The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 29, 1912, Image 7

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From Friday's Daily.
Mrs. V. B. Roberts of Ashland
arrived today to visit Mrs. R. 11.
Patton for a time.
Ben Dill of near Murray drove
to Plattsmouth tins morning and
boarded No. 15 for Omaha.
William Sperry of Weeping
Water was in the city today look
ing? after business -matters.
Martin Steppat and wife came
in from Blair on the afternoon
train today and will visit relatives
for a few days.
John Campbell of Rock Blufl's
was a Plattsmouth visitor this
morning, looking after business
matters for a few hours.
Peter Keil and wife were pas
sengers to Omaha on the morn
ing train today, where they look
ed after business matters for a
few hours.
Mrs. Charles Miller and daugh
ter returned from Omaha on No.
2 last night, reporting Fred Mil
ler as improving since his last
Lig Brown, the Kenosha mayor,
was in the city today looking af
ter business matters at the stores.
Lig reports good progress with
the farming in his locality.
E. M. (iodwin and wife drove in
from the farm today and did some
shopping. Mr. (iodwin reports
the wheat as growing tine since
the half-inch rain of a few days
Harry Smith came in from his
farm home (his morning and left
for Omaha on the early train. Mr.
Smith says he never saw garden
stuff grow nicer than his has this
John MeDaniel, who has been
employed at Olenwood for some
time, arrived home this morning
and departed this afternoon for
Louisville, where he will visit his
6on for a few days.
J. S. Hall returned from Spald
ing, Nebraska, yesterday and
visited his family for a short
time, departing in the afternoon
for Silver City, Iowa, on busi
ness for his house.
Earl Beezley, the
horse buyer, arrived
hawka yesterday aflernoon and
will buy some good horses if he
can get them. Otto Carroll, the
Nchawka liveryman, drove Mr.
Beezley to libs city.
W. M. Richards, a prominent
farmer from the vicinity of South
Bend, was attending to some
business matters in this city to
day, and while here look lime to
call at this office and have his
name enrolled on our large Semi
Weekly list.
from Ne
From Monday's Daily.
P. H. Dwyer was a passenger to
Omaha on the morning train to
day. Miss Cirace Newbranch viited
Omaha relatives and friends Sat
urday, returning on No. 2.
Sam Schwab of near Murray
was in the county seat Saturday
looking after business affairs for
a few hours.
Henry Horn of Cedar Creek
drove in to the county seat Satur
day and visited with friends for a
few hours.
H. M. Meeker of Grenwood was
in the city Saturday afternoon and
registered as a guest of the
Plattsmouth hotel.
Miss Eleanor Todd returned
from Omaha on the afternoon
train today, where she visited with
friends over Sunday.
Mrs. F. W. Hager of Lincoln
arrived Saturday to be a guest of
her sister, Mrs. A. L. Tidd, and
other relatives for a short time.
J. J. Kirks of Murray returned
to bis home this morning, having
spent Sunday in Omaha, return
ing on No. 2 last evening.
A. A. Wetencamp was in the city
Saturday afternoon looking after
business mailers which demand
ed his personal attention.
Sam Smith and wire and Mark
White and wife visited the me
tropolis for the day, going on the
early train this morning.
Martin Steppat t and wife re
(Urned to Blair this morning, af
tcv visiting with their sons in this
City since Friday afternoon.
Henry Baughman and wife
urove in irom ttieir Home near
Cedar Creek Saturday and looked
afler the week-end trading.
Ed Tritsch visited Plallsmoulh
friends Saturday and looked afler
some mismess mailers wnicn re
quired his personal attention.
Oeorge Thierolf of Cedar Creek
was a Plallsmoulh visitor today,
having run down on No. i for a
few hours' visit in Hie counlv seal.
Oeorge Meisinger of Cedar
Creek was in I he ictv Saturday
and visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Meisinger, for a few
P. A. Hild drove in from the
farm in Ml. Pleasant precinct and
boarded the fast mail for Omaha
to get some repairs for his farm
In Plattsmouth Saturday, May 4
And Don't Fall to See Great
Thrilling Free Act.
No matter what engagements
you have made for Saturday, May
i, the day and date that Cole
Brothers United Shows will ex
hibit in Plattsmouth, both day and
ight, break them now. Even if
you cannot attend the afternoon
or evening performance you can
ill afford to miss viewing the
gorgeous street parade at 10 a. m.
and the thrilling free out-of-
oors exhibition to be given im
mediately afterwards on the show
grounds and again at 6:30 p. m.
If necessary, miss former, but not
latter, which will prove the
biggest surprise treat of the year.
M'lle Zizzi, one of the fariest
daughters of France, has been
specially engaged by Cole Broth,
rs to "span death's arch" upon a
lender bicycle and this she does
twice daily. This is an act which
has never been attempted before
by any woman, even the most
fearless of whom gasp wilh horror
every time they witness it. What
no other lady cyclist would ever
dream of trying, M'lle Zizzi ac
complishes every week-day morn
ing and evening with as much un
concern as (he average person
would exhibit when partaking of
tinner. Ascending a tall fragile
wooden incline plane to the top,
mounting a light bike and riding
toward the earlh at terrific speed,
then arching a 55-foot death
gap and landing upon the other
side in safety is the frightful feat
executed by Ibis intrepid beauty.
There is absolutely no charge
made, it is presented in the open
air as staled above, free to all who
isit the show lot. Remember the
lale Saturday, May S.
From Saturday's Daily.
P. 11. Hild and family, from
near Mynard, were in the city to
day. Mrs. A. F. Seybert, from near
Culloni, was a Plattsmouth visit
or today.
Mrs. Joseph Sans and daughter,
Miss Huhla, went to Omaha this
Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. McQuinn,
from Union, were up to attend the
Red Men banquet last evening.
Miss Eleanore Todd left for
Omaha this aflernoon, where she
will visit friends over Sunday.
O. B. Polk of Lincoln was a
Plattsmouth visitor today, look
ing afler professional business.
W. I). Foster of Union was a
Plaltsnioulh visitor today, visit
ing his daughter, Miss Mary
County Attorney C. H. Taylor
was called to Louisville yeslerday
aflernoon on business for the
A. Koubek and daughter. Lil
lian, and John Jirousek were
Omaha passengers on the morn
ing Irnin today.
James Holmes anil wife and son
motored up from their home at
Murray this aflernoon and visited
Plattsmouth friends.
John Kreager of Ml. Pleasant
precinct drove in from his home
this morning and spent the day
with Plaltsnioulh friends.
Charles Countryman and wife
came -up from their home near
Murray this afternoon and board.
eI the fast mail for Omaha.
C. L. Craves, F. A. Finkle and
numerous others from, in and
near Union, were up last evening
to attend the Red Men banquet.
Mrs. T. S. Handley, who has
been visiting her mother and
brother, Paul, in this city, depart-
ei ior oiiiana on the morning
train today lo isit her brother
and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of
near Murray were visitor in Ibis
city yesterday. Mrs. Campbell
cnlled at this olllced and renewed
tbeir subscription (o this pap
for another year.
J. P. Schroeder and son o
Cedar Creek were attending to
some business matters in this
city today and called at this offlco
and renewed I her subscriptions
Mrs. Oeorge Horn and daugh
ter, Ines, returned to their home
al Omaha on the morning train
today, after visiting the Charles
Merger home for a short time. .
Oeorge A. Meisinger of Cedar
Creek visited the county seat Sat
urday, having driven in lo do his
week's shopping and also to visit
friends for a few hours.
J. (1. Meisinger and daughters
Lorine and Helen, drove in from
their home in Eight Mile Grove
Saturday and visited their Platls-
moulli friends for a time and
looked afler the week-end shop
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Lohnes am
three children, Raymond. Esther
and Howard, of Cedar Creek
were visitors in this cily Satin
day. Mr. Lohnes called al this
olllcc and renewed his subscrip
lion lo this paper for anolhe
T. E; Todd and wife and Mr
Todd's mother, Mrs. Ed Todd
were PlatKinoulh visitors Salnr
day. Mr. Todd says (he wheat on
the bottom land is in line condi
(ion and has made a good growth
The ridge plantings have not
grown quite so well.
Henry Theirolf. jr.. Jeff Sals
burg, manager of the Cedar Cree
baseball club, and George
isriirauer or t.eiiar i;reek were
visitors in this city today. They
were pleasant callers at this ollic
ami winie here Mr. incimir re
newed his subscription lo tin
paper for another year.
Louis Friedrich, one of the
prosperous young fanners of near
Cedar Creek, was in the cily Sat
uniay looKing alter I lie week-en
(railing and paying a visit lo his
father, Commissioner M. L. Fried
rich. Mr, Friedrich left his sub
script ion for Ibis hoiisehol
necessity, which will keen him
posted on the county seat happen
Judge Beeson issued a inarirage
license Saturday afternoon to Mr
i.naries v . iiulcluns or Weeping
Water and Miss Nellie R. Norris
of Avoca. The bride is a daugh
ler of E. II. Norris of near Avne
and Mr. Hulchins is a son
Miner llulrrnns, a prosperou
farmer of Weeping Water, the
families being among the inns
highly respected m the county
Having resided nere ror inanv
Tlio rpadliics below are taken at the
HurllnKton depot, where the ther
mometer 1h placed under conditions
similar to those used by the I'nlted
Slates weather hureau:
8 a. Ill ... . 18 1 p. Ill ... . 55
10 a. in 50 I 2 p. in 57
For Nebraska Fair Monday.
Tuesday, increasing cloudiness;
probably followed by showers.
Carnation Ball Great Success.
The grand ball given by the
Cosmopolitan club at Coales' hall
Safurday night was a great suc
cess, socially and olherwise. The
committee on arrangements look
ed afler every detail necessary to
the comfort and enjoyment of the
dancers. The hall was handsome
ly decorated wilh red and while
streamers suspended from the
center to the balcony from side
to side, making a beautiful canopy
above the merry dancers. The
floor was perfect and the music
inspiring, being furnished by the
M. W. A. orchestra, and was up to
(he high standard long ago made
by this popular musical organiza
tion. Many out-of-town guests
were present, Omaha, Glenwood,
Pacific Junction and other sur
rounding towns being represented.
Beautiful carnations were pre
sented to each lady and gentleman
participating in the dance.
Trouble With Track Over.
The K. C. trains, which have
been running via Plaltsnioulh for
a week, resumed Iheir track on
the east side of the river yester
day, the danger al Folsom having
temporarily been averted. The
(rack was never so that the trains
could not run over it, but the work
trains taking material to the
washout were in constant need of
the track. The danger of the
change of channel is past for the
present, and I he company will no
doubt use Hie month which is to
elapse before the June rise in
riprapping a mile or more of the
bank at that place. The bank has
fallen away to within a few feet
of the track, but it can ami prob
ably will be stopped where it is.
i 1 TIME IS HERE! c3
And we are HERE with the Largest and Best Line of Floor Cover
ings ever shown in Plattsmouth. When you are wanting
Oil Cloth, Linoliums, Rug Fillings, Window
Shades and Stair Pads!
Special on a 27-inch by 56-inch Axminister Rug for ONE
WEEK ONLY $1.98. Ask to see this Rug!
Receives Nice Present.
F.l Mranlner, the Angora cat
fancier, presented H. A. Bales,
publisher of the Journal, with a
line Angora kitten a few days ago.
The kitten is as line a speciman
of this beautiful species of cats
as one would see in many a day.
Her fur is long, white and silken
and Mr. Bates prizes the killen
very highly, as it comes from dis
tinguished ancestry, the sire of
the killen being soltj for several
hundred dollars. Mr. Branlner
has raised several Angorias dur
ing the past Iwo years which he
has sold for from $25 to $50
each. In fact, this species is
valued very highly by Ihe cily folk
who desire something for a pet.
Miss Hose McGuire and Miss
Olsen of Glenwood returned to
Iheir homes last evening on No. 2,
having visile! friends over Sun
The Breckenridge Stock Company.
The Breckenridge company was
greeted by a large audience last
evening to witness the rendition
of "The Political lioss." The
characters were all well taken and
presented in a most pleasing
manner. The company is a strong
i one and the specialties were ex
ceptionally guild. This evening
the company will present "Down
Where the Cotton Blossoms
Grow." It is one of Ihe strongest
plays presented by I his company.
Tomorrow evening Ihe company
will close their engagement, in this
cily and al that lime will present
a most interesting play with all
specialties. Nebraska Cily News.
Clerk of the District Court
James lloberlson and wife were
Omaha passengers on Ihe morn
ing train today, where I hey visit
ed friends for the day.
L ve Stock Dealer
Nchawka, Nebraska
is ready to make you the most liberal
offer on anything you have for sale in
the stock line.
Get His Prices Before Selling
F.d Hynotl, the Main street
druggist, was called lo Omaha
this morning lo interview the job.
hers for a short lime.
Don Leonard relumed lo Oma
ha this afternoon, having visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. V.
Leonard", over Sunday.
Red Polled Calves.
I have live high grade pedigreed
Hed Poll bull calves for sale. Also
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs at
75c per setting.
Alf. Nickels, Route 1, Murray.
Misses Alice and Nellie Brink
man arrived on No. 2 Saturday
aflernoon and visited Ihe home
folks until Sunday afternoon,
when she returned lo her
Grain Cleaning.
I have jusl purchased a new
cleaning machine and am pre
pared to clean all kinds of grain
and grass seeds; also seed corn.
Alf. Nickels, Route 1, Murray.
Many hundreds of well satisfied customers who have attended will admit that we
have the very hest bargains in
loaks, Suits and Millinery
to be found in the city today. We are receiving almost daily new creations in
the lines of New Suits, Skirts and Dresses; Coats for Ladies and Misses; Waists
and all Summer Goods, and are going in this sale at prices that defy competition.
Remember that we have a Large
Sample Line
all this season's latest styles in Suits, that we are offering at this time at a dis
count of 25 per cent. Take advantage of this opportunity while they last.
In Our Gents' Department
we are offering you a New Spring Line of Clothing for Men and Boys; Gents' Fur
nishings and Shoes at a price that we know you cannot duplicate in this or any
other city. Remember that this line is all new not shelf worn nor shoddy goods,
but bought this season from the leading manufacturers. We do not allow goods
to become shelf worn in our store.
Call and see us during this Spring Sale, and we will convince you that we
speak the truth in our advertisements.
danger's Department Store
I V. ZUCKER, Manager
Plattsmouth, Nebraska