The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 11, 1912, Image 1

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    rU'Ll feliAlU ill-.U'tH-'ill Swv,
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NO. 28.
Councilmen Neuman, Dwyer, Weber and Will Replaced by Messrs.
Johnson, Patterson, Buttery and Richey Other Matters of
Routine Business Transacted.
From Tuesday's Daily.
All the old members of thf city
council were present except Mr.
Will of the Third ward, as well as
all of the new members, except
Mr. Vondran of the Fifth ward,
when the city's legislative body
was called to order last night by
Mayor Salt lor. After reading and
approving (he minutes of the
previous meeting the regular
order of business was taken up.
A petition from the Presby
terian church, having numerous
names attached, asking the city to
place a 'light at the church, was
referred to the light committee.
City Attorney Tidd reported on
the instruction of the council lo
have the ordinances looked up and
steps taken for a revision and
printing in hook form, that the
labor of such a task would be
considerable and that the com
pensation allowed as salary for
the city legal work was insuf
ficient to remunerate one for do
ing the work of compiling the
ordinances. J lie .report was
placed on file.
A coininunieat ion from ihe at
torney, accompanied by a check
for !?I0, covering M. danger's oc
cupation tax for year,! 9 11 to May
1, 1912, and advising the council
that it could not legally exact .20
for the same lime, was read and
created considerable discussion.
A motion lo accept Ihe check and
issue I lie license was about to be
voted, when Mr. Dovey suggested
that if Mr. Fanger could do that,
he should be allowed lo do Ihe
same, as both linn conducted
general stores. Fanger carried
millinery, which he did nol, while
Dovey carried carpels, which
Fanger did not. It was finally de
cided lo accept Ihe Fanger check
and refund to E. O. Dovey & Son
510 of the .$20 paid by that firm
and lake steps lo amend the oc
cupation ordinance, which reads,
"(ieneral stores .$10," so it would
speak Ihe intention of I lie coun-
The finance commit lee then re
ported the following bills and ad
vised their allowance: II. Brink
man, road work, $12; I. N. Cum
mins, disposing of three dogs, 75
cents; Phil Harrison, road work,
.$20.80; John Fpping, road work,
$7.80; I). J. Majors, road work,
$12.80; Mike McCoo, road work,
$19.80; W. R. Rishell, road work,
$33.92; 11. O. Wurl, general fund,
$5.05; Nebraska Lighting com
pany, two hills, $1.75; Weyrich
& lladraba, police fund, $2.50;
Western Stamp and" Stencil Co.,
dog lags, $3.10; Nebraska Light
Co., $2.50; M. Archer, salary, $30;
August Hach, rent for election,
$0.75; A. C. Tarlsch, putting up
and Inking down booths, $0; A. ().
U. W. No. 8, rent for election, $0;
E. A. Wurl, treasurer, rent, for
election, $(i; Dr. J. H. Martin,
smapox patient, $8; election ex
pense for live wards of the city,
each ?15; Nebraska Light Co.,
$122.98, allowed on their bill of
$125, Ihe deduction for poor
lights being $2.02; John Filzpat
rick, salary, $10; H. C. McMaken
& Son, wo hills, $20.20; B. fi.
Snodgrass, road work, $15.20;
Plaltsmouth Water company,
hydrant rental for quarter end
ing April 1, 900; Hen Hainey,
salary, 05; Henry Trout, salary,
$50; IF. C. McMaken & Son, two
bills on road fund, $33.20; D. 11.
Ebersole, 55 cents; James Silence,
road work, $12.
Chief Hainey reported 1 1-n ar
rests. The clerk reported oc
cupation tax collected, $97.50.
The treasurer's report was
read, which showed warrants paid
and balances on hand as follows:
Building fund, balance, $761.58;
general fund, paid $303, balance
$748.82; road fund, paid $00.75.
balance 8321.05; lire department
fund, paid $13, balance $71.70;
library fund, paid $128.01, bal
ance t 00, 12; park fund, paid
$0.40, balance $78.37; police fund,
paid 1 25, balance $210.12; fire
hydrant rent, balance $1,208.12;
lighting fund, paid $125.35, bal
ance $108.92; interest fund, bal
ance, $5,017.11; cemetery fund,
paid $37.50, balance $215.50; dog
fund, paid 75 cents, balance,
.$109.80; business tax fund, bal
ance $322.88; sinking fund, paid
$5,000, balance $131.89; general
school fund, paid $100.52, over
draft $1,130.10; teachers' school
fund, paid $2,015, overdrawn $2,
350.12; paving district No. 3, bal
ance $175.55; registered war
rants, $0,507.77; balance on hand
in all funds April 1, $0,825.15.
Mr. Neuman, chairman of Ihe
lire and water committee, report
ed several sections of Ihe hose in
bad condition. He also moved
that no buildings iwilhin Ihe lire
limits be allowed to be rebuilt or
reconstructed without permission
granted by the city council. The
motion was voted.
The special committee appoint
ed by the mayor to find a place in
which Ihe council could hold its
sessions, by Mr. Lushinsky, chair
man, reported that several places
had been looked up, but nothing
dellnile had been done, and Ihe
committee asked for further lime
to investigate, which was granted.
I'nder Ihe head of .new bitsjuess
Mr. Neuman presented an ordin
ance to grant a franchise for ten
years lo the Platlsmoulh Wafer
company, which was read for the
first time. Some of I lie provisions
were that the city should pay at
the rate of 810 per year for the 80
fire hydrants, and $35 per year for
any additional hydrants. The
rales lo. the private consumers
were placed about at what they
now are. For a six-room house
the rental per year should be $0.
After the reading Mr. Neuman
stated that he would like to hear
the ordinance discussed; that Ihe
rales were no,l as low as lie would
like lo see them, but he thought
something should be done to pro
tect Ihe city.
Mr. Weber staled that he be
lieved the city should lake some
action; that Ihe rate of $10 per
hydrant was more lhan he
thought the city should pay and
more lhan cities of smaller
population lhan Platlsmoulh were
paying; if he had a vote on the
franchise he would vole for a $35
rale per hydrant per year, but he
thought that Ihe city should b
protected by ottering to vote a
reasonable franchise. Sections
7 and 8 had been omitted from
the ordinance. Councilman Hall
strotu suggested that Ihe sub
sequent sections should be moved
up and Ihe numbers read con
secutively, and then the last sec
lion would be No. 12 instead of
No. 11. The ordinance proposed
free water for Ihe two public
fountains and for flushing Ihe
si reels, but. for this purpose Ihe
water should be used but two
hours per day. The ordinance
was then laid over until Ihe next
Mayor Satller then appointed
D. O. Dwyer, W. Weber and V
rscuman a committee to canvass
the vole of Ihe election of April
2, and a llve-minule recess was
taken lo allow the commit lee to
make up its -report. When Ihe
council again convened the fol
lowing was reported :
Vide on Councilmen First,
ward. II. Pattern, 38; W. J.
Slreighl, 29; Patterson's majority,
9. Second ward, John McNnrlin,
02; F. Buttery, 85; Hultery's ma
jority. 23. Third ward, A. S.
Will, 12; E. Richey, 51; Ridley's
majority, 9. Fourth ward, A. C.
Johnson, 28; (i. L. Farley, 1; W.
Ballance, 1; Johnson majority,
23. Fifth ward. John Vondran,
17; It. C. Hvde. 33; Vondran's
majority, 1.
For School Hoard, No Com
pel il ion John Lntz received 270
voles and Dr. Marshall 331.
Certificates of election were di
rected to be issued In Messrs.
Patlc,rson, Buttery, llichey, John
son and Vondran.
II. was then suggested by Mr.
Dovey of Ihe First ward that the
council swear in the new member
and approve bonds and Ihe
change from the old to the "hew
members be taken at the adjourn
ment. The matter was put to
vote. The mayor was undecided
as to which bad the vote and the
roll was called, all present voting
aye except Mr. Neuman of the
Fourth ward, who explained his
vide by saying be did not want
to gel out so quick. The bonds
of the new members were ap
proved and the council then ad
journed sine die.
Mayor Saltier at once convened
the new council, after administer
ing Ihe oath of office lo the new
members present. Mr. Vondran
being the only member absent.
Mayor Saltier, after roll-call,
then announced the new com
miltees as follows: Finance,
Dovey, Patterson and Lushinsky;
judiciary, Patterson, Lushinsky
llichey; fire and water, Vondran,
Shea, llallslrom; claims, Lush
insky, Johnson, Hallstrom;
license, Shea, Kurtz, Hutlery
streets, alleys and bridges, Kurtz,
Hallstrom, Vondran; police, Hut
lery, Hallstrom, Vondran; light,
Hallstrom. Hultery, Johnson;
park and improvements, Hultery,
Vondran, Patterson; cemetery
Johnson, Dovey, Kurtz.
Mayor Saltier then addressei
a few words of instruction lo lh
new members, reciting what hi
hoped lo accomplish Inward
hcautifving Ihe city during the
next year. He also thanked the
outgoing members for their faith
ful service to the city.
The following applications for
license lo conduct saloons I lie
coming year were read, bonds
read and referred lo Ihe license
ommitlee: Ed Kgenberger, $5,-
000 bond, with N. Halmes and C.
F. Vallery as sureties; J. L. Rus-
ell, same, with Then. Amick and
J. MeNurlin as sureties; J. K. Mc-
Daniel, same, with J. W. Ooelie
nnur, F. E. Schlater and L. Liner
as sureties; Ed Donal, same, with
N. C. Halmes, J. Kokel, II. Kauf
man and L. Liner, sureties; A.
(leise, same, with National Surely
Co., surety. 4
Some road work was ordered in
Ihe different wards on request of
the members. The council then
The Easiest Way.
Lieutenant (iovernor Morchead
lells a good story concerning an
old resident of Barada precinct,
Richardson county. This old
resident, Uncle Sammy, was rais
ed a democrat, and for many years
was Ihe recognized leader of the
parly in Barda precinct. After
Morchead had served two terms
as county treasurer Ihe first
democratic treasurer Richardson
ever had, by the way be started
out to help the democrat nom
inated lo succeed him. The first
place he struck for was Barada
precinct to enlist Uncle Sammy's
Uncle Sammy came to the front
gale and was properly introduced
but when Morchead asked him to
give his friend a boost Uncle
Sammy nodded his head and
"Can't do it nohow, John."
"Why, how's that, Urn
Sammy?" queried Morchead.
" done changed my politics,"
said Uncle Sammy. "I'm vol in
lb' other way now."
"What's your reason for such a
radical change, Uncle Sammy?
asked Morchead.
"Well, it's just this way, John
It's a durn sight easier t' be a re
publican. All a feller's got I' do
is t' stand pat an' vole 'e
But they do say that Unci
Sammy will bolt Ihe standpatters
this year and vole for his ol
friend Morchead for governor.
An Unusual Amount of Pilfering
on Account of Too Many Idle
Men In the West.
Tramps are now numerous
along Nebraska lines of railroads.
The "run" began earlier in the
spring than usual. While rail
roads were still bucking snow
drifts and trying to reopen lines
from storm tramps were making
their way over the road. With
the warm days following the
storm they came in greater num
bers, and now trainmen report
them out in sufficient numbers to
keep brakemen busy chasing them
from trains. Vigilance of the
trainmen, however, does not keep
all f them from riding.
While (lie railroad managers
have been making a campaign
against trespassing, in order to
reduce the loss of life from this
cause, the effect is not apparent.
Not. only do the tramps endanger
their own lives, but they make
work for the railroad men and
cause loss to the roads. An un
usual number of minor car rob
beries accumulate with Ihe com
ing of tramps. These robberies
are not or tne sort mat marK me
professional car robber. The or
dinary tramp does notlake more
than he needs for the present. Be
is content with a new shirt, a new
air of shoes, or a supply of lo-
acco. A car of groceries may
ose enougn lor a tramp meal,
and a car of clothing may furnish
him with a new pair of trousers
He rarely carries away a supply
in Ihe hope of selling the excess
above his needs. Because he
takes little he is more difficult to
Frequent derailments and
wrecks i n mi oilier causes nnng
Ji-alido tramps who have hidden
in some part of Ihe train where
r.V-i,l "."'ii escape. II was
thought for a lime that two men
had lost their lives by being
thrown from the lop of Ihe bag
gage car in the Host wick wreck
west of Superior. A few days ago
wreck on Ihe west end of I hi
Union Pacific was reported lo
have caused the death of a tramp
while Ihe trainmen escaped in
Recently Burlington officials in
Chiacgo addressed letters to gov
ernors of slates through which
their road runs asking that the
power of stale be used to pre
vent trespassing. The railroad
is acting to reduce the number
of lives lost annually by rail ac
cidents. Of the deaths reported
on transportation lines deaths of
trespassers exceed all others.
Shorter Hours at Havelock.
Working hours at Ihe Burling
ton's Havelock shops have again
been shortened. This lime men
lose an hour from each day, be
ginning their work at 8 o'clock
instead of 7. Since only live
working days are allowed in each
week the total number of hours is
cut to forty. Just how long this
ruling will bei n elfect is not
known by those in charge of the
shops. Lincoln Journal.
In Attempting to Board Train Is
Hurled Against Rail, Light
ing on His Head.
Come to Plattsmouth.
The Cosmopolitan ctuli
Platlsmoulh has made arrange
menls lo . give a grand ball
Coales' hall, Platlsmoulh, Sal nr
day evening, April 1 31 li. Conu
in and have a good social I inn
A large crowd is assured. This
is the first dance after Easier.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hiat t were pas
sengers lo Murray this morning
Washout Across the River.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Due hundred feet of the Bur
lington spur, which carried the
material to the riprap gang Ibis
winter, dropped into the river this
morning. The encroachments of
Ihe river reach back several hun
dred feet beyond Ihe track which
dropped in. One thousand feel
of track is rendered useless by
Hie cave-in. The box-car which
K. W. Zavgren kept the tools in
while ripraping dropped into Ihe
river and floated down the stream
about 2 p. m. today and was
caught below Ihe bride and towed
to shore by a party of fishermen.
Mr. Zavgren and a force of men
went lo the scene of the cave-in,
leaving after Ihe fast mail de
parted for Omaha.
From Tuesday'B Dally.
John Davidson, llagmau on No
, received injuries near Ihe Bur
ngton station this morning
which rendered him unconscms
for a short lime and resulted in a
severe scalp wound on the hack
of the head. No 0 was running
fifteen minutes behind her
schedule time and No. 15 had just
pulled in lo let No. 0 in at the
station. No. 0 stopped only long
enougn tor three or lour pas
sengers to alight, when Hie con
ductor signaled Ihe engineer lo
go ahead. The llagman alightei
rroiii the rear ot the tram and
his attention was attracted away
from the train at Hie instant
started out, and when he observe!
that he was about lo be left be
hind, made an effort to catch Ihe
hand-hold, which he succ led in
doing, but in attempting to laud
his fool on the lower step missed
his footing.
The (rain was all the lime in
creasing its speed and he was
carried some distance before his
hold broke and he fell backward
around the end of (he . coach,
striking the back of his head on
Hie rail, inflicting a scalp wound
from which the blood ran freely.
C. W. Lyllen of Des Moines was
standing on the rear plat form of
No. 15 and witnessed Ihe accident
John Ueeson and several others
also saw the man lying on the
(rack motionless, ami hastened
to his assistance, picking liini up
and laying him on Ihe walk until
a stretcher could be procured.
Dr. Cochran, who arrived on
No, 0, went lo Ihe man's side
at once and directed him lo bo
taken to Dr. Livingston's office,
where his wounds were dressed.
When placed on Ihe stretcher
Mr. Davidson was conscious and
said that the injury on Ihe head
was all that pained him. After
receiving necessary medical at
tention, Mr. Davidson was taken
to the Riley hotel, where he w
be for some days. The injured
man's home is at Burlington
The Bridge Will Soon Be Ready
for Business and the Rc: d Is
In Bad Shape.
The following little Hem is
taken from the Omaha Bee of this
morning, and simply shows the
maimer in which Ihe people of
Fremont look upon the matter of
replacing their bridge! and a
meeting will be held with the
county board for replacing a
temporary structure, pending the
erection of the permanent bridge:
At a recent meeting of the
Commercial club directors, a
committee was appointed to
request the county board to
have a temporary bridge built
across Ihe Plalle river south
of Fremont pending the in
stalling of the permanent
steel structure. The com
mittee will co-operate with
one recently appointed by
Ihe Retail Merchants' as
sociation. If (lie county
board does nol grant Ihe re
quest Ihe two organizations
of business men will advise
some oilier method of pro
viding a crossing for Saund
ers county farmers who de
sire lo come o Fremont lo
trade. The Commercial club
will raise a special fund by
subscript ions to help in im
proving the roads damaged
by the Hood.
The Pollock-Dull' bridge across
Platte river was damaged to
"Ho Ha" Launched Soon.
From Tuesduy'a Dally.
The six liorse-power, Iwn
cylinder gasoline launch "Ho Ha,"
belonging to Roy Holly, will be
ready for launching tomorrow.
Roy has had Ihe boat overhauled
and repainted and its machinery
put in order, with a new whistle
and everything in ship-shape.
The "Ho Ha" is one of the swiHest
launches on the river, and will
get her sailing orders very soon
after she is in Ihe water.
Appointed on Insanity Board.
From Wednnsdny's Dally.
Judge Travis yesterday appoint
ed John M. Leyda lo succeed I)
O. Dwyer on the insanity board.
The board as now constituted
consists of James Robertson, Dr
E. D. Cummins and J. M. Leyda.
Decide on Improvements.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The city park coiiiinille, coin
posed of (ieorge Dodge, chairman
and Patrick Eagau and R. B
Windham, held a meeting last
night and blocked out work looli
ing toward Ihe beautifying' of
the city which will occupy their
attention for a few weeks. The
commit lee will have trees planti
on the south side of Chicago ave
nue and will replace trees which
have died in the park and along
Washington avenue. Beginning
at Main and Seventh, the com
mittee has decided to plant trees
on both sides of Main west wan
on the si reel four feel from Ihe
curb, and later on two other row
will be planted further' out in Ihe
street, leaving twenty feel in Ihe
center lo be paved for a roadway.
The sides of Hies I reel, will be
parked as far west as the High
sonic extent at I lie same lime the
Fremont bridge w ent out, and I lie
owners are making every prepara
tion lo put the bridge in better
ondilion lhan before. The wood
n spans taken out by the high
water will be replaced with steel
ones, which win ne inucii stronger
than 'before the water did the
damage. The Journal thinks il is
lime that some good work was
being done on the bottom roads
leading up lo'lhe bridge, as it will
he but a few weeks until the bridge
will be ready for use, and with
good roads Ihrougli to Omaha
there will be a great deal of
t raveling I h rough 'Plat I snioul li.
The, other bridges receiving a
greater amount of damage than
our bridge will necessitate all
people going w est lo come I his
way, at least until the oilier
bridges have been replaced. The
commissioners seem lo be a little
backward in regard to placing Ihe
road in Ihe proper condition
fearing thai il might not meet
with Ihe approval of Ihe taxpay
ers, which would possibly be all
well and good if such were true,
but we do not believe that such is
the case, for most all Hie heavy
taxpayers are the foremost of all
in bailing the good roads move
ment, and wV know they are all
in favor of making a good road lo
the Platte river bridge. Let us all
get behind the good road proposi
tion to Hie bridge and. we know
there will be something done.
Messrs. Dull' and Pollock do not
ask any help in replacing the
bridge, but they do think it is Ihe
duly of the people lo give them
a good road, and we believe they
are right. We believe this bridge
and a god road lending up to it
from both sides will bring more
people into Platlsmoulh this sum
mer lhan we have seen for many
years, and if Ihe people visit our
town il surely means business.
Arbor Day Proclamation.
Ciovernor Aldrich has issued a
proclamation calling alien! ion to
the fact that Arbor day is a legal
holiday in Nebraska and I hat I lie
day should be fittingly observed.
April 22 is the day designated by
statute as Arbor day and Ne
braska was Ihe first stale in the
union to pass an act declaring it
a legal holiday.
F. 0. Fricke went to Omaha on
Ihe morning train today lo spend
the day with his grandson, Baby
Harris, Mr. Fricke was accom
panied by his daughter, Miss
Money for M. P. Betterments.
President Bush of Hie Missouri
Pacific has sent out notices in
dicating that the company will
have 11,500.000 to exepnd for
carrying out the rehabilitation
plans this year. With this money
lie hopes lo buy much new equip
ment and put the roadbed in first
class condition, nol only the main
lines, but all of the branches.
The money in the Missouri Pa
cific treasury includes $1,500,000
from Ihe unexpended balance of
1910, besides $2,000,000 which
can be drawn upon from the Could
estate. The remainder is pro
vided by sale of bonds.
New Park Committee.
Judge Travis yesterday ap
pointed as the park committee
Patrick Eagan, L. W. Lorenz and
fi. A. Ravvls, each to hold their
office for Ihe term of two years
from April 9, 1912.