0 Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, find whhh ha bcci. In use for over 30 years, has borne the rtsnatr.ro r f and. has hocn made under h:a r-cr- ftf-f J'- . fional supervision Binco its Infamy. l-CCiO&tAi Allow Tin una ii. ileeelvrt vol! In Ill's. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-goal" arc hut Experiments that tririo Avlth and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Cnstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It ontalng neither Opium, Morphine, nor Other Jinrcotlo substance. Its age- is its guarantee. It destroys AVorin and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipution and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the ttouiueh and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleei. The Children's Panacea- Tho 31 other' Friend. GENUINE C ASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of 1 The Kind You Have Always Bough! In Use For Over 30 Years THC CCNTAUR COMPANY, TT MUHMV tTKECT, NC OAK CITY. which will indeed be (food news to her many F.agle friends. Thf news of the death of Her man Lau rame as a great shock to the entire community, although it was known that his condition was very serious. He was taken sick a few weeks ago with what developed into spinal meningitis, and the attending physician struggled desperately with it, but the dreadful disease had secured such a hold that in spite of all that medical skill could do he passed away at o'clock Monday after noon. Almost a Miracle. One of the most startling changes ever seen in any man, ac cording to V. Ii. Holsclaw, Clar endon, Tex., was effected years ago in his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough," he writes, "that all our family thought he was going into consumption, but he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, and was completely cured by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 218 pounds. For many years our family has used this wonderful remedy for Coughs and Colds with excellent results." It's quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at F. G. Frickc & Co. BALD HEADS OT WANTED ELMWOOD. f Leader-Echo. 4-l-I-H"l-H-H"W-H-'HM I)r. and Mrs. Lislon went to Lincoln Monday to see Miss Ada Lislon nl the SI. .Joseph's hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Olio King were called to Gregory, S. I)., Friday to Bee the former's mo! her, who is quite sick. Mi', and Mrs. John Oehlerking of Atkinson, Neb., came Saturday to attend the funeral of the form er's sister, Mrs. Olto I'leiseh inan, Henry Clark and family ami Mrs. Ida Davis ami son Iten drove over from Memiell Saturday even ing, ami were over Sunday guests at the J. F. Hoover home. Mr. and Mrs. I,. V. Myers at tended Ihe second district con vention of the Churches of Christ at llavelock last week. Mr. Myers was elected Ihe evangelist for this district. The Junior League of Hie Ger man Fvangclicnl church tendered their superintendent, Fimna Stirl, a farewell surprise on Wednesday evening at the F. V. Loren, home. Miss SI ill, pies to Council Hind's to reside with her parents. William Sen f was down from Council HlulTs Saturday. Mr. Senf had just go) nicely settled on Ihe farm he rented near that place when the Hood waters of Ihe Old Muddy came and drove him out. He is now in Council Mull's, where he will slay if he can get employment. Mrs. Charles Clapp passed away Friday of last week at her home in Wabash, and her hotly was laid In rest Sunday in the Wabash cemetery. Deceased was well known and highly respected in Ihe western end of Ihe county, and her demise has cast a gloom over her large circle of acquaint ances. The Danger After Grip lies often in a run-down system, Weakness, nervousness, lack of nppcljlc, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Fleclric Miters, the glorious Ionic, blood purillcr and regulator of stomach, liver and kidneys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build tip Ihe system ami restore to health ami good spirits after an attack of grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50 cents. Sold ami perfect satisfac tion guaranteed by F. G. Frieke A Co. EAGLE. ! Me a con. ..... m '111 IIIJ II5II Weeping Water 'sday to attend the r, Herman !ln Otto Lau of was here Wcdm funeral of his hi Lau. L. F. I.anghorsl and family tme up from Flmwood last Sun ay and were guests of Dr. I. C. Munger and family. Ilarley F. Smith and wife of l'.nierald were here Wednesday to attend Ihe funeral of Mrs. Smith's brother, the late Herman Lau. Mr. ad Mrs. Art llibbs, living five miles southeast of here, are Ihe proud parents of a new son, which arrived at their home Tues day morning. C. II. Suavely drove over from Alvo Sunday aflernoon to com plete arrangements for the Gion- Snavoly wrestling match at the hall tomorrow evening. Mrs. Gus Siekman made a visit with relatives and friends at Flmwood Monday. She was ac compauied home by her sister, Miss Clara Nickel, who will spend a few days visiting William Mahr went to Lincoln Tuesday to visit his wife, who was taken to a hnspil.nl there a few weeks ago for treatment for rheumatism. Mr. Mahr informs us that she is doing nicely and will rclurii home in a few days, .J...... .'..J.... ..... .' J. NEHAWKA. ' News. ... t........... .f....... ... Miss Isadore Hall returned from Hickman Tuesday evening, where she had been visiting for a few days. Sheriff Quinton and little daughter were over from I'latls moulh Friday to visit his sister, Mrs. J. M. Pal r. Two boxes of strawberries for a quarter sounds good at this lime of year until one puts on his glasses ami discovers the boxes. Mrs. Mlack of Seattle, Wash ington, arrived Saturday after noon to care for her daughter, Mrs. John Opp, who has been seriously ill for so long. .Minn Peterson, who is employ ed at the west quarry got. a broken arm Sunday through the pcrvcrs iiess of a "dobv" shot. The shot, threw a lump of hard clay that struck him on the forearm, break ing one of Ihe bones. Fred West lake, the proinine horseman from the Avnea vicinity, was a welcome caller at lihs otlicc Friday. Mr. West lake moved this .spring onto the farm he was born on, thai has been owned by his father for over fifty years. George C. Sheldon is building a substantial farm house on the place north of town occupied by Albert Sti.il. It will be 2 fix -.'8 feet, two stories and contains eight rooms. Will Adams is doing Ihe work. Miss Lolela Carpenter and Miss Marie Miller of Hamburg, Iowa, were Here iroin Saturday until Monday visiting Miss Gladys West. The young ladies are fel low students at the convent at Nebraska City and returned to their sludies Monday. Mrs. West ccninpanied Ihe girls. James Fahneslock has pur chased a moving picture outfit of the latest and best design and upon its arrival will set it up here and give Ihe people of this com munity a week's entertainment. Mr. Fahneslock will have several tents, seats and other con veniences and expects to put in Ihe summer on Ihe road with his show. Baldness Is Too Generally Con sidered a Sign of Advanced Age. A bald-headed person does not have an equal chance with one blessed with a healthy head of hair, because baldness is too gen erally accepted as an indication of age. Many large corporations have established an age limit, and refuse to take men over 35 years of age as new employees. Probably 05 per cent of bald headed people may regain a good head of healthy hair if they will follow our advice and accept our offer. We have a remedy that we positively guarantee to grow hair on any head, unless the roots of the hair are entirely dead, their follicles closed, and the. scalp has become glazed and shiny. We want people to try this remedy at our risk, with the distinct under standing that unless it does oX aactly what we claim it will, and gives satisfaction in every re spect, we shall make no charge for the remedy used during the trial. We know exactly what we are talking about, and with this offer back of our statements no one should scofl", doubt our word, or hesitate to put our remedy to an actual test. We want every one in l'latts nioulh who is suffering from any scalp or hair trouble, dandruff, falling hair or baldness, to try our Hexall '"3" Hair Tonic. We waul iiiem lo use n, regularly say un til three bottles have been used and if it, does not eradicate dand ruff, cleanse and refresh Ihe scalp, tighten Ihe hair in its roots, and grow new hair, we will rclurii every cent paid us for tin remedy for the mere asking There is no formality expected ami we exact no obligation irom the user whatever. We are established right hen in lMattsiiioulh, and make this oiler with a full umlerstamlin; that our business success entire ly depends upon the sort of treat ment we accord our customers ami we would not dare make Hi above offer unless we were pos itively certain that we could sub slant iale it in every particular. Remember in Ibis community only it our store The Rexall Store. G. Frieke & Co., Fnion Hlock METCALFE 10 AID ORE TRAVEL HINTS! THE BIG HORN MOUNTAINS: The hotels and ranches around Sheridan in these beautiful pine clad mountains are attracting a large Summer pat ronage. It will pay you to inquire about them. THE BLACK HILLS: Hot Springs, South Dakota, in one of the finest health restoring regions in the West. It is deautifully located In the Southern Rlm'k Hills. THERMOPOLIS HOT SPRINGS, WYOMING: I the Owl Creek Mountains, 18 million gallons of hot water, 130 degrees, flow daily. FamouB through out the West for its wonderful cures of rheumatism. EASTERN VACATION TOURS: Attractive special rate tours will be announc ed and leaflets containing details will be mailed to ticket agents. It will be to your advantage to consult agent, that ho may tell you about these rates to various Eastern localities. Consult with us as to special rates available to these resorts. It Looks Like a Crime to separate a boy from a box of Mucklen's Arnica Salve. His pimples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it, and its quick relief for burns, scalds, or cuts is his right. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything beatable, and does it quick. Unequaled for piles. Only 25 cents at F. 0. Frieke & Co. iiuiiluMlili iliiill- R. W. CLEMENT, Agent. L. W. WAKELY, Genenl Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Insure your farm property 4 I in the Farmers' Mutal Fire J and Live Stock Insurance ! J Company of Cass County, j Nebraska. Limited to Cass ! county only. Incorporated I in 1891. Only one as- f sessnient of 2 mills made during the entire time. ! Amount of Insurance In force $1,303,955.00. Amount 4 I of money in treasury. $4,- ! J 857.69. Membership fee 60 4 j cents per hundred for 5 4 years. For particulars 4 4 write 4 j J. P. FALTER, Secretary, 4 Plattsmouth, Neb. 4 4-H-M-HHH-hH IE I E AD And Urges All His Friends Rally to Support of Falls City Man. to A special from Lincoln, under dale of April 23, says: In a let ter sent lo J. II. Morehead of Falls City today, 11. I.. Metcalfe of this city acknowledges his defeat for the gubernatorial nomination of the democratic party and says: "I assure you that my services shall he at your command during the rainpaign upon which you are about lo enter." After a comprehensive review of what he believes should be (lie constructive policy lo be followed by the democratic parly in this stale, Mr. Metcalfe closes his letter: In the meantime I ask my friends everywhere to rally to your support and lo unite in the effort which I hope will now he made by every faithful democrat for a re organization of party lines in Ne braska, upon the solid foundation of public good, with malice to ward none and with charily for nil.". 20 CONTORTIONISTS 20 TUMBLERS 40 ATHLETES 40 GYMNASTS 20 EXCLUSIVE rtVl UKu CLOWNS 41 EQUESTRIANS 20 EQUESTRIENNES 20 AERIAUSTS 30 LEAPER3 20 1GQ0-L1EN, VOKEL AND H0RSES-1QOO 500 hT AD W HORSES 100 RARE WILD ANIMALS ACRES OF TENTS 10,000 SEATING CAPACITY HUGE SPECTACULAB TKEATORIUM Rare and Complete Zoological Collection, Every knows reproraUuVc of the Animal World. Mother, tod their Young oi every (uuilr. Ovor a Qunrlar of 1 Contury of Contlnuons Success. No othor ihow in the world can truthfully claim this proud distinction. EVERY ACT IS A FEATURE, EDUCATED DENI ZENS OF FOREST. MOUNTAIN AND PLAIN. Man's Super iority over tha Brute Creation wonderfully, but beautifully Demon strated. The Highest Salaried and Most Accomplish ed Performers of Eurore and America In Feata of Daring. Skill, Agility and Grace. EXHIBITED FOR THE FIRST TIME Tha Professional Rankaof Performers of this country and Eu rope culled, and only the yery best selected. No other show has as many High Salaried Featura Artists under contract as has this. Finest Stable of Blue Ribbcn Horses ever assembled Five Tents of Thoroughbred Horses Frea for Inspection at all times. Superb Educated Equine Exhibition High School Menage Hotaea el unprecedented prolloleno. MAGNITUDE. MERIT AND MODERNISM. United for Educating and Entertaining. STUPENDOUS, GLITTERING CTDCCT DADNfiC WILL LEAVE THE MODERN. KALEIDESCOP1C O I II tt I rHllAUT GROUNDS AT 10 O'CLOCK AND PASS THROUGH THE PRINCIPLE STREETS. i. c Over a Mile in Length and brilliant In splendor. This should be seen whether the , show Is seen or not. immediately stter tne parade and again at 6.30 p. m. Is to ba seen THE THRILLING FREE OUTSIDE EXHIBITION .in On tha Show Grounds. in i Tw n - ' Immediate!!! after the Parade is the thrilling FREE OUTSIDE EXHIBITION ' en tne Jnow grounr itsmoufh, H Afternoon and Evening SATURDAY, fi' O'Neill Grounds south 13. & M. Shops. May 4th Fop 8al. Sonic pood llrst-clasa prairie hay, on farm oifrht miles wost of Pluttsmouth. R. L. Propst, Mynard. Why H Was Late. "What ninth you so lato?" "I mot Sniithson." "Woll, Hint is no reason why you should he an hour late pet tinp home lo supper." "I know, hut I asked him how he was feelinp, and he insisted on lellinp me nhout his stomach Irouhle." "Did you loll him lo lake Cham horlain's Tablet s?" "Sure, that is what he needs. Sold by V. fl. Frieke & Co. William Jones Improving. William Jones, who has been sulTerinp from a siepe of pnou monia for some lime, is on Ihe way lo recovery. Althotiph pain inp slowly, lie is imprnvinp. Yes lerday he was able lo walk about for a short time on Ihe porch, the first lime since his sickness. His numerous friends will be plad lo see him down town npain. The Journal office carries all kinds of typewriter supplies. COMMODORE STON E" Claude Shoemaker Proud Pos sessor of Finest Saddle Horse in the State. Claude Shoemaker is Hie proud possessor nl ne nest irilineu sad dle horse in Nebraska. Claude purchased this fine animal recent- y at Mexico, Missouri. The peld- inp s name is a revelation in it self, "Commodore Stone," prob ably named after the once gov ernor of Missouri, and "Com modore. Stone" is a combination flve-paiteil peldiup, maliopaiiy bay in color, 15:3 hands biph, weighs 1,1(10 pounds and is 5 years old. This excellent animal was for merly owned by lr. M. W. Sleiner of SI. Joseph, Missouri. The horse has all Ihe tpialities which go lo make the real saddler con. formation, action, llesb, color and gaits, lie was educated by Thom as iraes of Woodford country, Kentucky, and there is no bolter trainer. "Commodore Stone" possesses everything bead, ears, chesler dark neck, back, loins and has Ihe best Hat bone and hoof imagin able. He is the true type of a gailetl horse. Mr. Shoemaker is certainly fortunate in his selec tion ami could not have found a bettor specimen of Ihe Kentucky saddle horse had he looked the: country oxer. This is the first saddler which has been brought lo Ibis city and we hope others will follow the example of Mr.. Shoemaker and get a good horse. Puts End to Bad Habit. Things never look bright to one with "the blues." Ten to one the (rouble is a sluggish liver, filling Ihe system with bilious poison, that Dr. King's New Life Pills would expel. Try them. Let the joy of belter feelings end "the blues." Best for stomach, liver and kidneys. 25c at F. O. Frieke & Co. Loses Valuable Dog. While capering about a rapidly moving automobile, being driven north on Fourth street yesterday afternoon, Ihe valuable dog be longing lo Dr. K. W. Cook was run over and killed. There are a few gentlemen in the city who drive their machines loo fast while passing through the city limits, and often greatly exceed the speed limit, and it is a wonder that human life has not boon sacrificed before this time. Tho speed limit should he protected, and a few fines will do Ihe business. urtaio Metis! Latest Patterns in Arabian and White! Lace Curtains, Curtain Scrims plain and with bordered curtain draperies. Also, a lot of odd cur tains. Call and see them. ZUCKWEILER& LUTZ