x Mate ui8l, moutb PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1912. NO. 45. VOLUME XXXI. BHA GOOD ID BOOSTERS PASS II TROUGH PLATTSMOUTH THIS MORNING Making Effective Campaign to Seek Better Omaha, Plattsmouth and Kansas City Route Several Local Enthusiasts Accom panying the Omaha Boosters on Trip. From Frfday'i Dally. The Rood Roads Special, carrying members of the Omaha Commercial club and the Omaha Auto-Motor club, makes its sec ond good roads tour between Omaha and Kansas City. The first of these trips was made be tween Omaha and Sioux City on Saturday, June 1st. H. E. Fred rickson, chairman of the County Roads committee of the Omaha Commercial club, is furnishing a six-cylinder, seven-passenger Chalmers car for this work, and expects to devote his time ex clusively toward the betterment of the Nebraska road conditions during the next 90 days. The Omaha Commercial club realizes that it depends entirely for the success of this present campaign upon the efforts of the local good roads enthusiasts. The services ot this organization arc Senator Banning Here. From Friday"! Dally. Slate Senator W. B. Banning, Jack Rudy and (1. P. Barton motored up from Union yesterday to look up the best road between Plattsmouth and Union. Mr. Harming found the road inside the city limits in tine condition, but there is some rough road just out side on the south, which should be dragged. Mr. Banning re mained over to join the good roads boosters this morning and pilot them to Nebraska City. 101 PEOPLE WANT MONEY FOR RIVER our roads and the careful mark ing of them. The occupants of the Omaha CSood Roads car were the follow ing well known citizens of Oma ha: H. E. Fredrickson, J. A Sunderland, J. Ed Oeorge, W. C (SifTord and R. P. Hamilton, and T. II. Pollock of this city. The Omaha Good Roads car was met at La Platle this morning by seven or eight cars from this city, among them being that of C. C. Parmele, V. E. Rosencrans, Superintendent William Baird, Dr. E. V. Cook, R. L. Props!, Frank Bestor, Einil Weyrich, Dr. Oreeder, J. E. McDaniel and others. A halt was made in front of the Riley hotel, where J. A. Sun derland addressed about 200 per sons who had assembled to greet the party. Mr. Sunderland em phasized the importance of hav- FIRE WARDEN WANTS 11 "SANE F OURTH The People on the East Side Will Ask Congress for Appropria tion for Revetting. . . ii i ii 1 "T!!"""" " I 'Cr "TtrV, v J hi Car of the Omaha Good Road Boosters. therefore not offered as a sub stitute, for the efforts of local workers, but rather as a means to lend impetus to the widespread movement for road betterment, and to aid in conconlrating the same for the time being along well defined routes, connecting larger centers of population and gaining concerted action and harmonious co-operation from the various communities along this route, that it may stand out as one of the prominent highways of the state. In each of the towns where meetings are held dependable volunteers are selected to assume the responsibility of signs being painted throughout their entire district. This particular trip is devoted to an effort to divert Kan sas City, Omaha, Sioux City and Minneapolis traffic to the west side of the Missouri river and at tract trafllc between Minneapolis and southern points to this par ticular route. It will redound to the credit, and glory of this west ern country if we can secure more general tourist traffic, and the only way to secure this traffic will be through the actual merits of ing a well marked road, and ex hibited a placard having arrows pointing in opposite directions, at the extremity of the head point ing south was the letter "K" and at the opposite one the letter "O These, Mr. Sunderland stated should be painted on tin and placed at every section corner. lie also remarked that the roads should be put in good condition and to do this effectively ther should be legislation that would place matters' in shape so that one person in each neighborhooi should see that the road is drag ged at the proper lime, and re reive pay for his work. Farmers were interested in getting their grain to market when I he market price was high and not when the road was right. Mr. Sunderlani urged that the legislature to be elected this fall be in line for some good roads legislation. At the close of Mr. Sunderland's remarks Wvs bugle was sounded and Ihe engines of ten or a dozen cars were set humming and the procession glided out of the city toward Mynard, Murray, Union and Nebraska City, where they are due at 11:15 o'clock. The School Quitters. If you could place on one side of a line the boys and girls who graduated from the High school courses, and on the other side those who quit with Ihe grammar grades or went only partly through a High school, which do you think would show the larger per cent of successes? Of course there are plenty of High school graduates who are only measur ing tape, and plenty of uneducat ed men who are bossing railroad systems. But few will doubt that the chances of success are multi plied many limes by a good High school course. One of Ihe great problems before the teacher and the school board is to keep the boys and girls past that fool ago when they think they know enough and need no more educa tion. The teachers who do this most successfully are those who come the closest lo I heir pupils. If you see your pupil only through Ihe medium of discussion of Cicero and trigonometry, you will never gel much influence over his personal decisions. If you know him on the ball field, at the school social, in his home, he will begm to listen to your advice about this, one of Ihe greatest life's choices, which has to be made at such an immature age. Warning to Those Who Allow Children to Use Explosives on Great Natal Day. Lincoln, Neb., June 5, 1912. To the Fathers and Mothers and Citizens of the Stale of Ne braska: We are soon to celebrate the mniversary ol the birth, oi uns nation. Old and young alike all recognize the importance of this occasion and are all filled with ivally nml enthusiasm that prompts us to show our apprccia turn of the privileges that we en joy bv reason of the bravery and sacrifices displayed by our fore fathers. There's a solemn duty devolving unon every cilizeii ol this siaie lo see to it that nothing occurs on this occasion thai will mar the festivities or bring reproach upon the good .judgment and intel ligence of its cit izens. Inventive genius is furnishing the loy pistol, firecracker, roinau candle, skv rocket and other ex plosive means of celebrating tin occa.-ion, and every anniversary of Ihe nation's birth is blotted either wilh the death or injury of hundreds of children and a lesser number of grown people from these dealh-dealing manufactured implements I hat are being sold by 1 1 . . 1-11 J i I - dealers 10 cnuuren nnu peopie who handle and discharge Ihem carelessly. It seems strange I hat a merchant, for the sake of mak ing a little profit, will handle and sell these deadly explosives to children; and what looks strong er still is that Ihe fathers and mothers and older people that know what the result of the care less handling of these explosives is will continue year after year to countenance or permit it. It is the duty of every father and mother, as well as every other citizen, to warn the children and uninformed of Ihe dangers at tending these explosives, so that Ihe number of killed and injured will be reduced lo such an extent that Ihe anniversary of the na tion's birth will not be the an niversary of the death or perman ent injury of the boys and girls and citizens who either through ignorance of the danger or over confldence purchase and dis charge these deadly explosives that will not only destroy valuable properly, .but life ilscir, ii given an opportunity. Let's have a sane Knurl h of July this year. Let's eat ice cream and other goods things, drink red lemonade, soda wafer and pop, make a loud muse with our mouth by shouting "Hurrah." This will not cause lockjaw fir tetanus, and if we get sick from doing it a little "pain killer" will cure us and we will not havo lo send for the coroner. Very truly yours, C. A. Randall, Chief Deputy Kire Commissioner. THE WISE BUT 111 ADVERTISE Union Witnesses. Prom Friday's Dally. Joe Banning, Amos McNamee and James Rainey were among the witnesses in the Reynolds vs Kohrell case, that came up from Union last night to be present at the time of trial in the district court today. Mrs. O. V. Rhoden spent the day in Omaha, leaving for the cily on the first train Ihis morning. From Qarnet Kansas. From Friday' Dally. Miles Slandish, from darnel, Kansas, arrived in Ihe city this morning for a few days' visit with friends and relatives at the old home. He will remain for several days and at Ihe present is visit ing at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. John McNurlin in Ihis cily. lie reports Ihe crop conditions in his locality looking line and every nrosnect is favorable for an abundant supply of everything Miles has a great many friends in Cass county that will be pleased to learn thai, he is prospering in his Kansas home. Following the example set at Sioux Cily, an attempt is being made to secure an appropriation from congress to construct re vettiiients along the Missouri river above Folsom and direct back into its original channel, thereby saving hundreds of acres of land on the Iowa side, recover ing thousands of acres that have been lost in Ihe river and even saving Pacific Junction from de struct ion by the river if the chan nel should continue to cut its way along the hills on Ibis side, says the ("llenwood Tribune. Claude F. Anderson of Pacific Junction, deeply interested in that eclion of the country, is one of Ihe most active boosters of the project. He has presented the matter lo Congressman (ireen and Senator Kenyon and asked their assistance. Judge V. S. Lewis of (ilenwood, delegate to the republican convention at Chi cago, June 18, is also working for Ihe proposition. The Bur lington railroad will probably be an influential element in the ef fort. The matter of securing Ihe ap propriation will be taken up first Ijv endeavoring lo get a clause ap proving it in the resolution lo be parsed al (be republican national convention. Mr. Anderson has received the coveled appointment of doorkeeper at the convention and will be present, lending his efforts to gelling Ihe clause in serted and passed. Judge Lewis ami probably Congressman Green and Senator Kenyon will work to ward the same end. Editor Per kins of a Sioux City (taper will probably be Ihe Iowa member of the resolutions committee, which is composed of a member from ,V?ch si ale. and he has nyn so licited In help. The Commercial clubs of Pa cific Junction, Glenwood and Council Bluffs. will be requested to pass resolutions asking for the appropriation and oilier efforls along Ihe same line will be made. The resolutions will be submit ted o Ihe national legislators from this district. The fact that the people of Sioux City and vicinity got an ap propriation of $50,000 to be spent in pulling snags, removing sand bars and to construct riprapping along Ihe Missouri river at that place, where it is not so badly needed as here, indicates that, if facts have an influence Ihe ap propriation can be secured. Congress has heretofore made appropriations at various limes for general work on the Missouri river, but always slated they could not appropriate moneys for any particular district. A copy of the bill for such appropriations ami pertinent information con nected with Ihe transactions has been asked for and will be use( as a guide in Ihe effort. Thai the Missouri river making great inroads in Mills counly, "taking in thousands n acres of the mest land that eve laid out of doors," according lo Mr. Anderson, is sufficient reason for Ihis district gelling a share of Ihe appropriation. Should the aimronriation be secured, relief will be had by con structing jetties, dikes or "cribs," as I hey are called, above the point at Folsom, putting the channel back in its old course along Ihe Nebraska side, recovering thou sands of acres of Iowa land that has been lost into the river and permanently guarding the land on both sides from future enroach meut. It will, if course, be quite a while before Ihe outcome of Ihe effort is known. Illll He That Does So Will Reap Great Benefits While the Other Fel lows Lose Out, Because the People Who Watch the Advertis ing Columns Will Think They Have No Bargains. Much can be learned of the science of advertising for the average merchant by studying the methods of the great department stores. These emporiums have been built up solely by advertis ing, and they pay high salaries for the best brains in the ad vertising business. Their con clusions, as may be seen in Ihe methods actually employed, rep resent the results of exhaustive experiments in the art of selling goods through newspaper space. It is then highly sufficient that the great department stores spend a lot of money through the sum mer in advertising. One reason for this policy, is no doubl, thai a steady trade is Ihe most econo mical. Where advertising is al lowed to drop, or lo be cut. down, trade drons, loo. The result is that the force of clerks is not prolllably employed. Moreover, there is a loss of trade that will never be made up. People will wear Iheir old dollies, and spend Ihe money I bus saved on amuse ments and travel, which otherwise would go lo Ihe home stores for new dollies for themselves and Iheir children, new house fur nishings ami belter food. In some Don't forget! The Journal office Is prepared to do ajl kinds of fancy Job work. Give us a trial. is case's where trade drops, through failure to advertise, it no doubt conies in at a later date, but very likely all in a bunch in a way that the clerks cannot handle it effici ently. One great end and aim of advertising is to persuade the public that a merchant has enter prise and intelligence. If the mer chant's name is not seen in I ho advertising columns for a period of weeks, the impression of pre vious advertising is largely effaced. In many places the consumption of commodities in the summer is very large, so that a big potential trade is merely wailing to be so licited. People require large out fits for vacation use, they need clothing, eatables and house fur nishings, pcruliarily suited lo warm weather. The merchant who drops his advertising in sum mer says in effect to the public that he is indifferent to their needs during a period of liberal spending. While some people are out of town for short vacations in summer, many others are visiting here. They are al leisure, ami they enjoy shopping while on n visit. Don't neglect the possibili ties of Iheir larde! E II ! OFFENSE 10 STEAL CHICKENS I. W. Teegarden and (laughter, Miss Jennelte, accompanied by his niece, Miss Grace Teegarden, and Misses Ethel and Anna Hitchman, motored from Weeping Water this mornintr and were guests of the Riley at dinner. Mr. Tee garden also secured a permit from County Clerk Morgan to fish in the Weeping Water river and other Nebraska streams. Some Persons Who Make This a business Had Better Take Warning. The supreme court has upheld the law making it a penal offense lo steal chickens, whether Urn value of the properly stolen be arge or small. In the larceny of all other properly but chickens and bogs Ihe value of the property stolen must be shown lo be $:ir before the culpit can be given a penitentiary sen fence, says the Lincoln Star. This discrimination against (he chicken Ihief is a deserved recognition of the poultry in dustry in Nebraska, as well as of the consideration to which the poultry raiser is entitled. In no other business does one encounter as many risks and ex actions as in raising poultry. The novice who starts nut to establish a chicken farm in high hopes of achieving an easy money fortune soon discovers I hat he has tackled about the most hazardous calling he could select. Chickens require infinitely more care than babies. They are so susceptible in youth to weather conditions and are beset by so many fatal ailments I hat he who does not wish lo see his chicken yards bereft of ten ants must stay awake nights on guard. It is not to be wondered at that legislators calculated that when Ihe poultry raiser has reared his broods to an ago when they prom ise some return to him and so ciety, he should he provided with some special protection from the wiles of the midnight marauder. So they enacted a law intended to provide that where a culprit steals a chicken he may be sent to the pen for it. This denies such culprits (he privilege of making chicken theft respectable by car rying away a man's entire stock of poultry, a chicken or two at a time. This law may also he accepted as a recognition of the chicken as nne of Nebraska's greatest and most reliable agricultural assets. In District Court. From Frliluy'g Pally. The case of William II. Newell vs. S. Lawrence Slull, which was set dow n for a jury I rial yesler lerday, went by default of de fendant, as neither he nor bis at torney made an appearance. Plaintiff's allorneys,' llavvls & Robertson, introduced proof and 'onk judgment for the nntount praved in their pel.il ion. The con troversy arose over the alleged (b'slruclioii of defendant's slock of growing wheat and hay in the stack on plaintiff's land. The case was tried in the county court, where judgment was enter ed against defendant, and he ap pealed to Ihe higher coml, but evidently concluded it would be cheaper lo settle now than risk Ihe uncertainty or litigation. A motion was. filed yesterday for a new trial m the case of Pankonin vs. (lorder. A jury was enipanneled lo try Ihe appeal rase from Ihe Union justice court entitled Amanda A. Reynolds vs. Louis F. Kohrell. The following named Cass coun ly citizens were organized as the jury: S. I. Complon, W. J. Mag ney, O. M. Monfrod, Frank (ill icit, O. E. Young, Deilrich Koes ler, B. C. Hyde, James Sperry, O. M. Kintz, J. O. Lansing, Walter Vallery and Charles Cunningham. The case was tried before in the justice of the peace court nt Union and appealed lo the district court. The controversy arose over an oral lease of Ihe plain tiff's farm for the year 1911. The same land was farmed by defend ant during Ihe previous season, the consideration being 300 cash rent, which defendant paid. There was no lease signed up for the season of 11)10, and of that year's rent defendant paid 200 and de clined lo pay furl her, hence Ihe action brought by plaintiff to compel payment. The plaintiff is represented in the suit by Rawls a ai l .. . I.. ..I 1... iV iionerisou ami ine ui-ii'iiuain uy D. O. Dwyer. The evidence was all in at the noon recess. Afler dinner Ihe case was argued to the jury and Ihe instructions of Ihe court, read. Afler deliberating a short lime Ihe jury returned a verdict for Ihe plaintiff in Ihe amount prayed. Will Meet at Weeping Water. The annual convention of tho Nebraska City district Epworth League will meet at Weeping Wa ter Wednesday and Thursday, June 12 and 13. The Plattsmouth chapter of the league hopes to hav( a creditable delegation pres ent. Special Teachers' Examination. Counly Superintendent Miss Mary Foster has announced n special teachers' examination for Friday and Saturday, June 21 and 22, to certificates for county n-hools only. There will be no city leachers' examination at this time. ' J. V. Sweeny, the Omaha marble man, was a Plattsmouth visitor last evening.