M l'REPAIlKD IN TMK INTEUESTS If any of the redden of the Journal kww of a tonal event or an item of interest in want all items of interest. Editor Jour wl. EVlurray State Bank rrm MURRAY, NEBRASKA f 0 Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000 CI IAS. C. PARM ELE, President F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier We Solicit Your Banking Business Our Dejwsits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran tee Fund of the State of Nebraska. 0 0 Interest Paid on UC 3 C John Ferris was an Omaha visitor Tuesday. O. A. Davis was a business isitnp in Omaha Sal unlay. S. O. I'll man was an early morning visitor in Omaha Tues lay. Charles Countryman hud one load of hogs on the Smith Omaha market Monday. Mrs. J. W. Edmunds visiled friends in Murray and Nebraska f'-ity over Sunday. H. A. Kennedy and wife were Plattsinoul li visitors between trains Saturday night. J. M. Holmes and (lien Hoedoker are putt inn in their spare lime now building road drugs. The Thimble Hee will ho entor lained at the Walker hoine Friday. All are invited to attend. Mrs. Cti..a Maker of Adair, Iowa, is visiting her brother, II. I,. Oldham and family, Ibis week. Dr. and Mrs. Ilusscll Davis of Lincoln were gnosis of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis Saturday even ing. Mrs. Charles Spangler and son, Everett, attended the eighth grade exercises at Weeping Water Sat urday. Dr. .1. F. Mreudel and O. A. Davis each have the foundations f their new .homes about com pleted. Miss Vera Hatchet was one of the eighth (traders that attended the exercises al Weeping Water Saturday. County Commissioner llcchner and wife of near Nebawka board ed the train here Tuesday morn-I ing for Omaha. W. I. Wheeler boarded the I rain here Tuesday for Lincoln, where be went to attend the meet ing of the democratic stale com mittee. The remodeling of the house on one of J. A. Davis' farms was commenced Monday. The work will be superintended by W. II. Hamilton. Miss Lena Young came homo for the summer vacation, her school at Cedar Creek having closed last Friday. Mrs. Mary Dull and sister, Mrs. Frank Hunker, spent Saturday evening and Sunday with their brother, John Rutherford and family, at IMutlsinoulh. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Mrown and Mr. and Mrs. James Lougbridge motored to IMallsniouth Thurs day evening to witness the gradu ating exorcises. Mrs. J. Crow and children of Mansllehl, Texas, who arrived in I'latlsinoulb Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. Frank (iobolman, came down Tuesday to visit, Mrs. Crow's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. While. The friends of Mrs. James Mat chelt were sorry to hear that it was necessary for her to enter the hospital, and on Thursday she was operated upon. All hopes arc entertained for her recovery. J. M. Holmes lias traded his aulo to llarvo Manners for one- half the building in which the telephone exchange is now local B array OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY Time Deposits. 0 3 C ed. The building is of brick.. It won't be long, however, until Jim has another car. Omar Kcholclitemcjer sold Ran Min ford 27 head of feeding cattle Monday. Mr. Moses lliull, is able to get about, some, after his slight stroke of paralysis. Alf Nickels has purchased Col. Jenkins' automobile, paying $(m for the same. Mrs. Charles Carroll and Miss Vina Dooley were Omaha visitors Saturday evening. Lueilo Young attended (he commencement exorcises at Plaltsinoiith Thursday night. Ran Min ford took two cars of cattle and one of bogs to the South Omaha market Tuesday. Mrs. Lizzie Gregg returned Monday from a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Hughes, at Havelock. Mrs. Mack Churchill and little daughter, Clara, and Miss Isabella Young were shopping in Platts iii not h Monday. Yern Perry now sports a new Maxwell Mascott car, which was purchased of Mert Philpot of Weeping Water. Arnold Nims of Platlsmouth is spending a week with bis aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fd Tutl, and enjoying himself hugely. Mrs. Rose Cede of Lincoln came down from Platlsmouth Monday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ilialt, before returning to her homo. Mr. l-.y.ru Squires, wife and granddaughter, Miss I.ula Sipiires, came in Monday for a visit with the Jenkins family. Mr. Sipiires lives near Creiuhton. Neb. Airs. A. L. Maker's arm. broken three weeks ago. as a result, of fall on I be sidewalk, is doing nicely and she thinks she will be able to remove it from the sling in a few days. The Sunshine band of the Christian church will give an ice cream and strawberry festival at the church on Saturday evening, Juno l!. Remember the date, and bo sure and come. Charley Carroll came in from Plainview Saturday for a few days' visit with bis wife, lie re ports crops in a much better con dition there than here, having had more moisture in that section of the state. As an evidence of the fact that the people of Murray propose lo keep up the good roads boom, J M. Holmes ami Clou Moedeker an superintending the construction of several drags, which they pro pose to have in elVective use bo- fore many days. Miss Mae Lougbridge celebrated her llfleenlb anniversary last Sal unlay, and Mrs. Loughridue did honor to (lie event by giving Mi .Mae and her numerous young friends a picnic in the woods, which was a most delight ful af fair and greatly enjoyed by all present. Dr. W. K. Lougbridge and wife, accompanied by Mr. Lougbridge' mother, arrived in Murray Mou (lily evening from Portland, Ore apartment AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. this vicinity ami will mad same to thin gun. The climate of Oregon was not. nl ixfaclory and they will slay in Nebraska, the best slate, in the f ni'vi. Dr. Lougbridge expects to locale in ( iiiiaha. Lee and George Nickels were Hal I siiioul.li visitors Saturday. Adam Scbafer and George Hild were county seat visitors last Sat urday. Frank Rhoden and wife were calling on L'nion merchants Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kennedy were Platlsmouth visitors Tuesday evening. I)oe Shrader, from west of Mur ray, was a county seat visitor last Saturday. R. M. Nickels' family were look ing after business in Plattsinouth Tuesday. Wayne Lewis is reported not improving as rapidly as could be wished for. F.lta M. Nickels was attending to the Spirclla corset, business in l'nion Saturday. Carter Albin, who was taken seriously sick Saturday, is some what improved. A. F. Nickels and family drove to IMaltsmouth Saturday in their new Mason car. Lloyd Lewis was visiting with friends and looking after business in l'nion Saturday. Jack Chalfanl's wife spent Sat urday and Sunday with the lalcr's parents at Union. William Nickels and daughter, Miss Ml la, were Platlsmouth visitors Wednesday. Harry Tigner and mother, Mrs.' John Tigner, were Platlsmouth visitors last Saturday. Miss Mlla and Verna Harris at tended the graduation exercises at Weeping Water Saturday. Mrs. William Wiley, who lias been so ill for I he past few days, is reported some better al Ibis time. Gussie Good, Mlizabeth Hall and Margaret Moore graduated from tho eighth grade at Weeping Water Saturday. Harve Manners, the Platls mouth Telephone doctor, 'was around looking after business in this locality Monday. Mrs. Jane Mayless and Henry Lloyd and family of Glenwood, Iowa, were guests of Frank Rhoden and family Sunday. Mrs. M. M. Queen and Mrs. Ed Riggs wore visiting in Rock HlulTs and looking over their childhood's old familiar haunts this week. R. C. Jahrig and Frank Lillie, from west of Murray, were county seat visitors Tuesday of this week. Mr. Jahrig has been visit ing at the Lillie borne for Hie past few weeks, from Cheyenne, Wyoming. T. W. Fleming and R. O. Huteh- ins, from near vv coping Water, wore county seal visitors last Saturday, and of course paid tho Journal olllco a brief call. Moth gentlemen are mighty good friends of the Journal, and we were very much pleased to see them. Mr. Ilulrhins was assessor from his precinct and was making his returns to the county assessor. The High school proposition is still agitating tho minds of the people of Murray and the sur rounding school districts. The silo for the building is already located on a beautiful knoll in the norlh pari of the town. The way to make a success of this groat educational enterprise is to keep up tho good work started. Mrs. Glen Moedeker went, to Omaha Tuesday morning lo spend the day vvilh Miss Ida Moedeker, who is in Ihe hospital recovering from the efforts of an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Moedeker returned home in tho evening, coming down on the Murlington, her husband meeting her in Plaltsniouth with the auto. She reports Miss Ida gelling along as well as could be expected. Funeral of Hon. D. S. Draper. The funeral of lion. D, S. Drap er, a former well known citizen of Cass county, occurred from the Christian church in Murray Sat urday morning al li o'clock. Rev. Ross Williams conducted the services and Ihe music was bv Hie church choir. A large number of sympathetic friends and relatives were in attendance. After the services the remains wore convey ed lo the Might Mile Grove ceme tery, where they were laid at rest. A largo number of those old friends and neighbors of Ihe de ceased witnessed the last sad office it mil appear under this hendimj tribute paid to one who years ago was one of the foremost citizens of Cass county. The pall-bearers were: D. C. Rhoden, ). J. Pitman, W. D. Wheeler, George W. Snyder, Joe Tubbs and George Lloyd. Relatives from a distance who al tended (ho funeral were (ho fol lowing: John Sporer and wife and John Schlotman and wife of Yalpariaso, Neb.; Mrs. Mert Fiek ler of Slanlon; Mrs. D. S. Draper and sons, Daniel and Jesse, of Kansas City, Kansas. Fine Shipment of Cattle. Our excellent farmer and stockman friend, Will Philpot, living west, of Murray, topped the South Omaha market one day last week with his 38 head of western horn cattle. They were a very line bunch and he received the high price of 8. (Hi for them. Ho realized a gain of 510 pounds on each head and I hoy w ere fed hard ly six months. They were fed on alfalfa, clover bay and corn. At the time Ihe cattle were bought six months ago Mr. Philpot paid $1.35 for Ihein, so one can easily figure from the gain and Ihe increase in price that Mr. Philpot has made a very neat sum of money, also deinoiisi rat ing that be knows his business when it comes to feeding cattle. Will Philpot, is one of the most successful farmers and stockmen of this county, a good judge of stock, and from the above sure knows bow to put on the Mesh. Adam Scbafer, one of Mr. Philpot's neighbors, was on the market with him at the time the cattle were sold. A Pleasant Afternoon. Last Saturday, May 25, the pleasant farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Creamer, east of Mur ray, presented a scene of genuine merriment and pleasure for the young folks. Quite a number of the young triends of their son, Raymond, were invited in to spend a few hours before Ravmond was to return lo the hospital. The afternoon was spent in various kinds of games and excellent re freshments were served. Wo were unable to get all the names of those present, so will not publish any of them. Raymond has boon Buffering some lime with a spinal trouble and has spent several weeks in the hospital, and will bo compelled to return at certain periods during the next year for treatment. He is gaining strength slowly and Ihe physi cians are of the opinion that he will be cured permanently, but it will take some time to accom plish the desired result. Modern Residence. While in Murray Tuesday the Journal man visited the now residence being constructed by Dr. J. F. Mrendel, and found the oundation all completed, ready to begin work proper, which will be rushed through lo completion. The foundation is of concrete blocks and one of Ihe most substantial we ever saw. Tho now home of Ihe Dr. and his ex cellent wife will be modern in every particular, and if tho bal ance of the work compares with I ho foundation in substantiality and good workmanship, Mr. and Mrs. Mrendel will soon ho pos sessors of one of t he most beaut i- ful and comfortable homes in Cass county. A Good Light. S. O. Pitman has certainly a fortune within his grasp if we don't miss our guess. He cer tainly has a system of lighting that when properly installed in Ihe home or slore will outshine any lighting of Ihe age. Mr. Pil man will soon have agents on the road demonstrating and selling those plants and ho claims that it will undoubtedly find ready sale wherever (here is a demand for Ihe most brilliant light, and one that is safe to handle and at one half the cost of any other gas light. Mr. Pitman thinks he will have plants ready lo in si nl I about the 15th of June. Millinery In Murray. Mrs. Julia Dwyer of Plaits mouth has decided to open a mil linery store in Murray, and wil be hero two days, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The lino will bo located at the homo of Mrs. Joseph Cook on lower Main street. All ladies of Ihe community are invited lo call and see her. THE value of telephone service depends upon the number of people that can be reached. Two ex changes in the same community devide the service and require a subscriber to pay for two telephones in order to reach all subscribers or to pay for one tele phone and receive only one half the service. We are consolidating the exchanges and toll line service as fast as possible. As soon as thess consoli dations are completed you will be able to reach all the subscribers and have all possible toll line con nections with one telephone and for one price. At points where change of rate is necessary the rate ad vanced will be much lower than the proportionate increase in service and in each case the State Rail way Commission must approve all changes in rates and service. Our aim is to connect together all ex changes and toll line systems so that one universal service may be given. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company M. E. BRANTNER, Local Manager In the District Court. The district, court convened Monday and much preliminary work was done preparing Ihe trial docket for the jury when it comes. Orders were made by Judge Travis in the following cases: Charles Malous vs. Edward Donat, dismissed ; Amelia Monroe vs. C. Lawrence Stull, motion to make Ihe petition more 'definite and cer tain, was overruled, and a similar motion was overruled in the case of Oren P. Monroe vs. C. Law rence Stull; both cases are mark ed for trial at the present term. In the case of Michael Core, et al., vs. .Nicholas lennant, Ihe default oi i no eieiiiianls was entered. Tho suit of Dr. J. C. Munger vs. Charles E. Mranson was disniis- .-eil at plaintiff's cost. A motion for temporary alimony and suit money in the sum of 10 was al lowed in the case o fLucile Young vs. William Rex voung. In tho partition suit of Lenora McCrary, t al., vs. Helen A. Pollard, A. L. Tidd was appointed guardian ad litem for Hope L. Conly, and filed bis answer instanler. Decree con tinuing tho shares as prayed was entered. Tho court appointed I). O. Dwyer, Frank P. Sheldon and Malcolm Pollard referees to re port forthwith. In the case of Elizabeth F. Hardnock vs. Jacob S. Hardnock, I). (). Dwyer was ap pointed as guardian ad litem for Joseph E. Ryan and for Amelia Ryan. Judgment was set aside in Ihe case of William Soik vs. Cass' County, trial was had lo the court on stipulation of parties. Plain tiff's appeal dismissed and judg ment entered for tho defendant. Expensive Illness. The treatment of diosases is more expensive from year to year. The old-lime house remedies have to give room lo expensive and often unreliable preparations. We firmly believe that the time is near when more attention will be paid to the prevention than to the treatment of diseases. It is a good deal cheaper. One of the best old family remedies, com posed entirely of herbs and natural wine, is Trinor's Ameri can Elixir of Milter Wine. If you will use it at tho first symp tom of an illness you will find it Ihe best preventive medicine. It will drive from' the intestines everything that does not belong there, that is harmful, that is poisonous, that is a common source of sickness. It will heal the in II a n it'll organs of diges tion, create a good appetite, re lieve headache, nervousness, colds, constipation. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333-133'.) So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III. E. P. Melts of Eagle and as sessor of his precinct, is in the city" today, coining up to hand in bis report. Mr. Melts was a pleas ant caller at this office and renew ed his subscription to this paper for another year. mi infm ii innwii nimw m ii in l iluijl Well Drilling Machinery! IM l Base Ball Sunday, The base ball season has sure opened up in Platlsmouth, and the home team is working hard to place itself in trim to meet any ami all comers before tho season is at an end. They have secured a game for next Sunday afternoon wilh the Alahambra team of Oma ha. The Alahambras are reported to bo a good amateur loam, by no means the fastest of tho big city, hut are in I ho proper condition to make a good game with tho homo team. Let everybody turn out at the second game of tho season and show the boys that you ap preciate their efforts to play ball. Such encouragement will assure IMaltsmouth one of tho best amateur loams in the state. Re member, and be on the grounds when the game is called. J. E. McKeen, 1301 Cleveland St., Wichita, Kansas, reports: "I suffered from kidney trouble, had severe pains across my back and was all played out. I began tak ing Foley Kidney Pills and soon there was a decided improvement. Finally the pain left entirely and I am fully cured of all my kidney trouble." For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Will Build Bungalow. Ground was broken Monday and E. Walters began to lay the foundation for an eight-room bungalow for Mrs. Allison, which will occupy tho lots on Elm street adjoining C. W. Baylor on the east. Torn Isnor will begin the building as soon as the founda tion is in. DC YOUR Liug is wanted in Murray by IM ) and the highest market price will be paid at all timas. Your stock will be accedted at any time you wish to make the delivery, and we will guarantee to pay you the very best market price. All We Ask is a Trial to Be Fair With You Telephone No. 14 or IS Murray, Nebraska tlk) bll MM UUu nlk. TkllUnx afiha tmm SiOCll . M DONALD JOHN G. HI AID Uoo mrt thai ra t orat oraadot. Tka dmtad for valla to tar ttar ttaa oaa MMllad kr la mmhl urn mow al work. Wall Drlliara aaraaaaad thalr an prloaa, Wa balld lb aato krawd Hoviu.Ua af Wall atacklaarf. fa aakla aaa at hallo valla a all alias, far all avpoaaa aad la all Ui4i af rud. On atacoiaaa an Ika avM p-lavdate aa Ika aatalar.ll Ika lalaal Iraaraanaata, ara anraaialr rtraaa aad alapla, da parfaot wark. l aaatlf operated aad an tari fan UUU. Write udat lor aar tra Oalalof a. R. RfNUWElt S CO.. Minneapolis. Minn.