The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 25, 1912, Image 8

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    en's Suits $5
Boy's Suits $1.65
en's Fine Shirts 85c
Boy's Shirts fk Waists 25c
What Does If Mean?
It simply means that we are up against a crowded condi
tion here and are obliged to make room. New goods are
pushing in at the back door at the rate of 300 pounds a day.
The carpenters have set us back 20 feet in front. What can
we do but sacrifice the price in order to move out quickly all
the last season's stock. There has never been a sale just like
this in Plattsmouth before. It's the least advertised and yet
the best known. Your friends have told you about it. It's
up to you to take advantage of it now and that right quickly
if you want some of these bargains.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Always the Home
His Enemies Are Very Much
Exasperated Because He Has
Taken This Course.
Charley Pool of Teriirnseh
seems to have been very incon
siderate of I lie feelings of his
enemies, perhaps he lias at no'
time entertained any hope of be
ing ahle to please them.
He vexed I hem very ennsider
ahly when he announced his can
didacy for governor, hut it some
how didn't seem to worry him
very much, even though some ofjperherg havi
the crilicisins heard was calculat
ed to excite (he ire of Ihe sensi
tive man. ,
Now they are equally exasper
ated hecniise he has withdrawn
from the race, and the criticism is
becoming even more spiteful than
lormeriy. ine i.ica unit. ins;,,. j10r l0Ill(, f(w mil(,H HOU,
withdrawal may slreiifclhen the ,,r (uwn Sundav evening the
candidacy of John IT. Morehead ,.;UIS(. uf ((.atl tl(.art
seems to lie quite, distaste-ml to
them, and they promptly show
their teeth.
Hut Charley Pool will hardly
fail to note that it is not his
friends who are disposed to de
nounce him for withdrawing. In
the chorus of crilicism from his
enemies he may very naturally j health and her supper that even
find reason for rongral dialing ing was heartily relished. Death
himself upon the step lie has j was therefore a shock lo,the rela
taken. (lives and many friends, who are
There is not heller evidence of "nw mourning Ihe loss of a kind
political sagacity and political I hearted and neighborly woman,
virtue than is found in the act of ! Funeral services were held from
the man who prefers to be use-l- Mary's church in Flmwood
ful to bis friends rather than to j yesterday morning and interment
his enemies, and Charley Pool is i made in Ihe Flmwood cemetery.
well oware that none of those , Flmwood Leader-Fcho.
who are professing to he pained' CelebraVea Birthday.
by his withdrawal would have i-.m, m i n
, , ,. , , , J Iriday, March 22, was ho
supported him bad lie remained1 ... , .... . . . v
, r. . ... sixly-llrst Inrlht ay of Dave oung
in the race. Linco In Mar. I r m n n ?
jof Murray, and Ihe Ihirly-sixlh
J anniversary of the marriage of
Charles Malley and wife and himself and wife. In celebration
Dane, who have visited Mrs. Mai-I
ley's parents, Councilman Vil -
liam Shea and wife, for a short j
time, departed for their home at
fialesburg on the morning train '
until the last minute to buy your fencing. Whether it be
a small or large quantity, we want you to come to us, look
over the different styles and have your order filled and set
aside for you, so when you want it we will have it for you.
We try to carry a full and complete line of fencing, but
we can never tell just how much we will sell of each kind,
so in order to avoid any delay and so you may get the kind
of fence you want, we would like to have all our fence cus
tomersboth old and new to let us know what they ex
pect to use.
Our prices arc right and we will figure our fenc
ing against any mail order house that you wish us to.
of Satisfaction
Death of Straus Pepperberg.
The funeral of Straus McKin
ley, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Pepperberg of 2035 South
Eighteenth street, will he held
from the residence of E. A.
Schloss, 1121 I street, at 2:.')0 p.
m. Sunday, with llablii Frederick
Colin of Omaha in charge. Inter
ment will lie in Wyuka. The
young man died after a lingering
illness in St. Louis Thursday, and
the liody arrived in Lincoln last
evening. Lincoln Journal.
Straus was horn in Platts
mouth in I KiMi, ami had been un
der the doctor's care for many
years, and his death is simply the
culmination of the ailment from
which he has heen alllicted for
so many years. Mr. and Mrs. Pep-
many friends in
Plallsiiioulli, where they resided
so long, who deeply sympathize
with them in this, Ihe hour of
their deep allliclion.
Mrs. Ed Buchholz Dead.
Mrs. Ed Buchholz passed away
trouble. Mrs. Buchholz has suf
fered several attacks as Ihe re-
I stilt of poor heart action. Her
, last illness was of short duration,
'ami no suffering .was apparent
when life passed from Ihe body.
I iMiring Ihe day Sunday Mrs.
1 Itncliholz appeared in her usual
of the event Mr. ami Mrs. Young
have enjoyed a' postal card shower
and up to 11 o'clock today had
received no less than eighty-five
cards and letters rongral dialing
I hem on Ihe occasion.
or nut
Plattsmouth State Bank
of riattsmouth, Nebraska
Charter No.
IiM'oriatratfd In llie state of Nebraska, at the
i-Idnc uf liusiiics-s. March it). IHli
Iiaiwan discounts $1j6,32 5S
Overdraft), woureil and unsecured.. UM(t M
Itaiiklnir house, furniture and fixtures 1,478 10
Heal estate other than hanklnir
house l.'.W W
Current exoenses and taxes paid...
23 64
Cash Items
Due from national, state and pri
vate hanks fdf.N'tf V7
Checks and Items of ex
change Currency
Ooltl coin
Silver, nickels and cents
4.415 IK)
ttt 7t- &3.HI0 M
Total i.".4,51H !?
Capital stock paid In fcO.OOO 00
Surplus fund l.tlR) W)
Undivided profits :,:)IG 47
Individual deposits subject
to check I.0K.330 73
Demand certlticatesof de
posit !,1IR00
Time certlllciitesof deposit tiO.iitiT 4t 170.10" 19
Notes and hills re-discounted none
Hills payable no.nk
Debitor's guaranty fund 41H 31
J4.5I 7
State or Nkbrahka,
County ok Cash I I.J. M. Koberts,
cashier of the alnive named bank, do hereby
swear that the alxivn statement Is a correct
and true copy of the reisnt made to the Slate
Kankliik- Hoard, J. M. KuHKKTS,
a..., ... J W. II. Nbwbi.1.. Director.
Atu si. , ,, j. AITKK. Director..
Subscrllied and sworn to before me this ilnd
day of March, nil:;. K. It. Wimoiam.
Notary l'libllc.
Seal My commission expires Oct. 1U, ltd a.
I.Hll OK I, m i:sk. (
Notice Is hereby Klven to all pertons
Interested ann to the public, that the
umlerslKnud, mi KenberRer, ban filed
bis petition and apiiNrtitlon In the olllce
of the city clerk of the City of riatts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city settlnt?
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praylnir that a license may be Issued
to tint said Kd KnenberRer for the sale
of mult, spirituous and vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearltiK of said application
in a Imllillnir situated on the east half
(e'i) of lot twelve (11'), In block tweu-ty-elKht
In the First ward of the
said City of l'lal tstnout h, Nebraska.
March 12, 192. Applicant.
no i m i: i if ai'I'i.k i iov von
Mli on I, i i:si:.
Notice Is hereby iflven to all persons
Interested and to the public, tnat the
uuderslKiied, I'M Donat, has filed
his petition and application in the ollice
of the city clerk of the City of riatts
mouth, County of Cass, and State oi
Nebraska, us required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
f iee-hoblers of the said city, netting
forth that the nppllcant is a' man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska ami
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said Kd I)onat for the sale
of malt, spirit nous ami vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on the east half
eMi of lot twelve (121, In block twenty-nine
(211), In the First ward of
the-said City of I'lattsmoutli, Nebraska.
March 12, 112. Applicant.
i.Klt oh i,m i:vsk.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, t hut the
undersigned, J. 10. Mclmnlcl lias filed
his petition and application in the ollice
of the city clerk of the City of l'latts
moulh, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by tliu required number of resident
free-holders of the said city setting
forth that the nppllcant Is a' man of
respectable character and standing and
a resilient of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be issued
to the said J. K. Mclmnlcl for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on lot six (6), In
block thirty-three (33), In the Fourth
ward of the said City of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. J. K. McDANIKU
March 12, 1912. Applicant.
i. mi oit i.icknm:.
Notice Is hereby given to all person"
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, I'eter Coos, lias filed
his petition and application In the ollice
of (lie city clerk of the City of I'lutts
moutli, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city setting
forth that the applicant In a' man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said I'eter Coos for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on lot twelve
(12). In block thirty (30) In the First
ward of the said City of I'lattsmoutli,
Nebraska. l'KTKIt (SOUS,
March 12, 11112. Applicant.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, Adolph tllese, has filed
his petition and application In the ollice
of the city clerk of the City of I'latts
moutli, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city setting
forth that the applicant Is a' man of
respectable character and standing and
u resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that n license may be Issued
to the said Adolph Olese for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vlnuous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of t lie hearing of said application
in a building situated on the west half
(wi,4 of lot six (), (n block thlrtv
lour (34 1, In the Fourth ward of the
said City of I'lattsmoutli, Nebraska.
March 12. 1912. Applicant.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, J. U Kussell, has filed
his petition and application In the ottlco
of the city clerk of the City of I'latts
niouth. County of Cnss, and Statu of
Nebraxku, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the suUI rltv
forth that the applicant Is u' man of
especiaoie cnaracter and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license niuv be Issued
to the said .1. I.. Kussell for il... ... I
of malt, spirit nous ami vlnuous liquors
"i'' mil oi one year irom the
date of the bearing of said application
in a building situated on lots eleven
and twelve (11 and 12 1, in 1.1... V . U-I.ll -
ty-seven (27), In the First ward of the
sain i ny or riullsinoiith, Nebrasl-a.
J. 1.. Ut'SSKU.,
March 12, 1912. Applicant.
For Sale.
One Siiccpss ranjfi' ami one
ctMiiliinal inn cliinu closcl ami
siili'lmai'il. Hot h ttoml as new.
Call in- adilrt'ss,
Mrs. C. Uniwn, Murray, NVIi.
James V. Kaspar will take notice
that on the 26th day of February, A.
D. 1912, the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, In Its Justice
Jurisdiction, Issued an order of at
tachment for the sum of One Hundred
Six and 92-100 Dollars, In an action
pending before said court, wherein the
Plattsmouth State Hank, a corporation.
Is plaintiff, and James V. Kaspar Is de
fendant, that property of the defend
ant, consisting of one Chople gasoline
engine, seven piles of wood, 10 sacks
of rye flour, 98 lbs. each: 19 sacks Sun
kist flour, 98 lbs. each: 17 sacks Forest
Hose Hour, 98 lbs. each; 30 sacks Ne
hawka flour, 98 lbs. each; 6 sacks Gold
Medal dour, 98 lbs. each; 3 sacks Heisel
flour, 98 lbs. each: has been attached
under said order. Said cause was con
tinued to the lsth day of April. A. D.
1912, at 9 o'clock a. m.
In County Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas
W. Shryock, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
I'eter C. Stander, administrator of said
estate, before me. County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court Iioom In Plattsmouth, In said
County, on the 25th day of March, 1912,
and on the 30th day of September 1912,
at 10 o'clock A. M., on each day, for
the purpose of examining, adjusting
and allowing such claims as may be
on file at such time.
Six months are allowed from the 25th
day of February, 1912, for the creditors
of said deceased to file their claims
In this Court, i. e. all claims against
said estate should be on file on or be
fore the 25th day of September, 1912.
The said administrator is hereby given
one year from the 2Kth day of Feb
ruary, 1912, In which to settle said
Witness my hand and the seal of the
County Court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 24th day of February, 1912.
County Judge.
D. O. DWYER, Attorney.
Notice of
I. let ii se.
for Liquor
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, Andy Thomsen, has filed
his petition and application in the ottlce
of the County Clerk of Cass County
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by a majority of t he resident freehold
ers of Eight Mile drove Precinct, set
ting forth that the applicant is a man
of respectable character and standing
and a resident of the state of Ne
braska, and praying that license be
Issued to snld Andy Thomsen for the
sale of malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors for the period of one vear from
May 17, 1912, ending Mav 17, 1913, In
a building on lot 1, In block 4, in the
village of Cedar Creek in Eight Mile
drove Precinct, in Cass Countv, Ne
braska. AND V THOMSEN,
Notice Is hereby given that by
virtue of a caltel mortgage, dated on
the 11th day of November. 1911, and
duly tiled In the office of the County
Clerk of Cass County, Nebraska, on
the 24th day of February. A. D. 1912,
and executed by James V. Kaspar to
Piattsmotith State Bank to secure the
payment of the sum of Nine Hundred
Dollars, and upon which there Is now
due tin; sum of $S71.00.
And also by virtue of a chattel
mortv-nge, dated Julv 20th, 1911, and
duly filed in the ollice of tlio County
Clerk of Cass County Nebraska, on the
23rd day of February, A. I). 1912, and
executed by James V. Kaspar to the
Hank of Cnss County to secure the
payment of Three Hundred Dollars,
and upon which there is now due and
payable the sum of $311.25, which said
last described mortgage Is now owned,
together with the debt It secures, by
the Plattsmouth State Hank.
Default having heen made In the
payment of both of said sums due on
said indebtedness and mortgages, and
no suit or other proceedings at law
having been Instituted to recover said
debt, or either of the debts above de
scribed, or any part thereof, although
demand for the payment of each has
been often made; Therefore, the said
P at tSlllOOt I) St:i. Ittinb it'll .-.,11
property therein described, viz:
All Ills StOI'k Of lilf.l.l niltA.
and nil materia) r nterlmr Into t ...'
manufacture all stock of Hour, sugar,
lard, con fci-tbiiiii i'v piimr. ,i...n..n ..u
furniture and fixtures. show cases.
scales, cash register, brend pans, bread
iiuiciiinery, including tire one
Day Electric Douirli M Ivor art A
Dynamo,' one electric Perir nml rU
mixer, one dough dividing machine,
one Queen City Cookey machine, one
DlornTrKon Innf mmiMwf imn n
HhnftinK and he! tin,' and all ma
chinery, fixture and merchandise not
herein specifically namod, including
one (ntzi nu-r riiitlna mati.tnr. n 1.
? Vivi! Rnl forelnK contained in the
MinuiiiH Kiiinuing on easi naif of Lot
ten. In HlfWlr tU'AnfV.nlna In nu..
--- --- 11 lJ in iic, in i nc . i y
Of I'lHttsmOllHl Pima founts VKnn..l.n
at public auction, In the Cltv of
I'lattsmoutli, In the building where the
property now Is ns above described, on
the first dnv nf Anrii a t mtq .a
o clock a. m. of said dav.
Duted March 9, 1 912.
Plattsmouth State Rank,
C. A. Kawls. Attorney for I'rnintiff.
In Ihe DUIrlet Court of Cass County,
v -I.--., i. .'
Millie D. Montgomery, 'plaintiff.
James F. Archer, Defendant.
.IhIIIOM V AnliAr ,i,.r.n.i..K. .lll i l.
notice that on the 9th day of March, A.
'. ..nine ii. .Montgomery, plaintiff
herein. H1...1 l.l fwi.l.lnn l !. l.t
: . . J" i'i.i..ii in tut. inn
trlct Court of Cnss County Nebraska,
nirn n.t u.l.l . .
...,, i ut-ii-uuiiiii, dames i.
Archer, the object ond prnver of said
petition are, to quiet the title, In the
plaintiff, Millie D. Montgomery. In and
to the following described real estate,
"Commencing at the southest corner
of the northwest quarter of the south
east quarter of Section twenty, Town
ship eleven, range fourteen E, In Cass
toiinty, Nebraskn; thence north ten
rods; thence west to the west line of
said quarter; thence south ten rods to
the southwest corner of the said north
west quarter of the southeast quarter;
thence east to the place of beginning,
containing five acres; and to declare
null and void and of no force and
ellect a certain deed of conveyance of
said real estate from Abel Crabtree to
James F. Archer, which deed Is re
corded In llie deed records of Cass
loimty, Nebrasko, In book thlrtv-four
at page fit.9, and to declare mill and
void any and all claims of said James
l'. Archer In and to said real estate;
also alleging adverse possession of
said premises for more than ten vears
last past, and prays for equitable
You are required to answer said petl-
,)iVi'1' ,,, f"'e the da' "f APr.
Millie D. Montgomery,
C. A. Kawls. Attorney for Plaintiff.
AMI l'KTIIIO op d Alton ,
Notice Is hereby given that William
D. Wheeler, guardian of Carl F. Vogt
Insane, lias tiled In this Court his ac'
count of moneys received and expend
ed up to March 1st, 1912, and also Ills
petition for the allowance and ap
proval of said account and such other
mailers as set forth in said petition.
That a hearing will be bail upon said
report nntl said petition on (he lltli ihiv
of April, 1912. nt the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M . at which time all oh.lei t hum. If
nnv, will be heard and considered bv
(he Conrl, ami final orders entered
upon all matters In said petition and
Witness mv hand and seal of said
Countv Court nt Plattsmouth. N
.rnkn. (Ids 1Mb dnv of March. 1UI2.
(Seal) .M.I.KN .1. IIKESON,
Coiinlv Judge.
Plattsmouth Auto and Wagon
Bridge Company
Foot passengers $ .05
Horse and rider 15
Motorcycle and rider 15
One horse, vehicle and driver 20
Two " " " " 25
Three : .35
Four " " " " 50
Horses or cattle hauled or driven, each 10
Calves, sheep, goats or hogs, hauled or driven, each 05
Maximum rates per wagon load 50
Fruit, grain or hay, per load, with team and driver 50
Huckster, patent medicine, grocery peddler, junk dealer, live
poultry, each with wagon and driver 1.00
Emigrant wagons with driver : 1.00
Automobiles with chauffer .50
Each additional person in any vehicle 05
Thresher, seperator, team and driver 2.50
Corn sheller, team and driver 1.50
$10 and $5 Coupon Books a! 25o Dis
count for Gash!
Plattsmouth Basketball Teams
Add Other Scalps to Their
Already Big List.
from Saturday's Dally.
The I'lattsmoutli , High .school
basketball team won in a holly
contested and roughly played
frame last, night with the Alumni
of the school, some of them of
years standing. The game was
I'cfereetl by U. (i. Primrose of
llellevue and was umpired by Mr.
Rocca of Omaha. There was a
fairly good attendance and the
rooting was principally for the
High school team, the audience
apparently not approving of the
rough style of playing adopted by
the visitors. The team work of
the High school team was superb;
they clearly outclassed their op
ponents in shooting baskets and
in the running. The umpire fail
ed to see or lake note of fouls, al
though several were made.
In Ihe tlrst half of the game
the Alumni made 10 scores and
the I'lattsmoutli High 11. la the
second half the Alumni made 12
and the Plattsmouth High 20.
Total score: Alumni, 22; Platts
mouth High, 37. The line-up:
Platlsinoulh High K. Frans,
1). Arries, forwards; C. Schlater
and M. Arries, guards; fllen Ed
wards, center.
Alumni F. Waugh and G. Deal,
forwards; I). White and F. Mann,
guards; L. Hichey, center.
A preliminary between the
South Omaha Y. M. C. A. juniors
and the Plattsmouth Y. M. C. A.
juniors, refereed by Prof. Oscar
Larson, was an interesting game,
resulting in a victory for Ihe
Plattsmouth team.
Mrs. Charles Hartford and
sons, Charles and Willis, and Mrs.
F. 11. Whit taker visited the me
tropolis this morning, going on
the early train.
COLUMBIA. This is the general basis of colonist fares, March 1st
to April 15th.
Every day to Los Angeles and San Francisco, with daylight ride'
through scenic Colorado.
Every day via Northern Pacific and Great Northern to all princi
pal northwest destinations.
Special dates of sale in each month, commencing April, at $55
round trip, with every day round trip rate of $60 the greatest
railroad journey in the world and low rates for it. Plan now.
More attractive excursion rates than ever before, this summer to
Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone Park, Big Horn Mountain resorts,
the Black Hills, the Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast resorts; it is none
too early to be making your summer vacation plans. v
HOMESEEKERS'from Eastern Nebraska to the Big Horn Basin
"t and other localities West and Northwest.
Teachers Elected.
From Saturday's Dally.
At a meeting of the board for
Ihe purpose of electing teachers
for Ihe school year of 1912-1913
last Thursday night the follow
ing teachers were elected: G. 0.
Larson, principal of the High
school; Miss Lenora Wolfanger,
Miss (irace Xewbranch, Miss
lllauch Horning and Miss Lillian
Cole, High school teachers. The
following grade teachers were
elected: Miss Anna Heisel, Mrs.
Mae Morgan. Miss Glee Apple
gate, Miss Kstelle Raird, Miss
Nettie Hawksworth, Miss Hazel
Dovey, Miss Esther Larson, Miss
Altha Peterson, Miss Pearl
Slaats, Miss Verna Cole, Miss
Clara Weyrich, Miss Amelia Mar
tins, Miss Ethel Ballance, Miss
liessie Edwards, Miss Hazel Tuey,
Miss Christina Hansen. Miss
Marie Hiher, Miss Hilda Barwick,"
Miss Nellie Julyan, Miss Claire
Bookmeyer, Miss Delia Tartsch,
and Mrs. M.- Howland, teacher in
Land for Sale.
I have 32(1 acres of land in
Hawlins county, Kansas, 100
acres on each quarter under
cultivation; all nice, smooth land;
one-quarter mile to church and
school; located right at Linda
postolllce and 13 miles from rail
road slat ion. live miles to country
store. This land is in a good
neighborhood. Will trade one
quarter for good residence prop
erty in Plattsmouth or will trade
all for eastern Nebraska land.
What have you for trade? For
further particulars write or in
quire of H. C. Long, Murray, Neb.
Have Received Appointments.
Mrs. Alice Gowles and Mrs.
Nannie Burkel have received ap
pointments on the staff of Ihe na
tional president of Ihe Woman's
Relief Corps. This is not only a
personal honor, but an honor to
Ihe McCouihie Corps. The na
tional ronveril ion will be held in
Los Angeles, California, begin
ning September 9.
R, W. CLEMENT, Agent.
General Passenger Agent, Outi, Keg. ,