The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 22, 1912, Image 2

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    H'ffili i ''HIS III ll IE f I 111 IFIE III
Outlook for a Great Revival of Building Operations It Very Bright
and It Looks Like the Year 1912 Would Prove to Be Banner
Year for Plattsmouth and Its Citizens.
It is I In intent iin of Hit' Jour
nal lo keep Irackof tin1 many im
pnnrmcnts to be made in I'latts
n)outh this season. Some im
provements contemplated have
not yet been started, hut in an
interview with those interested in
these improvements I hey lohJ us
work will begin so as to complete
the work before another winter
IMaltsinoulh has evidently
caught the improvement fever,
and it is asserted by those who
ought to know (bat more money
will be expended in improving this
year I ban there was last year, and
if this be I tie case, it demon
strates that capitalists have great
faith in the old town. There is
not a vacant store room in the
city, of which many towns the
size of l'laltsmouth cannot boast,
and there is a probability that
several old eye-sores on Main
street will be removed and new
brick structures take their places
II. M. Soennichsen, who recently
purchased the vacant lot adjoin
ing I In' Journal building on the
west, contemplates erecting a
large store in the near future, and
may do so this season. He pur
chased the lot for this purpose in
order to secure more room for his
iriannnoth trade. Store rooms are
being renovated and remodeled,
and several thousand dollars will
be. expended in remodeling he
Welenkaiup block for the Y. M.
C. A. Besides numerous resi
The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
Railroad Makes Annual
A report of the management of
the relief department, of the Chi
cago, lturlinglon it Onincy road
for the ear ending December 31,
t'JH, discloses that fill',' 1 , J ('.5. It i
was paid out during the twelve
months in benefit orders to em
ployes. During Hie ear the company
advanced rt:iN,:i;-j.7( to assist in
payinir ohliv.ilions.
Since I he fund w as established
in 1HM) there has I n paid in
hone II I orders on account of sick.
Dess and accidents to employes
8,2i0.tK i.(17. Pa incuts by the
railroad company from its own
funds in establishing, operating
and maintaining t lie relief depart
ment from IKS'.) to t) 1 inclusive
Were I, .Mill,; 1 i.oT.
The alue of o her services
furnished b, Hie company, it is
HP HE men who demand the most,
who investigate thoroughly,
who satisfy themselves on every de
CorrneHUU, Alfred Decker 4 Cola in
better than ordinary $10 to $25.
dences that hae not been oc
cupied for years are being repair
ed and occupied by new-comers.
Stand on the high places in town
and fine can view here and there
new residences going up all over
town, and improvements being
made on old residences, and thus
the good work goes on and our
business men and citizens gen
erally feel that l'laltsmouth has a
bright future.
There is not near as many
knockers in l'lattsniouth as there
was two years ago and maybe this
has something to do with the
prosperity of our city. Knockers
can do a lot of injury to a town
and not a particle, of good. The
best way to treat those fellows is
with silent contempt, and soon
they will close up like a clam.
They won't do any improving on
their own properly and don't like
to see other people do any im
proving. . ,
The Journal is dellglited to see
the spirit of enterprise again. in
the ascendancy. this season anil
much of this sentiment is duehi
a well organized and harmonious
Commercial club, which should
const it ute every business man in
town, no matter how large or how
small his business. The club has
done much for Hie prosperity of
the city and with Ihe aid of every
business man could do more.
If you can't do anything else,
beautify your own home and see
that your premises are free from
all trash. This will help some.
declared, is far greater than the
cash payments made by it for the
support of the department.
Throughout the twenty-three
years which have elapsed since
the department was founded there
have been 170, 5 lit cases of sick
ness and 'J!ir,70.r accident cases
Big Carnation Ball.
The dance to be given Saturday
evening, April 7, at Coates'
hall by the. Cosmopolitan club
will be in the nature of a carna
tion ball and should prove a most
pleasing diversion in the dancing
line. The M. V. A. orchestra will
furnish the music for the oc
casion and Ihat is a guarantee of
jt being good. Admission: (lents.
511c; Ladies, free.
White Plymouth Rock Eggs.
White Plymouth Rock eggs for
sale at S3. (Ml per hundred. Mrs.
(ieo. A. KalYonlierger, H. F. D. No.
L Plattsmouth.
Father Higgins of Manley was
an over night guest of Father
Shine of this city, departing for
his home this morning.
tail, are the men we
. like to deal with.
We don't expect
you to buy clothes on
- our "say-so."
Only perfect
clothes can withstand
the tests we're invit
ing you to make
that's the only kind
we have ever sold.
Just now we are
showing good styles
plenty. Values
Large Number Attend the Piano
Recital Given Saturday Aft
ernoon and Evening.
The piano recital given by the
pupils of the l'laltsmouth Studio
of Music Saturday afternoon and
evening at the home of Miss Kittie
Cummins was attended by a large
number of their parents and
friends, in spite of the inclemency
of the weather, the recital given
during the afternoon hours hav
ing the largest number present,
there being about 5 present in
the evening. Many were anxious
to attend these recitals, but were
detained at their homes on ac
count of the threatening elements.
The program for the afternoon
hours was furnished by the
younger students and the evening
program by the older and more
advanced students. Kach number
of the afternoon and evening pro
gram was rendered in a very nice
manner and most thoroughly en
joyed by those in attendance. The
pupils contributing numbers to
Ihe afternoon program were:
Virginia Yv'augh, Alice Pollock,
Marie Nemelz, Tommy DeLong,
Clara Mae Morgan. Iloscoe Hill,
lU-len Egenberger, Carl Schneider,
Martha (iapen, Mildred and Mar
garet Schlater, flenevieve, Whe
lan, Newell Huberts, Mary llosen
crans, Mariel Streight, Thelma
Denson, Mason Wescolt, Helen,
Schneider, Janet Brant ner, Ellen
Hell McDaniel, Joseph McMaken,
Kalherine Whiltaker, Elizabeth
Heeson, Helen Itobcrls, Lydia
Todd, Kdilh Hamge, Hurdette
One of thi' pleasing features of
Hie -evening program was the
violin selection by Charles
Zaruha. a pupil of Frank J.
Kolbaba, iolin virtuoso. The se
lections rendered by him were
"Madriijalc," by Simonelli, and
"Lullaby," by Frinl, each number
being given in a very finished
style and denoting much careful
practice and training on the part
of both pupil ami instructor.
The students taking part in the
evening program were: Hoy Den
son. Misses Fdilh Dovey, I'heino
.Richardson, Jennedc Patterson,
Janet and Harriett Clement, Zoia
Smith. F.ltia Crahill, Jennie I.K
ington, Crete Itrjggs, Ola Kafl'en
berger, F.lsie Oapen, Myra Sten-
ner, Mae Marker, Kinina Cummpis,
Dorlhy Drill, and Messrs. Dean
Cummins and Clarence Slaals.
Arbor Day.
This is the anniversary of the
birth of J. Sterling Morton, for
many years one of the prominent
citizens of Ihe state, a lover' of
trees and an advocate of tree
planting. The legislature of 1885
before Mr. Morton's death, madi
April ii a legal holiday . and
designated it Arbor day. Of Mr
.Morton Ihe histroy of Nebraska
says: "Nothing escaped him in
giving encouragement lo Ihe ma
terial development of the .state
and agriculture, horticulture and
arrboricullure were his constant
themes." Mr. Morion introduced
a resolution at a meeting of the
state board of agriculture on Jan
uary i, 1872, held in Lincoln, set
ling apart April 10 as a day foi
tree planting in the state, naming
the day Arbor day.' This rcso u
lion provided a farm library of
25 worth of books for the per
son properly planting the larces
number of trees on that day of
Ihat year. On that day it was
estimated that 1,000,000 tree:
were planted in Nebraska, urn
perhaps an equal number on tin
day in Ihe year following. The
llrst proclamation calling for tin
observance of Arbor day was is
iied by Coventor Furnas in 1871
Shooting Firearms in City.
The careless use of firearms
within the city limits by minors
is becoming all too frequent.
citizen of the Second ward had in
bis possession Saturday a bulb
from a 22-caliber rille which had
been llatlened by coining in con
tact with some hard substance
the bullet having come through a
window glass at the man's homt
lone day last week, making n large
I hole in the glass and falling on
i the library table on the opposit
i side of the room. The gentleman
I knows the boy who II red the shot
I but does not care to make him or
Ibis parents trouble. The penalt
I for tiring a gun within Ihe city
.limits is a line or imprisonment
and in addition Ihe party is liabl
civilly for any damage Ihat is
done when in violation of the
, city ordinance and the laws of Ihe
j state a gun is thus tired.
Mrs. A. L. ltakcr of Murray was
a Platlsnioulh visitor todav. hav
From Weeping Water.
Nick Halmes, Oeorge Stoner,
Walter Cole, V. (1. (Hover and
esse Davis, from Weeping Wa-
er were in trie city last Saturday,
bringing in the primary election
eturns. They came up in Mr.
Halmes' auto and were caught in
Ihe rain, and all but Mr. Halmes
eturned home by rail. Nick re
mained over Sunday, spending
the time visiting with bis patents,
Mr. and Mrs. .Nicholas Halmes.
He returned Monday with the
Unofficial Returns From Seven
teen Precincts Is Given Below
In Cass County.
The canvassing board, com
posed of W. E. Rosencrans and
Perry Thackston, began this
morning an ollicial count of the
ballots cast at Friday's primary.
The unusual length of the bal-
ots, there being 50 democratic
and 78 republican names to can
vass by the boards of the county,
besides 5 constitutional amend
ments, with two votes each, ren
dered Ihe labor of canvassing the
vote so great that hardly any of
the boards took the precaution to
take the voles of the different
precincts, unolticially, as usually
is done, so that election news lias
jeen exceedingly unsatisfactory
and no definite statement can be
made until the count of Ihe
ollicial board is ready for publica
tion, which will be tomorrow.
The unolllcial count Saturday
veiling Ironi seventeen out of
Ihe twenty-five precincts resulted
ibout as follows: The democratic
preferential vole for president
gives Clark a safe lead over Wil-
on and Harmon. For United
States- senator Sliallenberger
leads both competitors, having a
majority over both. The four
legales-al-large elected will
pronanly lie Uitclieock, l.oonus,
llryaii and Dunn, and their vole
lands in Ihe order above men
ioned, Hitchcock loading the list.
District delegates to national con
dition, as shown from the seven
ecu precincts, will be W. IV
Wheeler and Tibhells. For gov-
rnor, Morebead was the inure
popular candidate, receiving al
most double the Vide of his com
petitor, Mr. . Metcalfe. For rep-
'esenlalive in the .Seventh district'
(lust in will no doubt be Hie nom
inee by a good majority. For
county commissioner Julius Pilz
las a safe majority over Mr. Noli-
On the republican ticket Roose
velt, in (lie seventeen precincts
heard from, has almost double
Ihe vole of his I wo. compel itors,
La Folletle and Taft. Norris for
Fniled Slates senator will lead
Senator ltrown by a safe majority.
For the office of governor there is
some surprise expressed on all
sides at the vote Newton received;
While Covernor Aldrich is no
doubt nominated, the vote is much
closer than expected. In Ihe pre
cincts heard from Paul Clark has
a majority of 75 and no doubt will
carry Ihe county. The vote on
representative- for Ihe Seventh
district will bo very close, bill an
unolllical count of all of Ihe pre
cincts gives the nomination to
('diaries Hichey of Louisville as
against his competitor, 0. W.
Cheney of Union, by l i voles. The
Journal hones to have Ihe full
vote for tomorrow's issue.
With Davis Milling Co.
Mr. Jay Joiinson of St. Joseph,
Missouri, is in the city on a com
bined pleasure and business trip,
isiting at Ihe home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph John
son. Mr. Johnson represents tlx
big Dais Milling company of St
Joseph, and w hile visit ing w ith his
parents, he is representing this
company and interviewing our
merchants on the pancake Hour
proposition. The Davis company
are manufacturers of the famous
"Aunt Jemima" pancake Hour,
which is a great favorite with Ihe
early breakfast housewife. Mi
Johnson spent the early part of
his life in Plattsmouth, and of
course has a host of friends who
are always pleased lo see him.
Placing New Boiler.
At Ihe pumping station of Hi
Plaltsinouth Water company
Superintendent James Hurney has
installed, today, a large new
boiler which will be n great im
nroveniont lo Ihe plant. The old
boiler was removed Friday am
Hie foundation for Hie new one
placed in Saturday. J. H. McMaken
had the contract for unloading
and placing Ihe new boiler.
L. D. lliatt. the merchant of
Li f if i
SIZZ is a powdered beverage, and comes in tne following flavors: Orange,
Lemon, Celery, and Root beer.
Have your own Soda Fountain
in your Homo. .
The making of a glass of SIZZ needs only the addition of clear, cold water.
It's alive, it's sparkling, cooling and delicious.
SIZZ is put up in three size bottles 25c, 50c and $1.00, and costs but about one
cent per drink. SIZZ may be bought in Plattsmouth at the followiug places:
Smith &. Mauzy, Weyrich & Hadroba,
H. M. Soennichsen, E. G. Dovey and Son,
Hatt & Son Adolph Giese, Ed Donat.
Leo. Grotte IVJfg. Co.
Mrs. Fred Wegner and daugh
ter went to Omaha Monday to see
her husband, who is in an Oma
ha hospital.
Mrs. August Ossenkop relumed
Monday morning from Lincoln,
where she had been visiting her
Mrs. Fred Ohm moved her
household goods here from
Platlsnioulh Tuesday and now oc
cupies the Charles Carter house
in the east part of town. She is
a daughter of Frank Wheeler.
Mrs. A. L. Masters left Wed
nesday evening for Lincoln, where
she will take treatment for nerv
ous trouble at a sanitarium. Slit
was accompanied by Or. L. F.
Polk and by Mrs. Fred Ifoiz of
Last Sunday Lute Hoedeker bad
prepared a "Dutch" lunch and
stepped out for a little fresh air
when a couple of "weary Willies"
entered Ihe bouse from an op
posite door and made snort work
of il. When Lute returned a few
craps of limbui'ger was all that
emained of the "feed" for which
he bad planned so carefully.
Thirteen years ago last Tues
lay (ieorge Frater look posses
sion of the Dr. Ilasenieier drug
store, lie later purchased the
lock of his competitor, II. K.
Drown, "who moved to Scolls Muff
and re-entered I no drug mismess.
(Seorge Frater keeps his slock up
in good shape and by giving his
patrons a square deal has made,
successful competition impractic
able. Sarpy county
the ollleials of
Platte River
in grading the
have joined with
the Louisville
Bridge company
road at tin
north end of the
Ihe time the bridge
bridge ad by
is completed the road will be in
good shape. The high water did
a great deal of damage to Ihe
roadway along Ihe bottom and
much work was necessary to
placp il in passable condition. A
large force of men are working
on Ihe rebuilding and repairing
of the wagon bridge over the
Platte river and it is expected the
bridge w ill be open to I ravel by
about April 25.
An 8-room modern residence on
Main street. Can loan you money
on it. I wo collages go ai nan
their cost.
Vindham Investment & Loan Co.
Guaranteed Hose
10c, 10c, 10c
Six Pair Guaranteed for Four Months!
Sole Agents for Plattsmouth
The Ono Best
Preparing for the Big Family
Event at Their Hall on Friday
Evening, April 26.
For several weeks past the Mis
souri Tribe of Red Men have been
preparing for a banquet to bo
given the members of the order
and their families, and the big
social time will be given at their
hall on Friday evening, April 20.
Many of Ihe members have been
looking forward lo this event and
anxiously waiting for the brothers
on the various commit lees to set
the date.
The members, and especially
those on the numerous commit
tees, have made an extra effort to
make (bis occasion a grand suc
cess, as il is the first one of the.
kind ever given by the order, and
it is expected to make the event
an annual affair in the future. The
program lias been well planned
and the members of the order well
know jut what is needed lo make
the evening a grand success.
There w ill be music, games, plenty
lo eat and a genuine good time
for all. All the brothers and their
families are earnestly requested
lo be present and enjoy this, the
first grand social time of the
order. II depends upon Ihe at
tendance whether it will be made?
an annual affair or liol.
L. I!. Hrown and William
Oilinour, from south of Platts
mouth, were here for a few hours
visit and business trip last Satur
day, llolh gentlemen paid the
Journal office a brief call.
we buy r-r
and Eggs!
Pay the Highest Market Price
taTDelivtr us your produce and get
fair test and honest count.
Corner Sixth and Pearl Streets,
Plattsmouth, : : : Nebraska
BIG 11
stockings.7 I
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
ing come up on the early morning
Murray, was in the cily Saturday
evening and Sunday.