The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 01, 1912, Image 8

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    'l i'
ling Uic SioMchs amlUowIsi
Promotes DiHcstionk eiful
ncss and Itest-Contalns nciaw
Opiuni.Morpliine norMiamLJ
Jkyjlm Sri J'
jjvmnt -
CfmM SiKfr
rmiaynm tanf.
Ancrfert Remedy foiTomliM
Hon , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtwfa
Worms jLonvulsionsJewi ish
ncss and Loss OF Slekp.
Tu&A Signature or
Guarante l under the FooTeij
Exact Copy of Wrapper-
Ex-Governor - Criticises Incon
sistency of the So-Called
Progressive League.
From Saturday's Dally.
Tin' dictation manifested when
so-called progressive- democrats
of the stale sought l gather lion;
and endorse a certain favored few
for deegale-al-large to the
Ilallimorv convent inn, is an at
tempt lo override tlic intent and
purpose of tin1 primary law, in I he
opinion of e.-iovernor Shallen
berger, who was a Lincoln visitor
lh other day.
"I remained away from I lie
Jtryan banquet because of I lie
fact lliat I deprecated efforts of
these few to nnlify the new pri
mary law through out side or
, foreign iulliicuccs. The object
of Hie non-partisan judiciary law
which Nchrnsku democrats, with
Mr. Hryan, have stood for for
years past, was lo eliminate dic
tation in the selection of judges
How the same principle should he
thrown lo the winds now hy some
of these democrats is more than
I can see.
"The whole plan was ill-advised
from start to llnish. No matter
how the results of the primary
might make some of the members
of this faction feel, the only safe
way for Nebraska democratic
leaders to do is lo keep hands olT
and let I lie law lake its course
let the people express their
choice without any undue in
fluence lieing exerted upon tlicin.
That is the only safe way to do
and the only way hy which the
new law can he followed out with
respect to its intent and its pur
pose." Mr. Shallenherger snid that ef
i j j i
until the last minute to buy your fencing. Whether it be
a small or large quantity, we want you to come to us, look
over the different styles and have your order filled and set
aside for you, so when you want it we will have it for you.
We try to carry a full and complete line of fencing, but
we can never tell just how much we will sell of each kind,
so in order to avoid any delay and so you may get the kind
of fence you want, we would like to have all our fence cus
tomers both old and new to let us know what they ex
pect to use.
Our prices are right
ing against any mail order
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
forts of a well known democrat
to fight his alleged right, to
leadership of the party in this
slate had ifot made much of an
impresison among I he voters of
the parly. Individualities an- not
interest to the people of the
slate al this lime issues not men
are to determine the enures of the
party from now on, according lo
the former stale exerut ive.""Fne
lions cannot win victories," he
declared, "and the army which is
often defeated seldom gains re
cruils. Unless we offer solu
tions for various hig problems of
the day, and dwell less upon the
so-called individual defects of
our candidates, we cannot hope to
achieve success through the
voters of the stale and the coun
try." Buys Farm at Judicial Sale.
From Saturday's Dally.
M. I,. Iluby, as guarian of his
brother's children, yesterday sold
al auction at the south door of
tin' court house, to the highest
bidder for cash, I lie quarter sec
tion owned by his brother in his
lifetime. The farm was pur
chased by William I'uls, sr., at
the sum of 8l per acre. The land
is described as the southeast
quarter of section 12, township
11, range 12, east of sixth prin
cipal meridian. The farm has a
good set of buildings and is not
far from Mr. Puis' home.
Sells Squatter's Right.
Charles Mates, who farmed the
new-made land on the bottom ad
jacenl to the Hurlinglon right-of-way,
last year, and later fenced
enough lo make a forty-acre
farm and built a dwelling and
outbuildings, Monday sold his
right. His brother, John Hates,
became the purchaser of I he im
provements and immedialelv took
possesion and occupies the dwcl
and ive ivill figure our fenc
house that you wish us to,
(1 MR
II" WA li 111
ill l l " i i n nT vw
. Republican.
F. A. Davis goes to Tama
county, Iowa, this week to spend
t hree or four months.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Charles
jOibson, a daughter on Wednes
day, March 27, 1912.
H. O. Glover has been very sick
the past week, but at present is
recovering. His son from Spring
field was here altending him a few
Mrs. Hay Smith is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Do
mingo. Mr. Smith was here a few
days, returning to Plattsmouth
Mrs. J. M. Leyda, after a few
days' visit attending her mother,
Mrs. Dellhaugh, returned to
Plattsmouth Monday. She left
her mother very much improved.
Miss IJessie Vandenburg, teach
er of Murray, was a visitor with
her sister, Mrs. A. H. Jones, for
two weeks, returning lo her school
M. II. Shoemaker of Union,
president of the bank, and all
around valuable citizen of that
village, was in town last Friday,
calling on his old friend, K. I).
I. X. Woodford, who purchased
a house in Lincoln last year, ex
pects to move there as soon as
lie can get possession of the;
premises, which are rented now.
His home here will be rented by
C. C. Daldwin..
Mrs. Ezra Hammer and three
children departed Monday for
New Meadows, Idaho, to reside.
Mr. Hammer, who is engineer on
a branch railroad, has bought a
home there.
Wallace Phil po t recently pur
chased (lie Mrs. Worden house of
(i. (1. Adams, and A. L. Marshall
and sons are now busy decorating
10II1 houses. This insures a
thorough renovating. Mr. I'hil
pot moved lo town last week.
(i. M. Dcvijhiss, operator here,
lias been ordered lo work at
Plcasanlon, Kansas. Mr. Devil-
biss left Sunday night, but will
return soon and move his house
hold. goods. It is a good naving
ob and Mr. Devilbiss is a first-
class operator and accommodat
ing depot man.
ftTft?T 04JJJ!4
! Ledger. J
H-I-H M-IK M-M-K M-!'
Frank Smith of the Plattsmouth
Journal force spent Sunday at the
Claudius Everett home, northeast
of here, and a delayed train gave
him lime to call at this olllce.
A report from Dunbar informs
us that Klmer Smith and wife are
the proud parents of a 12-pound
boy, born Sunday. (Jet; I Almost
as big as its "daddy" right now.
The Plattsmouth Journal spring
poet broke loose Tuesday and un
loaded fourteen words at the head
of the editorial column before
Colonel Hates got to him with a
The injury was discovered yes
terday morning, and it was then
evident that the horse was ren
dered worthless and a bullet put
an end to his .suffering. Mr.
Hamiing valued the animal at
$150, and wouldn't have accepted
(hat price for it.
That "Uncle Sam" gives every
body a square deal is proven by
the experience of I). V. Foster of
this village. Mr. Foster served
in Company A; Twenty-seventh
Ohio infantry, and when dis
charged August 18, 1801, there
wos one month's pay due and un
paid.. Recently he called atten
tion of the pension department to
that fact, and a few days ago he
received the government's check
for $20.17 to balance the account.
Edward Everett departed last
Saturday for Montana, taking a
car of household goods and other
things for himself and A. E.
Elites, and John Chidester went
with him to help get things in
running order in the new home.
Mr. Everett's family, also A. E.
Stites and wife, will follow in a
few days, and their home will be
near tJlendive, Montana. Mr.
Everett will till the soil on a good
ball bat.
W II I;irL- ili'muli'.l M.iii.luv
. . . , . .
cciui!K nil- i.mi-uill to enjoy Uie
Wassen-Cion wrestling match,
and from there he went on a trip
for pleasure and business in
Thurston county and Omaha,
The old "Houn Dawg" song is
about to break out in Union, but
as yet nobody has been able lo
"hit up'' the tune that Ills into
the words, although Dr. Walker
and Kd T.ench have been making
some desperate (and mournful)
Joe Manning's valuable team
was broken hy accident Wednes
day night, one of the animals
having ils bind leg fractured by a
kick some time during the night,
farm that he purchased there a
few months ago, and Mr. Stites
will have the management of a
large ranch. Mr. Stites and Mr.
Kverott have grown from child
hood in this part of the county,
and the many warm friends they
and their families have here re
gret that they have decided to
locate elsewhere. We hope they
may find contentment and pros
perity in their new Montana home.
Notice Is hereby given tliat by
virtue of a cattel mortgage, dated on
the 11th day of November, mil. and
duly filed In the office of the County
Clerk of Cass County, NebraHka. on
the 24th day of February, A. D. 1912,
and executed by James V. Kaspar to
Plattsmouth State Bank to secure the
payment of the sum of Nine Hundred
Dollars, and upon which there Is now
due the sum of $871.00.
And also by virtue of a chattel
mortgage, dated July 20th, 1911, and
duly tiled In the office of the County
Clerk of Cass County. Nebraska, on the
Zaril day of February, A. D. 1912. and
executed by James V. Kaspar to the
HanK or Cass county to secure the
payment of Three Hundred Dollars,
and upon which there Is now due and
payable the sum of $311.25, which said
lust described mortgage is now owned,
together with the debt it secures, by
the Plattsmouth State Bank.
Default having been made in the
payment of both of said sums due on
said indebtedness and mortgages, and
no suit or other proceedings at law
having been instituted to recover said
debt, or either of the debts above de
scribed, or any part thereof, although
demand for the payment of each lias
been often made; Therefore, the said
l'lattsmouth State Bank will sell the
property therein described, viz:
All his stock of bread. Dies, cakes.
and all material entering into their
manufacture all stock of flour, sugar,
lard, confectionary, cigars, tobacco, all
furniture and fixtures, show cases,
scales, cash register, bread pans, bread
rack, machinery. Including the "One
Day Klectric Dough Mixer and
Dynamo," one electric egg and cake
mixer, one dough dividing machine,
one Queen City Cookey machine, one
Thompson loaf moulder two stoves, all
shafting and belting,' and all ma
chinery, fixtures and merchandise not
herein specifically named, Including
one Cntzlnger cutting machine, all the
above and foregoing contained in the
building standing on east half of Dot
Ion. in Block twenty-nine, In the City
of l'lattsmouth, Cass County, Nehraska,
Ht public auction, In the Cltv of
I'lnttsmouth. In the building where the
property now is as above described, on
the first day of April. A. D. 1 9 1 L. at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day.
Dated March 9, 1 912.
l'lattsmouth State Bank,
C. A. Uawls, Attorney for I Inliu Iff.
In the District Court of ( iihk Comity,
Millie D. Montgomery, I'lalntlfT.
Jumos F. Archer, Defendant.
Jumes F. Archer, defendant, will take
notice Hint on the 9th dav of March, A.
I). 1912, Millie D. Montgomery, plaintiff
herein, filed her petition In the Dis
trict Court of Cass County Nebraska,
nguinst said defendant, 'James F.
Archer, the object and prayer of said
petition are, to quiet the title, In the
plulntllT, Millie D. Montgomery, in and
to the following described real estate,
"Commencing at the southest corner
of the northwest quarter of the south
east quarter of Section twenty, Town
ship eleven, range fourteen K. In Cass
County. Nebraska; thence north ten
rods; thence west to the west line of
said quarter; thence south ten rods to
the southwest corner of the said north
west quarter of the southeast quarter;
thence east to the place of beginning,
containing five acres; and to declare
null and void and of no force
effect a certain deed of conveyance of
mini real estate rrom Abel Crabtree to
.lames F. Archer, which deed is re
corded In the deed records of Cass
County, Nebraska, In book thlrtv-four
at page rS!. and to declare mill and
void any and all claims of snid James
F. Archer in and to said real estate;
aiso alleging adverse possession of
sain premises ror more than ten years
nisi past, and prays for equitable
You are reoulred to answer xnld nti.
Uononor before the 22nd day of April,
Millie I). Montgomery,
C. A. Itnwls. Attorney for Plaintiff.
James . kaspar will take notice
niai on the 2tith day of February. A.
i. ivh, the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, In Its Justice
jui muicuon, issuea an order of at
tachment for the sum of One Hundred
Six and 92-100 Dollars, in an action
pending before said court wherein the
rlattsmouth State Bank, a corporation.
Is plaintiff, and James V. Kaspar is de
fendant, that property of the defend
ant, consisting of one Chople gasoline
engine, seven piles of wood, 10 sacks
of rye flour. 98 lbs. each: 19 rb. s..n-
klst flour, 98 lbs. each; 17 sacks Forest
Hose flour, 98 lbs. each: 30 sacks Ne
hawka flour, 98 lbs. each: 6 sacks Gold
Medal flour, 98 lbs. each; 3 sacks Helsel
Hour, 98 lbs. each; has been attached
under said order. Said cause was con
tinued to the 18th day of April, A. D
1912, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Notice of Application for Liquor
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, Andy Thomsen, has filed
Ills petition and application In the office
of the County Clerk of Cass County
Nebraska, as required bv law, signed
by n majority of the resident freehold
ers of Klght Mile drove Precinct, set
ting forth that the applicant is a man
of respectable chnracter and standing
and a resident of the slate of Ne
braska, and praying that license he
Issued to said Andy Thomsen for the
sale of malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors for the period of one year from
May 17. 1912. ending Mav 17, 1913. In
a building on lot 1, In block 4, In the
village of Cedar Creek in Klght Mile
drove Precinct. In Cass County, Ne
Notice Is hereby given that William
D. Wheeler, guardian of Carl F. Vogt,
Insane, has Hied In this Court his ac
count of moneys received and expend
ed up to March 1st, 1912, and also his
petition for the allowance and ap
proval of said account and such other
matters as set forth In said petition.
That a hearing will be had upon said
report and snid petition on the Kth day
of April, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M., at which time all objections, If
any. will be heard and considered bv
the Court, and final orders entered
upon nil mutters In snid petition and
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court at Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, this ISth dnv of Mnrch.' 1912.
(.enl) AI.I.KN J. UKKSON.
Countv Judge.
In the City Yesterday.
From Saturday's Dally.
Farmer E. M. Ciodwln was in
the city yesterday in his new
democrat wagon, with a line new
set of harness on bis dralt team.
Mr. Oodwin found the roads in a
variable mood, the elevated por
tions beginning to dry olT, while
the low lands were exceedingly
moisl, with the bottom far down
under the surface of the soil.
COLUMBIA. This is the general basis of colonist fares, March 1st
to April 15th.
Every day to Los Angeles and San Francisco, with daylight ride
through scenic Colorado.
Every day via Northern Pacific and Great Northern to all princi
pal northwest destinations.
Special dates of sale in each month, commencing April, at $55
round trip, with every day round trip rate of $G0 the greatest
railroad journey in the world and low rates for it. Plan now.
More attractive excursion rates than ever before, this summer to
Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone Park, Big Horn Mountain resorts,
the Black Hills, the Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast resorts; it is none
too early to be making your summer vacation plans.
H0MESEEKERS from Eastern Nebraska to the Big Horn Basin
and other localities West and Northwest.
Notice Is hereby given to all pertons
Interested ano 10 the public, that the
undersigned, Ed Egennerger, has filed
his petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said Kd Egenberger for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on the east half
(e) of lot twelve (12), in block twenty-eight
( 28 , In the First ward of the
said Cltv of l'lattsmouth, Nehraska.
March 12, 1912. Applicant.
I.IOI OK i.rknsi:.
Notice Is hereby given to all persona
Interested and to the public, triat the
undersigned, Kd Iionat, has filed
his petition and application in the olllce
of the city dork of the City of l'latts
mouth. County of Cass, and State o'.
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a' man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that n license may be Issued
to the said Kd Donat for the sale
of mult, spirituous and vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on the rast half
(e'j) of lot twelve (12), in block twen-tv-nlne
(29), In the First ward of
ti e said City of l'lattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 12, 1912. Applicant.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, J. K. McDaniel. has filed
lils petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the City of l'latts
mouth. County of Cass, anil State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the nppllcant Is a' man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said J. K. McDaniel for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of Raid application
in a building situated on lot six (6), in
block thirty-three Ci:i), In the Fourth
ward of the said City of l'lattsmouth,
Nebraska. J. K. McDANIKL,
March 12, 1912. Applicant.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, Peter Ooos, has filed
his petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the City of Platts
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nehraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city. settlnR
forth that the applicant Is a' man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be issued
to the said Peter Uoos for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on lot twelve
(12), In block thirty (30) In the First
ward of the said City of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. PETE It GOOS,
March 12. 1912. Applicant.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned. Adolph Glese. has filed
his petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, aa required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a' man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may on issued
to the said Adolph Glese for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on the west half
(w'i) of lot six (6). tn block thirty
four (34i, In the Fourth ward of the
said City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 12, 1912. Applicant.
Henry Horn of Cedar Creek
drove in from his home this
morning and transacted some
business with Plattsmouth merchants.
J Agricultural
Phones: New 39, Bell 37.
' R, W. CLEMENT, Agent.
General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Mdllllt LICKNSH.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, J. L. ltussell, has filed
Ills petition and application In tha office
of the city clerk of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city sotting
forth that the applicant is a' man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be issued
to the said J. L. Russell for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on lots eleven
and twelve (11 and 12), In block twenty-seven
(27), in the First ward of the
said City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 12. 1912. Applicant.
W. R. C. Hold Meeting.
From Saturday's Dally.
On account, of the date of their
regular meeting coming on Good
Friday, I be regular meeting of
the W. It. C. was held yesterday
afternoon, this time the ladies
being royally entertained by Mrs.
J. C. Petersen at her home on
Main street. Whenever invited lo
the Petersen home the ladies of
this organization know they will
have a good lime, and then, too,
the weather being very ideal
company! to what it lias been for
Ihe past few months, a large
number of ladies made it a point
to be present, and over $.r was
the amount realized. The after
noon hours were whiled away in
a penuine good social lime. For
some the card games furnished
plenty of amusement, while ot hers
indulged in other games, con
versation and I he like. A pleas
ing feature was a number of fine
readings furnished by Mrs. A. J.
Heeson, and Mrs. H. M. Schlaes
contributed a number of charm
ing instrumental selections, both
the readings and instrumental
music being very much appreciat
ed by the large company. At the
proper time a dainty luncheon
was provided by the hostess, after
which the ladies departed for
their homes, reporting Mrs.
Petersen a splendid entertainer.
Meet With Mrs. Reese.
Prom Friday's Dally.
The Woman's Auxiliary of St.
Luke's parish held a very pleas
ant meeting at the home of Mrs.
Eva Reese yesterday afternoon,
there being a large number in at
tendance. The ladies had for
their study on this occasion the
work being done among the Mor
mans in the slate of Utah, and
some very interesting and in
structive papers were given on
I his subject. Another pleasing
feature was a splendid talk given
by Mrs. Albert Noo of Omaha,
which was most thoroughly en-ji-yed
by those fortunate enough
lo be present.
Bad Place Is Fixed.
From Friday's Dally.
Charles Cook was in the city
Ibis afternoon and reported that
the bad place in the road by his
farm bad been fixed and farmers
and aulomobilisls need have no
further fear of driving that way,
and that by evening it would be
becoming slightly dusty.
Spring Wheat
Seed Corn
Nebraska City, Neb. i