IS. LOUIS 8M1IE, FORMER PLATTS Llijlllll LADY SHOT MD KILLED Mm-der Commuted bv Her Husband. Who Then Turned Revolver on Himself and Committed Suicide, Dying Almost Instantly Mrs. Byourne Had Relatives Here. Mrs. Louis Hyoure, lift: Miss Barbara MrCulloch, was murdered by her husband at Wahoo Wed nesday night about 9 o'clock, her husband then committing suicide. Domestic trouble is said to have been the cause. Miss Barabra McCulloch was well known lo IMattsinouth peo ple, she having been born and raised in the vicinity and resided here until her first marriage about twenty years ago. Her first husband died about five years af ter their marriage, and she mar ried Louis Hyoure, a Durling ton bridge carpenter, about four teen years' ago, ami has resided with her husband in Wahoo, where they owned a good home, until about a month ago, when, on account of his cruel treatment, she went lo live with her sister, Mrs. Kiser, who resides near Wahoo on a farm. Mrs. Hyoure was a sister of James McCulloch of Murray, Mrs. (leorge Winscol of Platts inoulh and Mrs. Truman, who died a few months ago. Mr. Mc Culloch and Mr. and Mrs. Win scol left last, night for Wahoo lo attend I be funeral, which occur red today, Mrs. Hyoure also had a sister, Mrs. McAllister, resid ing in Omaha, and a brother, (leorge, living at Brunswich. Her husband leaves a brother and two sisters living at. Cherokee, Iowa. The relatives here knew very little as to the details of the tragedy, but had received the in formation that Wednesday even ing Mrs. Hyoure, accompanied by Mrs. Kiser, went to Wahoo lo get Mrs. Hyoure's trunk and some other personal belongings. They were about to drive away when Louis called to his wife. As she turned he drew a revolver and fired. The bullet struck her in the right eye and penetrated the brain. She died almost instantly. Hyoure then turned the revolver on himself and shot himself in the bead, dying before a pbyscian, who was called by Mrs. Kiser, ar rived. Tuesday Hyoure drew his sav ings, amounting lo .$2,500, out of the bank arid purchased the re volver with which he did the shooting. Fifteen hundred dol lars was found in his pocket and search has been instituted for the missing 81,000. Hyoure was about H) years of age and Mrs, Hyoure would have been 40 next June. SURPRISED ON ID ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. William Tippens' Friends Slyly Drop In to Assist In Celebrating Event. From Snturdny'a Dally. Five couples of the friends of William Tippens and wife sur prised I hem last night, Hie oc casion being the fifteenth an niversary of their marriage. Af ter nightfall, with well filled lunch baskets, the parly assembled noiselessly on Mr. Tippens' porch and one of the ladies rapped. Mr. Tippens opened the door and in vited the guest lo step in, the while inquiring why "the old man" did not come over, too. He was not long in suspense, as not only "the old man" referred to stepped out of Hie shadow and filtered the dwelling, but the whole parly tripped right through the doorway after him. To say that Mr. Tippens and wife were surprised is pulling it too mildly. The company were just as warmly welcomed, how ever, as though their coming had been announced beforehand, and when I hey were reminded that this was their crystal wedding an niversary they were more than delighted to have llieir friends with them. Musical, vocal and instrumental, furnished amuse ment ior i no company and a dainty lunch was served. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Tippens were the recipients of an elegant cut glass water set, the presentation speeches being made by Mrs. Wil linin Schmidtiiian and H. 1). Hayes. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdanies William Schmidt man, H. H. Hayes, Joseph Fclzer. A. T. Fill, I H. Field and W. P. Tippens. Meet at Parsonage. From Frliluy'H Pally. The Social Workers of the M. F. church held their regular meeting yesterday afternoon and were entertained parsonage by Mrs. There was a very in attendance and (erlauieci in a very ner. At an early ular business session was at which time the ladies at the M. K W. L. Austin large number they were en- pleasant man- hour the reg held, nrtuh arrangements and plans for the annua! floral bazaar, which will be held early-in May. Following the business session the ladies indulged in stitching on dainty fancy work, conversation and tin like, llefreshnients, consisting of brick ice cream and cake, were served at the proper time, and a little later the large number pres ent dispersed, indebted lo the hostess for the delightful after noon they had spent. Hurt In a Runaway. A special from Flinwood, under late of April 3, says: Mrs. (leorge llall, who lives four miles west, of here, was badly hurt in a runaway. While driving down bill the lugs became unhooked, letting the tongue of the buggy run into the ground and throw ing her out. She was carried to the homo of Mr. Foreman. She was hurt so badly that she could not be taken to her home. .f i. t-T-T..T. .T..T..T..T. t..t. t v.t. 1 NEHAWKA. 4- News. ! The Nehawka mill is running full blast and turning out a bet ter grade of Hour than ever before in its history. Agent Banning has had his hands full handling so many trains of late, but he has been equal to the occasion. Robert Shrader, a jolly farmer, who will till the soil near Murray this season, was a welcome caller at this office Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. CS. Schwartz are happy over the arrival at their home Friday night of a baby boy. Their other child being a girl they can be excused for their pride. The Nehawka Stone company and Van -Courts' west quarry are working full force now, and it is rumored that the hill quarry will start up again soon. Mrs. William Herman died at the home of her son, John Her man, in Avoca Wednesday. Her remains were laid to rest in North Hranch cemetery. Frank Moore failed to land the automobile prize in the Daily News contest, but was fortunate enough to win third prize, which was $75 in cash. Frank worked hard for the buzz wagon and it is a matter of regret to his friends that he failed lo get it. The Missouri Pacific railroad lias been kicked around like the Missouri "noun"' until- folks laugh when it is mentioned. Hut this same road has held the dis tinction of having the only bridge on I lie Platte river east of (irand Island that has been crossed every day during the flood. Monday morning I he year for which C. F. Cunningham leased the pool hall was up, and Nelse Anderson is again in charge of it. Mr. Anderson amused himself during the year he was out of business by farming a little in South Dakota, but the most im portant thing ho accomplished in that lime was winning a wife. The blacksmith shop is one of the busiest places in town now Farmers are rushing in with their spring work, and it keeps T. F. Fulton and his two men busy gelling the work out for Iheni. Mr. Fulton has one of the best equipped shops in Ibis part of the slate, and with plenty of efficient help on hand is alwavs able to turn out work in good order. Denmark. She came over with Adolph Morgensen, who went to the old country to spend Christ mas with his folks. Two sons of A. Skamris accompanied them and also another newcomer whose name we did not get. Bridge Contractors Here. Two bridge contractors from Omaha were here today and measured up the missing spans of the Polloek-DulT bridge with a view of placing a bid upon I hi construction of the new steel spans soon to be erected. The bids will be considered and the contract let next week. Mr. Pol lock estimates that 1 tie bridge can lie in condition to use within 30 davs after the work is com menced. TO CALIFORNIA, UTAH, MONTANA, WASHINGTON, ORIGAN, BRITISH COLUMBIA. This is the general basis of colonist fares, March 1st to April 15111. . THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS. Every day to Los Angeles and San Francisco, with daylight ride through scenic Colorado. Every day via Northern Pacific and Great Northern to all princi pal northwest destinations. SUMMER EXCURSION TOURS OF THE PACIFIC COAST. Special dates of sale in each month, commencing April, at $55 round trip, with every day round trip rate of $G0 the greatest railroad journey in the world and low rates for it. Plan now. SUMMER TUURIST RATES. More attractive excursion rates than ever before, this summer to Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone Park, Big Horn Mountain resorts, the Black Hills, the Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast resorts; it is none too early to be making your summer vacation plans. HOMES EEKERS from Eastern Nebraska to the Big Horn Basin and other localities West and Northwest. . R. W. CLEMENT, Agent. L. W, WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Qmaha, Neb. , :iniiii!)niii litiliii: t i WEEPING WATER. ! Republican. ! H'.H-!"H-M"!MH-K-l W. M. Kear departed for l'hiinview, Neb., last Saturday where he expects to farm this summer. He shipped his house hold goods last week. J. W. lHiIlis accompanied his niece, Miss A. H. Wilson, home to Montreal, Canada, leaving last Monday. Miss Wilson has been visiting here the past 'six months. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge fSilmorc went out lo Hurwell this week to live on his claim. Ho has only fourteen months to servo and eight more months to reside there. HornTo Mr. and Mrs. I. D. llarmer, on Friday, March 29, a (en-pound daughter. Also lo Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, a nine pound boy was born on Thursday, March 28, 1912. Miss (Hive Carmichael was taken to Lincoln and placed in a hospital last Thursday. She has been operated oh for tumor and reports indicate she is getting along very well. Paul Sitman from Plattsmoulh arrived here Monday, lie has made arrangements to work for (leorge low lo on I no farm for the sum mer. Paul is a brother to . 1 Sitzziuau of the Republican oflice Henry P. Smith and son, Sam, relumed home last Thursday from California, w here I hey had visited a few weeks with relatives and friends. They enjoyed the visit very much and report .crop conditions there line. Our now station agent, R, C Fry, from Auburn, was checked in Tuesday, lie has been in quest of a house lo rent and will soon bo living among us. Mr. try is broad shouldered enough lo carry the burdens of a whole division ami looks like he could do it cheerfully. Ned Wilkinson came up from Mexico last week and in from Lincoln to visit home. lie ha been assisting in the work on big government canal, as civil engineer. It is not far from Tampico. lie said they did not notice much effects from the rt volution now on. Mrs. Oscar Amtroson was ery happily surprised last Thursday over the arrival of her sister, Miss Martha Olson, from 4JIII "X""X""X""II" WW,W" 'W UNION. 4 l.edirer. 4 n t n i n n www vw Reuben Stine had four weeks' contest with the grippe that laid him up for repairs, but he won out and was able ty come to (own yesterday afternoon. Klmer Witherow, Jack Roddy and Jack McCarroll were Wed nesday morning passengers to Plaltsmouth, where they had a few hours' business to look after. Fred Montgomery and wife, who were visiting relatives and friends here, departed Monday for their homo near Lorton. Mrs. Jack Chalfant accompanied them home to make a few days' visit. Dave E. Eaton went to Plaits- mouth last Sunday evening, hav ing received notice that his favorite "houn' dawg" had been found a few miles from that city. Ho returned home Tuesday, bring ing back the famous trailer. Mrs. fi. F. Whitlow and chil dren departed last Saturday even ing for Council Muffs, where Ihey are lo make their homo. Mr. Whitlow went there a few months ago and is in the employ of (he street railway company, running between Council Bluffs and Omaha. Ezra Williams of Bellville, Kan sas, arrived last Saturday to spend a few days with relatives and his many friends in Union and vicin ity. He had with him his ever lasting smile and cordial greet ing that makes him a welcome visuor. no leu ior Home on Tuesday. The remains of Milton Hard irk, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ilardick, of Nebraska City, were brought lo this village on the Sun day evening train for interment in I he cemetery northeast of here. The young man was about 1!) years old and died last Friday evening at llieir homo in Nebraska City. W. A. Taylor, W. B. Banning, Louis Anderson, Harry Thomas and Ray Frans went to Nehawka on the Wednesday evening train to attend Masonic lodge, and we understand that this was the first experience Ray and Henry have had in "mixing mortar" or whatever those men of mystery call it. IX W. Foster has had a force of men at work this week putting in the founadtion for a building on his lot on the west side of Will Wolfe's blacksmith shop, ft will lie 22Vax50 feet with 13-fool ceil ing, and will bo made of cement blocks. It is planned expressly for a garage, which will bo oper ated by W. B. Banning and W. II. HuBois. "T"rTi i. "3 ' " I iiSl aTi ' ' ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT i ANcgetaUc lVcpamiontrAs-sirailaiingilicFocrfamlRfgula rromcfesDigestionJaretfuli ness and ItsLContalns neittar Opiuiu.Morphinc norMiacalJ riOT K ARC OTIC. SccJ" jUxJiann y'JsrScH Jyvmn ilvkavJiUii ChtUrd Supr . natujtm rtnx Anerfecl Remedy for Corrsflsa (Ion , Sour Stomach.Diarriwca Worms ,Convuls!ons.revcns!i ness andLoss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. TP For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of EMUlM II hi " In Use For Over Thirty Years Guaranteed under th Exact Copy of Wrapper, TMI OtNTAUR eoMMNT, KW TO G1TV. 'VP How to Care for Prisoners. How Nebraska prison labor should be used to avoid compet ing with free labor is a problem before the Manufacturers' as sociation. Lieutenant Governor Morehead spoke by invitation to the manu facturers yesterday. He advised that short-term convicts should be put at building roads. Long term and life convicts should be put to farming. Their products be believed would not by competi tion greatly injure agriculture, as I he demand for farm pro ducts is always beyond Ihe sup- Ply. Manufacturers who pay for their labor and are forced to com pete with prison manufacturers will fail. II is unfair to employer and lo employe to put them in di rect competition with prison labor, ho said. Vice President Sanborn in dorsed i no lieutenant governors views and said making pond roads and raising crops to be used in supplying the institutions would be the best solution of the prob lem. World-Herald. Death of Mrs. Henry. Deceased was the mother of Mrs. John C. Hansell, residing about two miles north of this vil- ago, and it was there that her death occurred on Saturday, March 30, 1912, at 5 o'clock p. in. Mrs. Henry was born May 25, 1837, her age at Ihe time of death icing 71 years, 10 months and 5 days. She had boon suffering from paralysis to some extent for a long time, the last and fatal stroke being on Wednesday of last week. Brief services were held at, the Hansell residence, and Monday the remains wore taken to Ne- iraska City, whore funeral serv ices were Held in Memorial nan, conducted by Rev. Randall. The pall-bearers accompanying Ihe remains from hero were: J. D. Bramhlel, W. F. McCarroll, E. J. Mougey, Moso McCarroll, Leo Faris and fi. P. Barlon. The de ceased was Known as a goon Christian lady, who was highly esteemed bv all who formed her acquaintance, and she had boon faithful member of the Meth odist church for many years. She was laid to rest in the cemetery at Nebraska City beside her husband. William Henry, whoso death occurred thirteen years ago. Union Ledger. For Sale. Some good llrst-ciass prairie hay, on farm eight miles west of Plaltsmouth. R. L. Propst, Mynard. Rev. P. Reynolds departed for Omaha this morning lo spend Sunday with his son and family Runaway Yesterday. From Saturday's Dally. An unfortunate runaway oc curred last evening near the post ollice, in which two farmers were thrown from their buggy and narrowly escaped serious injury. The team became frightened and unnianagable near the black smith shop opposite the post- ollice, and ran north on Fifth street, circling the corner west on Mm', overlurnintr the vehicle- and throwing the occupants to the ground, quite severely bruis ing them. One of them was taken to a doctor's oflice, where, his in juries were dressed. The fright ened team turned and struck a tree on a nearby lawn, stopping .suddenly without doing much damage to the rig. The names of the parlies were not ascertained. Will Remove Next Week. From Saturday's Dally. A. L. Henry, the notion store man, is making preparations to move to his new location on North Sixth street next Monday and Tuesday, where he will carry about Ihe same line of goods as at his presen), stand, with the ad dition of a soda fountain and soft drink department. The new room has been thoroughly renovated, now paint and paper, and will make a very cosy room for Mr. Henry. He will increase his line of goods to some extent and wiir carry everything .in the notion line. Builders' Club Meets. From Saturday's Dally. The Builders' club of the Pres byterian rhurch mot at Ihe home of Mrs. C. 0. Parinele last even ing at H o'clock and there were twelve of the boys present. The meeting was called to order by W. A. Robertson, but there not being much business lo transact, the session was adjourned and Ihe hours devoted lo a social lime Mrs. Parinele had manned a number of games and amust moots, which were very pleasant ly interspersed with music, both vocal and instrumental. At nn appropriate hour a delicious luncheon was served, which the boys most thoroughly enjoyed. Mi. m (i l), S. Cream Seperator with their new inter-locking disc, is a great improvement over their old style disc and cone style seperator. ' By the use of this style bowl a greater repeating surface is obtained, therefore be ing able to reduce their size and weight of bowl and still be able to seperate more milk per hour than any other seperator of the same size, and by having a lighter bowl is much easier to run and also gives you a great deal longer life in the wearing of wheels and bearings. . The new inter-locking style of U. S. Seperator has made a world's recpre for scperating milk and cream that has not been equalled by any other make of seperator. If you are in need of a Seperator this Spring or Summer do not fail to see the U. S. Seperator in op eration. We also want you to have one of them set up beside and Seperator that you have in mind or may have now and be convinced that the U. S. Seperator is the easiest running and best made. AGENT FOR KOKOMO-AMERICAN - PITTSBURG FENCING