The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 09, 1912, Image 2
"MOTHER'S Oil 10 BE OBSERVED 110(1 SUNDAY THROUGHOUT 1 LAND Movement that Originated at Philadelphia in 1908 Ha Become Nation-wide and Sunday Everyone Should Wear a White Flower in Honor of Their Mother. As next Sunday is Mothers' Day a little something relative to its origin cannot he declared alto gether out of order at this time. Mothers' lay broke out spor adically all over the United States in 1908. II took florists by sur prise, for none had heard of It before and many wrote to leading newspapers throughout the land for information. Hut the infor mation then has been as nothing compared to the questions and suggestions that followed season after season, until the present time, when the day has become one of great importance through out the length and breadth of the United States. The llrst year, when it was un dertaken to I race the origin of Mothers' Day, and find the true meaning of the occasion, it proved no easy task. The Federation of Woman's clubs, when appealed to at thai, time, denied responsibility, but acknowledged that it was a "One idea." Olllcials of the Congress of Mothers claimed they had no record of the day, but also agreed that it. was a good idea, and gave great, attention to the matter al, their next annua meet ing. Finally, the search for the founder of Hie day led, through the city editor of a Chicago daily, to Miss Anna Jarvis, 2031 North Twelfth street, Philadelphia, who confessed to having conceived the idea in the desire to commemor ate the anniversary of her moth er's death. It was not only the on mother':) grave, but it occur red to her that it would be a beautiful tribute to all mothers, the living as well as the dead, if their children on a given day would unite in the simple wearing of white flowers. She wrote a let ter about it to a Philadelphia newspaper early In 1908, and it was this that caused Mothers' Day to break out all over the country, and is so universally celebrated at this time. Miss Jarvis suggested the white carnation as the Mothers' Day flower par excellence: "It's white ness stands for purity; its form, beauty; its fragrance, love; its wide Held of growth, charity; its lasting qualities, faithfulness; and all in all, a true mother's at tributes." Hut the way the senti merit appealed to the people was too strong for the supply of white carnations, as there were not enough to supply the demand, and someone suggested that "white flowers be worn for mothers gone before and bright flowers for mothers living." Hut this did not meet wilh the approval of Miss Jarvis, who did not like to have her ideas tinkered with, but it is the only way that the develop incut of Mothers' Day can be con. tinned, as to limit its observ ance by the supply of white car nations would be the height of folly. Hut, nevertheless, next Canon Burgess. Canon H. H. Hurgess, who has been rector of St. Luke's Epis copal church at Plattsmouth for the past thirty-eight years, has resigned his rectorship, which has been with. much sorrow accepted by the church. , Canon Hurgess was ordained to the ministry over fifty years ago and has been in the active work ever since. Last fall he had a severe siege of sick ness, from which he has not at this time regained his customary robust health. His place has been supplied by ministers from Oma ha, and seeing that he was not able to properly care for the charge, he sent in his resignation, asking that he be relieved from the work. Nebraska City News. Hrother Hurgess has been con fined to his room for nearly one year and being over 80 years of age, his extreme age and condi tion of health makes it almost an impossibility for him to attend to the duties of rector. Everyone who knows this grand old man re grets that his condition compelled him to take this course. No. one has more friends and he is high ly esteemed and loved by all. J. E. McKeen, 1301 Cleveland St., Wichita, Kansas, reports: "I suffered from kidney trouble, had severe pains across my back and was all played out. I began tak ing Foley Kidney Pills and soon there was a decided improvement. Finally the pain left entirely and I am fully cured of all my kidney trouble." For sale by F. fi. Fricke & Co. A Happy Birthday Party. In response to invitations is sued by Mrs. John Halt, jr., ; number of little folks assembled at the Halt home Tuesday after noon for the purpose of assisting Master Jack, who was just 4 thought of laying some flowers love you bear for her. Sunday is Mothers' Day and by all years old that day, in properly means, whether living or dead, pay tribute to the memory of your dear old mother by wearing the proper emblem which signifies the DELEGATES FROM CONVENTION Most Enthusiastlo Meeting and Representatives From This . . City Much Delighted. . The I'latlsmoulh Commercial club delegation which attended the Hastings meeting of the state convention of Commercial clubs, returned early this morning. The duly elected delegates, Kmil Wurl and John Halt, were accompanied Jy Postmaster II. A. Schneider, J. 'P. Taller. Ilea Patterson and Michael llild. .The Plaltsmouth delegation was larger than from any city in the state except, some of Ihe nearby towns, which sent delegations in automobiles, but both Omaha and Lincoln were far out numbered by our own men. Some excellent talks were de livered by Ihe orators on the reg ular program, but when the time came for the delegates to be heard as to the progress made by their borne city, it remained for our esteemed townsman, Mr. E. Wurl, to pluck a few of the feathers from the American bird in re counting the advancement made by the beautiful city of Platts inouth during the past twelve months, and in calling to the at tention of the slate convention the enterprise and business thrift of the Plaltsmouth Commercial club. Mr. Wurl's address was well re reived by Ihe convention and stir red Ihe members to enthusiastic applause when he resumed his neat. When the time came for the nomination of stale olllcers Post master Schneider, in a well-timed speech of ten minutes, placed be fore Ihe convention as a candidate for president the name of II. E. Wescnlt of Ibis city, and Ihe elec tion was very close between Mr. Wescott and Ihe gentleman who was chosen, namely Mr. Wilson of SI roinsburg. There is no doubt among the members of the Plaits, mouth delegation that Mr. Wcs- of Ihe association for the ensuing year had he been present when Ihe names were voted upon. The olllcers chosen were: Mr. Wil son, president, and Mr. McFadden of (Srand Island, secretary and treasurer. II. E. Wescott was elected chairman of the First dis. Irict. .. . .. ,.' . J he entire .delegation came home bubbling over wilh rn- celebrnlion the occasion. The little folks spent a very happy aft ernoon, participating in games and amusements which children delight in. At the proper time they were ushered into the din ing room, where a delicious birth day supper awaited them, and. to which they did ample justice. An other romp, some more games am; further examination of the pretty gifts presented to Master Jack and then the Utile guests dispersed having most thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Those in atenda'urp, were: Dorothy (.owles, lheimii Kreckler, Alice Mason, Dorothy Hampton, Jennie Windham, Theo dore McMaken, Chester. Haylor lliiisiasin for the commercial progress of the city the coming Cu,H.,.jne Schneider, Morris Eaton year. 1 lie niercnams who auemi- smith. Laura Elizabeth Eaton ed for the llrst time this year vow they will not miss another con vention. These are the men who make the live town. Helen Heeson, haver, Charles Paul White. Marion William IRE III THE SECOND WARD LAST Copen Freese, Mrs. Win. A. Allen, Chacon, Jas. C. Dahlman, serving his New Mexico, had so severe a cough third term as' mayor of Omaha, thai it nearly choked her to death. Neb., again was successful in re- Mr. Allen says: "We tried many ceiving the overwhelming support things without helping her, when, of Ihe voters in the primary elec- by good luck, I got a bottle of Residence of Frank Boetel Caught Fire While the Family Was Away From Home. Atioul b o clock last evening fire broke out at the dwelling of Frank Hoetel on North Eleventh street. The alarm was turned in as soon as the blaze was discover ed, anu aunougn u is almost a mile from the hose house to the Hoetel residence, the department was soon on the ground and did valiant service in extiiiKuishintr the blaze. The Hoetel family was not at home at the time and had been away ail day and the cause of the fire and the way il got started is much of a mystery. Neighbors hurried in and removed nearly all of the furniture so that the loss in that direction will be small. The residence is the property of J. H. McMaken, and the loss is fully covered by insurance. The fire had apparently been started from the outside of the shed kitchen, and before the water was turned on by the company most of the shed was in ashes, the main part of the building escap ing with a scorching. The lire company is deserving of much praise for its prompt action in the premises. The lire alarm had hardly ceased its warning before Ihe hose cart was out of the house and on its way to the fire. A team was secured near Wurl's store and the cart, drawn behind the wagon, was rapidly transported to the place of the lire. Had not the company acted promptly the fire would have soon spread to near by buildings and the damage and loss would have been much greater. Mr. Hoetel is puzzled as to who would set the blaze. At the lime it was first discovered he was at work on Ihe Parmele-Faller con crete walk west of Ihe posloftiee. Mr. Hurnie, superintendent of the water company, caught a team and wagon that was on the run for the fire and was on hand to assist Ihe fire company in case the hydrants should not work proper ly. Everyone connected wilh the fire fighting apparatus of the city did their full duly and il, is to them the credit is due ,for pre venting the flames from spread ing. Mrs. M. Hislmp, Columbus, Kansas, suffered from a weak back a good many years, as a re sult of kidney trouble. "I began taking Foley Kidney Pills and soon after Ihe pain left my back and today I am fully cured." For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. r I Kk i I 4 THE WEATHER. TrTiVTTrTVTTTnVTTT Tlie readings below are taken at tha Burlington depot, wher the ther mometer is olaced under conditions similar to those lined by the United States weather bureau: 70 83 A T If 0' BdmXtHson-Bqrby-' v-lK-Kn X7 Spring hats comprise the great est selection this store has shown in many seasons. We rec ommend STETSON hats in both stiff and soft hats. Prices $3.50 to $5 Cloth Hats $1 to $1.50 New Caps 25c to $1.50 C. E. Wescoli's Sons 8 a. 10 a. in. m . m. . . in . . . CG 1 p. 74 1 2 p. Forte as t. For Nebraska Generally fair; not much change in temperature. A Birthday Surprise. Miss Anna Sebatka was made the recipient of a delightful sur prise party last evening by a large number of her friends, in honor of her 20th birthday anniversary. When the victim had fully re covered from the shock various games were indulged in by the jolly company. These games were pleasantly interspersed with music. The invaders had come armed with the necessary fixings for a splendid luncheon, and dur ing the evening this luncheon was prepared and served at a very ap propriate hour. There were fourteen couples present and all wished Miss Sebatka many happy returns of the day. lion. He also successfully rid himself of a bad case of kidney trouble by the aid of Foley Kid ney Pills, and writes: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and they Fricke & Co have given me a great deal of re lief, so I cheerfully recommend them." What Foley Kidney Pills have done for Mayor Dahlman they will do for any other person Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It helped her at once and finally cured her. It is the best medicine we ever used." For sale by F. (. Very Pleasant Surprise. A most enjoyable surprise parly occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hichter last even ing. This occasion had been planned by Miss Tillie Ilenner and was in honor of the sixth birthday nal man, who knew nothing about anniversary of Nellie Hichter. il until after it all had happened, The Case of Jesse Blunt. The case of Jesse Hlunt against the Chicago, Hurlinglon & Quincy Hailroad company occupied the bothered wilh backache, rheunia- attention of Judge T. C. Munger lism, or any other form of kidney of the federal court yesterday, or bladder trouble. Just try them The entire day was devoted lo the for quick and permanent results, taking of testimony, much of For sale by F. (1. Fricke & Co. Buys New Qas Tractor. Pete Campbell, the Hock Hluffs industrious threshing machine man, is the happy possessor of a tine new 25-horse power gas tractor engine, purchased of the International Harvester company, through August 'order, the local implement dealer. the engine was unloaded here two days ago. Heavy, impure blood ma'KCs a muddy, pimly complexion, head dies, nausea, indigestion. This blood makes you weak, pale and siegly. For pure blood, sound digestion, vise Hurdock Hlood Hit lers. $1.00 at all stores. which was given by medical ex perts relative to the nature of the injuries sustained by the defend ant. Hlunt was a fireman for the railroad company and fell from his engine, injuring his left knee. He claims thai the knee joint has been permanently injured and asks .$15,000 damages and costs of Ihe suit. The taking of testi mony will be continued today, and it is probable that the case w not be comncluded before late to- dav or Friday. Lincoln Journal Mrs. W. A. Hobei'lson returned coll would have been the president today from Fremolt. DO IT The Season for Cyclones and de structive wind storms is at hand! Henry terns. Hadar. Neh is the father of ten children and for the past 20 years has used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound wilh the best of results. He tells us i think Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is Ihe best cought medicine in Ihe world, for I havi used it for the past 'JO years and can recommend it to anyone need ing n cough medicine." For sale bv F. O. Fricke & Co. Competition in Cereals. The Nebraska Experiment Sta tion has just issued Hulletin No 127, on "Competition in Cereals Are you protected? I will write cy clone insurance for 75 cents per hundred for a term of five years, lhat means t tint vnn rnn rnrrv $1,000 insurance for 1 nn ,wr v,.or Ir to nnt u;i fnr von tn tnke the risk when others will lakes P,1U,,' "('tween plants of 7-1, :. r . t ,.i. i cereal crops under field condi ItlltC il iui juu ai a ivjt luit. i j - n 11 i 11 FiroTnoiirmw-P nt lnwpsr rnfpa on fit rM-ksnnl dwellings. SoOCial rntPS liioiiM, oninauiiH iikil una A Jft V iuwu .v w u. . VKi uvw wa w w - O I - I . , m 1 . lor long term policies. ' ? 1 " 1", . , 11 111 UI!U Mi'i. I lll.t uuuri III mi... be had free of cost by residents o Nebraska upon application to the Agricultural Experiment Station Lincoln, Nebraska. This bulletin discusses the elTei of natural competition which Coates' Blocks J. PB FALTER, EiRsuSo. The Way Some Farmers Feel. The farmers of this vicinity (Kenosha) wish to extend to the city of Plaltsniouth and its ollicials their heartfelt thanks for e courteous treatment received in their city on circus day. II was a pleasant thing lo drive up to an empty tank to water your Ihirsty team after driving ten or twelve miles to "trade at home." Man and beast were forced lo suffer or patronize livery barns or the saloons for "wetness." The farmers are now wondering if they will not soon be compelled to go to Omaha lo get water while in Plattsmouth. The city will soon go to "seed" in place of "succeed," wilh many more such tricks as were perpetrated on the large crowd of victims last Sat urday. One Who Was There. The above was sent lo the Journal from a farmer living down near Old Kenosha, one of the best sections of Ihe county from which the city of Plaits mouth draws trade, and we do not like to see such a feeling between I hem and our city olllcials and the business men of the city, especial ly when they were not to blame for Ihe water condition on circus day. We venture the assertion that they were just like the Jour- Koy Keno. Koy Keno is the name of a beautiful French red Persian cat received as a present by Miss" Janet Hrantner from an Omaha friend last week. The cat is a beautiful specimen of the French red variety and is of royal blood, his pedigree reaching back through the list of first prize win ners at the Chicago shows since 1898. Sire and dani, as well as grand-sire and grand-dam, were bred by Mrs. Norton of Chicago, a famous breeder of Persian cats. Koy Keno is 2 years old and is very valuable to Ed Brantner's Persian cat family. Will Not Return. Miss draco Harrison, teacher of the First ward school, who has been absent for two months, be ing called home by the critical illness of her father, has written to the secretary of the school board informing the board of the sudden death of her mother and the still critical illness of her father. Miss Harrison will not return to Plattsmouth. She has a large circle of friends in the city who will sympathize with her deeply in her grief at the loss of her mother and will earnestly hope for Ihe early recovery of her father; kniglas McCrary's eighth birth- lay and Arlinca McCrary's third birthday. There were over thirty idle tots in attendance. They met at Bach's store in South Park about -i o'clock, and from there made their way to the Hichter home, surprising the little ones very much, Nellie, Douglas and Artinca received many pretty lit tle gifts which will be Constant re minders of this happy event. bout 5:30 a most excellent two- course imtliday lunciieon was served by Miss Annie Dietz, Mrs. Ilichter and Miss Martha McCrary. After tho birthday supper all sorts of games were played until late in Ihe evening. The Platts mouth Water company were to blame for Ihe dry conditions in the following manner: The superin tendent of Ihe water company went to the circus managers and demanded the fee of $5 for the water right of the day, which was refused, whereupon the said superintendent proceeded to turn off Ihe water, not with Ihe inten tion of making nur farmer friends or visitors suffer, but simply be cause they did not think it was a part of their duly to furnish Ihe circus neonle water free of charge. We know that the city olllcials ami business men would Accident at Weeping Water. On Saturday, April 27th, H. J. Philips was in the caboose of a freight train,, expecting to go to Berlin. The train backed up by the coal chutes and while there Ihe train was bumped so hard that Mr. Phillips was knocked ofT the bench and lay dazed on the floor. He was assisted up on the bench and was quite sick for a ime. His side kept hurling him and Ihe company's surgeon, Dr. llungafe, discovered he had a fractured rib. It has given Mr. Phillips considerable pain, but he has been able to be around. Weeping Water Hepublican. late hour, when they departed have promptly remeuieii me snua- for Iheir homes, wish nir the lion had they known anyining three many more happy birthday f it Those who par- nun iversaries. ticipaled in this pleasant affair were: Mae Hothmann, Mabel Oravilt, Tillie Ilenner, Fae Cobb, Edna and Violet Ackerman, Mat Henner, Ooldie Sivey, Marie Kopps, Ella Hyde, Leona Toogo-od, Caroline Toogood, Marie Tlichler, Bertha Toogood, Mabel Toogood, Allen Henner, Lloyd Tloihman, Frankie Sivey, Earl Henner,, Douglas McCrary, Arlinca Mc Crary, Charles Henner, Johnnie Hichter, (ilennie Hichter, Marie Stokes, Millie Hrittian, Orrie Majors, iS'ellie Hichter, Ellen Hichter, Anna Dielz, Marlha Mc Crary. W. A. Howard of Ihe Masonic Home had business in Omaha Ibis afternoon. SPRING and SUMMER Milliner"; In justice Court A suit was tiled in Judge Arch er's court this morning and at tachment issued in a case entitled Homier vs. Wells. The narties are from Louisville and the con troversy arose over an account for 150 claimed by plaintiff for board and bulging and for goods sold and delivered. I wish to announce that my Spring and Summer line of Millinery is up-to-date in every particular. All the ladies of this city and community are invited to call and see me In my New Location - on South Sixth Street - Dressmaking is Our Specialty The Journal office carries kinds of typewriter supplies. all IS. JULIA DWYER Extend Water Mains. Superintendent Hurnie of the water company has purchased a lot of new meters of a kind that anyone who can read numerals to a thousand will have no dif ficulty in reading, so that the patron who has one of the new ironze meters put in can check up the oince siiouid mere ever happen to be a mistake. The company, under ihe direction of Mr. Hurnie, has extended the water mains 500 feet on North Ninth street, 300 feet, on South Sixth street and 250 feet on North Eleventh street. Leroy Thackcr, Watertown, S. D says: "I suffered with rheu matism for over 8 years, and it seemed at limes I would go crazy with pain. Three bottle of Foley Kidney Pills cured my rheumatism and I gladly recommend them." For sale bv F. 0. Fricke & Co. Police Judge Report. Police Judge Archer filed wilh City Clerk H. C5. Wurl loday a re port of Ihe doings of Ihe court for the month of April. On an average there was not quite half an arrest each day, including Sundays ami week days, there being but four teen all lold for the entire month. Out of the fourteen gathered in by the law officers but four paid lines, Hirer were committed to jail and seven sentences were suspended. POTATOES FOR SALE A car of nice, large, smooth potatoes--New York Rural variety just re ceived from northern Illinois. Price M. 25 per bushel. In lots of 5 bushels potatoes will be deliver ed anywhere in Plaltsmouth. R. L. PiHipst. 'Phone 3-E.