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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1912)
0jfh),g, n r ttk ft rfc a fir f m 3 ; IS STILL GOINGS ON! We simply want to impress upon your mind that this is the Golden Opportunity for you to secure your Spring line of wearing apparel We offer you everything in the Fine Clothes line for every member of your fam ily, and we are here ready to guarantee the quality of the goods and the prices at which they are being offered. Our Millinery Line remains almost unbroken, although we have sold hundreds of the pretty new hats that you have seen worn this Spring. Come in and see us now. Fanger's Department Store "THE HOME OF GUARANTEED VALUES!" V. ZUCKER, Manager GREENWOOD. (Special Correspondence.) 4 JI,JI,I Mrs. Ray Hurlbut of Havelock is visiting' her mother-in-law, Mrs. J. G. Hurlbut, this week. Mrs. Hurlbut's niece, Miss Campbell, .of Lincoln, is also visiting her. Mr. Meeker received word Mon- cday that his daughter, Mrs. Moore of Kansas City, was afflict ed with cerebro spinal meningitis. Mrs. Meeker started on the first train. A private banquet was given to entertain Itev. V. L. Austin of Plattsmouth, Rev. Mr. Scheick of Omaha and Rev. Mr. Hilton of Waverly, who were here in the interest of the Wesleyan uni- i versity endowment fund. They give a very interesting cduca-1 tional talk on the importance of Keeping up uie sianaara emciencyi of our denomination schools. Dr. Jones reports a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Buck on the' morning of April 14. Martin Dowd has purchased a piano. The meetings at the M. E. rhurch are being quite well at- tended, Dr. Condra of Lincoln will lec- ture, with stereoptican views, at the M. E. church Friday evening at 7:30, for the benefit of the pupils and patrons of the school. Harry Bellinger and wife are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bellinger. Miss Nellie Kennison is visiting her brother at Sioux City and her rsister at Walthill. , Fred Holka has purchased an automobile. . A program will be given in the High school room Friday after-, noon at 2 o'clock. All the rooms : will take part in the program. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred llarlsook is quite sick. J. C. Olscn lost a very valuable horse and also a mule. They were sick only about half an hour. Mr.' nisei) had been offered $200 for' the horse just about twenty-five, minutes before it died. H-I"M'W"H-'W"H"M"M- Ladies' Spring Suits every Ladies' on uft Mouse I; Fangors Dop'i. Store 1 V. ZUCKER, Mgr. "'''' .... ......... .-1 , r 1 riimimiiii itttt'i i i r irri 1 1 1 1 1 m l lif -gyg&jfj i OUR Have You Property? Everybody has .some property. Those who do not take good care of it, usually lose it. The best properly of everybody is his health. If he does not neglect the same and if he quickly repairs occasional indisposition, his pros pects for a long and happy life are very good. The first symp tom of an indisposition is usual ly parliau or total loss of ap petite and of strength and energy, some headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, constipa tion. In such cases use at once Triner's American Elixir of Bit ter Wine, which wlil thoroughly clean out the digestive ' system, strengthen it and stimulate to its regular work. It is very good for the stomach, for the liver and for ,ne intestines, fro rheumatic and n)n,ra!gic pains, as also for colic am cra,pS. u will improve the appetite and strengthen the body At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333 1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Illinois. Scramble for Better Places. The resignation of Superintend- cnt I. N. Clark has been the means of bringing before the school board so far, about twelve ap- plications for the position, and many others to be considered The board has been called to gether each lime a new name ap pears, and it is evident there is not a dearth of aspirants for the Weeping Water job. In the mat- f teachers, for each vacancy ,hol,p wt're a,so several applicants, This does not signify too many teachers, only a scramble for bet. 'or places. Weeping Water Re- publican. : For Sale. )ry ijam (j,.,.s kkrs $1.50 per drieii it i n 7 Re m.p is and $1.25 per 15. Mrs. Win. Troop. Nehawka, Neb. 4-18-4lwkly. Try a sack of Forest Rose Flour the next lime you need flour. Ask your dealer what he thinks of it. n (0) fn) (nl n 0 ronr i) y iy) v3 w vi y u . in the HnmA nfP.iigmnr V1..M v ' T . . T CCCCS 3 II We Will Help You Do It. Our Guarantee. Read Dyspepsia may be completely eradicated if properly treated. We sell a remedy that we positively guarantee will completely relieve indigestion or dyspepsia, or the medicine used during the trial will cost the user nothing. This remedy has' been named Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Cer tainly no offer could be more fair, and our offer should be proof positive that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are a dependable remedy. Inasmuch as the medicine will cost you nothing if it does not benefit you, we urge you who are suffering with indigestion or dys pepsia to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. A 25-cent box contains enough medicine for fifteen days' treatment. For chronic cases we have two larger sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can olttain Rexall Remedies only at our store The Rexall Store fi. Fricke & Co., Union Block F. Here From Union. J. W. Pitman, from near Union, one of the Journal's staunch friends for many years, was in the city today, driving up to look af ter his annual rent, as he terms it, due the county treasurer. Mr. Pitman is one of the pioneers of Cass county, an old gentleman that is well liked by all who know him, and owns 550 acres of Cass county's choicest land, about two miles from Union. He was ac companied on the trip by his as sistant on the farm. While here he called at the Journal office to renew his subscription. Death of Paul Qroetschel. O. C. Dovey received a com munication apprising him of the death of Paul Ciroetschel, which occurred-at Wendell, S. D., Sun day, April 7. The funeral serv ices were conducted by the Ma sons at Draper, S. D on Wed nesday afternoon, April 10. Mr. Cioelschel was a member of the Masonic lodge and A. O. U. W. of this city. He was a resident of this city for a time, being em ployed as clerk in the E. OS. Dovey & Son's store. Returns From "Group Meeting." Rev. W. L. Austin returned from Ashland on the morning train today, where he had been attending the "Croup Meeting.'' Tonight he will hold a similar meetin gat Louisville and tomor row night there will be the same kind of meeting at Plattsmouth, the purpose being to raise the endowment fund for the Method ist university. Visits Cass County Friends. Ex-Stale Senator (Seorge Spohn of Superior, who has been visiting his brother-in-law, Colonel Andy Sturm, at Nehawka, was an over night guest of Ihe Riley, and also visited his cousin, Henry Slein- hauer and friend, Henry Boeck, of this city for a short time. Senator Spohn departed for Omaha this morning and will leave for his homo this afternoon. Colonel Seybolt of Murray came "P this morning in time lo board he ear v tram for OiA me pnnn a I , . ... ' ' ' wncre ne was called on business. RELIEVE YOUR STOMACH LOCAL NEWS From Tuesday's itally. Ray Frnns of 1'iiit'ii was in the cil lal evening ami tiik in the home talent operetta at the I'ar niele. James I'oaeiiy of limine, Iowa, arrived la-l evening on No. 2 and vill,iil I'lallsmoutli frlend for a I ime. Mis Margie W alker of Murray was in the cilv lat evening and attended "The Merry Milkmaids" at the parmele. J. M. Meisinger and wife and Mrs. I.. W. I.Hienz ami daughter went to Omaha on the morning train today to spend the day. Attorney ('.. A. Ravvls departed this afternoon for Sioux City, Iowa, to look after an important matter (lending in the court there. A. Katl'euherger, sr., was in the city today shaking hands with his friends, having come in to at tend to some items of business which required his presence. : Judge Oldham of Kearney and ?x-(iovernor Dockery of Missouri returned to Omaha this morning, after bidding a Clark meeting at the district court room last night. Ferdinand Hennings of near Louisville was a Plattsmouth visitor today, having driven in to look after some items of busi ness in the county seat. H. E. Pankonin of Louisville was a Plattsmouth visitor today and dropped in to pay the Journal olllce a social call. He departed for Omahao n the fast mail. J. D. MeQuestion and wife and babe left for Omaha on the fast mail today, having decided to move to Omaha, where Mr. Mc Question has a good job with the Milwaukee Railway company. Commissioner C. R. Jordan ar rived from his home at AIvo last evening in time to hear ex-Gov ernor Dockery of Missouri ad dress the democrats on the is sues of the campaign. Fred Baumgart came in from the farm today to attend to some business matters, and while here called at this olllce and ordered the Semi-Weekly Journal sent to his son, Fred J. Baumgart, at Cook. Neb. fred, jr., went to Cook about two weeks ago and will engage in farming in. that vicinity during the coming sea son. From Wednesday's Dally. (i. 1). McMaken was called to Omaha this afternoon on import ant business. A. B. Boedeker of Nehawka was a Plattsmouth visitor today, hav ing had business in the county seat which demanded his personal attention. C. C. Baldwin, (he Weeping Wafer traveling salesman, was in the city an over night guest of the Riley. fieorge Baker of South Dakota, who has been visiting old-time friends for a few days, left for Sioux City this afternoon, where he will visit friends for a short time. Uncle Ben Beckman of near Murray was a Plallsmoulh visitor yesterday attending to some busi ness matters and meeting his numerous friends. County Clerk D. C. Morgan re turned today from a tour of the southern and western part of the county, where he has been dis tributing primary election ballots. Miss Mary Foster, county superintendent, returned from Murdoek and Weeping Water this morning, where she had been visiting the schools since Mon day. Joe Wiles left for Omaha on the morning train today, where he ex pected to hear Colonel Roosevelt at the Auditorium tonight. Joe went early so as to be sure of a seat near the front. Mrs. Peter Perry and daughter, Miss Manona Perry drove in from their home at Eight Mile drove precinct and took the morning train for Omaha. They found it very cold riding in this morning L. D. Hiatt, the Murray mer chant, was in the city last even ing and assisted the Burlington band with its concert at the Par mele. Mr. Hiatt is one of the best clarinet players in the slate and a valued member of the band. W . L. Countryman returned from South Omaha and Omaha last evening, where he went with a load of cattle yesterday. Mr. Countryman struck the market while it was strong and got a good price for his cattle. His wife accompanied him from Omaha Dr. Laird and wife, who were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs C. C. Wescolt, returned to their home at Omaha this morning. Dr Laird, who has been a member of the Minneapolis Symphony Study- Orchestra for a number of years and is a cornetist of much ability, assisted the Burlington band in its concert last evening. From Thursday's lally. Mrs. J. F. Tiilibs departed for Lincoln on Hie morning train to- lay, where she will visit friends for a week. Waller Va'lleiy and J. W. Yanlley of Murray. were Platts mouth visitors today, attending to mat lers of business. Mrs. Allen J. Beeson. sr., who lias been siek for several days, is much improved, but is still at her daughter. Mrs. Isahell's home. Dr. M. F. Mrendel, II. C. Cream er aiul .-on, Raymond, left tins afternoon for SI. Joseph's hos pital, Omaha, where the little boy will undergo treatment. Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. Meisinger Irove to llii city today from the vicinity of Cedar Creek to attend to some business matters. Mr. Meisinger called at this olllce and renewed his subscription to this paper for another year. Ben Dill, from near Murray, was in the city this morning, having some foreclosure matters to look after in the county court. A legal notice appears in the weekly edi tion of the Journal in which it will be seeuji threshing machine out fit is offered for sale under this foreclosure Philip Schafer, from near Cedar Creek, was in the city today, driv ing down with his family for a business and pleasure visit with county seat friends. While here he called at the Journal office to renew his subscription, and also for John Schafer at Creighton. Verdict for Defendant. The case of Jacob Colin vs. Ralph A. Duff, wherein he asked for $15,000 damages for the in juries which he received by rea son of being struck by an auto mobile being driven by the defend ant, after he got out of his buggy on Central avenue last fall. The case was given to the jury and they wore out some little time, last evening, and sent for Judge Travis and informed him they had reached a verdict. The fact that the jury was out for some lime led to the report that they favored a verdict for the plaintiff, but this was dispelled when the jury came into the box and the foreman delivered a ver dict for the defendant. The plain tiff gave notice that the case would be appealed. Nebraska City News. Council Holds Informal Meeting Tho city fathers held an infor mal meeting Tuesday night at the olllce of, the city attorney, at which every councilman was pres ent. The water company fran chise and rates of users were dis eased, and the ordinance present ed at the last meeting was partial ly gone over and the sections dis cussed separately. The council will hold another meeting of the same kind tonight and finish the work of going over the ordinance For Representative. We are requested to announce the name of George W. Olson as a candidate for state representative, subject to the choice of the democratic voters at the pri maries on Friday, April 19th. Iret Bates, 8 Miles South of Plattsmouth (the Old Martin Farm) has installed a Saw Mill on his place, and is prepared to furnish hard lum ber of all kinds, posts and chunk wood. WAll orders promptly filled, and also solicited. DR Herman Grccdor, Graduate Vetincary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Phone 378 White, Plattsmouth Do You want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT VIKIIiSOn, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Rates Reasonable GARPATHIA HEARS HEW YORK nlcation Carpathia. MESSAGE FROM THE CHESTER. Says List of Cabin Passengers Sent Tuesday Is Complete Third Class List Yet te Come 115 First and 167 Second Cabin Passengers Lost. ; Be) oiid even the mystery of how 1 .the mammoth steamer Titanic met) " Its fate another mystery, evolved' . by the events of .ie last three ', ', J days, forced Itself to the front. 1 Although the rescue ship Carpal! Tthta was within the tone of wire-j 1 icss communication ana doiu , , '. ) shore stations and relaying ships ' were able to obtain from It long! ! ', ! lists of survivors among the steer-J age passengers and to send and, ifron and to private individuals,! not a word of matter descriptive T of the manner In which the steam- X er received its deathblow, or how J (those on hoard the doomed liner , comported themselves In the face' of impending doom reached the' shore. . The roll of the saved from the Ti tanic disaster seems complete. Practically every attending circum stance In the transmission of news) from the Carpathia goes to show that only 328 of the 610 cabin passengers of the Titanic are safe on the rescu ship. The 282 cabin passengers whoa turned to despairing onea when th sent ashore by wireless must prob ably be conceded as among the 1,312 lives which the collision of the mam moth new steamer with an iceberg oflt the Newfoundland banks Is believed to hare taken. Thousands of hopeful hearts wer turned to despairing ones when thi United States scout cruiser Chester wirelessed ashore that she had been In communication with the Carpathia and had asked repeatedly for the full list of the first and second cabin sur vivors and that the rescue ship r forUd that all the names had already ten seat ashore. The remainder of 840 persons saved were passengers in the steerage or members of th crew. . From the Carpathia, which Is ex peeled to reach the entrance of tba harbor by 8 o'clock tonight, came a new report as to the number of sur -Ivors on board. Hope for Wireless Mistakes. The fact that one new name cam through in a private message from tha Carpathia was the basis of what was a desire more than a hope that thera were slips enough In her wireless llsta lo soeount for a few at least of thoaa still unaccounted for. At the beat however, It appeared that it could only be an occasional one whose safety ba4 been reported through some error of compilation on the liner or of wireless transmission. List of 8aved Grows Less. Through the Cunarder Franconla, which established wireless communi cation with the rescue ship, came a message which included this state ment: "She hag a total of 705 survlvora aboard." The previous statement from tha Carpathia had been that she carried 868 survivors. It may be that the re port received through the Franconla Included a count of rescued passen gers only, disregarding the 100 o more members of the crew who must have been In the boats which the Car pathla picked up. Communication was being had with the Carpathia through both the scout cruiser and the shore wireless sta tion at fllasconsett. Through the Ches ter there came slowly the names of saved passengers from the third cabin of the Titanic. The very sending of these could but help confirm the fate ful belief that there were no more names of first and second cabin pas sengers to send. And thus the namr of well known men such as John Jacob Aitor, William T. Stead, Isldor Straus and others of the now familiar list of otables could have been omitted la the transmission of names. Thrt these men have gone down with the ship there remained hardly a doubt. Authorities on conditions off the banks agreed that rescues of passengers not taken from the liner by the boats would have hud to be made speedily, as exposure and exhaustion would quickly sap the life of human beings forced to resort to any other means than boats of keeping afloat. Bodies Will Remain Down. Haltltnore, April 18. "The bodies of the victims of the Titanic are at the iottom of the deep, never to leave It," declared Professor Robert W. Wool of the chair of experimental physics of John-Hopkins university. "It Is altogether Improbablo that any of the corpses ever return to the sur face as Is the case with bodies drowned In shallow water. At the depth of two miles the pressure of the water Is something like 6,000 pounds to tho square inch, which Is far too great to be overcome by buoyancy or dinarily given drowned bodies by tb gases generated la time."