The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 03, 1912, Image 6

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A fine assortment ci swell Pattern Hats at ridiculously low price for
the next lew days. Come in early and secure first choice.
. j .
TTo -n dprV Department Store
A Fair Proposition.
"Doc" liixliy says ihat. Will
a 11 pi it (-annul give one nuud rea
wni for support ini; John II. Morc
licail for governor. As usual, I Ik;
fccnial "Doc" Mixhy is wronn.
We'll hi'vc Mixliy I wo columns in
this newspaper in which to tell
why he is supporting Ahlrich if
lie'll five us six inches of space
in his "Daily Drift" department of
the Stale Journal to lell why we
are supporting Morehead. Will
Maupin's Weekly.
This is an exceedingly fair
proposition and we'll lie) a coon
skin and skin the coon ourself,
I hat Hixhy w ill no accept.
The readings below are tHKnn Ht the
Burlington depot, whore the ther
anomnter Ih placed under condition
Klmllnr to those nurd hy tlio I T n 1 1 1 1
IStates weather bureau:
H a. in 70 I 1 p. 111 7:i
10 a. m. . . . 72 j 2 p. in. . . . 75
. For Nebraska (loolcr Monday
and Tuesday.
F. P. Sheldon and wife of Ne
huwka, accompanied hy Miss ('.lee
Applrgate and Miss Helen pol
lock, departed Friday for Knox
ville, Illinois, in Mr. Sheldon's
louring car. They expect to he
present nt the graduation of Mr.
Sheldon's daughter, Miss Isadore,
who completes the course this
W. J. Partridge and little
daughter, from near Weeping
Water, were Platlsmoulh vlsiiois
last Saturday afternoon, and re
mained over night for a visit with
friends. "Hill)" was up looking
after two teams of horses that he
was purchasing of Ihe I'lalls
iiiouth horse king. James Sage,
lie reports everything in his
locality looking line and since the
last rain all crop prospects are
Copmht 191,
YOUR advantage in buying clothes
here, is in knowing you'll get correct style, and
first-class tailoring.
The light all-wool fabrics are ideal for Summer wear
Suits $10 to $30
with special values from $15 to $25
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Special Sale on
'The Home of Guaranteed Values!'
V. ZUCKER, Manager
Expensive Illness.
The treatment of diesases is
more expensive from year to year.
Tim ohl-l ime house remedies have
to give room It) expensive and
oflen iinreliahle preparations. We
Irmly helicve t It as. L the time is
near when more attention will he
paid to the prevention than to the
treatment, of diseases. It is a
good deal cheaper. One of the
hest old family remedies, com
posed entirely of herhs and
natural wine, is Triner's Ameri
can Klixir of Hitter Wine. If
you will use it at I he llrst .symp
tom of an illness you will llnd it
the hest preventive medicine. It
will drive from Ihe intestines
everything thai does not belong
there, that is harmful, that is
poisonous, that is a common
source of sickness. It will heal
Ihe mllameil organs of diges
tion, create a good appetite, re
lieve headache, nervousness,
colds, constipation. At drug
stores. Jos. Triner, 1333-133'J
So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III.
J. It. Nichols of Omaha spent
Sunday, in Union, returning via
Plallsmoiith this morning, spend
ing a few hours in this city.
We are now handling a complete
line of coal. Call and let us quote you
prices for your fall and winter coal.
We handle wheat, oats, corn and
chop of all kinds.
Ind. Telephone 297
Nelson Jean & Go,
Alfral Declw & Coha
Will Richardson sells Old Hick
ory Farm Wagons. 0-3-2ld-2tw
lluy a Clark Muggy and he satis
lied. Sold by Will Richardson.
William IIeinrirhs(ii visited his
family over Sunday, departing for
his (lehl of labor this morning,
going first to Omaha.
O. C. Dovey left fop Omaha on
the morning train today, where he
was called on business mailers
which demanded his personal at
tention. Mrs. John Carney and son of
Omaha returned to their home
Ibis morning, after being over
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. (.. ltach.
Miss Agnes Schwartz and Miss
Clara Oilson returned to (ilen
wood on tht! morning I rain today,
after spending Sunday wilh their
parents in this city.
Mrs. John Murray was a pas
senger to Omaha last evening,
where stie will spend a week or
I wo wilh her daughter, Miss
Blanche, and son, (leorge.
Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Hoedeker.
from south of Murray, were in
Ihe city today, driving up from
I heir home to look after some
business matters and visit with
county seat friends.
Misses Kslher Larson, Itess Ed
wards, Hazel Tuey and Mr. Klmer
Frans were passengers for Peru,
fteb., this morning, where they
will atlend the summer school al
Ihe slate normal.
Mrs. Koehnke of Hay Springs,
Neb., who has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. William llassler, and
her daughter, Miss I.ula Koehnke,
tor u short lime, departed for her
home this afternoon.
Mrs. F. K. Ilawkenherry, four
sons and one daughter, departed
for 1'arnam, Neb., on Ihe after
noon train today, where they will
visit relatives for a couple of
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Karn of
Nickcrson, Neb., were over Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. I,. F.
Trimpe; Mrs. Karn is Mr.
Trimpe's sister. Mr. and Mrs.
Karn departed for their home this
Miss Messersmith of llavelock
was a guest of Ihe McKay home
over Sunday, returning to her
home this morning. Mrs. Maxon
accompanied Miss Messersmith
to Omaha on her homeward Jour
ney. Mrs. F.lias Sago and daughter,
Mrs. Iturnett, of Maywood, Neb.,
who have been visiting James
Sage and wife for a short time,
departed for Omaha this after
noon to visit Mrs. O. M. Streight
and family for a short time.
John Hall spent Sunday with
his family, departing this morn
ing for Omaha, where he will go
out again for his house, Ihe
Standard Furnace and Supply
company. Mr. Hall expects to
make Hot Springs, South Dakota,
Ihe latter pari of the week.
William Starkjohn departed
for Carter county this afternoon
to look after his real estate in
terests. 11 was rumored on the
street that this would probably
be the last time he would have to
Bo, and Ihat the lady would re
turn with him, as Mrs. Starkjohn.
J. C. Yost, from near Mynard,
wa in the city last Saturday, and
of course paid the Journal office n
brief call, renewing for the paper
be sends to his daughter in Ne
braska Cily; he also sends one to
his brother, F. M. Yost, at Sar
gent, Nebraska, for which he has
the publisher's thanks.
Weighed In the Balances anil
Found Wanting,
Pastor Russell Treats a Difficult Sub
ject With All Kindness Presents a
Clear View of the Divine Message.
Fail ure of the Completion of the
Tower of Babel Explained A Won
derful Structure and the Cause of Its
Brooklyn. X. Y..
June 2. I'ustor
Russell addressed
a large audience
again in the Acini
emy of Music, not
withstanding the
season. Ills topic
was, "The Fall of
Mystic Babylon."
Ills text: "Mene,
.Mene, Tckel, Vphar
sin weighed in
the balances and
found wanting."
(Daniel v, 25, 28.) He Bald:-
Whlle our message for today Is "meat
In due season" to the Household of
Faith and every way most Important
to be understood, tt is nevertheless a
subject difficult to treat without giv
ing offense, without being misunder
stood, without seeming harsh. Bear
with me, then, while expressing what
I believe to be the Divine Message. In
Just as kindly a manner as I know how.
The Scriptures which I may quote In
support of my presentations seem
harsh, almost to cruelty, hut 1 assure
you, my hearers, that I am not respon
sible for the lauguage used. My re
sponsibility Is to speak the word of the
Lord. In doing this I shall endeavor
to present the Lord's words In as kind
ly a manner as possible, and so far as
possible explain some of the harsher
expressions; tun I must not shun to
declare the whole counsel of fJod and
as fully as 1 believe Ho would now
have Ills people understand It.
There was no Mystic Babylon In the
days of Jesus and the Apostles. The
expressions therefore In lievelatlon
bearing upon Mystic Babylon, were
prophetic of th Systems and condi
tions which have since arisen in the
Church. The word "Babylon" has a
double sigulflcauce. It comes from
"Babel." It calls our ndnds back to
the period when the sons of X':h
lost faith In the Pivine. Providential
care, and the promise of the rainbow,
and endeavored to erect n structure
for their own preservation the Tower
of Babel. This attempt led to the con
fusion of tongues. .
Similarly, following the days of the
Apostles and the persecution of the
early Church, an attempt was made
to erect a great religious System for the
Church's protection, not waiting for
and relying upon the Divine promise
that Messiah In due time would come
nnd establish His Kingdom for the
world's blessing.
The religious Tower of Balel was.
primarily. Papacy. It was a wonder
ful structure so far as It went, but It
never accomplished the designs of Its
founders. It never mastered the sit
uation and established the Church far
above the power and Influence of the
civil governments and earthly mon
archs. It was when the Tower of Babel rose
to a considerable height In dignity and
grandeur that the Lord manifested Ills
power amongst the workmen, and con
founded their speeches. Disconcerted,
the further building of the Tower
Censed, and the people of tho different
languages set up each for himself ac
cording to the different Ideals. This
corresponds well with the Protestant
Reformation movement and the vari
ous denominations Into which those
onco Catholics became divided.
Babylon and Its Wall.
Another thought connected with our
subject Is that tho literal city of Baby
lon was a prototype, a prophetic figure
of Mystic Babylon. The name Baby
Ion signifies, "Tho gate of Ood"-tho
gateway by which access to God Is to
be attained. This In effect was the
claim mado by Papacy, and tho claim
she still makes, that she is a great
City, a great Kingdom, that she has a
great wall of Dlvlno salvation and pro
tection about her a great wall built
dt Ignorance and superstition, say her
In tho Book of Revelation Jesus pro
phetically pictured the greatness of
this City, this spiritual "Empire. It !
essentially religious, although It In
cludes the greot kingdoms of earth,
which unitedly are styled Christendom.
This great City, Babylon, is represent
ed aa being divided Into teu different
wards, each of which represents one of
the kingdoms of Christendom, and
which correspond to the teu horns of
tho symbolic Beast. Compare Reve
lation xt. 13: xll. 13; xlll. 1.
And as this great City, or spiritual
kingdom, thus includes the chief mon
archies of Europe, so, under another
figure, Babylon, Papacy. Is represented
as a "woman." In whose forehead was
found the name. "Babylon the Great,
the Mother of Harlots." Thus is shown
In somo manner the various Protestant
syBteras of Christendom which sep
arated from the "Mother Church" of
Rome, still her daughters, still related
lo her, partakers of her character,
traits and disposition. Thus Babylon
with her ten wards Includes practfcally
all of Europe; and Mother and Daugh
ters of this same family name Include
nearly all of the Protestant denomina
tions, as well as the Catholic- Mother
What Is Meant by Harlotryf
It should be remembered in discuss
ing this subject that Ihe language is
figurative that It dues not signify that
either the Church of Rome or her
Protestant Daughters ure immoral.
The thought Is that the Chuivli or
Christ was primarily a "virgin" com
pany of persons, called out. separated
from the world and its aims and ambi
tions culled to be saints and Joint
heirs with Christ in Ills Kingdom
To whatever extent systems arose
amongst the followers of Jesus and be
came affiliated with any of the king
doms of tills world to that extent.
Serlpturally. figuratively, thoy commit
tel harlotry-because they were espous
ed to the King of kings and the Lord
of lords, and were to wait for Him.
that at His second coming they might
become Ills Bride and become associ
ated with Him In His Throne.
It will not be questioned that Papacy
became affiliated with the Roman Em
pire and sat down on the throne of
Home, nor that the Church of England,
as one of her duughters, became adul
ated with the British Government, and
now sits, representatively, in the
i House of Lords. It would not be ques
. tioned that the Greek Church experi
enced a similar betrothal and marriage
to the Russian Government, the Lu
theran Church to the German Empire,
etc., etc. It is on this account and in
this sense that tho Church of Rome
and her Daughters mother and dough
ters, organizations of Trotestants. are
figuratively called by the family name
of Babylon.
Babylon's Golden Cup.
Under the figure of n woman clothed
In purple and scarlet the Mother Sys
tem of Babylon, long centuries ago.
"made all the nntlons drunk with her
wine," the doctrines which she had In
her "golden cup." (Revelation xvll,
1-fl.) The "golden cup" represents the
Bible, the Divine Standard, or authori
ty. It was misused when the wine of
false doctrine wns put Into It when
the Bible was claimed as authority for
various erroneous teachfngs of the
Dark Ages. The Intoxicating wine
which made the nations drunk, and
which led them to support the "wom
an" nnd to call themselves Christian
nations. Topacy still holds In her hand,
and still offers to nil who will receive
It. But the nations are gradually so
bering up, and becoming less and less
Inclined to take more of the wine.
It Is not necessary to suppose that
every doctrine presented hy Topncy
was false and Intoxicating. The
thought Is rather that of commingled
wine that a stupefying potion was
put Into the wine ahradv In the cup.
As the golden cup represents the Word
of God and Its Message, the stupefying
potion may well be understood to be
some of the doctrines for instance,
that God's Kingdom had already been
set up. and that the papnl throne In
the world is the Throne of Christ that
the Tope reigns as Christ's Vicegerent.
or substitute, and representative. Oth
er poisonous elements threatened the
people with purgatorial torture, or eter
nal torment, if they failed to keep
In line with the Tapal authority this
claimed Vicegerent authority of Christ.
The Protestant denominations were
all born nnder these Intoxicating Influ
ence and false theories. While they did
separate from the Mother system, and
did denounce her, nevertheless they
held doctrlnally to many of the Intoxi
cating errors of her cup. Consequently
they, too, claim that somehow, they
know not how, Messiah's Kingdom is
set up and Is reigning. They, too, Join In
giving the nations somo of the same
dope that the Mother gave them, telling
them that they are Christian nntlons,
even though they have anything but
the Christian spirit, and are building
great guns nnd dreadnnughts to blow
each other off the face of tho earth.
So strong is the power of this intoxi
cation that the inconsistencies of such
theories are not discerned by the In
toxicated ones. Only the few who are
gradually getting free from the stupefy
Ing potion are able, by Divine assist
ance, to see Borne of tho mistakes ulong
this line. These see that neither the
Church of Rome nor any of her Daugh
ter systems are the true Church of
Christ Theso see from the Divine
standpoint that these systems are "har
lot" systems. Each of them professes
to bo the Bride of Christ yet each
knows that "the marriage of the
Lamb" is to take place at the second
coming of Christ. They have therefore
very generally lost sight of the fact
that the true "virgin" of Christ, a "lit
tle flock." who will be accounted
worthy to share the marriage and he
como the Bride of Christ, must "wait
for the Lord from Henven" must live
separate from the world, keeping her
self unspotted from the world, a rlrgln.
that she may be accounted worthy to
enter Into the Joys of her Lord, become Ills
Queen and Jolnt-helr In Ills Kingdom.
It Is not to be expected that either the
Mother or the Daughters, who are now
claiming to reign with Chrlat, who ari
now claiming that His Kingdom Is al
ready set up, who are now claiming that
their unions with the kingdoms of thin
world are legitimate unions, have the
Bridegroom's approval. It Is not to be ex
pected thnt these realise their own con
ditionthat they are disloyal to the true
Bridegroom and King, symbolical "har
lots," In affiliation with the kingdoms of
this world at this present time, and sup
porting the same and calling them by the
Brldi'gronm'a name Christendom, which
means, Christ's Kingdom.
Babylon, the Great City.
In the symbolical language of the Book
of Revelation, aa already Indicated, the
name Dnhylon Is applied, not only to the
typical woman. Papacy, and her mystical
Daughters, the Protestant denominations,
but also applied to the great City. Mystic
Babylon. The "woman" more particular
ly reresenis the ecclesiastical systems,
and the "city" more particularly repre
sents the governmental features the
sacerdotal or religious authority to gov
ern and control the kingdoms, the nations
of the earth.
We all remember the story of history .
respecting the literal city of Babylon, with
Its most wonderful walls and hanging
gardens. We all ri-member how It was
built across the river Euihrutt-s. which
flowed through Its center, nnd was sup
posed to protect It fully from t! hazard
of un Invasion. Besides Its va t store
houses of food It had the whole river for
Its water supply.
Babylon wns therefore reckoned impreg
nable. So Mystic Babylon. Christendom
of our day. is a most masterly organiza
tion. Its walls are built of Ignorance
and superstition, whose great foundations
were laid centuries ago. Literal Baby
lon's great gates of brass, which came
down to the river's level, represented in
Mystic Babylon worldly wisdom, human
Ingenuity and dexterity of organization,
to maintain the control of the "waters,"
and to protect the City from a possible
approach from that direction.
But what Is slsnilled by the "waters,"
the rlvor? We answer that In symbolic
InneiuiRe generally, water has two dis
tinct Interpretations: (1) Water symbolizes
Truth. (2) Water also symbolizes reve
nues, from outside peoples and kingdoms.
And so In Revelation we read that the
woman with the golden cup sltteth upon
many waters: "and the waters which
thou sawest are peoples and multitudes,
and nations, and tongues." (Revelation
xvll. 1-15.) This "woman" does not reign
over one nation or people alone. Her
rule Is a catholic or general one. for all
nations were made more or less drunk
with her false doctrines. The water of
the River Euphrates flowing through this
City of Babylon might therefore be un
derstood to signify tho peoples and na
tions supporting Babylon by contribu
tions, tithes and offerings.
The Euphrates to Be Dried Up.
In Revelation not merely the name Bab
ylon Is used, long after the literal city
was so blotted out that for a long time Its
site was unknown, but the symbolical de
scription Includes also the River Euphra
tes, and we read (xvl, 12) of the great
River Euphrates that "The water thereof
was dried up, that the way of the Kings
of the East might be prepared." If we
are correct In Interpreting these "waters"
to signify revenues from all nations, what
would be signified by the drying up of
the River? We answer that It would Im
ply a cessation of the revenues of Baby
lon, a decline In the contributions which
heretofore have made her wealthy mil
lions coming every year from rich and
poor of all nations for her support. It Is
In full accord with this Divine prediction
of what Is yet to come that we hear cry
lngs and distress arising from all denom
inations. Catholic and Protestant, to the
effect that the "waters," the revenues.
are being dried up, and this at the time
when the world Is larger In population and
wealth than ever before.
History tells us that the great city of
Babylon was captured by Cyrus and his
army after a considerable siege, which
was unsuccessful until his soldiers digged
a fresh channel for the river and turned
Its course aside. Thus -was the River
Euphrates dried up, and the army of
Cyrus entered literal Babylon, suddenly,
In the night. While these things were
transpiring, the princes of, Babylon, cor
responding to the notables of Christen
dom, were holding high carnival, rejoic
ing In their security, boasting of the
strength of their walls, and the Impreg
nabWty of their gates, and the sureness
of their waters.
As then they were using the golden ves
sels of the Lord's Temple from which to
drink their wine, so now. In the hour of
Babylon's fall, we may expect something
to correspond to this a spirit of boastful
ness. of pride, of Intoxication with error,
apparently drawn from the Divine Word.
It was at this moment of exuberance
that In the banquet hall of Bolshazzar a
hand appeared and with glowing pencil
wrote the words of our text: "Mene. Mene.
Tekel, Uphanin." "Mene" the days of
your rule have been numbered by Ood
and are finished. "Tekel" thou art
Weighed In the balances and found want
ing. "Peres" thy Kingdom Is divided and
given to the Medes and Persians. The
strong symbolisms In the language used
lit respect to Mystic Babylon correspond
so well with the prophetlo language used
respecting literal Babylon that we are
warranted In understanding literal Baby
lon to have been a prototype of Mystic
Babylon, and her fall a prefigure of the
fall of Christendom.
Cyrus was prophetically mentioned in
the Scriptures as the deliverer of Qod's
people from the Babylonian captivity, be
fore his birth, long therefore before he
overthrew Babylon. He was also a typi
cal character, und doubtless represented
Messiah, a part of whose work will be the
overthrowing of Babylon, the giving of
her over to destruction, and the deliver
ance of God's people out of her. As the
Medes and Persians unitedly Joined In the
overthrow of Babylon and In the kingdom
which followed It, so Messiah's Kingdom
will have two parts, a heavenly and an
earthly, yet the two will be one In the
sense thnt they will be under one super
vision and control, and co-operating In
the same Interests.
"Flee Out of Babylon."
In the Old Testament, whon foretelling
tho disaster upon Babylon, the message
was given to God'a people, "Flee out of
Babylon, deliver every man his soul' his
life; and terrible descriptions were given
which seem grossly exaggerated unless
we vlow tho matter from the standpoint
already suggested, that the things which
happened to the literal city were figura
tive and prophotlc of the much more seri
ous experience of Mystic Babylon, then
long future. Read Isaiah xlll. 1-19. Com
pare Jeremiah I, 15, 2), with Revelation
xvlll, 6; and Jeremiah I, 38. with Revela
tion xvl, 12; and verse 46 with Revelation
xvlll. 9; and Jeremiah II. 6-9. with Reve
lation xvlll, 4; and verso 13 of Jeremiah
II with Revelation xvll, 1-15; and verses
37, 63, 64. with Revelation xvlll, X 4. 21.
If further evidence were required In
demonstration of the fact that Mystic
Babylon represents a grent nominal Chris
tian system, It Is found In the statement
of Revelation xvlll. 2-10. a pnrt of which
Is. "Come out of her," salth the Lord,
"that ye be not partakers of her sins,
and that ye receive not of her plagues."
This call must be heard and heeded be
fore the break begins, because the break
and disaster will come suddenly, as In
an "hour;" and those who do not stand
separate, aloof, will be Involved In th
disaster. And they will deserve to be.
and It will be Qod's will that they should
ba Involved, If after seeing the Truth re
specting Babylon and Its character they
are not enthusiastically opposed to her
deceptions and intoxicating false doc
trines. These tribulations upon Babylon will
constitute a part of tho "great tribula
tion" wltn which this Age wiU terminate
and the New Dispensation of Messiah's
Kingdom will be Inaugurated "a time of
trouble such as never was since there was
a nation until that same time nor ever
shall be, ' said our Lord. Let Ood's peo
ple awal.e! Lot them act promptly 1 Let
them hflp all others who have the spirit
of the Lord, the spirit of the Truth, to
see cler.rly the true situation and to show
their rourage and overcoming qualities hy
standing for righteousness. "Whosoever
Is ashamed of Me and My Word, of him
will I be ashamed," declared the Master.
He Is now testing the loyalty of those who
profess to be His He has permitted mat
ters to so shape themselves that loyalty
will mean more than words It will In
clude action faithfulness, even unto