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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1912)
PROLOGUE. This romance of Freckles and the Angel of the Limberlost is one of the most novel, entertain' tng, wholesome and fascinating stories that have come from the pen of an American author in many years. The characters in this sylvan tale ar&: Freckles, a plucky waif who faards the Limberlost timber leases and dreams of angels. The Swamp Angel, in whom Freckles' sweetest dream ma terializes. McLean, a member of a lumber company, who befriends Freckles. Mrs. Duncan, who gives moth' er love and a home to Freckles. Duncan, head teamster of Mc Lean's timber gang. The Bird Woman, who is col lecting camera studies of birds for a book. Lord and Lady O'More, who come from It eland in quest of a lost relative. The Man of Affairs, brusque f manner, but big of heart. Wessner, a timber thief who wants rascality made easy. Black Jack, a villain to whom thought of repentance comes too iate, i CHAPTER XIX. 4 FHECKI.K8 0 ITERS Hlfl LITE. fTlHB sons bad been carefully sift II I ed, and McLean now felt that I I tbere 'was not a man In It that I J was not trustworthy. They bad all heard of the angel's placky ride for Freckles' relief, and several of them bad been In the rescue party. When she was ensconced on the wagon load of tenting she sat on a roll of canvas like a queen on her throne. There was not a man of tb rang that would not hare fought for her. As they raced toward the wagon "Let me tell about the tree, please." she begged Freckles. "Why. sure." said Freckles. He would probably have said the same if she had proposed to cut off his bead. When .McLean rode up he found ber sitting on the wagon, flushed and glowing. "Everybody listen!" cried the nngel. "I have something to say. Freckles has been guarding hero over a year now, and he presents the Limberlost to you. with every tree In it saved, and for good measure he has Just this morning located the rarest one of all the one around In from the east line that Wessner spoke of that first day. nearest the one you took out at first. All together! Everybody: Hurrah for Freckles!" With flushing cheeks and gleaming eyes she led In three cheers and a tiger. Freckles slipped back Into the swamp and held himself tight for fear be might burst wide open with prid'1 and with his love for her. The angel subsided on the canvas and explained to McLean about the maple. The boss was mightily pleas ed. He took Freckles and set out to relocate and examine the tree. The angel was Interested In the making of the camp and preferred to remain with the men. With l:er sh::rp eyo she was watching every detail of row structlon. but when It came tn tli1 stretching of the dining hali ennv.n bob pni eeded to take command. l".f men worn driving the rope pins when the nugel ruse on the wagon and. leaning forward, spoke to Duncan who was direct tug the work. "I believe If you would swing that around a few teet farther you would find It better. Mr. Duncan." she said "That way will let the hot sun In nt noon, and the sides will cut off the best breeze." "That's ft fart." said Duncan, study ing the condition. So by shifting the pins a little they obtained comfort, for which they blessed the angel every day. When Freckles Joined in the work fi bout the camp he caught glimpses of lirr enthroned on a soapbox cleanlug U'uns.. She. called, to him. that they 8 BTC 8 lLW By Poster COPYRIGHT. 1904. BY DOL'BLEDAY. PACE & CO. were iniiteii to stay for (tinner nnd tl:nt thov twd necepted the invit:itlm. She wns having ihe time of lnr life when McLean eume hack. Ju'.iilitnt from hU trip to the tree, flow Jnhl lant he only told the angel, for he had been obliged to lose faltb Id some trusted men of lute and had learned discretion by what he Buffered. nt '"XYKHTBODT LISTEN I " CBTZD THE ANOIEL. planned to begin clearing ont a road to the tree that same afternoon and to set two guards every night, for It promised to be a rare treasure. "I am coming to see it felled." cried the angel. Tell me, angel." the boss said Jest ingly; "I think I have a right to know. Who really did locate that tree?" "Freckles," she answered promptly nd emphatically. The boss smiled significantly at Freckles, who had Just come up, for they had planned that they would in struct the company to reserve enough of the veneer from that very tree to make the most beautiful dressing table they could design for the angel's share of the discovery. "What will you have for yonrsr asked McLean of Freckles. "If It's all the same to you. I'll be taking mine out in music lessons beg ging your pardon-voice culture." said Freckles with a grimace. The nngel gnve McLean the head of the table. She took the foot, with Freckles on her right and the lumber gang, washed, brushed and straight ened until they felt unfamiliar with themselves and each other, filled the sides It was several days before they com pleted a road to the noble, big tree and were ready to fell it. When the saw was well In Freckles began watching down the road where it met the trail leading from Little Chicken's tree. Ik had gone to the tree ahead of the gang and taken down the blue ribbon. Care fully folded. It now lay over his heart. He wns promising himself a good deal of comfort with that ribbon when he should go to the city next month to begin bis studies and dream the sum mer over ognln. It would help to make things tangible. When be was dressed ns other men and about his work he knew where he meant to home that precious bit of blue. It should be his good luck token, and he would wear It always to keep bright In memory the day on which the angel had called him ber knight How he would study, and. oh. how he would sing: If he could fulfill Mc Lean's expectations, and make the angel proud of blm! If be could only lie u real knight! He could not understand why the nngel had failed to come. She had wanted to see their tree felled She would be too late If she did not ar rive soon The men were sending ringing blows Into the felling side of the tree when the boss rode up. Ills tirst word was to Inquire for the nngel. When Freckles said she hnd not jet come Mc Lean gnve orders to stop work on the tree until she arrived. As the men stepped back a stiff ' morning breeze caught the top that towered high above Its fellows. There was an ominous grinding at the base, a shiver of the mighty trunk, and directly In line of Its fall the bushes swung apart and the laugh ing faco of the angel looked In on them. A groan of horror burst from the dry throats of tho men. nnd. reading the agony In their faces, she stopped short, glanced up nnd understood. "South! shouted Mc Lean south!" "Ruin The poor child was helpless. It was patent that she did not know which way. south, was. There was another slow shiver of the tree. The rest of the gang stood as If rooted, but Freck les sprang past the trunk and went leaping tn great bounds. He caught up the angel and dashed through the thicket for safety. The swaying trunk was half over wheu. Just for an in stant, a nearby tree stayed Its fall. They saw Freckles' foot catch, and with the angel he plunged headlong. A cry broke from the men. and Mc Lean coveted his face Instantly Freckles was up. with the nngel tn tils arms plunging on aj:.-!in. The out er limhs were on them when they saw Freckles tinri the aimel. f'ice down, in tin- muck, as fur from htm us be could send her. Springing after In an attempt to cover her body with his own. tie whirled to see if they were still in danger, and with outstretched arms onu ei himself for the shock. The branches shut them from sight, and the awful crash rocked the earth McLean and Duncan ran with axes and saws. The rest of the gang fol lowed, and they worked like madmen It seeniivi an age he'ore they caught a glimpse or the anirel's blue dress, and It renewed their vigor. Duncan fell on uis k!;t..s iHsldo her nnd tore the mini; from underneath tier with his hands, in a few seconds he drag ged her out. hoking and stunned. Freckles lay a little farther under the tiM.. a iiig limb pinning him down. Duncan 'gnn mining beneath him. but Fivkies stopped him. "You can't he mving me." he said. "You must cut off the limb and lift It 1 know." Two men ran for the big saw. A number of them mid hold of the limb and bore up. In a little time tt was off. and Fre l;les lay free. The men licni over him to lift him. but he motioned them awny. "Don't be touching me until t rest n bit." he pleaC"d Then he twlsied his head until be saw the nngel, who w:is digging muck from her eyes and wiping It off her Tnce on the skirt of her dress. "Try to get up." he begged. McLean helped the angel to her feet. "Do you think any hones are bro ken'' gnspel t-'re-kles. "You see If you can tlnd anv, sir " McLean assured Freckles that she was not seriously Inlnred. Freckles settled back with a smile ef lnefi'uble tenderness on his face. "Thnnk the Lord!" ho hoarsely Whispered. The nngel broke from McLean. I "Now. Freckles, you!" she cried, ! "It's your turn. Please get up!" A pitiful spasm swept Freckles' fac The angel took bold of bis band. "Freckles, get up!" It was half command, half entreaty. "Easy tngel. easy. Let me rest a bit first. Implored Freckles. She knelt beside blm. He reached his arm about her and drew ber up closely. He looked at McLean tn an agony of entreaty that brought the boss to his knees on the other side. "Oh. Freckles!" McLean cried. "Not that! Surely we can do something: We must: Let me see!" He tried to unfasten Freckles' neck band, but his fingers shook so clumsily thnt the nngel pushed them away am", herself laid Freckles' chest bare With Just one hasty glance she gntr WITH TBK ANOEt, IN HIS ARMS PLCNOrNO ON AGAIN. ercd the clothing together and slip ped ber arm under his head. Freckles lifted eyes of agony to hers. "You see?' be said. The angel nodded dumbly. Freckles turned to McLean. "Thank you for everything' he pnnted. "Where nro the boys?" "They are all here," said the boss, "except a couple thnt havo gone for doctors. Mrs. Duncan, and tho IHrd Woman." "It's no use trying to do nnytblng." said Freckles. "You won't forget the muff and the Christmas box. The muff especial?" There was a movement above them so pronounced that It nttrocted Freck les' attention, even In that extreme hour. lie looked np, nnd a pleased smile flickered Into his drnwn face. "Why, If It ain't me llttlo chicken!" he cried hoarsely. "He must be mak ing his very first trip from tho log. Now Duncan enn have his big water ing trough." "It wns little chicken thnt mndo me late," faltered the nngeL "I wns so anxious to get here early I forgot to bring his breakfast from tho carriage. He must have been very hungry, for when I rtised the log he started after me. Ho was so wabbly, and so slow getting from tren to tree and. through J F) V Li) h f ? ? V Owing to the g for room and have A oline engines, we are are going to close them out at the extraordinary low prices listed below: V I x One 7y2 h. p. Chopie Engine One 4 h. p. Fairbanks-Morse Engines One 2y2 h. p. Waterloo Boy Engines One 2lA h. p. Hired Hand Engine Two iy3 Waterloo Boy Engines One 1 h. p. Aremoter Engine X X X t t ? Y PLATTSMOUTH the bushes. I Just had to wait on htm. for 1 couldn't drive him back." A spasm of fierce pain shook Freckles, and n look of uncertainty crossed his face. "All summer I've been thanking God for the falling of the feather and all the delights It's brought me." he mut tered, "but this looks like" He raised questioning eyes to Mc Lean. "I can't help being Irish, but I can help being superstitious." he said. "I mustn't he laying It to the Almighty, nor to me bird, must I?" "No. dear lad." said McLenu. stroking the brilliant hair. "The choice lay with you You could hove stood a rooted dolt like nil the rest of us. It was through your great love and your high courage that you made the sacrifice." "Don't you he ho naming It. sir!" cried Freckles. "It's Just th reverse If I could h giving me body the hun dred times over to save hers from this, I'd be doing If and take Joy with every puln." He turned with a smile of adoring tenderness to the nngel. She scarcely seemed to hear or understand what was coming, but she bravely tried to answer tint smile. "Is tue forehead covered with dirt?" he asked. She shook het head. "You did once." be gasped. Instantly she laid her Hps on his forehead, theo on each cheek, and then in a long kiss on his lips. "Freckles." said McLean brokenly, "you will never know how I love you You won't go without saying good by tn me'r" Thnt word stung the nngel to quick comprehension She started as If rousing from sleep. "Hoodhy?" she cried sharply. "Good ly: What do you mean? Who's ; mi: irooilby? Where could Freckles uo when he Is hurt like this, but to the hospital? You call up the men. We must start right away." "It's no use. angel.' said Freckles; "I'm thinking Ivry bone In tne breast Is smashed You'll have to he let tin;: me go!" "I win not." said the angel daily "You are nllve Yon are breathlni! and no matter how badly your bone nre broken, what are great surgeons for but to fix yon up nnd make mhi well again T' "Oh. angel!" moaned Freckles, -i ran't! You d.on't know how bud li Is I'll. f"e thitiiinnte von are for trying 8 8 0 Sauu Tor tms cicgant UU-horsc power car. $1,200 for the same, only larger and 35 horse power. 8 $1,500 for I 1 a 1 nc aoovc moaeis arc maac in iwo-passcngcr, lour-passcngcr and Q five-passenger cars just to suit size of family. v liTPhone or write us if interested. Cars in stock here for immediate delivery. 0 y iiiuH wvericinu 8 ngmes! 1 m3 fact that we are crowded to the limit no space to properly display our gas to lift me!" "Of course you will, if you make np your mind to do it," said the angel. "Really you have to do it. Freckles, no matter how it hurts you, for you did this for me, and now I must save you, so you might as well promise. You will promise, Freckles?" "Angel, darltx.' angel," pleaded Freckles, "you hln't understanding, and I can't for the life of me be telling you, but lndade, It's best to be letting me go." no appealed to McLean. "Dear boss, yon know! Tou be tell ing her that, for me, living Is far worse pnln than dying. Tell her you know death Is the best thing could tver be happening to moT (To Be Continued.) Take the Banker's Life. C. O. Maylleltl, one of tho prom inent fanners of Louisville, was in the city this week and made a contract with G. M. Robinson, General Agent of the Old Line Hankers' Life Insurance company of Lincoln for one of their policies. Mr. Mayfleld knows a KootJ thing when he sees it, and as he believes in Nebraska as a place to live, he looks upon Ne braska insurance as a safe invest ment Mr. Robinson was in Lin coln a few days this week to see ihe secretary, Mr. J. II. Farley, in regard to the campaign to be made Ihe coming season. The coining year seems very bright, and their rapidly increasing busi ness will be greatly stimulated, is the opinion of the otllcers and all those in cluse business relations nf the company. Missionary Meeting. From Saturday's Dally. The Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church convened nt the church in this city last evening for a two days' session. There nre delegates present from Falls City, Auburn and Lincoln nnd a very interesting session is anticipated, lasting over Sunday. Henry Thieroir of Cedar Creek came down on No. i this morning and took in the circus. Overland OVERLAND MODEL 59T the 45-horsc power, still a 2 Agents Eastern Cass County, Union, Nebraska rra n- X X ? ? ? V ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? X Y X X Y $170.00 150.00 57,00 40.OO 37.50 27.00 NEBRASKA X Receives Word of Wife's Illness. From Saturday's Dally. Joe Silence, state organizer for the W. 0. V., while doing work for the order at Weeping Water yesterday received a call over the Independent telephone to Come to I'lallsmouth at once, as his wife was at the point of death and Mr. Silence was directed to look out. Mr. Silence secured an automobile at the Philpot garage and was whirled swiftly over the twenty two miles between Weeping Wa ter and this city, at an expense of $8. On arriving at his home he was greatly relieved to find his wife much better. Dance In Murray. Tho Murrav Dancing club will give another dance at Jenkins' hall in Murray on Saturday evening, May 1 1 In. The music will, bo fur nished by the popular Jacobs or chestra of Omaha. A good time is in store for you, so make the date and keep it. POTATO KS FOR SALE A car of nice, large, smooth potaloes--New York Rural variety just re ceived from northern Illinois. Price 1.25 per bushel. In lota of 5 bushels potatoes will bo deliver ed anywhere in Plattsmouth. R. L. Propst. 'Phono 3-E. 5-1-1 wk-dAw. DR Herman Grccdor, Graduate Vetineary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska Stata Board Calls Answered Promptly Phone 378 White, Plattsmouth ! i 8 larger. r . umpcany, mm 4k I