FAUS SHOULD ROLL GROUND TO PRDTEGT VINTER WHEAT GRGP Professor Pugsley of the State University Advocates This Method of Protecting the Wheat From Exposure Due to the Ground Cracking and Allowing Air to Reach Roots. Fanners of the slate of Ne braska are facing a peculiar situa tion, which may result in a big los9 in (he winter wheat crop un less proper precautions are taken to overcome the condition. According to Prof. C. W. Pugs ley of the extension department of the university, the ground where winter wheat is planted is badly cracked, the result of the heavy snows and rains of the early part of the year. The cracks, which are three to five inches deep in many places,' expose the roots of winter wheat to the air, which may result in much of the wheat being killed. In addition, thfe sur face ground is baked, caused by the rapid drying of the. ground. Because of the making of the ground much of the moisture is lost. The two conditions threat en the winter wheat. . To remedy the condition one solution is offered that of roll ing the ground. Professor Pugs ley advises a thorough rolling of the ground within the next week or ten days, a corrugated roller being preferable. Uy rolling the ground the cracks will be tilled up and in addition a mulch will be formed which will prevent the loss of moisture. If a corrugated rol ler cannot be secured, a smooth roller may be utilized to pood ad vantage. Hut under all conditions the ground should be rolled. Ac nrrding to bulletins on file in the bureau of publicity of the Com mercial club of Omaha, wheat E Can Equip Stations for Operation at an Expense of About $20 Each. f. -'ne of the most impolrant of the automatic mail catching and delivering devices is owned by u Nebraska company, and office have been opened in the City' Na tional bank building. Isaac Gur wilch and Floyd Ha'iney of, Lin coln are the inventors of the new device. The device will safely and se curely catch a mail pouch from a flying mail car, at the same time just as safely and securely deliver a mail pouch into the Hying car. It is a great invention, is destined soon to fie adopted by all the rail roads of the country and is cer tain to realize a fortune In the owners of the great device. Demonstrations were made with the model at the postmasters' con vention at Omaha last fall and it was pronounced a wonderful and valuable proposition A company has been incorpor ated, the American Automatic Mail CaleluT Manufacturing com pany, willi fo,nio capital stock, Tor the puipo.se of placing the i . DEI FO CATCH 1 MAIL BAGS CWriUJU,ASWIkWs iui us lu nave yuu know. It's the fact that high quality is an asset here not simply an advertising theme. Everything in this store is as good quality as we can get. We promise our customers satisfaction; we make a point of it because, while quality may be certain, and prices fair to both of us, and value high in pro portion to price, satisfaction is something for you to decide. We may do our part as well as we can; if you're not satisfied we'll do what we can to satisfy you. Money back cheerfully if nothing else will do. Manhattan Shirts yield can be materially increased by a systematic rolling of the ground. "Rolling winter wheat in the spring has not failed in any of the four years it has been tried at the university to give an in creas'ed yield," says Professor Pugsley. "The average increase has been 5.1 bushels per acre. The rolling was given early in the spring, soon after the frost was out and about the lime the growth started. Harrowing after rolling was not as good as rolling alone. Early spring rolling of winter grain, pressing the earth firmly about the plant roots, produces good results. When frost comes out it is apt to leave the soil filled with small cracks. This is the condition this year, because of the heavy snows and freezes. The stand in Nebraska this year is good, practically up to the aver age, and the prospects for a bumper crop are good. Hut the cracking of the soil must be at tended to. The remedy is so simple that I believe every farm er in the state will take the proper precaution. The condition is gen eral and not confined to any par ticular locality, though it is a trifle worse in some parts of the stale, where the" precipitation was unusually heavy." Bulletins have been prepared on rolling of wheat. These may be had free of cost by writing to the Bureau of Publicity of the Com mercial club of Omaha, or I ho Ne braska Experiment Station. "catcher" on the market. The incorporators are: Sam Orlofsky, president; Thomas II. William son, secretary; Floyd Rainey, treasurer; (Hyde 0. McCoy, Isaac (iurwilfh .and (leorge Rathe. Demonstrations will be ,. given daily in the office of the company on the ninth floor of the City Na tional bank building in Lincoln. The mechanism of the Ameri can Automatic, mail catcher is not complicated and a station, it is said, can be equipped for opera tion at an 'expense of about $30. I'lovd Rainey. one of the invent ors of Ibis device, is a brother of William Rainey and Chief of Police Hen Rainey of this city, nnd James Rainey of Union. Endorses Sam Hlnkle. The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Helpers of Omaha local lodge No. 38, at their meeting April i, 1012, endorsed Samuel II inkle of llavclock for state railway commissioner. This lodge includes all of the contract shops in the cities of Omaha and South Omaha. This demonstrates the fact that Mr. Hinkle is the logical candidate for that import ant office, as he has always been Ihe friend of (ho laboring classes. Mrs. Chris Wohlfarth and daughters spent the day Saturday in the metropolis. . TJERE'S one fact about this store that's as important for you to know as Stetson flats JOHNNY ATTEFiDS dcct n nnu I Vallery Needs Training, Spence Is Great A Battle Between Strength and Science. well, we all decided to take in the wrestling match, so we beat it right up to opra house and bought 2 tikets wich they had nerve enough to soke us 50 cop pers a peice. well we didn't mind as long as we were to see sum thing, well any ways we gott rite in the font row and the first one bgun, which didn't last long i fer get the exact lime, anyways that big "rube" from mynard jest threw "ace" edwards down in a jiffy, which i didn't like no how, cause you see it wus this way, i had bet 2 bits on "ace" edwards wilh mike flynn, and i jest didnt want to lose it as you see i.only earn 2 bones a week, which isn't much for a feller like me. but i wus game sport, wal we had a few minets rest, and went to it again, now this time i jest got up in my chair and hollered fer "ace" like a auctioneer at a sail, cause i knowed what was in "ace," he is a little cus but he has nerve and grit and is preely strong and above all he, is quick as greased lighting, and is by no means stiff, he is like those limber fellers-you see in the shows, wal i just start ed to heller fer "ace" with all my mite, wal they wrestled about 10 or 15 minets and suddnly that big "stiff" from mynard got. a toe holt and sunlhing else nir "ace" and flopcd him over on his back and i thought fer a niinet my wizard of the mat wus gone, but sudnly i woke up and let out alioller that you could heard at mynard if yon had been thar. wal i coaxed "ace' ami talked to him till i got him in the notion no) to give up to 1 hat mynard "si iff." wal you ought, to. have seen that boy "ace" work be jest (loped around and broke all of holts that, that mynard , si iff ever knew, why sport i jist knew "ace" could do it wal tliey wrestl ed fer about 10 minets when that big feller what was refree sloped them and told us thai they would have to stop Ihe match as they wanted to stage the big event, well we didn't like Ibis at. all but he jest wouldn't let them finish so they brought, , out a guy;,, .from louisville nebraska, what is cham pion of cass county so (they paid, and gave us fellers a Knock down to him lliev called him "spence" wal then they brought out a big husky power fill I feller who they called "vallery," wal now i knew rite away that if "vallery" had any sience he could eat 3 or 1 like "joe spence" in 10 ininels, but sience is just what "vallery" didn't have but he did good any ways, he showed the fellers Ibat trenglh could break some of Ihe best sienclitlc hulls, why "joe spence" tried to weaken his neck which he couldn't do, as "vallery" has a neck like iron, wal after about 20 minets or more spence threw "vallery" wal then we had a cat nap fer a while and Ihen they won I to it again wal this lime it only lasted about 10 minets when "joe spence" threw "val lery" again making 2 out of 3 falls, wal Ibis ended the show and we all left fer home, some mad and some glad, i wus rather mad cause they hadent let my man "ace" edwards go to a finish, i know that he can throw that big "stiff" from mynard and some lime jn the future he will prove it. - . johny. Died on Operating Table. A special from Elmwood, umb'r dale of April 1 i, says:, "One of the largest funerals hejd in, Ihe history of Elmwood was held yes terday from the Herman Evangeli cal church and was thai of, Mrs. Otto Fleshman. Her death came as a great shock to her friends, as she had' not been seriously ill ami even her husband was not aware of her condition and did not ar rive in Omaha until after her deatli. She died on the operating table under Ihe influence of the anaesthetic. Mrs. Fleslunan was 3 "J years old and leaves a husband, mother, one sister, Mrs. Marie llosenow, and three brothers, (ieorge and Henry Olerking of this place, and Ihe Rev. Mr. John Oler. king of Atkinson, Nebraska. Rev- Mr. Janan had charge of the service." Qraln Cleaning. I have Jusl purchased a new cleaning . machine and am ore- pared lo clean all kinds of grain nnd grass seeds; also seed corn Alf. Nickels, Route 1, Murray. For Sale. Light Rrahnia eggs for selling. Price &) cents per setting Mrs. Win. Oilmonr, ft. F. I. No I. IMaltsinouth, Neb. fllLUILIUU iilMIUII Taken to His Home. Alviu Meisinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. George 11. Meisinger, of Light Mile Grove, who fell in his parents' dooryard and broke his arm a week ago, was taken hrmie Saturday, having been in this city since the accident. He is doing as well as one can under the cir cumstances, but it will be some lime before ihe lad can use bis arm. All OLD-FASHIONED EASlEjEGG "FEED" Plenty of Eggs and a Rollicking Good Time in Jack Oak Timber South of Town. A rollicking crowd of men and women, young and middle-aged, met in the Jack Oak timber at Alviih Ramge's place at 8:30 p. m. one day last week and enjoyed an old-time Easter egg roast. Re freshments, consisting of hot and cold boiled eggs, roast potatoes and apples, were served up in the latest style by Chef Rex Young, assisted by Lloyd Lewis. The guests were made comfort able, seated on Jack Oak stumps and bent saplings, and the cool spring evening air only served to whet their already keen appetites. The chef and his assistants pre pared the feast by placing three iron kettles over (Ires kindled from dead Jack Oaks, and into the kettles were placed twelve dozen eggs four dozen in each kettle, while under the kettles, in the hot ashes, a few pecks of potatoes were roasted to a finish ed brown. The apples were served as nature left I hem. An informal program was ar ranged after the egg feast, and to put the performers in a happy frame of mind Lloyd Lewis favor ed the company wilh a violin se lection on his new "Sears A Robuck" fiddle. Miss Clara Young, on request, reciteiP'The, Swedes in - Minnesota," which brought down (lie Jack Oaks, Miss Mav Lewis gave a reading, "When l ather Carved the Herk," a selec tion which also brought forth a great deal of applause. Earn Minluer then sang hii effusion from Mozart, "Mother's Teeth Will Soon Fit Sister," which brought down' the leaves.- After' the program w'as vvr it was discovered that the'ehefs had missed one basket of the eggs, a small item of five or six dozen, which had not been. Slouched." II was decided to rallle these and the one drawing Ihe .proper number should lake the lot. Tlie fortun ate holder was Joe Creainer, who held Ihe unlucky, though this lime lucky number, "13," and carried the hen fruit away in triumph. It was 2 o'colck a. in. when the tired and happy company quit the Jack Oak timber, and when they reach ed, their homes dawn of day was beginning to streak the eastern ky. - - .Those signing the guest's book were: Alvin Ilainge, Lloyd Lewis. I. E. Wheeler, F. II. Ramge, Wayne Lewis, Percy Wheeler, Edgar Creainer, Leo Minlner, W. A. Wheeler, Will Oliver, Joseph Creainer, 1). A. Young, W. Rex Young, Harry A. Ramge, Mcs- dames F. H. Ramge, Albert Wheel er, A. O. Ramge, I). A. Young, Mis ses Clara Young, Rose May Creamer, Thelina Hanige, I). Fern Markhurst, Susie Rintner, Lillian Wheeler, Eva Minlner, May Lewis and Catherine E. Rintner. Euys Venner Property. W. II. Venner and wife and daughter of near Murray were in Ihe city today. to close up a deal and make the papers for their residence properly at Ihe corner of Tenth and Pearl streets. Charles L, Martin is Ihe purchaser of Ihe properly and will lake pos session of the dwelling very soon. As soon as abstracters can com plete Ihe chain of title Ihe deal will be closed. Mr. Martin is get ling a desirable properly and is a block nearer town than his former residence. Funeral of Pioneer Lady. A special from Elmwood, dated April 11. savs: "The funeral of Mrs. Creamer, mot her of M. I Creamer of this place, was held this afternoon from Ihe Methodist church. The Rev. Mr. Davis con- dueled the service. Mrs. Cream er was 83 jears old and leaves six children. She, wilh Iter husband, boniest eaded here in an early day and she has spent the greater part of her life in this vicinity." - Red Polled Calves. I have five high grade pedigreed Red Poll bull calves for sale. Also Darred Plymouth Rock eggs at 75c per setting. Alf. Nickels, Route 1, Murray. L ? f . ffcV . . Valenciennes Laces, per yard 2 to 35c Torchon " . . " " ' 1 to 25c Point Venise " " " 10 to 50c Cluny ' " " ...10 to 35c Armenian " " " 5 to 25c American " " " 2 to 15c Allover " ' M " 25c to $1.50 I I SILK CLOVES! I I Silk Gloves in regular length, double tipped fingers, in a full line of colors black, grey, tan, brown, navy, white, pongee and Chamois Per pair 50c. 16-Button length, colors white and black Per pair $1.25 Corner. Sixth and "Main St. jPAbies iiT NEHAWKA. News. - 4 J. E. Manning and Jininiie I'elerson received their guns last Wednesday that were stolen from the depot in February. Mrs. I). C.'West and Gladys were passengers to Lincoln on the early train Monday and Dave, who is constitutionally opposed to early rising, followed on thejioon train. . Henry llecbncr .was-over from Murray Sunday shaking hands with his' many -friend in this coin- inirmt ' ireitry ' says he 'is 'well satisfied with his new job, but he gets rather homesick for Ne- hawka at times, '. Mrs. J. M. Palmer, who has been in a hospital at Oskaloosa, Iowa, for the past two months undergoing treatment, came home Wednesday. She has had a long siege of it in the hospital and her many friends will be glad to know thai she is greatly improved in health. The farmers are busy seeding oats and preparing their ground for corn. They say a good dash ing rain would put the ground in belter shape to work, but are satisfied with conditions as they are, The ground is ' full of moisture, and the outlook for crops at this lime of year was never better. Rev. Van Muren came home from Omaha Wednesday, where he has been in the Methodist hos pital for the past two weeks. The operation, whereby one of his eyes was removed, was a complete suc cess and it will be but a short time until he is recovered. The eye, which had been blind for years, Ladies' Spring Suits o on every Ladies' Suit in the Mouse IFongors Jg'. Store J V. ZUCKER, Mgr. t.titiii.iii T" TTPT r TTTTT" ' I a o m r !- - j - A. X llld Id LUC glCUlCSl lace season the country ever knew. We are ready for just such a demand and are show ing double the stock that we ever had before: was becoming inflamed and was threatening the other, hence the operation. Last Thursday afternoon Henry Knabe's hay barn caught fire from a spark from an engine from the wood sawing outfit at his place ami in spite of all I hey could do burned to the ground in a short lime. There was nothing in the barn but a little fodder and Ihe loss is confined principally to the barn, on which we understand there was a small amount of in surance. Mr. Knabe just built the barn last summer. A carioac of dirt moving lends and hor&c9l were -shipped in 1ast week from Omaha, and Monday morning about a doen "skinners" unloaded from the flyer prepared to go lo work at the Van Court quarry on Ihe hill, stripping. This is one of the best quarries in the country, but there is an immense amount of dirt to move before they get to the rock. Makes Lively Runaway. W. M. Davis started to town this afternoon and stopped at O. Gibson's on a business errand. While bis gray nag was tied to a post an auto came along and frightened the animal and it broke loose and ran lo town, bringing up at a telephone pole on South Fourth street, breaking the buggy ami doing considerable damage. Mr. Davis followed Ihe horse to town and found her tied lo a post wilh the buggy not far away, the shafts broken. White Plymouth Rook Eggs. White Plymouth Rock eggs for sale at $3.00 per hundred. Mrs. Geo. A. Kaffenberger, II. F. D. No. 2, Plaltsmoulh. ' . .' , - D Home of Guaranteed Values. J TtTtTTTttt I T T P I TT rTTTTTTf