The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 02, 1912, Image 2
E S SENTS BEAUTIFUL SOUTHERN STORY YOUNG U MEETS "Down Where the Cotton Blossom Grow" Pleases Large Audience at the Parmele Theater as the Company are Splendid Actors and Always Delightful in Their Acting. The Hreckenridge Slock com pany was greeted by a very re spectable audience at the Parmele last night to witness that beauti ful play of the old south, "Down Where the Cotton Mossoms Grow." And to say the large audience was well pleased but half expresses it. Harry Smith, as Richard Uoone Slanbury, sou of Old Kentucky, was a character well presented by Mr. Smith, who is an up-lo-dale actor. liertha Rennert, as Marian Chandler, a Louisiana heiress, held the reputation already established in I'lattsmouth as a most clever act ress and played her part to per fection and most pleasingly to those present. Fva Lappin, in the character of Tassie Chandler, a Southern Rosebud, as usual, played the part most charmingly. She is also very clever in all her parts and in Ibis one she did ex ceptionally well. Maud Folsom, in the character of Anastatia Lovejoy, a Yankee school mar'm, acted her part to perfection and demonstrated more than ever that, she was an accomplished actress. This article would not be com plete at all did we not, mention Charles Hrerkenridgc as 1. Whit aker, a Yankee lawyer, who, of course, played the part to perfec tion, and it could readily be seen that lie had captured the audience by the demonstrations made every time he appeared. The play was one of the best ever produced here and the com pany, in its entirety, deserves great, credit for the manner in which it was presented. The en tire cast is a capable one, and to gay the least, there is not a poor actor with the company. Tonight will be presented "Nebraska," and as the scenes of this great com edy are nearer home, should call forth an immense audience. The price of admission 10, 20 and U0 cents is within the reach of all, and no amusement-loving lady or gentleman in I'lattsmouth arid vicinity can afford to remain away. The llreckenridge company is deserving, because their plays are all first-class and every lady and gentleman of the cast are first class artists. Don't, fail to attend, and buy your tickets early in the evening and have them reserved at the Hotel lliley. I home, and since the death of Mr, lloolh she has decided that she would feel much more at home in that city. She leaves many warm friends in Plattsmouth, who will wish her well in her old home. SHRINERS OFF FOR Pleasant Birthday Surprise. Tuesday evening, April LIO, Mr. Fred Spanglcr was made the vic tim of a very pleasant surprise parly, which had been very secrel ly planned by his estimable wife in honor of his :i?lh birthday an niversary, all unknown lo him. When the large company of neighbors ami friends enlered the Spanglcr home and greeted him with "surprise," he was very much surprised, but in the mean time invited the jolly company in to Hie Spanglcr home and soon made them feel at home. The evening hours were devoted to all sorts of amusement s calculated to make the occasion a most, de lightful one, these amusements being interspersed with conversa tion, the leading topic, for the ladies being "incubators, "'and for the men "Teddy." An excellent luncheon, consisting of coffee, sandwiches, pickles, ice cream, cake and bananas, was served. It was a late hour when all wished Mr. Spanglcr many more happy returns of the day and dispersed. Those in attendance were: Messrs. anil Mesdames 11. W. Livingston mid family, I.. V. Nelson and family, S. A. Wiles ami family, Oscar (iapen ami family, (lien Perry, Arthur Troop, Fd Spanglcr, Grove Livingston and family, Joe Wiles, Cyrus Livingston of Weep ing Water, Misses Nettie and Til- lie Kaufman, Tony Jamla, Rachel and Jennie Livingston, Mrs. K. S. Mason, Messrs. Men Horning, Glen Wiles. 11. W. Wright, John Kauf man, Claude Higgs, Julius Pit.. There never was a time when people appreciated The real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Hcmcdv inore than now. This is shown by the increase in sales and volun lary lestimouials from persons who have been cured by il. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and become acquainted wit good ualilies. For sale by Fricke & Co. F its ( Injured on Repair Track. James Sedlak, a young Hohenii- an employed on the freight car re pair track at, the Murlingto; shops, had the misfortune Tues day to gel his left hand badly mashed. James was working un. der a car"" with cold-chisel am hammer culling off bolls, when his hammer caught, in the rods above and came down on the back of his hand wit 1 1 great force. A surgeon was visited at once am the injury dressed. James wil lav oil' for a I ime. Forest Hose Flour. The next time you need a sack of flour try a sack. You will find it the best on the market. i: Big show of Fine Suits now open to the public. (Next Saturday) Don't allow yourself to be turned aside by any side-shows or minor attractions; don't let any blare of trumpets or megaphones distract your attention from the main event the real show. You'll find it right here; a great display of the finest clothes ever made. Latest and best styles in new fabrics and color ings $15 to $30 WITH BAD AGC1DENT Will Make Home in St. Louis. Mrs. F.. II. llooth, who has made her home in this city for the past t e::t. e years, departed for St., Louis, Missouri, this morning, where she has manv relatives, and I where she will make her future' . ome. Mrs. (iraham. Mrs. Booth's im,8S map "lscnei(H seriously ler, returned to her home at I Injured in Omaha Yesterday Lincoln yesterday, after visiting1 While Going to Depot. Men lljwifli fivtip SSniwlav ftt I .ouis was Mrs. Booth's former' LOS ANGELES. COUNCIL W. White of This City to Ac company a Party of 135 on Special Train. . W. White will leave Friday morning for Omaha, where he will join the 1.15 other Shriners, ind with a special train of nine oaches, will leave Omaha at 11:30 a. m. over the Union Pacific, arriving in Los Angeles at 8:30 p. m. Sunday, making the trip without any delays in two days and nine hours. The special train will consist of a baggage car. a liner and seven Pullmans. Mr. While goes for the trip to gel, a short rest and whet his ap petite and will be away two weeks. The special will go out via Ogden, Salt Lake and Las Vegas and will mi through some of the finest scenery in I he United States. The ourisls can choose any route they please on the return trip. The committee on arrange ments has prepared a fine pro gram for every day thai the Shriners will lie in Los Angeles mil the parly will go by boat to Smii ! en neisen Tim imimrml ouncil meeting convenes during the week commencing Mav 5. Monday, May (!. will be Pasadena ly and the visitors will make a trip to Pasadena and will have free tickets and are invited lo in spect Hie Lawston ostrich farm. There will be special excursions for the imperial council officers, representatives and their ladies. Fach day following will be de voted to excursions lo the nearbv pleasure resorts. There will be excursions to Santa Monica bay, Long lteach, including free ocean ... . . excursions, automobile 'rides about the city, free carnival on the pike, scenic railway free. Special al lent ion will be paid to the entertainment of the ladies accompanying the Shriners. The occasion is the Ihirly-eighlh an nual convention of the imperial council of the Shriners and lasls for three days. There will be officers' representatives nresent from every council in the Fniled Slates. Miss Mary Hobscheidt, who had been teaching near Kenosha and had just finished her school, met with an unfortunate accident yes terday afternoon in Omaha. Miss Hobscheidt and Miss Anna More ley went to Omaha yesterday, and in boarding a street car, or alight, ing from one, as the young ladies were making they- way up town to the Burlington station, Miss Hobscheidt was struck by a pass ing car, or fell from a moving car, it is not certain which, and was rendered unconscious. It is supposed the young ladies were going to the station to catch No. 11, as the 'phone message of the accident was not received by Miss Hobscheidt's parents until about 9 o'clock. The message came from Miss Moreley and ony slat ed that Miss Hobscheidt was in jured and in a semi-conscious condition and gave no details of how the accident happened. The unfortunate young lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hob scheidt, and Mrs. William Morley left for Omaha on the first train this morning. Mr. Hobscheidt understood that his daughter had been taken to St. Joseph's hospital and that Miss Moreley was with her, but he tried for over an hour last evening, from 11 to 12 o'clock, to get in telephonic com munication with Miss Morley, but failed lo do so. He was under I he impression that his daughter was very seriously if not fatally injured. Since the above was put in typo Mr. and Mrs. Hobscheidt, accom panied by Miss Moreley and her mother, brought. Miss Hobscheidt home on No. 2 5. The young lady was able to walk to Hie hack by being assisted by Miss Moreley. The accident occurred near the nurliiiglon station at Omaha and was tne lauit oi ine nioiorinan starling the car before the pa sengers had all alighted. Miss Hobscheidt was thrown backward, falling on the pavement with such force as to rentier her uncon scious. A gentleman on I lie car sprang lo her assistance, and in doing so broke his own arm, but with his other hand pulled Miss Hobscheidt out of danger of being run over by the car wheels. Th injured jady was taken lo a near by drug r-tore and an ambulanci sent for, when she was removeii to St. Catherine hospital. Jas. C. Dahlinan. serving his third term as mayor of Omaha, Neb., again was successful in re ceiving the overwhelming support of the voters in the primary elec tion. He also successfully rid himself of a bad case of kidney trouble by the aid of Foley Kid ney Pills, and writes: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have given ine a great deal of re lief, so f cheerfully recommend them." What Foley Kidney Pills have done for Mayor Dahlinan they will do for any other person bothered with backache, rheuma tism, or any other form of kidney or bladder trouble. Just try them for quick and permanent results. For sale by F. (i. Fricke & Co. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Sheriff Hyers Bound Over. The preliminary hearing of Sheriff (ius Hyers of Lancaster county and Chief of Police Briggs of South Omaha was completed yesterday at Papillion. The case against Deputy Fire Warden Trouton was dismissed, but after hearing the evidence and argu ment of attorneys, the examining magistrate held Sheriff Hyers and Chief Briggs for manslaughter in connection with the killing of Roy Blunt, a young Sarpy county farmer, at the lime the officers were hying lo effect the capture of escaped convicts. According to the testimony, Blunt was killed by a gun held either by Hriggs or Hyers, so these men wen" held, each in the sum of $2,500, which bond they gave at once. Henry herns, lladar, .Neb., is the father of ten children and for Hie past 20 years lias used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound with the best of results. He tells us "I think Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is Hie best, cought medicine in the world, for I have used it for the past 20 years and can recommend it to anyone need ing a cough medicine." For sale by F. (5. Fricke & Co. With Strelght & Strelght. (ieorge Tartsrh has moved his upholstering and furniture r pairing shop to the Streight Streight furniture store on North Sixth street, where he will make a specialty of this line of work Mr. Tartech is now better pre pared than ever to do high grade work in this line, and will be pleased to meet all his old customers and friends, and also as many new ones as desire work in his line. Now is the time to get, rid of your rheumatism. You can do it by applying Chamberlain's Lini ment and massaging the parts freely at each application. For sale by F. (i. Fricke & Co. Mrs. Win. A. Allen, Chacon New Mexico, had so severe a cough that it nearly choked her to death Mr. Allen says: "We tried many things without helping her, when hv good luck. I got a bottle o Foley's Honey and Tar Conipoutu It helped her at once and finally cured her. It is the best medicine we ever used." For sale by F. G Fricke & Co. Convention May 3, 4 and 5. The Fast Nebraska Distrit Woman's Missionary convention will hold their twenty-fifth annua convention in this city at the M K. church May 3, and r. A very interesting program has been ar ranged and there will be about 75 delegates in attendance. The "Clothes Beautiful" are the clothes we in vite you to see in our new spring line. We cannot think of an ex pression that more truly fits the case. In all our experience of clothes selling have we seen more beau tiful models of perfection or more beautiful combinations of shades and colorings. You owe it to yourself to see these clothes before making any pur chases. We shall delight in showing you and invite you to come in any time. Our Qual ity Line $20 to $35. Lesser Quality $8 to $18. Our new spring hats are "in the ring." C.E.Wescott'sSons ALWAYS THE HOME OF SATISFACTION! NO CAUSE 10 DDUBT A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee immediate and positive relief fo all sufferers from constipation. In every case where our remedy fails lo do this we will return the money naid us for it. That's a frank statement of facts, and we want you to sub stantiate them at our risk. Hexall Orderlies are eaten just like candy, are particularly prompt and agreeable in atcion, may be taken at any time, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea,' nausea, griping, excessive loose- ness, or other undesirable f-; feels. They have a very mild but positive action upon Hie organs with which they come in contact, apparently acting as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcom ing weakness, and aiding to re store the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Hexall Orderlies are unsurpas sable and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of constipation and its attendant evils. That's why we back our faith in them with our promise of money back if they do not give entire satisfac. lion. Three sizes: 12 tablets 10 cents, .11) tablets 25 cents and HO tablets 50 cents, llenieniber, you can obtain Hexall Remedies in Platlsmouth only at our store The Hexall Store. F. (i. Fricke & Co. Making Ready for Saturday. There has been several in quiries for "kids" big enough lo walk and point at the animals, and those having any to spare w.ould do well to see Judge Archer, B. A. McKlwain, Henry Coos, and if we hear of others we will let you know. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Noth ing helped ine until I used Doan's Ointment. The result was last ing." Hon. John H. (iarrctt, Mayor, Oirard, Ala. White Plymouth Rock Eggs. White Plymouth Uocx eggs for sale at $3.00 per hundred. Mrs. Ceo. A. Kaffenberger, It. F. I). No. 2. I'lattsmouth. Mrs. M. Hishop, Columbus, Kansas, sulVered from a weak back a good many years, as a re sult of kidney trouble. "I began taking Foley Kidney Pills and soon after the pain left my back and today I am fully cured." For sale by F. ('. Fricke A Co. J. T. Porter and wife of Murray ami D. B. Porter and wife of Union were Platlsmouth visitors today, having driven to the county seat to do some shopping. See Baurer's add on engines. F. O. FAerelt of Iowa stopped in Plattsmouth this afternoon for a few hours, being en route to Mur dock to visit bis daughter, Miss Violet Fverett. XOTICK OK SI IT. Cora L. Shay, Surah M. Mess, Wallace Hess, franklin W. Creamer, Ada May (reamer, John A. Wright, Kthel Wright, John (iroff, sr., Phoebe GrolT, ( harles .1. Groff, Ira C. GrolT, Mary A GrolT. Clara J. Groff and Heliee K. Groff defendants, will take notice that on the 24th day of April, 1912, Isaiah L. Creamer, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition, In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said de fendants and others, the object and prayer of which are to determine the rights of all of said parties in and to the west half of the north east quarter of Section 13, Township 10, North, liange 9, East of the 6th P. M., in Cass County, Nebraska, and to partition the same according to the respective rights of the parties to said action and if the same cannot he equitably divided that said premises will be sold and the pro ceeds thereof be divided between the parties according to their respective rights. Voii and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the ;;rd day of June, 1912. Dated this 24th day of April, 1912. ISAIAH L. CKEAMEIt, Plaintiff. Uy D. O. DWiEK, His Attorney. NOTICE OF SAI.K. Notice Is hereby Riven that by virtue of a chattel mortgage, dated June 15th, 1911, and duly filed In the office of the county i.'iern or (Jass County, Ne braska, on the 30th day of June. 1911, nnd executed by Harry Mattice to Ben 1111. to secure the payment of the sum. of $600.00, and upon which there Is now due the sum of $300.70. The said Harry Mattice, having abandoned the mortgaged property hereinafter described and thereby mak ing default, and said mortgagee deem ing himself Insecure In the payment of said sum; that no suit or other pro ceedings at law having been Instituted to recover said debt or anv part there of therefore, I will sell the property therein described to-wlt: One Avery Engine, 16 horse-powerr one Avery threshing separator No. 3756, with wind stacker and self-feeder com plete, and one Avery water tank, at public auction at the house of Nick Frledrlch, one mile south of Murray, In Cass County. Nebraska, on the 11th dav of May, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m. of sahl dav. Dated April 18th, 1912. BEN DILL, Mortgagee. XOTICK OK ADMIMSTH TIO. To All Persons Whomsoever: Notice Is hereby given that a peti tion has been filed In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, entitled In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas J. Fountain, Deceased, and alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and testament and pravlng for ad ministration upon ills estate. A hearing will be had upon said petition on the 18th day of May, 1912, at the County Court Hoom at Platts mouth, Nebraska, at 10 o'clock A. M., when any and all objections to such petition will be heard, and letters of administration be granted to Isabella A. McGlnness or some other Bultable person to proceed to the settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and-the seal of said Court at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this 21th day of April, 1912. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge. D. O. DWYEU, Attorney for Estate. J. F. McKeen, 1301 Cleveland St., Wichita, Kansas, reports: "1 suffered from kidney trouble, had severe pains across my back and was all played out. I began tak ing Foley Kidney Pills and soon there was a decided improvement. Finally the pain left entirely and I am fully cured of all my kidney trouble." For sale by F. (i. Fricke & Co. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' Fclectic Oil for such emergencies. Two sizes, 25c and r0c, at all stores. C)vSEED CORNEZD St. Charles Red Cob 1910 White Corn; Silvermine, white; Cornplanter, white; Early Learning, yellow; 1910 and 1911 common white corn; Ninety-day corn. All our corn is grown within twenty miles of Ne braska City and has been especially picked for seed purpose. -EDWARD BARTLING SEED COMPANY - (Seed Merchant) Nebraska City, Nebraska