1!M)(, when they bought Roderick, as a calf, winning first at. Ihe American lloyal, Kansas City, and llrsl in carcass contest in class at Chicago, all breeds ocmpeliug. They then got Do mise, who won llrsl in a class at Kansas City, second at Chicago, and second in carcass contest some place. Highland Lady was tirst in class in Kansas City, and Chicago, was entered in carcass contest and stood tlrst on fool for all breeds competing, second on hook in carcass contest, all breeds competing. Scot I i was llrsl and champion in Chicago in repeating in 111 10. Hy changing the rules Scolli was barred from showing further, so he was served at a hampiel at Ihe Lincoln hotel at the January meeling. Hobbie Hums comes next with llrsl and champion in Chicago in 11)10, first in class and second in carcass contest in 1SM1, all breeds com peting. Donald won second. He- sides the above they showed a (Ialloway steer herd three differ ent years, winning second in 190H, llrsl' in MUM) and lirsi in DUO. Avoca Wins Another. The Aoea ball Irani went lo F.I m wood last Friday and defeat ed the team there in a fast gaum of ball. The Avoca learn was there, as usual, with Ihe slick and made several three-base hits. Tin; Klinwood boys played nice ball, but were outclassed by our boys. Score: Flmwood II II 0 fl I) I (I 0 0 i Avoca 0 0 1 i 0 II II I a I) Halleries S ruber and Mead; Kunz and llcllriek. ' JOSEPH FITZGERALD DIES I (HA Former Citizen and Chief Police of Plattsmouth Dies of Tuberculosis. of esteemed by all who knew him arid will be sincerely mourned by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Joseph Fitzgerald of Omaha died at his home in that city this morning at 1:30 o'clock of tuber culosis, after an illness of about three years. The deceased was well known in this city, having been a resident of IMaltsniouth for about nine, years, and chief of police under Ihe II. It. Oering regime. Joseph Fitzgerald was born in Hureau county, Illinois, forty-four years ago. Coming to Nebraska at Ihe age of 19, he look up his residence at Louisville, where, a year later, he was married lo Miss Teidorsky, with whom he lived happily until his death. His wife, one son and two daughters survive him, being William and Misses (irace ami Kalherine, all of Omaha. He also leaves three hrolhers and one sisler, namely: F.d fif Ibis city, James of Hridge port, Tom of Trego, Wisconsin, and Mrs. Mary Frcsbrcy of Hock Falls, Illinois. The funeral will occur Satur day afternoon. Interment will he made at Louisville. Although Mr. Fitzgerald had been ill for three years, he was aide lo be about nearly all of the lime until last Saturday, when lie look to his bed and appeared to grow weaker, and for the last three days his life has hung by a thread. He was a kind and oblig ing neighbor, a loving husband and father and was highly Each age of our lives Tias Its joys. Old people should he hap py, and I hey will he if Chamber lain's Tablets are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the, bowels regular. These tablets are mild and gentle in their action and especially suitable for people, of middle age nnd older. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. Team Runs Away. A learn belonging to a fanner, by Ihe nameo f Mr. Willard, who resides a few miles south of IMallsmonth, took fright about 5 o'clock last evening while stand ing at the, rear of II. M. Sncn- nichsen's store, and made a dash down the alley east, turning north on Third street. The lop buggy lo which they were nltached was overturned and badly mashed up when the frightened team made a short turn into Main street and were headed off by men who ran to stop them. A. !. Hach was the first man to reach Ihe horses and grasped each horse by the bit and prevented Ihem from colliding with the building in which the laundry is located. The horses were taken lo shelter just as Ihe, downpour came. Fortunately no one was hurl. After the rain storm was over Mr. Williard re moved the wreck of his buggy from Ihe street. They Wonder Why? William Caygill, one of the prosperous retired farmers, re siding in Wabash, was in the county seat Ibis week and ex pressed his opinion that IMatts mouth had improved a great deal within Ihe past three years. Hut Mr. Caygill also noted Ihe de lapidaled buildings on Main street in the block west of the court house,, which he said were a dis grace to Ihe town and would not be perrnilled to remain in the village of Wabash any length of lime. And yd the council squirms about and hesitates to do its duly in Ihe removal of the same. Some, people wonder why? "Doan's Ointment cured me of eczema that had annoyed me for a long lime. The result was last ing." Hon. S. W. Mall hews, Commissioner Labor Statistics, Augusta, Me. HELPED TO KEEP DOWN EXPENSES. Mrs. J. E. Henry, Akron, Mich., tells how she did so: "I was bothered with my kidneys and had lo go nearly double. I tried a sample of Foley Kidney Fills and they did me so much good thai I bought a bottle and feel that they saved nie a big doctor's bill." For sale bv F. 0. Fricke A Co. Board of Equalization. v. Friday is the last day Ihe lax- pavers nave lo protest lo the board, of equalization concerning the valuation of their properly for taxation purposes. Hettcr look after it now, as a protest later will le of no avail. The hoard of county commissioners began their work as a board of equalization Tuesday, and so far few com plaints have been made. For Sale. H. I. Red eggs for sale, 50 cents per setting, or $3.00 per hundred. Mrs. C. E. Schwab, 'Phone 3-H, Murray, Neb.