The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 25, 1912, Image 2

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    The Building Owned by H. M: Soennichten Could Be Purchased
at a Very Reasonable Figure by Gty, Also the Old Livery
Stable on Pearl Street Is Offered to the Council.
Since the committee, acting for
the Y. M. C. A., purchased the
Wetcnkamp block, Ihc city coun
cil has been looking for a suitable
place for a city hall and an office
for the police judge. They con
templated purchasing the building
directly east of the Wetenkamp
Idock, but they were too slow in
their maneuvers and it was sold
before they "got to it." The coun
cil and police judge have oc
cupied their present quarters for
a good many years, but have to
give way just as soon as possible
so that the building can be put in
shape for the Y. M. C. A. They
have now an opportunity of the
refusal of two propositions, and
they should consider the sur
roundings and the location of
both properties before they invest
in either.
The old livery barn on Pearl
street, west of thejiew Woodman
building, is one proposition, and
the present building of II. M.
Roennichshen in the Waterman
block is another. Mr. Soennieh
sen has for some lime contem
plated building a brick store room
on the lot he purchased a year
or more ago west of the Journal
building, and desires lo sell his
present building to aid him in
erecting his large new quarters.
Mr. Soenniclisen lias offered this
property, we understand, at a very
reasonable price, and if the city
Wm. Ferguson's Barn Burned.
William Ferguson, who resides
near lloek lilull's, bad the misfor
tune to lose his barn by lire yes
terday during the hili wind. Mr.
Ferguson was absent from home,
having driven to I'lal I smoul h, and
his wife was at one of the neigh
bors at the lime', lie had been
trimming his orchard the past few
days and burning I be brush, but
supposed (he lire was all ex
tinguished, and he is at a loss to
know how I he lire got started.
Mr. Ferguson's neighbor, John
(locheiiour, discovered the lire
after it stalled and hurried to the
spol, and finding his neighbor's
hogs all under the barn drove
them out. Sparks were. Hying to
ward the corncrib and dwelling
house. Mr. Cioclienoiir prevented
these from catching by whipping
out I lie brands. A small crib in
which Mr. Ferguson kepi his seed
corn caught lire ami the seed corn
was burned.
The barn was valued at ? 2 fit I
and was insured for $100. Mr.
Ferguson feels very grateful to
his neighbor, Mr. (iochenour, for
watching his dwelling ami corn
crib and for driving out the. stock
from under the barn, as there is
liltle doubt but the whole would
have been burned had it not been
'for the timely work of Mr. (Ioch
enour. In County Court.
From Wortnpurtay'i Dally.
Judge A.J. Ileeson yesterday is.
'sued marriage license to llobert
llurr of Murray and Miss Louisa
M. Virgin of the same place. The
.groom is a son of P. llurr and the
bride a daughter of William
Denlirrird by HcmenwalU
en, taicago.
can show you some splendid values just now at
$6, $10 and $12
g. I.
Always the Home
buys it it will be money well
spent, and at the same time aid a
worthy citizen and business man
in more extensive improvements,
which will add considerably to
the appearance of the city. And
another thing which the council
should take into consideration is
that the Soennichsen building is
centrally located and in the next
block west of the quarters the
council and police judge have so
long occupied and in close proxi
mity to the court house.
It is the Journal's opinion that
the council should consider well
the location of both propositions
and the amount, of money to be
expended for each in the way of
repairs, etc. The Soenniclisen
building is J 00 feet long by 28 feet
in widlh. The upper story would
make plenty of room for a city
hall and give the police judge a
nice office to himself, if so de
sired. We believe if the com
mittee will investigate properly
the location and surroundings of
both it would have no trouble in
'deciding in favor of the Soennicli
sen building. A city building is
the property of Hie taxpayers of
I he city, and the councilinen who
are presumed to carry out the
wishes of those for whom they
serve, we believe (hey will come
directly to the conclusion that the
Soenniclisen proposition is the
most available.
(i. F. Oliver, Papillion, Neb., says;
"I have found through the use of
Foley's Honey ami Tar Compound
for the past four years for my
children Ihat it gives the desired
results ami I would not be with
out a bollle of this cough medi
cine in the house." For sale by
F. i. Fricke & Co.
Convocation at High School.
The convocation hour at Hie
High school was occupied Ibis
morning by the freshman, class,
ami Hie program was of the usual
inlerest, and many visitors were
there lo enjoy Hie treat. The
program included a vocal solo by
Mrs. Fdna Falun entitled "My
Task;" a reading by Mrs. A. J.
Ileeson, "Aux Italians," ami was
accompanied by Miss lone lovey
with piano. The reading was fol
lowed by a piano duet by Misses
Sophia llilil and Ola Kaffenherg
er, and a trombone solo by Ralph
Marshall, "Love's Polka," com
posed by the player. ' Fitch one
was encored and gracefully favor
ed Ihe students with a second
Jos. McCalTery, Mgr. Schlitz
Hotel, Omaha, and Vice President
in Nebraska of "(Sreetcrs of
America," writes: "I recommend
Foley's Honey and Tar Corn
pound as a sure cure for coughs
and colds. I have used it myself
with good results, and have re
commended it to many others,
who have since lold me of its
great rural h e power in diseases
of the throat and lungs." For
sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
They are simply fine. You
can wear them for either wet or
dry weather. They are so light
and dressy and yet you are so
well protected. Can be rolled up
and put in a grip or suit case. We
Ucscott's Sons
of Satisfaction!
Former Plattamouth Lady, Her
Husband Being an Employe of
the Burlington Shops Here.
Mps. p. H. Mahoney, whose
funeral occurred Tuesday after
noon at Havelock, was for years a
resident of Plattsmouth, Mr. Ma
honey being a boilermaker in the
Hurlington shops until the loco
motive works were removed to
Havelock, when he removed with
his family to that city.
Mary Thayer was. born in North
Hudson, Essex county, New York,
January 2, 1800. Her father died
when she was very small and her
mother remarried to Sanford Cal
kin, and at the age of 7 years,
with her stepfather and mother,
she came to Cass county, where
she grew to womanhood. For
some time before her marriage
Miss Thayer taught in the schools
of the county. She was married
to P. II. Mahoney in July, 1881,
and with her husband resided in
this city for thirteen years.
Eighteen years ago the family re
moved to Havelock, where 4 hey
have since resiled
Mrs. Mahoney is survived by
four children Fdwiii of Valley
Junction, Iowa; . Mrs. Jessie
Ilawksworlh of Chicago, Harry
Mahoney of Chicago, and Miss
Lynell, at home; also one sister,
Mrs. It. L. Propst, of Mynard, and
two half-brothers and one half
sister, namely, W. W. Calkin of
Oilier, Neb.; Frank Calkin of
Hrooklleld, Neb., and Mrs. Olga
fiapen of Stamford, Neb. Mrs.
Mahoney was a consistent mem
ber of Ihe Episcopal church, a
devouted Christian lady, kind anil
genlle in her treatment of every
one, and winning the love and
respect of all wilh whom she was
associated. She was also a mem
ber of the Easlern Star, and dur
ing her last sickness her sisters
in I lie lodge were ever near to
minister to her slightest need. She
died at SI. Elizabeth hospital in
Lincoln, following an operation.
Her sister, Mrs. It. I,. Propsl and
husband, reached her bedside on
Saturday afternoon about an hour
before she breathed her last. The
funeral was conducted by llev. A.
II. Mrooks, Episcopal minister of
Lincoln, and was . held Tuesday
afternoon in the Methodist church
at Havelock. The floral tokens
brought by loving friends -entirely
covered the casket, interment
was made in Wyuka cemetery.
Plattsmouth People Give Credit
Where Credit Is Due.
People of Plattsnioulh , who
suffer with sick kidneys and bad
backs want a kidney remedy that
can be depended upon. The best
is Doan's Kidney Pills, a medicine
for Ihe kidneys only, 'made from
pure roots and herbs, and the
only one that is backed by willing
testimony of Plattsmouth people.
Here s a case.
J. L. IvlcKinney, Lincoln Ave.,
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills, procured at Rynott
& Co.'s Drug Store, have been
used in my family and. have
brought prompt relief from kid
ney disorders after other rem
edies have failed. In i0rt I pub
licly recommended Doan's Kidney
Pills for the benefit of other kid
ney sufferers and at this time I
have no reason whatever to
change one word of that state
ment." For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Fosler-Milburnj Co.,
Hull'alo, New York, sole agents for
Hie United Slates.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
D. L. Amlck Home.
D. L. Amick, who has been in
Kansas City for the past three
months, where he was receiving
treatment for stomach trouble,
returned home Ibis morning, feel
ing greatly improved. Mr. Amick's
condition was quite serious when
he went to Kansas City and it is
indeed pleasing to see him so
greatly improved at this time.
Dave's many friends at the old
home trust that he may continue
to improve.
U. W. Koms, the well known
blacksmith al Woodville, Neb., is
cured of a lame back that was a
serious trouble to him. He says:
"I have used Foley Kidney Pills
and they have done me more, good
for lame back than anything I
ever used. I cheerfully recom
mend them for lame back and
kidney ailments." For sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
..!?!'. .t..t?T..f. .T..T..T..T..T... ,T.'..T.
4 (Special Correspondent.) 4"
Al Itauer was in Lincoln Mon
day. W. O. (iillespie was in Lincoln
Erhart (loehry was in Omaha
last Friday.
Mrs. Edna Jones was shopping
in Omaha Wednesday.
(jeorge Hite visited with his
parents near Alvo Sunday.
Miller, the liveryman from
Manley, was in town Monday.
Frank Hulflsh of Wabash was
in town last Friday evening.
The Ladies' Aid society met on
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.
William Hurke shipped a car
load of hogs to South Omaha
Miss Esther Hart spent Satur
day and Sunday with her parents
west of Alvo.
William (iehts has recently sold
a live-passenger touring car to
Mrs. (iuelstortr.
Miss Selma Uranckle was a pas
senger to Omaha on No. 18 Sat
urday morning.
Mrs. Jacob (loehry and daugh
ter, Calhryn, were shopping in
Omaha Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Horneinier
went lo Iowa Saturday for a short
visit with relatives.
Richard and Kenneth Tool spent
Saturday and Sunday with Henry
Amgwert near Wabash.
Several of our young folks at
tended Ihe home talent play at
Elniwood Tuesday evening.
Miss Rose Milium, who teaches
east of town, visited home folks
at Plattsmouth over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tliimgan ami
daughter, Florence, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Monday evening a number of
our A. O. U. W. boys al tended a
supper given by that lodge at
Soiilli Mend,
diesis of Emil Kuehn and wifi
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Scliewe and children and Mr. am
Mrs. E. T. Tool.
Mr. Schueppe is building a barn
on his town property and be and
his wife will soon be numbered
among our town citizens.
The school children here en
joyed a half holiday on Arbor day.
The time was spent in making
flower beds and planting trees ami
Dan SchlapolT and Miss Lizzie
Rieke, two of our popular young
people, were married al the home
of he bride's parents on last
iliijrsday, Hesl wishes and hap
piness are, our congratulations lo
this happy young couple as they
embark on Ihe matrimonial seas.
A careful mother will not give
her child a medicine without
knowing it is pure, contains no
opiates, and has healing and
curative qualities. Such a medi
cine is Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound, for croup, whooping
cough, bronchitis, and all affec
tions of the throat, lungs and
chest, nest and safest for chil
dren and grown persons. Take
no substitute. For sale by F. O.
Fricke & Co.
T. E. Parmele came in from
Louisville this morning and look
ed after business matters in the
county seat for a few hours.
No. 1914
or TH
At Plattamouth, in the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
April 18, 1912.
toaim mid discounts f
Overdraft, seenred anil unsecured..
I'. S. bonits to secure circulation
Otlii'r IhhiiIs to secure, Postal Sav
Inirs. .
I'rcinlum.H on I'. S. IkiiiiIs
Bonils, securities, etc
Hanking house, furniture, fixtures...
Oilier real estate owned
Due from national banks (not re
serve airenia)
Due from approved reserve atrents..
Checks and other cash Items
Notes of other national hanks
fractional paper currency, nickels
anil cents
Lawful money reserve In hank. vl:
Specie ini.wano
1-eiral-tender notes tl.OVIUio
Redemption fund front !'. P. Treas
urer (." per cent of circulation). .
tt.sun t
Total fHI.4-si;4
Capital stock paid In jO.OOfl.tffl
Surplus fund 2.V0UV.M)
I'mllvlcled protlt.s, less expenses and
taxes paid ?.;:'. 0T
National hank notes outstanding.... ."AiHiMiu
Individual ili'oosll subject to check S7.Mi.;t
Oeniaud certinVales of delimit. M'T.Ytls
Tine certificates of uYoslt Isw.KU.Oii
Ucpotdts of Postal Savlnits :!.jul.t);
Total 41rt.4.T4
St ale of Nebraska I
County of Cass ( I, II. N. ltovey. cashier
of the alKwe-uamed bank, do solemnly swear
that the alsive statement Is true to the liest of
my Wnowledire and U-llef.
II. N. 1H)tit. Cashier.
Correct-Attest: Ur.o. E. IMiyit,
K. W. Cook,
U. IvNAff, Director.
SuWrllied and sworn to before me this
th day of April. MX Hessle Shea.
(Seall Notary Public.
My commission expires June 3, 1'-'li.
Indiana Scientist Who
ous "Home Treatment"
Free to Sick
In order that every reader of
the Journal who needs treatment
may have an opportunity to test
this celebrated medicine, the now
famous Indiana scientist has
come to the front with an offer to
give absolutely free a large proof
package to five hundred readers
of this paper to prove the won
derful claims which have been
made for it. In making this offer
the scientist said: "I know that
there are many people who have
been suffering for years with
some chronic disease' and many
of them have spent large sums of
money seeking a cure. I know
that these people hesitate about
investing money in medicine be
cause they have despaired of ever
getting well. Thousands have
told me that story and many
thousands of the same people
have told me afterwards that my
treatment had cured them after
doctors and everything else had
failed. I want to show these
despairing people that all the
newspaper talk about my treat
ment is absolutely true. I want
to prove to a limited number no
matter what, Ihe disease, no mat
ter how long they may have suf
fered, no matter how blue and
discouraged Ihat my treatment
really and actually does accom
plish Ihe wonderful results that
Coupon A-84 For Free Proof Treatment
Dr. Jas. W. Kldd. Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Please send me a Test Course of Treatment for my case, free and postage paid, Just
as you promise.
Post omcE State
STHKKTOr It. V. D. No.
.How Lonii
Make a cross (x) before disease you have.
you suffer most.
. . . .Rheumatism
... .Constipation
....Torpid Liver
. . . .Diarrhoea
. . . .Indigestion
..Bladder Trouble
..Weak Lungs
. .Chronic Cough
. .Malaria
. . Hay Fever
..Heart Trouble
Poor Circula
tion . .Impure Blood
. .Anemia
...Kidney Trouble'.
tilve any other symptoms on scperatc
Celebrates First Birthday.
Mrs. Alice F. Sherwood enter
tained at the home of her patents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Hudig,
Wednesday afternoon in honor of
her liitie son, Arthur William's,
first birthday. A number of small
tots were present, accompanied
by their mothers. The mothers
plyed the the busy needle, while
the little ones enjoyed all sorts of
games, the smaller ones rolled on
the floor. The parlors were
decorated with sweet peas and
smilax. A dainty two-course
luncheon was served. Those pres
ent were: Mrs. Walter (ireen
and children, Howard and Helen,
of Weeping Water; Mrs. William
Oray and son, Harry, of Soulh
Omaha; Mrs. I. W. Hamburg and
daughters, Alice, Hallie and
Flbel, .r (iretna; Mrs. Nell E.
Sherwood and children, Margaret
and Charles Wilbur: Mrs. P. F.
Btnlig and sons, Floyd and Ralp,
and Miss Ida Cording.
White Plymouth Rock Eggs.
While Plymouth Rock eggs for
sale at $3.00 per hundred. Mrs.
Oeo. A. KalTenberger, 11. F. D. No.
2, Plallsmouth.
(i. W. Beveridge of Mynard was
in Ihe city today and registered at
the Perkins.
and Several Colts at Cedar Rapids Jack Farm
TUESDAY, MAY 28th, 1912.
I will hold my Fifth Blue Ribbon Sale of high-class Imported Percheron
and Belgian marea, TUESDAY, MAY 28th. My buyer has been in Europe for
six months selecting these mares especially for this sale, and they are positively
the best lot of Imported mares ever offered in America. Some of these mares
already have colts at side, but mare and colt will be Bold together. I will also
offers few yearlings and two year old stallions and a few imported three year
olds; also a few choice Jacks will be sold. The Percheron Society of France has
ciosed the books for mares, and only a few can yet be imported. They are stop
ping it as fast as they can. This sale will be just about your last opportunity to
get imported mares from france. . Write for bills. Catalogues v; be ready as
soon as last marcs come.
W. L.
Originated the Now Fam
Offers Large Package
and Ailing.
have been reported."
People who suffer from Rheu
matism, Kidney Trouble, Stum
ach Trouble, Liver or Bowel Dis
orders, Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Chronic Coughs, -Weak
Lungs, Lumbago, Piles, Urinary
Disorders, F'emale Weakness of
any kind, the weak, worn-out,
broken-down and despondent will
be delighted at the effect of a few
doses. This wonderful treatment
creates a fine appetite and helps
Ihe digestive organs to carry on
their functions as they should.
It strengthens the kidneys, too,
and drives rheumatism poisons
from the blood as if by magic.
That is why people who try it be
come so enthusiastic.
Any' reader of the Journal who
will try this extraordinary. medi
cine that has created so much
excitement by its cures can obtain
absolutely free, a liberal treat
ment by simply filling in the
coupon below or writing a letter
describing their case in their own
words, if they prefer, and mailing
it today to James W. Kidd, Fort
Wayne, Indiana. No money need
be sent, and no charge of any kind
will be made.
As this offer is limited, you
should write at once, in order to
be sure to receive your free treat
ment. AkfmctkiiV .
Twocrosses (xx) before the one from which
. . Pimples
. . .Headache
. , . Nervousness
. . .Obesity "
...Delayed Periods
Female Weak
...ness ...Womb Trouble
. . Ovarian Trouble
Irregular Per
. . .iods
... Painful Periods
. . Delayed Periods
...Hot Flashes
Bearing Down
...Pains , ,
. . . Leucorrhoea
sheet. Correspondence In all languages.
What Is the Use?
Miss Teresa Hempel is wonder
ing this morning what is the use
lo expend money in beautifying
her home premises when the town
cows are allowed to roam over her
lawn and disfigure and dig up the
sod. Miss Hempel has just had
McMakcn & Son sod her terrace,
on the advice of the park com
mittee, to beautify the home
premises, and the work was no
more than completed than three
or four of the town herd took
possession of the lawn, and when
driven off scrambled over the
bank, taking the sod down with
them. To say that the lady feels
discouraged is putting it too mild
ly, and she has a right to feel in
dignant al. Ihe carelessness of the
owners of the cattle. Someone is
liable for Ihe damage, and Miss
Hempel proposes to find out who
it is and the party will lie re
quested to pay Ihe damage.
An 8-room modern residence on
Main street. Can loan you money
on it. Two cottages go at half
I heir cost.
Windham Investment & Loan Co.
Joseph and Frank Kouhelk were
Omaha passengers on Ihe morn
ing train today.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.