The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 29, 1912, Image 6
HOW JESUS PREACHED TO SPIRITS IN PRISON Wbo Thsy Are and What Was Tiislr Offense. "CAST DOWN TO TARTARUS," Pastor Ruuell, at Georgia's Capital, Tells How Angeli One Materialized and Took to Themselves Wives From Among the Daughters of Men Fate of Dead of Titanic Disaster Pointed Out From Scripture. Atlanta, Go, April 2S.-Whlle we weep with the sur vivors of the "Ti tan iv" disaster, let tm thunk God that a better understand ing of tho Bible en ables us to sorrow not hopelessly. Not long ugo, misguid ed by our creeds of Mm Dark Ages, we would have asked, '.'TisiiJ!j Were any of the l.'OO who perished minlitt And assured that very few of then) would have claimed to lie Hiilnts, we would huve concluded that all tho remainder pluiiK ed &ii to a Catholic purgatory of terror, or worse, to h Protestant hell of eternal torture. Even the Isles of their great gal lantry and heroism would not have Altered the decision which would have hung over the question. Did they con fess Jesus in word and deed? we would have nsked. Were they church members? This Is the same argu ment used respecting the DO.(XX) heath en who die every day In tho your, "going down Into Christies graven," the "London Missionary Society" truly tag, but menus and Is understood to mean into I'hrlstless eternul torture! Now, how different! Now wo boo that n faithful, elect Church Is being selected during this Age; that in the next Ago they with Jesus may assist, bless, uplift all the non-elect to an earthly salvation to human perfection, In the new raradlse-Earth.-whleb Messiah's Kingdom will usher In. Thus, only the wilfully tricked will ever be annihilated. Hut our old errors die hurd; because we have twisted the Bible to fit them. For Instance, let us consider St. Pe ter's words: "Christ also liiith onco suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened In the spirit, by which two experiences death and resurrect Ion J He preach ed unto the spirits In prison."-1 Pe ter III. IS, 1!. This text, said Pastor Itussell. has been made tho basis for somo peculiar presentations. From It some have de duced an Intermediate state lasting between deatli and the resurrection. Others hare claimed It as an authority lor the doctrine of Purgatory. The difficulty in every case seems to be tho failure to remember that the Itlble always and everywhere teaches that the dead are really dcml, that they know nothing, and that, therefore, It would be Impossible, to do any preach ing to tho dead humans. Undoubted ly tho theory that people are more nlivo after they die than when they were alive Is responsible for nearly all of tho foolish things which we have all at some (line professed to believe Before dismissing the thought that these "spirits In prison" are human spirits, let us note the fact that to say, "human spirits." Is an absurdity if Itself, because human beings are not spirits and spirit beings are not liumans. "Who maketh Ills angels spirits," bt the Scriptural proposition. True, we do sometimes speak of hu mans as possessing a spirit of life, but by this we merely menu that he pos sesses the power or energy of life, and the same would bo equally true of the lower orders of creation, beasts, Qsh. fowl, etc. Again, we sometimes speak of the Church as spirit beings begotten of the Holy Spirit. Thus tho Apostle speaks of the natural man lu contrast with tho New Creature, a spirit being. To appreciate (Ids statement we must remember that the Church class re ceives the begetting of the Holy Spirit to tho end that, If faithful, they may nttaln unto a spirit resurrection and becomo spirit beings, like unto tho an gels and like to tho lledeemer. But we are not spirits yet, except by faith by hope, nowever, the context shows that the Apostle had no reference to tho Church, either: we wore not in prison; we iwclved tho Message of sal tation through tho Apostles. 8pirite Ones Disobedient Tho spirits to whom the mcssagt. tvtts given had proven themselves dis obedient, says St. Peter. He even tells us tho time of their disobedience, namely, that It was "In the days of Noah, while the ark was preparing.' Purely, If noticing theso particulars mentioned In the context, no one would be excusable for misunderstanding this Scripture and considering it In any way nppllcablo to humanity of our day cr to humanity in general. However, It Is helpful to us to learu the full par tlculurs of tho matter. What was their disobedience, and when and how were they Imprisoned T Turning to Genesis l, 1-5, we fjud there the cause of the disobedience of those angels, who for a time had boon permitted to see what they could do IMPOUSSEIL)' for the uplift of humanity, or, rather, permitted to demonstrate that the downward tendency of sin Is incurable except In the manner which God has already arranged for through Messiah and Ills glorious reign of a thousand years. Instead of those impels helping man kind out of sin they helped themselves into sin, and by so doing they Increased the depravity amongst humanity until the astounding record Is that "the wick edness of man was great in the earth, and that every Imagination of the thought of bis heart wus only evil con tinually." The particular sin of those angels was that when they were grant ed the privileges of materializing of taking human bodies for the sake of helping and Instructing mankind they misused this power and took to them selves the daughters of men for wives. Thus these angels came gradually to prefer to live ns men amongst men and to rear earthly families rather thau to abide in the condition in which they were created -spirit beings, higher than huninns. Not only was this wrong In the sense that It was taking a course in opposition to the Divine arrangement, but it was wrong also because the thing was done for the cul tivation and gratification of lust, and It led to their own moral defilement as well as having a baneful Influence upon humanity; for we can readily see that for the angels, of superior powers and Intelligence, to become lenders In lustful practices would mean a great Influence upon mankind toward sin. Wo are particularly told that the off spring of this Improper union between the angels and the daughters of men were giants, both physlcully and men tally superior to the fallen human fam ily "men of renown." And this state ment, that they were "men of re nown," wus at a time when manhood's estate was reached at a hundred years, and Implies that God did not Interfere to hinder or stop tho progress of sin for perhaps several centuries. In the meantime the race had become so cor rupt that apparently only Nonh and his family were uncontamlnnted all others had mor.e or less come under the Influence, directly or Indirectly, of these fallen angels or their giant sons. Hence, of Noah It was written (not that ho was a perfect man, but), "Now Noah was perfect lu bis generation" (uncontamlnated) and his family appar ently the same. Hence these alone were saved In tho ark. while nil the re mainder, more or less contaminated, were destroyed by the flood. "In Chains of Darkness." It was then and there that God im prisoned those spirits, angels, who kept not their first estute, nnd nre therefore culled fallen angels, devils, demons. They were not Imprisoned In some far off world called hell, nor are they en gaged there In stoking fires for the tor ture of poor humanity. Following the leading of the Scriptures we find that when the flood came they were not de stroyed because, while their fleshly bodies which they ussuuied might In deed perish, yet they would merely de luuterlullze, or ussuuie their spirit con ditions again. The rocord Is that God cust them down, that He condemned them to an overthrow that they might not any longer associate wt'.h the holy angels, but must bo reserved In tartarux our earth's atmosphere. Here they were Imprisoned, not lu a special place, but In the sense of having their liberties restrained. "In chains of durkness." They were no longer permitted to ma terialize and thus to nssoclate with hu manity. These things nre distinctly told us by St. Jude nnd St. Peter (J tide 0; li Peter 11, 4, fi)-nn explana tion lu full harmony wllh the Genesis account of their fall. Once Disobedient Still Disobedient We of course cannot know that all of those I'uUcu angels nre still lu a dis loyal condition of heart. Ou the con trary, In harmony with our text, we may suppose that some of these fallen angels have since repented of their wrong course and It would be none too strong a way to stale the mutter- that any such repentant ones would surely huve terrible experiences us a result To be obliged to bo In close touch and relationship with the more evil and malignant ones and to have knowledge of all their evil designs and efforts would ho a terrible experience and, besides this, we may be sure that tho rebellious would not hesitate to persecute the repentant ones lu every coucelvablo manner, us they would be luwless, regardless of the Divine will. On the other hand, tho repentant ones would be obliged to restrain themselves and to not render evil for evil, knowing that this would be con trary to tho Divine will. In other words, repentant ones amongst those fallen spirits, Influenced by tho preach ing of Jesns or otherwise, would have a kind of purgatorial experience, and the thought calls forth our sympathy. When Imprisoned or cut off from the privilege of luaterlnllintlon, many of tho fallen spirits, we know not what proportion, coutluued their active op position to God, after tho manner of Satan. Hence they nre spoken of as his angels, his messengers, his serv ants and he Is spoken of as Beelzebub, the Prince of Demons. Satan, who sinned much earlier than the othors, and lu a different way, the Scriptures tell us was an angel of a higher rank, or a higher nature, and this superiori ty of his has inado him tho Prince or ruler over the hosts of fallen spirits. Fighting Against God. The fight of Sntau and his fallen an geli Is against God, against all who are In harmony with Illm, against all the regulations of righteousness, and against all the channels and servants whom the Lord may uso. St. Paul's words along this tine are forceful: he remarks that God's people conteud not merely "with flesh and blood." but also i and the question arises, "Who is sufil dent for these tilings?" The reply that none is sufficient; without the aid of th Uedeemer His church would be quite overcome and vanquished by evil. Likewise, without the Redeemer's aid through His Kingdom, without the binding of Satan, without our Lord's releasing of the world from the bond age of sin and death, there would be no hope of the world's recovery from Us present bondage. But with the Apostle we exclaim, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Roinuns vill. 31.) Through Mediums and Obaessions. Satan's original plan of attack was to bring our race. under his Influence by misrepresentation by putting darkness for light and light fur darkness for in stance, the temptation under which Mother Eve fell. Satan there repre sented himself ns Eve's friend, giving her sound advice. lie represented God as having a selfish motive behind Ills tominnnd that our first parents should not eat of tho tree of the knowledge of good nnd evil. Satan declared that God had told an untruth when He said that the penalty for sin would be death. Sutan declared thut mnn cannot die. And has he not since kept up the same line of falsification? And has he not deceived the whole world upon this very subject? Do not all peoples In every land believe that when a man dies he does not die, but gets more alive exactly Sutan's lie of the first Instance? How few have believed God, even amongst His people who truly love Him, and who truly desire to believe the teachings of Ills Word! We hnve all been under a kind of "hoodoo." "The god of this world Satan hath blinded" our minds on this subject. We ure now coming to see that death Is the penalty for sin and that the resurrection Is the salva tion God promised and will provide. Sutan has hud powerful allies and servants lu the fallen angels, and it Is through their persistence that his lie has triumphed over the Divine Word of truth-"Dyiug, thou shnlt die." These fallen spirits hnve made various manifestations In every land for cen turies, nnd thereby have apparently substantiated the theory that a .dead man Is more alive than when he was alive. Kuowlng that mankind would hove nothing to do with them if their real personality were known they hide their personality and represent them selves us our dead friends wbo desire to spen k with us, either directly or through mediums. A further deslro of these nngels Is to obsess or to get possession of a human being. Being chained or restrained from the privilege of materialization, the next most desirable thing In their estimation Is to gain control over u human being nnd to use his body In stead of their own. This is styled obsetsion, und persons so uillicted to day are sent to an Insane asylum where, It is estimated, they constitute at least one half of the entire number. In the days of our Lord these were not mistakenly supposed to be Insane, but rightly declared to bo obsessed. All re member the New Testument account that our Savior nnd Ills Apostles cast out legions of fallen spirits. How Jesus Preaohed In Death. Here nrises another question: If Je-, sus wus really dead, as tho Scriptures declare. If "He poured out Ills soul unto death," nnd "made His soul nn offering for sin." nnd His soul was not raised from the dead until the third day after Ills crucifixion, how could He In the meantime preach to Rplrlts In prison, or to anybody else? We reply that He could preach In the same way that the Apostle refers to. saying, "lie. bel: g dead, yet speak eth" i Hebrews xl, -li; and again, in the same way that t lie blood of Abel Is suld to have cried to God figuratively. Of one tiling we are sure, namely, that Jesus gave no oral address while lie was dead. Ho preached In the way we sometimes refer to when we say, "Actions speak louder than words." It was tho great object lesson which the fallen nngels saw that constituted to them the great sermon that, gave them a ground for hope. On several occasions the fallen spirits, when com manded to come out of human beings, declared that they knew Jesus. In the long ago they hud known Illm, when. us the Only Begotten of the Father. and His Representative, He had cre ated them and all tblugs that are made, nud was also the mouthpiece for all Divine orders nnd regulations. They realized that He bad come Into the world to bo its Redeemer; they per ceived the great stoop that He had made from Ills lofty position on the heavenly piano to the servant position on the human plane. They admired Ills loyalty nnd faithfulness to God, but doubtless believed Illm to be fool ish; they never expected Illm to arise from the dead. But when they per ceived Ills resurrection on the third day to glory, honor and Immortality, "far above angels, principalities and powers and every name that Is nam ed." Ills sermou to them was complete, namely, that "tho wages of sin Is death," but that "tho gift of God is eternal life." (Roman vl, 23.) And ns they realized thus tho Tower of God and the Love of God for nis human creatures, the Apostle's words Imply that this constituted to them a mes soge of hope. Perhaps If they would show full contrition God eventually would have mercy upon them, even as He bnd had mercy and hnd provided for humanity. The lesson Is one for all. God's pow er Is Infinite, so Is His love, Ills mer cy, His goodnoss. Nevertheless, every wilful sin will have Its punishment, a just recompense of reward, and only the willing and obedient shall have the Dlvluo favor and everlasting life. Let each apply the lesson to himself. "with wicked spirits in high positions,' FORTY KILLED IN SOUTHERN STORM ! Disastrous Tornado Sweeps Tei-! as Panhandle aid Oklahoma. INJURED LISf IN HUNDREDS. I financial head, was again inducted In- I to office. Ho is a native of Dubuque. Sreat Devastation Follows Terrific President Taft sent an autograph let Blast of Wind Dozen Towns Suffer , ter felicitating Dr. Steffens on the suc- Damage Fifteen Persons Are Killed at Lugert, Okla. Oklahoma City, April 29. Forty ne persons are reported to have been tilled by a tornado that swept south western Oklahoma and the southeust tru coniT of the Texas Panhandle. A lozen towns were struck and farming omitiunitiies suffered. The Injured list will run into the hundreds. The biggest loss of life reported is Bt Lugert, where fifteen persons were killed. A special train, sent from Al ius with physicians and nurses when It 'was reported a passenger train had been blown from the rails, picked up ten injured persons and started back for Altus. Two of these, Mrs. Lee Stanaland and Miss Eva Stana land, died on the train. The tornado started just across the Texas border and first killed seven persons at Kirkland, Tex., demolished thirty buildings and blew a Rock Isl and worktrain off the track. Tearing on northward, the storm Btruck El Dorado, killing four; Calu met, killing three, and Lugert, where half the town is in ruins; Yukon, War ren, Martha, Blair and Lone Wolf. At each of these places many persons were hurt. What is believed to be the worst of the storm destroyed several buildings at Mulhall, fifty miles north of Okluhoma City, but there were no casualties there. P. B. Thompson and his wife were caught under the falling timbers of t'ifir hi.-me at Calumet and crushed to death. Several other buildings at Cal umet were demolished and two per sons were killed. Aledo, a village in Dewey county, is reported to be in ruins. WILL HAVE UNIQUE TABLE Every Methodist Mission Represented by Piece of Wood. Nashville. Tenn., April 29. The bishops" table which will bo used by the Methodist Episcopal bhinop next Wednesday in Minneapolis U declared to be a unique article of furniture. A college nt Morrlstown, East Ten r.esske, will furnish the Ub!e. and every Methodist conference and m!a fc'on In the world Is represented by a piece of wood. The center of the mosaic top of the table Is a piece of wood from Wesley's pulpit and grouped about It are ple-es of wood from the rsin? loft. John Street church, New York, and the Straw bridge meeting hotiso, Baltimore. Other pieces of wood are from the United States ship Constitution, the Hancock house, the first Asbury church west of the Allegherlrs, and St. George's church, Philadelphia, the oldest Meth' odlst Episcopal church In the world In which services have been held con stantly. DECISION BLOW TO "DRYS" Minnesota Court Gives Chance for Liq uor Sales In Prohibition Districts. St. Paul. April 29. A decision hand ed down by Chief Justice Start of the Minnesota supreme court has dealt a severe blow to the cause of prohi bition In this state, according to W. C. Calderwood. secretary of the state Prohibition party. While the retail sale of liquor, ac cording to Judge Start's decision, In dry" territory Is Illegal, there Is noth ing to prevent any one from establish ing warehouses In prohibition districts and peddling Intoxicating liquor In five gallon quantities. Municipalities have no authority to control the whole sale traffic. Prohibition party leaders announce that they will endeavor to have the law changed at the next session of the legislature. First Appeal for Aid. San Francisco, April 29. The first specific appeal to the transport Bu ford for help on Its trip for west coast Mexican ports, beginning today, was received here from Paul P. Carpenter of Los Angeles. He asks that a search ing party be sent for George Carpen ter, an American civil engineer In charge of irrigation works at Topolo bampa, who wast heard from three weeks ago at Ouasave, twenty miles Inland from Topolohampo. Civil War In Paraguay. Buenos Aires. April 29. Civil war has again broken out In Paraguay. Telegrams from Asuncion state that our government warships bombarded the revolutionists, who are command ed by former President Jara at Villa Eucarnaclon. Tho fire returned by the revolutionists was so well directed that the warships were compelled to retire In a damaged condition. Court Refuses to Conduct Saloon, Chicago, April 29. United Sttaes District Judge Carpenter refused to conduct a saloon under the jurlsdlc tion of the bankruptcy court. The de cision came In the adjudication of the bankruptcy petition of W. H. Schlmp ferman company when counsel asked authority to ohtaiu a renewal of the city liquor license. GERMANSCHOOL CELEBRATES Dubuque Institution Observe Its Six- tieth Annive.jry. Dubuque, la., April 2'J. Last week concluded an uiijor-juit event in the history of the Cermta Prebf!i-tn Seminary of the ivjr;twst. Tb it- cently the organizat'c-n hus completed, I and is now occupying one of the finest j buildings devoted to colltg" purposes I in the state and it is now i n a sub I stantial financial basis, i Dr. C. M. Steffens, president and cess of the seminary. The German Presbyterian Seminary of tho Northwest was organized sixty years ago by Andrianus Van Vliet, a Hollander, with two students. Dr. Mc Clellan, a blind man, but one of re markable learning and force, succeed ed to the presidency, he being fol lowed by Dr. Steffens, Sr., who in turn was succeeded by his non, the present Dr. StcfTcns. ISSUES in ARE LARGELY PERSONAL Each Parly Will Select Candi dates forState 01 ices June 3. Des Moines, April 29. The state primary cnmpalgn is now the only thing of general political interest ahead In Iowa, and the filings for the state offices and legislative positions have all been completed. The primary campaign has just five weeks to run, as the date for the election is June 3. All signs are that the campaign will be very much less strenuous than some of those that have preceded it, that there will be no great amount of speaking and that the newspaper dis cussion will be keyed to a very mod erate pitch. There Is nothing In either party to arouse much feeling. The candidacies are largely personal rath er than factional, and while most of those among the Republicans who aspire to office are men who have not hesitated to stand firmly for one thing or another In state affairs, yet the gen eral disposition Is to overlook past differences and vote for men on their merits. Because of this fact the prim cry campaign will not be as exciting as some of the others. PHILLIPS WiLL IS PROBATED Estate of McCaskill Victim Goes to . His Ten Children. Waterloo, la., April 29. The will of Henry Phillips, for whose death In Poyner township last November, Jef ferson T McCaskill was recently con victed of manslaughter, has been filed in the probate court. The widow, Anna Phillips, Is to receive the In from the estate, which amounts to upwards of $20,000. Final distribu tion is to he made among the children as follows: 115,000, in equal shares, is to be divided among the six sons. und $3,000 among four daughters. McCaskill Is still confined In the county Jail awaiting the hearing on a motion for a new trial. If the motion Is overruled by Judge Piatt, he will be flpplen'-ed. Then nn appeal will be taken to the supreme court and ball will be asked. Mr. McCaskill's rela tives are well-to do and can furnish any reasonable sum for an appearance bond, It Is said. Fourth Attempt to Release Thaw. New Rochelle, N. Y., April 29. A fourth attempt through the agency of the law to llbernte Harry K. Thaw from the Matteawan state hospital, where ho has been Imprisoned for the slaying of St nford White six years riEO "because of Insanity," was made before Justice Keogh of the supreme court In New Rochelle. Thaw wis brought down from Matteawan. An adjournment for several weeks In or der that counsel for the state may go aver tho voluminous records In pre vious proceedings was granted. Wheat Killed by Chlrl After Thaw. Omaha. April 29. H. Dahlstrom of Ccresco, Neb., reports winter wheat In the South Plate country In poor condition, especially In the western part of the state. He Bays many farm ers are plowing land sown In wheat last fall and plan to plant corn and other (Train In Its stead. It appears that a hard crust formed after the ground was left bare of snow early this spring and the cold weather fol lowing the thaw killed the seed under neath In large patches. Engineers' Cispute to Be Arbitrated. New York. April 29. Relief that the threatened strike of 28,ono locomotive engineers employed by the railroads east of the Mississippi river has been averted through the efforts at media tion of Judge Knapp of the court of rommerce and Charles P. Nelll. com missioner of labor, was expressed by participants In the conferences. The question of arbitration tins now been agreed to by Doth sides. Took the Wronq Drink. Correctlonvllle, la., April 29. A. R. Goucher, forty years old, died here from drinking liniment purchased, as he declared, fcr cppllcatlon on a lame 'eg. Three physicians were unable to revive him. It Is thought that an un controllable desire for a stimulant was the cause o( his taking the drink. STATE WARDS USING GASH Eleven Institutions Are Ahead of Appropriations. CAVINESS ON NORMAL BOARD. Commandant HMIyard of Soldiers' Home at Milford Said to Be Contem plating Return to His Farm Ross Runs a Great Race. Lincoln, April 29. April 1 was the beginning of a now fiscal year for all the state institutions. The appropria tions are made for a two-year period and the auditor's books show that eleven of the eighteen institutions have used up more than half the mon ey appropriated for their maintenance for two years. In the case of the school for the feeble minded at Beat eric the typhoid epidemic, which ne cessitated the reconstruction of the piumbing and the sinking of new wells, was the cause for the overlap, and the penitentiary has also over drawn as a result of recent events which required the expenditure of con siderable money not anticipated by the legislature. All four of the normal schools have used up more than half the two-year appropriations, Chadron having made the largest Inroads Into its cash, and the extra expense Incident to the re pairs to the foundation, which settled, will make another draft for the sec ond year of the hiennlum. The other institutions which have overdrawn are the deaf and dumb school at Oma ha, the industrial school for boys and girls at Geneva, the orthopedic hos pital at Lincoln and the soldiers' and sailors' home at Milford. New Board Member. Governor Aldrich announces the ap pointment of A. L. Caviness, now a member of the board of examiners, as a member of the state normal board, taking the place of B. L. Shellhorn, whose term expires In May. No ap pointment has been announced to suc ceed Caviness as a member of the ex amining board. It Is announced on seemingly good authority that. Commandant Hillyard cf the soldiers' home at Milford will soon tender bis resignation. It is said Mr. Hillyard desires to devote his time to his farm near Superior. Ross Rung a Great Race. Charles Ross, the Lexington livery man, who has the unique distinction of running for president on both the Republican and Democratic tickets, re ceived 1,225 votes In the sixty-four counties which have reported to the office of the secretary of state. O these 38G were cast by Republicans and 839 by Democrats. His high vote on both, tickets was In Saline county, where he received 17 as a Republican and 103 as a Democrat. At the ratio he has maintained up to date It ap pears likely he will reach a grand to tal of 1,500 when the returns are all In. Manning Kills Himself. Joseph Manning, aged twenty-four years, an employee of the Burlington freight office, killed himself by slash ing his throat with a razor. He sev eied both the jugular vein and the carotid artery. He had been In poor health "for some t-me nnd had b'jen melancholy and unable to sleep. Ills sister and brother were sitting in the adjoining room when he slashed him self. B'shops Finish Work. After nn executive session of five days the Methodist bishops completed the draft of the episcopal address to be submitted to the general confer ence In Minneapolis In May. The vis iting bishops have left the city. RIVER'S INROADS CHECKED Vast Amount of Material Dumped Into Missouri at Folsom. Omaha, Arrll 29. After cutting and throwing over the rapidly molting bank all of the apple trees from the large orchard on the farm of Eustlce Williams and adding 100 cars of brush und forest trees, all tangled in mazes of barbed wire, fifty old boxcars filled with stone and 500 cars of stone, the Burlington Railway company has suc ceeded In checking the onslaught ot the Missouri river at Folsom, twelve miles south of Council Bluffs, but not until the river had undermined and carried out several hundred yards ot its track. Jjttle wror ot ?J& rtffn has been working day and night during tho last week In the desperate combat. Benkeln'sn Man Dies From Rifle Shot. Benkeininn. Neb., April 29 The body of Frank Banning, who died In a Kansas City hospital, was brought to.Benkc.dmnn and Interred In the cem etery here. Mr. Bunnlng was one of the prosperous young farmers resid ing five miles north of Benkolman. On Jan. 2, while taking a' rifle from his wagon, the weapon was discharged, the ball lodging in his lung. Live Stock Nearly All Sold Out. Omaha, April 29. J. W. Fitch ot Columbus, In Omaha with a load of live stock, said he believed that an other car of cattle could not be found In his county. Because of the scarcity of corn and the present high prices obtained for live stock, central Ne braska Is being cleaned rapidly of both cattle and hogs.