The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 11, 1912, Image 6

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    Murray Department
A Great Convenience
at a Small Cost
Ifnnyof the rewlers of the Journal kmw of a cial evetU or an iUm of interest in this vicinity and will mail name to this office it will appear under this headin
Tc want all items of interest. Editor Jour mL
Murray State B
ank 0
Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
F. L NUTZM AN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
Wc Solicit Your Banking
WOur Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
3 C
James Walker in numbered with
the fiek this week.
Mrs. II. O. Todd is confined to
lier lied from sickness.
Han Minford. and wife autoed
to the. county seal Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. (). Pitman
visited Omaha and Lincoln Tues
day. Fritz Lutz and Otto Puis ship
ped a car of lions to Smith Oma
ha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Drown spent
Saturday and Sunday with friends
in Omaha.
Dillie (iilmour, from Platts
mouth, spent. Sunday in Murray
with friends.
Dr. Oilmore and son, Walker,
were passengers lo Omaha Satur
day evening.
M. Churchill, Oeorge Nickels
and Oeorge Donidoct were Omaha
visitors Thursday.
, Don't you kick my "houn'
aroun," nor kick around the
houn' that belongs to Drown.
Mr. and Mrs. William Drown,
sr., accompanied their son and
wife as far as Omaha on their way
o Canada.
Cleaning up trash accumulated
about tin place from the winter,
and making garden are signs of
the "good old spring-time."
Karl Jenkins returned from
Iloselie, Nebraska, Saturday even,
ing, where he spent a week's out
ing and isiling with relatives.
J. A. Walker was taken sud
denly sick Monday with a faint
ing spell, and his condition re
mained critical most of tho day.
Miss Clara Young returned to
Weeping Water Monday, after
spending Faster week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I). A.
Mrs. Dura Moore and tier broth
er spent Faster Sunday with the
family of H. L. Oldham, returning
Monday evening to their home at
Miss Foster and Mrs. Mary Al
lison came up from Union Mon
day on their way lo Plattsmouth,
stopping a while to call upon Mr.
and Mrs. Dull.
About fifty neighbors and
friends gathered in. the grove of
D. A. Young Friday evening and
bad an egg roast. To say they
had a good time would be putting
it, mildly.
Mr. Ueisel came in Wednesday
on the M .P. train and was met by
John I'rish, bis uncle. Mr
Heisel is an importer of fine
horses and has found a ready sale
for several thoroughbreds.
Talk about roads the melting
tf the heavy snows rutted and
yollied them until they are al
most impassable. .Mr, Deckman,
our road overseer, is hustling to
put them in shape again.
Mesdaines Winer Doedeker,
Oeorge H. Oilmore and W. C.
Drown entertained the Missionary
society Friday afternoon. The
religious and business part of
the Drogram was first finished
and tb remainder of the after
noon was spent in a social way.
Refreshments were served. The
society gave Mrs. Drown a ham
mem! brass tray as a token of
Harry, the 9-year-old son of
John Knabe, is quite ill.
W. E. Dull is still holding his
Mrs. A. L. Daker was an
Omaha visitor Tuesday mornintr.
Mrs. Lloyd Oapcn and sister,
Isabella Young, were Plattsmouth
visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. A. L. Daker was an
roll were Plattsmouth visitors
Friday evening.
Dr. Will Drendel and wife were
over from Avoca Sunday to visit
the former's parents and other
Mrs. Frank Doedeker, from Ne
hawka, spent Saturday and Sun
day with her sister, Mrs. Elmer
Charles Carroll left for Plain-
view Tuesday morning to spend
the summer, having rented a farm
near that place.
Frank Reed, who is working for
Torrence Fleming at Weeping
Water, spent Saturday and Sun
day with his parents bere.
Mrs. Dert Vallery was taken 111
with what promised in the start
lo be a bad case of appendicitis,
but is somewhat improved at this
Easier services were held at
both the Presbyterian ami Chris
tian churches, and the exercises
at both were very interesting and
The Ladies' Aid society is re
quested to meet with Mrs. Charles
Carroll next Wednesday after
noon. De sure and come. Some
thing good in store for you.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Christian church will give a
colTee, pie and sandwich social at
the church Friday evening, April
19. Everybody is requested to
Den Noel is the happy posses
sor of a new baby at his home,
which came to gladden its par
ents Wednesday morning. Doth
mother and babe are getting along
nicely and it. is said Hen will sur
vive the shock.
Alvin Ramgo was in Murray
Wednesday morning and was
wearing a smile on his counten
ance that reached from ear to ear.
The cause of all of which was the
arrival of a bouncing boy baby at
bis home Tuesday night. Mother
and youngster are doing well.
The Journal regrets to learn
that Mrs. Adda Stokes has re
signed tier position os manager
of the central ofllce of the Platts
mouth Telephone company in this
town. Mrs. Stokes has been a
faithful servant of the company,
and the people of Murray and sur.
rounding country in general re
gret tho move she has taken. Mrs.
Duley of Kansas will succeed Mrs.
Charles Freeze shelled his corn
A F. Nickels was an Omaha
visitor Tuesday.
Oeorge Nickels was a county
scat isitor Thursday.
Mrs. llobert Oood was a Plalts
1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 visitor Tuesday.
Walt Sans made a business
trip to Plattsmouth Saturday,
M. (i. Churchill was a Plaits
mouth visitor Tuesday evening.
O. S. Hay's family were guests
of W. F. Moore and family Sun
day. O. M. Minford and wife autoed
to Plattsmouth Tuesday after
norm. Prof. Asch was visiting friends
in Plattsmouth Thursday and
Frank Hhoden and wife were
calling on Murray merchants
James Loughridge, the black
smith, is up to bis chin in work
William Wheibien and family
spent Sunday with II. C. Creamer
and family.
J. W. Edmunds was a business
visitor to Plattsmouth Wednes
day morning.
llobert Nickels shipped a car of
cattle to the South Omaha mar
ket Monday. ' l"
Miss Dertha Nickel was at
tending to business matters in
Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Ed Leach and wife spent Sun
day with the latter's mother,
Mrs. Hattie Allison.
Jim Holmes and Will Smith
family were
in I'lalts-
E. (I. Lewis and family were
guests of Frank Rhodo.'u and wife
Sunday; "'
The "regular services were held
at Kenosha Sunday afternoon at
A. F. Nickel and
attending to busine
mouth Saturday.
Mrs. Addie Stokes spent Sun
day with her daughter, Mrs.
Arthur Copenhaver.
llobert (iood and wife returned
from Missouri recently, where Mr.
flood was called lo the bedside of
bis mother. Mrs. (Iood is slowly
The many friends of Miss
Jesse Drost in Murray and
vicinity were considerably sur
prised on learning or lier mar
riage a few days since to Mr. Ed
Leach of Union. The wedding
occurred in Omaha on Wednes
day of last week. Miss Jesse is a
very popular lady with all who
know her and the best wishes of
her legion of friends attend her
voyage down the matrimonial
pal h.
A Telephone in the home promotes
companionship and a feeling of security,
permitting you to communicate with
neighbors and friends, and with members
of the family who are away." It should
banish lanliness and bring a sense of comfort.
You need a telephone for shopping
andtfor social purposes, as well as for
emergency calls in case of fire, sick
ness or burglary. It may not cost as
much as you think.
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
M. E. BRANTNER, Local Manager
Social Happenings. ..
Mrs. James Loughridge enter
tained Thursday afternoon for
her sister, Mrs. W. C. Drown. The
ladies were asked to bring their
needlework and this occupied
most of the afternoon. At 5
o'colck lunch was served. Mes
daines J. W. Holmes, S. O. Pit
man, J. II. Drown, Harry Todd, T.
J. Drendel, O. II. Oilmore, Alva
Long, Misses Margie Walker,
Pauline and Fay Oldham were the
number invited, and a very pleas
ant time was snent with Mrs.
made a business trip to Oreapolis Loughridge and her guest of
and La Platte Wednesday. honor, Mrs. Drown.
Mrs. E. O. Lewis was a pas
senger for Omaha Tuesday, where
she will visit with her sister.
John C. McDonald, our new
stock buyer, shipped a car of
hogs to South Omaha Monday.
Mr. Dillihoy, who was injured
last Friday from a fall from a
wagon, near Mynard, is able to be
out again. '
Virgil Sedath had the mis
fortune to get kicked by a horse
Sunday evening, bruising his arm
Mrs. C. A. Ilawls of .Platts
mouth spent Wednesday with her
sister, Mrs. Will Smith, and
father, Mr. A. M. Holmes.
Services at the Presbyterian
church next -Sunday morning and
evening, llev. Hansom of Omaha
will conduct the services.
Nickolas Klaurens and family
drove to Nehawka Sunday, and
spent the day with tho latter's
mother, Mrs. Henry Oruber.
Our friend, F. Purdy, assistant
agent at the M. P. depot, has
taken the sale of some new pat
ent which will be put on the mar
ket soon.
Misses Clara Young, Olga
Minford and Delia Adams return
ed to school at Weeping Water
Monday morning, after a week's
vocation at home.
The home of Mr. ami Mrs. J. W.
Holmes was the scene of a very
delightful affair, when Mr. and
Mrs. Holmes entertained at cards
Thursday evening for Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Drown. Progressive
high five was the game played
and Dr. Oilmore captured the
king prize, while Ed Tutt won the
consolation. After playing the re
quired number of games an ele
gant Iwo-rotirse lunch was
served. Those comprising the
party were: Messrs and Mes
daines W. C. Drown, Ed Tutt, S.
O. Pitman, T. J. Drendel, Dr. and
Mrs. Oilmore, W. 0. Doedecker,
W. S. Smith, James Loughridge,
Misses Pauline and Fay Oldham,
Margie Walker and Mr. Albert
The afternoon was spent in
needlework and social entertain
ment, Miss Clara Young giving
two of her favorite selections. At
the proper hour a two-course
lunch was served. It was one of
the most pleasant gatherings tho
society ever enjoyed, and all
present praise Mesdaines Young
and Sporer as most elegant
entertainers. Those present to
enjoy the event were: Mesdames
II. C. Long, D. F. Drendel, W. D.
Virgin, I. M. Davis, A. L. Daker,
O. M. Minford, C. D. Spangler,
Lloyd Oapen, Ozra Virgin, Charles
Creamer, Ross Williams, John
Stone, Charles Long, F. II. Ramgc,
M.ira McDaniel, 1). A. Young, Will
Sporer, Misses Ella Virgin, Clara
Young, Ogla Minford and Louise
Goes to Hospital.
J. W. Moneypenny of near Mur
ray, who has been alluded with
rheumatism for several weeks,
decided to go to the hospital at
Lincoln. His brother, N. W.
Moneypenny, of Crete, came down
to accompany him to Lincoln, and
they departed for the capital city
on No. 15 this morning.
Auto for Sale.
Regal 30 h. p., four-passenger
car, like new. Prestolite tank,
wind shield, clock, speedmometer,
tire chains and extra inner tube.
Original cost $1,450.00. Price,
$900.00. I have taken the agency
for the Derg "6," and have no
use for I his one and wish to dis
pose of it at once.
J. W. Holmes, Murray.
Quite a crowd of Murray people
gathered at the station Friday to
see Senator La Follette. Every
body was well pleased with'. the
appearance of the senator. !
Henry Heebner, manager for the
Farmers' Elevator company, was
down to Nehawka Tuesday even
ing to attend the initiation of
candidates in the A. O. U. W.
Mr. A. M. Holmes will depart in
a few days for Franklin county,
Nebraska, where he will visit for
a time, and from there be expects
to go to Oklahoma, where be will
spend some time.
The K. N. K. held the first
meeting of the season at the
Kenosha church Thursday ofter
noon. They will meet every
Thursday afternoon. All are
cordially invited to come. ,
When the first soft spring
breeze comes in from the south
land it does not bear the sweet
fragrance of blossoms, as in the
days of yore, but
Misses Pauline and Fay Old
ham gave a progressive lunch
Friday evening. The guests of
bour were Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Drown. At 7 o'clock a four
course lunch was served and the
remainder of the evening was
spent, at cards. Mr. S. (). Pitman
won the king prize and Mrs. O. A.
Davis the consolation. The guests
present were: Messrs. and Mes
daines W. C. Drown, O. A. Davis,
S. O. Pitman, Dr. and Mrs. Oil
more, J. W. Holmes, W. O. Doed
ecker, Alva Long, Sanies Lough
ridge, Miss Margie Walker and
Mr. Albert Y'oung.
S-H- -I-H-H 'I-H-M-I-M 'I-H
$ (Special Correspondence.) 4
T..T..T. .T..T..VT..T. .T..T..T..T..T..T..T..!.
WV 1 I 1 i A I
The services at Ihe Oerman
Lutheran church were largely at
tended Oood Friday.
Quite a number of relatives
spent Friday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. August Engclkemier, sr.
Misses L. II. and W. H. Puis
and Mrs. Alfred Oansemer made a
business trip to Plattsmouth Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herren
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Daumgartner.
James Tilson is the owner of a
brand new lop buggy.
Quite a number spent Easter
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Puis, which includ
ed all of the children and their
families and Mr. and Mrs. August
Engclkemier and family.
Otto Puis and Fritz Lutz ship
ped hogs to South Omaha Monday.
Mrs. Will Renner is spending
the week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Seed Corn for Sale.
I have again tested my seed
corn and find that it is of the very
finest quality, and tests a very
high per cent, and have about 150
ushels for sale at $1.50 per
bushel. Den Deckman.
On Monday the most intimate
friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Drown, wishing to be with them
as long as possible, gathered at
the hall with well filled baskets
and invited Mr. and Mrs. Drown
to eat their farewell dinner with
them. The table was ladened
with all the good things imagin
able to eat. Dr. Oilmore and Jim
Holmes were toastmasters, as
well as waiters, and even wanted
the dishes as clean as cooks, but
a taste of the pudding would
prove that fact as false. The en
tire party went to the train at i:42
No two people have left the com
munity that, their place will be
so bard to fill and from time to
lime will be so greatly missed.
Mr. and Mrs. Drown were never
too busy to do a favor arid it can
be truly said of them that they
..... i . ii
were "menus in lime oi neeo.
(Too Late for Last Week.)
Mr. and Mrs. Hammond Deck
spent Sunday at the homo of Mr
and Mrs. Charles Herren.
Ouite a number were the
miosis of Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Puis
Jake Hild shipped cattle to the
South Omaha market Wednesday
11. A. Young made a bubsiness
trip to Omaha Wednesday.
nen Noel snent Thursday at
The Oerman Lutheran church
in the north part of this locality
which is being conducted by Rev
Sniecrcl. was a beautiful scene
Sunday. There were seventeen
confirmed. Those from this
locality were: Em-ma and Clara
Engelkemier, Lucile I'rish, Agnes
Spriegel, Emil Parkening, Andrew
Sanders, llugho Meisiuger, Albert
llennings and William Polemann.
Seed Corn for Sale.
I have about 30 bushels of yel
low and 100 bushels of white seed
corn. Price 91.50 per bushel.
Will guarantee a test of 93 per
cent. C. D. Long, six miles south
of Plaltsihouth.
Red Polled Calves.
I have five high grade pedigreed
Red Poll bull calves for sale. Also
Darred Plymouth Rock eggs at
75c per setting. Alf Nickels.
i-1 1-lmo-wkly.
Leave orders at Murray State Bank
Address either Plattsmouth
or Murray.
gasoline. Y'es, the gasoline days
have come again.
The Omaha Presbytery of Ihe
U. P. church will meet in Murray
on Tuesday and Wednesday, April
Ifi and 17. Rev. J. A. Kennedy,
I). I)., will preach mo opening
sermon, both Tuesday and Wed
nesday. On Wednesday dinner
To Those Interested.
The notes and accounts due
the late firm of Edmunds & Drown
Ihe smell of That they were appreciated in the are left at the State Dank of Mur
community was demonstrated by
the moist eyes and heavy hearts
that bade them bood-by Monday
evening, all wishing them pros
perity and happiness in their new
ray tor ine convenience u musv
who may desire to settle. This is
done because I will not bo in
Murray all the time, having busi
ness on my farm.
J. W. Edmunds.
Uuo- Stocli
is wanted in Murray by
and the highest market price will
be paid at all timas.
Stokes next Saturday, while Mrs. and supper will bo served. All
Stokes will move lo tho farm that who are interested in Ihe Presby-
her son, Ouy, occupies and make terian church are invited. Serv
ber home with him. ices will open at 2 p. m. Tuesday.
A Pleasant Time Enjoyed.
Mrs. D. A. Y'oung and Mrs.
Will Snorer entertained the Aid
Qraln Cleaning.
I have just purchased a new
cleaning machine and am pre-
. 1 - 1 I 1. I . ,1 . W witn A
Societv of the Christian church parea 10 ciean an muus u.
..." . . o.naa onnHa nln SPPO COTll.
on wednesaay anernoon oi iasi uu o, -
week at Ihe home of Mrs. Sporer.
Alf. Nickels.
Your stock will be accedted at
any time you wish to make the
delivery, and we will guarantee
to pay you the very best market
All We Ask is a Trial to
Be Fair With You
Telephone No. 14 or 15
Murray, Nebraska