The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 13, 1912, Image 1

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    .ob Slate Historical Soc
NO. 6.
CO Ell
In Regard to the Repairing of the Wooden Buildings on Main
Street, by Covering Them With Brick and Tin Report of City
Treasurer Shows City in Splendid Financial Condition.
From Tuesday's Dally.
At the rollcall of officers at the
city council session all were pres
ent save Councilman Vondran of
the Fifth ward, who was absent
throughout the session. The min
utes of the previous meeting were
read and approved without
Under the head of communica
tions, one was read from F. E.
While relative to his three build
ings. In substance, Mr. While
asked that he be allowed to re
pair and paint the buildings, and
stated that he would cover the
fronts with metal in stone or
brick imitation, place brick
foundations under them and make
them look creditable. Councilman
Richey discussed the request and
stated that he did not like the idea
of getting the city into a lawsuit,
and if there was any way to
compromise the matter and let
Mr. White repair the building he
would like to do so, and moved
that the former action of the
council regarding the removal of
the structures be reconsidered;
the motion was seconded by Mr.
Before the motion was put City
Attorney Tidd was called on for
an opinion as to whether the
council could grant permission to
repair a wooden building de
preciated more than 50 per cent
of the value. The council was
cited to the statute forbidding the
granting of any special privilege
to erect a woodn building within
the prescribed (Ire limit, and it
was the opinion of the city at
torney that the provision in the
ordinance and the statute would
not permit it. It was also sug
gested that as Mr. Dovey had been
a signer on a petition to retain
the buildings, he was disqualified
from seconding a motion to re
consider. At this stage Mr.
Richey withdrew his motion.
There was considerable discus
sion of the matter, and the re
building of the Jones' livery barn
was cited as a precedent where a
special privilege had been grant
ed to erect a wood building in the
fire limits. Mr. Hallstrom got the
floor and suggested that it would
be well to use some caution and
avoid litigation if it could con
sistently be done, and recom
mended as a solution of the mat
ter that a committee be appoint
ed to confer with Mr. White and
see if he would not make the
fronts of brick or concrete and
cover the sides with metal, and
place the buildings on good brick
foundations and make them look
creditable to the street. Coun
cilman Buttery got the floor and
remarked that he thought there
ought to be some way out of the
diftlculty, and moved that the
mayor appoint a committee to
confer wifh Mr. White along the
lines suggested by Mr. Hallstrom.
The motion was seconded "and
carried. Mayor Saltier named as
such committee Buttery, Lush
insky and Richey.
A communication was read
from Kroehler Brothers slating
the firm lield a note and account
against one of the city employes
for 814.90, and requested the
council to see that the claim was
paiil. The mailer was referred lo
the judiciary committee, which
reported during the session.
The finance committee reported
I he following claims and recom
mended their allowance: Ernest
Milburn, street work, $15.80;
John Kitzpalrick, salary night
police, $10; Kroehler Brothers,
merchandise, $0.75; Ben Ilainey,
salary, $t5; Robert Walling,
watering library lawn, $3; Olive
Jones, salary, $35; James Don
nely, salary, $3; public library,
expense, ?1.40; Warga & Cecil,
repairs, 20 cents; Hans Rothman,
labor, $20; E. Kalaseck, $2; H. D.
Stanley, labor, $1; R. A. Bates,
printing, $8.51; Henry Trout,
salary, $50; M. McCool, labor on
street, $22; Lewis Melbach, labor,
$29; Mark Sheldon, $1.60; James
ii : it
in l,
Wynn, street work, $2(5.80 ; James
Rebal, street commissioner, 133;
Charles Bates, street work, $20;
Ed Snodgrass, street work, 38;
Al Jones, street work, $22.80; W.
B. Rishel, sprinkling streets and
labor; $38.50; E. B. Perry, haul
ing hose, $2; M. Archer, salary,
$30; Nebraska Light Co., three
bills, $3.10; Nebraska Light Co.,
two bills, $120.40, less 80 cents
discount, or allowed $125.57; F.
Neuman, testing hose. $2; Platts-
Poliee . 128.50 157.58
Fire Hydrant
Rent 011.30
Cemetery , . .
Bus. Tax. . . .
(ien. School . .
Teachers' . . .
Paving Bis No
3 Reg. War
rants 125.02
4,031.13 2,510.84
12.00 250. CO
.75 111.01
42.00 3,455.20
41)0.0 4
223.07 889.03
1,380.25 '1,131.17
Total on hand, $11,580.11, less
overdraft of $2,03OTSO, leaving
balance in hands of treasurer of
treasurer of $0,555.31.
The judiciary committee re
ported on Krohler claim in sub
stance that the committee re
commended that I he city not re
tain anyone on its force unless
employe paid up bills,
mouth Telephone company, $2.50;
B. t. Wurl, expense, $1.50. Two
claims were sent to the claims
committee, being John Bauer,
$1.05 and J. H. McMaken for sod
ding library lawn, $42.57.
The chief of police reported
seven arrests during the month
of May. The city clerk collected
and turned into the treasury
$103.70 during the month. City
Treasurer Carl 0. Fricke reported
warrants paid and funds on hand
as follows:
Fund Paid. Balance.
Building $ 905.04
(ieneral $ 121.3 4 312.03
Hoad 472.25 1,728.57
Fire Dept. ... 11.75 09.57
Park 49.43
Councilman Kurtz, chairman of
the streets; alleys and bridges
committee, reported that the
county commissioners had been
cominmunicated with concerning
the county bridges within the city
limits and that the board would
take time to view the bridges at
the present session of the board.
Chairman Lushinsky of the
committee to provide a place for
the ineeling of the city council,
reported that the livery barn
which he had been in favor of the
city owning and remodeling for a
council chamber, had been sold
and I lie committee would like
further time, which was granted.
Councilman Johnson reported,
as chairman of the cemetery
committee, that the gentleman
from Lincoln could be had at any
time now, and it was moved to
have Mr. Wiggin come to Plalts
moulh and visit I lie cemetery with
the committee in a week or so.
Chairman Dovey of the finance
committee, reported that a meet
ing of the committee had been
held and (he estimate for the
year's expense had been prepared,
which would lower the tax by a
mill over that of last year. The
estimate was then read and voted
to be published with the estimate
of last year.
The rontract for building con
crete walks ami crossings was
awarded to H. C. McMaken &
Sons company.
After some discussion of (lie
question of building concrete
j walks, the council adjourned.
Acoepts Position t -Merger's.
Miss Anna Weidman has ac
cepted the position of clerk al the
Charles Herger bakery, entering
upon her duties Monday. Miss
Weidman is a capable young1 lady
in whatever line she may choose
lo take up, and tho trade will And
her genial and obliging.
Making Permanent Walk.
From Tuesday's Dally.
II. C. McMaken it Son company
are engaged today laying the con
crete walk adjacent to their con
crete works on South Fifth street.
This is a much needed improve
ment, as the street is one of the
direct lines of travel from the
shops to the postolllce and is
much used. The new walk covers
half a block and closes up the gap
and make a good walk from Main
street to Garfield park.
Omaha Boosters Say Missourl
lowa Rocky and Far From a
Good Motor Road.
' The Omaha World-Herald con
tains the following account of the
return trip of the Omaha Boost
ers, who feel very much enl bused
over the niaha-Platlsnioulh-Ne-braska
City-Kansas City Motor
Addition proof that the Ne
braska motor .route to Kansas
City totally eclipses Hie road on
the Missouri side of the river is
at hand. '
Omaha's good roads boosters,
who motored to Kansas City last
week, reached home yesterday,
enthused beyond description at
the wonderful success of I heir
trip. And they declare the Ne
braska road to be far better than
that on the opposite side of the
"Big Muddy."
The Omahans made the return
trip on the Missouri side, just to
see for themselves what the road
really is like. And the thrills they
experienced in narrowly escaping
plunges down bluffs and acci
dents through collisions with
huge bowlders still set their their
blood tingling.
Mud and rocks and uneven
highways were, their lot on the
return, but on the way to Kansas
City, they insist, they found ideal
traveling. The down trip was
made in ten hours' actual running
time. But on the return it look
them ten hours to make the 08
miles to St. Joseph.
The Missouri-Iowa road to
Kansas iCty 'is 241 miles in
length, while the Nebraska-Kansas
highway is but 214 miles
long. And it's the ideal, too, in
asmuch as it's the shortest route,
the ieal boosters say.
In the parly that preached a
belter highway gospel on their
trip was Ward C. Clifford, assist
ant commissioner of the Com
mercial club; H. E. Fredrirkson,
who furnished the car for the
trip; J. A. Sunderland, J. E.
George, R. P. Hamilton and T. II.
Pollock of Plattsntouth.
The next cross-country road
trip, ns scheduled, will lake the
boosters across Nebraska to Salt
Lake City.
Resolutions of Condolence.
Whereas, It has pleased our
Heavenly Falher, in his inllnile
wisdom and love, to remove from
our midst our esteemed and be
loved neighbor, (ieorge Wagner,
of this camp; therefore, be it
Resolved, By the members of
Cedar Creek CampNo. 2005, Mod
ern Woodmen of Aemrica, that in
his death the camp loses a
staunch and worthy member, the
community a loyal friend and his
family a true and loving falher
and husband.
Resolved, That in respect to his
memory and in appreciation of
his honest and upright life, the
camp extends to his wife and
family Iheir heartfelt sympathy;
and be it further
Resolved, That a copy of (he
foregoing resolutions be entered
upon the minutes of our camp and
published in our official paper,
and a copy of the same be Irans
icilled to the wife of our de
ceased neighbor.
J. H. Ilessenflow,
(Ieorge P. Meisinger,
II. G. Frey,
C. E. Heebner of Nehawka nnd
C. II. Jordan of Alvo arrived from
their homes last evening and met
with Mr Friedrich in regular
county commissioners board ses
sion today. The commissioners
will sit as a board of equalization
this week.
Mrs. Sarah -McElwain Against the
Platte Mutual Insurance Co.
Tried by Jury.
From Tuesday'! Dally.
The. following jury was em
panneled yesterday afternoon in
the district court to try the issues
between Mrs. Sarah McElwain and
the Platte Mutual Insurance com
pany, which was tried some time
ago in the county court and judg
ment awarded the plaintilT: J. Q.
Lansing, James Sperry, B. C.
Hyde, Dietrich Koester, (J. M.
Minford, Lee Cotner, Asbury
Jacks,' W. J. Maguey, S. I. Comp
ton, William Bullish, E. B. Tay
lor and John Wolf.
The plaintilT bases her claim
for judgment on a contract of in
surance which th.' defendant, by
its olllcers, claims was never paid
for, and the policy in fact can
celed. To support her contention
the plaintiff introduced the policy
and also supported her claim by
her own testimony and also that
of her son, B. A. McElwain. Mr.
McElwain testified that he pro
cured the policy of insurance fol
ios mother, and also paid the
premium for her himself, per
sonally, in cash, but took no re
ceipt. Mrs. McElwain testified to
receiving the policy, examining it
and placing it in a drawer of her
bookcase with oilier papers.
.Mrs. McElwain was cross-examined
very rigidly by Mr. Dwver,
i'.llorney for the Platte Mutual,
and the witness was asked
whether or not she had staled to
Mrs. V. V. Leonard, in hep own
home , during the summer, after
her residence was destroyed by
lire, .that she and her son, Bert,
were sorry and disappointed because-
they had not kept the in
surance policy paid up. Mrs. Mc
Elwain emphatically denied such
a statement. On her re-examination
the witness staled that she
is 70 years old. The plaint ill" then
rested her case.
The defendant called Mrs. V. V.
Leonard, who testified in sub
stance I hat she was a caller at
Mrs. McElwain's home during I he
summer, a year ago, after the fire
and after the building had been
repaired, when Mrs. McElwain
had informed- her that she and
her son were disappointed be
cause they had let their insurance
lapse. At, this stage of the trial
the court took a recess until 9
o'clock this morning.
On account of one of the jurors,
Mr. Wolfe, misunderstanding the
hour of beginning court this
morning and going to his home,
lelurning on No. 4, court did not
proceed with the trial until 10
The defense continued with its
witnesses, taking the testimony of
II. R. Goring, Frank McElroy and
others. The testimony of Mr.
(lering directly contradicted the
evidence of B. A. McElwain as to
the payment of the premium, Mr.
del ing being just as positive that
the premium had never been paid
as Mr. McElwain was yesterday
that he had paid it. Mr. McElroy
leslilled to meeting Mr. McElwain
on the street shortly after the fire
and having a conversation with
him, in which Mr. McElroy ex
pressed sorrow al the loss of the
McElwain home, and received the
information from Mr. McElwain
that the insurance had been al
lowed lo lapse.
The case was still in progress
when the Journal went to press.
' Card of Thanks.
We lake this opportunity of re
turning our most sincere and
heartfelt thinks to our neighbors
and friends for assistance and
sympathy in our affliction, caused
by the sudden death of our dear
husband and father. And especial
ly lo the Sons of Herman do we
owe a debt of gratitude for Iheir
many kindnesses during our deep
atlliction, and also for the many
flnral tributes,
Mrs. fieorge Wagner
and Children.
James Terryberry returned
from Hazelton, N. D., on the
morning I rain today, where he
had been looking after real estate
belonging lo the William Volk
Nothing Gorgeous, Nothing Costly, But One of Pleasure and
Socialbility, and Enjoy Good Speaking, Good Music and a
Genuine Good Time in Honor of the Great Natal Day.
It is the suggestion of Mayor
Saltier that the people of Plalls
niouth get together and have a
Fourth of July celebration. It. is
not his idea to have the event too
extensive and so gorgeous as to
require everybody to dig up u lot
of money, but, cut out the "mid
way" features requiring outside
attractions, which are usually ex
pensive, and bring little real
pleasure. The mayor would be in
favor of securing a couple of good
and entertaining speakers, a
chorus of home singers and the
Burlington llnulc band for the
enlerlainnient of the crowd, with
fireworks al night, lie suggests
that I he city has a line park, which
would be a delightful place to hold
the celebration, and nothing
would be nicer than lo enlertain
the people of the city there for a
few hours on our natal day.
This simple program would not
require such an amount of funds
as is usually expended and would
be more enjoyable than the street
fair attractions usually pulled off
Howard Beaty, Former Engineer
on Burlington, Died In
Lincoln Saturday.
From TueHday's Dally.
Howard Beaty, formerly a resi
dent of this city, and for the past
twenty-live or thirty years a Bur
lington engineer, died suddenly at
his home in Lincoln Saturday aft
ernoon. Mr. Beaty had been in
his usual health until last Tues
day, while in Omaha with his wife,
he had a bad turn and had to call
a doctor, but speedily grew bet
ter after arriving at his home in
Lincoln and thought he was over
his trouble.
Just before he expired he was
sitting in a chair at his home and
conversing with a neighbor wom
an. Mrs. Beaty had gone out to
Ihe grocery store for something,
and Mr. Beaty remarked to the
neighbor that he was feeling fine
now and would go back lo work
Monday, and he had hardly
ceased speaking of Ibis when he
fell forward from his chair and
died without uttering a sound and
wit bout a struggle.
Mr. Beaty was born in Penn
sylvania fifty-nine years ago, and
came to Plaltsmoulh about 1874,
as a Burlington engineer, and he
was one of Ihe few men retained
by the company after the strike,
lie was removed lo Havelock when
the shops were built there and
given a run from Lincoln. He
leaves a wife and one daughter,
Mrs. Hoscoe Alexander of Topcka,
Kansas. He was a man who stood
high in the estimation of the
Burlington management, as well
as with his brother engineers.
Bis funeral occurred al St.
Paul's church, Lincoln, this aft
ernoon, (ieorge Dodge and wife
of this city, old friends of the
family, .attended the funeral.
Chicken Farm Prospering.
Oscar Wilson, who is running a
chicken farm as a side line with
his barber simp, has a fine lot of
full blooded barred Plymouth
Rock fowls already on hand, and
the new incubator, which he
stocked up with 130 eggs three
weeks ago yesterday, began lo
grind out a full grist of the same
kind of birds. Oscar has several
pens in close proximity to his
shop and the chicks are doing
Lawn Social at Mynard.
A social will lie given, on the
lawn of Robert Propst on Satur
day evening, June 15, for tho
benefit of the Mynard baseball
club. Ice cream and cako will bo
served, and everybody Is invited
to come and enjoy a nice, social
on (he paved street. It would not
be necessary to send out delega
tions over the county as boosters,
as the newspaper advertisements
would be sullicient to bring the
people out. The, celebration would
not in any way be a money-making
enterprise, but a patriotic
gathering to enjoy the holiday,
hear the speeches, patriotic songs
and enjoy a general social after
noon. The idea is a good one and will
be entered into with more zeal by
all of the citizens taking part
I ban a celebration promoted by
only one order. About all of the
funds needed will be for Ihe band,
I he fireworks and expense of car
fare and hotel bills of the orators
and the amount could easily be
est imal ed.
All hough Mayor Sat tier has not
suggested how Ihe mailer should
be handled, there is no doubt that
a mass meeting of the citizens,
called by the mayor for the pur
pose, would quickly set Ihe mai
ler in million.
Proper Way to Look at It.
The Tecumseh Journal-Tribune
very truthfully remarks:
"Incomprehensible as it. may
seem, I here are a few people who
do not lake kindly lo Ihe slogan,
'Work the roads,' giving as a rea
son that only those owning auto
mobiles are benefited by keeping
the roads in a passable condition.
This sort of feeling should not
exist, (iood roads are of vast,
benefit lo every farmer who take
grain, produce or slock to mar
ket. While il is true that aulo
users will reap a benefit, si ill it
follows that all who have oc
casion to use the public highways
will receive al least partial bene
fit. We own no aulo neither do
we hope to be able lo so do in Ihe
near future, yet we find those who
do own those vehicles of rapid
I can si I among the most liberal
givers when it comes to paying
out money for keeping up the
highways. They should be coin
mended for Iheir public spirit
rather than be found fault with.
The value of every farm in John
son county is enchanced by good
roads, and Ihe man who stands
back when solicited to do his part
loward improving them should
make a careful inspection of him
self and see if he cannot take
something which will relieve him
of that 'grouchy' feeling."
Convention at Omaha.
The forty-fifth annual stale
Sunday school convent ion w ill
meet in the Auditorium in Omaha
one week from today, June 18,
continuing three days. Some
noted men are on the program fur
addresses during Ihe three days,
among them being Prof. K. I..
Rouse of Peru, formerly super
intendent of Ihe Plaltsmoulh
schools. One the night before the
convention opens, June 17, there
is to be a grand concert of from
500 to 1,000 voices and accom
panied by the Omaha Symphony
Study orchestra, directed by Mr.
Cox. The musical organization
is popular in Plattsmouth, and
together with the 500 voices o
the best singers in Omaha, will
be something worth hearing. The
concert is for the entertainment
of the visiting delegates and will
be free. The Sunday schools of
the city will no doubt send many
delegates to the convention, as it
seldom convenes in so convenient
a city as Omaha.
Make Valuable Improvement
The German Turners have just
completed a fine concrete walk en
the oast and south of their hall
property on Washington avenue
and Eighth street. The walk on
tho east will be very much ap
preciated by those living on North
Eighth, as well, ns those al tend
ing the Christian church from
tho south. McMaken & Son com
pany did tho job.