E j We want to reduce our Hardware Stock $12,000.00 in i the next Sixty Days and are MAKING THE PRICES TO DO IT! I '"i These Prices are Only for Stock on Hand! 341 kegs of nails, regular price $3.00 per keg, now $2.35 67 80-rod spools galvanized cat tle wire, was $2.70 per spool, now 2.25 74 80-rod spools galvanized hog wire, was $2.80, now 2.35 30 kegs fence staples, were $3.00 per keg, now 2.35 All Carbonundum sharpening stones 25 per cent off. All tin, granite and allumium ware 20 per cent off. Galvanized iron ware 20 per cent off. Ice Cream Freezers 20 per cent off. Coffee Boilers 15 per cent off. Having been fortunate enough to secure the agency for the Blau-Gass, we are going to reduce our immense Hardware Stock and evenually close it out entirely, retaining only the Heating and Plumbing end. In order to accomplish this quickly we are making the prices quoted in this advertisement. This sale will coutinue uniil we find a buyer for our stock and will give you an opportu nity to get goods at less prices than they were ever offered in Plattsmouth before. It is impossible to itemize prices on every item, as it would take over a month to go through and ite mize everything separate. We wish to state that outside of heating and plumbing material we are not holding back anything, but will discount every article, as we are positively going out ot the hardware end ot our business. With the new line that we have taken it will take all the time we have to give it proper attention, and if there anything you need in the hardware line you would do well to look over our stock. We are going to advertise our stock for sale in the leading papers and very likely will have a buyer for the entire stock in a very short time, so if there is anything you need it would be well to get it at once. Plattsmouth, J U Kl EM3 H R Nebraska These Prices are Only for Stock on Hand! Tin Boilers 20 per cent off. All Cutlery 25 per cent off. Garden and carpenter tools from 15 to 30 per cent discount. Any $10 Washing Machine at $8.00 Any 11 " " 8.75 3 No. 17 U. S. Cream Separa tors, regular price $75, now . .60.00 One year guaranteed wringers, were $3.25, now 2.35 Three year guaranteed wringeis, were $3.75, now 2.75 Five year guaranteed wringers, were $5.00, now 3.50 Three year ballbearing wringers, were $1.50, now 325 Five year ballbearing wringers, were $5.50, now 4.00 4-HHS-K"IHH"KM .t. UNION. l Ledger. 4 L. D. Switzer of near Weeping Water changed cars here yester day, starting on a few days' busi ness trip to Kansas City. Mrs. Mary Minor's daughter, Paloma, lias been very ill the past few days, suffering from an at tack of fever. Her condition yes terday indicated some improve ment. Miss Cora Mueller of Elmwood, a teacher in Union schools the coining year, changed cars hero Monday, going to Peru to spend the summer at. the State Normal. John Klaurens and wife de parted Monday morning for the Pacific coast, inlemfmg to spend several weeks in the state of Washington, visiting their sons, Grant and Will. Mrs. Mahala P. flraves of Peru, mother of the Ledger editor, ar rived last Saturday to make sev eral days visit. sne nau Keen visiting a few weeks with relatives in Iowa and goes from here to Pock IMufTs and Murray before going home. W. II. Mark and wife returned home Tuesday night, from their few weeks' visit.wilh relatives ami friends in Thurston counfy and in Iowa. They appear to have been much benefited - by their outing, Mr. Mark's hide being tanned to a beautiful brown. George II. True and wife and George Burris and wife, former residents of this vicinity, now located near Coleridge, arrived last Friday evening to visit among their relatives and numer ous friends in Union and vicinity, remaining here until Monday. Charles H. Dysart and wife started Monday evening for Colorado, intending to visit the families of Jake Kikenbary and Charles McNamec at Brush, and will also spend some time in other parts of Colorado. Mr. Dysart expects to be gone about ten days, and his wife will probably remain longer to get the benefit of the change of climate and recover from her recent illness. Dcanc Lynde, who held a food railroad position in Springfield, Mo., received a merited promotion last week, and with it a sub stantial increase in salary. His new headqaurters will be in King ville, Texas, where he will be the chief "wire man" , with a large force of telegraphers under him. He has many friends here in his "old home town" who are pleased to note his advancement in rail road business. Miss Ella Mason left Saturday for Kansas City, Kansas, where she will be present at commence ment at the Northwestern college, where her brother, Tommy, graduates this spring. Dr. J. W. Coiner, formerly of Lebanon, Kansas, was a caller at ibis ollice Wednesday. The doctor was raised in this community and is visiting here a few days preparatory to moving to Sweet, water, Texas, where he will prac tice in the future. The little 13-mnnths-old child of Mr. and Mrs. William Waldo got hold of a quant ity of kerosene Sunday night and drank it, with the result, that, it was quite sick for several days. The family was at, James Wilcox's and the can of oil set under the porch. The baby found it and look a good drink. It is thought, no serious results will follow. Chris Scbomaker had the mis fortune to lose a fine team of black mares Friday night, during the storm. They were struck by lightning and one other horse was injured at the same time. Mr. Schomaker, like all wise men, carried insurance on them. The loss will be, conisderable and he will be put to some inconvenience to replace thenl.- This station shipped out 2 cars of slock last nmnlh. This represents quite a neat, little sum that has gone to the farmers in this vicinity, but, it does not begin to represent what the railroads have made from out-bound ton nage, as that enterprising com mon carrier has pulled down over $8,000 as their share for ship ments billed from this station, to say nothing about what they have taken in for goods that come from Sears, Robuck and other firms. in excellent shape. Henry Weten kamp is secretary and (leorge Keitter, treasurer. H"H"1"I"!"I"!"!-H!-.H- NEHAWKA. f News. !-H-H L. C. Griffith, whose condition has been alarming to his friends, is reported as slightly belter. Mrs. C. M. Comsfock came Fri day to be with her father, who is very low and not expected to re cover. Miss Geneva Pollard came in Friday from Vermont for a visit with her brother, M. H. Pollard, This being her first visit in nine teen years. John Rrunson and wife have taken charge of the Nehawka house and will run it in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Dennett havo moved into the Strum house on the hill. Henry Sloll camo in Saturday morning from New York, where he has been for the past nine months and will visit for a time with his children. EAGLE. Beacon. Mrs. Alice Root came down from Lincoln Tuesday afternoon to make a visit with Eagle relatives and friends. Misses Mary and Frieda Ileit ter returned home Saturday morn ing from several days' visit with friends at Elmwood. Mrs. John Peterson departed on Wednesday morning for a ten days' visit, at the home of her parents at Irwin, Iowa. Mrs. II. E. Graves arrived home Tuesday night from Rosalie, Neb., where she had spent two weeks visiting with relatives and friends. John Peterson arrived home last Friday evening from Defiance, Iowa, where he had spent, several days visiting with relatives and friends. Cecil Luxford of Deflairt-e, Iowa, returned to his home Wednesday, after a few days' visit at the home of his uncle, John Peterson. Prof. Mann departed Tuesday morning for Crete, where lie will spend several days visiting with his parents, after which he will go to the western part of the slate to visit with relatives. Eagle is to have a band I This conclusion was reached at a meet ing held Monday evening, when a number of the members of the old band were present and appear ed enthusiastic over the matter. We say "Amen," and congratu late the members on what has al ready been done, and we assure them our hearty co-operation. George Trankenbolz was selected as leader, and to him belongs the commendation of all. He is a first-class musician, and after a few practices will have the hoys ? f-?2 WEEPING WATER. Republican. Oscar Gapen and wife of Platts mouth were in town Decoration day, visiting with friends. There never was as large an acreage of wheal planted as this year, and the fields in this vi cinity are for the most part looking good. Will Rauth, living live miles northwest, was kicked by a horse Saturday, and one rib was frac tured in front, which was dressed by Dr. Hungate. Mrs. John Opp, living one mile east, of Nehawka, died Sundav evening, after an illness of a few months. The funeral was held at n m Tniicilnv George, the 10-year-old son of II. P. Christensen, was kicked by a horse Saturday, and the bone broken above the knee. Dr. Hun gale was called to set the limb. Mrs. Laura Carrick went to Crete Tuesday to attend the graduating exercises and meet Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kennedy. The latter will return here wild her and visit the home folks. The M. W. A. lodge of Platts mouth is building handsome new quarters. They have more con fidence in the stability of the or der than the members of the lodge here if the proposed rates are car ried out. Mrs. J. H. Hungate went to Lawrence, Kansas, last week to visit her daughter, Mary, who has been attending the university there. She expected to remain two weeks and accompany Mary home. Ude Bokelman and family de parted Tuesday for Germany for a few months' visit at Sandhorst end vicinity. They have been looking forward for a long lime to this trip and their many friends hope it will prove a very enjoyable one. Mrs. Amelia Clizbe and Miss Edith Clizbe departed Monday night for Wagoner, Oklahoma, to visit w ith I heir son and brother, J. L. Clizbe and family. Miss Edith expected to remain there about one week and then go out to Colorado for a two or three weeks' trip. weighed three pounds, one of them weighing one and three-fourth pounds. They sure did look like prize winners. L. J. May field returned Wed nesday, after a vacation of several weeks on the Pacific coast. E. A. Sciple, who' has been conducting the Courier during his absence, returns to Omaha today. The Platte River Bridge com pany has had a. large amount of stone screenings from the Mur phy quarry distributed over the road just north of the wagon bridge to n depth of several inches, putting this piece of road in fine condition. The wooden stairway south of John Aid's store was removed last Monday. It was located on property owned by Dr. E. II. vvoriniuan, ami since me new elevator is in service in the store it is no longer necessary to main tain the stairway. George II. Wood arrived here Sunday evening from Wibaux, Montana, where he has been on a farm since leaving the Bank of Commerce here, of which he was formerly cashier. His family came with him and they will remain for some time, visiting relatives and a large circle of friends in this vicinity. RED SOX II IN GAME FROM THE HQGTQRS m-m : LOUISVILLE. Courier. Mrs. J. F. Ries of Pumroy, Iowa, is here visiting with her son, E. II. Ries and wife. Waller Cook and family were called here Saturday from Cort land, Neb., on account of the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. A. J. Hoover. Grandma Richards and Mrs. Maggie Ossenkop returned Tues day from a short visit at Platts mouth with Mrs. (). P. Monroe. ' Mrs. Neva Eddy came from her home at Mil ford Wednesday and will visit for some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wood. Frank Johnson has had the in terior of his restaurant room re painted, nicely improving its ap pearance. Waller Blake ami his able assistants did the work. James Dugan was married at Auburn the first of the week. No information has been obtainable as to details of the event, but the Courier offers congratulations. Charley Richey captured two rrappie Monday morning which Has Field of Good Corn. . Philip Keil of near Murray was in the city Saturday afternoon doing his week-end shoping and visiting with his friends. Mr. Keil has a 75-acre field of corn, which he planted May ad, which is as fine as any he ever raised, lie is plowing this corn for the sec ond time and it is almost large enough to throw the dirt to and lay by. Mr. Keil selected his seed from his own crop of last year ami had no trouble with it coming up. Timothy hay has been injured by the drouth. Wheat will do much better than some thought a week ago. The alfalfa crop is good and is almost ready, for the second cutting. Fop the Common Good. Co. M. A. Bates, editor of the Plattsmouth Journal, has just celebrated his 70th birthday. Col. Bates is old only in number of years. He is one of those who never grow old in spirit. He has kept his heart young through all the years, and as a result he is al ways cheerful, always active and always working for the common good. He is editing one of the best newspapers in Nebraska,; putting into its columns the ripened experience of a half-c.cn-1 tury of newspaper hustling. W e have known Col. Bates for many years, and we hope that we will be privileged to know him for many years to come. Here's hoping he lives another seventy years! Will Maupin's Weekly. Connors' Pitching Proves Too Much for the Magic City Players. I espie t he disagreeable weath er yesterday afternoon quite a large crowd turned out. to wit ness one of the best ball games of the season at the new ball park. The Red Sox were pitted against the Doctors of South Omaha and proceeded to do things to the namesake of South Omaha's mayor. Conners, who pitched the game for PJaltsnioulh, was in lino trim and the South Omaha boys were unable to solve his delivery, twelve of them fanning the air. ihetgame was interesting from start, to finish. Plallsmoulh tilled the bases in the fourth inning, largely on account of errors, but were unable to score until the sixth inning, when Mann scored the first run for the home team, llirz, second baseman for the Red Sox, scored another run in the seventh inning, ami with Conners' splendid pitching and the gilt- edged support of the local team, the Doctors were handed a shut out. The score at the close of the game was 2 l 0 in favor of the. Red Sox, the visitors not being able to get, a man further than second base. The strong balling by Wells and the faultless fielding of Mann, Anil and llirz were feat ures of the game. The new grand stand is greatly in need of a better roof, as the rain leaked in upon the spectators and inlerferred with the enjoy ment of a mighty good ball game, ami it is hoped that this will be remedied. The boys are all in good shape now and the prospect for a win ning team here this year is bright, and every lover of baseball should turn out to the games and give the team a boost. The line-up of the teams yesterday was as fol lows: Plaits. Position. Doctors. Conners Pilch Reber Hcrold Catch Miller Ault First Guyer Salsburg Short llirz Second Mann Third Dotson R. F. . Mason L. F. . Wells C. F. . L. C. Marsh, manager of the lloclors. and Timber played as subs. Wehner was captain of tho South Omaha team, while Captain llerold of the Red Sox directed I he players of the home team. ..Van Orden , . . . Wehner . . .Lismond . SehilThaner . .Win! hers . . . .Shields A Mean Trick. R. L. Propst and family nuloed in from Mynard Sunday evening to attend the Children's day exercises at the Methodist church, and while the exercises were going on some mis creant, evidently without fear of God or man, look every tool lie had in the aulo. Tit is is a dirty, mean trick, but. Hob says he can stand it if Hie fellow who took them can rest with a clean con science, which no one hul a thief could do. The police will be on the alert for such fellows in the tuiure. Hogs Wanted. Wanted to buy, some slioats, weighting from 50 to 100 pounds. See J. P. Falter, Conies' Block. For Sale. Two registered Shorthorn bulls. II. G. Todd, Murray, Neb. C-tO-LM-wkly. and We are now handling a complet line of coal. Call and let us quote you prices for your fall and winter coal. We handle wheat, oats, corn and chop of all kinds. Ind. Telephone 297 Nelson Jean & Co. More Dally Readers. George Dild, one of. tho pros perous young farmers from near Mynard, was in the city last Sat urday looking after some busi ness matters, ami while here call ed and enrolled his name for the Daily Journal. Mr. Dild has taken the Semi-Weekly for many years, but, like all our farmer friends near Plattsmouth who are displaying their appreciation of a good home daily paper by chang ing to that, publication. There are a great many farmers now taking the daily, but we still have a great many more that should be taking it, many of whom, we ven ture the assertion, will be on our list before another winter rolls around. You can't know how good the clothes are which we sell, unless you come in and see them. We are trying to tell you that our clothes are the best clothes for you all wool, finely tailored, perfect in style; and fit correct. But you've got to see them to know it. Young men's styles are a specialty here. Suits $10 to $30 Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats V