The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 25, 1912, Image 6

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    Murray Department.
If any of tke remlen of ttu Journal know of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail same to this office it mil appear under this keadin
'Ve want all itatut of interest. Editor Jour ml. . '
urray State Q
Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000
CHAS. Q PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZM AN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
We Solicit Your Banking
teiTOur Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
3 C
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis were
in f'lattsnioulh Wednesday.
Mrs. J. Edmunds was a Ne
braska (lily visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. William Kporer and Mrs.
Alva Long were in Omaha Tues
day. W. II. (i(M)d and family spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James
Mrs. (5. M. M in Tord and daugh
ter, Ogla, were in Omaha last
C. L. Creamer has been num
bered with I he sick for the past
few days.
Mr. Michael of Lincoln spent
Sunday with his daughter, Mrs.
A. O. Ram rc
Mrs. W. F. Moore was shopping
a few days in Omaha the latter
pari of lasl week.
Mr. and Mrs. I',. H. Queen spent
Sunday with the hitter's parents,
R. Jl. Fitch and wife, at Kenosha.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boedcker
and Roy Hoedeker were Platts
inouth visitors Wednesday of
this week.
Mrs. Fred Itamge of Plalts
moulh is spending the week al
the home of her sons, A. O. and
F. S. Ramge.
Or. Gilmnre made a profes
sional call to Weeping Water
Monday, return inn home on the
evening (rain.
II, C. ('reamer was an Omaha
visitor lat Sunday, where lie
spent the day with his son, Ray
mond, at the hospital.
Misses F, a Porter and Mar
guerite McSweeney spent lasl
Saturday and Sunday at the home
of William Oliver.
The Misses Kva Porter, Eliza
beth Oliver and Marguerite Mc
Sweeney returned to their schools
nl Mynard Sunday evening.
W. W. Hamilton, the boss Mur
ray contractor and builder, and
crew of men are al work on the
new barn on the Edmunds farm
this week.
H. C. Long was in Murray Wed
nesday. He is still moving around
wilh the aid of the wooden legs,
bul is gaining strength very
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Ilheinackle
are rejoicing over Ihe arrival of
a young daughter al their home.
The young lady's birthday will be
the 17th of April.
The slakes for the foundation
of the new residence properly of
Dr. J. F. Hrendel were set, Ihis
week. The doctor expects to com
nionce the erection of his new
home in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. John Chalfaut de
parted Tuesday for n visit in
Wyoming and other points in the
west, l hey expect to he gone
most of Ihe summer visiting their
sons and daughters, who are
located in Wyoming and South
Robert Good received a ines
sage Thursday morning anounc
ing the death of his mot tier, Mrs
Kinilv J. flood, which occurred at
their home at Cabool, Missouri
Mrs. flood and family moved from
this slate early last summer; she
is A sister of William and R. R
Nickels of Murray.
Oallant Rakes is on the sick
list this week.
Hen Dill has been shelling his
corn this week.
Robert Shrader was a Murray
visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker were
in Platlsmouth Wednesday.
Lute llanard has been on tin
sick list for the past few days.
Philip heil was attending to
business in Plattsinoul h Tuesday
James (iruber has been on the
sick list Tor the past few days.
. M. Minford shipped a car of
heifers to South Omaha Tuesday
j. i. rorier and wire were
Platlsmouth visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hoedeker
were Omaha visitors last Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes
were Omaha visitors last Satur
day. Charles Philpot shipped a car
of sheep to South Omaha Mon
day. Mrs. (1. W. Shrader was a Sun
day visitor with F. L. Rhoden and
J. F. Hrendel drove to Avoca
Friday for a load of his farm im
plements. John McDonald enjoyed a visit
from his brother from South
Omaha Sunday.
Arthur Copenhavcr and wife
were guests of Mrs. Addie Stokes
and son, Guy. Sunday.
L. F. Filch and wife, from near
I nion, were guests of J. D. Lewis
and family last Sunday.
Mrs. E. R. (Jueen closed a very
successful term of school last
Friday at the Swan school bouse ami ueorge .Mrkels were
delivering corn Tuesday and Wed
nesday lo the Murray elevators.
John, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Dick r.hrisweisser, has been num
bered with (lie sick for. Ihe past
few days.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Rhoden, on April 23d, a baby girl
Roth mother and little
doing nicely.
jonn iiohscheuil is improving
the appearance of bis farm home
uy aiming new rooms ana a new-
picket fence around the house
Mrs. 11. C. Creamer and daugh
ter, Mrs. alter Sans, went lo
Omaha this week, where they will
visit Raymond Creamer at SI. Jos
eph's hospital.
a wile ami inrce ciiiiuren, Airs.
Hruce Simlh of Ibdl 'county, Vin
cent and Cecil, minors at home.'
Funeral services will be held al
Weeping Water Friday at 2 p. m.
G. M. Minford was in Omaha
Wi morning.
D. C. Rhoden was a I'latlsmouth
v isitor 1 uesilay evening.
Pearl Dugay spent Sunday with
Mrs. Henrietta Creamer.
Mrs. Grace Gapen spent last
Friday with Mrs. Lloyd Gapen.
Lloyd Lewis was visiting with
friends at Rock Bluffs Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Seyboll were
I'latlsmouth visitors last Satur
M. G. Churchill was a Platts
moutb visitor on Thursday of this
Troy Davis, from near Weeping
Water, was a Murray visitor Wed
nesday. Nick Friedrich has sold and
will deliver his corn If) Murray
this week.
R. R. Nickels is having a bath
room built onto bis farm' resi
dence this week.
Dick Pitman and Herl Root
were Omaha visitors Tuesday, go
ing via Platlsmouth.
Joe Wheeler spent Saturday
and Sunday at Nebraska City and
I'nion visiting friends.
Miss Maude Rutcrholtz, who
has been ill for the past few
weeks, is reported some better at
this lime.
Workmen are busy hauling ma
terial for the new residence of H.
G. Todd, which will be erected this
Nick Friedrich was a Platls
mouth visitor Tuesday, making a
visit with his father, Commission
er Friedrich.
Don't forget that Saturday
night is the dale for the Strol
lers Male Quartet. You will make
no mistake in attending.
The social given by the Ladies'
Aid society lasl rriday evening
was not so well attended as should
have been, but at that piile a lit
tie sum was added to (he treasury.
Mrs. Peter Perry and daughter,
Miss Menola. passed through
Murray Wednesday morning en
route to Wabash and Flmwood for
n few days' visit with friends and
Thursday, the 251 h, was Ihe
birthday of Mrs. Mary Allison, and
her friends planned a postcard
shower for her. Mrs. Allison has
a great many friends here, where
she spent (he greater part of her
life. She now lives in Union,
As a general rule the. most
eulerlaiuing number in a lyceum
course is a male (piarlet, and the
Strollers have the distinction of
Miss Kva Porter was veiling in
Murray Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Carroll was fliop-
ping in Omaha Tuesday.
Kd Schulbof was attending to
some business mallei's here lues
T. W. Yallery shipped a car of
stock to South Omaha lasl Tues
Mrs. Walker and Miss Margie
were Plattsmoulh visitors Wednesday.
Hell ringing will be one of the
features of the Strollers enter
tainment Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of
Moorehead, Fowa, spent Sunday
with John McDonald in Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes
spent a few days this week with
relatives and friends in Omaha.
Mrs. S. O. Pitman spent a few-
days this week with her sister and
other relatives near Cedar Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Fd Graves and
family of Peru came up Tuesday
for several days' visit with Mr.
Graves parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
High school is being talked in
Murray. Let all be liberal in mind
and purse and help bring into the
community one of the greatest
benefits possible.
Miss Mary Martin, a trained
nurse from Omaha, has been call
ed lo the Dull home for the rare
of Mr. Dull, whose condition is
not improving at this time.
The Misses Willo Moore, Rose
and May Creamer, Liddie Todd
and Heulah Sans were a number
of Ihe High school girls that went
lo I'laiismoum on the evening
train Sunday night.
i. J. pitman is making some
great improvements around his
farm home this week by sodding
and arranging the yard. He has
also added a fine porch on fh
west side of Ihe house.
Married in Omaha.
The ong-looked-for event has
happened. Mr. L. D. lliatt and
Mi.s Minnie Heinrich were mar
ried in Omaha yesterday. When
the couple took the train in the
morning our reporter surmised
that something of this kiud was
going to happen, and be was
right. Mr. Rial I is a member of
the mercantile lirm of Hialt &
Putt of Murray, and a young man
born and reared in Cass. county
and has lived in this city nearly
all his life. "Demmie" is a very
popular young man and his
friends are legion. The bride is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Heinrich and was also born and
reared in this city. She is a most
charming young lady and highly
respected and loved by all who
know her. The young people will
make their home in Murray. The
Journal extends congratulations
and will have more to say regard
ing this happy union in a later
issue of this paper.
- Two Fine Kentucky Bred Jacks! -
El - CROW!
! (Special Correspondence.)
Tro Fine Horse In Murray.
K. J. Ileisil. the fine horse man
from Fremont. Iowa, has return
ed home and left that fine per
cberon horse in Murray that he
has had in Cass county for
pasi lew oavs. . company 10 ne fr
known as the Murray Horse com
pany, has been organized and
have purchased this exceptionally
tine animal, and he will make the
season of 1912 at the livery barn
of D. C. Rhoden. The stockhold
ers of Ihe company are as follows:
Mark While, president; G. M.
Minford, treasurer; Charles
Spangler, secretary ; Ramge Hros.
and D. A. Young; D. C. Rhoden,
Luella Armstrong is quite sick.
The entertainment which was
given in the M. E. church by Dr.
Condra of the stale university and
his daughter was well attended.
Mr. Condra gave us a very inter
esting talk on Nebraska.
The Rebekah convention will
be given in the hal Thursday aft.
ernoon and evening, April 25. The
supper will be given at 5:30 in W.
K. Failing's building.
The body of Robert lloham's
daughter was brought here for
burial Thursday. Mrs. Hoham's
sister, Mrs. Kruger, of Omaha,
and children, are here also.
Misses Nora and Mamie Maher
were Linocln visitors last Satur
day. Henry Renwans, from Cali
fornia, has purchased the farm
on which Ralph Morris resides
and will move into Mr. King's
house this week.
Dr. K. L. Jones has purchased
a new piano.
The hidings at the M. E. church
are being quite well attended.
The eighth grade county exam
inations will be given Thursday
and Friday, April 25 and 26
Those who do not pass at this
lime will be permitted to take a
second examination May 9 and 10
Miss Nellie Kennisou returned
from Sioux Cily Wednesday even
ing. Her niece, Miss Sadie Ken
nisou. of South Sioux Citv. aceom-
Ihe nanied her home and will visit her
a few days.
(License Certificate No. 5333, J. 867)
JIM CROW is a Kentucky
Bred Jack, seven years old, black with
white points, and is 13J hands hie-h. He
is a very high grade animal and a sure
foal getter. He will make the season
of PJ12 at the livery barn of D. C.
Rhoden, in Murray, Nebraska. - You
will make no mistake in breeding- to this
Jack. His colts speak for themselves.
The Celebrated Young Jack
Jesse James, Jr.
(License Certificate No. 5334, J. 867)
young Jack coming your years old, Ken
tucky bred, and black with white points,
stands 13J hands high, foaled July 24,
1908. Jesse James will make the sea
son 1912 at my farm, 3 miles southeast
of Murray, to a limited number of
mares. lie is a sure foal getter and his
colts are of the finest quality, big bone
and large animals.
TERMS! The followine terms
will apply to service of both Jacks:
$13.00 to insure a colt to stand and
suck, if paid within 30 days after due,
if not $15.00 will he charged. All due
precaution will be taken to prevent ac
cidents, but owner will not De respon
sible should any occur. When mares
are sold or removed from the county,
service fee becomes due and payable
immediately, and under all circum
stances uiust be paid.
A Demonstration.
We will give a demonstration
rif Ihn niw Pnrforl inn flil f'.imk
being one of the best quartets on stoy( at oup sopp Tliursday,
May 2d. We want everybody to
the platform. Come out Saturday
evening and judge for yourself.
The citizens of Murray are very
well pleased that Mrs. Graves lias
reopened the hotel for Ihe accotn
modal ion of the public. The
private boarding houses did all
possible to make the traveling
public comfortable, yet Murray
needed a hotel. Mrs. (Iraves is
an excellent landlady and her
table is set with Ihe best that the
market affords.
Word has been received from
win mown, way up mere m
Canada, that Murray gave him a
souvenir on leaving here which
attend this demonstration and
enjoy a free lunch with us. The
company will have a represent
ative here to tell you and show
you all aboul the "Perfection,"
demonstrating its many points of
superiority over other oil cookers.
Pitman & Davis.
To Those Interested.
The notes and accounts due
the late firm of Fdmunds & Brown
are left at the State Hank of Mur
ray for the convenience of those
who may desire to settle. This is
done because I will not be in
Murray all the time, having busi
ness on my farm.
J. W. Edmunds.
Never can tell when you'll
mash a finger or suffer a cut,
bruise, burn or scald. Be pre
pared. Dr. Thomas' Eclectic dil
instantly relieves the pain
quickly cures the wound.
Dance in Murray.
The Murray Dancing club will
give another dance in Jenkins
hall in Murray on Saturday even
ing, April 27. The music will be
furnished by Ihe Jacobs' or
chestra of Omaha. You know the
developed in a nice case of chick- good time thai is in store for you,
one are enpox, and which look a couple of so make up your mind to attend
weeks to unload after he reached right now.
Leave orders at Murray State Bank
Address either Plattsmouth
or Murray.
his Canadian destination. He
also writes that Canada was all
thai he expected it to he, and thai
he is now farming in earnest.
There will be a citizens' meet
ing in Murray next Monday even
ing at Ihe school house for the
purpose of discussing school
propositions. There is a graded
vve heard a number of people school needed in Murray, a new
in Murray remark this week that site and building. Heller schools
they knew spring was coming mean better opportunities for the
sure, for J. A. Walker and Dr. education of the children. This
Gilmore have had their hair cut meeting may develop something
n.n ii. ..i ..mi I . ii
liiiaries r.ngeiKcmeier lias pur- imu win ne oi mieresi to vou, so
chased himself a new Maxwell you are requested to attend.
We are offering a large assort
ment of summer dress goods,
regular 25c values, at 17 cents.
15-cent values nl 10 Mi cents.
An extraordinary large assort
ment of new patterns in ging
hams, percales and prints.
lliatt & Tult.
Murray, Neb.
auto from Bert Philpot at Weep.
ing Water. Charley will now en
joy himself in the proper manner.
Dr. (. it. (iiimore received a
message Wednesday morning
from Weeping Water telling of
the death of his brother-in-law,
Asa A. Davis, after a lingering
sickness. Mr. Davis was born in
Nebraska in 1857 and was well
known lo the old settlers. For a
number of years he was engaged
in business in Elm wood and later
moved to Weeping Water to
educate hfs children. He leaves
I rank Moore and George Hay,
from near Murray, were Platts
moulh visitors lasl Friday. While
here Mr. Moore paid the Journal
olllce a brief call and left an order
for some bills for the two fine
Kentucky bred jacks that he has
just brought from Missouri.
Frank says he bought them be
cause they are good, and he
knows they are good for he has
Red Polled Calves.
I have the high grade pedigreed
Hed Poll bull calves for sale. Also
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs at
75c per selling.
Alf. Nickels, Route 1, Murray.
"Had dyspepsia or indigestion
for years. No appetite, and what
I did eat distressed me terribly.
Burdock Blood Hitters cured me.'
J. 11. Walker, Sunburyy, Ohio
Grain Cleaning.
I have just purchased a new
seen n number of their colts, and cleaning machine and am pre
they are Ihe finest that he has pared to clean all kinds of grain
over seen, see his advertisement ana grass seeus; aiso seen corn
in another column of this issue. Alf. Nickels, Route 1, Murray.
The Very Rev. Jan Marek, D.D.
It is very seldom that a high
church dignitary honors a manu
facturer with a written apprecia
tion of some article. The Very
Reverned Jan Marek, D.D., Canon
of the Metropolitan Capitol of St.
Vitus, Prague, Bohemia, allowed
us to publish the following letter:
"I have tried Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine and wish to
say that it has an excellent effect
in diseases of the stomach. Ac
cept my sincere thanks and best
wishes for yourself and your dear
family in your new, distant coun
try. Very Truly Yours, Jan
Marek, D.D., Canon at St. Vitus,
Prague." U is a well known fact
that in diseases of the digestive
organs you can easily depend on
Ihis remedy, called Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine.
It is made of pure red wine which
it sol T has a good stimulating ef
fect on Ihe stomach and the in
testines and of selected medicinal
herbs, mostly bitter tonics, and
laxatives. Use this remedy in
every indisposition, in loss of ap
petite, weakness, constipation,
headache, in colicky pains and
cramps, in nervousness and
neuralgia and in rheumatic at
tacks. At drug stores. Ser. No.
316 Pure Food Law. Jos Triner,
Pharmaceutical Laboratory, 1333-
1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chi
cago, III.
is wanted in Murray by
and the highest market price will
be paid at all timas.
Your stock will be accedted at
any time you wish to make the
delivery, and we will guarantee
to pay you the very best market
AIIWc Ask is a Trial to
Be Fair With You
Telephone No. 14 or 15
Murray, Nebraska
St. Luke's Guild Entertained.
The members of St. Luke's
Guild are greatly indebted to Mrs.
L. A. Moore for a pleasant after
noon spent at her home yester
day. Each lady present was the
recipient of a handsome bouquet
of roses and sweet peas.
Do You want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable