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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1912)
mmm ............ 1 C. E. fecotfs Always the Home FORI ROBBER Andy Thomsen Gives Big Buck Nigger to Understand That He Tackled the Wrong Man. The Omaha World-Ilerald of this morning contains Ihe follow ing: , "James Thompson, a negro, of South Om'aha; is in Ihe city jail here following a particularly bold attempt Wednesday at highway robbery. Andy Thompson, while, of Murray, Neb., is detained as complaining witness. 'According to Ihe latter, Ihe negro approached him on North Fifteen ih si reel, near Ihe Webster street depot, and suggested a place where Thompson (white) might go to spend his money. The latter says he ignored the in formation, and the negro attacked him in an effort lo extract his pockelboiik, containing $(50. . "Tliniopson grabbed his assail ant and w hirling him to I ho side walk after a brief struggle held him there while some bystander called the police. Thompson was slightly injured by Ihe negro." . The gentleman referred to as being from Murray is none other than Andy Thomsen of Cedar Creek, and after viewing Ihe build of Andy, Ihe negro had consider able grit lo tackle him. He is a powerful man and not afraid lo 00 MUCH i Spring Millinery Opening!- New Location in Old r ,-, ' J .rfpf An Elegant Line of "x r uUini u D t xir l-CV 0N DISPLAY 1 HOW I h ; As the chill goes out of the air the desire for new Spring clothes possesses the thoughtful men. Its the time to dress up. We are able to satisfy that desire to perfection. Our show ing of Quality Clothes or "the clothes beau tiful" is the largest and best we have ever made. Our alteration sale practically wiped out all of last season's goods, so that we have nothing but bran new up-to-date clothes to show you. If you want thiskind we invite you to come in. You'll enjoy look ing at them. We en joy showing them. Quality Clothes $20 to $35. Lesser quality S10 to $18. Sons of Satisfaction defend himself when approached by such highwaymen as some limes roam the streets of Omaha "seeking whom they might de vour." Jos. McCaffery, Mgr. Schlitz Hotel, Omaha, and Vice President in .Nebraska of "Greeters of America," writes: "I recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound as a sure cure for coughs aud colds. I have used it myself with good results, and have re commended, it to many other?, who have since told me of Us great curative power in diseases of the throat and lungs." For sale by F. G. Frickc & Co. Visits His Father. J. I). Hopkins of Ord came to South Omaha with a load of hogs yesterday and look advantage of (he opportunity lo visit his father, Isaac Hopkins, jn Ibis city. When Mr. Hopkins arrived ho learned thai his father had departed for Omaha on the afternoon M. P. train. Mr. Hopkins, sr., has been in quite poor health lately and his physician advised a change of scene, and it was decided to make a short visit w ith Omaha relatives. J. I), went to Omaha this after noon to see his father. For a mild, easy action or the bowels, a single dose of Doan's Regulels is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist for them. Postoffice Building Miss, Myers FARMERS TRY 10 51 DIKE MSI IE Farmers' Dike Along the River Near Hlnton Station Breks Sunday Night. From parlies residing in Pa cific Junction it was learned yes terday that the fanners' dike alung the river near Hinton Sta tion, the first stop north of the Junction on the K. C, broke Sun day night, letting a large volume of water in on the bottom, and a rather swift current has since been running through west of the Junction, the water reaching to the village limits. For over a week the farmers and all of the men they could get at the Junction have been doing all they could to save the dike and prevent the water from going through thai way. Men slept righl on Ihe job, a school house near there being used as head quarters, where meals were served to (he workkmen; a telephone was put in and every facility far aiding the men was put to work. The water has run down in Ihe main channel two and a half feel, and the worst of the trouble is be lieved to be past. FOR AGED PEOPLE Old Folks Should Be Careful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine. We have a safe, dependable and altogether ideal 1 remedy thai is particularly adapted' lot he re quirements of aged people add persons ot weak const it ul ions wlio suffer from const ipal ion or oilier bowel disorders, We are so cer tain that il will relieve these com plaints and give absolute satis faction in every particular thai we offer it with our personal guarantee that it shall cost the user nothing if il fails to sub stantiate our claims. This rem edy is called Rexal) Orderlies. llexall Orderlies are eaen just like candy, are particularly prompt and agreeable in action, may, be taken at any time, day or night; do nol cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive loose ness, or other undesirable effects. They have a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they come in contact, ap parently acting as a regulative tonic upon Ihe. relaxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcom ing weakness, and aiding to re store the bowels lo more vigorous and healthy activity. Three sizes, 10c, 25c and line. , Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. F. l. Fricke & Co., Union Work. Candidate for Reform School. Hradley Hillings, a boy of about 11 or 12 years of age, yesterday commit led the criminal act of opening mail belonging lo Frank Dunbar and abstracting a check or ?:.': and oilier valuable papers. The check was laken to the Hank of, Cass counly and presented for payment, but the cashier refused lo pay it and Mr. Dunbar was notified at once. The check and other' papers were at once re covered. The youth escaped lo Ihe counlry and Mr. Dunbar does not think he will lake Ihe mailer up with Ihe authorities, although it. would probably bo better for the boy to go to Ihe reform school than lo be allowed lo go nnre strained. HOT FROM THE ANVIL. O. W. Korns, the well known blacksmith at Woodville, Neb., is cured of a lame back (hat was a serious trouble to him. He says: "I have used Foley Kidney Pills and they have done me more good for lame back than anything ever used. I cheerfully recom mend them for lame back and kidney ailments." For sale by F. G. Frickc & Co. FREE HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION I have arranged lo gel a rate of 930.00 round trip to Dermott Arkansas, on Ihe second day of May, where we have 15,000 acres of fine farm lands for sale. Those buying land while (here will have their railroad fare relumed. For further particulars apply to or write, T. I.. Amick, Mynard, Neb. See the exhibit at .1. L. Russell's Riley IIolcl Har. Heavy, impure blood makes muddy, pimply complexion, head ache, nausea, indigestion.- Thin blood makes you weak, pale, sick ly. nuruocK isioou unicrs makes i lie moon ncn, red, pure re stores perfect health. Work Discontinued. .Notice was served on Frank W hile yesterday to the effect that the .1 frame structures between H. A. McElwain's jewelry More and the Donat saloon had been condemned as dangerous lire traps, and unless removed within 30 days the city would proceed to have appraisers appointed and appraise and remove the build ings according 1o the ordinance and law in such cases provided. Walter While, who was looking after the matter for his brother, at once discontinued the work which had been commenced the day before. E E Will Be Launched Soon and Ready to Accommodate River Ex cursionists In Fine Shape. Ed Mason will soon have ready for the water and soon to be christened a line pleasure boat with a capacity of carrying fifteen passengers. He is installing a ten horse-power gasoline engine and a fifteen-gallon gasoline tank will furnish Ihe fuel. The boat is lo be equipped with electric lights front, and aft of six volts, with brilliant reflectors, making a powerful light. The length is 20 feet long with a 0-foot beam and .10 inches deep. A 1 0-inch propel ler will be used at first and if that does not give the boat sulllicent speed a -'H-incn propeller will re place the first. The boat is being lilted out with all of Ihe latest de vices for speed and safety and will ie one of the largest and swiftest toats on Ihe river. Mr. Mason xvi prepared to take excursionists o Ihe island or any other purposes. nearby poml for picnic Charles Manning, Middle llranch, Neb., gives his report on oley Kidney Pills. He says: "I bad (rouble with my kidneys, so bad that I passed blood. Doctor ing did me but Utile good, so ried Foley Kidney. Pills. One arge bid Me entirely cured me of my trouble, and l cnccrluliy re commend Foley Kidney Pills to anyone suffering with kidney trouble." For sale by F. O. Fricke. & Co. Fifth Wedding Anniversary. ; The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil iam Weber was Ihe scene of most enjoyanie- occasion las evening, when relatives and ft few intimate friends were'enlerlained in hoinH'of the fifth wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiele of Soulh Omaha, Mrs. Schiclo being a daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Weber. For the enter tainment of their guesls Mr. and Mrs. Weber had arranged a num ber of games and amusements and these were entered into with en thusiasm, and from which Ihe guesls derived much merriment. Mr. and Mrs. Schiele were made Ihe recipients of many handsome gifts. Just previous lo Ihe close of Ibis 'delightful evening's enter tainment a delicious luncheon was provided. Mrs. S. Slefllns of Omaha, another daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Weber, was also pres ent. Mrs. Frank Schiele and chil dren, who have been visiting Ihe farmer's' parents, Mr. ami Mrs. William Weber, for several days, will return lo their home al South Omaha on the evening train over the Missouri Pacific Ibis evening. Insanity Board Meets. Dr. E. D. Cummins, J. M. Leyda and James Robertson,- commis sbmers of insanity of this county, helil a session alt he jail this morning and examined inlo Ihe menial status of William Yiet meier, a young man of .12, who was brought in from Murdock lasl night. There is no insanity in Mr. Vielmeier's family, but in August, 11)10, he received a fall and injury in his head, from which he has not fully recovered. His hallucination is that lie is mar ried, but someone is about to cheat him out of his spouse. His father and mother are living soinexvhere in Iowa. The board found, after hearing the man talk, that he was a fit subject, to be re strained at the hospital for the in sane at Lincoln and made such order. White Plymouth Rock Eggs. While Plymouth Rock eggs for sale at $.1.00 per hundred. Mrs. Geo. A. Kaffenberger, It. F. D. No. 2, IMallsinoulh. For Sale. Some good first-class prairie hay. on farm eight miles west of Plallsmoulh. R. L. Props!, Mynard. LAUNCH FOR n PURPOSES ALVO DEPARTMENT Items of lntert to Journal Readers Paul Prouty went to Lincoln Saturday. F.d Slromer went lo Lincoln Wedliesdav. Mrs. Joe Armstrong was in in Lin- Lincoln Friday. Mrs. R. A. Stone was in Lin coin Thursday. Mrs. Willis Whitney went to Lincoln Thursday. Ray Vickers was in Lincoln on business Saturdav. Charles Suavely was in Lincoln on business Fridav. Henry Clapp, jr., was in Lincoln Saturday on business. Sam Rosenow of Klmwood visit ed relatives here Sundav. Dale Hoyles came down Tues lay for a few days at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Murty visited in Weeping Water Sunday. Mrs. K. M. Stone was in Lin coln between trains Thursday. Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick was snooping in Lincoln Monday. Miss Pearl Keefer spent several days with relatives here Jast week. Henry Dimmilt of Lincoln is visiting relatives here this week. Miss Orpha Mullen of Uni- versify Place speut Sunday at home. Miss Marjorie folks Saturday F.agle. Frank linker Carr visited home and Sunday at and family left Tuesday for I heir new home in Missouri. Mrs. Clyde Doxies of Lincoln visited relatives here several days last week. The Misses Grayce and Aurel Foreman xvere Lincoln visitors Wednesday . John KalVenberger of Plalts iiioulh spent Sunday with Henry Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Slone and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner. Mrs. William Casey left on No. j.1 Tuesday fur Dixon, Neb., to attend a xvedding. Mrs. Charles SI mug and daugh ler, Miss Kmily, were Lincoln shoppers Thursday. Mrs. E. M. Stone ami mother, Mrs. Hina Kil.el, xvere Klmwood visitors Wednesday. George F.IJison and wife of Prairie Home visited his mother, Mrs. Nervia Knott, Sunday. Miss Hazel Foreman visited her sister, Mrs. Karl Cole, in Ilaxelock from Friday until Sunday. S. C. Hoyles went lo Omaha shipped I wo cars of fat cattle. ' Mr, and Mrs. Orville Quelhorsl A Large Crowd in Attendance, Probably as Many as Buffalo Bill's Wild West Would Draw. George Faller returned last night from I lie Roosevelt meeting, which filled the Auditorium al Omaha. An hour and a half be fore Ihe lime for Ihe meeting lo open Ihe seals were all taken. When the distinguished speaker came upon Ihe platform Ihe ap plause slarled and was kept up for ten minutes. Mr. Falter said he never saw anything like it. Men stood on their chairs, threw up their hats, yelled, stamped and whistled. When the tumult hail partially subsided the chairman of the meeting arose lo introduce Colo nel Roosevelt, when Ihe cheering began again. And through the ad dress al the slightest provocation Ihe audience got hysterical. When the Colonel had spoken, as he thought, long enough and look out his walch, an enlhusiaslii listener shouted lo him to put il up, as Ihe croxvd would slay with him until morning. Among those attending the meeting were Mat thexv Gering, C. A. Hawls, (ieorge HEMS S OMAHA New Arrivals! Linen Collars Vcnsc Collars Side Jabots Jabots Auto Veils Auto Scarfs ZUCKWEILER& LUTZ Will Be Received at the Drug Store spent Sunday with Elmer Bar rett and family near Greenwood. Clayton Leibhart and family of Lincoln" spent Sunday with his father, George Leibhart and wife. Milton Preston of Klmwood and Henry Clapp, jr., were passengers for Omaha Wednesday morning. Mrs. Lou Kamni was quite sick Tuesday night. Dr. Muir was call ed and at this report she is rest ing easier. Mrs. C. C. Huckncll and chil dren xvere passengers for Lincoln Wednesday to visit relatives for a few days. J. A. Shaffer has been confined lo his bed for several days xvitli rheumatism, but is some better at this writing. The Misses Marguerite and Cetherine Hurkholder of Lincoln visited Miss Esther Rasp a fexv days last week. Warren J. Linch and Walter Tuesday on No. 11, he having Doling of Lincoln xvere in town Tuesday and Wednesday visiting and transacting business. Mrs. Muir, who has been visit ing at the home of her son,- Dr. Muir and family, returned to her home al Milford Thursday. Heirs of Ihe Dreamer estate, were in town Tuesday making final seltleeinnl. in the sale of the farm east, of Alvo, which was pur chased by Mr. Davis of Weening Water. Charles G. Anderson and son, Vernon, of Litchfield, Neb., came in Tuesday lo visit relatives for about a week. Mr. Anderson likes the counlry up I here and is getting along nicely. John Mull in, who recently moxed to Francielas, Texas, has been ery sick and his father had planned o visit him, but. received xvord Saturday that he had im proved considerably, so will not. goat present. George J'oreioan, jr., was laken to, Lincoln laJ xveek to be oper ated upon for appendicil is, from xxhich, al this time, he is improv ing nicely.' Mrs. Foreman is x if h' him' al SI . Elizabeth's hos pital. She visited relatives here a few hours Monday. Congressman Pollard of Ne hawka. candidate for elector at large, and Frank P. Sheldon of Nehuwka, candidate for delegate, to. national convention, and Geo. W. Cheney, of Union, enndidato for slate representative, xvere in loxxn lasl Friday getting acquaint ed xvilh the voters. . Falter, llent Livingston, C. L. Wilesy Stephen Wiles, Joe Wiles, A. J. lleeson and others. , Pasture for Rent. Good pasture for about 30 head of horses and callle. Three miles east of Cedar Creek. T E. Howers. . "Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil .is Ihe best remedy for that often filial disease croup. Has been used xvilh success in our family for eight years." Mrs. L. White acre, Huffalo, N. Y. WE BUY REAUY7L Poultry and Eggs! Pay the Highest Market Price Deliver us your produce and get fair lest and honest count. PAUL IIANDLY, Corner Sixth And Pearl Streets, Plattsmouth, : : : Nebraska Cotton Fringe Trimming Cotton Call Trimming Swiss Allovcrs Vcnisc Allovcrs Vcnisc Laces Armenian Laces WinsorTies Swiss and Vcnise Bandings i