The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 22, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 31.
If Every Dollar Possible Were Spent at Home Our Stores Could
Grow Faster, Put in Fuller Assortments, Employ More Clerks
and Generally Contribute to City's Welfare.
Did you ever stop to think
what a convenience it is to have
a full line of good retail stores
at home in our own community?
asks the Nebraska City News.
It enables people to see goods
at any time before paying down
money. In that way the pur
chaser detects many faults that
could never he found in buying
from a catalogue cut. Further
more, you get your goods when
you want them without bother,
letter writing or without the
fatigue of a journey to a big city
and tramping all over its streets.
It is an economy of time, car
fares, human energy. Besides,
you can do your shopping at your
leisure, when you are in a mood
for it, ralher than in the haste
and flurry of a trip out of town.
In our home stores you lake all
the time you want to talk over
your purchase and inspect goods.
You can positively assure your
self that you are buying right.
Then again, you get more per
sonal and intelligent attention in
a home store than anywhere else.
The proprietors and clerks must
Ernest Wurl Writes Letter From
Golden State Will Be Interest,
ing to Many Readers.
11. M. Schlaes received a letter
recently from Krnesl Wurl of
Long Beach, California, which Mr.
Schlaes deems of sulllcient in
terest for publication, as it
covers a topic in which everyone
is interested and is written by a
Plallsmouth young man who has
legions of friends here. Below
we give the letter :
Long Iteach, Cal., April li.
Mr. Schlaes, Platlsinouth, Neb.
Dear Sir: When I left Platts
moutb last fall for California you
told me if I ever had an oppor
tunity to isil some of the moving
picture companies at work out
here to do so. Well, so far I have
never had an opportunity to watch
them al work, bul a short time
ago a party of us were out on a
trip in an auto. We went to
Santa Monico Canyon, and on Hie
way back we passed the ranch of
the Bison Film company, of which
we look a picture, one of which I
herewith enclose. They had a
sign at the gale, "Positively no
admittance," but we slopped at
the gale and watched I hem work
Irom Mint distance. It was quite
interesting to us all. Saw them
have a sham ballle here in the
foreground and Dually, when they
went to the saloon on the hill we
thought of taking a picture. The
small while specks lo the right of
the building are Indian chiefs in
full coslnme, sitting around on
the ground having a pow-wow"
with Ihe cowboys. There was a
very large company here on Ihe
held. In Ihe foreground at left
you can see I heir log cabin and
fort, used so often in their pic
lures. The large white tent back
of the saloon is their living
Scenery around this place is
simply grand. Small wonder their
pictures thrill one so when you
see I hem thrown on screens at
moving picture shows. On the
main road lo this place Is the
large fisheries, of which so many
pictures are shown, all interest
ing in Ihe extreme. I assure you,
especially after having seen Ihe
pictures so often at your show,
that everylhing looked familiar
lo me along the load as wo pass
ed by, even Ihe old sheriff's olllce
seen so often in pictures. Wish
some of my old chums back there
could be (nil here and see Ihe
wonderful scenery.
The film company'.-, place is
right along the side of the ocean.
Ocean on one side and mountains
on Ihe olher. Will alwavs remem
please home trade, or get out of
business. It is human nature to
take more pains for people that
are Know n I nan for strangers, ine
home merchant will go the ut
most limit to give satisfaction for
defects in the goods, and without
irritating red tape.
When locating for residence or
business, people are as slow to
settle in a place lacking good
stores as in a place where the
water is not good. If we want to
draw in new residents, everyone
must do his share to provide
them with the conveniences of re
tail trade. The only way to do
this is to patronize the home mer
chant. It is Hip good fortune of this
community to have a line of finely
equipped and all racl ively slock
ed retail stores, But if every dol
lar possible were spent at home,
these stores could grow faster,
put in fuller assortments, employ
more clerks. Thus I hey would
contribute to the convenience of
every resident, and add to (lie
prosperity of every property
ber Ihis trip, as there are so many
thoughts of home associated with
il, through this film company.
It is very interesting to walch
them make their pictures, even
I hough we could not be close
enough to hear them talk. Could
see everything so plainly, though;
heller than the picture show.
How is Ihe show business now?
Hope it is as good or belter than
it, Was when I 'was there. Give
my regards to Mr. and Mrs. Will
Smith and lo all of Ihe boys (here
you know whom I used to chum
You must excuse my wriling
wilh pencil, but I have written
several letters today and it's time
for (I in nor, but thought would
write one in haste to you, fulfill
ing inv promise I made when I
left. With best wishes to you
and your wife, f remain, your
friend, Krnest E. Wurl.
Team Takes Spin.
From Friday' Dally.
Yesterday afternoon about 4:30
o'clock, as Alvin Murray was
driving Kunsmann & Ilamge's
team in from the slaughter houst
having on board Ihe spring wagon
a calf crate and a barrel of I allow,
Ihe high-spirited animals took
fright at Ihe rattle of the crale as
Alvin was driving down grade and
ran. Alvin hung onto the lines
and did all he could lo stop the
frightened animals. One of Hit
horses was slightly swilter on
foot than the other and crowded
its male into Ihe ditch by the side
of Ihe road and threw it down. At
this one singletree caught in the
wheel and Ihe horse which kept
ils feel found that the load it was
required to lake was loo much
for it to make any headway. The
barrel of tallow was spilled out
soon afler Ihe learn started, ami
had Ihe one horse not got down a
serious runaway would no doubt
have resulted. The only damage
was Ihe bruising of one horse and
the driver slightly and Ihe loss of
some of Ihe tallow..
Builds Concrete Barn.
John Hall & Son, Ihe enterpris
ing grocery and produce firm,
have lorn away the old frnme
structure adjoining! their ice
house and w ill at once erect a new
barn of concrete blocks. Mc
Makeu it Sons will furnish Ihe
concrete blocks, and the carpenter
work will be done by Tom Isner.
Already the cement foundation
has been laid and Ihe work will
proceed as rapidly as circum
slances will permit. The build
ing will be 12x22 feel, and Ihe
south wall will be four feel, with
in Ihe lot lino, so as to give Hall
Son thai amount of space in
addition lo the alley.
The Journal office carries
kinds of typewriter supplies.
Returns From Long Pino.
From Thursday's Dally
R. L. Propst returned from
Long Pine last evening, where he
had been several days, having
gone up with his son, Will, who
will ranch there this season. Mr.
Propst went away without an
overcoat and the blizzard struck
him right, and like the polar
hear, K. L. had to draw on his
surplus flesh for warmth until he
reached home and thicker clothes.
Grand Island Lowest on List,
While Norfolk Reaches the
Highest Point.
A special from Lincoln, under
date of April 17, says:- Land
Commissioner Cowles today fin
ished compiling a table showing
the rale of taxation in twenty-four
of the leading cities of the state.
But one city is left out, that be
ing South Omaha. Hates at the
latter place have been reported as
being 5 4 mills, but as the stale
oflicial does not believe that that
mark is oflicial he left if out of his
table. (irand Island has the
lowest rale of taxation, wilh 01
mills, while Norfolk is highest
with 111.7 mills. The Omaha rate
is given at K 4.0 mills.
The rates quoted by Mr. Cowles
include all city, county, school
district and slate taxes, and wilh
Ihe exception of special district
assessinenls for sewer or paving
improvements, represent all sums
paid into the public treasury for
the support of Ihe various
branches of the oily, county and
slate government.
The following shows the table
as prepared by Mr. Cowles: Orand
land, 01 mills; lloldrege, 03
mills; Columbus, 0 4.2 mills; Min-
den, 00 mills; Hastings, 07.8
mills; Lexington, 09.7 mills; York,
0 mills; Fremont, 72 mills;
Kearney, 75.7 mills; Hlair, 75.7
mills; Falls City, 79.0 mills;
Wnyire, 83.5 mills; North Plalte,
84.2 mills; Omaha, 84.J mill
Fairbury, 85.5 mills; Lincoln, 87.2
mills; Plallsmoulh, 88.7 mills;
Nebraska City, 89 mills; McCook,
93.2 milts; Broken Bow, 101.:
mills; Wymore, 101.2 mills; Nor
folk, 111.7 mills.
Case of Kid Napping.
Some excitement was caused in
the north part of town last Sun
day night by a real "kid napping,"
in which Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Dukes' little daughter, Nina, was
the main figure. Some time af
ter dark the child, who had been
playing outside, was missing, and
investigation failed lo reveal her
whereabouts, neighbors had not
seen her, and Ihe parents became
much frightened. A searching
parly was about lo scour the
town, when the parents happened
to op"ii a bedroom door, and there
on a bed lay little Nina sleeping
peacefully and unaware that she
had caused alarm. The child had
become weary al playing and un
known to the parents she had
gone into the house and climbed
upon Ihe. bed for a nap a gen
uine case or kki-nnpping. it was
a great relief to the parents to
llnd Iheir child at home and un
injured. Union Ledger.
First Visit in Eight Months.
From Friday'! Dally.
Our good old friend, J. H
Meisinger, from near Cedar Creek,
was in the city today visiting with
his many county seat friends. He
was accompanied by his son,
Adam. This is the senior Mr
Meisinger's first trip to the coun
ty seat in the past eight months,
owing lo his recent severe sick
spell, which extended over that
period of lime. For three months
he was confined to his bed, dur
ing' which lime he experienced
very dangerom periods. He first
suffered a severe attack of in
flammation of ihe gall bladder,
result ing in a case of diabetis.
We are sijre pleased lo see the
old gentleman up am around
again, and wilh every prospect
for permaennl recovery from both
allliclioiis. Mr. Meisinger cele
brated his sixly-eighlh birthday Mondav.
Mrs. Charles Miller returned
from Omaha last evening, where
ho visited friends for a lime.
William Ludwlck, Living in Otoe
County, Found Dead In Lane
Thursday Morning.
From Friday's Dally.
William Ludwick, a prosperous
young fanner, living a few miles
south of Avoca, but just across
the line in this county, was found
dead this morning. Last evening
he seemed to be in the best of
health and about 10 o'clock he
left Ihe house and started out to
the stable to see that everything
was all right. This was the last
seen of him alive.
A hunting party was organized
during the night and a thorough
searcn mane jor tne missing man,
bul it was not until earlv this
morning that his body was found.
He had evidently not gone to the
stable, but wandered out info the
lane. There were no marks of
violence on the body, and Ihe
physician who made the examina
tion was of Ihe opinion that he
came to his death by heart
Mr. Ludwick was about 3 4 years
old, married and leaves a widow
and four small children. His
neighbors speak of him very
Coroner Karstens did not deem
if necessary to hold an inquesl.
Nebraska City News.
Plattsmouth Soon Added.
The April number of the "Ne
braska's Young Men," a publica
tion issued by the stale coin-
mil lees of the Nebraska Young
Men's Christian association, has
Ihe following concerning Ihe or
ganization in this city:
The Plallsmouth citizens,
headed by two or three of their
prominent business men, feeling
Ihe peed of something for their
young men and boys in that city,
and in close conference wilh the
slat,' committee, have by canvass
secured ." between $2,000 and
$3,000 for the opening of rooms,
etc., and the establishment of Ihe
work, but during the early part
of March a splendid building in
(hat town was offered for sale and
I ne men who are under mis pro
ject, after consultation, decided
that Ihe thing to do was lo buy il
and turn it over to Ihe Young
Men's Christian association. So
in the near future Plallsmoulh
will be added to the number of
associations in Nebraska."
Enjoy Fine Banquet.
From Frlday'8 Dally.
The Fastern Slar lodge held a
special meeting for initiation
ceremony at their rooms in Hie
Masonic hall last Wednesday
night. A large attendance of the
membership was present lo
participate in the pleasures of the
evening. One of the finest ban
quets ever given in the hall was
served by the committee on re
freshments, composed of Mrs.
Hay Smith, Mrs. Fred llamge and
Miss Murel Barthold. After the
feast toasts were responded to by
Worthy Matron Mrs. K.l Tult of
Murray, Mrs. It. Wolf of Nehawka,
Mrs. H. 1). Travis and Mrs. L. A.
Moore of this city. Miss Taylor
of Union was present and look
part in Ihe initiatory ceremony.
Depart for Cook, Neb.
From Friday's Dally.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ilenner and
children departed for Cook, Neh.,
this morning over the Missouri
Pacific, where they will make
their home in the future, their
household goods having been sent
yesterday. Mr. Ilenner will en
gage in farming during the com
ing season in that vicinity. Be
fore Iheir depart ure for their new
home Mrs. Ilenner called al this
oflice and ordered a copy of Ihe
Jurnal sent to Iheir address.
Will Remove Tailor Shop.
Frank McKlroy, the Main street
tailor, has rented the front rooms
up stairs in the Krug building, al
the corner of Main and Fifth
si reels. Mr. McF.lroy expecls to
move into his new quarters at
once, since it has been decided by
(he city to have the building now
occupied by Mr. McKlroy removed.
He had expected lo remain where
he was for a week or so, or until
he had finished some work he had
on hands, but the turn affairs
have taken has changed his plan,
causing his removal sooner.
Finds Wheat Doing Well.'
From Friday',) Dally.
Jacob Meisinger and wife went
out to the farm Saturday last and
returned today, having visited
their sons and renewed their ac
quaintance at the old homestead.
Mr. Meisinger found the crops
looking good, although he says a
rain would be benellcial. The
spring wheat is coming up nicely,
and (he stand of fall wheat is also
good. In some places where the
farmers sowed an insufficient
amount of seed the fields do not
look so well. Mr. Meisinger was
pleased with the crop prospect so
far. John Meisinger, jr., accom
panied his parents to Plalls
moulh for Ihe day.
Gentle Team Is All That Saved
Him From Almost Instant
From Friday's Dally.
Oeorge II alines, Ihe 20-year-old
son of Peter llalmes, while cut
ling siocks yesterday morning
wilh a two-row cutler and three
horses, met with an accident
which will lay him up for some
I inie. (ieorge had shipped Ihe team
and was fixing something which
had gollen out of order about
the cutler, and was in front of the
knives behind Hie horses when
they slarled without warning.
He realized his perilous posi
tion and tried to escape and at
the same lime commanded Ihe
horses to "Whoa," ami succeeded
in throwing his body out of
danger, but was unable to gel his
left leg out of the way of the
knives. The result was a gash
on his find and Hie calf of bis leg
quite deep and painful. A physi
cian was summoned and took
thirteen slilcbes lo close Ihe
The young man is gelling along
as well as possible under Ihe cir
cumstances and he is glad he got
off as well as he did. The horses
did not try to run nnd were not
Will It Every Happen?
Will it ever happen that a girl
win no married who is not a
beautiful, charming and accomp
lislied young lady? We wanl to
record I be marriage of an ugly,
pleasant and ordinary girl with a
good disposition and balance
judgment and knows how lo keep
house. Doesn't mailer if she cnn'l
pound Ihe keys on a piano oi
Know the exact courtesy o make
when presented lo Helen oOuld or
(he Countess of Squeendiink, only
so she can make good corn cakes,
fine biscuits, coffee Ihat lash
like the nectar of Ihe gods, cook
'possum and 'coon lo Ihe queen's
taste, wash dishes until I hey are
so clean and sanitary Dial
morning posy wet with dew won't
compare wilh Iheni, wear a dinner
dress that when you look umh
or on lop of the table you can't
see anything but clothes, and
when, after a hard day's work in
the parlor, sitting ami dining
room and kitchen, she retires for
the night she wraps herself in the
arms of Morpheus without pul
ling on frills simply lies down
dressed in infantile smiles and a
while ribbon around her neck, as
a symbol of innocence. That's
the girl whose marriage we wanl
to record.
Jones Grain Company Wins.
The jury who heard Ihe evi
dence in Ihe ense of Ihe Jones
("rain company ngainsl Ihe West
ern Union Telegraph company,
return d a verdict for the plain
tiff in Ihe sum of 200 wilh in
terest. This is n case where the
Jones ft rain company claimed
damages by reason of Ihe delay of
a message in which they sold
some grain and lost 250 by rea
son of (he delay. Nebraska Cily
Finger Recovers Slowly.
Will llussell. who injured the
index finger on his right hand
three weeks ago, met Dr. Cochran
at the station this morning. The
injured finger does nol recover its
normal condition nearly so fasl
as Mr. llussell wants to see it do.
He cannot bend it without taking
hold of Ihe finger wilh his other
hand, and he finds working ralher
painful under Ihe circumstances,
There Would Not Have Been One
Left to Tell or the Dlro
II is quite possible had it not
been for Marconi's wireless that
no survivor of the Titanic would
ever have reached shore. The
lime for loading the life boats
was pitifully short. It would
scarcely have been possible, in
Ihe turmoil of the moment, lo
have provided Ihe boats with
adequate water ami provisions.
in that jungle of fogs the boats
might have wandered about help
less until all life was gone. Such
an outcome would have been even
more distressing and portentous
than the present dreadful calam
ity, for no one could have gained
any information as to how it hap
pened. Tihs dire disaster will have its
effect on Ihe science of ocean
navigation for all time. The
question whether or not these
great leviathans are gelling loo
big to be handled will be thought
fully worked out in the light of
the Tilanic's enormous size and
sad fale. The problems of heller
provision against ice and a life
boat seal for everyone, will be Ihe
foremost thought among navigat
ors. F.very scrap of information
bearing on Ihe causes of Ihis
wreck will lie or value. naiever
is saved may ho all due In the
Wonders ol wireless.
Receives Fine Bird.
From Saturdny'H Dully.
C. C. Wescolt received jester-
day the third line full-blood pedi
greed Bull' Orpington cockeral.
This bird is a beauly, a golden
buff, scores 95 points and a line
bird, and from a strain which
look first prize at the stale fair
last fall. The cockeral was bred
by John Adams of F.agle, who has
one of the best pens of Buff Orp
inglon fowls anywhere in the
west. Miv Wescolt, as a poultry
fancier, as in the clothing busi
ness, believes thai quality and not,
qua'ulity is what counts and is
pursuing this idea in Ihe pur
chase of oxl ra fine birds lo bring
new blood to his Hook. He will
be in position now lo furnish sel
lings of eggs at if 2 per selling, 15
eggs in each. Bear in mind that
Mr, Wescolt is Ihe only fancier in
Ihe city who has gone to the
trouble and expense of importing
three line cockerals Ihis season.
Kaspar Stock Sold.
From Saturday"! Dally.
Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker was
in charge of the judicial sale at
Ihe south front door of the court
house Ihis morning, disposing of
the J. V. Kaspar slock and ma
chinery lo satisfy an order of at
tachment issued on a judgment
obtained by the creditors. Flour,
fixtures and other personal prop
erly of Ihe debtor were sold lolhe
highest bidder. The flour was
sold in small lots, so that anyone
could purchase who wished to for
family use without being over-
Buys New Machine.
The Burlington has jusl in
stalled a new No. 10 visible Rem
ington typewriter at the station,,
and our friend, (Hock, the first
trick man, is highly elated over
the prospect of taking his mes
sages on Ihe new machine. The
operators at Ihe oilier end of the
line will have some difficulty in
sending messages fast enough for
"Bill" now, Ihe new machine,
works so glibly.
Grovenor Dovey Roturns.
From Baturday'a Dally.
(iiovcnor Dovey, who went lo
the Clarkson hospital four weeks
ago to undergo an operation for
appendicitis, returned last even
ing looking the picture of robust
health and feeling line consider
ing the serious operation which
he passed Ihrough. Bis numerous
friends in Ihe city are very glad
lo see him home again and on
Hie road lo recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. W. (!. Vallery of
Denver arrived in Ihis cily Ihis
afternoon in Iheir private car over
Ihe Burlington for a visil over
Sunday wilh relatives and friends.