The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 25, 1912, Image 1
Neb Sl.'i m i outb Journal VOLUME XXX!. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1912. NO. 32. f?T7CV V A A . BEKJArtDH F. WILES SURPRISED Oil HIS FDFITiFIRST AMIU Neighbors Assemble at His Home Shortly After Nightfall and Proceed to Surprise Their Friend Evening Most Delightfully Spent in Playing Games and Visiting. From Wednesday's Dally. Benjamin Franklin Wiles, one of Cass county's most prosperous ant industrious farmers and stock raisers, celebrated his forty-first birthday yesterday. It was a cool morning on April 23, 1871, that our good friend first gazed about at the old homestead, southeast of the then small town of Platts inouth. He was not slow in recognizing the fertility of Cass county's soil and resolved to make bis home right here in his native, county. The celebration of his birthday yesterday was a complete surprise to Mr. Wiles, as he had not dreamed of such a thing, and when about thirty of his neigh bors quietly assembled in his dooryard shortly after nightfall and rapped at his door he was not expecting them, in the least. lien Horning telephoned him in the evening that he would be over af ter awhile to see him on business, but this did not arouse his sus picions, and when he went to the door and opened it to find his yard full of his neighbors, his pleasure can well be imagined. THE SERVICES OF Whenever a Road Needs to Be Improved Public Instinctively Turns to the Newspaper. Notwithstanding all the faults of our newspapers, there is one thing that can he said in behalf of American journalism. It stands for unselfish work for community bettermen. It is manifestly suicidal when a newspaper per. mils personal spiles to govern its policy. Hence a conviction and tradition has grown up in the newspaper fraternity that con siderations of public welfare alone must govern newspaper policy, according to the best intelligence of the editor. Who can measure the good ac complished by the American newspaper as a righter of wrongs, as a proclaimer of hidden evils, as a persuader in campaigns of public enterprise, and business advancement? Whenever a road needs to be improved, wherever a charitable or religious society needs help, wherever a scamp is to be ousted from oflice, the public instinctive, ly turns to the newspaper for help. Here and there a newspaper shows the yellow streak and fails to as , sist, but is it often? In view of these services, there is a growing recognition of I he honorable character of journal ism as a profession, a growing disposition to co-operate with the. newspaper by helping it obtain all legitimate news, and a grow ing tendency to extend adequate financial support through sub script ions and advertising. Met With Serious Accident. From Wednesday's Dally. Fred Olenhausen, who has been cutting brush for F.d Fitzgerald for some lime, met with a serious accident this morning soon after he went to work. While cutting away at a good-sized sapling his ax caught in a shumach bush ami glancing otT alighted across the left foot of Mr. Olenhausen, in flicting a dangerous and painful wound an inch and a half long. Dr. Cummins was consulted as soon as Tom Kildow could bring Fred to town and the doctor stitched the wound, placing eight stitches in the wound and dress ing it. Fred will lay otT for several days in consequence of the injury. Petition was filed in the district court today for the partition of land in Tipton precinct, the plain tiff being Isaih L. Creamer vs Sarah Hess, et al. AMERICAN JOURNALISM The evening passed very quick, ly, games and visiting furnishing entertainment until Mrs. Wiles, assisted by some of her kind neighbor ladies, served a delicious lunch. At a late hour the com pany dispersed, for their homes, wishing Mr. Wiles forty-one more pleasant returns of the day. lie was the recipient of a substantial present, which he very much ap preciated, and both he and his good wife were delighted to have their neighbors with them for the evening, although it was a sur prise party. Those present were: Mrs. C. L. Jean, Mrs. Ida Cole and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar (iapen, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wiles. Mr. and Mrs. John Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spanglor. Mr. ami Mrs. Ed Spang ler, Mr. ami Mrs. (!len Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler, H. W. Livingston, Mrs. W. T. Adams, Mrs. 15. F. Goodman, Julius Pilz, Mrs. Nininis, lien Horning, Ollie Horning and Mr. and Lafe Nelson. Miss Mrs. Operetta Given Last Night. From Tuesday's Pally. The operetta, "The Merry Milk maids," repealed lasl nighl at the l'armele by request of many Plallsmoulli people, drew a large audience, a thing remarkable or dinarily for the second presenta tion of a home talent play. The .choruses were sung by fifty voices; among them some" -of the best vocalists of I he city. Those of the younger members of the troupe were much more at ease last evening than during the per formance of a week ago, and the stars also did their parts belter, if possible, than at the initial performance. The choruses, quarlols, duets and solos were all beaujifully rendered, reflecting great credit on the singers and Miss Vallery, who has drilled and directed the performance. The Journal would like to ment ion each performer in detail, hut the num ber being so large and space limited we cannot do so. Many complimentary remarks concern ing the high merit of the singers and the production of last even ing were heard on every hand. May Term Jury Selected. The following list of jurors for the May term of the district court were selected Tuesday afternoon by the clerk of the court, James Robertson, and Sheriff Quinlon: E. n. Taylor, Weeping Water; Deitrich Koesler, Avoca; H. C. Hyde, Plattsmoulh; James Carper, Manley; J. Larsen, Greenwood; Charles Phelps, Louisville; Ray Frans, Union; J. K. Pollock, Plallsnioulh; James Sperry, Weeping Water; James W. Holmes, Murray; Peter Clyver, F.agle; Lee Coiner, Plallsnioulh; W. J. Magney, Nehawka; Jake Keiser, Louisville; Louis Mar quardt, Avoca; Walt Vallery, Mur ray; John Wood, sr., F.agle: Hiram Miller, F.lmwood; John Wolf, Cedar Creek; G. M. Minford. Mur ray; Ci. F.. Young, Nehawka; George Weidinan, Plallsnioulh; S. I. Compton, Weeping Water; Henry Jess, Plallsnioulh. Court convenes Monday, May 27. Attend Funeral of Mrs. Mahoney. From Wednesday' Dally. Wayne Props! returned from Lincoln on No. 4 ibis morning, where he allended yesterday the funeral -of bis aunt, Mrs. .Mary Mahoney, who died Saturday. Wayne's father and mother, II. L. Props) and wife, as well ns their daughters, Misses F.d mi and May ola, went to Lincoln Sunday to al. lend the funeral. Mrs. Mahoney died at her home at Havelock fol lowing an operation. Her funeral occurred nl 2 p. in. at the Method ist church in Havelock, Rev. A. H. llrooks conducted I he service. L The Canvassing Board Finally Completes Its Task Official Vote Given Below. The following is the official count of the vote cast at the pri mary election last Friday, includ ing the preferential vote of the electors of Cass county as to their choice for president of the United States, as well as United States senator. The people's independ ent parly cast a single vote, and that was cast in Klmwood pre cinct. W. J. Uryan was the choice of ibis elector, while La Follelle was desired as vice presi dent. Out of the more than 50 socialists in the county, but ten voted at the primary, a majority of those casting their ballots favorable to the constitutional amendments. There were eight, prohihilion votes in the county out of about 100 usually voting at the general election. We simly give the total vole that each can didate received in the county: DEMOCRATS. For President. Woodrow Wilson .'ill Judson Harmon 218 Champ Clark 301 United States Senator. W. II. Thompson 195 Ashl.on C. Shallenlterger 508 Willis It I . 7(1 Hoberl F. Smith 7 i Electors at Large. Waldo Winters! ien '.lit C. F. Hoausliauseu 325 James II. Dean 5 i( District Elector. John W. Culwright 719 National Committeeman. P. L. Hall 101 Cbas. Fanning 30 1 Delegates to National Convention at Large. Cieo. L. 1. (minis 50 4 Fred Volpp ............... .320 (i. M. Hitchcock 182 Tom W. Smith 3(5'J I. J. Dunn 474 W. 11. West over 425 W J. Hrynn , 35 Dl3trict Delegates. W. D. Wheeler 099 A. S. Tibbets 407 J. F. Walsh 258 John J. Ledwilh 227 Alternate Delegate. William Hilchie, Jr 582 For Governor. John II. Morehead 5 47 R. L. Metcalfe 320 Lieutenant Governor. Herman Diers 704 Secretary of State. A. T. (iatewood ..32 4 J. W. Kelley 314 Chas. P. Whitesides 139 Auditor of Public Accounts II. C. Richmond 094 State Treasurer. Floyd Seybolt 45(5 George E. Hall 333 Supt. of Public Instruction. John Speedie 215 Frnesl F. Monro 15 II. V. Clark 224 P. M. Whitehead 171 Attorney General. Andrew M. Morrisey . 408 M. W. Terry 3G8 Commissioner of Publio Lands. William H. F.astiuan 01)4 Railway Commissioner. Sam llinkle .215 F.d ward C. Simons 08 William ( Slamm . 5 4 . 57 .148 .103 .1.37 H. M. Sims Clarence E. Harmon lien II. Ilayden . . . Will M. Maupin . . . Congressman. John A. Maguire 791 State Senator. Win. II. Manning ..721 Representative. .lull n J. iiistin 495 G. W. Olson 292 Float Representative. Chas. II. Huseh County Assessor. W. R. Mryan County' Commissioner. Julius A. Pilz A. G. Noll ing 31 705 322 85 REPUBLICANS. For President. Theodore Roosevelt 098 William II. Taft 188 Robert M. La Follelle 238 Vice President. Albert J. lievcridge 157 John 0. Yeiser 442 OFFICII PRIMARY RE S U United States Senator. Norris lirown 482 George W. Norris 575 Electors at Large. W.J. Hroatch 49 4 I. A. Heneau 413 E. M, Pollard 550 K. G. McGiltmi '. 231 C. H. Grimes 132 Allan Johnson 258 District Elector. Samuel P. Davidson 402 George S. Flory 5 4 4 National Committeeman. Victor Ilosewater 130 II. H. Howell 5 42 Delegates to National Convention at Large. K: Sackett .03 4 Nathan Merriam 578 J. J. McCarthy 5 45 Don L. Love 715 F. H. 'Perry .. 323 It. 11. Schneider 423 Mien W. Field 4 40 John L. Webster 3 42 Alternates at Large. Clarendon E. Adams 312 Chas. II. lleusinger 352 Frank M. Currie 377 C. A. Srhappcl 3 45 John A. Davis 028 Don C. Van Dusen 014 Dan Garher .' 517 O. L. Schuman 583 ' District Delegates. Julius C. llandiam 03 4 William F.rnsl 505 Frank Heavis 312 Frank P. Sheldon 009 Alternate Delegates. Herbert P. Howe 45 4 F. II. McCarthy 707 L. ll.Jlowe 050 For Governor. Chester II. Aldrich 009 Jesse' S. Newloil 4 41 Lieutenant Governor. Samuel Hay McKelvie 5 48 Marl in L. Fries 108 L. A. Garner 152 L. W. Hague 139 Secretary of State. Addison Wait 939 Auditor of Public Accounts. II. A, Webber! 222 Win M. Howard Isaiah I). Evans . .". . . W. J. Hlaii State Treasurer. Waller A. George. Franklin C. Hamcr .... .42; .165 .101 .018 .384 Supt. of Public Instruction. James K. Dalzell 090 G. W. Whitehorn .291 , Attorney General. Grant G. Martin 887 Commissioner of Publio Lands. Clarence C. Harlow 120 Wilbur S. Waile 128 W. L. Minor 73 Henry Howard 93 S. C. Massed 125 Fred Meckman 4 41 Railway Commisslonor. William Collon 229 II. G. Taylor 199 Marshall T. Harrison 407 C. L. Hedlund 14 4 Congressman. Paul Clark 553 W. A. Selleck 402 State Senator. Henry II. Martling 931 Representative. G. W. Cheney 495 C. A. Ridley 510 Float Representative. Oliver C. Dovey 9 42 County Attorney Calvin II. Taylor 973 County Assessor. L. A. Tyson 9 42 County Commissioner. Waller Gochenour 133 William Weber 179 The five constitutional amend ments carried in the county by good majoirl ies. Funeral of Mrs. Pepperburg. Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Pepperburg were held from the family residence, 2035 South Fighteenlh street, at 2 p. m. Monday, Rabbi Frederick Culm of Omaha officiating. Services at I he grave were conducted by Hlecla chapter of the Eastern Star. The active pall-bearers were Simon Mayer, E. A. Schloss, F. E. White, Samuel Hardy, D. E. Green and Joseph Klein. The honorary pallbearers were Her man Speier, George A. Glial burn, Robert Gray, F. Rosenbauni and II. Schlesshifjer. Lincoln Jour nal. Mr. and Mrs. Stafan returned lo their home in Omaha yesterday evening. Mrs. Stafan has been here for the pas', few days visiting al I he home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Weber, ind Mr. Stafan came down Salurdr.y even, ing lo return with her. RIVER CUTTING III NEAR K. G. TRACK Missouri River Cutting Into the Iowa Side Army of Men Fighting to Save Tracks. The Glenwood Tribune, in speaking of the efforts to keep the river from cutting into the K. C. railroad tracks, says: "A smail army of Hurlington workmen are busy about half a mile below Folsom making every effort possible to check the en croachments of the Missouri river, which is uniting away blocks of the Iowa bank and now within 100 feet of the track. Acres of what is left of the old Robert Moce and Godsey farms are being eaten away by the river, while all the farms for two miles below Folsom are being crumbled away. "Monday morning a spur track was imiit to the river bank and twenty box cars containing fifty tons of rock apiece were turned loose and ran into the river. Train loads of w illow rip-rapping have been used. Orchard and oilier trees were dimmed down and used as rip-rapping material by the railroad company and I he farmers. The river is about twenty-live feet deep and rapidly deepening at I he point, cut nearest the track. "Four hundred railroad work men were hurried lo the scene when it, was first reported Satur day thai I he river was culling ami have been busy day ami nighl since thai lime. The men are housed in bunk cars on I he Fol som siding. "The river rose several inches Sunday and Sunday night. II is feared Hie ravages of I he river will greatly increase when it falls and I he w aves can eat into the quicksand that forms the founda tion of I he gumbo bid loins. "No explanation is offered why the- river should have changed its channel in only a day so the entire force of the current should strike I his side. Miirlinglon officials say they are ready lo move tracks when there is danger of the river cutting into the pres ent roadbed." River Cuts on Iowa Shore. From Tuesday' Dally. K. W. Zavgren, foreman of the Hurlington bridge force, has been keeping a sharp watch of the Missouri river on the. Iowa shore, where it has threatened to cut away the bank. The man on guard last night notified Mr. Zavgren that trouble was coming, the news reaching I he foreman about 8 o'clock. With a force of twenty five men he hastened to the place of trouble, about a quarter of a mile north of the large grove on Hie opposite shore, and found that he was not in time to save the tools which had been used Ihrough the day. Just before he arrived with his force over 100 feet, of the bank fifty feet back from Hie water's edge fell in. Mr. Zavgren and his force worked at rip-rapping all night, and this morning sent over a large force of Italian workmen, who will keep nt it to day, ami again tonight Mr. Zav gren and his men will go at it again. The track was moved back from Ihi? river 200 feet last week, in anticipation that when the river began to fall a part of the bank would go in. It may seem a little strange to the inexperienced river man, but it nevertheless is a fact that the most damage to the bank occurs when the river is falling. In County Court. From Wednesday's Dally. A hearing was had in Hie conn ly court I his morning and the pro bale of the last will of Mrs. Anna Coon ordered by Judge Meeson Sterling Girardet, one of Weeping Water's most enterprising general merchants, was one of the attest ing witnesses and testified In support of the document. D. M. Johnson, son-in-law of the de ceased, was appointed admin istrator, wilh will annexed. Mes srs. Girordel and Johnson return ed to their homes on the morn ing M. P. train. A petition was filed in the conn ly court this morning praying for the probate of I ho will of Thomas J. Fountain, one of the pioneer citizens of South Bond. Fine Lettuce. From Tuesday's Dally. Our excellent friend, Kaufman, the boss Cass gardener, was in the oily day evening with a line Henry county of home-grown lettuce. From the wagon our friend, Adolph Wesch, "the Shomock" brought the Jour nal man a tine supply, so we are really indebted lo both gentlemen for the treat. HAPPY WEDDING OF II The Happy Event Occurring at the Home of Rev. Gade, Who Performed Ceremony. From Tuesday's Dally A very pretty wedding occur-red-al the residence of Rev. L. W. Gade, pastor of the Preshj lerian church of this cily, this morning, I be contracting parties being Mr. Lawrence Joseph Shinrock of Omaha and Miss Louise Maiiha Mel.ger of Lincoln, and was wit ness by William Dineen and Miss Lyda Saimielson, holh of South Omaha. The wedding parly came in on No. 4 Ibis morning and as soon as I he counly judge could make out the necessary license the home of the clergyman was sought and the ceremony took place at once. The happy young couple left on Hie afternoon train for South Omaha, where they will make their future home. The groom and bride are very popular in their large circle of acquaintances. Mr. Shinrock is a rising young business man of South Omaha, where he is in the plumbing, heating and electric wiring business, having for a parlner W. J. Dineen. The bride is the accomplished daughter of one of Lincoln's wealthy retired farmers and possesses many ad mirable traits of character. May long life and happiness be theirs. Burlington Trains Run This Way. On account of I he precarious condition of the Miirlinglon track at old Minion station, on the op posite side of the river, all Miir linglon trains were run Ihrough Plallsnioulh today. Every avail able box car and Hat car is pres sed into service and loaded with stone, which is being hurried to (he scene of the cave-in and dumped into Hie river. Every ef fort is being put forth by the company lo slop the further washing away of the river bank at that place. Will Wed Thursday. From Tuesday's Daily. Herman Schweppe of Wabash ami Lydia Rieckmann of Mur dock were granted u permit lo wed by County Judge Meeson yester day morning. Tim ceremony will occur Thursday at the residence of Hie bride's parents. Rev. Jan- nan of Elmwood will officiate al the ceremony. The groom is a prosperous young Gorman farmer and I he bride Hie accomplished daughter of Henry Rieckmann, well known in Dial vicinity. Attends His Aunt's Funeral. From Tuesday's Dally.' Sheriff Quintnn returned from Talmnge Monday afternoon, whero he went lo attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. C. E. Mead, who died Friday from a complication of diseases. Mrs. Mead had been sick nearly all of last winter, she being in the Methodist hospital at Omaha for iwnjnonlhs, returning from Unit institution about two months ago. Mrs. Mead was about 72 years of age. Spring Backward In South. Mr. Mead of Fort Worth, Texas, is in the cily, the gust of his cousin, Sheriff Onintnn. He re ports n very backward spring in the south and last winter one long and cloudy, with scarcely any sun shine at all. Planters had begun to put out their cotton, however,' and spring work was progressing. II. G. McMaken & Son company loaded their largo concrete mixer and big sled roller on a flat car at the Hurlington station yester day, preparatory to moving it to Clarinda, Iowa, w here I hey have the contract for putting in somo pavement. SOUTH OMAHA PARTIES