The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 22, 1912, Image 7

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The Catholic Sokol Club Will Give
a Very Unique Entertainment
on the Evening of May 1.
The Catholic Sokol Dramatic
club is preparing to give a very
l!eaart dance at the K. S. hall
on the evening of May 1. The
program on which they are work
ing and expect to carry to a most
xueecssful end, will be a little out
of the ordinary and will no doubt
prove a very pleasant affair. They
are planning to make the event an
annual affair, to be given about
the same date each year. The
gentlemen will be charged an ad
mission fee of 50 cents, while all
the ladies will he admitted free,
but will be requested to prepare
a luncheon box to be opened at
midnight and to contain sullicient
good things to eat for herself and
gentleman escort. This box must
contain her name, and upon ar
rival be placed in the custody of
the society, at which time it is
numbered. When the supper
hour arrives this, or rather a cor
responding number, is found in
the possession of some gentle
man, which iH the result of a
drawing. This gentleman takes
'the, basket, and (hiding the young
lady they proceed to invest igale
its contents and ascertain Just
how good a cook the young lady
may be that, is providing her
mother does not prepare the box.
The fore part of the evening
and up to the hour of luncheon,
will be gents' choice for the num
bers of dancing, and after lunch
eon will be lailies' choice. After
the supper hour the grand inarch
will -lake 'place and the numbers
will be placed in tho order in
which I hey were drawli from the
lottery box, from 1 up remaining
partners for the grand march.
Every member of the dramatic
club is exerting every efl'ort to
make this occasion a grand suc
cess, and you will no doubt miss a
rare treat if you fail to attend.
Remember the date is Wednesday
evening, May 1st.
Has Been Very ill.
Mrs. Karl It. Wish, nee Miss Ida
Weidman, of Conrad, Montana,
has been very sick for the past
few days, and while she has great
ly improved at this time, her con
dition was very critical for se
veral days. She was taken to the
hospital a few -day-ngo, where
she submiled to a very serious
surgical operation, which has
proved quite successful, and the
patient is gaining strength very
rapidly. Her brother and sister,
Fiud Weidman and Mrs. Fred
F.bintrer, were summoned to her
bedside from Plainview a few days
ago, and they write to home folks
that Mrs. Wish is getting along
nicely at this time. This news
her many Plaltsmoulh friends will
be pleased to learn and sincerely
hope that she may continue to
gain strength.
Services at St. Paul's Church.
A large congregation assembled
at St. Paul's Kvangelieal church in
this city yesterday to witness the
solemn confirmation exercises.
The church was beautifully decor
ated with Easter lilies, palms and
ferns. The address of Hev.
Steger to the eonflrmants was
most eloquent and touching and
was given in both (Jerman and
English. In substance, Rev.
Steger told his auditors that the
step taken at this time was the
most important one in life. The
following is the list of names of
those continued yesterday: Olga
Thiekoetter, Francis and Thomas
Heinrich, Fred and William Nolt
ing, and Florence and John Rum-niel.
Mrs. Julius Pepperburg Passes
Away at Her Home in Lincoln
Saturday, April 20.
Mrs. Alice Pepperburg died at
her home, 2035 South Eighteenth
street,, Lincoln, at 1:50 p. in. Sat
urday at the age of 55 years. She
had been confined to her bed for
the past four months with a com
plication of diseases.
Mrs. Pepperburg's maiden name
was Miss Alice Straus. She was
a native of Livon, Belgium, and
was married to Julius Pepperburg
at St. Joseph, Missouri, October
17, 1877, and for about twenty
live years resided with her hus
band in this city, Mrs. Pepper
burg bad a large circle of friends
in this city and was highly
esteemed by all who knew her.
She leaves surviving her hus
band and three sons Ecu, living
in California; Abraham, in. New
York, and Roy, in Lincoln. She
also leaves a sister, Mrs. M. Xeus-
liaum. iMarvville, m issi mri. 1 lie
funeral occurred at 2 p. in. today
from (lie home, with interment, in
Wynka cemetery, Lincoln.
Dance in Murray.
The Murray Dancing club will
give another dance in Jenkins'
hall in Murray on Saturday even
ing, April 27. The music will be
furnished by. the Jacobs' or
chestra of Omaha. You know the
good time that is in store for you,
so make up your mind to attend
right now.
' C. L. Graves, editor of the
Union Ledger was a Plattsmoulh
visitor today, having come up on
the early M. P. train lo look after
matters of business in the county
Weeping Water Loses Debate.
In a debate between South
omaiia llign school and Weeping
Water High school Friday nip lit
ler team that the Magic City was
won the decision. In Hie South
Omaha department of the Omaha
Bee of Saturday appears the fid
"South Omaha High school de
naimg team last nignl proved in
Hie debate Vil li llie Weening Wa
ter. team that Ihe Mabic City was
a (aiming man's town when it
downed (he visiting team on (hi
question of closed shop. The
home team won the decision
unanimously and it was agrer
that, the closed shop should re
ceive the support of Ihe public.
Judge A. L. Sutton presided and
the judges of the debate were: E.
U. (iralf of Omaha, Oeorge Mar
tin of Nebraska City and Principal
Marshall of Council Bluffs. The
detailing teams were:
. "Weeping Water, negative, El
win Hunter, Jeanelle Teegarden
and William Williams.
"South Omaha, alllrmative,
John Orchard, Winthrop Lane
and Edgar Kiddoo."
Returns From Vacation.
"Sport," the Burlington em
ploye, who assists C. S. Johnson
in looking after the trains in the
oeal yards, returned from a
weeks vacation Sunday morning
on the M. P. t seems (hat "Old
Sport" had some way of getting
next to the company's rule that
every employe should take a lay
off during the year, and last Mon-
lay he hoarded the M. p. and went
to South Omaha, where he spent
several days. Returning he stop
ped off at Fort. Crook for two days
and visited (he military post (here
and boarded (he M. P. for Platts
nioutli Sunday morning, and was
back at his post this morning
ready for switching cars in (he
Burlington yard.
Rock Creek School Closes.
The Rock Creek school closed
ist Saturday with a day of
pleasure to (he scholars, the
teacher and the narents. Miss
Dovey Barkhurst of Union, Ihe
teacher, planned a very pleasant
program for the last day. 'Ihe
parents of the scholars were
present with well filled baskets,
and an excellent dinner was en
joyed at the usual hour. Miss
Barkhurst. has enjoyed a very suc
cessful term at Rock Creek the
past, winter, and it is with Ihe
deepest regrets to both the
scholars and the parents that she
was unable to accept the school
for another year, which was offer
ed her. She has accepted a posi
tion in her home district.
tob&4 is r mm v m
a ...
What's the Most You Ever Paid'For
a Suit of Clothes? " H
If you've got a great-grandfather in your family, ask him what it cost iu years gone bv to have a tailor
make him a suit? His answer will stagger vou. He'll make vou realize that vnu vnnr fathm-nnit vnnr drami.
' W ) 4 I w - .... V J V V
ather could each purchase today a "Miller Made" suit and the whole bunch would coat ' no more than one
tailor-made suit cost in great-grandfather's days.
If you actually care for advance style if clever features and excellent tailoring appeal to vou. vou'll
purchase "Miller Made." ......
Age will cut no figure, if you'll come to us to look. "Miller-Made" clothes are made for Men of All
Ages, regardless of whether their purse is fat or slim.
Walter Street Likes West.
Mrs. V. L. Street is in receipt
of a letter from her son, Waller
Street, who has jusl accepted a
tine position as advertising man
ager for the Panloii-I.onilon com
pany, a large dry goods house in
Seattle, Washington!! o he effect
that Waller is highly pleased with
the climate ami country, as well
as the business he is enuatied in.
Waller has been bend clerk in one
of the largest dry goods stores in
Hastings for Ihe past li years and
is well eipiipped for his new posi
tion. His son, Merril, a lew days
ago departed for Seallle lo join
bis father.
Work on E ridge Commenced.
Work of repairing the Pollock
Duff Platte river auto and wagon
bridge commenced in earnest last
Friday and Saturday. Mr. Pollock
began to move material from
Cedar Creek to the bridge Friday,
and Saturday (lien Smith inovei
ins out in lo I lie bridge, and loday
Ihe steel was being unloaded and
laken to (he bridge. Steel piling
forty feel in length will be driven
into (he sand for (he (wo steel
spans to rest upon. It will reipiire
two steel spans and one wooden
one to repair t lit portion dial
went uut.
I wish to announce that all my horses
and Jack will make the season of 1012,
at my farm, 1 mile south of Mynard:
HUBERT, the celebrated
Belgian Horse.
COLONEL, the great breed
ing English Shire.
. thoroughbred trotting horse.
TOM, the mammoth sure foal
getting Jack.
TERMS ! $10.00, which ap
plies to all horses, and $15.00 for the
Jack, to guarantee colt to stand and
Buck. All care will be taken to prevent
accidents, but owner will not be re
sponsible for any that may occur.
17. A. FIGHT
Why "Champ" Clark.
James Beauchamp (pronounced
Beerham) Clark was known in his
early life as James B. Clark. Soon
after leaving law school he found
that a J. B. Clark was getting mail
at nearly every poslollice in the
country. Sometimes they got his
letters and sent them back to the
"I tried lopping off Ihe James
ami (raveling as plain Beauchamp
Clark, but my friends insistei
upon pronouncing it 'Bo-champ,"
or abbreviated it to 'Bo Clark,' "
said the speaker, telling me how
lie made (he change. "I thought
I would save them (rouble by ab
breviating it myself and began In
wrile il 'Champ Clark.' II has
been a good asset. II is enough
to be usually printed in full. Look
at any list of 'I hose present' in
Ihe paper. Others are mentioned
by surnames only, but my nann
is printed 'Champ Clark.' " From
this il may be inferred Hint the
speaker is alive to the value
advertising. World's Work.
Put in Copper and Glass.
I wo skilled mechanics arrived
Ibis morning from Niles, Mich.,
to put in Ihe cupper and plale
glass at Wescott Son's store
These men are expert plale glass
sellers from (he Kawneer Front
Construction company, which fur
uislied (he material for pulling in
(he front.
Mrs. lorn Handley nml lliree
sons arrived from Iheir home in
Virginia Sunday morning and wi
he guests of Mrs. Handler's
mother nml son. Paul, al Iheir
home on West Main street for
F. A. Petty Here.
I'. A. Pelly and wife and two
laughters ami four sons, former
ly of this city, but for (he past
eleven years residents oi near
Bonesleel, South Dakota, arirved
Saturday lo visit II. F. Pelly and
family for a short time. Mr. Petty
sold nis rami ol ion acres in
S'oulh Dakota and purchased 200
acres near Rustin, Louisiana, lie
parted for his new possessions
with his family this afternoon.
Work Proceeds at Library.
The special committee appoint
d by 'Mayor Saltier, consisting of
Coiincilmen Dovey, l.ushinsky am
Ilalslrom, have arranged lo place
a concrete block wall four feet, in
iieigmii anoui Hie library prop
erty and Ihe work was commence!
last week and is prpoceeding nice
ly. II. Peterson and John Reulam
are doing uie mason work, llie
concrete wall is being laid on
brick base.
Eiuys Residence on Rock Street.
John Schulze, one of Plalls
mould's hustling young me
chanics, has completed a deal
whereby be becomes the purchas
er of the Charles Ryberg resident'
properly on Rock street, situate
between Fighlli and Ninth streets
John is one of the enterprising
young business men of Plait.
mouth and is one who has faith
in the future of this metropolis
Mrs. p. K. RulTner visited (una
ha friends (Ins afternoon, going
on the fast mail. '
: sis
lo $30
Cole brothers United Shows Will
Visit Plattsmouth on Saturday,
May 4, Day and Night.
'Flaming posters in all the col
ors or i lie rainbow tlirouuhout
(his section, proclaim (be fact
that the world famed Cole Broth
ers Foiled Shows are to be seen in
Plaltsmoulh on Saturday, May i.
AlreailV Ihe small bov nml
elifers are happy in ant icinat ing
the'eoming of this mighty tented
imusement enterprise and its
countless wonders. For this sea
son Ihe Cole Brothers enlarged
Iheir shows in every department
and their greatly aiigumented list
of performers, feature acts and
menagerie exhibits made it neces
sary to add several more railroad
cars, today three special trains
are reiiuiied lo transport the
huge lenls, ponderous wagons,
cages, dens, chariots, tableau
cars, elephants, camels, horses,
ponies, men and women.
In the triple zoological gardens,
combined under one vast spread
of canvas an; lo be found the
finest living specimens of rare,
si range and curious animals from
every quarter of the globe. Prom
inent in Ibis collection is a full
grown yellow olnious inoschatiis,
positively (he only one ever seen
by man. Captured north of Great
Slave lake at latitude fii, it was
only by exercising the greatest
diplomacy thai Cole Brothers'
agents were enabled lo gel (lie
animal out of the country. Cover
ed with a heavy coal of pure gold
en eov hair, the beast was re
garded as sacred by (lie natives,
not one of whom could be induced
lo aid in its capture. There are
oilier exhibits of animal life
equally as rare, making a visit lo
Cole Brothers' menageries of far
greater educational value I ban
will ever be gained by the deepest,
study of all the books at hand on
the subject of natural hislorv. In
side (he vast canvas ampithealcr
are three great rings and as many
elevated stages, encirclced by a
monster modern hippodrome
track. Over-capping all is a
veritable maze of trapeze and
horizontal bars, flying rings,
ropes, wires nml other aei'ial rig
ging. From Ihe beginning lo tin;
end of the performance hundreds
of men, women and animal per
formers cover Ihe ground and fill
(he air in the rendition of a pro
gram, the like nml equal of which
have never before been seen.
There are forly-one clowns and
merriment, rules supreme.
if B
Accepts Position.
I'.ugene Tighe went lo Omaha
Sunday to accept a position in
the Irnllie department of Ihe
Union Pacific Railroad company.
Mr. Tighe has had considerable
experience in railroad olllce work
and we have no doubt but what he
will make good with (he Union
Pacille. Have lock Times.
I wish to announce that my Spring
and Summer line of Millinery is up-to-date
in every particular. All the
ladies of this city and community
are invited to call and see me in my
Mew Location
- on South Sixth Street -
Dressmaking is Our Specialty
MBS. JIM oro
Don't forget! The Journal
office Is prepared to do all kinds
of fancy Job work. Give us a trial.
Ira I3eito,
8 Miles South of Plattsmouth
(the Old Martin Farm)
has installed a Saw Mill on his place,
and is prepared to furnish hard lum
ber of all kinds, posts and chunk
ItaTAll orders promptly filled, and
also solicited .
i OUR c
"'..' -' , .
We simply want to impress upon your mind that this is the' Golden Opportunity
for you to secure your Spring line of wearing apparel
Live Stock Dealer
Nchawka, Nebraska
is ready to make you the most liberal
offer on anything you have for sale in
the stock line.
Get His Prices Before Selling
We offer you everything in the Fine Clothes line for every member of your fam
ily, and we are here ready to guarantee the quality of the goods and the prices
at which they are being offered. Our Millinery Line remains almost unbroken,
although we have sold hundreds of the pretty new hats that you have seen
worn this Spring. Come in and see us now.
Fanger's Department Store
V. ZUCKER, Manager