The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 25, 1912, Image 7

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tems of Interest to Journal Readers
John Foreman went to Lincoln
C. R. Jordan went to Lincoln
Henry Thomas went to Lincoln
Mrs. James Foreman was in
Lincoln Friday.
Mrs. Fred Dreamer was in Lin
coln Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan were
in Eagle Tuesday.
Henry Roelofz of Elmwood was
in town Wednesday.
Miss Flo Boyles came in Satur
day to visit home folks.
Ed Slromer came in from Lin
coln on No. 14 Thursday.
Mrs. C. G. Bucknell returned
from Lincoln Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Casey were
Lincoln visitors Thursday.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Eli
Coon, April 17, 1912, a son.
W. 0. Boyles returned lo his
home at Lincoln Thursday.
Mrs. Slutler of Lincoln visited
Friday with Mrs. J. E. Parsell.
George Frohlich of Lincoln
came in Tuesday for a few days'
The last number of the lecture
course will be given April 30 at
Alvo hall.
Harry Appleinan returned to
his home in Lincoln Saturday
Miss Lillian Wheeler of Plaits,
mouth is visiting relatives here
this week.
Mr. Snooker of Lincoln visited
at the home of Miss Marie Slrom
er Sunday.
Herman Sutton came in from
Keofo, Colorado, to visit relatives
for a few days.
Mrs. Nervia Knoll and son,
Irvin, visited relatives at Prairie
Home Sunday.
Mrs. Charles'-Ilosenow visited
her sister near Waverly from Fri
day until Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Prouly and Mrs. Joe
Armstrong visited their mother,
Airs. Hiirllnit, Saturday.
Mrs. A. I. Bird went lo Waver
ly Tuesday to visit her mother,
Tastes Like and Is Eaten Like
Candy. . '
In our expo-riene? in the handl
ing of drugs ami medicines, we
believe we have never had ex
perience with any Remedy that
gave such great satisfaction lo
our customersa s do Rexall Or
derlies. This Remedy is not like
any other laxative or cathartic. It
contains all the good features of
other laxatives, but none of I heir
-Our own faith in Rcxall Or
derlies is so strong that we offer
them to you with our own positive
personal guarantee, that if they
do not thoroughly satisfy you, you
only need tell us and we will hand
back to you every penny you paid
us for them. Therefore, in trying
them upon our recommendation
you lake no risk whatever.
Rexall Orderlies taste like and
are eaten like candy. They do not
gripe, cause nausea, excessive
looseness, or any other annoy
ance. They act so easily that I hey
We Owe You Good
Telophono Service!
You deserve telephone service that is
quick, accurate and country-wide in its
By giving you such service at reason
able rates we feel that we should expect
your business and your hearty co-operation.
To give the best service, this Company
is constantly improving its equipment and
standardizing its operating methods.
Your assistance and co-operation and
that of the associated telephone companies
enables us to give you intercommunica
tion of national scope and of the highest
obtainable officiency. t -
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
M. E. BRANTNER, Local Manager
Will Bo Rocolvod nt tho Drug Storo
who is quite ill again.
Wesleyan University CSlee club
will sing in Alvo May 2, 1912. Ad
mission, 15 and 25 fents.
Mrs. Belle Bennett went to
Lincoln Saturday to visit her son-in-law,
George Foreman.
Ed Carr of Eagle shipped a car
of cattle and a car of hogs to
the South Omaha market Tuesday.
Miss Gladys Appleinan return
ed home from Lincoln Friday on
No. 14 to visit home folk9 over
S. C. Boyles returned from
Omaha Wednesday, where he sold
two cars of cattle and one car of
Johnson & Hardknoek shipped a
car of hogs Wednesday to the
South Omaha market. They ac
companied the shipment.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Moss of Eagle
and Mr. and Mrs. Mays and Mr.
Maves of Bennett visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baker.
Miss Grayce Bucknell went to
Lincoln Friday lo meet a friend
from Spokane, Washington, who
was en route to Boston, Mass.
La Verne Stone entertained his
Sunday school class and teacher,
George Bobbilt and family, at
dinner Sunday. Rev. Hunter was
also a guest.
Mrs. George Foreman, jr., was
a passenger to Lincoln on No. 13
Saturday to spend Sunday with
her husband, who is in the hos
pital at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gliles of
Elmwood and daughter, Miss
Pearl, of University Place, and
Paul Prouly were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Bennett Sunday.
Mrs. John Elliott gave a party
Friday evening in honor of her
son, Johnnie's, 15lh birthday. Re
freshments were served and se
veral interesting games were
Prof. O. J. Lemon of llallam,
Neb., came in Salunlav lo make
application for the principalship
of the Alvo schools. He has
taught in llallam for the past
three years.
may be taken at any lime, day or
night. They are particularly
good for children, aged or delicate
persons. They arc; put up in
convenient tablets in three sizes
of packages. Prices, 10c, 25c and
50c. . . . , . . ..
Remember, Rexall Remedies
can be obtained in this com
munity only at our si ore The
Rexall Store. F. G. Fricke & Co.,
Union Block.
F. L. Calkin Here.
F. L. Calkin of Mrooklleld, Mis
souri, came in from Havelock
this morning and will visit his
brother-in-law, George Hall and
wife, for a short lime. Mr. Calkin
returned from the funeral of his
sister, Mrs. Mahoney. He was
formerly a resident of Platls
moulh, having been away from
this city about fourteen years.
Constipation causes headache,
nausea, dizziness, languor, heart
palpitation. Drastic physics
gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels
and don't cure. Doan's Regulels
act gently and cure constipation.
25 cents. Ask your druggist.
Dale Boyles of Alvo Hurl.
A special from Lincoln, under
dale of April 21, gives the follow
ing account of I he injury of Dale
Boyles, son of Banker Boyles of
Alvo. It would seem Dale was
pretty badly injured: "Fraternity
baseball at the stale university
has been responsible for Iwo
serious accidents within the last
live days. Dale Boyles, a member
of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity
and a senior law student, was
struck in the face with a ball to
day while watching a game from
the sideline and knocked uncon
scious. His nose was broken and
his front teeth knocked out. It
was over an hour before Boyles
regained consciousness. Last
Saturday Carl Worley of York had
his ankle broken in a game be
tween the Alpha Theta Chi fra
ternity and the Delta Tau Deltas."
AVOCA ..a-jinfwyp
Henry Bchrns is erecting a new
auto house.
Fred McGrady and wife were at
Lincoln Monday.
Prof. John Branigan spent last
Sunday in Avoca.
Lloyd Graham has secured a
position at Lincoln .
The new baseball grounds are
being put in shape.
Henry Kuhnehenn is entertain
ing relatives from Missouri.
John Weaver and family have
moved to the liraezeale cottage.
Robert Wilkinson was up from
Dunbar several days this week.
Peter Jorgensen was a busi
ness visitor nt Omaha Tuesday.
The Avoca baseball team has
been organized ami is ready for
Orlando Tefl'l was a business
visitor at the slate metropolis
this week.
The High school ball team will
play a game here Saturday with
Dry Cleano, Ammonia, Sulphur
Disinfcctor, Duslless Dusters, at
Copes' drug store.
Mrs. J. M. Kokjer and sister,
Kd a Nutman were at Weeping
Water Saturday.
Henry Jung, one of our pros
perous farmers, was nt Omaha
the first of the week.
Asa J. Johnson was attending
to business matters at Omaha
several days this week.
Copes sells the Sherwin-Williams
Floor-Lac; just the thing
for floors and furniture.
Henry Fran .en left this week
for the Missouri river lo help
Henry Velle saw lumber.
Fred Nutzman and family were
here from Berlin Sunday visiting
I at the home of K. C. Nutzman.
Louis Carslen has returned
home from Lincoln, vhcre he has
been attending business college.
Band concert every Tuesday
night. Bring your family down
town and hear some good music.
Adolph Zimmerer was over
from Nebraska Cily Wednesday
visiting his brother, Joseph and
J. M. Dunbar and family and
Mrs. Quinlon were at Talniage
Sunday attending the funeral of
Mrs. Mead.
Mrs. Florence Durham and Mrs.
Alice Goesch left the first of the
week for a few weeks' visit with
Iowa relatives.
J. II. Schmidt has been improv
ing the appearance of (he interior
of his meat market- with paint.
Jack Bells did Ihe work.
Clyde Jenkins ami Edward
Fleshinan were down from Man
ley Tuesday night helping the
Avoca cily band discourse some
sweet music.
Chas. Hornby, Bassett, Neb.,
makes Ihe following statement:
"I was bothered with sciatic
rheumatism so bad I could
hardly turn over and was si iff and
sore in all my joints. V. A.
Chapin of Games, Neb., advised
me lo use Foley Kidney Pills, say
ing if three bottles did not cure
me he would return my money. I
am glad lo say it was not neces
sary lo use all of the three bot
tles, and I hey cured me entirely."
For sale by F. (1. Fricke & Co.
"Dad" Renner Gets Fall.
While chasing a fractious cow
Tuesday I'ncle John Renner
caught his fool on I lie end of a
railroad tie and got a hard fall,
jailing and bruising him quite
severely, lie was down town for
a short time yesterday, but did
not slay long, lie was not feeling
very well after the fall.
For Infant! and Children.
The Kind You Have Always BcgM
Blgnaturt of
li J Sha'i arh M. Hess, Wallace
I ess. Franklin W. Creamer. Ada May
l reamer Jotln A Wright? Ktl I
rharVeV j f" T- Griff
liarles J. i0ff, Ira C. Uroff. Mary A
county, Nebraska, bkr nut !.! .i...
jeniiants and others, the object aad
ft V? 10 teroilno the
. . Humi ram quarter
Of .Section 13. Tnuii.kln l. v...u
of the parties to salt action and If the
Z. I , 1 " equitably divided that
said premises will be sold and the pro
ceeds thereof be divided between the
rights iw ineir respective
kou and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
Jr.l day of June. 1S12.
.IriM'll" 24th dnv of April. 112.
i; A h .C"KAMK". I'laintlff.
y l. O. i Kit, His Attorney.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
or a chattel mortRaKe, dated June 15th.
Hill, and duly tiled In the ofllce of the
County Clerk of Cass County. Ne
braska, on the 30th day of June. 1911
and executed by Harry Mattlce to lien
li tV-n,Vn'!.eo,,r2 the P'nt f the sum
of 1600.00. and upon which there Is now
due the sum of $300.70
kT'.I'L .,Harry Mattlce, having
abandoned the mortKaared property
hereinafter described and thereby mak
ing default, and said mortgagee deem
ing himself Insecure In the payment of
said sum; that no suit or other pro
ceedings at law having been Instituted
to recover said debt or any part there
of therefore, I will sell the property
therein described to-wlf
One Avery Knglne. 16 horse-power;
one Avery threshing separator No. 37D6.
with wind stacker and self-feeder com
plete, and one Avery water tank, at
public auction at the house of Nick
h rledrleh, one mile south of Murray, in
lass County, Nebraska, on the 11th day
of May, m: at i! o'clock p. m, of said
Dated April 18th, 1912.
BKN DILL, Mortgagee.
To All I'ersons Whomsoever:
Notice is hereby given that a peti
tion has been filed In the County Court
? AaHw bounty, Nebraska, entitled
In the Mutter of the Kstate of Thomas
J. I-nun tain. Deceased, and alleging
that said deceased died leaving no last
will and testament and pravlng for ad
ministration upon his estate.
A hearing will be hail upon said
petition on the 18th dav of Mav. 19ia,
at the County Court lioom at l'latts
mouth, Nebraska, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
when any and all objections to such
petition will be hoard, and letters of
administration be granted to Isabelle
A. Met 11 tin ess or some other suitable
person to proceed to tho settlement of
mhIi! entnt
Witness my hand and the seal of snld
Court nt I'lnttsmouth, NebruHka, this
z on oh v oi April, lsia.
(Seal) A LI-UN .1. HEKSON,
County Judge.
D. O. DWYKIl, Attorney for Kstate.
i,iH oh i m i:si:.
Notice Is hereby given to nil persons
Interested nnd to the public, that the
undersigned, Cus V. Mohr. bus tiled his
pennon nnd application with the vil
lage Clerk of Ihe vllluirn nf A
County of Cuss, n ml State of Nebraska,
as rcMulred by law, signed bv the re
mi I red number of resident freeholders
of the snld village, setting forth that
the applicant Is a man of respectable
character and standing and a resident
of the Slate of Nebraska, and praying
that a license mav he issued to the
sold (lus F. Mohr for the sale of molt,
spirituous and vinous liquors for the
municipal year ending Mav 2. 1913 at
his place of business, situated on the
west two-thirds of lot five (51, In block
thirteen (13), In said village of Avoca,
Oils. V. Mohr, Applicant.'
April 11, 1912.
I. Mil on i,u i:sk.
In tho Matter or the Application of
Henry II. Wiedeman for Liquor
This Is to certify that Henry IT.
Wledemnn of the Village of Greenwood,
f'nss County, Nebraska, filed a petition
In the offlce of the Village Clerk on
April 10th. 1912. as required bv the
statutes of the State of Nebraska and
the ordinances of the Village of (ireen
wood. to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
Illinois for the coming municipal vear
In n building situated on lot No. 277 in
said village. L. H. DAFT.
(Seal) Village Clerk.
MtTll'K OK M'IM.K tTKIV Foil
I. Mil OH l.M r.NSK.
Notice is hereby given that William
Oelschlnger has filed his petition as re
quired by the statute of the State of
Nebraska with the Village Clerk of
Kagle, Nebraska, requesting a license
to sell malt, splrltuotiH and vinous
llipiors for the municipal vear. In the
building situated on Lot (6) six, Block
(19) nineteen. In the Village of Kagle,
Cass County, Nebraska.
A Kensington.
Mrs. M. E. Manspenker delight
fully entertained the ladies of the
Kensington club and a few friends
at her home yesterday afternoon.
The ladies of this club bring
I heir fancy work with them and
most of the hours of the after
noon were devoted lo stitching on
dainty needlework, this pastime
being very pleasantly interspersed
with conversation and other
amusements. During Ihe after
noon nn excellent two-course
luncheon was served. The mem
bers, of Ibis club and friends
present lo enjoy this splendid oc
casion were: Mesdames W. E.
Rosencrnns, J. E. McDaniel, J. C.
Petersen, Olga Croskary, P. (ioos,
F. O. Egenberger, L. B. Egen
berger and guests, Mrs. W. J. Holz
and daughter, Miss Marcella, of
Iowa City, Iowa; R. M. Schlaes,
Will Smith and J. Droege,
Charles Manning, Middle
Branch, Neb., gives his report on
Foley Kidney Pills. He says: "I
had trouble with my kidneys, so
bad that I passed blond. Doctor
ing did me but liltle good, so I
tried Foley Kidney Pills. One
large hot lie entirely cured ine of
my trouble, and I cheerfully re
commend Foley Kidney Pills to
anyone suffering with kidney
trouble." For sale by F. O. Fricke
& Co.
Don't let Ihe baby suffer from
eczema, sores or any itching of
the skin. Doan's Ointment gives
instant relief, cures quickly. Per
fectly safe for children. All drug
gists sell it.
Forest Rose Flour. The next
time you need a sack of flour try
a sack. You will find it the be9t
on the market.
From Tuesday's Pally.
C. S. Aldrich, the Elmwood at
torney, was in the city last even
ing and registered at Ihe Riley.
(irandma F.dwards of Olenwood
returned to her home this morn
ing after visiting Mrs. Q. K. Par
mele for a few days.
Mrs. William Barnhart left for
Olenwood on the morning train
today, where she will visit friends
for a short time.
Don Ilhoden of Murray was a
Plattsmouth visitor today, having
come to the county seat to look
after some business matters.
Hev. Steger and wife and babe
were Omaha passengers on the
morning train today, where they
looked after business matters for
a time.
Miss Hulda Spahne, who lias
been visilinc her sislpr. Miaa
Kalie, for a short time, departed
for Omaha on the fast mail this
W. (5. Meisinger of near Cedar
Creek was in the city today look
ing after some matters of busi
ness which demanded his personal
Ben Olive of Weeping Water,
who has been a guest of his aunt,
Mrs. J. M. Leyda, for a few days,
returned to his home yesterday
F. W. Nulling drove In from
the farm this morning to attend
to some business matters, and
called at this olllce and renewed
his subscription.
County Superintendent Miss
Mary Foster departed for Wabash
yesterday afternoon on No. 113,
where she will visit the schools in
that vicinity this week.
Wyelte llutcheson of Rock
Bluffs was looking after some
business matters in this cily to
day and took time to call at this
olllce and renew his subscription
Mrs. Ostler of Washington, Ni
braska, who has been a guest of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb.
for a shorl lime, returned to her
home Ibis morning, accompanied
by her sisler, Miss Nyle Cobb, who
will isil her for a t ime.
Ciuorge Vallery and wife depart
ed in Mr. Vallery's special car for
Denver this afternoon, having
visited Mr. Vallery's mother and
sisters in Ibis city over Sunday.
Their car was attached to No. 23,
leaving at 1 :58.
Fred Miller, the ex-Burlinglon
locomotive engineer, was oper
ated on this morning at St. Jos
eph's hospital in Omaha for
neuralgia. This is Ihe second
operation for the (rouble within
a short time. K. V. Miller, his
son, went lo the hospital this aft
ernoon to visit his father..
From Wednesday's Dally.
Fred Kchne of near Murray was
a passenger lo Omaha on the aft
ernoon train today.
L. D. Hiall, one of Ihe leading
Murray merchants, was in the cily
last evening and registered at. Ihe
John HenniiiKs of Louisville
came down on No. i this morning
and looked after business mat
ters for a lime.
O. A. Davis, Ihe Murray hard
ware merchant, was a Plalts-
moulh visitor today, looking after
some items of business,
William Starksjohn left yester
day afternoon for Custer county.
where he will look after business
matters for several days.
R. A. Young of Neliawka was in
Ihe cily yesterday morning and
made a trip to Omaha during Ihe
forenoon lo consult Dr. Allison
lici t Philpol, and J. C. Morgan
of Weeping Water motored lo
Platlsmoulh' yesterday afternoon
am) boarded the fast mail for
E. SlurzeneRtrer. ifeneral mei
chant of South Bend, came down
this morning on No. i to look af
ter business mailers al Ihe conn
ly treasurer's olllce.
(iramlpa Cline of Cedar Creek
visited his Plallsinoulh friend
for a few hours between trains
today, depart ing for his home vi
Omaha on the fast mail Ibis aft
Mrs. Charles Johnston, who has
been paying a visit lo her pat
cuts, I'.mil Wallers and wife,
the past live weeks while recovi
ing from Ihe effects of an opera
lion, departed for her homt
Sheridan, Wyoming, this aftei
Mrs. William Sporcr and Miss
Nellie I.mie- who lionriled llii
morning train for I lie metropolis
yesterday, returning on .o. i
were met at the station by Mr
Sporer, who had driven up from
Iheir home at Murray lo meet
Mrs. Charles Creamer and Mi
Henry Creamer and daughter,
Mrs. Walter Sans, drove up from
Murray this morning and boarded
the morning train for Omaha,
where they visited Raymond
dreamer at St. Joseph's hosnilal.
Raymond has been at the hospital
for about a week taking treatment
for spinal trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker of
Murray drove up this morning,
Mrs. Walker to do some shopping
and Mr. Walker lo visit old
friends. Mr. Walker has been
routined to his home nearly the
iMitire winter and this was his first
visit to Plaltsmouth since last
December. While here our old
friend gave the Journal a call and
seemed better than he had been
for several months.
From Thursday's Daily.
Oeorge Meisinger drove in from
his home yesterday and looked
after business matters in Ihe
county seat.
Mrs. V. Belohlavy and children
were callers at this ofllce yester
day and renewed their subscrip
tion to this paper.
William Puis, jr., of Mi. Pleas
ant precinct, was in Ihe county
seat today looking after business
matters for a lime.
Wall Vallery of near Murray
returned from Omaha last even
ing on No. L where he had been
on business for the day.
J. W. Elliott returned from
Omaha on Ihe morning train to
day, having accompanied his wife
lo Immanuel hospital Tuesday.
II. Johnson of Lincoln, who has
been a guest of the Peter Vallery
home for a short lime, returned
lo his home this morning on No.
V. V Perry and wife and Miss
Belle Speck were passengers to
Omaha on the morning train to
day, where Mr. Perry was called
on business.
Mrs. MeCallan of Omaha, who
has been a guest of Ihe W. T.
Seol ten home for a short I ime. re
turned to her home this afler-
James Holmes and wife and Mr
and Mrs. Smith of Murray motor-.
d to Plattsuioulh yesterday afl
rnoon ami visited friends for a
ew hours.
Mrs. C. McCallau came down
from Omaha yesterday morning
and is a guesl at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Scolten. She call-
d at this olllce today ami renewed
icr subscription to this paper.
C. R. Jordan and C. E. Ileebner,
ounly commissioners, arrived in
he city today and met with M. L.
'riedrich, and at a special meet
ing of I lie board considered Ihe
'oad on the Platle bottom leading
o Ihe Pollock-DulT bridge.
Stephen Jochim of Louisville
was in Ihe cily today looking after
some important business matters
it the coiirl house, and while hero
ook lime to call at this olllce and
enew his allegiance to Ihe Old
Reliable for another year.
Roy Boedeker, Mrs. Elmer
Hocdeker and little daughter,
Vivian, of Ihe vicinity of Murray,
were visitors in this city yesler-
lay. Mrs. E. Boedeker and little
laughter were pleasant callers at
this olllce and renewed Iheir
script ion to this paper.
I have arranced lo Bret a rale
of $30.f)0 round I rip lo Dermott,
Arkansas, on Ihe second day of.
Mav. where wo have 15.000 acres
of fine farm lands for sale. Those
buying land while there will have
Iheir railroad fare returned. For
further particulars apply lo or
T. L. An. irk, Mynard, Neb.
See the exhibit at J. L. Russell's
Riley Hotel Bar.
(i. D. McMaken and i. II. Deck
er left for Clarinda this morning,
where they will look after the un
loading of Iheir concrete mixer.
They have a job of paving there
which will keep Iheir mixer busy
for ten days.
and Eggs!
Pay the Highest Market Price
Deliver us your produce and jct
fair test nnd honest count.
Corner Sixth and Pearl Streets,
Platlsmoulh, : : : Nebraska