i mil evil I rr .t. I 4" LUUI JllhbU. ( J. Courier. Charley Heini has a-iuiro.l a line m.w aiiloinuliile and i giviny it a KIM'l workout this week. Sal unlay, May M, witnessed t In amal of a liahy boy al. tin; home (if Mi', ami Mrs. I.c-s TiMinanl. A hahy irl arrived Thursday limi'iimn al Hie home (if Mr. and Mrs. C. J. I'ankonin. Charley is wearing a hioad smile in enii ,'(ti nee. A. L. Masters and (iuldie KaKir vo-nt In Lincoln Saturday evcni'i,"- In see Mrs. Mailers, who is takiiiK treatment al I he (ireen (iahl-i sanilariiuii. HornMonday, May 111, In Mr. and Mrs. Il my iai-liel, a Rirl. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ncii rnan, Sunday, May 5, u k'irl. The new store IniildinK lieiim erected liy Holierl, MeCarly is rapidly Hearing completion. The. walls are ujt and Ihe interior work will he done without, delay. Whal's Hie mailer wilh Ihe fans and base hall experts around Louisville? There is plenty of K'mmJ material here for a winning team and plenty of support for one. It's up t( you, hoys. Imr up your regalia and start something. Marshal Seyherl has Ihe streets nicely cleaned up ami cvorylliing looking as it should nliowl town, so far as his uuLlionly as street commissioner will permit. He has set out, some young trees armmd the town hall and neatly soililed the space in front of the Iniildiiig, a very noticeable im provement. Large crowds am attending the lliealrical performance by the liars at Ihe opera hou.se. Ibis week and closing Saturday night. An overlicnled gas engine, set lire lo a small mianlily of oil on Ihe base ment (loor Wednesday nielli, and ("in i d some excilenieni and I lie temporary exil of the crowd, but no damage, was done. Proclamation. I'latlsniouth, May '!), ivi2. W'.ei ea.s, On the, ,'jlilli of I his month, commonly known as Decoration Day, wo pay a tribute to those bravo men who, in the dire days of 1 8(10 and 1 80 1 rose in the defense of liberty and the Union, I am calling on tho patriotic people of our city to make Hie celebration this year one that will not Boon bo forgot ten. The Boldiers are passing lo Iho Great Ileyontl al the rate of 100 a day. Let us show those who remain with us that we are truly appreciative of what the republic owes them and their comrades-in-arms. To this end I urgently urge all places of business lo remain closed from the hour of U till 10:30 thai all of our citizens may altcnd the public meeting and listen to the address by our townsman, Hev. Mr. tlade, and Ihe other short exercises lhat will be held. After the services nl the church are concluded lei all whose duties will permit, proceed lo the cemetery and assist in Ihe decoration of the graves. This will lake but. a short lime, giving all the afternoon to other pur Huils, and f feel that it is both a duty and a privilege in which all good ciliens should lie interested. John P. Saltier, Mayor. Mr. and Mrs. Julius l'ngelke ineier and two children were Plattsiuouth visitors last Satur day, driving up from their home, west of Murray. This is Mr. F.ngelkenieier's tlrst, visit to Plait smooth for the nasi year. They paid the Journal ollice a brief call. A DURABLE FLOOR VARNISH Made by Th Sherwio Williams Co. I tough und clastic. Doesn't scratch or mar readily under foot wear. Can hi ' walked on text dav after application, lias a lasting lustre. Easy to apply. We ifll It F. G. Fricko & Co. Ppfl j 1 Peter Kell Dangerously Injured. Last Saturday afternoon while rlrivinc his horse and buggy into town I'nele l'eter Keil was thrown from bis buggy and received in juries which have placed him in Ihe doctor's bands since. Tin; ac cident occurred when his horse became unmanageable, being frightened al an approaching automobile, and slatted to run, oeiiurning Ihe biiKy and throw ing Mr. Keil to the ground with coniil'Table force. The right side of bis face was badly bruised and be was badly shaken up. John McNurlin picked Mr. Keil up and brought him lo Dr. Livingston's ollice, where his injuries were dressed and he was taken to his borne, where be was made as com fortable as possible under the circumstances. Fatally Injured at Junction. Jacob Desbong and wife of Ne braska City changed cars here Ibis morning, going lo Pacific Junction lo see Mrs. Deshong's son, Krnest Harrington, whom I bey supposed had fallen from the midnight south-bound K. C. train last night. Mr. Desbong received a message about 4 a. m. today felling him to come at once if he wished to see his stepson alive. The young man is L'O years of age, a cigar maker by trade, and left Nebraska City Saturday for Oma ha, expecting to return this morning and assist Mr. Desbong operate his saw-mill for a few days. The message gave no par ticulars of how Ihe young man was injured. At the Presbyterian Church. Tho morning .service al the Presbylerian church yesterday was of unusual inleresl. The pastor, Hev. (lade, gave a si rung discourse from the text, "As a bird wanden lh from its nest, no is a man that wanderclh from bis place." Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waugh and Miss Delia While were received into (he church. The special music, consisted of an anthem sung by the choir, 'Jerusalem," by Parks-llcc.se, and contralto and soprano solo.s by Miss Mathilda Vallery and Miss Catherine Dovey, "lie Shall Feed His Flocks" mid "Come Unlo Me," from Handel's "Messiah." THE WEATHER. .hhmhm-m--m-mm-m Tin rfiicllnirn below nre taken at the llurllriKton depot, wlioro the ther momiter In plitceri muter condition! h I in 1 1 ii r to tlniMK iiHcrt by the United SluttM wcntlinr bureou: 8 a. in. . . . CO 1 p. in 72 10 a., in. .... . 62 j 2 p. in. , . . 75 Forecast. For Nebraska Showers and cooler Monday. Tuesday, showers. Entertained Last Evening. F.dgar Sleinhauer entertained a few of his friends at his home last evening in honor of his guest, Charles Hell, of Hurlington, Iowa, who has been here on a visit, for a few days. Vocal and iustru mental music and talk furnished the entertainment for his guests. Al midnight a delicious luncheon was served, and at 1:110 a. in. the parly escorted Charles to the Hurlington slalion, where he boarded No. 10 for his home. Our friend, Charles, holds a good posi tion with the C It. & (,). in his home city. Decided for Plaintiff. Judge Archer handed down a decision Saturday in the case, of J. L. Slull vs. Mrasek, giving the idaiulilT the full amount for which he had sued, namely $11!). Ihe evidence of plaint ilT showed that he had sold defendant the hay at for ho had looked the slack over: that he had other hay which ho offered defendant fop .25 per ton, or tho stack on Iho hut loin for $17 per Ion, and Iho defendant sclocled the latter, hut later re fused to pay for il. Long Needed. Tho city council of l'lallsmoulh has decided lo buy an old brick livery stable for a citv hall. Hut it. is a good building, in a gooi location and when remodeled will make a fine headquarters fur the city government.. Plaltsmouth has always needed n city building and tho fact that they are now proceeding to get it is prima facie evidence lhat tho old burg is prospering, Lincoln Herald L. Q. Larson. Carpenter and Huililer. Old Kstablislied, Practical Mechanic. Will Meet Any Competition. 'Phono 10 4. P. O. llox 318 Plattsmouth. 5-4-2vvks-dAv Kred Slock, a prominent farm er of near Murdoek, was a busi ness visitor in tho county scat Saturday. LOCAL HEWS From Monday's Iiaily. Carter Albin and daughter of I'n in wert! Plattsiuouth visitors today, where Mr. Albin was called on business. James McOinni of South Hend had business in Ihe county seat Friday afternoon, and registered al Ihe Perkins. (Jeorge Laltue, assessor of Liberty precinct, came to Platts nioulh this tun ruing to make his return of work completed. Adam Schafer and George Ilild, two of the enterprising voting afrmers from west of Murray, were county seal visitors last Sal unlay. W. T. Ilicbardson and Sam (iil ntore of Mynard drove op Satur day and boarded the fa I mail for Omaha, where they were called on business for a few hours. Chris Mel.ger was a county seat visitor Saturday, having come down lo look after some im portant business mailers and isit wilh bis I'latlsniouth friends. Dow Critchlleld and wife of near Weeping Water drove over to the county seat Friday and visited friends for the day and looked after some business mat ters. Phil Decker and wife came in Saturday in Phil's new .'i0-horse power, live-passenger Hudson car, which Mr. Decker purchased some months ago, but has not used until recently. Mr. Frwin and bis hrolher, O. Frwin, of near Kenosha, were over night guesi.s of the Perkins house last night. This afternoon Mr. Frwin went, lo Omaha on a mailer of important business. F. If. Oorder, mayor of Weep in:? Waler, was an over nigh! guest of his hrolher. August and family, bi.s wife and children hav ing1 arrived Friday, and visited over Sunday, returning home to day. W. II. Seyberi and son. Jen nings, from near Cullont. were in the cilv last. Saturday, driving in from their home. Mr. Peyberl has just finished planting corn and reports all farm work in his locality moving along nicely. W. II. Wehrbein and J. II. Wehrbein each have a line new Overland, 30-horse power, llve passenger automobile, which they recently purchased through Hauer & Manning, who are sales agenls for this popular machine in east ern Cass. Charles Kngelkemeier and son, Krnest, from near Weeping Wa ler, were in the city last Saturday, driving up in the auto to visit wilh county seat friends and look after business matters. While here I hey paid the Journal office a brief call. Mr. and Mrs. William Spangter and family and Mr. and Mrs. rank Spangler and family of Weeping Water motored to this vicinity Saturday morning and pent Ihe day wilh Mrs. Stephen Wiles. Mr. William Spangler was i pleasant caller at this ofllce luring the afternoon and ordered a copy of the Old Reliable sent to his address for a year. We are very much pleased lo place Mr. Spangler's name on our large list. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested and to Ihe public, that the undersigned, (1. (i. Williamson, has tiled his peti tion and application with the vil lage clerk of the village of Mur- doek, County of ('ass, nnd Slate of Nebraska, as required by law, signed by the required number of resident freeholders of the said Mage, setting forth that the ap plicant is a man of respectable character and standing and a resident of the Slate of Nebraska, and praying that a license may bo issued to the said (5. (i. William son for tho sale of malt, spiritu ous and vinous liquors for the municipal year, at his place of business, situated on lots 2 and :i, block 18, in said Village of Murdoek. (1. (1. Williamson, May 20, 111 12. Applicant. DR Herman Greeder, Graduate Vetincary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska Staie Board Calls Answered Promptly Thone 878 White, Plattsmouth NOTICE. In County Court. STATK OF NKMRASKA, County of Cass, ss. In Ihe Mailer of the Kstate of William F,. Dull, Deceased. To All Persons Interested : You are hereby notified that there has been tiled in Ibis court an instrument, purporting to bo the last will and testament, of the said William K. Dull, deceased, together with the petition of Mary F. Dull, widow of said deceased, allesintr therein that the said WiL I 'a in F. Dull has departed this life, leaving said will, and pray ing that said instrument be al lowed and probated as the last will and testament of said de ceased and (hat letters testa mentary be issued. That a hearing will be had on aid petition and will before this court al the court bouse in the City of Plat I sinoul h, in said Coun ty, on the C.lh day of June, 11)12, at o'clock a. in. All objections thereto, if any, must be filed on or. before said day arid hour of bearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said Conn. y. this 1 51 li day of May, 11)12. (Seal ALLFN J. P.F.FSON. County Judge. 5-lfi-3wks. NOTM H Of AlmiMS'lltATIOV. To All Persons Whomsoever: Notice is hereby Riven that a peti tion has been tiled In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, entitled In the Matter of tho Kstate of Thomas J. I'liuntulii. Deceased. I tiiut said deceased died leaviiiK no last win ana tesiument and praying for ad ministration upon his estate. A hearing will be had upon said petition on the 18th day of May, 11112, ut the County Court lloom at I'latts mrnitli, Nebraska, at 10 o'clock A. M., when any mid all objections to such petition will be heard, and letters of administration be granted to Isabello A. iUclrlnniss or some other suitable person to proceed to the settlement of hi est ute. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court ut I'liittsmoutli, Nebrasku, this IT i r I day of April, 11112. (Seal) ALLKN .1. IIKKSON. County Juilre. I i. w. inni'.ii, Attorney lor -.slate noth r. v si it. Cora I.. Miny, Sarah M. Hess. Wullnce Mi m;. Franklin W. Creamer, Ada May eiu.iev. .lolm A. Wilnlit, Kthel Wii vl.t, John (irod', sr., Phoebe (iroff, i'i::nieM ,1, (JrolT, Ira C. C.roff, Mary A. ' : i olf. Clara .1. CrofY and Hellce K. OmlT defendants, will take notice that "i li e :Mtli day of April. (saluli U iV.amcr, plaintiff herein, tiled 'bis l"iiil'.n, In the District Court of Coss County, Nebraska, nualnst. said de li tiuantii anil others, the object and prayer of which are to determine the rights of all of said parties in and to the west half of the north east quarter of Section 13. Township 111,. North. I iume !), I'.ast of the lirh I. SI.. In Cas'i County, Nebraska, and to partition tho Mtme according lo the respective rights of the nartles to said action und If the same cannot be equitably divided that said premises will hu. sold and the pro ceeds thereof be divided between the parties according to tneir rcBpectlvc rights. 'ou and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the Hrd day of June, 1912. Haled this I'Uh dav of April. 1912. ISAIAH Li. OUKAMKU, I'lalntllT. It' I. O. D .tOK, His Attorney. IMPORTANT IOWA Glucose Concerns Attack Fates on Corn Products. Washington, May 18. Argument! were presented before the Interstate commerce commission In two cases ol Importance to Iowa. One of thm la the case of the traf fic bureau of the Sioux City Compter clal cinb vs. Anderson and Sitlino Riv er Railway company. This involve an attack by the traffic bureau of the lumber rates from the south and southwestern points to Sioux City, which ire declared to be unreason able. Sioux City people are seeking the Dos Moines and Omaha lumber rate of V (cuts, against a present rate of 30 e nts. The other case is the state of Iowa, the Clinton Sugar Refining company and J. C. Uuhlnger Brothers' company of Keokuk vs. the Atlantic Coast line and a large number of eastern roads. In this case the state and the com panies named are attacking rates on corn products, more especially glucose. It Is alleged that Iowa concerns are compelled to pay exorbitant rates In comparison with rates charged eastern concerns, particularly the Corn Prod ucts Refining company, which has Standard Oil affiliations and which has numerous plants In different parts of the country. George T. Roll of Sioux City Is here representing the traffic club. In the glucose case Judge Henderson and C A. Robbins "re here for the state, A. H. Kierstlnir and .1. O. Holloson for the Clinton company and Hugh W '.irecn of Keokuk for Hubingor Rroth era. Homestead Bill Still In Conference Washington. May 20. The Rorah bill Is still In conference awaiting an agreement by the senate conferees, If such agreement can be reached. It la not all unlikely that the conference committee will disagree. Representa tive Mondoll of the house conferees said concerning the measure: "If the people of the west will stand by theii conferees, a three-year homestead bill can be eventually obtained without surrendering to the impossible demand of those whose real purposes are to retain so far as Is possible, all land titles in the federal government." If a man doesn't know when to stop be acquires a wife who will toll him. SYMPATHY IS GIVEN OFFICERS Tfoitie Amang Cadets Caused by Early Morning Hike. CLOD STB.KES COMMANDANT. Confusio-i Among Two Compan!e3 Arouses Cc.iiu';rable Coubt as to V.tutr.er omcers utscipliecd Were Gunty Oili-il Liviios School Fund. Liiuo.ii. ...y 20. With the to tuo c.i.i u. ine un.vorMty return ir.e ia( is clou 1..1..11 e evetas wiidi icd up to tat.- court lnan.al and re iin.bi tor Hie sv.oiUd oi Captain Van t,i.siji aim iu. nints Wood and Ken- ihl i.;o j out and much sym- lor the three o.tl eis and a movuneut is already on lV Jt to obtain their reinstatement. Iiie troiiu.i- nil appears to have btait'.U ovtr a hike ordered by Cora inaiiu. nt Yules. The evening before the cutlets tiad danced until a late hour, the o. cp.s.on being the hop which was the closing nnd prime social fet;t ure of the encampment. This follow li)S a strenuous time In camp, at which tue regulations had been much more Btilct than common, found the embryo soldiors both tired and in a somewhat ruffled frame of mind. When the slsnal was unexpectedly giv en tor a nike at 2 a. in. there were inutterinrcs of di.content, which crew ioudcr as the march progressed. Two Companies Mixtd Up. Tho company over which the ac- cti.ii d 'flitxii and command became iinxcJ up with another through the mi diiini of th'; d tiiincss and a barbcJ wiie fence, n:;;! jnt about tins time i i'o::ii;ki'h!; r.t Yates walked back down tho lino. . If? heard soaic decidedly in: i CKipMnicK'. iry remarks ccnteiuin himself and n'.sa roliccd Iho disorder ipci'.'ert to tho entanglement with thi wire force, lie called the officers tc (no iiio and was talldn:; to thcni wlici some or the privates heaved a few th d" in his direction, one of them sirikjit; the- commandant. It was lot this rlu-ordir that the officers were rroi:;;h-t. to book on n charge of failure '.o maintain order in their company Tho students nay it is by no means .ertain that the uncomplimentary r& marks or the clods were hurled by members of tho company of the ac cased, but that ths members of anoth er company took occasion of tho mix up to turn toe trick from. Iho rank? of thft accuser1, company. Liquidation Favored. Auditor Tiurton has made pome fig ures couipanng the relative advaa tues of liquidation as opposed to re ccive-rahips. In the caso of the Ger man Fire Insurance company of Onia ha the examination 0r Feb. 22, 1912 showed the stock Impaired 67, 440,33 end somu of the reserve Investment In second rate securities. Instead ol r lacing the company In the hands Oi a iccciver th.. department and the dl lectors entered into an agreement with tho National of Hartford that all new business written by the Germar would automatically he reinsured lr the National, but all the salaries and rent of tha German should be eliml bated, the National taking care of th. business for tho plant. The results l far have been encouraging. The com pany has Itr natural restive and, witt no expanse for a receiver, If normal conditions prevail In the fire loss, nol enly will tha policyholders be protect ed, but tho stockholders will recelv from 50 to 75 per cent of their stock If the final results ara as satisfactory an promised It Is llkt'ly the legislature will be asked to pass a law providlnj this method of winding r.p concerns If in the Judgment of the Insurance department it Is preferable to a re ccivershlp. Delzell Divides State School Money State Superintendent Delzell hat made the apportionment of the tem porary school fund to the varloui counties of the state. The total dls tributed Is 342,015.56 and amounts tc y0.8 cents per scholar, the school cen mis showing 27fi,667 of school age lr the state. For the first time fish and game licenses show as a considerable Item In the school fund, amounting to (25.862 Woman Suffers Attack. Hartford Reed, who was released from the penitentiary since the klllln, of Deputy Warden Davis In February bids fair to return. He was brought 4r from Valparaiso and lodged in Jail by Sheriff Hyers, charged with attacklnj Mrs. t Maud Yost, a widow residing near Raymond, this county. Mrs Yost, according to the story, was left unconscious hy her assailant. Jesse L. Ertel Wins Debate. The fifth annual state champion ship debate of the Nebraska Hlgb School Debating league, held In Lin coin, was won by Jesse L. Ertel of th( Geneva high school, representative oi tho central district. Second honor were awarded to Augustus Helmig ol the Wymore high school and third honors to Arthur Ackcrmnn of tlu Lincoln high school. $5,000 Lots Caused by Incendiary Fire Omaha, May 20. The work of a fire bug la believed to have caused a $5, 000 fire at Eighteenth and Cass streeU when the two-story building occupied by the Flanagan blacksmith shop ant the Duffy tin works burned. STEAMER SEIZED IN HARBOR Santona Held for Carrying Artrta Con trary to Proclamation, 'New Orleans, May 20. The Montes line steamship Santona was seized in the harbor here by the United Stales revenue cutter Davey, charyd with vlo!at;ng the terms of PresldiTit Taft'a proclamation of March 14,"prohibiting the shipment of arms and ammunition to Mexico. The Santona, which had cleared and sailed for Progeso, Mex ico, had on board 110,000 rounds of rifle ammunition and ten cases of car bines. Asents of the steamship company produced conies of the consular bills of ladhig showing that the war ran tions aboard the Santona were con signed to the governor of the state of Campeche, Mexico. Tho ship's mani fest filed nt the custom house did not Include these munitions. Cpptain Mansion of the cutter Davey placed a cr"w aboard the Santona and the steamer will be dc'nlned pending rero'pt of Instructions from Washing ton. REBELS RETREATING IN FAGEOFFEDERALS Move Postpones Expected En gagement at liellano. El Paso, May 20. A northward re trea't of the Mexican rebels in the faco of tho slowly advancing federal army removed by at least two days tho ex ported engagement In the vicinty of liellano. Advices from the rebel front nt Escalon said insurrectos were fall ing hack on their Etronchold at Rclla po, eleven miles north, burning bridges and ot'icrwiFp hliulerlns an advance cf the federals. Tho main column of tho fedcrah moved ut c'oicr to it3 vanguard at Zavalr.i. Juarez garrison i3 rapidly to ing reinforced hy troops frcra tho nouth. Fodcral columns which arc sup posed to bo threatening Juarez have advanced no closer. Major Eanchcz. who command? Ukj fivlorals near thcro. sent out rcout!n parties to within twenty miles cf Juarez, oppoait3 Clint, Tex. Anticipating possible activity n'ong tho border, such as tho crossing of armed bands of Mexicans from the American side to head off tho advanc ing federals, orders were given tha American border patrol to let no crmcd men pass from either side. POWER RIGHT CASE IS UP Irrigation Board Convenes and De cides Interests Are Jockeying. . Lincoln, May 20. The Irrigation board convened to hear the contest between Koenig and Babcock over water rights on the Loup river. From Indications there Is considerable jockeying going on In these power rlsht propositions and while tho board is perfectly willing to have them set tie differences which are private It does not like the Idea of the Interests of the public being held up while in terested parties are maneuvering for f.osltlon. Little Boy Saves Life of Another. Broken Bow, Neb., May 20. Through the heroism of a nine-year old boy, the email son of C. H. Har baugh of this city was saved from drowning. It appears that three llttla boys, one of them being the son of A L. Ford, went to the Swope ice pond to fish; Becoming tired of the sport, the three-year-old Harbaugh boy climbed to the top of the ice chuta and, losing hia balance, slid down the incline into deep water. Without hesi tation the Ford boy Jumped into the water and with great difficulty succeed ed In getting his little companion to shore. Enraged Boarder Attacks Aged Clerk. Omaha, May 20. While Henry Fues ter, the aged day clerk of the Burling ton hotel, lay sleeping on a bench In the hotel office, Charles Isler, a mechanic employed by the Union Pa cific, crept up behind and struck him a blow on the forehead with a gas pipe, fracturing his skull so badly that he died. Immediately following Islei took his grip, which was being held as security for a board bill, and which was the motive for the attack, and boarded a train for Cheyenne. Isler was arrested at Grand Island. Flege Denied New Trial. Pender, Neb., May 20. Judge Graves Overruled the motion of attorneys for William Flege for a new trial and sen tenced the man, who was convicted of killing his sister, Louise Flege, to a term of from one to ten years In th state penitentiary. Flege will be taken to Lincoln today. Ills attorneys announced that the case will be taken to the supreme court on a writ of error. Auto Accident Kills Farmer. Hartington, Neb., May 20. Joseph Bruenlng of St. James, a well-to-do farmer, was Instantly killed by being thrown from an automobile while driv ing down a hill near St. James. Bloomfield Priest Will Visit Europe. Bloomfield, Neb., May 20. Rev. Father J. G. McNamara, pastor of St. Andrew's Catholic church here for the past twelve years, left for a three months' trip through Europpe. Automobile Driver KIHed In Accident. Yankton, S. D., May 20. James Hamilton, an automobile dealer, was Instantly killed In an accident caused by the breaking of a wheel. Hamil ton's neck wag broken. He leaves a wife and . ten children.