The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 04, 1912, Image 4

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    The Piattsmouth Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Piattsmouth, Nebraska CZZ
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Piattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
He a Sniilcr if you can
And yon can!
lie a booster for I lie better life of
When (he world looks bad to you,
Catch a smile from out the blue
Aso you can.
:o ;
Hoostong is a fine, art, if you
boost right.
The only way to kill a live
town is to pull and haul among
:o :
The "Old Missou" is still hold
ing her own and then .some. She
is now full too verflowing.
First high snows, and
comes high waters
Wonder if
these will bring forth a drouth
Ibis summer?
Lvidence is iiccumiilal ing every
day to indicate that there may be
two republican national conven
tions in Chicago next' June.
The Sarpy county grand jury
in the Hlunt case sat down good
and hard on our flgury gov
ernor. His gaul was good and
. :o;
When woman's suffrage be
comes general throughout the
country the term "silk stockings"
will cease to be one of political
: :
The N'icaragua "liberals" have,
lieen placing bombs along Mr.
Knox's route. That is merely
their playful way of remarking
4 hat he is a very smart man.
i :o:
Teddy Roosevelt the other day,
in political excitement, lost his
pajamas. When the smoke of
battle will have cleared nway he
will find that (his is not all that
ho will have lost.
Taft is sure of his own slate.
The Ohio republican central
committee endorses the adminis
tration and will hold a convention
lo select delegates. This is an
other turndown for Teddy.
lrom the personal way in
which Theodore referred lo Will
nt JNew lork, it noes not seem
likely either that he wants lo play
in Will's back yard, or to slid
down his cellar door.
:o :
Hon. John II. Morehead, demo
cratic candidate for governor, is a
man who courts invesligal ion of
his career from iutancy up. Am:
honest and successful business
career throughout his entire lift
:o :
Will llayward is evidently
catching onto things in politii
in New York City, lie has been
selected a delegate to the repub
dean slate convention. Co lo it
Hilly; maybe you can win out in
New York, oven if you couldn't in
Only think what an excellent
opportunity the democrats have
for victory in Nebraska this fal
if we only come to our sober
senses and see what daniphools
we are making of ourselves and
resolve- to throw aside all hitler
feelings and act like loyal demo
crats ought to act.
The governor was nway from
home when the warden, deputy
warden and usher were murdered
in cold blood by three escaping
convicts, and he was up at South
Hend the other day enjoying life
and shooting ducks when Ihe
negro prisoner had his throat cut
almost from ear lo ear. Always
away from his post when some
Ihing happens, it seems.
According to a special from
Lincoln. It. M. La Toilette, pro
gressive republican candidate for
president, will inaugurate his
acinpaigii in I'lallsinouth this
week, speaking here lirst. He
will go from here to Nebraska
City, Auburn, Falls City, Table
Hock and Terumseh. He will visit
twenly-lliree towns Ihe first day.
I'lallsinouth should give the
Wisconsin senator a good audi
ence. He is a line lalker.
Now, kind reader, don't it seem
unfair that some fellows do not
int you lo enjoy the same
privileges they do privileges
at are guaranteed to you by the
in I il ii I ,.f lr. t.i..i. a
....,,,.,. - um r.aiesf Ncbraka jH mw.,. Uian any one
ei sucn is tlie case. They don t
ike you unless you stand as they
on the presidential question
uid also tin' gubernatorial ques-
on. Hut that is not right. You
are free to do and ae,t. ns von
use on such mailers, and you
ought to do it.
:o :
Mr. Hryan and Senator Hitch-
i s ,M., soIlu. anairs snouia not Senator La Folletle will speak
have been brought into this cam- al lho lh.rlingloii shops in Platts
paign at all. Each one has the mo..n. ,.n..iv novi i-vi.iav .......nino-
I 1' . . I 1,1 1,1 1 I ' I .1 llli '1 II I tip .
ight to be for the man of their
choice for president, without any
question as to honesty or in-
What is the matter with liar
niiin if he is able to harmonize
wily on the part of either one. harmony in the democratic parly?
. . . i -
the democrats of Nebraska arc
proud of both of them, and they
Many "rump" conventions
liould to draw the beillK ,.,,, bul lhc po,,nl wiU
runk and hie into a tiller and
lersonal warfare purely
corporation, or on agreements
about prices, so much as on the
question whether the prices are
reasonable or not. Public con
demnation has always been visit
ed on people who take advantage
of exclusive opportunity to ask
an unfair price for the service.
The holelkeeper who in time of
some great crowd doubles his
prices, because he can gel them,
is always blamed. As the law
now stands, the trusts may he
able to lix prices to suit the
ambitions of the managers. Hut
it will be suicidal in the long run
to pursue a coubrse so clearly
hostile to the prosperity of the
country. Insofar as tin disposi
tion to tlx unreasonable!) rices
exists, trie people sooner or later
will find some way to meet it.
The less opposition is confronted,
the less of a social convulsion it
will lake to get it.
Now what will April do to prove
that it is worse than March was?
I)id you get April-fooled? lou't
all speak at once, please.
The democratic organization in
Hell hath no fury like a woman
scorned when she asks for a new
Faster bonnet.
:o :
The primary election conies on
Friday, April 19 only two weeks
from next Friday.
make sausage
meat of I hem next
-:o :-
One of the political mysteries
We notice in the World-Herald which may never be fully explain-
ol Saturday a list of candidates cd is whv some men are so eager
lor delegates lo the democratic Ho be nominated for presidenlia!
national convention. This list is electors
' t i i i i i I
purporieu io c inose who nave o;- Uieir willingness to vote If (lovcruor Wilson is going lo
for the candidate for president have HOD delegates, Clark 750,
lhat receives the most votes in the Harmon 7i2, and Underwood C80,
primary election, April iv. Some Baltimore will have lo make
andidates we know, who have more room in the big hall.
proclaimed their intentions toj :o:
oie ior me choice or the people, "Fiddling Hob" Taylor is dead
do not apepar in the list, and one He was a very popular man with
among II1CII1 IS . I). W heeler the Tennessee neonle having
- - - . ..U...D
served in congress, twice elected
deelgate from Ihe First emigres- governor and several times in the
sional district. Mr. Wheeler, United States senate.
!.. I... II..., I I............ i: i..i
"i" ii iii."i i" i unit; u i iinuiiiiiir, i ;q . I
mane sum a oec.arai ion, ami we Hosevelt scores the Lorimcr
think Ihe World-Herald does Mr. fimlinirs nml deelnre ih r.nri of
Wheeler an injustice in not plac- u,,. committee does not express
ing his name among those who hH, sentiments of the neonle
nave mane sucn a declaration. That's one thine in which '
:o: lis right, anyway
If Ihe leaders of the democratic -o
party will not show any inclina- A Chicago judge rules lhat a
lion to get together no one can I huwljaiui is not competent to help
tell what is in store for our ticket select his wife's gowns. A man
al the November election. One who tries to is more than incom-
lliing certain, the common mas- petent he is irrelevant, imuia
ses of the party should throw tmal, ami a mollycoddle
aside the bitter feeling engender-1 :o:
ed by the leaders and make ui Although we had expected to
their minds to follow the dictates Ink'' no end of trouble to visit the
of their own consciences, and packers in jail and offer them
let Ihe instigators of the trouble sympathy and spiritual consola
light out their own personal af- lion, it is doubtful now if the sec
fairs among themselves. Lead- ond girl would let us get bevond
i ..
ers are all right when Ihey are toe vestibule or their houses
right, and like all others, when :o:
Ihey are not right, they are all Mr. democrat, don't you think
wrong. When they are wrong it is about lime lo cast aside that
they ranuot expect the masses tol bitter feeling and don a smile of
follow them and they won't do good nature and happiness that
il, either. Hut it is a shame for generally predominates? We
leaders to Ihus impose upon the have everything to gain and nolh
rank and Hie of the parly, when ing lo lose in Nebraska. Hemem
victory is within our grasp. Iber that as you go along.
:o: :o:
Having fruitlessly pursued There was another murder in
Hrer Packer about, the tree trunk! the Nebraska penitentiary yester
for ten years, it is fair to assume J day. It is feared that institution
that when Uncle Sa;n resumes the needs something more than Ihe
chase he will at least run around usual formal whitewashing by a
Ihe other way to avoid being dizzy, legislative investigating coni-
or possibly will cut down the miltee. Kansas City Star. Of
tree. It is likely that the final courso it does. Nebraska needs a
solution of the trust problem will governor that will look after such
not bo based on the size of the 'matters
II may be that the railroads are
going to unnecessary trouble in
storing up vast quantities of coal
in anticipation of a general strike
of the miners. Indications are
thai the locomotive engineers are
going to strike, too, in which
event the railroads will not need
any coal.
Secretary MacYeagh wants the
customs laws made "more liberal"
in the treatment of returning
tourists. Undoubtedly this should
be done, although returning
tourists are relatively few. The
tart II should be made "more liber
al" lo the 90,000,000 Ultimate
We cannot help but believe that
after Ihe primaries are over, and
Ihe. smoke of battle has cleared
away, the masses of the demo
cratic party will be ready and wil
ling to shed Iheir coats and roll
up their sleeves and lick into work
for the success of the ticket nom
inated. The leaders can join the
rank and file or can hoe their own
row awhile to see how it works.
:o :
The eyes of the entire country
are upon Nebraska, and the split
up condition of the democratic
leaders of the state. Why not
throw the leaders overboard and
let Ihe rank and file of the demo
cratic party rule awhile? Platls
iiioulh Journal. There is a great
deal of truth in the above. Why
should the democrats of the state
who furnish the sinews of war
and do the voting permit fine or
two "leaders" to disorganize the
parly and give it. Into the hands
of thr republicans. The demo
crats of the stale need no dictat
ors. Nebraska City News.
:o :
Hy their fruits shall ye Know
them. Twenty-eight republicans
in the senate voted that it was
not a corrupt use of money to
spend almost si 08,000 in a Wis
consin primary campaign and
eighteen republicans vlcd lhat it
was . corruption. Twelve demo
crats in the senate voted that il
was not a corrupt use of money to
spend so much in a primary elec
tion for senator, and sixteen voted
that it was. Which indicates that
the republican representation in
the senate is about 70 per cent
rotten, while only about 40 per
cent of the democratic repre
sentation is so. Lincoln Star.
i :o:
LION '40
The Lion Agency is a Big
And the business actual demand is ready and waiting for
the man who connects himself with the Lion a local dealer.
The popularity of this car in Nebraska has become so great
that our business requires a substantial dealer in Piattsmouth -
Write today for details of the proposition. This agency will
be signed up as quickly as possible.
Forty horae-power self-starting full floating rear axle big
wheels complete in every detail $600.
R. B. Held Motor Car Company
Kdwards, the Washington cor
respondent, has it figured out
that Roosevelt will be the worst
disappointed man in the United
Stales after the Chicago conven
tion for the reason that now, be
cause of his egotism, he cannot
see the trend of things. "When
the crash comes at, Chicago next
June, poor old Roosevelt and his
ambitions will fall flatter than a
pumpkin pie from the top of the
Washington monument. He will
be the worst discredited man in
the United States and his advisers
will have dono him the greatest
injustice and his overweening
egotism has done him the greatest
injury Hint ever came to any man
who was ever president of the
United States. President Grant
survived his third term ambitions
on account of his war record
Roosevelt has nothing of that kind
to fall back on, and he will sink
into oblivion as an ambitious
mountebank who believed he was
the tribune of Ihe people and
found out that he was the blower
of nothing bul a fog horn."
Pittsburg photographers have
been camping at daybreak before
the modest home of Miss Virginia
Lee, whom Andrew Carnegie calls
Pittsburg's most beautiful girl
and she is showered with oppor
(unities of marriage and slagi
careers. What interests us is not
Miss Lee's face, nor yet her ex
cellent sense in sticking lo her
typewriter, but the profound enio
lion with which masculine Pitts
burg has acclaimed her facia
beauty. If Miss Lee had been an
heiress and had founded a hos
pital, the reporters would have
called on her and secured a per
functory write-up. but it would
hicver occur to the city editor' to
have the camera squad besiege
her home. It all goes to show
lhat the male mind is tremend-
ously swayed by such powers as
female eyes, complexion and
"hanks of hair," as our friend,
Rudyard Kipling remarked. In
Ihe men's society clubs of the
present time we imagine that tne
relative beauty of their female
friends occupies more time, and
occasions more heated argument
than the Taft-Roosevelt quarrel
or the arbitration treaties.
Will Move to Long Pine.
From Tuesday' Dally.
Will Propst has made arrange
ments lo ship his personal be
longings to Long Pine, Nebraska,
where he will take charge of a
ranch, and hail his car set lo load
at Mynard. The floods have inter-
ferred somewhat, as he has no as
surance of getting through on the
Northwestern railway before the
last of (he week.
The Danger After Qrlp
lies often in a run-down system.
Weakness, nervousness, lack of
appetite, energy and ambition,
with disordered liver and kidneys
often follow an attack of this
wretched disease. The greatest
need then is Fleet ric Inters, the
glorious tonic, blood purifier and
regulator of stomach, liver and
kidneys. Thousands have proved
that they wonderfully strengthen
Ihe nerves, build up the system
and restore to health and good
spirits after an attack of grip
If Buffering, try them. Only 50
cents. Sold and perfect satisfac
tion guaranteed by I". (J. Fricke
& Co.
Piattsmouth Readers Are Learn
Ing the Way.
It's the little kidney ills
The lame, weak, or aching
The unnoticed urinary dis
orders That lead to dropsy and
Height's disease.
When the kidneys are sick,
Help them with Doan's Kidney
A remedy especially for sick
Doan's have been curing kid
ney troubles for 75 years.
Endorsed by 50,000 people
endorsenied at home.
Proof in a Piattsmouth citizen's
Mrs. O. J. fiilson, Lincoln Ave.,
Piattsmouth, Neb., says: "We
have used Doan's Kidneys Pills in
our family for lame back and
other kidney disorders and they
have brought the best of results.
My advice to anyone suffering
from kidney complaint is to give
this remedy a trial."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Fosler-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Buys Job Press.
F.x-Counly Clerk L. A. Tyson
has purchased the printing press
formerly owned by (he Olson
Postal Card company and will
probably put up a strenuous cam
paign if he lands the nomination
for county assessor, getting out
some interesting campaign literature.
The Journal office carries all
kinds of typewriter supplies.
Phones: New 39, Bell 37.
Spring Wheat ;
Seed Corn
Nebraska City, Neb.