o) 191 I Women's Lisle Hose worth 25c, for 14c White Hemstitched 10c, at 3c Girls' Wash Dresses worth $1.25, all colors and sizes 75c White Muslin Drawers, neatly tucked and ruffled -worth 39c, at 23c Commencing SATURDAY, APRIL the 6th, we commence our Spring Sale a sale that hundreds of thrifty buyers in Plattsmouth and vicinity await with interest. Coming as it does just before Easter, and right at the threshold of the Spring Season, it is a most wonderful opportunity for economical men and women to buy their new Spring Apparel at remarkable reductions. You'll find here greater bargains dur ing this sale than ever before, because the prolonged Winter has prevented the sale of Spring apparel and we must make sweeping reductions to move our Spring stocks. This sale will continue till all out-of-town people will have the opportunity to purchase all the bargains. About one year ago, when I took the management of the Fanger Department Store, we announced that a series of sales would be conducted during the year, which announcement was made good up to the close 1911. These sales proved a success in every particular, and our most sanguine expectations were realiz ed. While we sold the goods at a remarkably low figure, we made a lot of new friends, who we believe will become regular patrons of our store in the future. We will conduct for business during the coming year upon the same basis, and are going to offer the people a much larger line of goods to select from than ever before. We are not telling you that they will be sold at a much lower figure than ever before, at a sacrifice, and even below cost at this time, but will tell you that we have one of the largest and most com plete line of goods ever displayed in Plattsmouth, and that you can purchase them at the lowest possible price, consistent with modern merchandising. We have priced everything at the lowest figure upon a profitable basis, and while that profit is very small, we expect to make up the deficiency in the volume of business that we expect to do this Spring. All we ask is that you call and examine the goods and we will guarantee their value and the price. Ladies' Belts 10c Women's Lisle Hose, in fast blacks and tans, 9c Women's Pure Silk Hose 45c Hair Nets worth 10 each, at 5c Men 8 usle nose worth tf 7c Men's New Spring Clothing Now at Great Savings Kinchbaum Qothcs HAND fHOI't f Splendid hand tailored all wool garments in every new spring style, fabric and color. Such famous brands as A. B. Kirschbaum &. Co. "Cherry" brand clothing. Men's and Young Men's all-wool Cashmere Suits positively worth to $18.00 at $11.50 Wonderful Array of Women's New Spring Apparel at Surprising Prices! Blue Serges, splendid worsteds, in Hand Tailored Blue Serges, silk all leading shades, perfectly tail- lined, splendid worsteds and mix- ored, worth to $1G.OO, fn rfl tures, grays, tans, browns, OJiUU at etc., vorth to $25.00, ,br"Si4 Men's Pants Worth $1.25; splendidly made, QCJf in good quality materi.il; all sizes, at JW Men's Pants, in worsteds and ca- Exceptional high-grade Men's shmers, blues, grays, mixtures, Pants, in the finest of materials etc., worth to $3.00, Qj Qr and patterns, worth QQ Ar at OliJJ to $5.00, at COifO Men's Dress Shirts new Spring Men's Rockford Sox 45C at. 40 Copyr!hlcd 1911 A. D. K1RJCIIDAUM tc CO. "PRINCELY" Dross Shirts for Men! New Spring Arrow and Col umbia brand shirts for men made by the Cluett Co., the country's foremost shirt pro ducers. They stand for all the best and latest in men's dress shirts. The fit, the fabric, the workmanship and the wash ability of these shirts are sec ond to none. You'll find here every new leading style and color, at 75c, 98c and SI.25 Some Remarkable Bargains in Doys' Clothing! Boys' clothing in the finest of fabrics. Strong and durable, and in the neatest of styles, nt surprisly low prices: Boys' Wool Cashmere Suits, with knickerbocker pants, all sizes, worth to $5.50, at $2.98 Boys' Navy Blue Serge Suits, knickerbocker pants,' all sizes, worth 0.50, at $3.78 Boys' Shirts, all colors and sizes, worth to 50c . . patterns, worth 75c, at Men's Splendid New Hats Every Men's and Boys' Spring Caps fashionable style and shape, worth I"0! 50 and 25c .$300:... $1,95 Splendid Values in Hen's Furnishings! Men's lightweight Shirts and Drawers, worth per garment, each, ,45c Union Suits, worth $1.25, at ....95c Dressed Kid Gloves, worth $1.50 pair, at 98c Men's New Spring Neckwear, worth 75c, at 45, 25 and 19c " 10c White and Colored handkerchiefs, each 4c " New Fancy Vests, worth to $3.50. at -90c Every new style, color and fabric, in Ladies' Suits Coats and Dresses are here for your selection. The most of them are hand-tailored models. Women's New Spring Suits In splendid all-wool serges and worsteds, leading Spring styles and colors, worth to $35.00, at $12.50, $15, $19.50 and $22.50 Beautiful Spring Suits In all the Hand Tailored Suits Faultlessly new fabrics and styles, splendid, designed, every new fabric and shade, perfect fitting garments, Q M rn worth to $30.00, worth to $20.00, at U I Ti 0 U at NEW SPRING COATS SI8 6 3 4Mv mm A splendid showing of handsome Spring Coats, in every new fabric, color and design. Positively values up to $25.00, at $11.50 to $14.00 Exceptional Values in Dress Skirts New Skirts in gored, pleated and new side effects, Panamas, serges, worsteds, voiles, etc., all colors, worth to $12.00, at $1.90, $3.98 and $4.98 New Dresses Greatly Underpriccd Splendid New Serge Dresses, made of the finest all-wool serges, all colors, handsomely trimmed, values to $12.50, at $4.98 and .' One lot of Lingerie Dresses,, with real Val. lace, beautifully embroidered and trimmed, scores of pretty styles, well worth to $8.00, at ,...$1.98, $2.25 and , KiJ , SpI $3.98 $2.98 JfcaTA nifty line of Ladies' Shirts and Shirt Waists in Silk and Silk Poplins the finest ever seen in Plattsmouth, from 89c to $2.95. This is an excellent line and you should call and examine them. New Shoes for Men, Women and Children Greatly Underpriced! Splendidly new shoes of the best lenthers and workman ship, made by the country's foremost manufacturers. Men's splendid button and lace shoes, in blacks, tans and patent leathers, regular $4.00 and $5.00 values, at $2.00 and $2.50 Men's New Oxfords, in blacks and tans, Good year Welt Soles, $1.50 value at $2.90 One broken lot of Men's and Boys' Shoes, worth to $2.50, at. $1.39 and 98o Boys' Shoes, all sizes, worth $1.50, at 98c Women's Vici and Gun Metal Button and Lace Shoes, worth to $2.50, at $1.50 Women's $3.50 Shoes, in black and tan, at. . . .$2.43 Infant's Hand Turned Vici Kid Shoes, sizes 1 to 5, worth 75c, at 48c The very latest things in Ladies' Mus lin Underwear of every description; Prin cess Slips, Underskirts, ect. Notions of Every Sort! Ladies' Shopping Bags, Children's Bags, Bar Pins, Belt Pins, Side Combs, Back Combs, Hair Rolls and Fancy Hat Pins, and a good many other things that we cannot mention in this space; and all these will be sold at a very low price during this Grand Opening Sale. Work Shirts, all sizes and col ors, worth 65c, at 40c Men's Dress Shirts in different stripes, worth up to $1.00, at 43c CD COMFICUT CD UNDERWEAR for Women and Children I For women and children noth ing is more comfortable, more satisfactory, than Union Suits. From every point of view they are satisfactory. They're easy on your pocketbook because of their durability and washahility, and their original low cost. They are pleasant to wear, and yield reodily to every motion of the body. . And they actually improve in appearance after each trip to the laundry. Try them you'll be delighted with them. Union Suits for Women -10 Yards IKligh-rade alico for 48c - A large line of Suit Cases, Valises, Bags and Trunks. Dustin Cap8' worlh 8t Gingham Kitchen Aprons, QQf worth 3nc, for , i OOC. We sell as good a goods for less money than you can buy ft -. elsewhere. We have no way to convince you of it unless you buy White Linen Handkerchiefs, M nJL , , , . . . . x worth 35c, go at aww them, and then we make you this proposition: "Get your money's worth, or money back." I 9C E Fanger's Department Store "THE HOME OF GUARANTEED VALUES!" I " ' . .: V. ZUCICER, Manager 3 45c AND UP! Ladies' Gingham Sleeve Aprons, worth $1.25, for 89c Light Percale Aprons, wftrth 35c, which go at 23 Ladies' Gingham Uib Aprons, worth 50c, for 35c Men's Suspenders 19c