The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 06, 1912, Image 6

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    Murray Department
! any of the readers of the Journal know of a nodal went or an
i mint all iUni of intertill. Editor Jour utl.
item of inttrtut in this vicinity and will mad name to thin office it wdl appear under thin heading
llilliMl"lliH I r-'iMin
Murray State Bank
Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000
CI IAS. C. PARMELE, President
F. L NUTZM AN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
Wc Solicit Your Banking
Our Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
3 c
Walt Vallery was a county seat
isilnr Wednesday.
G. M. Miuford lias been serving
on the jury this week.
Mrs. J. T. Mrendel was a pas
schmt to Omaha Monday.
Mrs. S. O. I'ilman was a Mynard
visitor Wednesday iitorn iiiR.
Arl Pearsley and wife were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L.
Charles lleud made a business
trip to Omaha Tuesday.
William Rice was a Plalts
iiioiilh visitor Tuesday.
(I. M. Iienediet was an Omaha
isitor Monday of this week.
Miss Edith l.allue was visiting
in Omaha Wednesday of this
Mrs. J. W. Merger and Mrs.
Charles Carroll were Omaha
visitors last. Saturday.
Mrs. L. K. Ranard has been
the sick for the
Ilhoden last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mrcndel were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Spangler last Sunday.
Henry Sans and family visited
last Sunday at the home of Mr.
2ind Mrs. John Hendricks.
Prof Asch was transacting
business and visiting friends in
Plattsninulh last Saturday.
John Hobseheidt and mother
were attending church services in
Plattsinoulh last Sunday morning.
Frank Ilhoden was looking after
some business matters in the
county seat Monday of (his week.
II. L. Oldham was looking after
some buisness matters in the
county seal Wednesday of this
Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Hialt were
IMattsnioulh visitors last Sunday,
spending the day with Mrs. Iliad's
Mert tickler or Stanton was
visiting Murray friends Wednes
day of this week. Mert is now
living at Stanton.
Mrs. A. L. Maker and Lucille
oung were Omaha visitors Tues
day of this week, returning home
via IMattsmoiilh.
Mrs. M. Hialt won I lo Platts
mouth Tuesdav evening to spend
a few days with relatives and
friends at the old home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed lull were
Plaltsmoulh visitors Tuesday
evening, Mrs. Tut I attending the
meeting of the Eastern Star.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freet
and II. C. Long were county sent
visitors last Saturday, driving up
to look after some business mat
ters. 1
Mrs. (ieorge Hay and daughter,
Miss Esther, wore passengers to
Omaha last Thursday, whore they
visited with Mrs. James Hatchett
at (ho hospital.
Services at the Kenosha church
have been reopened after a seigo
of smallpox In this locality.
Everybody is cordially invited to
come. There will bo services on
Sunday afternoon, June 9.
J. W. Holmes has started out
on his automobile canvass. He
departed Monday for Mlue
Springs, where he will receive his
new Merg car, the big vehicle that
he expects to sell this season.
The ladies of Lowiston and
Kenosha are arranging for n lawn
social to be held at the home of
James Tigner, south of Murray,
on June 2SMh. Mo not forgot the
date, and make it a point to at
John McDonald, the Murray
Stock buyer, who has boon spend
ing the past two weeks with homo
folks over at Maird, Iowa, return
?d to Murray Wednesday morn
ing. His extended stay at homo
was caused from sickness.
Miss Pearl Pugay has been list
ed with the sick for the past week.
Mrs. William Loughridge spent
last Sunday with Mrs. Pave Asch.
1 ri i . t .
jonn iionscneiui was delivering
corn to the Murray elevator this
Ed and Lloyd Lew is were Irans-
acling business in the county seat
last Friday.
Miss Mae Lewis was a guest of
Miss Hose Creamer last Saturday
and Sunday. rf
Miss Anna Wohlfarth of Platts
inouth was a guest of Miss Anna
Godwin Sunday.
Alf. Gansemer shipped a car
of cattle to South Omaha last
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Jeff Lewis and daughter,
Mae, spent last Friday with Mrs.
H. II. Fitch at Kenosha.
W. F. Moore was looking after
some business matters in the
county seat last Monday.
Mrs. H. H. Frans and Mrs.
Charles Frans were guests of
Mrs. JelT Lewis last Wednesday.
JcfT Mrendel and Lee Nickels
were looking after some business
matters in Plaltsmoulh last Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Wiley is reported on
Hie way lo recovery, after her
recent very serious sickness for
the past few weeks.
Mrs. E. 11. Riggs and son di
parted for their home in Mrewsler
last Saturday, after an extended
visit with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolfe of
near Union were visiting with the
hitler's parents, (5. W. Shrader
and family, last Sunday.
Wayne Lewis, who has been
suffering from appendicitis, ami
underwent an operation a few
weeks ago, is improving very
rapidly at this time.
H. H. Nickels departed Monday
for Wood River, Neb., where he
will visit for a time with his
daughter, Mrs. P. C. Grosser, and
look after his farm in Chaso
Pr. M. F. Mrendel was called to
Plaltsmoulh on Monday of this
week to see Mrs. Will Hainey, who
has been numbered with the sick
for the past few weeks. The
patient was taken to Omaha Tues
day, where she was paired in the
hospital for treatment.
F. L. Ilhoden delivered a load of
line shoals to Pr. Greeder in
Platlsmouth last Saturday. They
were sold to the Pr. Greeder
Serum company for the manu
facturing of hog serum, which
has become so famous the world
over for the prevention of hog
W. W. Hamilton has been a
very much busy carpenter man
these days. He now has a staff of
twelve workmen, and all hands
are kept busy looking after the
spring work. Many new struct
ures ami a world of repair work
has been listed with him for the
future. "Mill" understands his
work and the people understand
this fact, and this general under
slandiiur'fs the simple secret for
his busy season, and nothing
numbered with
past few days.
(Ieorge Ray was looking after
some county seat business in
Plaltsmoulh last Saturday.
Mrs. Lloyd Gapen and Miss
fsabelle Young were Plaltsmoulh
visitors Monday of this week.
Carter Alhin has been suffering
for the (ast few days with a very
severe attack of heart trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engelko
meier, from west of Murray, were
Plattsmoulli visitors Thursday.
Pr. (iilmnrc returned home
from his Oklahoma visit and busi
ness trip on Thursday of last
week. He reports a very pleasant
and profitable trip.
Mrs. E. 11. Queen entertained at
dinner last Sunday R. H. Fitch,
jr., and family, J. T. Filch and
family, Mrs. H. II. Fitch, Lloyd
Lewis, Exa Frans of Union ami
Miss Emily Mridges of Omaha.
The Ladies' Aid society is pro
paring to give a play in the Jen
kins' hall on the evening of Juno
2, the title of which is "The Old
Maid's Convention." The cost and
morn details will be given later
Children's day exercises will be
held at the Presbyterian church
on next Sunday morning, lucre
has been considerable pains taken
in preparing a good program for
the occasion. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all to attend
Mrs. T. F. Jameson of Weep
ing Water was in Murray a few
days this week visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. Mrendel and the
Doctor. Mr. Jameson came over
Tuesday evening and returned r
home with Mrs. Jameson Wednes
day morning.
Mesdames O. V. Virgin, W. G.
Moedekor, A. J. Walker and Miss
Margie Walker entertained the
Thimble Meo club last Friday aft
ernoon. There was quite a large
attendance and a very pleasant
and profitable afternoon was en
joy oil.
The Sunshine band of Murray
will give their strawberry social
on Saturday evening, Juno 8, in
I lace of the 15th, as was slated in
these columns last week. This
was an error on I lie printer, and
should have been announced for
Saturday evening of this week.
Mrs. James Hatched, who un
derwent a very serious surgical
operation in St. Joseph's hospital
three weeks ago, is progressing
very rapidly and will be able to
return home within a few days.
She had gained sufllcient strength
to leave her bed Wednesday for
the first time.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hoot of
Lincoln are in Murray this week,
spending a few days with the
many friends at the old home.
Uncle "Jiininie," as everyono
knows him, looks just as young
as he used to, and wo are pleased
to note that he is enjoying good
health at his advanced age
Jack Shaw, who took the auto
route to Chanute, Kansas, a few
days ago, returned to Murray tho
latter part of last week and do
parted Monday for rus home in
Seward. Ho went via Lincoln and
was accompanied by Miss Kather
ine Mrown. who will make a visit
in the capital city with her aunt
Mrs. E. M. Steinor.
Robert Shrader, from west of
Murray, met with a very unfor
tunate runaway last week, in
which he received numeorus very
painful bruises, among which
were three cracked ribs, l ho in
juries were very painful, but. not
serious, and he was able to be in
Murray Wednesday afternoon for
tho first time since tho accident
J. L. Young of Coleridge, Neb
arrived in Murray Tuesday even
ing for a few days' visit with
friends and relatives at tho ol
home. He came to South Oma
ha with stock, that was on the
market Tuesday morning and ho
took advantage of tho opportunity
to make the old home a short
visit. John is one of those rusll
ing and enterprising farmers that
will mako good any place, and ho
is sure getting to tho front in his
new location
James Hatchett went to Omaha
Jast Saturday to spend a few
hours with Mrs. Hatched at the
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Oldham and
Mrs. Cuzza Maker were visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. C.
Long Tuesday of this week.
Pr. W. K. Loughridge and wife
of Omaha were visiting in Mur
ray last Sunday, guests at the
home of Mr. Louuhridge's mother.
Mrs. Filch of Omaha is here
visiting at the Home of her
cousin, Mrs. James Walker. Mrs.
Filch was accompanied by her
granddaughter, Miss Mildred
Mrs. John Lloyd and daughter,
Laura, returned home from Kan
sas City Ibis week, where they
'.vere called owing to the sickness
of Mrs. Lloyd's sister, who was
placed in the hospital for a
surgical operation.
Joe Wheeler gave a genuine
old-fashioned river picnic at oW
Kirm Hill last Sunday. Moat rid
ing, games and a good old lime
free-for-all dinner was the order
of the day. There was a great
many young people in at tendance
and a few older ones; some from
Weeping Water and all near-by
(owns. A genuine good time was
H. L. Oldham received a very
handsome present this week from
the Union Central Insurance com
pany in the shape of a draft for
2,lt0, being the cash sett lenient
made by the said company on his
twenty-year endowment policy
that matured a few days ago.
This certainly proved an excep
tionally good investment for Mr.
Vtt i I i i 1 1 t I i i i 1
(Special Correspondence.)
Cameron Cat hey is the owner of
a new on dor cycle.
P. A. Ilild and Alios Moil were
Plattsinoiith visitors Saturday.
Herman (iansemer made a busi
ness trip to Plattsninulh Monday.
Cameron Cat hey and Power
Young made a trip to 'Omaha Sat
urday. August Kngclkomeir, sr., made
a business trip to Weeping Water
Alfred (iansemer shipped cattle
to the South Omaha market Sun
day evening.
Quite a number spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred (iansemer.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis gave an
ice cream supper in honor of Miss
Gillespie of Fremont.
Miss (iillispie of Fremont is
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Puis this week.'
Charles Philpot, the cattle king,
shipped fat cattle to the South
Omaha market Tuesday.
J. R. C. Gregory shipped fat
cattle and hogs to the South Oma
ha market Sunday evening.
Mrs. Fred Maumgarlen and
children spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Lightning struck the cattle barn
oi i.ouie i'uis recently, Killing a
llfie milck cow and damaging the
building quite a little.
William Shehan, Ihe ML Pleas
ant, road overseer, is grading the
roads in this locality and they will
be in line shape after they are
finished, for William never leaves
anything unfinished.
Christian Church.
Services will be held at the
Christian church Sunday, June 0,
as follows:
Mible school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a.m. Subject, I days last week
Small Photo
and I will make you a life size or
smaller size enlargment in
- Oil, Pastel or Crayon -
Prices to suit you. Satisfaction guar
anteed or no go.
-J. ASCH -
Now Says From Omaha.
James Higgins, the man injured
at Oreapolis and brought in yes
terday on No. i, informed his co
tenant al the jail, Fred Ohm, that
he had come from Omaha, where
be had completed a 30-day sen
tence for vagrancy, and was bum
ming his way, riding on the
trucks. At Oreapolis he attempt
ed to shift his position just at a
time when the cars bumped and
threw him off. He said he did not
know what became of his shoes;
that he had been drunk, but that
the shoes were not worth much
(Special Correspondence.)
Owen Marshall and wife re
turned to their home in Coshoc
ton Tuesday morning.
John Stradley, who was severe
ly injured iu an automobile ac
cident, is improving slowly.
Mr. Dottier and wife are mov
ing into Carl Foster's house this
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. llayden and
daughter, Florence, of Wallace,
Neb., vi.-ited Mrs. Hayden's sister,
Mrs. Pr. Houston-Jones a few
Posiro ami Attainment."
At 8 p. m. the Children's day
program will be iriveti. A large
number of Ihe bible school chil-
ren, under the direction of Mrs.
F. Mrendel, have been rehears
ing for several weeks and a good
program is assured. There will
be no admission charged, but a
free-will offering for missions
will be taken. Everybody is
cordially invited lo attend all
Oh, My, What an Egg!
Our excellent friend, E. M. God
win, who recently resigned rns
position in the M. & M. shops to
go on trie farm down near mur-
av, brought one of his first eggs
o i no journal ouice a iew uays
ago, and you had ought to see it.
is an oblong specimen about
two inches in length and very nar
row, and we really believe that
Mr. Godwin was afraid to place it
under the mother hen for hatch
ing, fearing that such a process
might result in the hatching of a
long-necked griaffe-shaped chick-
n or a snake. This egg is on ex
hibilion at the Journal office.
Sells Kansas Farm.
Wo are informed that Ernest
Riehtcr has sold his farm down
rear Ness City, Kansas, and in tho
leal becomes the owner of a farm
in northeast Missouri anu win
move to the "show me" state some
lime this fall. Last .season Mr.
Hichler experienced almost a total
failure of crops in his Kansas
location, and of course it was a
very unprofitable year for him.
Miss Van Wie, who gives music
lessons to a number on Wednes
day and Saturday, was unable lo
get down from Waverly last Sal
urday, as she was sick.
Clay Hanson, while trying to
break a colt to ride, got his hand
severely cul Sunday afternoon. He
went to Lincoln Monday morning
to have it dressed.
Mr. Smith and wife, of Andrews,
Neb., were visiting in Lincoln this
week. Mr. Smith came out to look
after his father-in-law, Mr. De
vice's property, Tuesday morn
Miss Hazel Axmaker and Mr
John Comically were married at
Lincoln June 5. Their relatives
went up to bo present at the cere
mony. Mrs. Axmaker gave a re
root ion for them Wednesday
evening, June 5.
A niece, who had been visiting
Mrs. Ashcraft, passed away at the
latter's homo Tuesday evening
She had been in very poor health
Mrs. P. K. Marr and daughter,
Miss Pottie, are visiting the for
mer's sister, Mrs. Methel, and
other relatives.
Miss Luella Miller is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Carrie Mochen-haupt.
The name Poan's Inspires.
confidence Poan's . Kidney Pills
for kidney ills. Poan's Ointment
for skin itching. Poan's Hegulets
for a mild laxative. Sold at all
drug stores.
Hogs Wanted.
Wanted to buy, some shoats.
weighting from 50 to 100 pounds.
See J. P. Falter, Coates' Block.
For Sale.
Almost new motor cycle. For
demonstration call or write C. D.
Benedict, Murray, Neb.
Cultivate your alfalfa stubble
with a Canton Spike Disc Harrow.
Sold by Will Richardson.
Millinery in Murray.
Mrs. Julia Pwyer of Plaits-
mouth has decided to open a mil
linery store in Murray, and will
bo here throe days, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday of each
week. Tho line will be located at
tho homo of Mrs. Joseph Cook on
lower Main street. All ladies of
tho community are invited to call
and see her.
To Those Interested.
The notes and accounts duo
the late firm of Edmunds & Mrown
are left at tho Slate Mank of Mur
ray for tho convenience of thoso
who may desire to settle. This is
done because I will nol bo in
Murray all the time, having busi
ness on my farm.
J. W. Edtuunds.
For Sale.
R. I. Red eggs for sale, 50 cents
per setting, or 13.00 per hundred.
Mrs. C. E. Schwab, 'Phone 3-11,
Murray, Neb.
Miss Barry Weds In Omaha.
A very pretty church wedding
occurred yesterday at the Catholic
church, situated at the corner of
Fourteenth and Pine streets,
Omaha, when Miss Nellie Marry,
tho charming daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Marry of this city, was
married to Mr. Ed Voborid of
Omaha. The bride is quite well
known in Platlsmouth, being a
sister of Mrs. A. G. Bach. More
than 100 invited guests witnessed
the solemn ceremony. After the
marriage the wedding parly re
paired to tho homo prepared by
the groom at 1211 Arbor street,
where the reception was held.
Thoso attending the wedding from
this city wore A. Marry and wife
and son, George; Miss Ruth Mel
burn and A. G. Bach and wife.
Insanity Board Holds Session.
Tho board of insanity for the
rounty met this morning and
hoard a complaint lodged against
Pan Strato of Greenwood, whose
mental balance has been dis
turbed by drouth and politics. Af
ter hearing the testimony Mr.
Strato, who is a fanner about 40
years of age, was ordered to be
restrained al tho Lincoln hos
pital for (he insane. Paul Strato,
a brother; H. P. Coleman and
Mrs. Pan Slralo, all of Green
wood, were witnesses.
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
Traveling Goods!
Steamer Trunk No. 228
36-in long, enameled duck cover
ing; nickle trimmings; steel binding;
full covered tray with hat box. Guar
anteed for three years. JjQ QJJ
Suit Case No. 5
Lightweight matting, depth 6-in,
body cut in one piece, 24- Q j Fft
in long. Price WliOU
Suit Case No. 23
Best quality vegetable fiber, depth;
8-in; binding, smooth grain keratol;
lining, cloth; shirt fold. CO Kfl
Price OOiOU
Suit Case 510
Tan selected cowhide; depth 7-in
lining, fancy linen; shirt DC fill
fold. Price OJiUU
No. 807-
Black Walrus grain cowhide travel
ing bag. Trimmings brass; frame
leather covered; lining, leather,
pocket one full length 16, 17 and
18-inch lengths. Or nn
Each OuiUU
We have listed above a few of our
best sellers. We carry a complete
line of traveling goods. Suit Cases
up to $10.00. Traveling Bags up to
$16.50 and Trunks as high as $16.50.