The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 13, 1912, Image 3

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for Men and Women, worth 75c to $2.00, go at AL 7Q Qnd QRp
this bargain sale at l ,3 d,il! 33b
of the very finest material, worth up to $3.00, go at
this bargain sale for
Cloak and Suit
In order not to carry over any of our
Cloaks, Suits and Dresses, we decided to of
fer them to the public at a very big discount:
98c Up
48c Up
wnrth from S5
$2.75 Up
You Hit the Mark for Quality and
Price at this Store.
Spring weather upset Business and to balance stocks
Ladies' Dresses
Children's Dresses
Ladies' Wool Dress Skirts, worth from $5
to $12, will be sold
Jaunty New Styles
Tailored Suits will be sold at
from the regular selling price.
H Off
The latest style of Ladies' Waists and Shirts, worth
from $2.00 up to $5.00, will be sold during sale from
89c Up to $2.45
Just received a lot of White Piquae Skirts in dif
ferent patterns, worth $3.00 to $3.50, will be sold from
$2.19 Up to $3.25
Peau-deCheyenne Petticoats, worth
$150, sold at
lFMuslin Underwear made by the fin
est houses in the country will be sold much
cheaper than elsewhere.
Shoes to Fit the Whole Family!
Children's Shoes, worth 50c to $1.50,
will go at this sale for 1 5, 39, 60, 79 and
and 95c.
Men and Young Men's Shoes, worth
$2.50 up to $3.50 in different styles $1.45,
$1.85, $2.00, $2.45 and $2.95.
Ladies' and Misses' Shoes shoes with a
reputation White Buck, Canvas and Tan,
High and Low Oxfords and Pumps, worth
from $3.00 to S5.00, at $1.39, $1.75,
$1.98; $2.45 and $3.45.
A large line of Suit Cases, Trunks and
Stetson Hats No. 1 $2.98.
we upset a lot of Good Merchandise for quick selling.
This is not a sale of undesirable left-overs of unseason
able goods, marked at little prices. We have assem
bled for this sale things which are selling heavily over
the counters things our customers are buying because
they want them right now. Run your eyes over the
appended list. If you don't strike some cracker-jack
buying opportunities that just hit the mark with you,
we miss our guess.
at Great Bargain
One lot of Hats, worth up to $6.00, will go for $2.98
Another fine lot of Hats, worth $8.00 to S10.00, will be sold for 4.75
Third fine lot of Hats, worth $12.00 to $15.00, will be sold for 7.95
Ladies' Slip-On Raincoats
$4,75 Up to $14
Men's Raincoats
495 Up to $13.75
Get Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back
Fander'S DepartfflCTtjkore
Plattsmouth, V.ZUCKER, Manager.
Bargain Sale on Work
Shirts and Overalls
During this Week!
McDonald's Union Made Shirts and Overalls. Also,
the "Ideal," made by M. E. Smith & Co., of Plattsmouth
made of high-grade madras and che
viots in different colors sold the world
over for 50 and 65c, will be sold this
week for
Overalls sold all over for $1.00, during
this week 79c
50c Boy's Blouses sold for 23c
Men's Hats, worth $3.00, during this sale
at $1.95
Men's Hats, worth $2.50, during this sale
at 1.50
Men's Hats, worth $2.00, during this sale
at....!. 1.25
In Our Clothing
Remarkable Reductions all this Week'
Young Men's and Men's Suits
$6.95, $9.75, $13.50, $15.00
and $18.00
Furnishing at Money Saving
Porosknit Union Suits, worth 75c for 39c
Superior a perfect Union Suit, worth
$1.50, sold for 98c.
25c Ties for 10c
35cTiesfor ......19c
15c Men's Hose for 8c
20c Men's Hose for 11c
25c Men's Hose for 19c
Suspenders and Belts, worth 75c, will be sold
during this bargains for 19 and 39c
For Saturday ONLY from 3 to 4 p. m.
Fine grade
Calico for
3Jc yd Cash
LSTReduced prices on Ladies' Furnish
ings, Dry Goods and Notions.
From Tuesdav'B Dally
Attorney William DellesDernier
of Elmwood had business in this
city last evening.
Louis Marquardt was a pas
senger for Omaha on the fast mail
this afternoon.
Mrs. A. S. Will and daughter
spent the day in Omaha, going on
the early train this morning.
D. I,. Hiatt and his father, M.
Hiatt, were Plattsmouth visitors
Monday, where D. L. was called
on business.
Mrs. C. S. Hart and sister, Mrs.
Walker, of Elmwood, were in the
cily over night, and registered at
the Riley hotel.
Henry Horn and wife and three
children returned last evening
from Omaha, where they visited
friends over Sunday.
Wendel Heil and wife and sons
motored to Plattsmouth yester
day afternoon and transacted
business at the stores.
Charles Troop was a passeng
er to South Omaha on the morn
ing train today, where he looked
after business matters.
George Sayles and family re
turned from Cedar Creek on No.
4 this morning, where they visit
ed relatives over Sunday.
John Whileman of Nehawka
was in the city a few hours to
day looking after business mat
ters for a time between trains.
Ray Fran and J. C. Neiday
came up from Union on the morn
ing train today to look after busi
ness matters at the court house.
Rev. B. C. Bailey was a pas
senger to Omaha on the after
noon train today, where he was
ealled on business for a few
hours. Misses Emma and Lena Hirz
came in from their home this
morning and boarded the early
train for Omaha, where they spent
the day.
Uncle lien Heckman and his
son-in-law, Louis Reinakel, drove
in from their farm near Murray
this morning ami visited friends
for a time.
C. E. Lohnes ami wife of near
Mynard were visitors in the city
today and Mr. Lohnes found time
to drop in at the Journal olllce for
a short call.
From Wdnesday'i Dally.
C. A. Baldwin of Weeping Wa
ter was an over night visitor in
the city.
William Caygill of Wabash was
an over night visitor in Plalls
nioulh last evening and register
ed at the Perkins.
Charles C. Hennings of near
Louisville came down on No. 4 this
morning and visited Plattsmouth
friends for the day.
Mrs. Ilandley, who has been
paying a visit to her daughter and
son in Omaha for the past three
days, returned this afternoon.
James Sperry of Weeping Wa
ter returned to his home via
Omaha this afternoon, having
been excused from the jury for
lvn weeks.
K. C. Hill left for Weeping Wa
ter on the morning train today,
where he will attend the annual
convention of the Kpworlh league
for a two days' session.
W. T. Smith went to Council
III nil's this afternoon to load out
a threshing machine outfit to he
used west of Murray. The "mill"
is of the Westinghouse variety.
O. M. Streight of Omaha came
in yesterday to lake charge of the
Streight & Streight furniture
store today while W. J. attends
the Undertakers' convention at
Miss Jessie Todd of Union was
an over night guest of Mrs.
George Thomas, leaving for Ida
Grove, Iowa, this afternoon. Mrs.
Tracy of Union accompanied Miss
Todd and was a guest of Mrs. T.
M. Patterson while in the city.
L. Marquardt and I). Koester,
from Avoca, serving on I he jury,
returned to their homo via Oma
ha this afternoon. Dick was of
the opinion that the jury work
was not quite so hard as the
duties of a farmer, and he would
like a steady job at jury service.
M. Ilild, W. J. Streight and
Julius Pilz visited the metropolis
today, Mr. Pitz bent on pleasure,
while Messrs. Mild and Streight
expected to attend the Under
takers' convention and shed a lit
lle light on some of the mysteries
of the craft for the benefit of
some of their benighted co-workers
from other cities.
From Tliuritday'i Dally
Miss llattie Fight and Miss
Mamie Mortenson departed for a
two months' trip on the Pacific
coast this afternoon.
Herman Pankonin of Louisville
was a Plaltsinouth visitor today,
having come down on No. 4 to
look after business matters at the
court house.
Rev. Father Shine made a busi
ness trip to Omaha today, going
on the early train.
H. F. FornolT came down from
his home near Cullom this morn
ing. The rain making I he ground
too wet for farming, gives the
farmers a chance for a short rest.
L. 1). Cogswell and family, who
have been guests of friends in
this city for a couple of days, de
parted for Omaha ami Scotts HlufT
this morning on the early train..
Mrs. John Lutz and daughters,
Helen and Katherine, accom
panied by her mother, Mrs. Pre
lig, were Omaha passengers on
the morning train today, where
they visited relatives for the day.
P. T. Becker and II. E. Becker
and Charles Peaccock, all of Eight
Mile Grove, came to the city this
morning to visit friends and do
some shopping, while the excess
moisture finds its way to the roots
of the corn crop.
W. E. Rosenrrans and wife and
daughters motored over to Gretna
Monday to visit relatives until
Tuesday morning, and got back
this morning. Mr. Rosencrans
and family made it back as far as
Coon Vallery's, when the shower
struck Ihem lust evening, where
they remained over night and Mr.
Vallery brought them in this
John Meisinger, jr., and son,
Raymond, returned home this
morning from Lincoln, where they
have, been visiting for the past
few days with C. A. Harvey, father
of Mrs. Meisinger. Mrs. Meising
er and daughter came down from
their home near Cullom this
morning and all spent the day in
Plattsmouth, returning to their
home this evening.
Which Will It Be.
a According to information re
ceived at the court house the as
sessed valuation of Cass county
lands is 73.8.') per acre, average.
The valuation of Otoe county
lands, with one precinct still
missing, is $81.15. Cass county
will either raise the valuation a
little, or the Otoe county valua
tion is a little too high. Nebraska
City Press.
It is now well known that not
more than one case of rheuma
tism in ten requires any internal
treatment whatever. All that is
needed is a free application of
Chamberlain's Liniment and mas
saging the parts at each applica
tion. Try it and see how quickly
it will relieve the pain and sore
ness. Sold by F. G. Frieke & Co.
In County Court.
Anton Kanka and wire, as Tielrs
of the property of Francis Kanka,
their daughter, who was killed in
a Missouri Pacific wreck last Sep
tember, tiled a waiver of publish
ed notice of llnal settlement of
their daughter's estate today and
the court made an order of dis
tribution, dividing the $4,850
equally between the parents.
Patient Does Nicely.
Raymond Travis, who under
went an operation for appendicitis
at Clnrkson hospital Monday
morning, is doing very well. His
condition was excellent last even
ing when his parents heard from
For regular action of the
bowels; easy, natural movements,
relief of constipation, try Doan's
Regulets. 25c at all stores.
Grand Island College.
Mr. A. L. I)unn, representing;
the Grand Island Business Col
lege, was in the city a few hours
yesterday and today in the in
terests of that excellent business
educational institution. They
have had several students from'
Plattsmouth and Cass county
during the past few years, all of.
whom have thoroughly qualified--themselves
for their chosen pro
fession and now have good posi
tions in the (business world.
While in the city Mr. Bunn paid
this olllce a brief call, and we
found him to be a most excellent
gentleman, and one with whom it
is a pleasure to meet.
Returns From Missouri. ,
E. B. Perry returned today from
a trip to Missouri, where he visit
ed his sister and three brothers-in-law,
and . during his absence
spent some time at Lnmar,
Springfield and Cnrlhage. Mr.
Perry has not seen his sister for
twenty-five years. At Carthage
he visited his cousin, whom he
had not seen since coming west.
Summer School Opens.
The summer normal training
school at Bellevue opened Mon
day. In the list of instructors we
notice the name of Professor
Oscar Larson of Plattsmouth, who
will teach history and science.
Impure blood runs you down
makes you an easy victim for dis
ease. For pure blood and sound
digestion Burdock Blood Bitters.
At all drug 'stores. Price $1.00.
Don't forget I The Journal
office Is prepared to do all kinds
of fanoy Job work. Give us a trial.