vv-H-i- -H-K- 'H-H-H-I-H- murdock. J (Special Correspondent.) folks pas- Oorge Hite visited home near Alvo Sunday. Miss Rose Worth was a senger to Omaha Monday. Miss Coder, music teacher, of Lincoln, was in town Monday. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klemine, a daughter, on May 2. The Ladies Aid society met with Mrs. Tuck Vendenberg Wednes day. Miss Thorpe and Miss Gieseker visited with relatives in Lincoln Sunday. Mrs. George Melvin and dangh, ter, Jessie, were shopping in Oma ha Tuesday. Will lloelters went lo Ithaca Saturday for a short visit with relatives. Gilbert Williamson and tlaugh- ier, rem, 01 Jsyracuse, was in town Tuesday. Miss Lyda Sorick visited with friends in Omaha from Friday until Monday evening. win i.euicnens aim wile were guests of the tatter's parents, Mr and Mrs. Schweppe, on Sunday. Miss Hertha Bornemiery re turned Monday evening from short visita in Platlsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Love Beall and daughter, Mable, of Iowa visited over Sunday with relatives here Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Heall re turned to their liome in Omaha Sunday evening, after a few days' visit here. Mr. and Mrs. John Amgwert and daughter, Marvel, spent Sun day evening with Paul Schewe and family. Harry Williams and family of Elmwood passed through town Tuesday evening in I heir new touring car. The H. N. A. gave a May parly Tuesday evening to their families. A program was give nand a lovely lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Besack and son, Marcus, of Sarpy county, were guests of relatives here Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gorder and daughter, Helen and Dorothy f AVeeping Water were guests of I'aul Schewe and family Sunday. Miss Nora I'veland and niece, Miss Merle Guslin, of Elmwood, left last Friday for an extended trip through Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin. Misses Thorpe, Gieseker. and Selma Branckle, our charming school teachers, were entertained at supper on Tuesday evening at the Heickman home south of town. Owen Marshall, sr., is a little improved. His wife, with his two sisters and brothers arrived on the midnight tlyer Monday night from Coshockton, Iowa. The eighth grade examination have been received. The follow ing from No. 36 passed: Bernard Stone, Irene Jones, Sidney Good- fellow and Lawrence Lee. The ones who did not pass in the first examination will be allowed to take a second examination May 5) and 10. ANNOUNCEMENT To the Ladies of Plattsmouth and Vicinity: We wish to announce that our expert trimmer, Miss Leona Bryant, will not be with us only for a short time, and in order to do justice to our dear patrons in the city, as well as in the country, we feel it is our duty to make this announcement and give our friends a chance. Anyone wishing a hat made or trimmed by our expert trimmer will please call at their earliest convenience and secure their hats, as the season is rapidly drawing to a close. Our large force of lady clerks will be glad to meet you and show you through every department and point out lo you the great bargains we are now offering dur ing THIS SPECIAL SALE. Just think of it, what a handy store this is for everybody. Here is where you can buy your Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' Furnish ings of all kinds, Cloaks and Suits Separate Skirts, Shirt Waists Underskirts, Muslin Underwear and Readv-to-Year Dresses from a Wash Dress to a Silk Dress. Our Children s Dresses are the talk of the town. Now just, about three steps to your right you can walk through our archway and you will find yourself in our Great Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Depart ment. Also Shoes for Men, Worn, en, Eoys and Girls and Children. This space does not, permit us to enumerate all I he items we carry in this establishment, but we can conscientiously say that, you cau save many a dollar and many a step by visiting our store, for you can clothe your whole family from a child to a man or woman with out, trolling around from one store to another lo find what you want. Besides this, your dollar in our store will do double duty to your i self. Very truly yous, liam Kelly Fox today and also placed his name stamp on the guest book at the IMattsmouth hotel. L. C. W. Murray drove up from the farm this morning and board- d the early train for Omaha, where he went to consult the eye pecialist. Mr. Murray's sight is improving all the time. Ben Heckman and Louis Rein- ackel were county seat visitors today. Mr. Beckman, being road overseer in his precinct, desired to consult the commissioners of the county on some important matters. J. M. Barkhurst of Union and his brother, C. B. Barkhurst, of Weeping Water, transacted busi ness in the county seat today and dined at the Perkins hotel. J. M. played baseball with Landlord Corey almost thirty years ago. Miss Marjorie Aguevv of Los Angeles, California, arrived yes terday and will be a guest of her grandmother, Mrs. C. II. Parmele, for a month, when she will de part for a trip to Europe to meet her cousins, the Misses A I wood, and return home with them later - , i The Avoca Department News Item Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thl Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal H-K-M--M-!-M-MM- GREENWOOD. (Special Correspondence.) J Mr. Wehley Barr remains about the same. Miss Gussie Hoham is now able to be out of doors. Mrs. Earl Howard has returned home from the hospital ler. Jones reports that Luella Armstrong is much better. George Walling visited his brother in Palmyra last week. Mrs. Louis Horning and chil dren went to Ashland Tuesday. Mrs. Stone and family will de part for Fremont Thursday. Mrs. Louis Horning of Davey is visiting Mrs. Cline and Mrs. Dr. Jones. Preparations are being made for the senior graduation ex ercises. Mrs. Waller Marshall is report, ed some heller, but is still not. out of danger. A gnat or some other small in sect got into Donald Sheffer's eye and poisoned it Tuesday. Dr. Jones reports a baby girly at Thomas Carl's. Bolh mother and little one are doing fine. Dr. Jones called Dr. Kirkpalrick of Ashland in consolation at Wes ley Barr's Tuesday evening. Miss Florence llayden of Lin- FANGER'S DEPARTMENT STOORE. V. ZUCKER, Manager. LOCAL NEWS From Tuesday' Dally. Kelly llhoden, from near Mur ray was a Plaltsmoulh visitor to day. Clerk of the Court James Rob ertson was an Omaha passenger yesterday. E. M. Godwin drove in from the farm this morning and transacted business in the city. John Fight looked afler busi ness matters in the metropolis yesterday, returning on No. 2 last evening. James Niday and Lennie McVey of Union ami John Whileman of Nehavvka transacted business in I he county seat today. B. B. Daniher was a passenger to Omaha on the morning train today, where he was called on business of importance. County Surveyor Palleron, with Joe Smith as chain-bearer staked off the new l'oad through the land of Mr. M. Nord lo Ihe new bridge. Dr. Gilmore and W. A. Srnll., Ihe M. P. agent at Murray, were. From Thursday's Dally. William Gillespie of Mynard made a business trip to Omaha yesterday, returning on No. 2 last evening. lvl lrilscn ami wire drove in from the farm yesterday after noon ami did some shopping at the slores. John Bergman of Mt. Pleasant precinct drove in from his home yesterday and attended to some business matlers in the county seat. J. F. Kaeger of Cedar Creek was attending to some business mat ters in this city loday and called at this office and renewed his uhserrplion for another year. Hand Mall ol .vetiavvka came up on trie i'. iasi nigiu and spent the night in the county seat, re I urning lo his home 1 his morning', accompanied by County! Commit sioner C. E. Ileebner. J. P. Wolf, W. J. Schneider and Waller Conner, all of Cedar ('reek, were over-night visitors in the city, departing for Glenvvood on No. (i this morning on a business mission. Park Chriswisser and wife of Dunbar arrived last evening and v isited his parents, Bennett Chris wisser and wife, over night. Park will move to Platlsmouth provided he can find a -suitable house which he can rent reasonably. Attorneys Rawls and Robertson returned from Papillion last evening, where they recovered a verdicl in Ihe district court for their client against the American Exchange Bank of Papillion for $ 1,288. The action was one for damages for deceit, the plaintiff being Phill'ips and Jarman. P. Goos is having some ex tensive repairs made on his hotel at Ihe corner of Main and Third streets. The stairs, which have been in for 27 years, are being re built, the steps having worn from an inch and a half to less than half an inch in some jnstances. L G. Larson is the mechanic having the contract on this job. Fishing tackle at Copes. The baseball season is on. The ice man is getting busy. The farmers are busy planting corn. Attending the band concert Tuesday evening. T. II. Cromwell was down from Lincoln this week. Dr. J. F. Brcndel was here from Murray Wednesdav. Louise Ruhge is assisting at the postolllce at present. Mrs. Fred McGrady was at Weeping Water Salurdav. Alice Gocsrtt and children have returned to their home at Farnam. Samuel Johnson and wife were at Omaha Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Behrns were Omaha nasscnirers Thurs day. Mrs. L. J. Marquardt and daughter were at Weeping Water Monday. J. C. Zimmerer, wife and son, were at Omaha a few days last week. Busch & Nutzman have made a new concrete foundation for their lime house. A l it lie social dance was given at the home of Dick Neumeister Saturday evening. Mrs. Smoots and daughter, Bertha, were at Lincoln a couple of days last week. Mrs. W. I. Smoots and Mrs. Joseph Secal started for a trip to Indiana Wednesday. Mrs. Durham and Harvey Mad- sen returned. Tuesday evening from Iheir Iowa visit. Charles Jenkins and wife enter. lained relatives from Manley and Broken Bow Sunday. i-nanes 11. iiuscti was Here from Nebraska City Wednesday visiting his brother, John. II. A. Ruhge, one of our pros perous tanners, went to Syracuse Tuesday to see Ihe elephant. Mrs. W. A. llollenberger and Mrs. Weaver were Lincoln shop pers several days last week. Peter Hanson went to Omaha Wednesday to consult, an eye specialist in regard lo his eyes. Contractor Smoots has a force of men at work making cement blocks for Ihe new opera house. Quite a crowd was out lo the band concert Tuesday evening. The boys make some good music. here have the fishing Ice Cream at Copes' . D. coin visited a few days with her ' business callers in the city this mint, Mrs. Dr. Jones, last week. Monday was Ihe last night of the revival meetings at the M. E. church, and Rev. Bufl'urn and his wife have returned to Iheir home. COAL morning and boarded the morn ing train for Omaha. and FEED We are now handling a complete line of coal. Call and let us quote you prices for your fall and winter coal. We handle wheat, oate, corn and chop of all kindn. Ind. Telephone 297 Nelson Jean & Go. From Wednesday's Dally. Glen Perry of Eight Mile Grove was in Ihe city this morning look ing after some items of business at I lie stores. Commissioners Friedrich, Jor dan and Heebner boarded No. i this morning for Omaha, where Ihey went on county business. M. J. Feenan of Omaha is in Ihe city and today erected a monu ment on the Kennedy family lot in the Holy Sepulclier cemetery. Fred Guenther visited the me Iropolis this morning for Ihe pur post' of bringing down a team of horses which M. E. Manspeaker purchased there. T. E. Todd drove in from Ihe farm this afternoon and boarded No. 23 for the metropolis, where he looked after business mailers for a few hours. Andrew Jackson Seaman of Omaha called on his friend, Wil- Slow Progress. It seems incredible how slowly, in some resperls, the people progresses. Superstition, preju dice and laziness keep the people back. How little do Ihey know of their own body, of useful nn harmful habiJsI Many well know what hurts lh'in, but, do not. avoid it. They should at least know how the damage can quickly b repaired. Of the most harmful habits, unreasonable eating and drinking is Ihe worst. To reslori the poor stomach and the weak ened intestines o their normal strength, nothing is better than Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. It removes all injurious mailer fro mlhe digestive system, strengthens Ihe bowels lo pre vent a quick return of the I rouble, regulates the action of all organs. It should be employed in all dis eases of Ihe stomach, Ihe liver and Ihe intestines. Al drug stores Jos. Triner. i:m-l3:).) So. Ash. land Ave., Chicago, III. Ralph Graham and Peter Jorg- ensen attended Masonic, lodge at Weeping Waler Monday evening. The pupils of the Berlin High school, assisted by a few outsid ers, gave a play al. the Avoca opera house Saturday evening en titled "Diamonds and Hearts. The parts were well played and showed that a great deal of work and training had been given to Ihe play. Those laking part were delightful young people and we should be glad lo see Iheni come again. The community was shocked Wednesday afternoon by the sud- en death of Henry Behrns, jr., of Avoca. Mr. Behrns had been sick only since Monday evening and his illness was not regarded as serious. The death occurred at his home in Avoca between 1 and 5 o'clock. No funeral ar rangements have been made as yet. Mr. Behrns was of the new firm of Behrns A Maseman. Be leaves a widow, two small sons and a daughter lo murn his loss. Mr. Behrns was of a jolly, genial disposition ami will be missed ami regrelled by all who knew him. Several fever. Collins' drug store. For those, aching feet use S. Foot Soap. Charles Halstou was down from Weeping Water Tuesday. Don't forget the band concert every Tuesday evening. John II. Busch and family were at Weeping Water Sunday. Vilas Sheldon was over from his Nehavvka home Monday. Edward Wulf was v isiting rela tives near Platlsmouth Ibis week. Clarence TelTt and family were hero from Weeping Water Sun day. John Mohr and wife were over from his Syracuse home Wed nesday. G. F. and Benjamin Mohr and C. D. Maseman and wife were at Syracuse Sunday. Prof. John Branigan and II. II. Marquardt were Lincoln visitors Friday evening. Clyde Jenkins and Edward Fleshman were here from Manley Tuesday evening. Peter Jorgensen has sold his slock business at Weeping Wa ter lo Charles Ralston. Paint your house and barn with Sherwin-Williams Paint. Copes, tin druggist, has it in slock Ward Pittman was al Omaha Wednesday and Thursday visiting his brother, Corda and family. Mrs. J. M. Dunbar visited her sisler al. Nehavvka Friday. She reports Mrs. Palmer as gelling along nicely. Henry Fran.en is nursing a lame fool as a result of getting mixed up with a saw at Yelte's lumber camp. Klnier Corbin is supplying the garden owners with fine lomalos, cabbage and mango pepper plants which he raised in hotbeds. Hal Garnet returned home Thursday evening from Ihe navy, having served his full lime. His many friends were glad lo wel come him home again. Eugene llensley, Silas Everett and Vincent Smoots helped the Berlin High school baseball Irani defeat Ihe Nehavvka learn at Ne hawkn Saturday. ' James Everett is now ready lo do your rement work, such as foundations, sidewalks, elc. If you are in need of anything in this line give him a call. He guar anlces satisfaction. The shirk left a 10-pound boy at the bulcher shop Monday, May 0. John is resting a little easier today and the doctor says Dial with careful nursing he may re cover. Mrs. Schmidt and baby are doing nicely. The lloyal Neihbor Circle inel wilh Mrs. Dick Neumeisler last rrjday. A nice crowd was pres ent. A delightful Hindi was served and a good time was re porled by those present. E. L. Shackley has purchase Hie meat market at Dunbar am look possession Monday. The family will not go for a couple of weeks. They will be missed by our citizens, who wish them suc cess in their new venture. Miss i Pearl Harmon quit her position ol Maseman's V. Behrns' general store Saturday evening. Mrs. Buss will lake her place. The many friends of Penrl will miss her pleasant, face back of the counter, but what is our loss will he another's gain. The baseball season was open ed here Salurdav wilh a game be tween Ihe locals and Weeping Waler. The home learn played in niidscason form and had the Weeping Waler nlavers ei,anitf outclassed. The scire u-n o n in favor of Avoca. The large farm house of John Benecke, two miles south of town, was burned lo the ground Wed nesday afternoon about 2 o'clock The origin of Ihe the is unknown as it started in a room where there had been no lire and could not have been, for there was no chimney in the room. It is quite a loss to Mr. Benecke, as he had '"ily 2,noo insurance on the house and none on Ihe furnitpre. Will Get Artificial Hands. William P. Allbee of Glenvvood, who lost both hands bv hnvino- I hem cut oil under the car wheels of a Burlington freight nt Alliance a lew months ago, left last night on No. 2 for Kansas City, where he will probably procure artificial hands. Will was accompanied by his falher, o. s. Allbee, an ex' soldier of the Union army, who lost a leg in the battle of Resaea, Georgia, in 18o3. MAPLE GROVE. .J. I (Special Correspondence.) WI"HW-IH-H-HH"K Corn planting has begun in Ibis coniinunily. Mrs. Corbet spent Tuesday af ternoon with Mrs. Charles Heiien. vmie a number from this locality attended the circus at Plaltsmoulh Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gansemer spent Sunday at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gansemer. Two more new automobiles for this community. Charles Engel kenrier and William Philpot. nre Ihe lucky ones. He Reads the Meters. J. W. Jones, a young man of 21 summers, but, of six years' ex perience in reading meters, has accepted the position of assistant in the office of the light company. Mr. Jones is a genial young man, n pleasant fellow to meet, and will give every consumer of gas a square deal. Hogs Wanted. Wauled lo buy, some shoals, weigh ling from 50 (o 1 00 pounds. See J. P. Falter, Coales' Block. "Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil is the best, remedy for that oflen fatal disease croup. It has been used wilh success in our family for eight years." Mrs. L. Whiteacre, Buffalo, N. Y. Forest Rose Flour. The next lime you need a sack of flour try a sack. You will find it the be9t on the market. Mrs. John Gould visited afternoon. Halt nnd Mrs. B. Ihe metropolis Ibis DR Herman Grcodor, Graduate Vetineary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Phone 378 White, Plattsmouth For a mild, easy action of the bowels, try Doan's Regulels, a modern laxative. 25c. ot all slores. C.W, CHRISWISSER THE Live Stock Dealer Nchawka, Nebraska is ready to make you the most liberal otter on anything you have lor sale in the stock line. Get His Prices Before Selling II M3?H II SOME sports are more stren uous than the good clothes game; but none of them give more satisfaction to everybody concerned. Especially when you get into our clothes. They're for winners; they make winners. Here are all the best things of the season ready for you. Suits $10 to $30 Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hat