The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 09, 1912, Image 8

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    Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bc ci.
in lute for over 30 yenrs, has Lome the Klirnature of
and has been mado under per
gonal supervision since Us infancy.
Allow no one tu deceive you In th!s.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, .Morphine nor other Karcotlo
fiubstancc. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys 'Worm
and allays Eeverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic, it relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Prlend.
I Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Wise Purchaser of Merchandise
Pays Little Attention to Bill
Board Offerings.
Tin' feeling against disllgure
rnenl of country and woodland
seein-s is growing every year. As
town and cities become more
thickly populated, people get
more ami more weary of brick
walls and suggestions of com
mcricalism on every band. They
long for green grass, spreading
sliadc trees and beauty spots
where thoughts of business are
far away.
Hursling in one this mood with
a staring bill board is much as if
you sent, a salesman up to a man's
house when he was in bed and try.
ing to sleep, lie would be more
likely to throw a bool out of his
chamber window than come down
and buy some of your goods.
When the traveler sees an ad
vertising sign along a pretty
country road, his 11 is t impulse is
to lake a club and smash it, rather
than to buy some of the merchan
dise there offered.
It is the beauty of newspaper
advertising that it never offends.
It is omnipresent, picked up and
read at a time and place when the
people are in the mood to think
about business, ami at times when
they are not in a mood for busi
ness, it is not thrust upon them.
M. W. A. Building Progresses
Contractors Richards & Peters
are progressing nicely with I
M. W. A. building. Mr. Richards,
who is an .Xpert carpenter of
long experience, has hail almost
the whole superintenilency of this
building. The Woodmen are ex
ceedingly fortunate in having Mr
Richards oversee this work him
self. Mechanics who have taken
notice of the truss work con
strucled under his direction speak
in terms of the highest praise of
his mechanical skill. Whih
I here has been an unavoidable de.
lay in the arrival of the brick for
the front, yet no time is being lost
as there is yet considerable work
to be done on the interior of tin
building, and this is being pushd
right along by Mr Richards.
Theory That High Cost of Liv
ing Goes Hand-In-Hand With
High Wages Is a Mistake.
The idea that high cost, of liv
ing goes hand-in-hand with high
wages, and that liberal spending
makes good times is a pretty
theory, but it doesn't fool the
housewife for a minute. It may
foid the man for a moment, but it
can't fool the men's wives for they
who keep house know more about
living, more about buying and
more about the narrow margin
than does the secretary of the
treasury. A woman is wise
nough to see that while the in
creased cost of living is palpable
ind genuine, the increase of in ,
ome exists only in promises is
like the pot of gold at the end of
the rainbow. What the woman
feels instinctively is well support
ed by reasoning. Increase of
price does not mean increase of
business; it means less business.
It brings no more wealth into ex
istence; it results in less produc
tion. It brings no more money
into circulation; it drives it out of
circulation. If anybody is to be
better off as the result of mere
increase in prices it is at the ex
pense of somebody else.
All who have for sale com
modities the prices of which they
can fix themselves may hold high
carnival over-charging one an
other and imagining they are get
ting rich by the bootstrap-lifting
process. Hut the millions who
have for sale the commodity upon
which they themselves cannot lix
the price labor get the worst
of it. all around. So high prices
do not insure either brisk busi
ness or good wages. Even in most
of the great, trusts there is a con
traction of expenditure.
The cost of the soup, of the
meal,, of the bread, of the coal, of
the shoes for the children, of the
blankets, of the clothing for the
family, counts in the domestic
economy, particularly when it
comes out of a man's brawn and
blood. A time when living ex
penses shall again be cheap is
prayer of millions of mothers of
families in this land.
Entertained at Fetzer Home.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The ladies' Auxiliary of the
Presbyterian church held their
regular meeting yesterday after-
yoon, being very pleasantly enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Joseph
Felzer by Mesdames William
Schmidtmann and Fetzer. I)uring
their usual business session.
which the ladies always hold at
these meetings, they planned for
a supper to be given Thursday,
June ('), this supper to be served
in cafeteria style. Another
feature of the business session
was the distribution of trie year
books. There being no further
business the ladies adjourned for
their social time. An hour or so
was most delightfully spent in
social conversation, sewing and
the like. At a convenient time a
dainty luncheon was provided by
the hostesses. There was a large
number in attendance.
Indiana Scientist Who Originated the Now Fam
ous "Home Treatment" Offers Large Package
Free to Sick and Ailing.
Accepts Good Position.
Mrs. F. C. Weber has received a
communication from Mr. Weber,
who is well and happy and for the
present, located at Vulcan, Michi
gan. Mr. Weber has accepted the
position of general manager of
the International Construction
company of Michigan, which is
engaged in electrical construction
in mine haulage and doing busi
ness principally in the Iron river
district, but has olllces in different
cities. Until Mr. Weber decides
in which city he will lake up his
resilience, Mrs. VV elier anil son
will remain wit li tier parents. Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. Scot ten, in this
city. Mr. Weber severed his rela
lions with the water company hen
some time ago, and their ntimer
otis trienils regret to see I hem
depart from the city and they w
be greatly missed by their large
circle of friends.
In order that every reader of
the Journal who needs treatment
may have an opportunity to test
this celebrated medicine, the now
famous Indiana scientist has
come to the front with an offer to
give absolutely free a large proof
package to five hundred readers
of this paper to prove the won
derful claims which have been
made for it. In making this offer
the scientist said: "I know that
there are many people who have
been suffering for years with
some chronic disease and many
of them have spent large sums of
money seeking a cure. I know
that these people hesitate about
investing money in medicine be
cause they have despaired of ever
etting well. Thousands have
told me that story and many
thousands of the same people
have told me afterwards that my
treatment had cured them after
doctors and everything else had
failed. I want to show these
despairing people that all the
newspaper talk about my treat
ment is absolutely true. I want
to prove to a limited number no
matter what the disease, no mat
ter how long they may have suf
fered, no matter how blue and
discouraged that my treatment
really and actually does accom
plish the wonderful results that
have been reported."
People who suffer from Rheu
matism, Kidney Trouble, Stum
ach Trouble, Liver or Bowel Dis
orders, Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Chronic Coughs, Weak
Lungs, Lumbago, Piles. Urinary
Disorders, Female Weakness of
any kind, the weak, worn-out,
broken-down and despondent will
be delighted at the effect of a few
doses. This wonderful treatment
creates a fine appetite and helps
the digestive organs to carry on
their functions as they should.
It strengthens the kidneys, too,
and drives rheumatism poison3
from the blood as if by magic.
That is why people who try it be
come so enthusiastic.
Any reader of the Journal who
will try this extraordinary medi
cine that has created so much
excitement by its cures can obtain
absolutely free a liberal treat
ment by simply filling in the
coupon below or writing a letter
describing their case in their own
words, if they prefer, and mailing
it today to James W. Kidd, Fort
Wayne, Indiana. No money need
be sent and no charge of any kind
will be made.
As this offer is limited, you
should write at once, in order to
be sure to receive your free treatment.
Beer Thief Vamosed
Sheriff (Juintou went to
cuse Monday night to bring
the party connected with tin
inoval of fifteen cases of Kd
What Tenant Admire
is nearly, vigorous life, according
to Hugh Tallman, of San Antonio.
"We find," he writes, "that Dr.
King's New Life Pills surely put
new life and energy into a person.
Wife and I believe they are the
best made." Excellent for stom
ach, liver or kidney troubles. 25
cents at F. (1. Fricke & Co.
Helps a Judge In Bad Fix.
Justice Fli Cherry, of (iillis
Mills, Tenn., was plainly worried.
A bad sore on his leg had bullied
several doctors and long resisted
all remedies. "I thought, it, was
a cancer," he wrote. "At last I
used ltucklen's Anica Salve, and
was completely cured." Cures
burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises
and piles. 25 cents at I'. (I. Fricke
A Co.
In County Court.
A petition was filed in the office
of County Judge ltceson yester
day by Attorney Aldrieh of Elm
wood, appearing for Mrs. Eliza
beth Patton, asking for admin
istration of the estate of Thomas
M. C. Patton, late of Elmwood.
The estate is said to lie of about
the value of $10,000 and will be
divided among their six children.
The prayer is that Elmer Patton
of Syracuse be granted admin
istration. Now is the time to get rid of
your rheumatism. You can do it
by applying Chamberlain's Lini
ment and massaging the parts
freely at each application. For
sale by F. i. Fricke & Co.
It would surprise you to know
of the great good that is being
done by Chamberlain's Tablets,
Darius Downey, of Newberg Junc
tion, N. H., writes: "My wife has
been using Chamberlain's Tab
lets and finds them very effectual
and doing her lots of good." If
you have any trouble with your
stomach or bowels give them a
trial. Fore sale by F. (1. Fricke
& Co.
mil's beer from his cold storage I
plant early last Sunday morning.
The sheriff of Atchison county,
Missouri, got the young man who
saw the cases ot beer removed
from the ice house to the circus
train and the boy was to point out
e man to Sheriff Quinlou when
he arrived in Syracuse. The
guilty party was the "take off'
man with I tic show, his duties be
ing to take the wagons from the
train on arrival at their destina
tion. As soon as the Missouri
sheriff secured the evidence of
guilt, the "take off" man departed
I he 'circus and did not accompany
it back to Nebraska, and Sheriff
Quinlon returned this morning
without, the prisoner.
Coupon A-84 For Free Proof Treatment
Dr. Jas. W. Kidd. Ft. Wayne. Ind.
Please send nib a Test Course of Treatment for my case, fre and postage paid, just
as jou promise.
Namb .
Tost Okkice State
STBKKTorU. V. 1). No.
Ace How Lono A m ir-rEn?
Make a cross (x) iK'fore disease you liave. Two crosses (xx) before the one from wlilch
you suffer most.
Rheumatism I. ..Bladder Trouble .. Pimples .. Ovarian Trouble
....Lumbago .. .Weak Lungs ...Eczema Irregular Per-
Catarrh . . .Chronic Cough ...Neuralgia ...iods
Constipation '...Malaria ...Headache ... Painful Periods
....Piles ...Asthma i ...Dizziness .. Delayed Periods
Torpid Liver ... Hay Fever ...Nervousness ...Hot Flashes
Diarrhoea !. .Heart Trouble ...Obesity Bearing Down
....Indigestion I PoorCircula- . . Delayed Periods ... pains
Stomach ...tion Female Weak- . . .Leucorrhoea
Trouble . .Impure Blood ...ness
...Kidney Trouble ... Anemia ...Womb Trouble
(live any other symptoms on sepcrate sheet. Correspondence In all lanifuaifcs.
Funeral of A. L. Buzzed.
The funeral of Artcmas Lee
Huzell, a former well known
Platlsmouth citizen, who died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs
Frank Clark, at Corning, Iowa,
Monday morning occurred this
morning at 10 o'clock from the
Christian church, Rev. Zink con
ducting the service. Mr. Huzzell
was born in Sleukin county, New
York, seventy-four years ago,
Mayor Dahlman Elected.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Mavnr Dahlman and Ins as
sociates on the "Suuare Deal
ticket, swept, the platter in Omaha
vesterdav by most decisive ma
jorities. Some of those fellows
up there thought if they could get
the commission form of govern
ment for that city they could lay
Mayor Jim in the shade. Hut
they were reckoning against a
host, and he came through as
head man in the race and will still
serve in the capacity of mayor.
"All Fagged Out."
In our account of several
Plattsmoulh people attending a
ball game in Omaha Sunday we
1 1 i Tl
overlooKeil one oi ine party, n.
("ilen Uawls, who became so
fatigued with the trip that he
could get no nearer the ball game
than Twenty-eighth and Hurt
streets, but he recovered enough
to return home that night and is
now busily selling Quality clothes
at the Home of Satisfaction.
where he grew to manhood, com
ing west when a young man and They may down Jim Dahlman for
settling in Iowa, where he was governor by the treachery of
Special Homeseekers'
MAY 21, 1912
JUNE 12, 1912
JUNE 18, 1912
I will personally conduct the above special excursion to assist homeseekers
to locate and file upon
in the vicinity of towns named. Here you can file on free homestead lands
that are valuable for mixed farming, dairying, poultry raising and stock rais
ing; the most certain and safe method of farming. These lands are well cov
ered with the most nutritious grasses known and large quantities of coal,
building stone, posts and poles are nearby on government land and f rco to set
tlers. RATES: Very low homeseekers' rates on these dates. Send right away
for our Nw, Fre Government Lands Folder with large map, illustrations
ana descriptive articles about these lands.
1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Immigration Ajent.
married to Miss Mary Pratt, who
preceded him to the better world
seventeen years ago. He enlisted
in the United Stales army and
served in Company II, Iowa volun
teer infantry, and was a member
of the O. A. 11. post of this city
for many years. The service at
the grave was conducted by the 0.
. P.. of this city.
There never was a time when
people appreciated the real merits
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
more than now. This is shown by
the increase in sales and volun
tary testimonials from persons
who have been cured by it. If
you or your children are troubled
with a cough or cold give it a trial
and become acquainted with its
good qualities. For sale by F. OS.
Fricke & Co.
former friends in the state, but in
Omaha he is yet "all wool and a
yard wide" with a big majority of
the people of the metropolis of
Change of Venue.
Sheriff Myers of Lancaster
county and Chief of Police John
Hriggs of South Omaha were ar
raigned Tuesday in district court
at Papillion in Sarpy county,
charged with manslaughter in
connection with the death of Roy
Hlunt. Doth pleaded not guilty.
Motions for a separate trial and
for a change of venue were tiled
bv Sheriff Myers. The court
granted the request .for separate
trials for the two defendants, but
has not vet ruled on the motion
for change of venue. The county
attorney was given until May 15
to tile objections to the motion
for a change of venue.
Try a sack of Forest nose Flour
Ihe next time you need flour. Ask
your dealer what he thinks of it.
Meeting of Assistant Postmasters.
The Nebraska stale association
of assistant postmasters is to
bold its annual convention in
Lincoln on June 5. The meetings
will probably be held in the fed
eral court room in the postolllce
building. Notices were sent out
yesterday to all Ihe assistant
postmasters in the first, second
and third class postotTlces in the
stale, of which there are about
225. Lincoln Journal.
H. S. Austin visited Mrs. Austin
at the hospital this afternoon, go
ing on the fast mail.
Autoed In From Center.
From Tuomlay'a Dally.
Thomas Keckler, August Kreck-
low, F. M. Slander, C. Mocken
haupl and Andrew Schleifert, all
from Center precinct, near Man
ley and Wabash, were in the city a
few hours today, driving down in
the big automobile of Mr. Slander.
These gentlemen are all among
the prosperous farmers of Center
and are great advocates of th
good roads proposition, and this
trip was made to meet with the
county commissioners today for
the betterment of the roads in
their locality. All of these gentle
men are readers of the Journal,
and of course paid this ofllce a
brief call, the four former gentle
men renewing for another year.
Purchased New Car.
President of the Commercial
Club T. T. Pollock Saturday pur
chased a new tO-liorse power
Chaliner's No. 30, four-passenger
torpedo body automobile. The car
has all of the up-to-date improve
ments, including self starter and
constant, oiler. There is no
cranking to start the machine and
it is a line piece of workmanship.
Poor appetite is a sure sign of
impaired digestion. A few doses
of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets will strengthen your
digestion and improve your ap-
netite. Thousands have been
benefited by taking these Tablets.
Sold by F. fi. Fricke & Co.
A Telephone
Defies Distance!
The business man of today knows that
the Telephone, next to his own capital, is
his greatest money-making asset.
Business and professional men in 50,
000 American cities and towns depend up
on the "Telephone" because it leads them
directly and effectively to the men with
whom they need to deal.
Modern enterprise demands an ap
preciation of the value of universal Tele
phone Service. The rates may be lower
than you think they are. Inquire at our
nearest office.
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
M. E. BRANTNER, Local Manager
tlTOur Telephone Lines teach nearly everywhere.