The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 15, 1912, Image 8

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Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has hoc 7;
in use for over CO years, has hori-o the signature cf
and has uecn made under 1:1) rc;-
LT jCffl?z" KORa nupcrvlsion since Us infancy.
ar7. tCCUW Allow no one to deceive you kn t!..
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are brt
Experiments that trlflo vlth and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Expeiiinctil.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It Is Pleasant. Jt
contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Karcotio
unbstanec. Its age is Uk guarantee. It destroys "Worm
nd aUays Fcvrishness. Jt cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha
Stomach and 1 towels, giving healthy and natural fclcc.o.
The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use Fop Over 30 Years
Democratio Representatives From
Every Section of the
Stale Present.
From Saturday's Dally.
(juile a ihiihImt (if Gush counly
democrats attended the Harmon
1 1 mm-t i 1 1 f-r in Omaha last nighl, ami
hail I lit' pleasure of not only
iiiKi-liiiK and hhakiiiK hands with
Hit' Huckcye governor, hut also
hail (hi' pleasure of listening to
one of I he most ahle ami cnler
tainiiiK addcrsses ever delivered
in Nebraska, (inventor Harmon
was preceded hy Senator llileh
eock, in which the senator clear
ly presented the questions at is
sue, between himself ami Mr.
II was an immense gathering of
representative democrats from
nearly every county in Nebraska,
who came to pay tribute to Sen
ator Hitch -k, as well as to Hie
Ohio governor, who paid par
ticular attention to the differ
ences helween him ami Mr. Bryan.
He urged strict compliance with
the primury law, Imlli as to the
' choice of delegates ami as to in
filruclions to those delegates ac
cording to the law. The recep
tion tendered Senator Hitchcock
was a most enthusiastic one and
his speech was met with rounds
of applause.
Tiovernor Harmon is a big man,
as evidences of this fact were
fully demonstrated in every word
he uttered. He is not an orator,
and does not make any preten
sions in (hat direction, but is a
most pleasing 'talker ami one who
Commands the attention of his
hearers from start lo finish. He
is a very modest appearing gen
tleman, hul one who immediate
ly captures the conthlenre and ro
f perl of those who chance to meet
THE BIG HORN MOUNTAINS: The hotels and ranches around Sheridan in
these beautiful pine clad mountains are attracting a large Summer pat
ronise. It will pay you to inquire about them.
THE BLACK HILLS: Hot Springs, South Dakota, is one of the finest health
restoring regions in the West. It is deautifully located in the Southern
Black Hills.
18 million gallons of hot water, 130 degrees, flow daily. Famous through
out the West for its wonderful cures of rheumatism.
EASTERN VACATION TOURS: Attractive special rate tours will be announc
ed and leaflets containing details will be mailed to ticket agents. It will
be to your advantago to consult agent, that ho may tell you about these
rates to various Eastern localities.
Consult with us as to special rates available to these resorts.
for Fletcher's
ami hear him. lie fully answered
his detractors, and presented his
record, both in President Cleve
land's cabinet and as governor of
Ohio for two terms, as complete
evidence of his Illness lo serve Hie
(iovernor Harmon slated that
no mailer whether he was nom
inated for president, or not, he
would be found supporting (he
successful nominee with all the
villi and energy he could possibly
command. This assertion was
met wilh great applause ami clap
ping of hands.
The meeting was most enthusi
astic in its entirely and (iovernor
Harmon was greatly pleased with
his reception in Nebraska and the
large audience that listened to his
able address was greatly pleased
with (iovernor Harmon.
Entertains Past Chiefs.
From Saturday's Dolly
The Past Chiefs of the Degree
of Honor were entertained in a
most delightful manner ut the
home of Miss Teresa llempel at
her home on South Third street
yesterday afternoon. The ma
jority of the members were pres
ent and they held a short busi
ness session during the early part
of the afternoon. Following this
business session they devoted the
lime to the playing of various
games, conversation and I ho like.
An elegant luncheon was pro
vided by the hostess at an ap
propriate hour, she being assisted
in serving by Mesdames Joseph
Droege and V. (S. Kgenberger. A
little later the guests dispersed,
indebted to the hostess for the
splendid afternoon's entertain
ment. John Meisinger, Jr., nnd son,
Raymond, drove in from the farm
this morning so that Mr. Meising
er could have some dental work
attended lo and also visit his
father, Jacob Meisinger and wife,
for a time.
R. W, CLEMENT, Agent.
General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Had a Royal Good Time.
From Friday' Dally.
Mattsmouth Council No. 123,
Loyal Mystic Legion of America,
met in regular session in the
council chambers last evening and
initiated a class of sixteen. Field
Manager J. V. Doran of Omaha
has been in the city for the last
week, and with the assistance of
the local secretary, has written
28 applications, 21 of which have
passed a llrst-class medical ex
amination. The Loyal Mystic
Legion of America needs no in
troduction in this locality, having
been instituted since June, 1895.
This organization has the highest
flnanical standing of any fra
ternal or old line insurance com
pany in Nebraska today, having
a large surplus fund per capita
than any two other fraternal
orders in the state, or for that
matter, in the United States. Their
plan being as near equitable as
it is possible for insurance of
this character to be. Platts
moulli Council feels proud of its
members and invites the inspec
tion of the public, soliciting your
consideration and connection.
After the heavy stunt of initia
tion was over a general love-feast
in the way of speechmaking, was
had and was enjoyed by all pres
ent. Mrs. Kate Remington of
Omaha, who is also state manager
of the Woodman Circle for the
state of Nebraska, spoke very
flatteringly of the Mystic Legion
and fully endorsed I he plan and
workings of the order. Field
Manager Doran gave a lengthy
talk to the newly-made members
in particular, which was both
pleasing and instructive. The
Council then adjourned to the
banquet hall, where the social
committee introduced the mem
bers to delicacies of the season.
Instrumental music was rendered
(luring the partaking of the ice
cream and cake, after which the
room was cleared and the crowd
for a ' short, time tripped the
fantastic and otherwise enjoyed
the social hour.
Very Much Ballot.
The Journal ollice has just
completed the primary election
ballots, to be voted by all the
parties at the primary election
next Friday, and it has sure been
a pretty much ballot week with us,
too. The republican ballot is al
most Ave feet in length, while the
democratic one is but a few
inches shorter. The people's in
dependent, comes next with three
feet in length, followed by the
socialist and prohibition, measur
ing aumost the same. This makes
a total of nineteen feet of ballot
if they were all in one.' Can it be
any wonder that so many voters
are somewhat confused when they
come to select their favorite can
didate among so many? The re
publican and democratic ballots
have every ollice represented by a
candidate, except county attorney,
on the latter, Calvin II. Taylor on
the republican ballot being the
only candidate for the ollice of
county attorney. The Journal
has printed the ballots for several
years past, hut (he one this year
has been the longest that we have
ever had any experience with. The
tidal number printed for all
parlies was almost 15,000, includ
ing both sample and official.
A Kensington.
The home of Mrs. Harry John
son was the scene of a most en
joyable kensington Thursday aft
ernoon, when she entertained the
members of the "V. Y. T.," an
organization of the Christian
Science church. There were four
teen members in attendance, all
of whom brought their fancy work
and spent the hurry moments
in stitching with the busy needle.
Another pleasing feature of the
afternoon was a program of
music, both instrumental and
vocal, which was very much ap
preciated. A delicious luncheon,
which Mrs. Johnson knows best
how to serve, was provided at the
proper time, she being assisted in
serving by Miss Christine Soen
nichsen. Buys New Car.
J. K. McDaniel last Wednesday
purchased a fine .$3,300 Stoddard-
Dayton automobile, 11U2 pattern,
wun ; norse-power engine. Me
has a machine he can well be
proud of and one that will go wilh
any of them. He has an excellent
garage just back of his place of
business, made lire-proof and up
to-dale in every respect.
Catalogue of Summer Session.
Secretary of the School Hoard
V,. 11. Wescolt has just received a
catalogue of the summer session
of the state university, contain
ing the course for the summer
months, commencing June 11 and
continuing to August 9. Anyone
wishing to consult the book can
see it at Mr. Wescott's store. :
Is the Only Manner In Which Our
Antiquated Constitution Can
Be Changed.
At the coining election there
will be live constitutional amend
ments submitted to the people.
This is the only manner in which
our antiquated constitution can
be changed. The people must
vote intelligently in order to se
cure the necessary changes. The
first amendment is in regard to
the initiative and referendum. On
this question we believe that near
ly all the people will vide in the
allirmative. It affords the neoule
the right to pass upon all laws.
Amendment No. 2 is in regard
to the salary of members of the
legislature. On this question the
people will care but little, but all
will agree that our legislators are
not paid sufficiently. Hut they Ret
the honor.
.No. 3 is one that should anneal
to almost every person in the
state. It provides for the crea
tion of a board of commission
ers that will have charge of all
the state institutions. This
means that the various institu
tions will be taken out of politics
and placed under the control of
competent men.
No. 4 provides for a general
election every two years. Those
who are compelled to mix in
politics will favor this amend
ment. We are not prepared lo
say whether we favor it or not. At
present there are too many elec
tions, and when we have the re
call and special election it will
keep one busy voting.
No. 5, the amendment permit-
ling cities of more than 5,000 in
habitants to frame its own
charter lias some good features
iml many bad ones. The charter
that would apply to York. (Srand
Island or Hastings would not, be
suitable to this city. It would
make such a mix-up in regard to
law that no one could tell where
the city stood.
Restaurant Reopened.
Sain Henderson has reopened
the Collins' restaurant in I he
Hotel Hi ley basement, and will be
pleased to have all those desiring
regular meals or short orders call
and see him. Mr. Henderson has
had considerable experience in the
restaurant, business and knows
just about what the people desire
when tired ami hungry, and he
will always try to please them.
He intends to carry everything the
market afVords in the line of good
"eat ins," nnd every effort will be
exerted to prepare them to suit
your taste. A cordial invitation is
extended to all, especially those
who are looking for Hie best lo
Making the Roads Good.
From Saturday'! Dally.
Waller Hyers, road overseer
from the Kenosha district, and
Will Haker were county seat visit,
ors today, driving up this morn
ing for the transaction of some
business mailers. In conversa
tion with numerous farmers driv
ing in from the south I hey stated
that the roads are in excellent
condition all the way to Platts
mouth, and especially is Ibis true
in Mr. Dyers' district. Mr. Hyers
is exerting every effort to make
the roads in the very best condi
tion, which is certainly ap
preciated by all who are com
pelled to travel them at this sea
son of the year.
Llg Loses His Hat.
From Saturday's Dally.
Our friend, L. H. Hrown, lost
his hat while in I own today and
has not seen it since. He started
for home, ami in passing the H. &
M. shops (lie high wind lifted his
"lid7 with such force as though
il was carried right up lo the
clouds and never came back. He
says it was done so suddenly that
he never caught sight of it from
the lime it left his head. He is of
(he opinion that it blew over the
fence at the shops. He came back
to (own lo buy a new one, and left
an ad at the Journal for the lost
top-piece to be left here by the
I'. M. Haumgart drove in from
his . farm yesterday nnd looked af
ter business trailers in the city.
Mr. Haumgnrt reports his wheal
as looking line, being in better
condition than last year.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears tha
Signature of
i -Spring illinery Opening!-
I New Location in Old Postofficc Building
1 'jWJ
HI- M!-K- "H-H-H-H
$ (Special Correspondence.) 4
The Easter bazaar Saturday was
very well attended and $110 was
taken in.
The last number on the lecture
course is the impersonator, Rob
ert Howmen, who will entertain
at the M. K. church Saturday
evening, April 13.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hayden re
turned to I heir home in Wallace
Tuesday afternoon.
The Rehekah convention will
be held at (ireenwood April 25.
The last meeting of the Literary
society for this season was held
Thursday evening, April 11.
The meetings at the M. E.
church commenced last, Monday
evening and will continue for
several weeks. The services of
Rev. Hull'uni, the evangelist, have
been procured for the meetings.
Mrs. F. A. Mason, wife of our
hardware merchant, was here
Saturday. They expect lo lake up
their residence here soon.
The Easier program at the M.
E. church was very good and was
very well attended, many persons
having to stand up.
V. E. Hyers and family moved
into Mrs. (lullion's house a week
ago last Monday.
Eleanor, the fl-ycar-nhl daugh
ter of Dr. E. E. Jones, is quite
Mayor Gorder In Town.
From Saturday's Daily.
Mayor Fred II. (iorder of Weep,
ing Water was a IMaltsmoulh
visitor yesterday, having come
over lo the county seat the n ght
before on a business I rip. Weep
ing Water has recently installed
an electric light plant, which is
owned by the city, having -candle-power
incandescent lamps on
every block throughout the busi
ness section and many in the resi
dence portion of the city. The
cily already owns its water plant
and operates it. Mr. Gorder thinks
the city as well lighted as any in
the country, and the city main
tains a twenty-four-hour service.
t,iii mi i. it i:sk.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, Our F. Mohr, has filed his
petition and application with the vil
lage clerk of the vlllnge of Avoca,
County of Cass, and State of Nebraska,
as required by law, signed by the re
quired number of resident freeholders
of the said village, setting forth that
the applicant Is a man of respectable
character and standing and a resident
of the Htute of Nebraska, and praying
that a license mav be issued to .the
said (Jus F. Mohr for the sale of malt,
spirituous and vinous Illinois for the
municipal year ending Mav 2. 1913 at
his place of business, sltiinted on the
west two-tblKds of lot live (5), In block
thirteen (1.1), in said village of Avoca,
Oils. F. Mohr, Applicant.
April 11, 1912.
.4. m .J
New Arrivals!
Linen Collars
Vcnse Collars
Side Jabots
Auto Veils
Auto Scarfs
Winsor Ties
Swiss and Venise Bandings
An Elegant Line of
MARCH 27th
Miss Myers
the Dlntrict Court of Vnnn County
Millie D. Montgomery, Plaintiff,
James P. Archer, Defendant.
James F. Archer, defendant, will take
notice that on the 9th dav of March, A.
I). 1912, Millie V. Montgomery, plaintiff
herein, filed her petition in the Dis
trict Court of Cans County Nebraska,
agaiiiKt said defendant, 'James F.
Archer, the object and prayer of said
petition are, to quiet the title, in the
plaintiff, Millie D. Montgomery, In and
to the following described real estate,
"Commencing at the southest corner
of the northwest quarter of the south
east quarter of Section twenty, Town
ship eleven, range fourteen E. in Cass
County, Nebraska; thence north ten
rods; thence west to the west line of
said quarter; thence south ten rods to
the southwest coiner of the said north
west quarter of the southeast quarter;
thence east to the place of beginning,
containing live acres: and to declare
null and void and of no force and
effect a certain deed of conveyance of
said renl estate from Abel Crabtree to
James F. Archer, which deed is re
corded In the deed records of Cass
County, Nebraska, in book thirty-four
at page 589, and to declare null and
void any and all claims of said James
h. Archer in and to said real estate;
also alleging adverse possession of
said premises for more than ten years
last past, nnd prays for equitable
You are required to answer said petl
V?,,nnVI before the 22nd day of April,
A. i), 1912.
Millie D. Montgomery,
C. A. Itawls. Attorney for Plaintiff.
' 3-ll-wkly-4-wks
James V. Kaspar will take notice
that on the 26th day of February, A
1. 1912, the County Court of Cass
i .i i i m us justice'
till' Stl Ct nn luunu1 on
i - --: ' ' " 1 " ' m i vii at
tachment for the sum of One Hundred
Six and 92-100 Dollars, in an action
( pending before said court, wherein the
. luiinMiuiiiii muie nanK. a corporation,
Is plaintiff, and James V. Kaspar is de
fendant, that property of the defend
ant. conMlMtino at nno r'l.r...iA If
engine, seven piles of wood, 10 sacks
; of rye flousi 98 lbs. each: 19 sacks Sun- '
Jtlst Hour, 98 lbs. each; 17 sacks Forest
Hose flour, 98 lbs. each; 30 sacks Ne
hawka Hour, 98 lbs. each; 6 sacks Goldt
Medal (lour, 98 lbs. each; 3 sacks Helsel
Hour, 98 lbs. each; has been attached
under said order. Said cause was con
tinued to the 18th dav of April, A. D
1912, at 9 o'clock a. m.
'HI l.H KK,
In the Matter or the Application of
Henry H. VVIedeman for Liquor
This is to certify that Henry H.
VVIedeman of the Village of Greenwood,
l ass County. Nebraska, Hied a petition,
In the otllce of the Village Clerk on
April 10th, 1912, as required by th
statutes of the State of Nebraska and
the ordinances of the Village of Green
wood, to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors for the coming municipal year
In a building situated on lot No. 277 in
suld village. Jj. H. DAFT,
Wenl) Village Clerk.
Notice Is hereby given that William
Oelschluger has Hied his petition as re
quired by the statute of the State of
Nebraska with the Vlllnge Clerk of
Kngle. Nebraska, requesting a license
to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors for the municipal year, in the
building situated on Lot (6) six, Block
(1 nineteen, In the Village of Kagle,
Cass County, Nebraska.
Dave Ebersole Sick.
Dave Ebersole, the Sixth street
blacksmith and machinist, has
been sick the past two days and
unable to he at his shop to look
I after his business. His numerous
friends hope the illness may only
he lempoarry and that he will
(soon be at his place of business
Cotton Fringe Trimming
Cotton Ball Trimming
Swiss Allovers
Venise Allovers
Venise Laces
Armenian Laces