The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 06, 1912, Image 2

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Mr. Volk, in Company With a Number of Companions Were En.
gaged in Seining for Bait in Small Creek on the John Wehr
bein Farm When Volk Getting In Deep Water Drownded
Yesterday morning while sein
ing at the mouth of a .small creek
in John Wehrbein's past u if, a
mile nortliwpst of Cullom, in
company with Fred Kaufman,
Henry Kaufman, Louis ltuechler
and Joseph Kcstler, William Volk,
a well known young fanner, got
beyond his depth and was drown
ed before he could be rescued.
The parly went to the river
early yesterday morning from
William Kaufman's, where Wil
liam Volk had made his home for
several years, going over in young
Volk's automobile. They expected
to fish in the Platte river with
hook and line, and had with them
a Kbort seine with which they
seined for bait in I he mouth of the
creek. The high water had back
ed up inlo the month of I lie creek
and was over a man's bend in
places. It is thought that Volk
must have been attacked with
cramps, as he did not rise to the
surface but once after he went
down the first time.
The men had no boat, but. gave
the alarm at once, and Henry and
Louis Keil ami A. 11. For no IT
hitched a team to a wagon and
went to W. II. Seybert's place and
secured n boat, which was taken
to the creek as fast as the team
could go. On reaching the creek
the boat was hurriedly placed in
the water and Henry and Louis
Keil got inlo it ami A. M. FornolT
and W. H. Seybert walked by the
side of it and the boat was rowed
J Courier. !
Mrs. Flla Stevenson returned
Friday from western Nebraska,
where she had been for about
three weeks.
Mrs. Joy Mickelwait of (ilen
wood, Iowa, visited here for sev
eral days with Mrs. John (Irimes,
and returned last Tuesday to her
County Attorney C. II. Taylor
came up fi i I'lallsinout h last
Friday and remained here over
night, making a pleasant call at
the Courier olllce while here.
Attorney William A. Hubert son,
of the new llrni of llawls & Rob
ertson, Plattsmouth, came to
town Tuesday evening ami left
Wednesday morning, after at
tending to business matters here.
The warm wind of Thursday set
the dust moving at a lively rale
and early Friday morning Charley
lleichart was seen on the water
wagon. He won't fall off or lose
Young men with your "first presi
dential vote" coming this Fall, and
young men who voted for Harrison and Cleveland, all
of you appreciate the importance of good clothes; the
value from a social or business point of view, of hav
ing your clothes fit well, tailored right, correct in
style, and of real quality of materials.
None of us, men of uny ajje, can really nfTord to neglect these
matters, and it is so easy to be just right about them that
nobody ought to be excused for neglecting them. When you come
to this store convenient to get to, with a cordial welcome ready
for you -and get into one of our finely tailored ready-to-wear suits
especially good at
$20.00 and $25.00
Manhattan Shirts
to the place where William Volk
was seen to go down the second
time. The men in the boat rowed
about for a short time, but soon
the feet of Mr. Seybert came in
touch with young Volk's body and
be was brought to the surface,
placed in the boat and brought to
land, but life was found to be
The remains were taken to the
home of William Kaufman and
Sheriff Quinton was notified and
requested, if necessary, to call a
coroner's jury for an inquest. The
sheriff interviewed Jacob Tritsch,
an uncle of the deceased, who
was found at SI. Paul's church at
tending the morning service and
called out for the purpose of the
interview. After talking the mat
ter over it was decided that an in
quest was not necessary, and the
friends in the country making in
quiry were so informed.
William Volk was born In Cass
county December 2i, 188,'J, and
was a son of Jacob Volk and a
nephew of James Terryberry, Mrs.
Jacob Tritsch, Mrs. M. L. Fried
rich and Mrs. C. C. llennings. His
mother was a sister of James
Terryberry and died when Wil
liam was about G years of age. At
the death of his mother William
went to reside with bis aunt, and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tritsch,
with whom he lived until he was
21 years of age. The funeral will
occur tomorrow from the William
Kaufman home, west of 1'lalls
moot h.
the whip and Main street will now
slav where if will do the most
The olllces of the liichey Sand
company, formerly the Mailt
River Sand company, were moved
this week from rooms wilh the II
A. Funke Lumber company. Tht:
new location is in the quarters
formerly occupied by the Williams
Commission company, over 111
drug store of (leorge Fraler.
C. f. Yant, superintendent at
the Murphy quarry, will erect a
line new home on his property in
the southwest part of town, just
north of the residence of (ieorge
Fraler. The foundation is about
completed this week and tlx
frame const rucl ion will proceed
al once. The location is ideal ant
Mr. Yant is to be commended up
on his enterprise and his faith in
White Plymouth Rock Eggs.
White Plymouth HocK eggs for
sale at 3.00 per hundred. Mrs
Geo. A. KaflYnberger, It. F. D. No
2. IMattsmoulh.
Stetson Hats
,ttt t t t t t t t t t t t t t
w i i i i i i i i i i . i i r
News. J
Mr. and Mr. William Butts are
ere this week visiting at the D.
. West home.
Hal Pollard is home from his
studies now and is running things
ut on the farm.
M. II. Pollard, who has been
to Omaha consulting a soeeialist
about his hearing, came home
Wednesday very much encouraged
over their condition.
L M. Pollard has two cars of
oil on the spur ami everything
ready to light bis smudge pots in
case of frost, but it looks like be
is going to get by this year with
in! using them.
C .K. Cunningham left on the
midnight train Monday for Kansas
City, where he exnected to be oc
cupied a few days on business and
from there he expected to go on
down to Oklahoma and visit his
sister, Mrs. Ed Conrad.
Charley Stone of Yampa, Colo.,
neaked in last Wednesday and
layed under cover until our
forms were closed Thursday ami
thus escaped favorable mention
in this paper. He visited a few
days with friends anil relatives
here and left for his home ycsler-
lay. .
Robert Lyle is trembling tm the
verge of a large and substantial
fortune maybe. He has hist re-
eivetl letters patent from the
government on a sanitary spoon-
ess sugar bowl that can be used
as a coffee or tea canister. Let us
hope thai he realizes on his ex
pectations, and eventually mils
in wealth.
L. II. Young informs us that he
has a number of .seedling peach
trees that are blooming. It was
generally believed that peaches
would not l)ud this spring on ac
count of the severe winter, but
Mr. Young avers he can show
people the contrary. Mr. Young
says, however, that the budded
fruit will not bloom.
Otto Swart cut his hand Mon
day morning on an ax so badlv
that if became necessary to lake
several stitches in the injured
member. He was trying to sharp
en an ax wilh a file when in smut
manner the tools slipped ami cut
a gash about two inches long near
the base of his thumb.
J. Hoy Applegale of Union was
in town between trains Wednes
day. He expects to take Ins show-
on the mad about the middle of
the month and may conclude to
open al Xehawka. Mr. Applegale
has a large, roomy lent, carries
about twelve people and has
reporloire of good plays. He has
been on the road for several vears
and is making good.
f Pencnn t
James Dysart shipped a car o
fat cattle to the South Omaha
market Tuesday.
Miss Ollie lleitter of Lincoln
visited over Sunday with Eagle
relatives and friends.
The little child of A. F. Hemaly
and wifo has been sick the past
few days, but is improving.
Mrs. A. V. Kennery of Murray
spent several days last week visit
ing with her daughter, Miss Agnes
Mrs. Flora Manker of Lincoln
visited last Saturday and Sunday
with her parents, T. R. Adams ami
Miss Mary Lambert returned to
her home at Superior Wednesday,
after several days' visit with her
Henry Spahnle, residing south
west of town, is owner of a new
F.-M-F. automobile, which ho
purchased last week in Omaha
Frank Hardy loaded his house
hold goods in a car Sal unlay am
shipped to Erirson, Neb., where
the family will make their futuro
home. Mrs. Hardy and children
left for their new new home Wed
nesday morning. Their many
friends wish them success and
W. J. Finke finished loading
his car Monday evening ant
Tuesday morning departed for
Faulkner, Kansas, where he owns
a farm. Mrs. Finke will remain
here a few days visiting with
relatives and friends. We regret
very much to lose Mr. and Mrs
Finke from our midst, but join
their many friends in wishing
them much success and content
ment in their new home.
G. II. Will, one of the enter
prising young farmers of Mynard
while in the city Saturday called
ami enrolled his name for the 01
Reliable, the, great household
necessity. Orover says he is los
in the country without the paper
that gives all the county news.
The Breckenridge Stock Company.
This company closed its week's
engagement in mis city aturaav
night by producing "The Cow-!
boy" to a large audience. The ,
ompany departed Sunday morn
ing for Eagle Grove, Iowa, where
they will play this week. The
Iu'ecke nridge Stock company is 1
composed of some most excellent
artists and they are all perfect
ladies and gentlemen, and it was
indeed a pleasure to meet them.
Mr. Brcckenridge is, all in all, a
gentleman and should he at any
time in the future return with his
excellent company to Plattsmouth
he will no doubt meet with a better
patronage than be did this time.
The Journal wishes every one of
the company the success they
truly deserve.
Miss Fern Grecnslatc was down
mil Omaha a few days last week
siting Klmwood friends.
Mrs. Blanche Ilarger and babv
laughter of Chicago arrived yes-
erday for a visit with her par
nfs, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Clapp.
Mr. and Mrs. Harshburger and
daughter of Richardson county
ame in Sunday morning to be in
attendance at the funeral of
Thomas Palton.
Uncle have Kunz is still con
fined to his bed chamber. While
ie doesn't seem to improve but
lightly, his general oendition is
more encouraging.
John McCaig of Omaha and
William McCaig of pouca City,
Oklahoma, have been here for
several days by reason of the
serious illness of their sister. Mrs.
Nihil Hall.
Calvin Crablree had the mis
orlune to have one of the bones
tf the index finger of his right
hand broken Monday in an effort
o remove a heavy tongue from
his seeder.
Johnnie Hoffman dislocated his
ankle Tuesday while unloading
lirt, the injury being sustained hv
an accidental fall from the wagon.
sought surgical aid im
mediately and is now resting as
easily as can be expected.
Down in Plattsmouth the
Woodmen are building a new
lodge hall. The edifice will be so
arranged as to be easily converted
into a meeting place for id her or
ganizations, or a public meeting
place, should the lodge member-
snip dwindle down after Januarv
1, next.
A marriage license was issued
in Lincoln Wednesday to A. New-
I in of this place and Mrs. Anna
Watts of Emerald. Neb., the mar
riage ceremony taking place in
the capital city. Mr. Newlin is a
prosperous farmer of this locality.
1 he Leader-hclio is pleased to
join his many friends in extend
ing hearty congratulations.
A big picnic at the country
home of Mr. ami Mrs. August
Bornemeier marked the closing
day of school for the children o
(dear (.reek and their teacher
Miss Merle Oust in. An elaborate
dinner with plenty of ice cream
was served to the eighty odd chil
dren present. Ball games and
other amusements were nar
ticipated in and enjoyed by all.
G. R. Olson Home for Sunday.
G. It. Olson, who has been rep
resenting the Olson Photo Co. of
this city in the various towns and
cities in southern Nebraska, came
home to Sunday with his family
Mr. Olson as usual has had a very
successful week's business, mak
ing a great many new pictures of
improvements of the towns he
visited, ami of course received a
great many new orders and met
many new customers for their
line of goods. The Olson Photo
Company are in a class by them
selves in this line of work, they
having during the past few years
had a great many imitators and
photo post card workers, but one
by one they have dropped from
the list until the home company
are comparatively alone in the
field. As the tdd saying goes,
there have been many photo post
card makers in Ibis section of the
world, but there is only one Olson
Company, and they are located at
Plattsmouth and they are doing
the work.
The Poor Knocker.
Pity the poor knocker, for he
knowelh not what he doelh. lie
saveth a penny in taxes and loseth
a dollar in increased value of his
town property. Many a man in
ignorance cuttelh off his own
proverbial proboscis to spite his
uxiomalie facial physiognomy,
and realizes not his misfortune
till the disfigurement is beyond
repair. He is more lo be pitied
than censured, for he alone suf
fered! the most.
Ilea Patterson and wife and .son
were passengers lo Omaha on the
morning I rain loday.
If a GIRL loves a BOY,
That's HER business;
If a BOY loves a GIRL,
That's HIS business;
If THEY get married
That's THEIR business;
But if they go to housekeeping and want a Sewing Machine,
Ve Sell Sewing Machines on Easy Pay
ments of 50 Gents Per Week!
SINGER 66 Ho Shuttle No Keedle Bar-No Noise
Several Used Machines $5.00 and Up!
Supplies, Needles, Shuttles, Oils, Belts.
REPAIRING any Make of Machine!
Office 2nd Door West of Crabill's Jewelry Store, Main Street.
Singer Sewing Machine Company
W. J. BROWN, Agent
A Great Advertlslna Medium for
Plattsmouth and Business Men
Who Assist In Its Publication
Tin1 magazine in course of
preparation by Mr. L. M. Carpen
ter, showing the business in
dustries of the city and beautiful
ly illustrated, has already reach
ed a circulation of 3,000 copies
and should not reach less than
2,0(K) more. This magazine will
prove to be one of the best ad
vertising mediums the business
interests of the city have had an
opportunity to contribute to for a
long time. The Commercial club,
realizing the importance of the
work, gave Mr. Carpenter an order
this morning for 1,(100 copies
The work will contain articles
from the pen of Superintendent
N. C. Abbott, Secretary of the
Commercial Club A. L. Tidd, Dr.
Frank Cummins and Rev. W. L.
Austin. It will also contain cuts
of the various business houses of
the city, the public buildings and
schools. The book will contain
thirty or more pages, each Dxi4
inches, and will be a mine of in
formation concerning every point
about which one would be apt to
Tlx' live business men of the
city are enthusiastic as to the
merits of the book, and there will
no doubt he many who have de
clined to subscribe who will re
gret their derision not to assist
the enterprise. It is undoubtedly
the best thing of the kind ever
put out in Plattsmouth and will,
wherever seen, attract attention
to our cily. This is the purpose
of the magazine, to bring in other
live wires and help build up the
town. Let the good work go on
and if you have not already se
cured space in the magazine, you
had better see Mr. Carpenter at
once, before the printer is through
with the work.
Band Concert and Dance.
The Hurlinglon band of this
city has arranged for a concert at
Jenkins' hall, in Murray, on Sat
urday evening, May 18. The boys
will give the citizens of Murray
the finest entertainment that was
ever given in that village, and as
it is given for the purpose of se
curing funds for the purchase of
new uniforms for the members of
the band the people should turn
out and give them a good audi
ence. After Hie concert a dance
will be given for the benefit of
those who love "lo trip the light
fantastic toe," the music to he
furnished by the M. V. A. or
chestra. Don't forget the date
Saturday, May 18.
(ieorge I.enhotT and wife and
children were over Sunday Guests
of Mr. LenholT's mother and sis
ter, returning to their home at
Omaha this morning.
St. Charles Red Cob 1910 White Corn; Silvermine,
white; Cornplanter, white; Early Learning, yellow;
1910 and 1911 common white corn; Ninety-day corn.
All our corn is grown within twenty miles of Ne
braska City and has been especially picked for seed
(Seed Merchant) Nebraka City, Nebraska
Good Roads.
The merchants and business?
men in general will have to take
more interest in the condition of
the highways in the vicinity of
Plattsmouth. Many of those
farmers for nine and ten miles
out complain, of the horrible con
dition of the roads in and around
this city, which should by all
means be in a better condition
than those farther out in the
county. There was a general
complaint here Saturday and they
seemed surprised that Platts
mouth business men took such
little interest in the good roads
proposition. The Commercial
club should get a move on them
in this direction, flood roads will
bring trade to town, when bad
ones will keep it away. In order
then to keep trade we must have
good roads or the people will go
in the direction where highways
are good. There is no occasion
for bad roads leading into the
county seat, and the sooner the'
merchants understand this the
William Dull Died Today.
William Dull, a prominent
citizen of Murray, died this morn
ing and the news was received at
the Journal olllce shortly before
going lo press, and for this rea
son we regret that we cannot fur
nish an obituary for this issue of
the Journal. Mr. Dull had re
sided in Murray for about two
years, having moved from his
farm near town to the village to
take charge of the Fanners' ele
vator. He was a good citizen,
an honest, upright man and haf
always stood high in the estima
tion of his neighbors. He had
been a resident of this county for
a great many years and had, by
his uniformly courteous treat
ment of everyone greatly endeared
himself to a large circle of
acquaintances. He leaves a wife
and other near relatives to mourn
his death. We hope to have a de
tailed obituary for tomorrow's
Fifteen Cases of Beer Stolen.
Some time Saturday night the
cold storage house in which Ed
Donat keeps his beer, near the
Burlington track, was broken
open and fifteen cases of John
Gund beer stolen. A portion of
the circus (rain was occupying
the track nearest the store house
and it is surmised that parties
connected with the show got the
beer, as the train left here about
midnight for llockport, Missouri,
where they exhibited today. The
John Gund beer is sold only by
Mr. Donat in this city, and it
could be easily traced, as this
brand is not sold south of Platts
mouth. Died In Kansas City.
Mrs. Clavt MofTell, wife of a
former Platlsinnuth young man,
died al a Kansas Cily hospital last
Saturday. Mr. Motrett is a U. S.
mail agent, running nut of Oma
ha on the Hurlinglon. He for
merly resided in this city and is
a brother of Robert Motl'elt of