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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1912)
-The Plattsmouth Journal Published Semt-Weekly a! Plattsmouth, Nebraska lead, there is no question as to tiif success of our ticket. R. A. BATES, Publisher. I .a J'olletle inn well everywhere. but tin powers lo'liimi I tie (drone were too Hot on ins trail. ne came, out second best in Nebraska Entered at the PoBtoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebrauka, 4s second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Slill it is ocean than I Ooliliin. safer to cross drive behind the old :o : Lincoln adopts the commission lorni of government by a very small majority. :o: Harriet Ouimby has flown over the English channel, but for all that she may he afraid of a mouse. :o: The Titanic passenger would rather have had fewer velvet up holstered chairs and more life boat seats. :o: Morehead received a line ma jority in Cass county and the Journal is delighted. He is Hie proper man for governor. :o : Manv people who g t Europe talk? once in a lifetime, are mad if they lose half a day by the boat's slow ing down through a fog. -:o: The Titanic furnished every protection aaiiisl sea sickness, but they don't suffer much from that at, (he bottom of the sea. :o : Vickey Ilosewater got it in the neck good and plenty last Friday. Ho is no longer the boss of the republican party of Nebraska. :o: If they had carried more life boats in place of a swimming pool on the Titanic some of the pas sengers would not have had to swim for shore. ;o: They say more pepper is to be put into the campaign, but as the lid of the pepper box was removed some time ago I hoy will have to throw it in with the coal shovel. :o: It is of course too much to ask citizens to vole at the primaries, but if I hey have a spark of .'patriotism in their breasts they ivil) be present at (he ball games. : ;o: An Oklahoma editor is going to walk to the Baltimore convention Considering the way the trains have been running, I hat is good judgment if he wauls to get there .'n time. :o: Life preservers stuffed with straw can be disposed of all right in ordinary times, but just now would be an inopportune oe casion to work them off on the market. :o : The Carpathia held back the John J. (iiislin received a de cisive majority for representative on the democratic ticket. He is a young man and highly respected by all who know him, and if elect ed is abundantly able to hold dow ii tin job. :o: Some of the powers think the Monroe doctrine Is dead. Hut as Uncle Sam has recently put $400, (10(1,000 into a hole in his back yard, he is more likely than ever to see that that particular watch dog has his teeth cared for. :o: the whirlwind campaign made by cx- ioveruor Iockcry of Mis souri. George Fred Williams of Massachusetts, and a few others is what diil the work in Nebraska for Champ Clark, (ioveruor Dock cry hasn't lost any of his old-time with all the trust money against energy in making appeals to the him. people, and every speech he made ;o: voies lor ;peaiaT iiarK. ne is a Roosevelt looks like a winner grand, good man and his person al this dale. There is a power ality within itself was an appeal behind the throne supporting him. sullicienl to rally oters to his For instance, the Steel trust, the friend and fellow citien, Champ Harvester trust Vind a hundred Clark. other smaller trusts. -:o :- The people of Nebraska can now have a brief respite from the ex citement attendant to the pri maries, isut soon ine wnoie nusi- ness will have to be none over- at the general election in Novem ber. :o : The nominations are made Now comes the election in the dim distance, nearly seven months rn. i . l. i:...,. i,. : i rfTorU nr.. tn.intr mn.lo o foren u. lie 10 au, Justice Hughes into the cam but wait and work is the order, i . j i i ....... i : .. ,i paign, but who would shake hands ami 'anuijaies i.iu.m im ..u with the crowds from East port to boar ,he agony San Diego when he can sit up be- :o: hind the bench in a black night- It is not surprising that re gown and hear the other fellows publicans went into revolt against their president, but it is surpris ing that they seem bent on pick ing an even worse man, and the one who gave us our president, to prefer over him. :o: The democrats of Illinois are Champ Clark "run like a skeer- ed wolf" in Nebraska, leaving Harmon and Wilson in the back ground. If the speaker runs as well in the general election as he dil in the primary, he is very apt divided into two factions. How . . . .. . ... . i , i- i. to carry the state in November, if uo mey cxpeci 10 aceompiisu not a voter but who will take pride nominated. thing with that sort of foolish-h H ,., hi a, ..... .,,,.,1 I ii ao ii 9 T)iil i-Jniiuisiftfifu o rn win I The maintenance of the I'ana ma It is certainly remarkable the way that man Newton ran for governor against Aldrich, the present republican governor, and serving bis first term. New Ion was comparatively an un known quantity, but the returns would naturally indicate that Aid rich's party friends, a large num ber of them, were tired of him, and that any republican with or dinary ability and well known in the state, could have easily down ed the man who went back to Ohio, his native state, and brag ged to his former neighbors how he was going to reform Nebraska people. :o: The democrats had two most excellent men running for the nomination for commissioner- August, Nolting anil Julius Pitz. The Journal had no choice bt tween the two, as we concluded either one would fill the position with ability. Mr. Pit, was tin choice of the voters and there is The One Best Drink SIZZ is a powdered beverage, and comes in tne following flavors: Orange, Lemon, Celery, and Root beer. Have your own Soda Fountain in your Homo. The making of a glass of SIZZ needs only the addition of clear, cold water. It's alive, it's sparkling, cooling and delicious. YOU'LL LIKE THIS DRINK SIZZ is put up in three size bottles 25c, 50c and $1.00, and costs but about one cent per drink. SIZZ may be bought in Plattsmouth at the followiug plaoes: Smith &. Mauzy, Weyrich & Hadroba, H. M. Soennichsen, E. G. Dovey and Son, Hatt & Son Adolph Giese, Ed Donat. Leo. Grotte Mfg. Co. OMAHA, NEB. ness-: mu aemocrais are uie Section. He was reared in Cass i.; M. ! . . 1 a k l I uiggesi ioois on earn, just iu u.e ,.olm,v, within a short distance is uointr In Post Mn . Ver lim W,ien UnH' f aCti11 from Platts.l.OUl h. Mr. Pit is I tt-itl Itninrr 'iWfini' A 1 ri M that I . 000,000 a year, but as our local tax collector never asks us for anything for Uncle Sam we feel confident that this bill will be paid by some other fellows some where. :o: Old ocean's caprices arc grim and arbitrary. The leaky old Mayflower of 1620, In which today you would scarcely dare to sail the Missouri river, crossed all right, while the $10,000,000 mod ern palace with complete scientific equipment goes to the bottom. will bring funny? -:o: farmer and a gentleman of most excellent qualities and one who deserves the confidence of the There may be some virtue in people. I he more you see of him the rinar of the nri.e fighters, but the more you think he is the we fail to grasp its importance proper man for commissioner. enough to employ the language of ;(;- the arena in discussing a matter so serious as that effecting the chief executives of our great country. And yet this is the way the Rough Rider treats the sub ject. :o: Nebraska is perhaps the mo.-1 demoralized slate, politically speaking,' in the Union and no one of the parties is any worse than the other. Dot now that the ex cileiuenl brought about by work of friends in the interest of their No use to think or talk of re- preferences for president has to straining corporations when the a great extent passed away, it be. . . 1 rn. 1 I .. 1 I .1,. ....., n, I I,. n,.nui.n .;o; people gO W1IU Over lCUIjy noose- unuiiuui iu j'i.-i nun ... i. .1 u . veil, who is being touted by Me- ally interest himself in behalf of iuiii fin-tin nas details of the tragedy, but enter nrisintr reporters with a pail of paper and newspaper accounts of previous disasters, were able to give all the details. :o: Amateur wireless operators inlerferred with getting word from the Titanic, but some people will say that boys will be boys and young people must be permitted to amuse themselves. :o: A Louisville preacher says (lod will punish people more for the lies they act than for the lies they tell. The iceman who cuts the weight of his cakes has some thing coming to him. :o : r Congress never does much in the session before election be cause the fences have to be re paired, nor in the session after, because it would be forgotten by the next election If they did. :o: Local pride is a great business builder knocking is the surest way lo wipe n place off the map. .Let's all be practical boosters for the old town. Let's start today 1 And let's keep it up all the lime Hon. John II been nominated for governor of Nebraska by the democrats. He is not only a gentleman who will perform the duties of the office in a manner creditable to himself, but if elected he will have the con tldence and respect of the busi ness interests of the state. Ex-Governor Shallenberger re ceiel the nomination for United Slates senator on the demo cratic, ticket. "Shelly" is all right and the vote h received at the primary would denote that he slill has a large number (if friends in Nebraska, who believe him to be "all wool and a yard wide." :o: Plattsmouth bids fair to do more improving this year than any city of its size in Nebraska. The people have faith in the old town and evidences of this fact can be seen in every direction Newcomers arrive daily and are buying property with the sole in tention of making their homes in this city. :o: Meningitis is prevalent in many places and is attended with a heavy fatality. Noted physicians advise that great care be taken with throat and nose troubles as meningitis is due to a germ that may And lodgment iu Ihe system through inhalation. In Kansas City about j00 cases Imve been reported this winter. :o: The primary returns would in dieate that the republicans are not all by any means satisfied with the administralion of Aldrich, am many of lhat party are surprised at the vote his opponent received With a united democrat ie parly and Hon. John II. Morehead iu Ihe dill McCormick of the Harvester harmony and peace within our trust, and Perkins, president of ranks. Now that the primary is the Stetd trust. Oh, Lord, what over and the nominations settled, will become, of this county if we should carry our animosities lloosevelt should be elected no farther, but rally to the sup- president for a third term? The port of the candidates. And if we first stepping stone to a mon- do so iu the right spirit we can archv. " march in one solid phalanx to II... I... II.. I l...v .... ..!..! i. ii !.,- ,1 illi q i I tin; iitt i n it i mi i I rv 1111 v iv I ,'ijl.tti mii'filiiiil lituwl I Ink fliilltil Ml HI 1 ...l...ll'"IJ lim ui'iru ill'. H' uiv onest. now. Mr. voter who ' 1 and substracted tellingly from the Harmon vote in Harmon ter ritory the same as it smashed the Wilson vote in Wilson territory. It was a "menace" that won. The election returns also establish how unfounded was the charge ttiat Clark was a stalking horse for Harmon, and lhat he was put info the Held for the dis honest purpose of "dividing the progressive vote." Clark, it must lie admitted, was looked on by the Nebraska demo crats as the most progressive and thoroughly representative demo cratic candidate of Ihe three. He was looked on, furthermore, as the candidate who, if nominated, would most strengthen the demo cratic party in the state in the ap proaching general election. He stood as the embodiment of the record of faithful performance made by Ihe democratic bouse of representatives. For these rea sons he carried the Nebraska pri maries by a very substantial plurality. 11 is easy enough for everybody I.) 'see hov. aftvr the event, that '.lark was a real candidate, run ning squarely on his own merits, without entangling alliances of any kind, the same as Wilson, and Harmon were. All three were earnestly supported, all three were good men, and the man who was naturally strongest with Ne braska democrats won in the fight for the delegates at large. He is entitled to their loval, zealous and persistent support at Baltimore and without doubt he will have it. In every congressional district that was carried by Clark the dis trict delegates should take up the light for him, and the friends of Harmon and Wilson alike should heartily acquiesce in the verdict. There is no good reason why any of them should fail to be good Champ Clark men, for Champ Clark is a mighty good democrat. -"-World-Herald. An Exellent Company. There was an overflow house at the Overland last evening to enjoy the pleasing presentation of "Thorns and Orange Blossoms," by the Charles Breckenridge Stock company. The company is com posed of some clever artists and they pleasingly presented this popular play. This evening they present the five-act comedy, "For Humanity's Sake." The specialties between acts by Harry Smith, Charles Breckenridge and Miss Eva Lappin, were indeed pleasing. The company is here all week and will be greeted by crowded houses. Nebraska City News. At the Parmele theater" one week, beginning next Monday night. -:o:- NEW BARBER SHOP IN CEDAR CREEK. 4 , j 4 I wish to announce j,hat I J. have just , opened a new J barber shop in Cedar Creek," J and hereby solicit the trade 4 ! of the community in that 4 4 line. Also notary public I work done. S. J. Reames, 4 4- n ri T 4 l i i 1 "" Pasture for Rent. Good pasture for about 30 head of horses and cattle. Three miles east of Cedar Creek. T. E. Bowers. For Sale. Dry Land Geese Eggs, .$1.50 per dozen. B. P. R. eggs 75c per 15 and $1.25 per 15. Mrs. Wm. Troop, Nehawka, Neb. . ... . . . . . i i ti i iu mill ui-i . much 1 1 ir leouj, ii jou uif ui-u today to be George W. Perkins, chief mogul of the Steel trust, or The right way for the demo- Medill McCormick of the Harvest- crats of Nebraska to do right now r trust, ahd either of these gen- is to begin a system of organiza- llemen happened lo be you, which lion. Let every man rally round one would be most apt to be the old democratic flag. Hon. laughing in his sleeve? Wouldn't John il. Morehead is just the man it be the one who happened to be to carry the banner on to victory. the Steel trust or Harvester trust lie has never been mixed up with representative? Lincoln Star. any of the factions. He is a clean, :o: good man, and every democrat Ex-Governor Shallenberger is can rally to his support. If slill a great favorite among Ne- Champ Clark receives the nomina braska democrats. The election lion at Baltimore, the democrats returns would indicate this fact, can all support him, because he There are no bigger men, intel- has a fine record to recommend leetually speaking, in the state, him and he has never done any- Thu neonle know this. He is iust thing that would cause any the kind of man lo send to the democrat to vote against him. He United States senate, and if elect- has been faithful to the cause of ed he will be a representative iu democracy and his work in con- that body of which we all will feel gress has been the cause of the proud. Here's hoping lhat he will common people. In the nomina- be successful. lion of two such standard-bear- :o: ers as Clark and Morehead the The republicans of Nebraska democrats of Nebraska will have have shown I heir, ingratitude to just cause to feel that victory is Victor Ilosewater by defeating him in the air. Then let every demo for national committeeman. Al- crat join in the slogan bar ready acting as chairman'of tho monize for victory. national committee, should havo :o: created a sulllcient pride to have THE TRUTH ABOUT CLARK, re-elected him. He is editor of The election returns establish one of the greatest republican lhat it was quite true that Champ papers in the west, and his in- Clark's candidacy in Nebraska lluenee with the nartv. nationally was a "menace." It was a menace speaking, should have been an in- to Governor Wilson's candidacy ecnlive lo his re-election. and Governor Harmon's alike, THE men who demand the most, who investigate thoroughly, who satisfy themselves on every de tail, are the men we like to deal with. We don't expect you to buy clothes on our "say-so." Only perfect clothes can withstand the tests we're invit ing you to make that's the only kind we have ever sold. Just now we are showing good styles Copyriihi 1912, Alfred Dtckef ft Coha in plenty. Values better than ordinary $10 to $25. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats (ST E